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OFFICE USE ONLY MARK: _________/_______ Instructional Feedback TEACHER: _____________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date: _________________________ Teacher Signature: _______________________________ Marketing 12 /86 This Substantive Assignment will take about five hours to complete. The value of this assignment is five percent of the course mark. Mr. Baljit Gill is the instructor for this course, please call me at 604-595-6365 or email me at gill_b@surreyschools.ca, if you require help to complete this assignment. This assignment covers the following learning outcomes: It is expected that students will: - Describe key marketing activities - Define the basic nature and scope of marketing - Demonstrate an understanding of the marketing concept - Distinguish between industrial and consumer goods and services - Identify and describe the current priorities in marketing strategies The information required to answer the questions is in the reading, you may also use other resources to answer the questions. Canadian Marketing Profile – Urban Juice and Soda Company (p.2) 1. What methods does the Urban Juice and Soda Company use to market Jones Soda? (2 marks) 2. Write a brief critique of the Jones Soda website (www.jonessoda.com) and comment on its effectiveness as a marketing tool. (2 marks) 3. In what ways is Jones Soda an international marketing company? (1 mark) Section 1.1 What is Marketing? (pgs. 3-6) 4. What is the difference between an industrial service and a consumer service? Give an example of each that is not listed in your reading. (2 marks) 5. Use the local business directory in your local telephone book to select advertisements for businesses that provide consumer goods, consumer services, business goods, and business services. Compare the messages in each of the advertisements. (5 marks) 6. In what ways would the marketing of business goods and services be different from the marketing of consumer goods and services? (1 mark) 7. Do you agree or disagree with Peter Drucker’s description of Marketing on page 3. Explain. (3 marks) 8. Briefly describe each of the three segments of the industrial goods category. (3 marks) 9. Find an example of an industrial good that a Canadian business imports, and an industrial good that a Canadian business exports. Speculate or investigate how these products are marketed outside of their country of origin. (5 marks) 10. Figure 1.1 on page 3 uses a cola product to show the connection between suppliers and end users. Select a different consumer product and complete a similar flow chart. (4 marks) 1.2 Evolution of the Marketing Concept and 1.3 Marketing and the Organization (pgs. 7-12) 11. Are Krispy Kernel’s products consumer goods or industrial goods. Explain. (1 mark) 12. Why do businesses favour the marketing concept? What effect did the Industrial Revolution have on how products are marketed? (3 marks) 13. Explain how a business or organization in your community uses the marketing concept. (3 marks) 14. Compare marketing activities before and after the Industrial Revolution. (3 marks) 15. Describe examples of businesses or products that do not need marketing. Explain why. (2 marks) 16. In what ways has the Internet changed marketing? What other changes may occur in the future? (2 marks) 17. Identify the four ways that a company’s marketing divisions can be organized. (4 marks) 18. Using a company’s annual report and/or Web site, describe the way it organizes its marketing department. (8 marks) 19. Explain why you think the company you chose in question 18 selected the organizational method(s) identified. (5 marks) 1.4 Marketing Activities, 1.5 Market Segmentation, 1.6 The Marketing Mix (p. 14-20) 20. Prepare a chart that has the name of a local business or organization at the top, and then list 5 marketing activities down the left hand side. Fill in the chart with examples of each of the marketing activities. Choose between packaging, branding, promotion, research, physical distribution, sales, inventory management, pricing, storage and product development. (5 marks) Name of Business: Marketing Activity Example 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 21. What customer loyalties have you, your parents/guardians, or your friends developed toward specific businesses or organizations? How have these businesses or organizations earned your loyalty? (2 marks) 22. What is the difference between a consumer market and a competitive market? (1 mark) 23. Identify two goods or services that target an aggregate market and two goods or services that target a differentiated market. Give reasons for your choices. (2 marks) 24. Assume that you invented a new product. Which 3 of the 10 marketing activities would be most critical in getting your product to market? Explain (3 marks) 25. Describe the four P’s (Product, Price, Place and Promotion) of the marketing mix. Choose an ad from a magazine or other source (attach it to your assignment) and answer the 4 P’s for the ad. If the answer is not directly given explain how you would know the answer. Example “ where would you buy the product, if a place isn’t given.” (8 marks) 26. What marketing mix is evident at your local music, sporting goods or clothing store? (4 marks) 27. Research a product failure, like Mc Pizza, and explain how that product was unable to satisfy one or more of the marketing mix categories. (2 marks)