S t u d y, d e v e l o p m e n t a n d i n t e g r a t i o n o f r e m o t e s e c u r i t y s y s t e m s data sheet E S I , h i g h t e c h n o l o g y u se d for remote monitoring ESI, European Systems Integration – manufacturer of remote monitoring and remote assistance stations – is continuously developing its know-how in relation to software, telecommunications and electronics. ESI’s range of solutions mainly consists of multi-protocol and multi-network alarm reception front-ends, client server video systems and alarm management supervisors. © ESI 2005 The integration of multimedia solutions into remote monitoring stations is the major element of security for tomorrow. ESI offers such integration with its GLOBAL INTEGRATION concept comprising: advice, software and hardware, implementation, technical support and quality control. EUROPEAN S Y S TEMS INTEGRATION L e SUN EDEN - 3 6 2 , a v d u CAMPON 0 6 1 1 0 LE CANNET - FRANCE Tél. + 33 ( 0 ) 4 9 3 9 4 8 4 1 0 Fax + 33 ( 0 ) 4 9 3 9 4 8 4 1 1 M 1 A L A RM M A N A G E M E NT S U P E R V I S OR M1, ESI’s alarm management system, is one of the main elements of the GLOBAL INTEGRATION package. It is made up of the following modules: M1 Server, M1 Manager, M1 Client, M1 WEB, M1 Inter, M1 Report and M1 Database Manager. M1 can naturally be integrated into ESI’s other solutions. Its design allows it to manage events received from most alarm reception frontends available on the remote monitoring market. w w w . e s i f r a n c e . n e t i n f o @ e s i f r a n c e . n e t ESI - S.A. au capital de 200 320 Euros - Siret : 424 035 947 00011 APE 722A r e m o t e m o n i t o r i n g s tat i o n m a n a g e m e n t s y s t e m M 1 , E S I ’ s M A N A G E M E NT S U P E R V I S OR M ULTI NETWORK AND MULTI PROTOCOL ALARM RECEption front-end M1, Natural Telecommunication With its advanced telecommunication management, M1 processes incoming and outgoing telephone calls, tapping, interphony, faxes, e-mails, voice servers and SMS. ESI was a pioneer in developing remote monitoring stations with integrated call center functions. Using M1, F1 and RC1, remote monitoring operators can finally enjoy advanced optimization functionalities for outgoing and incoming telephony. Its integrated multimedia features allows audio and video alarm verification, recording of telephone calls and recording of tapping and interphony. M1 also has the most common telecommunications functions such as: fax, email, SMS, Web server, remote access, ... The use of new technologies such as XML, HTML, Java, as well as the integration of a WEB server allow M1 to be accessed from a service platform. M 1 , GU A R A NT E E S S E CUR I TY C lient-server system f or v ideo alarm verification d i g ital A U D I O R E C O R D E R M1 brings together all the functions that are needed to ensure continuity of service in the best possible conditions, according to system state: Database Manager uses Oracle Stand by server technology which provides real consolidation, and data and environment backup. All maintenance is carried out by ESI, passive backups, inter-station routing, dynamic information dispatching. M 1 , E A S E OF U S E M 1 , A d va n c e d p o ssibi l i t ies M1’s strong point is its ease of use: I nter-station event dispatcher R emote ALARM MONITORING SYSTEM Ergonomic administration: parameterization is simplified due to the tree architecture of the sites and advanced use of models. Ergonomic operation: alarm files group together alarms of the same type for a given site, integrated actions assist the operator automatically: call back, remote control, sending of faxes… Independent management of the directory. Solution adaptability: personalized display, indepth personalization of wording, adaptable intervention management module. M 1 , A UTOM AT E D I NT E GR AT I ON Manages multi-transmitter video sites and central station. Web platform allowing access to data and history files, data-entry… Integrates naturally into networks, intranet and extranet services, provided by WINDOWS 2000 and XP. ORACLE 9i: leading worldwide database management system editor, high-performance robust solutions and real-time replication. MULT I M E D I A M1 drives all multimedia peripherals in the ESI range: GPS system for locating security forces D y namic di s pla y system for maps and diagrams Planning module assures pre-programmed sending of documents and statistical reports on different supports (email, SMS, fax…) The reporting module “Crystal Report“ provides very detailed statistics. Capacity for dynamic routing of tapping and interphony, reproduction of audio recordings attached to the electronic ledger, video alarm verification driving. M1 also has an interface for communicating with P1, ESI‘s software for displaying maps and diagrams, and with C1, mobile security force management. S YS T E M S INTEROPERABILITY ESI – Le Sun Eden – 362, avenue du Campon – 06110 LE CANNET – FRANCE S.A. au capital de 200 320 Euros - Siret : 424 035 947 00011 APE 722A - Tél. +33 (0)4 93 94 84 00 - Fax +33 ( 0 ) 4 9 3 9 4 8 4 0 1