Gettysburg bibliography - Life Sciences at Brandeis University

Gettysburg bibliography
History 150 B
January, 2002
* Coddington (1968) The Gettysburg Campaign: A Study in Command
Nofi (1993) The Gettysburg Campaign
Sauers (1982) The Gettysburg Campaign: A Comprehensive, Selectively Annotated
Stackpole (1956) They Met at Gettysburg
Symonds (2001) American Heritage History of the Battle of Gettysburg
Tucker (1958) High Tide at Gettysburg
[*the only really comprenshive, scholarly work among this group of works,
some of which are barely "book-length" accounts]
Bowden and Ward (2001) Last Chance for Victory: Robert E. Lee and the
Gettysburg Campaign
Clark (1985) Gettysburg: The Confederate High Tide
Comte de Paris (1886) The Battle of Gettysburg
Dalbiac (1911) 1863 Chancellorsville and Gettysburg
Doubleday (1882) Chancellorsville and Gettysburg
Drake (1892) - The Battle of Gettysburg: Decisive Events in American
Fieberger (1911) - Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg: Prepared for the Use of the Cadets of
the United States Military Academy, West Point
Hoke (1913) The Great Invasion of 1863, or General Lee in Pennsylvania
Marshall (1914) The Battle of Gettysburg: The Crest Wave of the American Civil War
Miers & Brown (1948) - Gettysburg
Montgomery (1959) The Shaping of a Battle: Gettysburg
Vanderslice (1897) Gettysburg Then and Now
Wheeler (1999) Gettysburg 1863: Campaign of Endless Echoes
Young (1913) The Battle of Gettysburg
Hassler (1970) Crisis at the Crossroads
Hess (2001) Pickett's Charge - The Last Attack at Gettysburg
Ladd and Ladd (eds.) Bachelder's History of the Battle of Gettysburg
Martin (1996, revised) Gettysburg July 1
Pfanz (1987) Gettysburg: The Second Day
Pfanz (1993) Gettysburg: Culp's Hill & Cemetery Hill
Pfanz (2001) Gettysburg -The First Day
Priest (1998) Into the Fight: Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg
Stewart (1959) Pickett's Charge
Wert (2001) Gettysburg Day Three
Bibliog - 1
Adelman & Smith (1997) Devil's Den: A History & Guide
Alleman (1889) At Gettysburg: Or What a Girl Saw and Heard of the Battle
Archer (1997) "The Hour Was One of Horror": East Cemetery Hill at
Arnold and Wiener (1998) Order of Battle Gettysburg July 1: Confederate
Arnold and Wiener (1998) Order of Battle Gettysburg July 1: Union
Arnold and Wiener (2000) Order of Battle Gettysburg July 2: Confederate
Arnold and Wiener (2000) Order of Battle Gettysburg July 2: Union
Arnold and Wiener (2000) Order of Battle Gettysburg July 3: Confederate
Arnold and Wiener (2000) Order of Battle Gettysburg July 3: Union
Bennett (1994) Days of Uncertainty and Dread: The Ordeal Endured by the
Citizens of Gettysburg
Bertera and Oberholtzer (1996) The 4th Michigan Volunteer Infantry at
Gettysburg: the Battle for the Wheatfield
Brown (1993) Cushing of Gettysburg: The Story of a Union Artillery Commander
Busey (1988) These Honored Dead: The Union Casualties at Gettysburg
Busey & Martin (1994) Regimental Strengths and Losses at Gettysburg
Coco (1990) Wasted Valor: The Confederate Dead at Gettysburg
Coco (1995) A Strange and Blighted Land Gettysburg: The Aftermath of Battle
Coffin (1997) Nine Months to Gettysburg: Stannard's Vermonters and the Repulse of
Pickett's Charge
Conklin (1993) Women at Gettysburg - 1863
Christ (1993) The Struggle for the Bliss Farm at Gettysburg
de Peyster (1867) Gettysburg and After: Battle of Oak Ridge at Williamsport and
Falling Waters
Desjardin (1995) Stand Firm Ye Boys from Maine
Dougherty (2001) Stone's Brigade and the Fight for the McPherson Farm:
Battle of Gettysburg, July 1, 1863
Dowdey (1958) Death of a Nation: The Story of Lee and his Men at Gettysburg
Downey (1958) The Guns of Gettysburg
Downey (1959) Clash of Cavalry: The Battle of Brandy Station
Dreese (2000) The 151st Pennsylvania Volunteers at Gettysburg
Fennell (1992) The Attack and Defense of Culp's Hill (thesis)
Frassanito (1975) Gettysburg: A Journey in Time
Frassanito (1995) Early Photographs at Gettysburg
Frey (2000) Longstreet's Assault - Pickett's Charge
Gettysburg Battle-field Commission (1891) State of New Jersey/Final Report
Gambone (1997) Hancock at Gettysburg
Golay (1994) To Gettysburg and Beyond: The Parallel Lives of Joshua Lawrence
Chamberlain and Edward Porter Alexander
Gregg (2000) Covered with Glory: the 26th North Carolina Infantry at
the Battle of Gettysburg
Hamblen (1993) Connecticut Yankees at Gettysburg
Hanover Publication Committee (G.R. Prowell) of the Hanover Chamber of Commerce
(1962) Prelude to Gettysburg: Encounter at Hanover
Harman (2001) Cemetery Hill: "The general plan was unchanged"
Harrison & Busey (1993) Nothing But Glory: Pickett's Division at Gettysburg
Hawthorne (1988) Gettysburg: Stories of Men and Monuments as Told by Battlefield
Herdegen & Beaudot (1990) In the Bloody Railroad Cut at Gettysburg
Imhof (1999) Gettysburg Day Two: A Study in Maps
Johnson (1989) The Battle of Gettysburg,with Photographs from the 125th Anniversary
Bibliog - 2
Kegel (1996) North with Lee and Jackson: The Lost Story of Gettysburg
Kowalis & Kowalis (1998) Died at Gettysburg! Illustrated Biographies of the Union
Casualties at Gettysburg
Kinsel (1992) "From these Honored Dead": Gettysburg in American Culture (thesis)
Klement (1993) The Gettysburg Soldiers' Cemetery and Lincoln's Address
Krick (1993, revised) The Confederate Dead at Gettysburg
LaFantasie (ed.) (1992) Gettysburg: Lt. Frank Haskell, U.S.A., and Col. William C.
Oates, C.S.A.
Large (1999) Battle of Gettysburg: the Official History by the Gettysburg
National Military Park Commission
Lash (1995) Twenty-Five Minutes of Fighting: The Gibraltar Brigade on East
Cemetery Hill
Longacre (1986) The Cavalry at Gettysburg
Longstreet, H.D. (1904) Lee and Longstreet at High Tide
The Maine Commissioners (1898) Maine at Gettysburg
Martin (1986) Confederate Monuments at Gettysburg
McLean (1994) Cutler's Brigade at Gettysburg
Monument Commission (1889) Michigan at Gettysburg
Mosby (1908) Stuart's Cavalry in the Gettysburg Campaign
Murray (1994) The Redemption of the "Harper's Ferry Cowards": The Story of the
111th and 126th New York State Regiments at Gettysburg
Murray (1998) Artilley Tactics of the Civil War: A Study of the Tactical Use or Artillery
Based on the First Day's Action at Gettysburg
Murray (1998) "Hurrah for the Ould Flag": the True Story of Captain Cowan and the First
New York Indepedent Battery at Gettysburg
Murray (2000) "A Perfect Storm of Lead": George Sears Greene's New York Brigade
in Defense of Culp's Hill
Murray (2000) E.P. Alexander and the Artillery Action in the Peach Orchard
Nesbitt (1994) Sabre and Scapegoat: J.E.B. Stuart and the Gettysburg Controversy
Nitchkey (1980) Gettysburg: 1863 and Today
Norton (1913) The Attack and Defense of Little Round Top
Nye (1965) Here Come the Rebels!
Patterson (1997) Debris of Battle: The Wounded of Gettysburg
Penny & Lane (1999) Struggle for the Round Tops: Law's Alabama Brigade at
the Battle of Gettysburg
Persico (1996) My Enemy, My Brother: Men and Days at Gettysburg
Raus (1996) A Generation on the March: the Union Army at Gettysburg
Reardon (1997) Pickett's Charge in History & Memory
Rollins (1997) "The Damned Red Flags of the Rebellion": the Confederate
Battle Flag at Gettysburg
Rummel (1997) 72 Days at Gettysburg: Organization of the 10th Regiment, New York
Volunteer Cavalry
Rummell (2000) Cavalry on the Roads to Gettysburg: Kilpatrick at Hanover and
Sauers (1989) A Caspian Sea of Ink: The Meade-Sickles Controversy
Schildt (1979) Roads from Gettysburg
Select Committee (1865) Soldiers' National Cemetery - Gettysburg
Shue (1995) Morning at Willoughby Run
Slade and Alexander (1998) Firestorm at Gettysburg: Civilian Voices, JuneNovember 1863
Storrick (1932) Gettysburg: The Place, the Battles, the Outcome
Tagg (1998) The Generals of Gettysburg
Toombs (1888) New Jersey Troops in the Gettysburg Campaign
Tucker (1968) Lee & Longstreet at Gettysburg
Bibliog - 3
Venner (1998) The 19th Indiana Infantry at Gettysburg
Williams (1986) Days of Darkness: The Gettysburg Civilians
Wills (1992) Lincoln at Gettysburg
Wilson (1998) James Johnston Pettigrew and his Men at Gettysburg
Wittenberg (1998) Gettysburg's Forgotten Cavalry Actions
Bandy, Freeland, & Bearss (ed) (1986) The Gettysburg Papers
Bigelow (1910) The Peach Orchard: Gettysburg
Cannan (ed.) (1990) War on Two Fronts: Shiloh to Gettysburg
Coffin (1889) Eyewitness to Gettysburg: Correspondent Charles Coffin
Cowell (1910) Tactics of Gettysburg: As Described by Particpiants in the Battle
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania (1904) Pennsylvania at Gettysburg: Dedication of the
Monuments, Vol. I & II
Gallagher (ed.) (1994) Two Witnesses at Gettysburg: The Personal Accounts of
Whilelaw Reid and A.J.L. Freemantle
Harwell (ed.) (1964) Two Views of Gettysburg: Freemantle & Haskell
Haskell (1910, 2nd edition ) The Battle of Gettysburg
Johnson & Buel (ed.) (1888) Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Vol. III
Jones (sec'y) (1877) Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. IV
(articles by W. Allen, J.A. Early, A.L. Long, F. Lee, W.H. Taylor, E.P. Alexander, C.M.
Wilcox, J.B. Hood, H. Heth, J.B. Robertson, W.W. White, H.L. Benning, J.B. Kershaw)
Jones (sec'y) (1877) Southern Historical Society Papers, Vol. V
(articles by J.H. Lane, J.B. Walton, J. Longstreet, Count of Paris, I. Schiebert, E.P.
Alexander, R. Taylor, F. Lee, W.N. Pendleton, J.A. Early, R.H. McKim)
Kernek (1895) Field Surgeon at Gettysburg: A Memorial Account of the Medical Unit
of the Thirty-Second Massachusetts Regiment
Ladd and Ladd (eds.) (1997) Bachelder's History of the Battle of Gettysburg
(orig. 1886)
Ladd, Sauers, & Ladd (ed) (1994-1995) The Bachelder Papers, Vols. I-III
Leerburger (ed.) (1977) Army of the Potomac, Parts 1 & 2
Luvaas & Nelson (1986) The U.S. Army War College Guide to The Battle of Gettysburg
McLean & McLean (1986) Gettysburg Sources, Vol. 1; (1987) Vol. 2;
(1990) Vol. 3
Nesbitt (ed). (1992) 35 Days to Gettysburg: The Campaign Diaries of Two American
Nesbitt (ed.) (1996) Through Blood and Fire: Selected Civil War Papers of Major
General Joshua Chamberlain
New Jersey, State of (1891) Final Report ofthe Gettysburg Battle-field
New York (State of: New York Monuments Commission) (1916) Webb and his
Brigade at the Angle at Gettysburg
Philadelphia Weekly Times (1870s, compilation published in 1996) Annals of the War,
Written by Leading Participants North and South
Rollins (ed.) (1996 revised) Pickett's Charge: Eyewitness Accounts
Sauer (ed.) (1998) Fighting Them Over: How the Veterans Remembered
Gettysburg in the pages of The National Tribune
Scott (ed.) (1889) The War of the Rebellion: The Official Records [a.k.a. "the O.R."]
of the Union and Confederate Armies: Series I, Vol. 27, Parts 1-3
Scott (Col. J.K.P.) (1927) The Story of the Battles at Gettysburg
Sickles et al. (Commissioners) (1900) New York at Gettysburg, Vols. 1-III
Time-Life Books (its editors) Voices of the Civil War: Gettysburg
Wheeler (1987) Witness to Gettysburg
Bibliog - 4
Borrit (ed.) (1997) The Gettysburg Nobody Knows
Gallagher (ed.) (1992) The First Day at Gettysburg
Gallagher (ed.) (1993) The Second Day at Gettysburg
Gallagher (ed.) (1994) The Third Day at Gettysburg and Beyond
Gallagher (ed.) (1999) Three Days at Gettysburg
Gettysburg National Military Park (6th Annual Seminar) (1997) Mr. Lincoln's Army:
The Army of the Potomac in the Gettysburg Campaign
Gettysburg National Military Park (7th Annual Seminar) (1998) High Water Mark:
The Army of Northern Virginia in the Gettysburg Campaign
Gramm (1994) Gettysburg: A Meditation on War and Values
Snell (ed.) (1999) Gettysburg: Regimental Leadership and Command (Civil War
Regiments Vol. 6, No. 3)
ISSUE 1 1989
Bearss Introduction: a new look at Gettysburg
Hartwig The action at the Railroad Cut, July 1, 1863
Hartwig The defense of McPherson's Ridge
Nolan Three flags at Gettysburg
Harris (Herdegen & Beaudot, ed) With the Iron Brigade Guard at Gettysburg
Marcot Berdan's sharpshooters at Gettysburg
Harrison Action at the Slaughter Pen and at the south end of Houck's Ridge, July 2,
Winschel Barksdale's brigade at Gettysburg
Heiser Action on the Emmitsburg Road, July 2
Gorman J.E.B. Stuart and Gettysburg
Shevchuk The battle of Hunterstown, Pennsylvania, July 2
Shevchuk The cavalry fight at Fairfield, Pennsylvania, July 3
Pfanz The Gettysburg campaign after Pickett's Charge
Long Gen. Isaac R. Trimble in captivity
ISSUE 2 1990
Winschel Joe Davis' brigade at Gettysburg, part 1
Herdegen The controversy over the opening infantry fight at Gettysburg
Gaff The "lost" Gettysburg reports of the 19th Indiana
Hartwig The 11th Army Corps on July 1, 1863
Wright Time on Little Round Top
Pullen Effects of marksmanship--a lesson from Gettysburg
Shevchuk The fight for Brinkerhoff's Ridge, July 2, 1863
Trimble Paper collars: Stannard's Brigade at Gettysburg
Shevchuk The 1st Texas Infantry and the repulse of Farnsworth's charge
Long The Confederate prisoners of Gettysburg
Richter The removal of the Confederate dead from Gettysburg
Hoar Black glory: our Afro-American Civil War old-soldiery
ISSUE 3 1990
Black Gettysburg's preview of war: Early's June 26 raid
Cameron The Signal Corps at Gettysburg
Bennett The 140th New York on Little Round Top
Campbell Caldwell clears the Wheatfield
Shevchuck The wounding of Albert Jenkins, July 2, 1863
Motts The forgotten George S. Greene
Winschel Joe Davis' brigade at Gettysburg, part 2
Coates Rendezvous at Gettysburg: identification of a group of unknown Union dead
Coco Wasted valor: the Confederate dead at Gettysburg
Gaff The Indiana relief effort at Gettysburg
Sauers John B. Bachelder: Government historian of the battle of Gettysburg
ISSUE 4 1991
Winschel Posey's Brigade at Gettysburg, part 1
Beaudot Francis Ashbury Wallar: a Medal of Honor at Gettysburg
Bibliog - 5
Long A Mississippian in the Railroad Cut
Herdegen The Lieutenant who arrested a General
Griffin Rodes on Oak Hill: a study of Rodes' division on the first day of Gettysburg
Kepf Dilger's Battery at Gettysburg
Shevchuk The lost hours of J.E.B. Stuart
Krolick Forgotten field: The cavalry battle east of Gettysburg on July 3
Hartwig It struck horror to us all (the 69th PA on July 3)
Cameron The Signal Corps at Gettysburg, part 2: support of Meade's pursuit
Gaddy The Confederate Signal Corps at Gettysburg
ISSUE 5 1991
Haines A.P. Hill's advance to Gettysburg
Patterson The death of Iverson's Brigade
Hadden The meeting of 24th Regiment, Michigan Infantry, and the 26th Regiment of
North Carolina, McPherson's Woods, July 1, 1863
Wyckoff Kershaw's Brigade at Gettysburg
Campbell The 9th Massachusetts Battery at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863
Meinhard The 1st Minnesota at Gettysburg
Winschel Posey's Brigade at Gettysburg, part 2
Davis The death and burials of Gen. Richard B. Garnett
Elmore The effects of artillery fire on infantry at Gettysburg
Lewis Reunion at Gettysburg
ISSUE 6 1992
Elmore Skirmishers
Storch & Storch Archer's Brigade on July 1, 1863
Sword Personal battle weapons of the Civil War: Pye's sword at the Railroad Cut
Chamberlain Through blood & fire at Gettysburg
Woods Humphreys' division's flank march to Little Round Top: a closer look
Greezicki Humbugging the historian: a reappraisal of Longstreet at Gettysburg
Milano A call of leadership, Lt. Col. Charles Reddington Mudge, U.S.V. and the 2nd
Massachusetts Infantry at Gettysburg
Wenschel The colors are shrouded in mystery
Wright The wounding of Maj. Gen. Winfield Scott Hancock
Rollins Black Confederates at Gettysburg--1863
Black War comes to Professor Michael Jacobs
Ostendorf Turning the pages of history: a new draft of the Gettysburg address located
Long Gettysburg on paper
ISSUE 7 1992
Sword Personal battle weapons of the Civil War: an Iron Brigade Capt.'s revolver in the
fight on McPherson's Ridge
Long General Orders No. 72 "By command of Gen. R.E. Lee
Trimble "Agate": Whitelaw Reid reports from Gettysburg
Downs Meade and the Union left on July 2, 1863
O'Brien Col. Strong Vincent and the 83rd Pennsylvania Infantry at Little Round Top
Campbell The degradation, humiliation, and redemption of Col. George L. Willard's brigade,
part 1
Winschel "To assuage the grief": the Gettysburg saga of Isaac and Mary Stamps
Elmore The attack and repulse of Steuart's brigade on Culp's Hill
Lash The Philadelphia Brigade at Gettysburg
Long A Gettysburg encounter
Tooley End of an era: the 75th reunion at Gettysburg
ISSUE 8 1993
Pullen The Gordon-Barlow story, with sequel
Sword Personal battle weapons of the Civil War: Capt. James Glenn's sword and Pvt. J.
Marshall Hills' Enfield in the fight for the Lutheran Seminary
Winey The Hardtack regiment in the brickyard fight
Cameron The saviors of Little Round Top
Jordan Gettysburg and the 17th Maine
Milano Pvt. Robert G. Carter and the 22nd Massachusetts at Gettysburg
Taylor North Carolina in the Pickett-Pettigrew-Trimble Charge at Gettysburg
Campbell The degradation, humiliation, and redemption of Col. George L. Willard's brigade,
part 2
Winschel The Gettysburg experience of James J. Kirkpatrick
Conklin Elmina Keeler Spencer: Matron, 147th New York
Bibliog - 6
ISSUE 9 1993
Lash The march of the 124th New York to Gettysburg
Haines R.S. Ewell's command, June 29-July 1, 1863
Felton Pursuing the elusive "Cannoneer"
Woods Defending Watson's battery
Sword Personal battle weapons of the Civil War: Capt. McKee's revolver and Capt. Seller's
sword with Weed's Brigade at Little Round Top
Imhof Two roads to Gettysburg: Thomas Lieper Lane and the 13th Pennsylvania Reserves
Archer Remembering the 14th Connecticut Volunteers
O'Brien Candy's brigade in the fight for Culp's Hill
Winschel The Gettysburg diary of Lt. William Peel
Bush 6th Michigan Cavalry at Falling Waters: the end of the Gettysburg campaign
Woolsey Three weeks at Gettysburg
Black Gettysburg remembers President Lincoln
ISSUE 10 1994
Lash Brig. Gen. Henry Baxter's brigade at Gettysburg, July 1
Jorgensen Joseph W. Latimer, "The Boy Major" at Gettysburg
Sword & Shotwell Two New York swords in the fight for Culp's Hill: Col. James C. Lane's
and Capt. Nicholas Grumbach's
Cameron A signal sergeant at Gettysburg: the diary of Luther C. Frusta
Mast The Union 2nd Corps hospital at Gettysburg, July 2 to August 8, 1863
Long Maj. Joseph H. Saunders, 33rd North Carolina, C.S.A.
Carmichael Never before heard on the American continent
Long George G. Gross on hallowed ground
ISSUE 11 1994
Trudeau Gettysburg's second front: the Blackberry Raid
Wittenberg John Buford and the Gettysburg campaign
Felton The Iron Brigade Battery at Gettysburg
Howard O.O.Howard's Commencement address to Syracuse University
Sauers The 53rd Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry in the Gettysburg Campaign
Adelman 3rd Brigade, 3rd Division, 6th Corps at Gettysburg
Campbell The aftermath and recovery of Gettysburg, part 1
Black Three heroines of Gettysburg
ISSUE 12 1995
O'Brien Carr's brigade defends the Emmitsburg Road
Sword The 10th Georgia and the 27th Connecticut in the Wheatfield: two captured swords
against their former owners
Tomasak An Encounter with battery hell
Topps The Duchess County regiment
Trinque Arnold's Battery and the 26th North Carolina
Winschel The Jeff Davis Legion at Gettysburg
Lash The Congressional resolution of thanks for the Federal victory at Gettysburg
Campbell The aftermath and recovery of Gettysburg, part 2
Joslyn Gettysburg and the immortal 600
ISSUE 13 1995
Elmore A meteorological and astronomical chronology of the Gettysburg campaign
Miller Perrin's Brigade on July 1, 1863
Sauers The 16th Maine Volunteer Infantry at Gettysburg
Sword Defending the Codori house and Cemetery Ridge: Two swords with Harrow's brigade in the
Gettysburg campaign
Hadden The 19th Maine at Gettysburg
Long Over the wall
Taylor The unmerited censure of two Maryland staff officers, Maj. Osmun Latrobe and First Lt. W. Stuart
O'Brien Lt. William Brooke-Rawle and the 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry at Gettysburg
Long The mysterious disappearance of Brig. Gen. John. R. Jones
Wright & Magner John Gibbon: the man and the monument
ISSUE 14 1996
Ide (Sgt. Horace K.) Hoffman (ed) The 1st Vermont Cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign
Sanders The death of Gen. Reynolds
Durkin Never shrinking duty or betraying a trust
Sword Lt. Col. Caspar Trepp's Colt's revolvers and the reconnaissance to Pitzer's Woods
Bibliog - 7
Joslyn The story of the 3rd Arkansas at Gettysburg
Jorgensen Anderson attacks The Wheatfield
Lash The 141st Pennsylvania (Graham's brigade) at Gettysburg
Magner The Gettysburg soldiers' National Cemetery
Poirer Norwich at Gettysburg: the Citizen-soldier Academy's contribution to victory
ISSUE 15 1996
Wittenberg An analysis of the Buford manuscripts
Watson The Spencer repeating rifle at Gettysburg
O'Brien "Stubborn bravery": the forgotten 44th New York at Little Round Top
Jorgensen Holding the right: the 137th New York regiment at Gettysburg
Bradley A few moments of peace: the legend of Spangler's Spring
Taylor Col. James Keith Marshall: one of the three brigade commanders killed in the
Pickett-Pettigrew-Trimble charge
Sword Alexander Webb and his Colt Navy revolver: in the "pinch of the fight" during
Pickett's Charge at Gettysburg
Thompson ML A young girl at Gettysburg: Tillie Pierce: a firsthand look at the battle
Campbell "A field made glorious": Cemetery Hill: from battlefield to sacred ground
ISSUE 16 1997
Dickson The flying brigage: Brig. Gen. George Stannard and the road to Gettysburg
Laney Wasted gallantry: Hood's Texas brigade at Gettysburg
Lader The 7th New Jersey in the Gettysburg campaign
Sword Capt. George F. Tait and the 10th New York Zouaves encounter Pickett's Charge
Long Dr. Billy's battles
Ladd & Ladd Stuart's and Gregg's cavalry engagement, July 3, 1863
Wittenberg Merritt's regulars on south cavalry field: "Oh, what could have been"
Hoar Gettysburg's last surviving soldier: James Marion Lurvey
ISSUE 17 1997
Rollins "The ruling ideas" of the Pennsylvania campaign: James Longstreet's 1873 letter
ro Lafayette McLaws
Trimble Harrison: spying for Longstreet at Gettysburg
Storch's Unpublished Gettysburg report s by the 2nd and 7th Wisconsin Infantry
regimantal commanders
Taylor Ramseur's brigade in the Gettysburg campiagn: a newly discovered account by
Capt. James I. Harris, Co. I, 30th Regt. N.C.T.
Jorgensen Edward Porter Alexander: Confederate cannoneer at Gettysburg
Sword Personal battle weapons of the Civil War: Capt. Cyrus Tay's battered sword
and the "lucky: 32nd Massachusetts' fight in the Wheatfield
Fuhrman The 57th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry at Gettysburg
Gottfried Wroght's charge on July 2, 1863: pirecing the Union line or inflated glory?
Dickson Col. Francis Voltaire Randall and the 13th Vermont Infantry
Kowalis's Lt. Col. William B. Wooster: commander of the 20th Connecticut Volunteers
Schultz and Rollins Measuring Pickett's Charge
Smith The story of Albertus McCreary: a boy's experience of the battle
MEREDITH (1997) The Gettysburg Magazine General Index and Bibliography :
Issue 1 through Issue 17
ISSUE 18 1998
Wittenberg John Buford and the hanging of Confederate spies during the Gettysburg campaign
Chrvala The 19th Indiana at Gettysburg
Sword Personal battle weapons of the Civil War: Capt. Patrick Hart of the Iron Brigade and his
presentation sword--facing the fiery cauldron of McPherson's Ridge
Dunkelman "We were compelled to cut our way through them, and in doing so our losses were
heavy:" Gettysburg casualties of the 154th New York Volunteers
Adelman Benning's Georgia Brigade at Gettysburg
Gottfried Mahone's Brigade: insubordination or miscommunication?
Shultz Gulian V. Weir's 5th U.S. Artillery, Battery C
Rollins The second wave of Pickett's Charge
Martz It was not a happy timeL what the civilians of Gettysburg saw and heard during the
ISSUE 19 1998
Chance Prelude to invasion: Lee's preparations and the Second Battle of Winchester
O'Brien "Give them another volley, bodys": Biddle's brigade defends the Union left on July 1, 1863
Felton Postcrpt to: Pursuing the elusive "Cannoneer"
Rollins George Gordon Meade and the defense of Cemetery Ridge
Bibliog - 8
Gottfried Fisher's Brigade at Gettysburg" the Big Round Top controversy
Sword Personal battle weapons of the Civil War: defending Cemetery Hill: tow Massachusetts Captains wield
their personal weapons amind the great crisis
Elmore The grand cannonade: a Confederate perspective
Durkin The Gettysburg wounded and the "Flying Battery" susters
Smith John Rupp of Gettysburg
ISSUE 20 1999
French Imboden's advance to Gettysburg
Bowmaster Confederate Brig. Gen. B.H. "Bev" Robertson interviewed on the Gettysburg campaign
Powell Stuarts' ride: Lee, Stuart, and the Confederate cavalry in the Gettysburg campaign
Jewell Theodore Garnett recalls cavalry service with General Stuar, June 16-28, 1863
Kingensmith A cavalry regiment's first campaign: the 18th Pennsylvania at Gettysburg
Sword Personal battle weapond of the Civil War: two cavalry arms in the Gettysburg campaign: one lost, one
Herdegen For the truth of history: July 1, 1863: the charge on the Railroad Cut
Cooksey They died as if on dress parade: the annihilation of Iverson;s Brigade at Gettysburg and the Battle of
Oak Ridge
Burns The 12th New Hampshire at Gettysburg and Beyond
McLaughlin Monumental litigation
ISSUE 21 1999
Seitter Philadelphia and the Battle of Gettysburg
Sword Personal battle weapons of the Civil War: roll of the dice: two 24th Michigan officers test their luck in
the Gettysburg campaign
Krumwied A July afternoon on McPherson's Ridge
Conklin The long march to Stevens Run: the 134th New York Volunteer Infantry at Gettysburg
LaFantasie William C. Oates remembers Little Round Top
Adelman Hazlett's Battery at Gettysburg
O'Brien "Hold them with the bayonet": de Trobriand's Brigade defends the Wheatfield
Gannon The 6th Louisiana at Gettysburg
Shotwell & Samito An Irish-American at Gettysburg: Capt. James F. McGunnigle and the 9th
Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry
Trinque Confederate battle flags in the July 3rd charge
ISSUE 22 2000
Bruner Up over Big Round Top: the forgotten 47th Alabama
Sword Personal battle weapons of the Civil War: amid the Iron Hail in the Peach Orchard--Lady Luck
smiles on an officer with Graham's Brigade
Jorgensen Wofford sweeps the Wheatfield
Ward "Sedgwick's foot cavalry": the march of the Sixth Corps to Gettysburg
Cooksey The plan for Pickett's Charge
Snipes Dispelling the legend of Lt. Elijha Hayden's death
Lash The cases of Pvt. Jesse Mayberry and Capt. Berhard McMahon, 71st Pennsylvania Infantry
Wittenberg Ulric Dahlgren in the Gettysburg campaign
Vermilyea Maj. Gen. John Sedgwick and the pursuit of Lee's army after Gettysburg
ISSUE 23 2000
Haines Lee's advance along the Cahstown Road
Nelson Reynolds and the decision to fight
Dreese The 151st Pennsylvania Volunteers at Gettysburg: July 1, 1863
Gottfried To fail twice: Brockenbrough's Brigade at Gettysburg
Pula The 26th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry at Gettysburg
Powell A reconnaissance gone awry: Capt. Samuel R. Johnston's fateful trip to Little Round Top
Dreese Ordeal in the Lutheran Theological Seminary: the recollections of First Lt. Jeremiah Hoffman,
142nd Pennsylvania Volunteers
Hutchinson Failed leadership and coordination: internal elements in the defeat of the Army of Northern
Virginia at Gettysburg
ISSUE 24 2001
Callihan Jeb Stuart's fateful ride
Jorgensen Confederate artillery at Gettysburg
Dougherty "We have come to stay!": the 143rd Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and the fight for
McPherson's Ridge, July 1, 1863
O'Brien "Bullets came as thick as hail": Krzyanowski's Brigade defends the Union right on July 1, 1863
Lader The personal journey of Pvt. David Ballinger, Company H, 12th New jersy Volunteers
Mahood "Fighting Alex" Hays at Gettysburg
Bibliog - 9
Vermilyea The effect of the Confederate invasion of Pennsylvania on Gettysburg's African American
ISSUE 25 2001
Cooksey When an office orders a disregard of his superiors: the Jackson-A.P. Hill fued and its effect on
the Gettysburg campaignm
Hintz "My military life as a cadet here..." The West Point years of maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds
Nolan Gettysburg's Hoosier horsemen: the Third Indiana Cavalry
Herdegen The mule train charge at Gettysburg
Wright "I will take responsibility": Strong Vincent moves to Little Round Top: fact or fiction?
Hartwig "I have never been in a hotter place": brigade command at Gettysburg
Sword Capt. William C. Morgan, 3rd Maine Infantry: hero or scoundrel at the Peach Orchard
Hutchinson To Gettysburg and beyond: a Vermont Captain's letters to his wife
Culp Gettysburg Culp family experience: freedom, Civil War, and the Battle of Gettysburg
Halbur Jennie Wade and Gettysburg: it was not supposed to happen
Elmore Independence Day: military operations at Gettysburg
ISSUE 26 2002
Callahan Neither villain nor hero: a reassessment of James Longstreet's performance at Gettysburg
Dougherty A history of the McPherson farm at Gettysburg
Cooksey Up the Emmitsburg Road: Gen. Robert E. Lee's Plan for the attack on July 2 on the Union left flank
Adelman The fight for and location of the 4th New York Independent Battery at Gettysburg
Spisak The 62nd Pennsylvania Volunteer infantry: a forgotten regiment of distinction
Satterfield Farthest at Gettysburg: the story of a Confederate Captain
Browne Battery H, 1st Ohio Light Artillery: controversy in the Cemetery
[ alone among pop publications: the articles are accompanied by attributions ]
1(1) 1997
Lafayette McLaws on Gettysburg
1(3) 1998
Fishel Decision at Gettysburg
DiNardo Robert E. Lee and the crisis of command, 1863-1864
1(4) 1998
Gordon Pickett before Gettysburg
1(5) 1998
Griffith The myth of the rifle revolution in the Civil War
McWhiney and Jamieson No myth! The rifle revolution
Tomasak Glory to God! We are saved [East Cemetery Hill, July 2, 1863]
1(6) 1998
Roland Lee's invasion strategy
Priest Lee's gallant 6000? [Pickett's Charge]
1(7) 1998
Groves Devil's Den: death of a sharpshooter
2(2) 1999
Schiller Buford at Gettysburg
2(3) 1999
Rollins and Shultz A combined and concentrated fire: the Federal artillery at Gettysburg, July 3, 1863
2(5) 1999
Motts "A brave and resolute force" (Pickett's Charge revisited)
Rollins "Getting beyond all that" (Pickett's Charge revisited)
2(6) 1999 [all articles are about the retreat from Gettysburg]
Alexander Ten days in July: the pursuit to the Potomac
French "Hurry was the order of the day"
Wittenberg "This was a night never to be forgotten"
Brown A golden bridge
Williams "We had only to stretch forth our hands"
Tap "Bad faith somewhere"
Poulter Errors that doomed a campaign
2(7) 1999
Rollins L ee's artillery prepares for Pickett's Charge
3(2) 1999
Bibliog - 10
Rollins The failure of Confederate artillery at Gettysburg
3(4) 2000
Rollins The failure of Confederate artillery in Pickett's Charge
4(3) 2001
Bowden and Ward Last chance for victory: Lee at Gettysburg
4(7) 2001
Alexander "A regular slave hunt" The Army of Northern Virginia and black civilians in the Gettysburg
Adelman (2000) Little Round Top: A Detailed Tour Guide
Adelman (2001) The Early Gettysburg Battlefield
Allison and Slaybaugh (early 1900s) A Short Story of the Battle of Gettysburg
Arrington (1996) Medal of Honor at Gettysburg
Brooke-Rawle (1878) The Right Flank at Gettysburg: An Account of the Operations of
General Gregg's Cavalry Command
Brown (1962) Geology and the Gettysburg Campaign
Brown & Nitz (1990) Fields of Glory: The Facts Book of the Battle of Gettysburg
Carper (2001) Artifacts: Donated to the Gettysburg National Military Park
Catton ( 1974) Gettysburg: The Final Fury
Chamberlain (1913) Through Blood & Fire at Gettysburg
Coco (1987) On the Bloodstained Field: Human Interest Stories of Gettysburg
Coco (1988) A Vast Sea of Misery: A History and Guide to the Union and
Confederate Field Hospitals at Gettysburg
Coco (1989) On the Bloodstained Field II: Human Interest Stories of Gettysburg
Coco (1990) Wasted Valor: The Confederate Dead at Gettysburg
Coco (1992) War Stories: Human Interest Accounts of the Campaign and Battle of Gettysburg
Coco (1992) Killed in Action
Coco (1998) A Concise Guide to the Artillery at Gettysburg
Coco (2001) Confederates Killed in Action at Gettysburg
Cohen (1982) Hands Across the Wall: The 50th and 75th Reunions of the Gettysburg
Cole & Frampton (1995) Lincoln and the Human Interest Stories of the
Gettysburg National Cemetery
Contant (1998) "Each Bee was a Bullet": Corporal Thomas Geer and Color Sergeant
Judson Hicks, Company A, 111th New York Infantry, at the Battles of Harpers Ferry and
Cross (1800s) Battle of Gettysburg and the Christian Commission
Davis & Muench (1995) Gettysburg: The Story Behind the Scenery
Desjardin (1997) Legends of Gettysburg: Separating Fact from Fiction
Desjardin (1997) The Monuments at Gettysburg
Frankfort (1999) Gettysburg Battle Lands: Protection and Preservation
Frassanito (1996) Gettysburg Then & Now: Touring the Battlefield with Old
Photos, 1863-1889
Frassanito (1997) The Gettysburg Then & Now Companion
Gettysburg Memorial Commission (1887) Ohio Memorials at Gettysburg
Gilbert (1952) A History of the Conflicts During Lee's Invasion and Battle of
Grimm, Roy, & Rose (1995) Human Interest Stories of the Three Days' Battles
at Gettysburg
Grimsley & Simpson (1999) - Gettysburg: a Battlefield Guide
Haiber & Haiber (1991) The First Minnestoa Regiment at Gettysburg
Harrison (1993) The Location of the Monuments, Markers, and Tablets on the
Gettysburg Battlefield
Hartwig & Hartwig (1988) Gettysburg: Pictorial of Battlefield Monuments
Bibliog - 11
Joint Committe, Report of (1887) Positions Occupied by the 1st and 2nd Delaware
Regiments at the Battle of Gettysburg
Kaufmann (early 1900s) Souvenir of Gettysburg Battlefield
Kelly (1997) "I Will Have Justice Done": Gen. Gouverneur K. Warren, USA
Künstler & McPherson (1993) Gettysburg
MacLachlan (2001) "Our Bravest and Best" [Iron Brigade]
Magner & Cavanaugh (1987) A Photographic Guide to Gettysburg Battlefield
Martin (1995 revised) Confederate Monuments at Gettysburg
McDonald (1995) The World Will Long Remember: Guide to the Battle of Gettysburg
McDonald (1997) The Faces of Gettysburg: Photographs from the Gettysburg National
Military Park Library
McDonald (1999) We're going in there (guide to the battles for Little Round Top, Valley
of Death, Devil's Den);
McDonald (1999) Goodbye, boys, goodbye (guide to the High Water Mark, July 2-3, 1863)
McGough (1988) The Gettysburg Battlefield Tour Book
Meade (1924) Gettysburg
Motts (1994) "Trust in God and Fear Nothing": Gen. Lewis A. Armistead
Mullen (1995) 10 Incredible Mistakes at Gettysburg
Mullen (1996) Confederate Generals at Gettysburg: A Field Guide
Murphy (1997) Kelly's Heroes: The Irish Brigade at Gettysburg
Murray (1998) First on the Field: Cortland's 76th and Oswego's 147th New York
State Volunteer Regiments at Gettysburg
Murray (1999) "Nothing Could Exceed their Bravery": New Yorkers in Defense of
Little Round Top
Miller & Miller (1991) Gettysburg for Walkers Only
Nesbitt (1980) If the South Won at Gettysburg
Newhouse (1999) The Codori Family and Farm: In the Path of Battle
Pfanz (1994) Gettysburg
Phipps (1995) "Come on You Wolverines!" Custer at Gettysburg
Phipps & Peterson (1995) "The Devil's To Pay": Gen. John Buford
Programs of the annual Gettysburg Seminar (1996) Unsung Heroes of
Riley (1995) "For God's Sake, Forward": Gen. John F. Reynolds
Roach (1993) Gettysburg Hour by Hour
Rollins and Schultz (1998) Guide to Pennsylvania Troops at Gettysburg
(2nd edit.)
Schmidt (1992) Insight to the Battle of Gettysburg
Selcer (1995) "Faithfully and Forever Your Soldier": Gen. George E. Pickett
Shultz (1995) "Double Cannister at Ten Yards": The Federal Artillery and the Repulse of
Pickett's Charge
Small (1991) The Jennie Wade Story: An Account of the Only Civilian Killed During the Battle
of Gettysburg
Simpson (1998) Abraham Lincoln & the Gettysburg Campaign
Smith (1995) The Story of Lee's Headquarters: Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
Smith () Gettysburg 1863
Story of Gettysburg in Pictures (1920) Historic Views of America's Greatest
Svehla (1993) A Monumental Story of Gettysburg
Symonds (1992) Gettysburg: A Battlefield Atlas
Thomas (1981) Ready... Aim... Fire! Small Arms Ammunition in the Battle of Gettysburg
Thomas (1989) The Gettysburg Cyclorama
Tilberg (1954) Gettysburg National Military Park Handbook
Toomey (1994) Maryland at Gettysburg
Bibliog - 12
Wachsmuth (1998) Ewell's Approach
Walters (1991) Inscription at Gettysburg: In Memoriam to Captain David Acheson,
Company C, 140th Pennsylvania Volunteers
Wegner (1992) Western Maryland: Springboard of the Union Army to Gettysburg
Winey (1998) Union Army Uniforms at Gettysburg
Wittenberg (1996) Brandy Station Seminar
Woolsey (1996) Three Weeks at Gettysburg
Haskell (1993) Yankee Warrior: The Story of a Civil War Hero from Maine
Maxwell (dir.) (1993) Gettysburg [the movie]
Savage (1993) The Court Martial of Robert E. Lee
Shaara (1974) The Killer Angels
[Hartwig (1996) A Killer Angels Companion]
Shaara (1996) Gods and Generals
Tsouras (1997) Gettysburg: An Alternate History
BC Productions (1993) Meade of Gettysburg
Digital History Corporation (2001) A Comprehensive Digital Atlas and Database
of the Battle of Gettysburg
Greystone Communication (1998) 135th Anniversary Historians Roundtable
Greystone Communication (1999) The Battle of Gettysburg: Day 1, Day 2, Day 3
(3 tapes)
Hollingshead (producer) (1997) Secrets of the Battlefield - Gettysburg
Hollingshead (producer) (1998) Secrets of the Battlefield - Gettysburg - 2
Hollingshead (producer) (1999) Beauty of the Battlefield - Gettysburg
Hollingshead (producer) (2000) More Secrets of the Battlefield - Gettysburg
Maxwell (director) (1993) Gettysburg [the movie]
New Visions Productions (1995) Secrets of the Battle of Gettysburg
Abell & Pohanka (1990) The Civil War: an Aerial Portrait
Ambrose (1962) Halleck: Lincoln's Chief of Staff
Alexander (1907) Military Memoirs
Alexander (Gallagher ed.) (1989) Fighting for the Confederacy
Alexander (1998) Robert E. Lee's Civil War
Baker (1888) History of the Ninth Massachusetts Battery
Byrne & Weaver (ed.) (1989) Haskell of Gettysburg: His Life and Civil War Papers
Cannan (ed.) (1994 revised) War on Two Fronts: Shiloh to Gettysburg
Catton (1952) The Army of the Potomac: Glory Road
Cleaves (1960) Meade of Gettysburg
Corby (Kohl ed.) (1992) Memoirs of Chaplain Life: Three Years with the Irish Brigade
in the Army of the Potomac
DiNardo & Nofi (eds.) (1998) Longstreet: The Man, the Soldier, the Controversy
Early (1912) Narrative of the War Between the States
Foote (1963) The Civil War, a Narrative, Vol 2: Fredericksburg to Meridian
Freeman (abridged) (1934) Lee
Gerrish (1882) Army Life: A History of the 20th Maine Infantry Regiment
Hancock, A.R. (1887) Reminescences of Winfield Scott Hancock
Gambone (1966) The Life of General Samuel K. Zook
Gibbon (1928) Personal Recollections of the Civil War
Gottfried (1999) Stopping Pickett: The History of the Philadelphia Brigade
Bibliog - 13
Judson (1866) History of the Eight-Third Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers
Klein (ed.) (1963) Just South of Gettysburg: Carroll County, Maryland in the Civil War
Linderman (1987) Embattled Courage
Longacre (1988) To Gettysburg and Beyond: The Twelth New Jersey
Volunteer Infantry. II Corps, Army of the Potomac, 1862-1865
Longacre (1995) General John Buford
Longacre (1995) Pickett: Leader of the Charge
Jordan (1988) Winfield Scott Hancock: A Soldier's Life
Laine & Penny (1996) Law's Brigade in the War Between the Union and
the Confederacy
Linenthal (1991) Sacred Ground: Americans and their Battlefields
Longstreet (1896) From Manassas to Appomattox
Mahood (1997) Written in Blood: a History of the 126th New York
Infantry in the Civil War
Martin (1991) The Road to Glory: Confederate General Richard S. Ewell
McClellan, H.B. (1958) I Rode with Jeb Stuart: The Life and Campaigns of Major
General J.E.B. Stuart
McMurray (1982) John Bell Hood and the War for Southern Independence
McPherson (1988) Battle Cry of Freedom
McPherson (ed.) (1989) Battle Chronicles of the Civil War: 1863
Meade (1913) The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Vol. I and II
Melcher (Styple ed.) (1994) With a Flash of His Sword: The Writings of Major Holman
S. Melcher, 20th Maine Infantry
Minnigh (1998) History of Company K, 1st (Inft.) Penn'a Reserves: "the boys
who fought at home"
Moe (1993) The Last Full Measure: The Life and Death of the 1st Minnesota Volunteers
Nevins (1971) Ordeal of the Union: Vol. 4
Nevins & Symple (1997) What Death More Glorious: A Biography of Strong
Nichols (1958) Toward Gettysburg: A Biography of Gen. John F. Reynolds
Nolan (1961) The Iron Brigade
Oates (1905) The War Between the Union and the Confederacy
Palmer (1998) Lee Moves North: From Antioetam to Gettysburg to Bristoe Station
Pellicano (1996) Conquer or Die: the 39th New York Volunteer Infantry
Pennypacker (1901) General Meade
Perry (1997) Conceived in Liberty: Joshua Chamberlain, William Oates, and the
American Civil War
Piston (1987) Lee's Tarnished Lieutenant: James Longstreet and his Place in Southern
Powell (1895) The Fifth Army Corps
Pullen (1957) The Twentieth Maine
Pullen (1999) Joshua Chamberlain: A Hero's Life & Legacy
Rhodes (1984) History of Battery B: 1st Regiment Rhode Island Light Artillery
Robertson (1987) General A.P. Hill:The Story of a Confederate Warrior
Sawyer (1881) The 8th Ohio Volunteer Infantry
Selcer (1998) Lee vs. Pickett: Two Divided by War
Sorrell (Wiley ed.) (1959) Recollections of a Confederate Staff Officer
Spear, Hawkes, McCosh, Symonds & Alpert (eds.) (1997) The Civil War
Recollections of General Ellis Spear
Swanberg (1956) Sickles the Incredible
Stricker (1994) Dragoon or Cavalryman: Maj. Gen. John Buford in the American Civil War
Taylor (1962) Four Years with General Lee
Bibliog - 14
Trulock (1992) In the Hands of Providence: Joshua Chamberlain and the American Civil
Tucker (1960) Hancock the Superb
Walker (1894) General Hancock
Wallace (1960) Soul of the Lion: A Biography of Gen. Joshua L.Chamberlain
Welcher (1989) The Union Army, Vol. I: The Eastern Theater
Wellman (1949) Giant in Gray: A Biography of Wade Hampton of South Carolina
Wert (1993) General James Longstreet: The Confederacy's Most Controversial Soldier
Bennett (1996) The Beau Ideal of a Soldier and a Gentleman: the Life of Col.
Patrick Henry O'Rorke from Ireland to Gettysburg
Bilby (1996) Civil War Firearms
Boritt (ed.) (1994) Lincoln's Generals
Connelly (1977)The Marble Man: Robert E. Lee and his Image in American Society
Edwards (1990 2nd Edition) Civil War Guns
Furguson (1992) The Souls of the Brave: Chancellorsville1863
Gallagher (ed.) (1996) Chancellorsville: The Battle and its Aftermath
Gallagher (ed.) (1996) Lee the Soldier
Griffith (1987) Battle Tactics of the Civil War
Hegerman (1988) The American Civil War and the Origins of Modern Warfare
Jones (1992) Civil War Command & Strategy
Katcher (1994) The Army of Robert E. Lee
Luvaas (1959) The Military Legacy of the Civil War
McPherson (1994) What they Fought For
McPherson (1997) For Cause and Comrades
McWhiney & Jamieson (1982) Attack and Die: Civil War Military Tactics & the
Southern Heritage
Military Affairs (the editors) (1977) Military Analysis of the Civil War
Mitchell (1988) Civil War Soldiers
Nolan (1991) Lee Considered
Robertson (1988) Soldiers Blue and Gray
Sears (1996) Chancellorsville
Sword (1988) Sharpshooter: Hiram Berdan, his Sharpshooters, and their Sharps
Thomas (1995) Robert E. Lee
Waugh (1994) The Class of 1846
Wiley (1943) The Life of Johnny Reb: The Common Soldier of the Confederacy
Wiley (1952) The Life of Billy Yank: The Common Soldier of the Union
Of the Battlefield of Gettysburg (1868-1869): Engineer Department U.S.A.,
Brevet Maj. Gen. A.A. Humphreys (Brig. Gen. & Chief of Engineers) . Under the
direction of Brevet Maj. Gen. G.K. Warren (Major of Engineers), conducted by
1st Lt. W.H. Chase (Corps of Engineers), assisted by 1st Lt.
T. Turtle & 2nd Lt. F.A. Hinman (Corps of Engineers)
Of the Battle Field of Gettysburg (1876): Office of the Chief of Engineers, U.S. Army.
Survey ordered by Maj. Gen. A.A. Humphreys (Chief of Engineers), conducted by
Brevet Maj. Gen. G.K. Warren (Major of Engineers)
Bachelder's Gettysburg Battlefield Maps (1876)
July 1 (14 maps) : Buford's position morning, 10:30 am, 11 am, 11:30 am, noon,
12:30 pm, 1 pm, 1:30 pm, 2 pm, 2:30 pm, 3 pm, 3:30 pm, 4-4:30 pm, evening
Bibliog - 15
July 2 (5 maps) : 9 am, 4 pm, 5 pm, 7 pm, 8-9 pm
July 3 (4 maps) : 4-8 am, 8-11 am, 1-2 pm, 5 pm
East Cavalry Field (4 maps): July 2, 6-8 pm ; July 3, 4-11 am, 2 pm, 2-5 pm
Cavalry at the Battle of Gettysburg (1880): Surveyed by Frank O. Maxson,
under the direction of John B. Bachelder
Desjardin, T.A. (1999) The Battlefield at Gettysburg, and the 3 days of
the battle in turn: 4 maps, based on the Bachelder ones as
starting points; but augmented and corrected, according to
recent research performed by Dr. Desjardin & colleagues
(published by the Friends of the National Park at Gettysburg)
Bibliog - 16