To be used by SMU students only FORM FOR RE-REGISTRATION - SPRING SESSION (FEBRUARY - 2008 ) Last date of receipt of Re-registration application by the University without late fee - 18th - Feb - 2008 Last date of receipt of Re-registration application by the University with late fee of Rs 500 - 17th - March - 2008 Last date of receipt of Re-registration application by the University with late fee of Rs 1000 - 15th - Apr - 2008 Roll Number (As in the Identity card) Course Name Semester Applied for (in words) Space for Photograph Paste one recent passport size Yes Student of Foreign origin No Submitted additional application Appendix ‘A’ Yes photograph preferably No Black & White duly signed by the candidate and attested by the The electives once selected will be final and no change is permitted for any reason whatsoever Co-ordinator at the Study Centre. Electives (For III Semester MBA (Revised- August - 2007) students only) Group I : Finance Group III: Human Resource Management Group V: Banking Group II: Marketing Group IV: Information Systems Group VI: Retail Operations Electives (For IV Semester MBA students only) Group III: HRD, Marketing Group I : Finance, Marketing Electives (For IV Semester MComIS students only) Group I :Marketing Mgmt & Marketing Research, Internet Marketing Group II :Security Analysis & Portfolio Mgmt,Insurance & Risk mgmt Group IV: BPO 1, BPO 2 Group II: System, Marketing Electives (For III Semester MBA-Banking students only) Electives (For IV Semester MBA-Banking students only) MA2101 - Retail finance management MA2501 : International banking & finance & international trade & Forex risk management MA2102 - Advance technology in banking Electives (For IV Semester MAJM students only) Group I:MJ1601,MJ1602 & Mj1603 MA2503 : Computerized Auditing in Banks GROUP II: MJ1604, MJ1605 & MJ1606 Electives (For VI Semester MCA students only) Please do not Pin or Staple MA2504 : Merchant Bankingand capital markets Electives (For VI Semester MScIT old students only) Electives (For IInd Semester BScTT students only MC3101: Embedded System MT2901: Non-Internet BE0801 : Methodology of Science Teaching MC3102 : DOT NET Application MT2902 : Internet BE0802 : Methodology of Non-Science Teaching 1 Name of the Applicant as Registered with the University at the time of admission: 2 Father's Name: 3 Demand Draft (DD) Number 4 DD Date 5 Bank Code 6 Name of the Bank: Total Amount: Payable at Manipal/Udupi 7 Credit/Debit card No: 8 Approval No: Date of payment: 9 Complete Address for Correspondence D D MM Y Y Y Y Amount Paid: Any change or correction of address: Yes Email STD code No Phone Pin code 10 Learning Centre (write the centre code by referring to the approved Learning centre list available at ) Learning Centre Code Name of the Centre: Town: DECLARATION BY THE APPLICANT • I certify that I have read and understood all the provisions indicated in the prospectus and the circulars published in the website from time to time. • I hereby certify that all the particulars stated in this application are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. In the event of suppression or distortion of any fact made in my application form, I understand that my admission is liable to be cancelled. • I shall submit the assignments to Learning Centre as notified in the University Website. • I understand that university has the right to add/delete/change the syllabi, course structure, rules & regulations as and when required, as per change in environment. • I understand that FEES once paid will NOT be refunded. I also understand that all legal disputes if any shall come under jurisdiction of Udupi (Karnataka) only. • I have obtained the confirmation slip from the learning center for the submission of the Re-registration form. Date: Place: Signature of the candidate For Study Centre use only Email: Telephone No: Centre Code: I certify that this applicant fulfills all the eligibility criteria for re-registration to the course to the best of my knowledge. Place: Signature with Seal Date: Instructions for completing the Application Form A) Fill in the application carefully. Application form has to be filled by the candidate with his own handwriting only in English using black ink. All columns shall be filled. B) Filling up of Name: Name of the student shall be same as per registration made earlier. C) Revision of Examination fee: All the students re-registering in Feb 2008 session are required to pay the revised examination fees of Rs. 700/. D) Electives: Final semester MIT, MBA, MCA, MCOMIS, MAJM, MBA-Banking, MScIT, BScTT & 3rd SemesterMBA(Revised Fall-2007) students have to select their electives at the time of reregistration. No change will be permitted once the elective is chosen. E) Issue of Degree/ Diploma Certificates to the successful students: The final semester students must pay an additional fee of Rs.300/- towards Degree/ Diploma certificate along with the re-registration fee. Accordingly, the final semester students are required to pay Course fee, Examination fee, Degree/Diploma certificate fee and late fee as applicable if any. F)Payment: All payment of re-registration shall be made in the form of demand draft drawn in favour of “Sikkim Manipal University, DE” payable at Manipal/Udupi. Students are advised to take the demand draft and write their roll number, Name, Course and Centre Code on the reverse side of the draft clearly. The students are advised to retain the counter foil and photocopy of the DD with them for their reference. Payment of fees can also be made through any Credit/ Debit card of Mastercard /VISA card at selected Learning centers. Please mention 16 Digit Credit/ Debit card Number of the Applicant, Approval Number, Date of Payment and amount paid. The payments made in any other form shall be at the students' risk. Fees once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances. -G) Address of the Student: The address of the student must be complete in all respect. It is mandatory to Mention telephone/ mobile number and email address. All the Students are required to use new Change/ Correction of Address form uploaded in at Forms and Applications section. H) Learning Centre Transfer: All the Students are required to use new Learning Centre Transfer Request form Uploaded in at Forms and Applications section. Mid session transfers are not permitted. -I) Re-registration Applications are to be forwarded to following address To Re-Registration Application Section, Directorate of Distance Education, Sikkim Manipal University, 2nd floor, Syndicate House, Manipal-576104 Ph: 0820-4297101, 4297111 Re-registration Application of foreign Students: a) Student of foreign origin is required to fill in an additional application as per Appendix ‘A’ Bb) All the re-registration applications must be accompanied with valid Residential Permit attested by Notary Public or Gazzeted officer. International students having partial valid Residential Permit (February 2008 to July 2008) will be permitted to re-register provisionally. The renewed RP should be submitted st to the University by May 31, 2008. The students, who fail to submit the renewed RP on or before 31 May 2008, will not be permitted to appear for University Examination. -c) Attested copy of VISA and Passport. -d) Students of foreign origin are strictly NOT PERMITTED to seek transfer from one centre to another centre. Confirmation Slip from Learning Centre Receipt of Re-registration Application for February - 2008 (to be provided to the student by the LC on receipt of the Application form) This is to certify that we have received the Re-registration application form from Mr./ Ms./Mrs. ______________________________ Reg. No. ____________________ for______________ Course__________ semester DD/ Credit/ Debit Card Number__________________ Date of Payment_______________ Amount ______________________ Date: Signature of the Centre Head with Centre Seal Appendix A Application for Foreign students seeking Re-registration Spring Session - February 2008 To be filled by Foreign Students seeking - Re- registration 1. Registration No. 2. Learning Centre Code 3. Name in full (in Capital letters) 4. Father’s Name (in Capital letters) 5. Nationality 6. Country 7. Permanent Address (Give the full residential address of your home country) City ISD Code Pin code E-mail: Phone 8. Passport Number and the country issuing the same Passport Number Country (Attach an attested copy of passport relevant pages) 9. Course Applied for Semester applied for (in words) 10. VISA details (Enclose the attested photocopy) Type of VISA (Specify) Issued by VISA Expiry Date Purpose mentioned 11. Residential Permit Details (Attach attested copy) Residential Permit valid up to (dd/ mm/ yyyy) Applied for renewal of Residential Permit: Yes No (If yes attach copy of attested acknowledgment of having applied for renewal of Residential Permit) If No, give reasons:____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Declaration by the Applicant I hereby solemnly affirm and declare that the entries made by me in this form and the documents submitted in support of the information sought are true in all respects and in case any entry or information or document (s) are found to be false, this shall entail automatic cancellation of my admission besides , rendering me liable to such disciplinary action as the University may deem fit. I understand that my admission to the University and my continuance on its rolls are subject to the provisions of the Statute of the University. I shall abide by the provisions applicable to foreign nationals as applicable in India and abide by all rules and regulations. Date:_____________________ Place:____________________ (Signature of the Applicant) Declaration by the Learning Centre Head I hereby certify that I have personally verified all the documents of the abov e named student in original including the Passport, VISA and Residential Permit (RP). I shall abide by all the requirements of the University including the maintenance of attendance record of this student. I shall Report/inform concerned Government Officials/ Authorities about this student as and when any information is sought and will abide by the Rules and Regulations of the University in this regard. _______________________ Signature Name & Designation With Office Seal Place ________________ Date _________________ Important Information a) Re -registration Application Form must be accompanied by v alid Residential Permit duly Attested by Notary Public or Gazetted Officer. The validity of the Residential Permit should at least cover the period up to subsequent examination i.e. July- August-2008 Examination. b) International students having partial valid Residential Permit (February 2008 to July 2008) would be permitted to re-register provisionally. The renewed RP should be submitted to the University by May 31, 2008. The students, who fail to submit the renewed RP on or before st 31 May 2008, will not be permitted to appear for University Examination. c) Attested copies of relevant pages of the passport and Visa containing details of the individual. Passport and Visa Number, Date & Place of Issue & Name of the Country issuing the same. d) Students of foreign origin strickly NOT PERMITTED to seek transfer from one centre to another centre.