VALUE PREDISPOSITIONS, COMMUNICATION, AND ATTITUDES TOWARD NANOTECHNOLOGY: THE INTERPLAY OF PUBLIC AND EXPERTS by Shirley S. Ho A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy (Mass Communications) at the UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON 2008 © Copyright by Shirley S. Ho 2008 All Rights Reserved i ACKNOWLEDGMENTS As my graduate student life in Madison is approaching an end with the completion of this dissertation, I would like to acknowledge all of the people who have created a memorable experience for me in my four-and-a-half years of grad school, even if no words can fully express my sincere gratitude. First and foremost, I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to my Ph.D. advisor, Dr. Dietram A. Scheufele, for his support and encouragement throughout my doctoral program. Admittedly a high-maintenance student, I would like to thank him for the extraordinary amount of advising effort and time that he has set aside for me. I am eternally grateful to his patience and dedication in unflaggingly answering all my persistent questions and inquiries. His invaluable guidance and scholarship has, no doubt, inspired and expedited my intellectual growth. The priceless experience of being his teaching assistant for J658 has also prepared me to become a more confident teacher and researcher. He has helped to cultivate talents that I never knew I had. Needless to say, I have been very fortunate to have learnt from and worked with such an amazingly talented, sincere, and nurturing scholar. The same gratitude goes to Dr. Dominique Brossard, who has played a pivotal role in my graduate career. Being one of the warmest and most caring professors I have known, she has always said the most encouraging words to me whenever I faced academic frustration. I would like to thank her for being such a wonderful teacher, co-worker, committee member, and friend. I am forever indebted to her for introducing me to the area of science and risk communication, and her insightful and stimulating comments for many of my research projects. The rest of my committee members have also given me invaluable guidance over the years. I would like to thank Dr. Douglas M. McLeod, who was also my master’s program ii advisor, for introducing me to communication research and providing expert advice for my research. I would like to thank Dr. Albert C. Gunther who had given me thought-provoking theoretical guidance both in my dissertation and my other research projects. I would also like to thank Dr. David Kaplan, my minor advisor in educational psychology, for introducing me to the world of structural equation modeling, and my many initially agonizing weekends with MPlus. In addition to my committee members, I would like to thank Dr. Sharon Dunwoody and Dr. Dhavan V. Shah, for the numerous enjoyable and mentally stimulating courses that I have taken with them. My many thanks also go to the following MSRG folks whom I shared studying experiences and/ or worked closely with in other research projects: Andrew R. Binder, Rosalyna Wijaya, Tsung-Jen Shih, Eunkung Kim, Michael F. Dahlstrom, Kajsa Dalrymple, Anthony Dudo. I especially thank Rosalyna who has been an awesome friend and a great housemate whom I shared my daily laughter, frustrations, and joyous moments with. I would like to express my special thanks to Andy for commenting, editing and proofreading this dissertation, and for being such a motivating research buddy and an excellent LISREL resource in the last couple of years. I would also like to thank Anthony for offering his help with the “VantagePoint” news analysis in this dissertation. I would like to thank the following friends who kindly provided support and help at different stages of my memorable years in Madison: Marcus Ong, Hsaowei Yap, Kyurim Kyoung, and Erika Gunadi. I will definitely miss the crazy Halloween parties, the snow, and all of the interesting characters in charming small town Madison. Several mentors in my home country, Singapore, deserve thanks for their indirect contributions to this dissertation. I would like to thank Dr. Xiaoming Hao, Dr. Peng Hwa Ang, and Dr. Benjamin H. Detenber at the Wee Kim Wee School of Communication and Information, iii Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore, for offering me valuable professional advice for the past ten years. In addition, I would like to express my gratitude for NTU for awarding me a generous four-year fellowship, and the School of Journalism and Mass Communication at UW-Madison, for offering me a one-year financial support during the course of my M.A. and Ph.D. studies. I was able to devote full concentration to my research and studies, thanks to the financial support from these institutions. This dissertation would not be completed without the encouragement from my family. Special thanks go to my parents James Ho and Lily Wang, and my sisters, Susan Ho, Jean Ho, and Heather Ho, for all these years of support. Last but certainly not least, I would like to thank and dedicate this dissertation to my husband and best friend, Chun Hong Low. He has shown extraordinary patience by sustaining an arduous long-distance relationship with me. I sincerely thank him for the love, support, and encouragement that he has unconditionally and selflessly given me. I am definitely looking forward to building a good life together and spending the many happy days ahead with him in Singapore. Thank you very much everyone! iv ABSTRACT VALUE PREDISPOSITIONS, COMMUNICATION, AND ATTITUDES TOWARD NANOTECHNOLOGY: THE INTERPLAY OF PUBLIC AND EXPERTS Shirley S. Ho Under the supervision of Professor Dietram A. Scheufele at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Almost three decades of research in public understanding of science have provided inconclusive evidence about the “scientific literacy model” (Miller, Pardo, & Niwa, 1997), triggering critics to advocate the “cognitive miser model” (Fiske & Taylor, 1991) as an alternative to explain how the general public make decisions about such emerging science as nanotechnology. Is the scientific literacy model obsolete? What are the specific mechanisms through which the public develop their opinions about the risks and benefits of nanotechnology and their level of support for funding of the emerging technology? How do the public make sense of the ample amount of scientific information in the mass media? These unresolved issues call for a development of a more theory-based and complex causal model examination of the mechanisms behind public decision-making of emerging technology. In addition, are there differences between expert and public opinion about nanotechnology? Is expert opinion more objective than public opinion when it comes to decision-making about the emerging technology? Will the mass media have a differential impact on expert and laypersons’ attitudes toward nanotechnology? This dissertation endeavors to answer these questions in a series of two studies. v Using a nationally representative survey data of 1,015 adults conducted in the United States in 2007, Study 1 draws on the “differential gains model” (Scheufele, 2001, 2002) and the “cognitive mediation model” (Eveland, 2001, 2002) as theoretical frameworks to examine the moderating and mediating mechanisms through which cognitive and heuristic factors influence public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and their level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Findings from the regression analyses indicate that the public primarily use value predispositions (i.e., religious beliefs, deference to scientific authority, and trust in scientists) and positive news frames from the mass media as heuristic cues to make judgments about risks-versus-benefits and support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Conversely, factual scientific knowledge is demonstrated to play a significant, but minor role in influencing perceived risks-versus-benefits. In addition, reflective integration in the form of elaborative processing had a significant negative influence on perceived risks-versus-benefits. In line with the differential gains model, the results of Study 1 indicate that the influence of science media use on the attitudinal outcomes (i.e., perceived risks-versus-benefits and support for federal funding of nanotechnology) were moderated by elaborative processing. The significant interactions suggest that people tended to rely on new scientific information gathered from the mass media to form attitudes toward nanotechnology. The effect from the media was heightened when people paid attention to science news in the media and reflected upon the messages they received. By applying the cognitive mediation model as the second theoretical framework, the structural equation model in Study 1 also reveals an informational pathway and a heuristic pathway through which the mass media directly and indirectly exert its influence on public attitudes toward nanotechnology. Taken together, these findings bridged the disconnection between the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model by underscoring the simultaneous moderating and mediating roles of reflective integration when it vi comes to understanding how the mass media differentially influence individuals’ attitudes toward emerging technologies. Notably, the findings also suggest that the scientific literacy model and the cognitive miser model are two parallel, complementary processes that individuals use to form opinions about nanotechnology. Next, using a mail survey of 363 nanotechnology scientists and engineers conducted between May and June 2007 in the U.S., Study 2 compares public and experts’ attitudes toward nanotechnology and addresses the pertinent question of whether experts are indeed more objective in their judgment of nanotechnology than do the public. The regression analyses provide partial support for the hypotheses regarding the impact of scientific status (i.e., experts versus lay public) on perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. First, compared with the experts, the results demonstrate that the public judged nanotechnology as having more risks and lesser benefits, after controlling for all appropriate exogenous factors. Second, the findings show that experts, equipped with their professional training and experience, used relatively less heuristic cues such as religious guidance, to make risks-versus-benefits judgment of nanotechnology than did the public. On the other hand, the findings provide strong support for the hypotheses on the effect of scientific status on support for federal funding of nanotechnology, in which the experts indicated greater support for federal funding of the emerging technology than did the public. Moreover, the results demonstrate that the experts draw on significantly less heuristic cues in the form of value predispositions and science media frames to make decision about funding support for nanotechnology than did the public. In sum, these findings suggest that the experts are in a position to independently assess risks and benefits, and indicate that experts and the public use different considerations to make judgments about risks and benefits, and level of vii funding support for the emerging technology. The theoretical and practical implications of the results from Study 1 and Study 2 were discussed. viii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ABSTRACT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page i iv viii LIST OF FIGURES xii LIST OF TABLES xiv CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Unresolved Issues in Understanding How Public Form Opinions about Nanotechnology 1.1.1. Ongoing Debate between the “Scientific Literacy Model” and the “Cognitive Miser Model” 1.1.2. The Role of Communication Processes: Bridging the “Differential Gains Model” and the “Cognitive Mediation Model” 3 1.2. Unresolved Issues in Public versus Expert Opinion of Nanotechnology 1.3. Objectives, Originality, and Significance 1.3.1. Study One – Effects of Value Predispositions, Mass Media, and Cognitive Processing on Public Attitudes toward Nanotechnology: Testing Moderating and Mediating Mechanisms 1.3.2. Study Two – Experts versus Public Attitudes toward Nanotechnology 8 9 9 11 1.4. Organization of the Chapters 12 CHAPTER 2 NANOTECHNOLOGY, MASS MEDIA, AND PUBLIC OPINION 2.1. Introduction to Nanotechnology 2.1.1. Nanotechnology and Its Societal Implications 2.1.2. Nanotechnology and Its Implications for Economy and Governmental Policy 2.1.3. Why Public Opinion Matters 2.1.4. Mass Media and Public Opinion 2.2. Public Opinion Trends 2.3. Media Coverage of Nanotechnology over the Years 3 5 16 16 17 18 21 22 25 28 ix CHAPTER 3 EFFECTS OF VALUE PREDISPOSITIONS, MASS MEDIA, AND COGNITIVE PROCESSING ON PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARD NANOTECHNOLOGY: TESTING MODERATING AND MEDIATING MECHANISMS (STUDY 1) 32 3.1. Outcome Variables 3.1.1. Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits (Attitudinal Outcome Variable 1) 3.1.2. Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (Attitudinal Outcome Variable 2) 33 33 35 3.2. Value Predispositions as Heuristic Cues in Opinion Formation 3.2.1. The Role of Religious Beliefs 3.2.2. Deference to Scientific Authority as Heuristic Shortcut 36 36 38 3.3. Science Media Use and Opinion Formation 3.4. Cognitive Processing: Reflective Integration and Learning from the News Media 3.4.1. Effect of Elaborative Processing on Cognitive and Attitudinal Outcomes 3.4.2. Effect of Interpersonal Discussion on Cognitive and Attitudinal Outcomes 39 43 3.5. The “Differential Gains Model” – Moderating Role of Reflective Integration on Cognitive and Attitudinal Outcomes 3.6. The “Cognitive Mediation Model” – Mediating Role of Reflective Integration on Cognitive and Attitudinal Outcomes 3.7. Effect of Factual Scientific Knowledge on Attitudinal Outcomes 3.8. The Role of Trust in Scientists 3.8.1. Mediating Role of Trust in Scientists 49 3.9. Effects of Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits on Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology 59 46 47 52 54 56 58 CHAPTER 4 METHODS AND RESULTS (STUDY 1) 61 4.1. Methods 4.1.1. Data and Sampling 4.1.2. Measures Attitudinal Outcome Variables Independent Variables Control Variables 4.1.3. Analytic Strategies Missing Values Treatment Ordinary Regression Analysis Structural Equation Modeling 61 61 62 62 64 66 67 67 69 71 x 4.2. Results 4.2.1. Direct and Moderating Relationships 4.2.2. Direct and Mediating Relationships CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION (STUDY 1) 76 76 80 87 5.1. Explanations for Findings on Direct Effects 5.2. Explanations for Findings on Moderating Mechanisms 5.3. Explanations for Findings on Mediating Mechanisms 5.4. Implications 88 92 94 96 CHAPTER 6 EXPERTS VERSUS PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARD NANOTECHNOLOGY (STUDY 2) 100 6.1. Differences in Expert and Public Judgments of Risk 6.2. Expert and Public Differences in Levels of Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology 6.3. Factors that Influence Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits and Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology CHAPTER 7 METHODS AND RESULTS (STUDY 2) 101 106 107 110 7.1. Methods 7.1.1. Measures Outcome Variables Independent Variables Control Variables 7.1.2. Analytical Approach 110 111 112 115 117 117 7.2. Results 7.2.1. Experts versus Public: Factors Predicting Perceived Risks-versusBenefits of Nanotechnology 7.2.2. Experts versus Public: Factors Predicting Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology 118 119 CHAPTER 8 DISCUSSION (STUDY 2) 8.1. Explanations for Experts and Public Differences in Perceived Risks-versusBenefits 8.2. Explanations for Experts and Public Differences in Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology 8.3. Implications 121 125 126 129 130 xi CHAPTER 9 OVERALL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 132 9.1. Summary 9.2. Major Theoretical, Conceptual, and Practical Contributions 9.3. Limitations and Directions for Future Research 9.3.1. Study One 9.3.2. Study Two 132 134 140 140 142 9.4. Conclusion 144 BIBLIOGRAPHY 146 FIGURES 166 TABLES 192 APPENDIX 220 Appendix A Appendix B 220 221 xii LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 2.1 Media Issue-Attention Cycle FIGURE 2.2 Public attitude towards Nanotechnology Acceptance FIGURE 2.3 Public Perceived Nanotechnology Risks FIGURE 2.4 Public Perceived Nanotechnology Benefits FIGURE 2.5 Public Self-report Level of Awareness about Nanotechnology FIGURE 2.6 Public Self-report Level of being Informed about Nanotechnology FIGURE 2.7 Public Level of General Scientific Knowledge FIGURE 2.8 Public Level of Knowledge about Nanotechnology FIGURE 2.9 Public Amount of Attention Paid to Newspaper Content FIGURE 2.10 Public Amount of Attention Paid to Television Content FIGURE 2.11 Public Amount of Attention Paid to Online News Content FIGURE 2.12 Media Coverage of Nanotechnology across 21 Newspapers FIGURE 2.13 The New York Times and the Washington Post Coverage of Nanotechnology FIGURE 2.14 Emergence of Nanotechnology as an Issue across High, Medium, and Low Circulation Newspapers FIGURE 2.15 Percentage of Risks-Related Nanotechnology Articles across the 21 Newspapers between January 1999 and August 2008 FIGURE 4.1 Science Media Use, Elaborative Processing, and Perceived Risks-versusBenefits of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) FIGURE 4.2 Science Media Use, Elaborative Processing, and Public Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) FIGURE 4.3 Structural Equation Model Predicting Public Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology: Relationships among Endogenous Variables FIGURE 6.1 Experts versus Public Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology FIGURE 6.2 Experts versus Public Perceived Benefits of Nanotechnology FIGURE 6.3 Experts versus Public Perceived Risks of Nanotechnology FIGURE 7.1 Levels of Religious Beliefs, Scientific Status, and Perceived Risks-versusBenefits of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) xiii FIGURE 7.2 Deference to Scientific Authority, Scientific Status, and Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) FIGURE 7.3 Science Media Use, Scientific Status, and Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) FIGURE 7.4 Trust in Scientists, Scientific Status, and Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) FIGURE 7.5 Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits, Scientific Status, and Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) xiv LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 Comparison of 2004 and 2007 Public Opinion: Descriptive Statistics of Similar Question Items Table 4.1 Descriptive Statistics of Question Items in the 2007 Public Opinion Survey Table 4.2 Bivariate Correlations among the Variables in the 2007 Public Opinion Survey Table 4.3 Ordinary Regression Model Predicting Public Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology (Attitudinal Outcome 1) (standardized regression coefficients) Table 4.4 Ordinary Regression Model Predicting Public Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (Attitudinal Outcome 2) (standardized regression coefficients) Table 4.5 Ordinary Regression Model Predicting Public Level of Factual Scientific Knowledge (Cognitive Outcome) (standardized regression coefficients) Table 4.6 Influence of Exogenous Variables on Other Variables (Structural Equation Model) Table 4.7 Relationships among Endogenous Variables (Structural Equation Model) Table 4.8 Summary of Findings in the Ordinary Regression Models and Structural Equation Model Table 7.1 Descriptive Statistics of Question Items in the 2007 Experts Survey Table 7.2 Bivariate Correlations among the Variables in the 2007 Experts Survey Table 7.3 Ordinary Regression Model with Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable for the Public Sample (standardized regression coefficients) Table 7.4 Ordinary Regression Model with Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable for the Expert Sample (standardized regression coefficients) Table 7.5 Ordinary Regression Model with Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable with the Public and Expert Samples Combined (standardized regression coefficients) Table 7.6 Ordinary Regression Model with Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable for the Public Sample (standardized regression coefficients) Table 7.7 Ordinary Regression Model with Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable for the Expert Sample (standardized regression coefficients) Table 7.8 Ordinary Regression Model with Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable with the Public and Expert Samples Combined (standardized regression coefficients) 1 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION According to the 2006 State of the Union Speech by President George W. Bush, nanotechnology is among the emerging technologies for which funding will be doubled over the next ten years in the United States. Nanotechnology, the science of researching materials at the atomic level, has been emphasized by the federal government because it will be a key technology of the 21st century, with the potential not only to drive our next industrial revolution, but also to reform and revolutionize the economy and other areas of our lives (National Science and technology Council, 2000). With wide applications cutting across important sectors such as medicine and healthcare, environment, and national defense, nanotechnology promises to overcome many of the challenges that the world faces today (National Science and technology Council, 2000). U.S. officials and industry leaders have projected that the annual global revenue of nanotech-based products will reach $3.1 trillion by 2015 (Lux Research, 2008). Despite the promise of nanotechnology, there are fears that the novel technology could lead to various health and environmental problems, and other negative social, moral, and ethical consequences (PCAST, 2005). For example, concerns have recently been raised that the potential health risks of nano-particles could be similar to that of asbestos (Bergstein, 2008; Chang, 2008). Moreover, critics also fear that nanotechnology could be used for human enhancement, which may run counter to religious beliefs and raise ethical concerns (e.g., Bainbridge, 2003; Sententia, 2004). Even though there are currently over 800 commercial products using nanotechnology in the marketplace (Project on Emerging Technologies, 2008), the American public is, for the most part, unfamiliar with the potential risks and benefits of this emerging technology (Scheufele & 2 Lewenstein, 2005). In a democratic society, public opinion is one of the key deciding factors of future governmental policies and development of emerging technologies. More importantly, public opinion about nanotechnology is likely to shape future funding-related policies and affect the competitiveness of the U.S. in the international arena (Roco & Bainbridge, 2003). Although the U.S. is currently leading the “nano race” in terms of public and private funding and in terms of the number of patents filed, this technological supremacy may be threatened if public attitudes toward nanotechnology were to become overwhelmingly negative. Interestingly, public opinion surveys have shown that public attitudes toward nanotechnology are currently leaning towards the optimistic side, with the public perceiving greater benefits over risks, despite the fact that majority of the public are unaware of the emerging technology (Peter D. Hart Research Associates, 2007) and approach the topic with few preconceived ideas or firmly held attitudes about risks and benefits (Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). In many ways, nanotechnology is the opposite of what Iyengar and Kinder (1987) called “chronically accessible,” that is, an issue that has been discussed heavily in public discourse and that is so prominent in the audiences’ mind that it is often difficult to observe changes that are due to communication effects. Given the complexity of the topic, coupled with low levels of public awareness of the technology, nanotechnology is therefore an ideal issue to explore the processes by which audiences gather information and try to make sense of this information through interpersonal or intrapersonal channels. Specifically, what are the specific mechanisms through which the public develops opinions about the risks and benefits of nanotechnology and support for funding of the emerging technology? By situating the queries within the debate between the “scientific literacy model” (Miller et al., 1997) and the “cognitive miser model” (Fiske & Taylor, 1991), and by drawing from two major theories in the field of communication – the “differential gains model” 3 (Scheufele, 2001, 2002) and the “cognitive mediation model” (Eveland, 2001, 2002) – this dissertation will develop a more complete and sophisticated model of public understanding of science. In addition, how do attitudes of the public compare with the scientific experts in the field of nanotechnology? Are public and expert attitudes in line or are they diverging? Do we have to rally the scientific community and industry to have dialogues with the public? By systematically comparing public opinion with experts’ opinion toward nanotechnology, this dissertation will examine many of these issues in-depth. 1.1. Unresolved Issues in Understanding How Public Form Opinions about Nanotechnology 1.1.1. Ongoing Debate between the “Scientific Literacy Model” and the “Cognitive Miser Model” A major unresolved issue in understanding how the public forms opinions about science in general and nanotechnology in particular concerns the tension between the “scientific literacy model” (Miller et al., 1997) and the “cognitive miser model” (Fiske & Taylor, 1991). Studies of public opinion processes of controversial science and technology have been going on for many years, and there has been a longstanding debate between these two approaches. Even though Brossard and her colleagues have established an extensive line of research on scientific literacy and have resolved many of the supposed discrepancies (e.g., Brossard & Nisbet, 2007; Ho, Brossard, & Scheufele, 2008), there remain unanswered questions that will be examined in this dissertation. The “scientific literacy model,” also known as the “knowledge deficit model” (Miller, 1998, 2004; Miller & Kimmel, 2001; Miller et al., 1997), assumes that a more scientifically informed public would be more supportive of scientific research and would be able to make 4 more rational and knowledgeable judgments about scientific issues (Miller, 1998, 2004). The model further assumes that the public is willing to seek out relevant information to develop informed opinions about scientific issues. On the flip side, the low-information public, who are ignorant of science (hence the term “knowledge deficit model”) are unsupportive of scientific progress (Miller, 1998, 2004). In essence, the model assumes that a scientifically literate citizenry is one that can effectively participate in public debates about science and hold the government accountable over the direction of science policies. Even though scientific knowledge has been demonstrated to have direct positive influence on public attitudes toward science and scientific issues (Brossard, Lewenstein, & Bonney, 2005; Nisbet et al., 2002; Sturgis, Cooper, & Fife-Schaw, 2005), and to have contingent effects on public attitudes toward science and technology (e.g., Brossard, Scheufele, Kim, & Lewenstein, in press; Ho et al., 2008; Sturgis & Allum, 2004), results of a large number of other empirical studies have, on the contrary, demonstrated that scientific knowledge has a small to modest role in shaping public opinions toward emerging science and technology (e.g., Allum, Sturgis, Tabourazi, & Brunton-Smith, 2008; Brossard & Nisbet, 2007; Brossard & Shanahan, 2003; Lee, Scheufele, & Lewenstein, 2005; Priest, 2001; Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). As a result, scholars have proposed the “cognitive miser model” as an alternative to the scientific literacy model for explaining how the public forms opinions about science and technology. This model posits that people are cognitive misers who will use a minimal amount of energy and effort to make quick decisions in their daily lives; to be efficient, people often use cognitive shortcuts or easily accessible heuristic cues, such as value predispositions, to make judgments (Fiske & Taylor, 1991). In fact, recent studies have revealed that value predispositions such as religious beliefs and trust in scientists explain a significant amount of variance in public 5 attitudes toward controversial scientific issues (e.g., Brossard & Nisbet, 2007; Brossard et al., in press; Ho et al., 2008). Instead of regarding them as two separate processes that work independently, this dissertation argues that the scientific literacy model and the cognitive miser model are complementary, parallel processes that work in tandem. In other words, individuals can simultaneously use both cognition (e.g., factual scientific knowledge and sophisticated knowledge about the scientific world) and heuristic cues (e.g., religious beliefs, deference to scientific authority, and news frames) to form judgments about emerging technologies. In fact, Ho, Brossard, and Scheufele (2008) have demonstrated that cognition and heuristic cues can interact and that the impact of information on attitudes toward controversial scientific issue can depend on which heuristics a person uses. Therefore, this dissertation will take an integrative approach by considering both cognitive and heuristic factors when understanding opinion formation about nanotechnology. 1.1.2. The Role of Communication Processes: Bridging the “Differential Gains Model” and the “Cognitive Mediation Model” For most Americans, the primary sources of information about science and technology are television, the Internet, and newspapers (Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2006). Both the content and tone of science in the mass media play a crucial role in shaping public attitude toward science and technology (Ho et al., 2008; Nisbet, Brossard, & Kroepsch, 2003; Nisbet & Lewenstein, 2002). This leads us to another unresolved issue: How does the public make sense of the scientific information in the mass media? Previous studies that examined media effects on public attitudes toward nanotechnology have looked at the amount of attention audiences pay to science on the mass media without considering the fact that the public are active audiences 6 capable of using different types and levels of cognitive processing strategies to reflect upon and absorb the scientific information that they gathered from the mass media. This dissertation will draw on the notion of “reflective integration” (Kosicki & McLeod, 1990), as well as two major communication theoretical models namely the “differential gains model” (Scheufele, 2001, 2002) and the “cognitive mediation model” (Eveland, 2001, 2002). Applying these models will build a more complete and sophisticated model for understanding the potential moderating and mediating mechanisms behind how the public form opinions about nanotechnology. To be concise, “reflective integration” refers to an informationprocessing strategy in which people use to think about, try to understand, discuss with others, and make sense of the news content from the mass media (Kosicki & McLeod, 1990). Originally rooted in political communication, the “differential gains model” (Scheufele, 2001, 2002) extends the idea of reflective integration and proposes that political reflective integration involves an “intrapersonal dimension” and an “interpersonal dimension” (Scheufele, 2001, p. 24). At the core of this model is a moderating process in which the impact of media use on an individual’s political knowledge and other attitudinal and behavioral outcomes will be highest if the individual (a) ponders the mediated information and integrates it into his/her preexisting knowledge (“intrapersonal reflection”) and (b) talks about the mediated information with others after exposure to media content (“interpersonal reflection”) (Scheufele, 2001, 2002). The term “differential gains” therefore implies that individuals will benefit differentially from mass media, depending on their levels of intrapersonal or interpersonal reflection. Statistically, intrapersonal reflection is processing that is equivalent to the interaction of news elaboration and media use; and interpersonal reflection is processing that correspondence to the interaction of interpersonal discussion and media use. The differential gains model has been empirically supported by numerous studies, especially in the contexts of political knowledge and civic 7 participation (e.g., Hardy & Scheufele, 2005; Nisbet, Nisbet, Scheufele, & Shanahan, 2004; Scheufele, 2002). On the other hand, Eveland’s (2001, 2002) “cognitive mediation model” posits that cognitive information-processing strategy (i.e., news attention and elaboration) will mediate the influence of mass media use on public learning from the news media. Statistically, this refers to the process that the positive relationship between news media use will substantially decrease or become non-significant when controlling for communication processing variables (i.e., news elaboration and interpersonal discussion). Empirically, the basic premises of the cognitive mediation model have garnered strong support from numerous studies in the area of political communication (e.g., Beaudoin & Thorson, 2004; Eveland & Thomson, 2006; Maurer & Reinemann, 2006; Shah, Cho, Eveland, & Kwak, 2005). Scholars have generated separate lines of research based on these two theoretical models (e.g., Eveland & Thomson, 2006; Hardy & Scheufele, 2005; Maurer & Reinemann, 2006; Nisbet & Scheufele, 2004) without acknowledging the nexus that could be drawn between them. Extending these two theoretical models to the realm of science communication, this dissertation argues that there is good reason to propose that reflective integration could moderate and mediate the influence of mass media use on public cognitions and attitudes toward nanotechnology. By testing the competing hypotheses of the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model in a single study, this dissertation will attempt to bridge the disconnection between these two theoretical models and develop a more complete and refined model that could explain and predict how the public forms opinions about nanotechnology. 8 1.2. Unresolved Issues in Public versus Expert Opinion of Nanotechnology Another major area of research in science communication has been the extensive line of comparative studies that look at the differences between the lay public and expert attitudes toward science and technology, especially for perceived risks. Scholars in risk communication research have generally found that experts view risks differently from members of the lay public, and that expert judgments are closer to reality than those of the public (e.g., Cole & Withey, 1981; Sandman, Weinstein, & Klotz, 1987; Slovic, 1987). Put another way, expert judgments of risk are often viewed as objective and can be measured and quantified scientifically, whereas public attitude toward risk are often deemed as subjective and qualitative. Assessing attitudinal gaps between the lay public and the scientific experts has important practical implications. In particular, attitudinal gaps will be a key indicator of whether huge amount of resources should be devoted to conference sessions and forums to create opportunities for the scientific experts and elites to have dialogues with the lay public in order to close the attitudinal gap. Even though previous studies have examined these attitudinal gaps across various scientific issues (e.g., Kraus, Malmfors, & Slovic, 1992; Lazo, Kinnell, & Fisher, 2000; McDaniels, Axelrod, Cavanagh, & Slovic, 1997), no researchers have yet used multivariate statistical analyses to look systematically at experts-laypersons attitudinal gap (if any) for nanotechnology in the United States. Some of these unanswered questions are therefore worthwhile to explore in this dissertation: Are there differences between expert and public opinion about nanotechnology? Is expert opinion more objective than public opinion when it comes to decision-making about the emerging technology? Perhaps another more interesting question that arises is: Will the mass media and other heuristic factors have differential influence on attitudes toward nanotechnology depending on the scientific status of the two groups (i.e., the 9 experts versus the laypersons)? These are unresolved issues that this dissertation will investigate. 1.3. Objectives, Originality, and Significance Above and beyond providing separate descriptions of media coverage of nanotechnology, public attitudes toward nanotechnology, and expert opinions of the emerging technology, the major contribution of this dissertation is its investigation of the intersection between the mass media, public opinion, and expert opinion. In other words, this dissertation not only compares expert and public opinion of nanotechnology but also examines the simultaneous influence of the mass media on public opinion and expert opinion of the emerging technology. Given the ongoing debate between the scientific literacy model and the cognitive miser model, and the inconclusive findings on the impact of scientific knowledge on public opinion, it is crucial to understand whether and how the public forms opinions about nanotechnology. An important way to achieve such an understanding is to explicate the mechanisms through which both cognitive factors and heuristic factors influence public attitudes toward nanotechnology. This dissertation uses two studies (hereafter “Study 1” and “Study 2”) to achieve its two major objectives. 1.3.1 Study One - Effects of Value Predispositions, Mass Media, and Cognitive Processing on Public Attitudes toward Nanotechnology: Testing Moderating and Mediating Mechanisms The first objective of this dissertation is to explore the moderating and mediating mechanisms through which cognitive and heuristic factors influence public perceived risksversus-benefits of nanotechnology and levels of support for federal funding of nanotechnology, 10 which is accomplished by Study 1. By applying the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model as theoretical frameworks, Study 1 considers reflective integration, in the form of elaborative processing and interpersonal discussion, as a moderator that strengthens or weakens the influence of mass media on public level of factual scientific knowledge and their attitudes toward the emerging technology. Study 1 also pays special attention to the role of reflective integration in mediating science media use and the important cognitive and attitudinal outcomes related to nanotechnology. As far as the research area of science communication is concerned, this dissertation is the first original study in the field to examine these mediating mechanisms for nanotechnology. Previous studies have only assessed the moderating mechanisms behind the formation of public attitudes toward emerging technologies (e.g., Brossard et al., in press; Lee et al., 2005). As such, the explication of such mediating and moderating mechanisms in this dissertation should contribute to developing a model that explains and predicts how public form opinions about nanotechnology. Such a model could also offer both theoretical and practical implications for science communication scholars, practitioners, and policymakers alike. In addition, the findings will help communication scholars perform a more theoretically informed evaluation of how public judgments are formed. As for practical implications, the findings will help communication practitioners design more effective strategies to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information about nanotechnology to the public. Moreover, this dissertation is also the first study in the field of communication to apply and test the competing hypotheses between the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model to understand how cognitive processing in the form of reflective integration influence public decision-making about scientific issue. By so doing, this study not only helps to develop a communication theory-centered approach to understanding public attitudes toward 11 science and technologies but also contributes theoretically to the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model by bringing the communication models out of the traditional political context to a scientific context. Furthermore, by extending both models to opinion formation about nanotechnology, Study 1 undoubtedly expanded the applicability of both theories. 1.3.2 Study Two – Experts versus Public Attitudes toward Nanotechnology Based on the results and recommendations in Study 1, the second objective of this dissertation is to compare public and experts’ attitudes toward nanotechnology and to address the important question of whether experts are indeed more objective in their judgment of nanotechnology than do the public. Building on a recent descriptive study conducted by Scheufele et al. (2007) that compared perceived risks and benefits of nanotechnology between nanoscientists and the general public in the U.S., Study 2 focuses on three general questions: (a) it examines the extent to which experts and the public differ in terms of both their perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and their levels of support for federal funding of the emerging technology; (b) it examines the extent to which the significant heuristic factors found in Study 1 would influence both experts and public attitudes nanotechnology; and finally, (c) it determines if the experts use the same or different set of considerations (i.e., the heuristic factors identified in Study 1) to make judgments of nanotechnology in comparison with the public. An exhaustive literature search in the area of science communication shows that this dissertation is the first study to use multivariate statistical analyses to examine differences in the public and expert attitudes toward nanotechnology. Study 2 is also much more rigorous methodologically than most previous studies in terms of sampling procedure (e.g., experts are more representative of the nano-scientists working in the U.S.) and sample size (e.g., a sample size of 363 is larger than a lot of previous studies). In addition, Study 2 accounts for other 12 exogenous variables such as age and gender, and provides more advanced statistics by going beyond descriptive statistics, which is a methodological improvement from previous studies. Given the importance of the mass media as an influence on opinions about emerging technologies, this dissertation is also the first study to present findings regarding the intersection of mass media, experts’ opinion, and public opinion. The comparison of the public and experts’ attitudes toward nanotechnology should produce worthwhile theoretical and practical implications. Theoretically, the comparisons between the public and experts should contribute to existing risk communication literature. In practice, the findings from Study 2 should inform practitioners on whether dialogues between the experts and the lay public are necessary so as to bridge the potential risks and other attitudinal gaps between these two groups. 1.4. Organization of the Chapters This dissertation consists of eight chapters. The general rubric of the dissertation is as follows: Chapter 2 provides an introduction to nanotechnology, explains its importance to the society, and looks at the intersection of nanotechnology, mass media, and public opinion. In this chapter, I also justify the need for social scientific input in understanding public perceived benefits and risks related to nanotechnology, and public acceptance of the emerging technology. Using identical (or near-identical) questions from two nationally representative public opinion surveys conducted in 2004 and 2007, I describe trends and changes in public opinion about nanotechnology between these two years. Some of the responses compared include public perceived risks and benefits of nanotechnology, public support for federal funding of nanotechnology, and public attention to science in the mass media in both years. In addition, using the software “VantagePoint” and the Lexis-Nexis database, a comprehensive search for 13 newspaper articles was conducted, followed by a simple content analysis in Chapter 2 to determine the amount and tone of media coverage of nanotechnology over a period of thirty years. Study 1 is covered from Chapters 3 through 5. First, Chapter 3 reviews the extant literature, including the underlying moderating and mediating mechanisms behind public perceived risks-versus-benefits and public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. In this chapter, I will provide the background, rationale, and arguments for the formal hypotheses postulated in Study 1. In particular, I will provide a concept explication of the two attitudinal outcome variables of interest in Study 1 – perceived risks-versus-benefits and support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Furthermore, this chapter introduces the theory of framing (Entman, 1991; Goffman, 1974; Iyengar, 1991; Scheufele, 1999, 2000), the cognitive mediation model (Eveland, 2001), and the differential gains model (Scheufele, 2002) as theoretical frameworks to argue for an informational pathway and a heuristic pathway through which the public could use to make decisions about nanotechnology. I will also introduce the concept of cognitive processing in the form of reflective integration into the existing literature. Chapter 4 tests the hypotheses postulated in Study 1, and describes the methods and results of Study 1. The methods section in this chapter provides details on the data and sampling procedures employed, the measures used, and the analytical approaches for testing the hypotheses proposed in Study 1. Specifically, the methods section describes the 2007 nationally representative survey data on public opinion about nanotechnology (N = 1,015) and explains the index construction procedure and the internal consistency for each of the new indices created. Following this, I will elaborate on and provide the rationale for the application of the multivariate techniques in Study 1. In particular, descriptive analyses, including bivariate correlations, and advanced inferential multivariate techniques, including ordinary regression 14 analysis, will be used to examine the potential direct and moderating relationships, and structural equation modeling analysis will be used to examine the potential direct and mediating relationships among the variables concerned. This chapter also discusses the nature and treatment of missing values in Study 1. This will be followed by the results section, in which the findings for the hypotheses posited in Study 1 will be reported. Chapter 5 discusses the results of the findings in Study 1. I include a quick recap of the major findings in Study 1, and then move on to devote three sub-sections to explain the direct effects, the moderating mechanisms, and the mediating mechanisms. This chapter also dedicates one section to outline the implications of the findings for theory and practice. Chapters 6 and 7 cover Study 2, which examines the interplay between the experts and the public in terms of their attitudes toward nanotechnology. In Chapter 6, I will review extant literature comparing risk judgments between the lay public and the experts, critically assess those previous studies, and explain how Study 2 will fill in the gaps found in those previous studies. In chapter 7, I will provide a methods section describing in detail the data collection procedure of the 2007 survey of the U.S. nanotechnology scientists that will be used for comparison with the public in this study. Study 2 uses identical or similar measures from both the expert and the public samples for comparison and reports the internal consistency for new indices that will be constructed. This chapter also describes the analytical approach, in which Study 2 will be using ordinary regression analyses. Finally, I will describe the results of Study 2. The results section in this chapter reports the ordinary regression model of factors predicting perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and factors predicting support for federal funding of nanotechnology within the public-only sample, the experts-only sample, and the combined sample of public and experts. 15 Chapter 8 provides an in-depth discussion on the findings and the implications of Study 2 for theory and practice. Specifically, this chapter explains the major attitudinal differences and similarities found between the two groups. Finally, Chapter 9 provides closure to the dissertation by reviewing, summarizing, and synthesizing the results of both Study 1 and Study 2. This chapter also describes the major theoretical, conceptual, and practical contributions of this dissertation to science communication and policymaking. Moreover, this chapter outlines the major shortcomings of Studies 1 and 2 and recommend possible ways to overcome them in future research. Lastly, this chapter provides an overall conclusion for the dissertation. 16 CHAPTER 2 NANOTECHNOLOGY, MASS MEDIA, AND PUBLIC OPINION As mentioned earlier in Chapter 1, nanotechnology has been hailed as the next key technology of the 21st century and an important stimulus for our next industrial revolution (National Science and Technology Council, 2000). In fact, U.S. policymakers and scientists alike have confidently predicted that nanotechnology possesses the potential to radically transform and revolutionize the economy and other domains of our lives (National Science and Technology Council, 2000). On the other hand, there are fears that the emerging technology could also lead to various health and environmental problems, and other negative social, moral, and ethical consequences (PCAST, 2005). To gain a better understanding of nanotechnology, Chapter 2 will provide an introduction to nanotechnology and its implications for society, economy, and governmental policy. This chapter will also look at the intersection of nanotechnology, mass media, and public opinion. In this chapter, I will justify the need for social scientific input in understanding public perceived benefits and risks related to nanotechnology, and public acceptance of the emerging technology. Following this, this chapter will describe public opinion trends and media coverage of nanotechnology over the years. 2.1. Introduction to Nanotechnology “Nano” is derived from the Greek word for dwarf, and if we were to use it as a prefix for any unit such as a second or an ounce, it refers to a billionth of that unit. Officially, the National Nanotechnology Initiative (National Science and Technology Council, 2007) defined nanotechnology as follows: 17 …the understanding and control of matter at dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers, where unique phenomena enable novel applications. Encompassing nanoscale science, engineering, and technology, nanotechnology involves imaging, measuring, modeling, and manipulating matter at this length scale. A nanometer is one-billionth of a meter. A sheet of paper is about 100,000 nanometers thick; a single gold atom is about a third of a nanometer in diameter. Dimensions between approximately 1 and 100 nanometers are known as the nanoscale. Unusual physical, chemical, and biological properties can emerge in materials at the nanoscale. These properties may differ in important ways from the properties of bulk materials and single atoms or molecules.” (p. 5) 2.1.1. Nanotechnology and Its Societal Implications The impact of nanotechnology on the society is expected to be enormous due to its wide applications and its potential benefits. Currently, nearly more than 800 commercial products that contain nano-engineered particles are known to be available in the marketplace, and the application of nanotechnology is continuing on an upward trend, according to the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars (2007). For example, nanoscale materials are used in some cosmetics to improve their effectiveness, and nanoscale titanium oxide or zinc oxide is used in sunscreens to effectively reflect ultraviolent rays to prevent sunburns. Scratch- and glare-resistant coatings manufactured using nanoscale materials are being applied to eyeglasses, windows, and car mirrors. In addition, batteries using nanotechnology are being made to deliver greater power and speed with lesser heat to improve overall efficiency, and nanoscale dry powder are being made to neutralize gas and liquid toxins in chemical spills. Looking forward, nanotechnology may help overcome some of the world’s biggest challenges across many fields such as medicine and healthcare, electronics, aeronautics, agriculture, energy, homeland security and national defense, environment, information 18 technology, and transportation. Some of these potential benefits include: clean, secure affordable energy; stronger, lighter, more durable materials; low-cost filters to provide clean drinking water; lighting that uses a fraction of the energy; sensors to detect and identify harmful chemical or biological agents; and techniques to clean up hazardous chemicals in the environment. In the medical world, this technology could potentially improve detection and treatment of diseases such as cancer and HIV/AIDS with fewer side effects. Some of the materials being created, such as cages of carbon atoms, also known as buckyballs, show promise as tools for environmental cleanup. Others, such as carbon nanotubes, are expected to revolutionize the electronics industry. In the United States alone, corporate giants such as General Electric, Motorola, DuPont, and Lucent are now pursuing nanotechnology. Boeing is working on applications to cut the weight of rockets, aircraft, and satellites. Kodak has focused on uses in flat-screen displays, inkjet paper, and medical imaging. 3M sees potential applications in optical films, self-cleaning glass, and dentistry. Therefore, nanotechnology has the prospect to affect nearly every industry and every facet of our daily lives. 2.1.2. Nanotechnology and Its Implications to Economy and Governmental Policy In 2007 alone, $147 billion worth of nanotech-enabled products were produced in the market, and the annual global revenue of nanotech-based products is expected to reach $3.1 trillion by 2015 (Lux Research, 2008). As mentioned in the introduction, nanotechnology is highlighted as among the emerging technologies in which research funding will be doubled over the next decade, according to President Bush’s 2006 State of the Union speech. Earlier on, under the priority of the Bush administration, the National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI) was established in the fiscal year 2001 to coordinate federal research and development in nanotechnology. To give this effort a boost, President Bush signed the 21st Century Nanotechnology Research and Development Act in 2003 to authorize funding for 19 nanotechnology research and development for four years beginning in 2005, and put into law programs and activities supported by the NNI. According to the 2007 NNI Strategic Plan, the vision of the NNI is a future in which the ability to understand and control matter at the nanoscale will lead to a revolution in technology and industry that benefits society. To this end, there are four main goals to be fulfilled: (1) to advance a world-class nanotechnology research and development program; (2) to foster the transfer of new technologies into products for commercial and public benefit; (3) to develop and sustain educational resources, a skilled workforce, and the supporting infrastructure and tools to advance nanotechnology; and (4) to support responsible development of nanotechnology. (The 2007 NNI Strategic Plan updates and replaces the first version that was published in December 2004.) The NNI is essentially a multiagency, multidisciplinary program consisting of 25 participating agencies, such as the National Science Foundation, the Food and Drug Administration, and the National Institutes of Health, as of December 2007. The establishment of the NNI is a clear indication of the federal government’s effort to maintain the U.S. as a longterm global leader of nanotechnology in the world stage. Moreover, according to figures reported by the European Commission (2005), U.S. federal funding of nanotechnology research and development has reached 910 million euros, with state funding amounting to 333.3 million euros and private funding reaching 1700 million euros. As a result, the worldwide division of the overall expenditure (including public and private) in 2004 was 37 percent for the U.S., 24 percent for Europe, 28 percent for Japan, and 11 percent for the rest of the world. The U.S. is clearly leading the world in the research and development expenditure. With the large budget, it is not surprising that more than 4,800 patents have been identified under the nanotechnology classification created by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (National Science and Technology Council, 2007). Besides this, several 20 nanotechnology-specific journals, such as Nature Nanotechnology and Journal of Nanoparticle Research, have been launched by professional academic societies in recent years. Despite this optimism and efforts, government officials have also expressed concerns about the uncertainty over the health and environmental impacts of nanotechnology, and its potential social, moral, and ethical implications (PCAST, 2005). For instance, a recent study published in Nature Nanotechnology by Poland et al. (2008) found that carbon nanotubes may pose health risks similar to asbestos, which is a cause of lung disease. Besides this, there are fears that nanotechnology may lead to more pollution and environmental contamination as toxic nano-particles may penetrate into the human bodies. Moreover, pundits and social activists alike have raised a number of ethical, moral, and legal issues related to nanotechnology. Some critics are concerned about the possibility that tiny new surveillance nano-devices may lead to the loss of personal privacy, the likelihood that terrorists may misuse nanotechnology against the U.S., and the chance that nanotechnology may lead to the uncontrollable spread of very tiny self-replicating robots (PCAST, 2005). Other ethical concerns include the idea that nanotechnology may be used to alter human bodies and to eradicate all human diseases and aging, which may run counter to commonly-held moral or even, religious beliefs (PCAST, 2005). The concern about using nanotechnology for human enhancement is, in part, a result of the Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) program that is run by the National Science and Technology Council. The NBIC program is the synergistic combination of four major provinces of science and technology which are progressing rapidly: (a) nanoscience and nanotechnology; (b) biotechnology and biomedicine, including genetic engineering; (c) information technology, including advanced computing and communications; and (d) cognitive science, including cognitive neuroscience (Roco & Bainbridge, 2002). The confluence of the four technologies offers the promise of improving human lives in many ways. In addition, the U.S. Food and Drug 21 Administration officially defined “nanotechnology” as part of the NBIC technologies that highlight the unity of nature at the nanoscale, and the intelligible processes of evolution that have constructed life and intelligence, from the nanoscale, without divine intervention (Bainbridge, 2003; Sententia, 2004). However, researchers have pointed out that using nanotechnology for human performance enhancement will inevitably come with criticisms (Sandel, 2004; Sententia, 2004). The debate will evolve into a discussion of whether genetically engineering some of the behavioral traits in human is ethical (Stock, 2002). Therefore, developers of NBIC technologies face a multitude of obstacles around the basic right to augment human beings including political, disciplinary, and religious sectarianism (Caplan, 2003; Sententia, 2004). 2.1.3. Why Public Opinion Matters However, with the increased in nanotechnology-related commercial products available in the marketplace, the American public is still largely unfamiliar with the potential risks and benefits of this emerging technology. As a democratic society, public opinion is one of the key determinants of future governmental policies and development of the emerging technology in the U.S. More importantly, public opinion about nanotechnology is likely to shape future funding-related policies and affect the competitiveness of the U.S. in the world. As it stands now, public attitudes toward nanotechnology is leaning towards the optimistic side, despite the fact that majority of the public are unaware of the emerging technology (Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). Nevertheless, there are concerns that public attitudes toward nanotechnology may develop in the opposite direction, such that public opinion becomes overwhelmingly negative (e.g., Sententia, 2004). For example, a unique challenge facing the NBIC converging technologies is the association of the negative qualities, both real and perceived, of one of the technologies to the others. There are speculations that negative attitudes 22 toward genetically modified organisms, human cloning, and stem cell research could be transferred from the biotechnology field to nanotechnology, even though the emerging field and its products may be unrelated to the earlier biotechnology-related work. Unless the government and industry were to work on building public confidence in nanotechnology, the public may reach for the “No-Nano” label in future, potentially resulting in huge economic and social losses. 2.1.4. Mass Media and Public Opinion For a majority of the American public, the mass media – especially television, the Internet, and newspapers – are the primary source of information about science and technology (Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2006). A recent study conducted by the Pew Internet & American Life Project (2006) shows that 41 percent and 20 percent of Americans retrieved most of their science news and information from television and the Internet respectively. This is followed by newspapers and magazines together, which are cited by 14 percent of the public as their main sources of news and information about science. Both the content and tone of science in the mass media have been demonstrated to play a crucial role in shaping public attitudes toward science and technology (Ho et al, 2008; Nisbet et al., 2003; Nisbet & Lewenstein, 2002). Put differently, media coverage about a particular issue could shape public opinion about that issue, influencing not only the amount of attention (e.g., Ho et al., 2007), but also what and how the public think about the issue (e.g., McCombs & Shaw, 1972; Scheufele, 1999). Currently, media coverage of nanotechnology has been overwhelmingly positive. However, empirical research has shown that media attention to science and technology usually goes through a cycle (McComas & Shanahan, 1999; Nisbet et al., 2003). Downs (1972) theorized that public attention to environmental issues characteristically passes through five stages: (a) a pre-problem stage leads to (b) a period of alarmed discovery associated with specific problems or hazards. Then (c) 23 the public realizes the cost of making significant progress, and this stage is followed by (d) a “gradual decline of intense public interest” (p. 39-40). This decline in attention leads to the (e) post-problem phase, in which media attention toward the issue settles down (although at a higher level than the initial part of the cycle). (Refer to illustration on Figure 2.1, derived from Nisbet & Huge, 2006.) Empirically, McComas and Shanahan (1999) have shown that the frequency of newspaper coverage reflected the cyclical attention to global warming, and such patterns have also been shown in the context of the stem cell controversy (Nisbet et al., 2003) and plant biotechnology (Nisbet & Huge, 2006). Nanotechnology may go through such a cycle as well. Policymakers, scientists, and communication practitioners should take this into account as they plan communication strategies, so that nanotechnology could avoid the unfortunate fate of genetically modified technology. As Roco and Bainbridge (2003) aptly pointed out, “Negative public attitudes toward nanotechnology could impede research and development, leaving the benefits of nanotechnology unrealized and its economic potential untapped, or worse, leaving the development of nanotechnology to countries and researchers who are not constrained by regulations and ethical norms held by most scientists worldwide” (p. 6-7). With these considerations in mind, scholars argued that public attitudes toward nanotechnology should be examined in-depth at an early stage of the technology development (Renn & Roco, 2006; Roco, 2003). In particular, social scientific research is needed to examine public understanding and attitudes toward nanotechnology and audience response to various media products. The future of nanotechnology will be determined in large part by the public assessment of its potential risks and benefits. With the help of opinion polls and nationally representative surveys, we can then determine where the public stands on nanotechnology-related issues, track the changing 24 attitudes toward nanotechnology over time, and compare public understanding of technological issues across different cultures. Suffice it to say, the “public” is not a single homogenous group. Instead, there are many different groups of the “publics” with a wide range of views, shaped by a variety of internal factors, such as demographic variables, socioeconomic status, political ideology, and religious beliefs, and a host of external factors such as the mass media and interpersonal discussions. Each public has its own unique expectations, interests, hopes, and fears about science in general and nanotechnology in particular. As such, it is pertinent to understand the underlying values and belief systems that contribute to the attitudes of these publics in order to bring about effective communication about nanotechnology. In other words, it is necessary to understand the mechanisms behind how the public makes judgments about the emerging technology. This will allow us to improve the ability to identify and address the unique and common concerns of each group, and to enable more informed public participation in future dialogues with all other stakeholders about nanotechnology. Given the important roles of public opinion and mass media in the future research and development of nanotechnology, it is first necessary to offer a longitudinal assessment and examine shifts (if any) in public opinion about nanotechnology. Second, it is also necessary to track changes in the volume and tone of media coverage of nanotechnology over the years. Descriptive analyses of public opinion and media coverage trends will be provided in the following sections. In essence, the following sections will enable us to answer the following questions: Where are public attitudes toward nanotechnology moving since 2004? How have media coverage of nanotechnology developed over the years and where will nanotechnology coverage go next? 25 2.2. Public Opinion Trends To examine public opinion trends, descriptive analyses of identical or near-identical items in both the 2004 and 2007 nationally representative surveys are presented here1. In other words, those questions that are similarly worded were selected for comparison. The means and standard deviations of the public responses to each of the items in both the 2004 and 2007 survey data sets are shown in Table 2.1. Overall, there were only slight variations in terms of public attitude towards nanotechnology, despite the quadrupling of public and private funding in nanotechnology research, the increased in media coverage of nanotechnology, and $40 million per year in funding for research on the societal implications of nanotechnology over the course of the last three years. The differences, if any, were not large. This could be due, in part, to the short timespan in between the surveys and perhaps, also because nanotechnology is still at an early stage of the issue-attention cycle in the media. With more data tapping the same opinion collected in the future, we may be able to see greater fluctuations over time. Specifically, when it comes to nanotechnology acceptance (see Figure 2.2), there was a slight increase in support for federal funding of nanotechnology between 2004 and 2007. On a ten-point scale, ranging from 1 “do not agree at all” to 10 “agree very much,” the value increased from an average of 5.36 in 2004 to an average of 5.90 in 2007. It is important to note that even though we did see an increase, public support for federal funding of nanotechnology had not been too overwhelming. Generally, the public perceives greater benefits than risks related to nanotechnology. As shown in Figure 2.3, we see small fluctuations in public attitudes toward nanotechnology risks Details about the 2004 public opinion sample are provided in Appendix A. Information about the 2007 public opinion sample are provided in Chapter 4. 1 26 between 2004 and 2007. When asked if nanotechnology will lead to a loss of privacy on a tenpoint scale ranging from 1 “do not agree at all” to 10 “agree very much,” the average public response dropped from 6.43 point in 2004 to 5.87 point in 2007. Conversely, when asked if nanotechnology will lead to a loss of jobs, the average public response increased from 4.99 point in 2004 to 5.16 point in 2007. The proportion of public agreeing that nanotechnology will lead to an arms race (4.99 point in 2004; 5.16 point in 2007) and produce self-replicating robots (3.29 point in 2004; 3.17 point in 2007) remained quite constant in both years. Overall, perceived risks had been very low. With respect to perceived benefits (see Figure 2.4), there were again, only small differences in both years. The public who agreed that nanotechnology will lead to better treatment of diseases, bring about a cleaner environment, improve human activities, and improve national security fluctuates from 6.41 point to 7.28 point in both years (1 “do not agree at all”; 10 “agree very much”). However, on similar ten-point scales, respondents’ self-reported awareness (3.69 point in 2004; 3.99 point in 2007) and levels of being informed about nanotechnology (3.18 point in 2004; 3.39 point in 2007) remained low in both years (see Figures 2.5 and 2.6). Put another way, the public are for the most part unaware and under-informed about nanotechnology. Likewise, public knowledge about science in general and nanotechnology remained constant between 2004 and 2007 although we can spot an upward trend (see Figures 2.7 and 2.8). The public were asked to respond to three knowledge questions related to science in general and to respond to five knowledge questions related to nanotechnology. When it comes to knowledge about science in general, the public scored an average of 1.77 points in 2004 and an average of 1.98 points in 2007 (out of a total score of 3 points). Likewise, with respect to knowledge about nanotechnology, the public scored an average of 3.90 points in 2004 and an average of 4.07 (out of a total score of 6 points). 27 Interestingly, public attention toward new areas of research in science and technology in the mass media changed between 2004 and 2007. Figure 2.9 presents the average amount of attention that the public paid to such stories in newspapers, which was fairly low in both 2004 and 2007 (slightly less than 5 points out of 10). With respect to television attention (see Figure 2.10), there is an increase in the amount of attention paid to science-related television programs between 2004 and 2007. These include attention paid to news stories related to science and technology, news stories about specific scientific developments such as nanotechnology, science fiction dramas, and science documentaries. Noticeably, the average amount of attention paid to science fiction dramas increased from 2.74 point in 2004 to 5.67 point in 2007. As demonstrated in Figure 2.11, there was also marked increase in attention paid to science-related content among Internet users. In particular, the average amount of attention paid to online content related to science and technology increased from 2.38 point in 2004 to 4.36 point in 2007. The average amount of attention paid to online content related to specific scientific developments such as nanotechnology also increased from 2.09 point in 2004 to 4.12 point in 2007. The increase in attention to online content is in line with the Pew Research Center’s recent finding that the public is turning to the Internet as a resource for news and information about science (Pew Internet and American Life Project, 2006). Despite the increase in attention, the level of attention still remains somewhat low. On the whole, public opinion about nanotechnology, measured in terms of acceptance, perceived risks and benefits, knowledge, self-reported awareness and being informed, and attention to science and technology content in the media, has remained somewhat stable between 2004 and 2007. This could be due to the short interval between 2004 and 2007. It could also be due to the fact that nanotechnology is still at an early stage of the issue-attention cycle in 28 the media. More fluctuations in public opinion will likely develop as the technology moves through various stages of the issue-attention cycle. 2.3. Media Coverage of Nanotechnology over the Years This section provides a descriptive analysis of the amount and tone of media coverage of nanotechnology from January 1969 to August 2008. This analysis was carried out in a series of comprehensive steps. First, to determine the amount of media coverage of nanotechnology, a comprehensive search term was used to gather the nanotechnology-related articles (see Appendix B for details). Three groups of U.S. newspapers were selected for the analysis: (1) High circulation newspapers (papers over 500,000 circulation) - USA Today, New York Times, Washington Post, Houston Chronicle, Boston Globe, Minneapolis Star Tribune, The Atlanta JournalConstitution; (2) Medium circulation newspapers (papers between 100,000 and 500,000 circulation) - Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (Pennsylvania), Plain Dealer (Cleveland, Ohio), Milwaukee Journal Sentinel (Wisconsin), The Seattle Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch (Missouri), St. Petersburg Times (Florida), and Sacramento Bee (California); and (3) Small circulation newspapers (papers under 100,000 circulation) - The Augusta Chronicle (Georgia), The Santa Fe New Mexican (New Mexico), Bangor Daily News (Maine), Lewiston Morning Tribune (Idaho), The Herald (Rock Hill, S. C.), Star-News, Wyoming Tribune-Eagle (Cheyenne). Altogether, these 21 papers were selected to represent newspapers in the respective circulation categories. The newspapers in each of the circulation categories were further stratified across different newspaper chains to ensure high geographical representativeness. Next, the search results of the news articles from Lexis-Nexis were imported into the software program “VantagePoint” for cleaning and analyses. “VantagePoint” is a desktop textmining tool that enables researchers to navigate through large volumes of search results from 29 databases such as Lexis-Nexis and analyze the structured text to find patterns and relationships (Search Technology, 2008). Importing refers to getting the raw data from the Lexis-Nexis search results into VantagePoint and mining the raw data to get more data from it. The data were then transformed into a consistent set, combining things that the researcher wants to analyze as a group. This is followed by analysis of the final cleaned data.2 Figure 2.12 shows the media coverage of nanotechnology across all 21 newspapers. It is clear that media coverage of nanotechnology has been scant. It rose steadily from the late 1990s onwards and peaked in 2003. Media coverage has been pretty high ever since, covering at least 100 news articles on nanotechnology per year. Figure 2.13 shows the coverage of nanotechnology in the New York Times and the Washington Post. As these are elite newspapers that could set the agenda on what the public would think about, it therefore followed a similar trend as that in Figure 2.10. In addition, Figure 2.14 displays the media coverage of nanotechnology across the high circulation, medium circulation, and small circulation newspapers. As shown across all three lines in the figure, nanotechnology has evolved from a purely elite issue to a local issue over the years. Nanotechnology was first covered in the high circulation newspapers in the late 1970s and early 80s. The issue made its foray into the medium circulation newspapers in the late 80s. Finally, news about nanotechnology only started to appear in the low circulation newspapers in the late 90s. This suggests a lagged effect in which nanotechnology is gaining prominence over time, turning from an elite issue to a local issue. The data on the amount and tone of media coverage of nanotechnology using VantagePoint and LexisNexis were originally collected with the assistance of Anthony Dudo, under the Center for Nanotechnology in Society at Arizona State University. I would like to acknowledge his help for the data collection. 2 30 These stages in nanotechnology coverage should not be surprising. In the late 1970s, major elite newspapers that set the national agenda began to offer science sections to readers. In 1978, for example, the New York Times introduced the weekly “Science Times” section that was published on Tuesdays. The Science Times proved popular with readers, boosting circulation on Tuesdays (Diamond, 1994; Gelb, 2003; Wilford, 2003). The introduction of the science sections in major elite newspapers in the late 70s/early 80s may explain why nanotechnology first appeared in the high circulation newspapers during that time. Many science-related articles of this type are syndicated to medium and low circulation newspapers from elite newspapers such as the New York Times (Clark & Illman, 2006). As such, when scientific issues gained prominence in the elite newspapers in the 80s and the newspaper editors started to assign designated journalists to cover science beats, these practices had a trickle-down effect on medium and low circulation newspapers in the U.S. While these results show that nanotechnology gained more prominence in newspaper coverage, it says little about how this emerging technology was covered. To gauge the tone of coverage over the years, a full Lexis-Nexis search for risk-related articles across all the 21 high, medium, and low circulation U.S. newspapers was conducted. The search term “risk*”3 was added to the search term used for the amount of coverage of nanotechnology (see Appendix B) to assemble risk-related nanotechnology articles (in the full text) between 1 January 1999 and 31 August 2008. Figure 2.15 shows the percentage of risks-related nanotechnology articles in the newspapers between 1999 and August 2008. Even though the number of news articles about nanotechnology had been climbing steadily, the percentage of risk-related articles remained rather low. With the exception of a slight peak in 2006, the proportion of risks-related articles in This cursory assessment of risks-related articles was far from being comprehensive. Future studies should expand on the search terms (e.g., “danger,” “threat,” etc.) to provide a more comprehensive examination of the risks-related nanotechnology news articles in Lexis-Nexis. 3 31 relation to all the articles was below 20 percent between 1999 and August 2008. This suggests that media coverage of nanotechnology has been overwhelmingly positive or at least has not paid attention to risks, highlighting the benefits of the emerging technology over its risks. Overall, this descriptive analysis shows the number of news articles on nanotechnology has been negligible between 1969 and early 90s, but coverage rose steadily from the late 90s onwards. Not only that, nanotechnology has evolved from a purely elite issue to a local issue, as exemplified by the trend of coverage in the media. Finally, when it comes to the tone of media coverage about nanotechnology, it is patent that coverage has been overwhelmingly positive, as the proportion of risks-related news stories about nanotechnology has consistently remained less than 30 percent of the total nanotechnology coverage over the past 10 years. Despite this, this descriptive analysis presents a rudimentary snapshot about media coverage. A more comprehensive content analysis with the aid of at least three human coders should be able to provide a more detailed tone of nanotechnology coverage in the mass media. 32 CHAPTER 3 EFFECTS OF VALUE PREDISPOSITIONS, MASS MEDIA, AND COGNITIVE PROCESSING ON PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARD NANOTECHNOLOGY: TESTING MODERATING AND MEDIATING MECHANISMS (STUDY 1) As elucidated in Chapter 2, understanding American public opinion towards nanotechnology is pertinent to the advancement of the emerging science in the United States. What are the key factors that influence public attitudes toward nanotechnology? How do the public reach democratic decisions about funding support for nanotechnology? In response to these questions, Chapter 3 therefore undertakes the task of examining the mechanisms underlying these important attitudinal outcomes: (1) public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and (2) public attitude towards federal funding of the emerging technology, by situating the queries within the current debate between the “scientific literacy model” (Miller et al., 1997) and the “cognitive miser model” (Fiske & Taylor, 1991). Specifically, this chapter examines the degree to which key factors, including value predispositions, science media use, and cognitive information processing (in the form of “reflective integration”) influence public attitudes toward nanotechnology. More importantly, the second aim of this study is to bridge two theoretical communication models: the “differential gains model” (Scheufele, 2001) and the “cognitive mediation model” (Eveland, 2001, 2002; Eveland, Shah, & Kwak, 2003). Based on these theoretical models, I will systematically examine the extent to which reflective integration both moderates and mediates the impact of science media use on the two attitudinal outcome variables of interest (i.e., perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and support for 33 federal funding of nanotechnology). Thus, instead of a simple direct media effects model, this study posits that the relationships between science media use, reflective integration, and the attitudinal outcomes of nanotechnology are far more complex than previously assumed. My ultimate purpose is to build a more complete model of public opinion formation about nanotechnology. I will begin by providing a detailed concept explication of the attitudinal outcome variables (i.e., perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and attitude towards federal funding of nanotechnology) and the independent variables of interests (i.e., value predispositions, science media use, reflective integration, and factual scientific knowledge), followed by the theoretical arguments for their potential direct, indirect, and interactive relationships with the outcome variables. In addition, the hypotheses with regard to the relationships among the independent and outcome variables will also be introduced in this chapter. 3.1. Outcome Variables 3.1.1. Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits (Attitudinal Outcome Variable 1) For the purpose of this study, perceived risks-versus-benefits (instead of perceived risks in isolation) will be examined as the outcome variable. Given the fact that the “real” risks are not apparent for nanotechnology at the current stage of its development, and public opinion and media coverage of this emerging technology is overwhelmingly positive, simply examining perceived risks without consideration for the perceived benefits of the technology would preclude us from gaining a full understanding of public attitudes. Public opinion surveys conducted in the U.S. have shown that the public differ significantly among themselves when it comes to perceived benefits of nanotechnology but not perceived risks. As evidenced by a study conducted by Scheufele and Lewenstein (2005), 34 members of the public who are aware of nanotechnology perceived significantly greater benefits than those who are unaware of the emerging technology; conversely, differences in perceived risks between those who are aware and those who are unaware are negligible. This provides the rationale for examining perceived risks and benefits in tandem. According to another public opinion survey conducted by Currall, King, Lane, Madera, and Turner (2006), the public do not consider the risks or benefits of nanotechnology independently. For instance, the effect of public perceived benefits on the use of nanotechnology applications was more pronounced when risks were lower than when risks were high. In addition, when the benefits were low, consumers were more concerned about risks than when the benefits were high. Currall et al. concluded that risks and benefits are both enmeshed in a complex decision-making calculus, and argued for a more balanced approach, where potential benefits and risks are addressed together. Moreover, media coverage of nanotechnology in the U.S. has remained overwhelmingly positive over the last ten years. A content analysis conducted by Gaskell, Ten Eyck, Jackson, and Veltri (2004, 2005) found that even though risk coverage of nanotechnology in the New York Times has increased from 1999 to 2003, the overall proportion of risk-related news has been very small compared to the proportion of benefit-related coverage. In another content analysis of U.S. newspapers and wire services published between January 2000 and December 2004, Friedman and Egolf (2005) showed that health and environmental risks related to nanotechnology did not dominate news coverage. In fact, they found that most of the articles were balanced, describing risks with both positive and negative information, and they concluded that the mild concern about risks in the news media clearly does not counterbalance all the positive stories about the benefits and promises of nanotechnology found by other scholars (e.g., Stephens, 2005). Friedman and Egolf (2005) 35 pointed out that “from this analysis, it does not appear that these U.S. or U.K. newspapers and wire services published articles from 2000 to 2004 that would negatively influence public opinion about nanotechnology” (p. 10). Moreover, as previously discussed in Chapter 2, a simple Lexis-Nexis search revealed that despite the steady increase in the number of news articles about nanotechnology between 1999 and August 2008, the proportion of risk-related articles remained very low. This offers further justification for assessing perceived risks-versus-benefits instead of just variances in perceived risks among the public. Since previous studies on public reactions to nanotechnology have followed a similar distinction (e.g., Lee et al., 2005), the attitudinal outcome variable for this study will be constructed by subtracting perceived benefits of nanotechnology from perceived risks of nanotechnology, with higher scores indicating greater perceived risks (see “Methods” section for a detailed description on the construction of this outcome variable). 3.1.2. Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (Attitudinal Outcome Variable 2) The second attitudinal outcome variable of interest in this chapter is public support for federal funding of nanotechnology research. The decision to focus on this aspect of public acceptance of nanotechnology is twofold. First off, public support has become increasingly important in order to sustain federal funding initiatives and maintain general support for science and technology in the political area (Roco & Bainbridge, 2003). As such, the importance of federal funding initiatives is itself a worthwhile outcome variable that should be examine indepth. Second, support for federal funding of nanotechnology is an issue that is close at heart to the public and is one with practical implication that directly involves the taxpayers’ money. Therefore, it may be a straightforward task for the public to form opinion about support for federal funding of nanotechnology per se. 36 3.2. Value Predispositions as Heuristic Cues in Opinion Formation Based on findings from recent empirical studies that examined the influence of value predispositions on science and technology (e.g., Brossard & Nisbet, 2007; Brossard et al., in press; Ho et al., 2008), I identify religious beliefs, deference to scientific authority, and trust in scientists as values that could potentially influence both key attitudinal outcome variables. In addition, I distinguished trait-like value predispositions (i.e., religious beliefs and deference to scientific authority) from state-like dispositions (i.e., trust in scientists) in this dissertation. I will explain this distinction later on in Section 3.8. 3.2.1. The Role of Religious Beliefs Since the majority of the Americans are unfamiliar with nanotechnology, people are likely to use religious guidance as a heuristic cue to form judgments about the emerging technology. Recent research has shown that religious guidance is one of the major factors driving public resistance to science generally and to other emerging technologies specifically (Brossard et al., in press; Gaskell, Einsiedel et al., 2005; Ho et al., 2008; Nisbet, 2005; Parrott, Silk, Krieger, Harris, & Condit, 2004). This is hardly surprising given the historical intransigence and normative inconsistencies between religion and science (Brooke, 1998; Miller et al., 1997). The conflict between religion and science is as old as the age of Enlightenment (Nelkin, 1979; Toulmin & Goodfield, 1965). Valenti (2002) aptly summarized the tension: “Religion requires faith—belief without question. Science demands we take nothing on faith, reject any anecdotal evidence. How might these seemingly opposed disciplines collaborate to improve public understanding of science and impact pending policy making without undermining spiritual well being?” (p. 58) 37 One explanation for this tension has to do with the perception that science tampers with nature or is akin to playing God (Sjoberg, 2004; Sjoberg & Winroth, 1986), putting it at odds with religious beliefs. For instance, Gaskell et al. (2000) showed that people perceive genetically modified technology as interfering with nature and natural processes, and therefore see the technology as risky and possibly immoral. Furthermore, those respondents who held strong religious beliefs in Gaskell et al.’s data were more likely to show strong opposition to scientific research that involved human beings than those who held weaker religious beliefs. Nanotechnology is not spared from the potential friction between religion and science. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration officially defined “nanotechnology” as part of the Nano-Bio-Info-Cogno (NBIC) technologies that highlight the unity of nature at the nanoscale, and the intelligible processes of evolution that have constructed life and intelligence, from the nanoscale, without divine intervention (Bainbridge, 2003; Sententia, 2004). Sententia (2004) pointed out that developers of NBIC technologies face a multitude of obstacles, including political, disciplinary, and religious sectarianism. Bainbridge (2003) argued that this allinclusive approach to nanotechnology may go against people’s religious beliefs, affecting their perceived risks-versus-benefits and reducing their support for nanotechnology in future. Using a representative U.S. public opinion survey conducted in 2004, Brossard et al. (in press) found a direct and negative relationship between strength of religious beliefs and support for funding of nanotechnology, and they concluded that people use religiosity as a attitudinal filter when it comes to forming opinions about the new technology. Religious people may lump nanotechnology, biotechnology, and stem cell research together and perceive them as means to enhance human qualities. In short, some people may believe that researchers are “playing God” when they create materials that do not occur in nature, especially where 38 nanotechnology and biotechnology intertwine. Based on these considerations, the following hypotheses are put forth: Hypothesis 1a: Strength of religious beliefs will positively predict public perceived risksversus-benefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 1b: Strength of religious beliefs will negatively predict public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 3.2.2. Deference to Scientific Authority as Heuristic Shortcut Deference to scientific authority is another value predisposition that can affect attitudes toward science and technology (Brossard & Nisbet, 2007; Ho et al., 2008). As defined by Brossard and Nisbet (2007), deference to scientific authority is “a long-term socialized trait that guides citizens’ responses to a range of technical controversies” (p. 10). They demonstrated that the more individuals defer to scientific authority, the more likely they were to hold positive views on controversial scientific issues such as agricultural biotechnology. Likewise, Ho, Brossard, and Scheufele (2008) showed that deference to scientific authority is positively associated with public support for human embryonic stem cell research. The American educational system has instilled a strong sense of respect for scientists and scientific institutions among the citizens, and this has fostered a culture of deference to scientific authority in the U.S. These have been reflected in education that involved teaching people to view scientific research as solitary activities that are kept away from external social and political pressures (Bimber & Guston, 1995), and to perceive science as a pure and unbiased pursuit that increases our knowledge about the world (Irwin, 2001). Deference to scientific authority evolves over a long period of time from an inherent unequal power relationship between the lay public and the highly knowledgeable scientists and the relevant scientific institutions. Extending this notion to the current study, deference to 39 scientific authority may be a value predisposition that is in direct conflict with religious beliefs in influencing individuals’ views about nanotechnology. Hence, the following hypotheses are posited: Hypothesis 2a: Deference to scientific authority will negatively predict public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 2b: Deference to scientific authority will positively predict public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 3.3. Science Media Use and Opinion Formation For most Americans, television, the Internet, and newspapers continue to be the primary sources of information about science and technology (Pew Internet & American Life Project, 2006). Both the content and valence of science in the mass media have been demonstrated to perform a crucial role in shaping public attitude toward science and technology (Ho et al., 2008; Nisbet et al., 2003; Nisbet & Lewenstein, 2002). When it comes to media content, I have shown in Chapter 2 that news coverage of nanotechnology has emphasized its positive prospects. And, as mentioned earlier numerous content analyses have demonstrated that news coverage of nanotechnology highlighted more benefits than risks in the U.S. media (Friedman & Egolf, 2005; Gaskell et al., 2004; Stephens, 2005). In a content analysis of the New York Times from 2000 to 2003, Gaskell et al. (2004) found an overwhelming coverage of benefits than risks for nanotechnology, and concluded that “media coverage is more slanted towards a supportive culture of science and technology in the U.S.” (p. 496) Likewise, by examining nanotechnology coverage in major U.S. and non-U.S. newspapers published from 1988 through 2004, Stephens (2005) found that the proportion of articles in which benefits outweighing risks (versus risks outweighing benefits) is three to one. 40 In particular, Friedman and Egolf (2005) found that even when health and environmental risks were covered in U.S. newspapers, most of the articles published from 2000 to 2004 were balanced and described risks with both positive and negative information. The researchers concluded that news coverage in the U.S. would not negatively influence public opinion about nanotechnology. Besides the direct information from the mass media on the development of nanotechnology, some communication researchers have argued that the nature or tone of media coverage of nanotechnology can serve as a simple decision rule in influencing the risks and benefits considerations among the public (Nisbet & Scheufele, 2007; Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). Evolving from cross-disciplinary research in economics (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979), psychology (Kahneman & Tversky, 1984), and sociology (Goffman, 1974), framing is defined by communication scholars as selecting “…some aspects of a perceived reality and make them more salient in a communicating text, in such a way as to promote a particular problem definition, causal interpretation, moral evaluation, and/or treatment recommendation” (Entman, 1993, p. 52). In terms of news coverage, how audiences interpret information is a function of how a particular story is presented by journalists (Scheufele, 1999). In other words, framing effects occur when audiences interpret two news stories differently based simply on the stories’ modes of presentation (i.e., variations based on visual or terminological tools), even if the exact same information is presented. Media frames provide audiences with cognitive shortcuts for efficiently processing new information, especially for issues that audience members are unfamiliar with. In addition, experimental studies have demonstrated that framing of nanotechnology has an effect on how audience perceived risks and benefits of the technology (e.g., Cobb, 2005; 41 Schutz & Wiedemann, 2008). For example, Cobb (2005) found that stories highlighting multiple benefits resulted in a larger proportion of respondents agreeing with the statement that “benefits will outweigh the risks.” Particularly in the area of emerging technologies, where most citizens have little or no direct experience, media coverage of these technologies provides a key heuristic to the audience (Ho et al., 2008; Nisbet et al., 2003; Nisbet & Lewenstein, 2002). In essence, then, the mass media play a dual function in science communication. On one hand, the media are information providers that offer a source of informal learning about emerging science, such as nanotechnology, for most Americans. On the other hand, media frames such as the positive tone of coverage about nanotechnology offer audience the heuristic cues to make quick decisions about the technology (Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). In other words, individuals gain a hybrid of information and news frames from the mass media. In fact, extant research has shown that science media use had a negative and strong effect on perceived risks-versus-benefits of various technologies (Durant, Evans, & Thomas, 1992; Lee et al., 2005; Nelkin & Lindee, 1995). Moreover, mass media has been consistently shown to influence risk judgment as the outcome variable in numerous risk communication contexts (Coleman, 1993; Fleming, Thorson, & Zhang, 2006; Morton & Duck, 2001; Slater & Rasinski, 2005; Tyler & Cook, 1984). This finding is not surprising since a majority of the public exposure to nanotechnology comes from media outlets, such as television, movies, and books (Castellini et al., 2007), and since public level of attention to a specific issue has been shown to follow variation in media attention (Ho, Brossard, & Scheufele, 2007). Given the overall positive content and valence of the news media on nanotechnology over the past few years, this study contends that science media use will negatively influence individuals’ perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology, and concomitantly, drive 42 individuals’ support for federal funding of nanotechnology. The following hypotheses are postulated: Hypothesis 3a: Science media use will negatively predict public perceived risks-versusbenefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 3b: Science media use will positively predict public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. By “science media use,” I am referring to public attention to science content in the news media. It is important to note that attention is different from mere exposure, as the former denotes the audience’s conscious effort to direct concentration to content in the news media. Research that have conceptualized mass media use as audience attention tend to find larger media effects than those that use audience exposure to the mass media as a construct (e.g., Chaffee & Schleuder, 1986). For example, using data from a two-year longitudinal study of adolescents and their parents, Chaffee and Schleuder (1986) demonstrated that survey measures of attention to newspaper and television news were reliable and stable over time. Not only that, the researchers showed that attention to news media contributed more to public knowledge gain than mere exposure to news in the mass media. Therefore, science news media use hereafter refers to the amount of attention that the public pays to science news in the media. Empirical studies – especially in the area of political communication – have shown that television news, print news, and online news all contribute to political information gain in the public, albeit to varying extents (e.g., Chaffee & Frank, 1996; Chaffee & Kanihan, 1997). As such, science news media use as a construct is treated as comprising of television news, print news, and online news in this dissertation. 43 3.4. Cognitive Processing: Reflective Integration and Learning from the News Media Media effects may be much more complex than it appears. Extensive research has demonstrated that audience are not passive consumers of media information; instead, driven by their sense of needs and motivations, audiences are active consumers, capable of selecting, processing, and integrating information that they gather from the mass media (Blumler & Katz, 1974). Extending this idea to the current study, audience cognitive involvement and processing of media information may play a pertinent role in the amount of new information about nanotechnology gained from the mass media, and ultimately influence public attitudes toward the emerging technology. Cognitive processing can influence the public level of cognition and attitudes. The central argument of this chapter is that cognitive processing will affect public attitudes toward nanotechnology. Kosicki and McLeod (1990) defined cognitive informationprocessing strategies as “tactics that individuals use to try to cope with the amount and kind of mass media information that they encounter in their everyday lives” (p. 73). Most people are limited information processors who use media to help them attain certain goals. Given the limited amount of time, people tend to adopt certain processing tactics to sift out and make sense of messages that are useful to them. Kosicki and McLeod (1990) first identified three common strategies that individuals use to deal with the flow of information from the mass media. These strategies include: selective scanning, active processing, and reflective integration. Selective scanning refers to individuals’ effort to use mass media only to seek information relevant to them and to tune out content that is irrelevant or not of interest to them. Due to the limited amount of time and resources that individuals have, they usually employ selective scanning to cope with the large volume of mediated information available to them. Active processing refers to individuals’ attempts to 44 make sense of news stories based on their own needs, by going beyond the exact information given by the media and by seeking out additional sources. Individuals usually engage in active processing when they assume that mass mediated information in general is incomplete, biased, or in other ways tinted by the intentions of the communicator. Finally, reflective integration refers to individuals’ efforts to think about the information that they gather from the mass media, as well as their attempts to talk to others about what they have learnt from the mass media in order to fully comprehend the newly acquired information. Four key assumptions underlie the three cognitive processing strategies. According to Kosicki and McLeod (1990), the assumptions are as follows: (1) People actively use media and over time find various strategies of coping with information very useful. These strategies are necessary because people are limited in their ability to process information and have limited time to devote to media; (2) These mental strategies are manifested in everyday habits or behaviors. People continue to use these strategies over time because they find them helpful. However, people may use differing amounts of them, in different patterns; (3) People are able to monitor their thought processes and strategies about thinking, as well as verbalize about them; and (4) These mental operations relate to interaction with media generally, and so cut across the use of both newspapers and television. Although there may be considerable cyclical fluctuations, patterns of information processing strategies are sufficiently stable for a given media genre (e.g., political news) so as to merit their consideration as molar, recurrent strategies. (p. 74) 45 Put differently, this perspective assumes that people are capable of processing information and that they develop stable strategies to cope with and make sense of the large amount of messages provided by the mass media (Fredin, Kosicki, & Becker, 1996; McLeod, Kosicki, & Pan, 1991). The processing strategies are consistent across individuals and are reflected in their daily behavior when they deal with mediated information (Fredin et al., 1996; Kosicki & McLeod, 1990; McLeod et al., 1991). Therefore, these information-processing strategies are under individuals’ volitional control. As reflective integration has been fully explicated and extensively studied in numerous communication contexts (e.g., Eveland, 2001, 2002; Eveland et al., 2003; Scheufele, 2001, 2002), this dissertation will leverage on this area of research by specifically examining the impact of reflective integration on public level of scientific knowledge and attitudes toward nanotechnology. Originally, Kosicki and McLeod (1990) defined reflective integration as: “…the postexposure salience of information such that it occupies the mind and is the subject of interpersonal communication. The key, however, is the incorporation of new information into the person’s existing cognitive framework for understanding the subject.” (p. 75-76, emphasis added) Simply put, the concept of reflective integration includes pondering and thinking about a specific issue covered in the mass media and talking about it with others. As such, Kosicki and McLeods’ (1990) initial operationalization of reflective integration included items tapping the degree to which individuals pondered and thought about news stories, as well as the frequency with which they engaged in interpersonal discussions to see what others thought. 46 Over the next decade, Eveland (2001, 2002) re-examined the concept of reflective integration in a number of data sets, assessing the internal consistency and stability of the original items proposed by Kosicki and McLeod (1990), as well as the construct validity of the scales formed from these items. Based on these reliability and validity tests, he modified and expanded reflective integration into two separate dimensions: (1) “elaborative processing” or news elaboration (Eveland, 2001, 2002; Eveland et al., 2003), which refers to the process by which people ponder, try to understand, elaborate on, and make sense of the news content; and (2) “interpersonal discussion,” which refers to talking about mass-mediated messages about a certain issue with others so as to process news content more carefully by connecting it with preexisting knowledge (e.g., Eveland & Thomson, 2006). Consequently, the operational definitions were expanded to include two distinct sets of items that were used to measure elaborative processing and interpersonal discussion respectively. It is important to highlight that the notion of reflective integration, as well as the differential gains model (Scheufele, 2001, 2002) and the cognitive mediation model (Eveland, 2001, 2002) that I will elaborate on later, are intertwined with the production of scientific knowledge. As such, in the following sections involving reflective integration, a more finegrained assessment of its influence is warranted. Specifically, I will systematically examine its direct, indirect, and additive influence on both the cognitive outcome (i.e., factual scientific knowledge) and the attitudinal outcomes (i.e., perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and support for federal funding of nanotechnology). 3.4.1. Effect of Elaborative Processing on Cognitive and Attitudinal Outcomes Elaboration, as a measure of cognitive involvement, is a behavioral style that people use to associate new ideas and information with what is already known, look for similarities with past experiences, and find ways to apply the information (Eveland, 2002). As Eveland argues, 47 “[b]y engaging in these elaborations on the content provided in the newscast, the viewer will increase the strength of memory store as well as the ability to recall the story through more numerous mental pathways” (Eveland, 2001, p. 573). While news elaboration has been widely applied in political communication, this study argues that it is also applicable to science topics and scientific knowledge. Any new information incorporated into a pre-existing knowledge structure through the process of reflective integration will increase the level of scientific knowledge and will be easily accessible for formulating judgments about the risks and benefits of nanotechnology and nanotechnology acceptance. In addition to scientific knowledge, this similar relationship can also be extended to scientific attitudes. Since information about nanotechnology has been overwhelmingly covered in positive terms in the media, it is expected that more benefits than risks will be perceived and greater support for federal funding of nanotechnology will be reported, if people employ elaborative processing. The following relationships for both the cognitive and attitudinal outcomes are hypothesized: Hypothesis 4a: Elaborative processing will positively predict factual scientific knowledge. Hypothesis 4b: Elaborative processing will negatively predict public perceived risksversus-benefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 4c: Elaborative processing will positively predict public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 3.4.2. Effect of Interpersonal Discussion on Cognitive and Attitudinal Outcomes As mentioned earlier, the second dimension of reflective integration is interpersonal discussion (Scheufele, 2001), in which people make sense of the information they gather from the mass media by talking to other people about these issues, discussing the pros and cons, and weighing alternatives to reach a conclusion. The potential impact of interpersonal 48 communication on knowledge, as well as judgments and attitudes, is not new. In the area of political communication, scholars have shown that talking about certain issues with other citizens will enable people to understand these issues in all their complexity, connecting them with other preexisting knowledge, and consequently make informed judgments (e.g., Scheufele, 2002). Scheufele (2002) argued that discussion might be to a large degree about sharing experiences and applying mass-mediated information to the real world, and people who process news content more carefully by talking it over with others are also more likely to extract relevant pieces of knowledge. Furthermore, research has shown that people who have conversations with others are more likely to understand news better (Robinson & Levy, 1986). Researchers have also shown that interpersonal discussions in which disagreement occurs tend to stimulate the greatest amount of cognitive activity (Levine & Russo, 1995) and provide individuals with opportunities to learn about one another and about reasons for their conflicting opinions (Gamson, 1992). Applying this conception to the current study, people who engage in scientific discussion with others would also be more likely to retrieve relevant pieces of science-related information that they have gathered from the mass media. Johnson (1993) pointed out that discussions with family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers are likely to reinforce mass media effects. Since the media has on the most part portrayed nanotechnology and science in general favorably, interpersonal discussion about science and nanotechnology should reinforce this perspective. In the area of risk communication, numerous studies have shown that interpersonal communication heightens perceived risks, especially at the personal level (Coleman, 1993; Dunwoody & Neuwirth, 1991; Griffin & Dunwoody, 2000; Morton & Duck, 2001). However, Dunwoody and Neuwirth (1991) also noted that interpersonal discussion will only increase 49 perceived risks provided that the risk about a particular issue is made salient in the mass media. For nanotechnology that is still at the early stage of the issue attention cycle, the risk aspect of the issue is not prominent in the mass media. In that respect, interpersonal communication will only reinforce media messages, in which individuals who discuss science more frequently will also perceive lesser risks and more benefits about nanotechnology than will those who discuss science less frequently. Therefore, drawing from existing risk communication and political communication literature, this study argues that interpersonal communication will be positively associated with individuals’ level of scientific knowledge, negatively associated with individuals’ perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology, and positively associated with individuals’ support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Based on these considerations, the following hypotheses on cognitive and attitudinal outcomes are put forth: Hypothesis 5a: Scientific discussion will positively predict factual scientific knowledge. Hypothesis 5b: Scientific discussion will negatively predict public perceived risks-versusbenefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 5c: Scientific discussion will positively predict public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 3.5. The “Differential Gains Model” – Moderating Role of Reflective Integration on Cognitive and Attitudinal Outcomes Based on the fundamental arguments of the differential gains model (Scheufele, 2001), this chapter posits that reflective integration, including elaborative processing and scientific discussion, will moderate the effect of attention to science news on public level of scientific knowledge and attitudes toward nanotechnology, above and beyond the main effects of mass 50 media use and reflective integration. The term “intrapersonal reflection” refers to the statistical interaction between science media use and elaborative processing on cognitive and attitudinal outcomes, and the term “interpersonal reflection” refers to the interaction between science media use and talking about scientific issues with others on cognitive and attitudinal outcomes. News attention, or the tendency to focus mentally on specific content during exposure to news, is a necessary but not sufficient condition for elaboration on that same content. The impact of mass-mediated information on individuals’ understanding of the scientific world and ultimately their judgments about specific scientific issues should be highest if they pay attention to relevant information in the mass media and – at the same time – ponder mass-mediated information and try to integrate it into their existing cognitive frameworks. Likewise, a similar maximal effect of media information on individuals’ knowledge and attitudes toward science and technology should occur if they pay attention to relevant scientific news stories and talk about it with other people, learn about other ways of thinking about the issue, and, ultimately, develop a better understanding of the problem and possible ways of solving it. Elaborative processing, scientific discussion, or science media use alone should produce weaker effects. If a person neither uses media nor engages in any form of elaborative processing or scientific discussion, the effects should be minimal. In fact, Brossard and Kim (2007) have shown that pondering media messages and talking to others during and after media exposure play a significant additive role in predicting scientific knowledge. Therefore, the following relationships between intrapersonal and interpersonal reflection on the cognitive outcome are postulated: Hypothesis 6a: Elaborative processing will moderate the effect of science media use on factual scientific knowledge. 51 Hypothesis 6b: Interpersonal discussion about science will moderate the effect of science media use on factual scientific knowledge. In addition, this dissertation argues that reflective integration can promote a deeper understanding of the scientific world and provide a stronger cognitive base and a more sophisticated knowledge structure for opinion formation about scientific issues than mere factual, textbook-style scientific knowledge. By sophisticated knowledge, I am referring to the ability of individuals to associate, integrate, and relate various news issues or topics, which will also include the knowledge of how concepts within a specific domain are interrelated. It therefore makes sense to deduce that people who pay attention to news and actively engage in reflective integration should possess greater cognitive sophistication about the scientific world. In turn, they should perceive greater benefits than risks for nanotechnology and offer greater support for funding of the emerging technology. The following hypotheses on the attitudinal outcomes are postulated: Hypothesis 7a: Elaborative processing will moderate the influence of science media use on public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 7b: Elaborative processing will moderate the influence of science media use on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 8a: Scientific discussion will moderate the influence of science media use on public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 8b: Scientific discussion will moderate the influence of science media use on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 52 3.6. The “Cognitive Mediation Model” – Mediating Role of Reflective Integration on Cognitive and Attitudinal Outcomes In addition to the additive effects of science media use and reflective integration on cognitive and attitudinal outcomes, this chapter contends that reflective integration has a mediating role on scientific knowledge, and consequently, on public perceived risks-versusbenefits and support for federal funding of nanotechnology. This section draws on the cognitive mediation model (Eveland, 2001, 2002) to provide theoretical support for this argument. Briefly, Eveland’s (2001, 2002) cognitive mediation model of learning from the news posits three theoretical claims. First, the model proposes that motivations for gratifications seeking should lead individuals who expose themselves to the news media to engage in information-processing strategies that will enable them to achieve their learning goals. Specifically, news attention and elaboration of news content are the two types of information processing strategies that individuals would use. Second, the model assumes that people must first pay attention to the news content before they could engage in elaborative processing. In other words, news attention should be considered antecedent to elaborative processing of news in the model. Finally, greater attention to the news and elaborative processing of news content should both lead to higher levels of learning from the news. In its simplest form, the cognitive mediation model contains six key linkages: gratifications to news attention, gratifications to elaboration, attention to elaboration, gratifications to knowledge (expected to be non-significant after all controls are applied), attention to knowledge, and elaboration to knowledge. Numerous studies have shown empirical support for the cognitive mediation model (e.g., Eveland, 2001, 2002; Eveland et al., 2003). 53 Besides cognitive activity in the form of thinking, activity in terms of talking is also critical to increasing knowledge (Kosicki & McLeod, 1990; Scheufele, 2001, 2002), and particularly scientific knowledge. Coming from a constructivist perspective of teaching science and cooperative science learning, scholars have argued that both intrapersonal discussion (i.e., elaborative processing) and interpersonal discussions are key drivers of increasing knowledge. Within a classroom context, students should engage in discussions with others so that cognitive conflict could be addressed and inadequate reasoning could be altered (Belenky, Clinchy, Goldberger, & Tarule, 1986; Driver, 1995; von Glasersfeld, 1995). For instance, a few studies in the field of science education, have found that group discussion facilitates science learning. Driver, Asoko, Leach, Mortimer, & Scott (1994) have also found that students who actively engage in classroom discussion were more likely to increase their scientific knowledge. In a recent study conducted by Brossard and Kim (2007), the researchers demonstrated that both cognitive processing in the form of pondering media messages and interpersonal discussion mediate the influence of science news use on scientific knowledge related to the issue of stem cell research. Extending the second part of the cognitive mediation model on the notion of news attention as a precursor to elaborative processing in their impact on public learning from the news, I therefore hypothesize the following for the cognitive outcome: Hypothesis 9a: Elaborative processing will mediate the effect of science media use on factual scientific knowledge. Hypothesis 9b: Scientific discussion will mediate the effect of science media use on factual scientific knowledge. 54 In addition to the above-mentioned indirect effects, this chapter also argues that reflective integration will mediate the effect of science media use on public attitudes toward nanotechnology. This is based on the idea that both news elaboration and interpersonal discussion will engender a more sophisticated knowledge structure, going beyond mere factual scientific knowledge. With this consideration in mind, the following hypotheses for the attitudinal outcomes are postulated: Hypothesis 10a: Elaborative processing will mediate the effect of science media use on public perceived risks-versus-benefits. Hypothesis 10b: Elaborative processing will mediate the effect of science media use on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 11a: Scientific discussion will mediate the effect of science media use on public perceived risks-versus-benefits. Hypothesis 11b: Scientific discussion will mediate the effect of science media use on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 3.7. Effect of Factual Scientific Knowledge on Attitudinal Outcomes As mentioned earlier, proponents of the scientific literacy model argue that people have a knowledge deficit about science; only through increased in scientific knowledge can people come to appreciate the workings of science and form positive opinions about new technologies (Miller, 1998, 2004). However, evidence for the knowledge-attitude link has been scarce, as many studies have found small or almost negligible relationship between scientific knowledge and attitudes toward science (Brossard & Nisbet, 2007; Nisbet, 2005; Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). 55 As a result, the scientific literacy model has received criticisms (e.g., Allum et al., 2008; Priest, 2001). However, the effect of scientific knowledge on public attitudes should not be completely discounted. First off, researchers may not have fully captured the multidimensionality of scientific knowledge, with respect to both its conceptualization and operationalization. Most indicators in previous studies, at best, measured public level of textbook-style, factual scientific knowledge. For instance, Miller (1998) stated that “…scientific knowledge encompasses the comprehension of a vocabulary of basic scientific constructs sufficient to read competing views in a newspaper or magazine…understanding of the process or nature of scientific inquiry…[and] some levels of understanding of the impact of science and technology on individuals and on society” (p. 204). The first dimension of Miller’s concept of knowledge is measured using a number of true-false questions about scientific constructs considered to be the standard of ideal knowledge (e.g., “The earth goes around the sun once per year” and “Antibiotics kill bacteria but not viruses”). The second dimension is measured through assessments of the respondents’ understanding of experimental logic and probability, in addition to open-ended questions on “what it means to study something scientifically” (Miller, 2004). This conceptualization and operationalization of scientific knowledge are unsatisfactory as there are other possible dimensions of knowledge, especially more sophisticated knowledge structures that are left untapped. Therefore, it comes with little surprise that most empirical studies employing these indicators found small to negligible effect of scientific knowledge on public attitudes toward science and technology. Put differently, studies have failed to explicate the different types of knowledge, in which the problem may not lie in scientific knowledge itself. Scientific knowledge extends beyond the simple learning of “facts” that can be straightforwardly defined and measured 56 (Irwin & Wynne, 1996). Therefore, there is no reason to assume in consequence that scientific knowledge does not have an additional and independent effect, for reasons that are thus far not clearly understood. Based on these considerations, the following hypotheses are postulated: Hypothesis 12a: Factual scientific knowledge will negatively predict public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 12b: Factual scientific knowledge will positively predict public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 3.8. The Role of Trust in Scientists In addition to trait-like value predispositions, it is likely that the cognitive misers will utilize short-term, state-like disposition such as trust, as a shortcut to form judgments about nanotechnology. Trust refers to citizens’ willingness to rely on the endorsements of experts, such as scientists and regulators, as well as institutions such as the federal government, to manage risks associated with emerging technologies (Earle & Cvetkovich, 1995; Giddens, 1991; Luhmann, 1979; Sztompka, 1999). Giddens (1991) pointed out that trust in a variety of abstract systems is a necessary part of everyday life, and the characteristics of abstract systems imply constant interaction with “absent others” – people we have never met but whose actions directly affect our lives. Irwin and Wynne (1996) demonstrated that people were much more concerned with whom to trust than with the scientific aspects of an issue itself. According to risk communication scholars, trust acts as an uncertainty reduction mechanism, driving down citizens’ concerns over the unforeseen risks and costs of emerging science and technologies (Freudenburg, 1992, 1993; Slovic, 1999), thereby enabling citizens to act or form judgments about emerging science and technology without understanding the risks involved. 57 In fact, numerous studies found trust in relevant actors to promote support for emerging science such as biotechnology (Brossard & Nisbet, 2007; Brossard & Shanahan, 2003; Priest, 2001; Priest, Bonfadelli, & Rusanen, 2003; Sinclair & Irani, 2005), gene technology (Siegrist, 2000), stem cell research (Ho et al., 2008), and nanotechnology (Lee et al., 2005). In particular, Priest et al. (2003) found trust to be more important than scientific knowledge in predicting levels of support for biotechnology in the U.S. and Europe. Citizens often substitute trust for knowledge when forming attitudes about new technologies (Luhmann, 1979). Trust as a tool in decisionmaking is efficient when individuals have limited knowledge and personal experience, and when they have little chance to anticipate the future consequences of a particular technology (Olofsson, Ohman, & Rashid, 2006). This is highly applicable to the emerging nanotechnology field with which most people are unfamiliar. Although they seem alike, this dissertation argues that trust in scientists and deference to scientific authority are two fundamentally different concepts. While deference to scientific authority is a trait-like value predisposition that is general and applicable to a wide range of scientific controversies, trust is a state-like quality that is specific to a particular science or technology. For example, an individual may have high respect for scientific authority, but they may not have high trust for scientists in the business industry who conduct research in nanotechnology. Several science communication scholars have echoed this distinction. For example, in the area of agricultural biotechnology, Brossard and Nisbet (2007) defined deference to scientific authority as a long-term first-order orientation, whereas trust was treated as a short-term second-order value disposition. The researchers found that as a long-term value predisposition, deference to scientific authority tended to promote trust in scientists and scientific institutions, and at the same time, both of these factors each had independent main effects on public attitudes toward agricultural biotechnology. 58 Taking it as a distinct concept, I argue that trust in scientists will affect public perceived risks and benefits, and drive public acceptance of nanotechnology. For instance, Siegrist (2000) demonstrated that trust in companies and their scientists who perform gene manipulations is related to public perceived benefits and risks, which ultimately influence public acceptance of gene technology. Priest (2001) also showed that judgments about the levels of risk associated with new technologies, such as bioengineered foods, are to a significant degree a function of judgments about the trustworthiness of scientists and their employers. With respect to nanotechnology, Lee et al. (2005) found that an increase in the level of trust in scientists increases the level of support for this new technology. However, Lee et al. did not examine the influence of trust in scientists on support for federal funding of nanotechnology in their study. To address this research gap, the following hypotheses are posited: Hypothesis 13a: Trust in scientists will negatively predict public perceived risks-versusbenefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 13b: Trust in scientists will positively predict public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 3.8.1. Mediating Role of Trust in Scientists As a state-like disposition, trust in scientists could mediate the influence of science media use and elaborative processing on public attitudes toward nanotechnology. In terms of how media influence public dispositions toward science, research has shown that newspaper reading, science magazine reading, and science television viewing foster positive attitudes toward science (e.g., Nisbet et al., 2002). Nisbet et al. (2002) demonstrated that general newspaper and television use promoted belief in the promise of science and was negatively related to reservations about science. 59 The positive news frames provided in the mass media about nanotechnology could promote public trust in scientists; trust could, in turn, influence public attitudes toward the emerging technology. Moreover, the favorable scientific information in the media about nanotechnology could also promote trust in scientists. Therefore, the following hypotheses are posited: Hypothesis 14a: Trust in scientists will mediate the influence of science media use on public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 14b: Trust in scientists will mediate the influence of science media use on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 15a: Trust in scientists will mediate the influence of elaborative processing on public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Hypothesis 15b: Trust in scientists will mediate the influence of elaborative processing on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 3.9. Effects of Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits on Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology In addition, this chapter contends that public perceived risks-versus-benefits will have an impact on their decision-making about support and funding for nanotechnology. Coming from the psychometric approach, Slovic (1987) defines risk perception as “the judgments people make when they are asked to characterize and evaluate hazardous activities and technologies” (p. 280). As discussed earlier, these public assessments of risks are subjective and emphasize “qualitative” factors more than “quantitative” considerations (e.g., magnitude of harm and acceptability are more important than probability). Public assessments of risk frequently do not align with scientific assessments of risks (McComas, 2006). Scientific experts often view non- 60 experts as overestimating low-probability, large hazard risks, and having inconsistent attitudes about various risks. Research have shown that the public tend to perceive hazards or issues as risky if they are not within their control (Starr, 1969), seem “dreadful” and “novel” (Fischhoff, Slovic, Lichtenstein, Read, & Combs, 1978), and interfere with nature (Sjoberg, 2002). Perceived risks have been found to be a function of other factors, such as gender, level of education, and personal values (Covello & Sandman, 2001; Dunwoody & Neuwirth, 1991; Slovic, 1999), and the mass media (as shown in Chapter 2). Regardless of these factors, the more individuals perceive a hazard or a technology as risky, the less likely they are to accept it. Numerous studies have found that perceived risks and benefits are associated with levels of acceptance of technology (Frewer, Howard, & Shepherd, 1998; Siegrist, 2000; Siegrist, Cvetkovich, & Roth, 2000; Sjoberg, 2002, 2004). For example, Siegrist (2000) demonstrated that while perceived benefits was positively associated with acceptance of gene technology, perceived risks was negatively associated with support for the technology. Sjoberg (2004) opined that outright rejection of an emerging technology is often a function of perceived high risks in the technology per se. Hence, I posit that perceived risks and benefits related to nanotechnology are likely to affect support for funding of its research. Hypothesis 16: Perceived risks-versus-benefits will negatively predict public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 61 CHAPTER 4 METHODS AND RESULTS (STUDY 1) Chapter 4 will describe the methods and results of Study 1. Specifically, the methods section will provide details on the data and sampling procedure employed, measures used, and the analytical approaches for testing the hypotheses postulated in Study 1. I will elaborate on and provide the rationale for the application of the multivariate techniques in this dissertation. This will be followed by the results section, in which the findings for the hypotheses posited in Study 1 will be reported. 4.1. Methods 4.1.1. Data and Sampling Data for Study 1 came from a nationally representative random-digit-dial telephone survey of 1,015 U.S. adult respondents age 18 and older conducted by the University of Wisconsin Survey Center.4 The fieldwork was conducted from May to July 2007 with an average length of 21.47 minutes per interview, and the approximate margin of error was +/- 3 percent. In order to minimize systematic non-response, significant amount of time and effort were invested in call-backs and refusal conversions. The overall response rate for this survey was 30.6 percent, using standard AAPOR response rate calculations (formula 3) that include both refusals and unreachable but eligible telephone numbers. The data were originally collected by Professor Dietram A. Scheufele, under grants support from the National Science Foundation (SES-0531194) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School (135GL82). I would like to acknowledge his generosity in making these data available for my dissertation. 4 62 4.1.2. Measures Respondents’ perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and support for federal funding of nanotechnology are the attitudinal outcome variables of interest in Study 1. Independent variables include religious beliefs, deference to scientific authority, trust in scientists, science media use, elaborative processing, science discussion, and factual scientific knowledge. Finally, three demographic variables serve as control variables: age, gender, and socioeconomic status. The variables measured with multiple items were constructed as the averaged indices of the respective items. The index constructions were based on the results of Cronbach’s alpha reliability for continuous variables and the KR-20 index for dichotomous variables after a close examination of the descriptive statistics of each item. For variables measured with only two items, the index constructions were based on the values of Pearson’s correlation. Table 4.1 shows the descriptive statistics and the exact question wording from the original survey questionnaire for each item considered in Study 1. Attitudinal Outcome Variables Support for federal funding of nanotechnology. The first attitudinal outcome variable was measured using one item on a ten-point scale (1 = “do not agree at all,” 10 = “agree very much”): “Overall, I support federal funding for nanotechnology” (M = 5.90, SD = 2.85). Perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. The construction of the second attitudinal outcome variable took several steps. First, perceived risks of nanotechnology was created by constructing an additive index of seven ten-point items (1 = “do not agree at all,” 10 = “agree very much”): (a) “Nanotech may lead to the loss of personal privacy because of tiny new surveillance devices,” (b) “Nanotech may lead to an arms race between the U.S. and other countries,” (c) “Nanotech may lead to new human health problems,” (d) “Nanotech may be used by terrorists against the U.S.,” (e) “Because of nanotech we may lose more U.S. jobs.,” (f) 63 “Nanotech may lead to the uncontrollable spread of very tiny self-replicating robots,” and (g) “Nanotech may lead to more pollution and environmental contamination” (M = 33.75, SD = 12.27). Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient indicated high level of internal consistency (X = .82). Thus, the seven items were summed to create an index of perceived risks of nanotechnology, with a low score indicating low level of perceived risks and a high score indicating high level of perceived risks. Next, perceived benefits of nanotechnology was created by constructing an additive index of seven ten-point items (1 = “do not agree at all,” 10 = “agree very much”): (a) “Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to treat and detect human diseases,” (b) “Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to clean up the environment,” (c) “Nanotech may give scientists the ability to improve human physical and mental abilities,” (d) “Nanotech may help us develop increased national security and defensive capabilities,” (e) “Nanotech may lead to technologies that will help solve our energy problems,” (f) “Nanotech may revolutionize the computer industry,” and (g) “Nanotech may lead to a new economic boom” (M = 47.50, SD = 14.48). Cronbach’s alpha also indicated strong internal consistency among the items (X = .91). Therefore, the seven items were summed up in which higher scores indicate higher level of perceived benefits of nanotechnology. Finally, perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology was constructed by subtracting the summed perceived benefits of nanotechnology from the summed perceived risks of nanotechnology (M = -13.70, SD = 15.32), with higher scores indicating greater perceived risks relative to perceived benefits. This measure of perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology has been used by previous studies in the context of nanotechnology (e.g., Lee et al., 2005), and the measure has at least two advantages over other similar measures used in previous studies (e.g., “To what extent do you believe that the risks of scientific research 64 outweigh its benefits?”). First, this measure provides an objective assessment of people’s perceived risks-versus-benefits by not forcing respondents to make subjective calculations about the relative importance of risks and benefits for their own attitudes on the topic. Moreover, this measure is unlikely to be susceptible to order effects and hence is a more reliable indicator of the construct. Independent Variables Religious beliefs. Respondents were asked to indicate on a ten-point scale (1 = “no guidance at all,” 10 = “a great deal of guidance”), how much guidance does religion provide in their everyday life (M = 6.00, SD = 3.01). Deference to scientific authority. This variable was measured using two items on a tenpoint scale (1 = “do not agree at all,” 10 = “agree very much”): (a) “Scientists know best what is good for the public,” and (b) “Scientists should do what they think is best, even if they have to persuade people that it is right.” The items were averaged to create a composite scale (M = 4.30, SD = 2.02, r = .39, p < .001). Science media use. Respondents were asked to indicate how much attention they pay to the following items when they read newspapers, watch television, and read online content on a ten-point scale (0 = “no attention at all,” 10 = “very close attention”): (a) “Stories related to science and technology,” (b) “Stories about scientific studies in new areas of research such as nanotechnology,” and (c) “Stories about the social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” This corresponded to nine separate items. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient indicated high internal consistency among these nine items (X = .89). Therefore, these items were averaged to create a composite index, with higher score indicating greater amount of attention (M = 4.73, SD = 2.12). 65 Elaborative processing was tapped using two items measured on a ten-point scale (1 = “do not agree at all,” 10 = “agree very much”): (a) “After I encounter news about a scientific development, I am likely to stop and think about it,” and (b) “If I need to act on science information, the more viewpoints the media give me the better.” The two items were averaged to form an index, with higher scores indicating greater amount of information processing (M = 7.15, SD = 2.11, r = .42, p<.001). Science discussion. Science discussion was measured by asking respondents to indicate on a ten-point scale (1 = “never,” 10 = “all the time”) how often they talked with family, friends, or co-workers about: (a) “Stories related to science and technology, (b) “Stories about scientific studies in new areas of research such as nanotechnology,” and (c) “Stories about the social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” Based on a high Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient (X = .90), the three items were averaged to create a composite index, with higher scores indicating higher level of science discussion (M = 4.40, SD = 2.18). Factual scientific knowledge was an additive index of five dichotomous items asking respondents whether (a) “Lasers work by focusing sound waves,” (b) “Antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteria,” (c) “Electrons are smaller than atoms,” (d) “Ordinary tomatoes do not contain genes, while genetically modified tomatoes do,” and (e) “More than half of human genes are identical to those of a chimpanzee.” For each item, the correct answer was recoded into “1,” whereas the incorrect answer was recoded into “0.” In addition, responses that fell into the “don’t know” or “refused to answer” categories were recoded into “0.” The score for the five items were summed up, with higher scores indicating greater level of factual scientific knowledge (M = 3.44, SD = 1.25, KR-20 = .47). Trust in scientists was measured using two items on a ten-point scale (1 = “do not trust their information at all,” 10 = “trust their information very much”) with regard to how much 66 the respondents trust: (a) “University scientists doing research in nanotechnology” and (b) “Scientists working for the nanotech industry.” As the two items were highly and significantly correlated (r = .58, p < .001), they were averaged to form a composite scale (M = 6.16, SD = 2.00). Control Variables The control variables included in Study 1 were age, gender, and socioeconomic status. Age was measured as a continuous variable (M = 46.15, SD = 17.07) and gender was measured as a dichotomous variable, with males dummy coded as “0” and females dummy coded as “1” (51.4 percent females). Respondents’ socioeconomic status was a concept that I would like to examine in this study. Therefore, based on both conceptual and methodological considerations, formal education (Median = 5.00, or “some college or technical school,” SD = 1.57) and household income (Median = 6.00, or “household income between $50,000 and $75,000,” SD = 1.92) were standardized and averaged to form a composite index of socioeconomic status (r = .43, p<.001).5 Standardization was necessary to bring the two items that were originally measured in different metrics onto the same metric. An unintended advantage of combining education and household income into a single index of socioeconomic status was that it overcomes the potential problem of the sizable number of missing values for the household income item (there were 14.8 percent of missing responses for the household income variable). Result of an independent samples t-test showed that there was no significant difference in the means of the level of education between those who provided their household income in the survey and those who did not (t-statistic = -.670, df = 201, p = .494). This suggests that the chances that systematic biases were built into the constructed variable were kept to a minimum. A more fine-grained analysis using four sets of independent samples t-tests was also conducted in which levels of education was broken down into smaller categories to compare differences in income level. Result show that there was no significant difference in the means of income between individuals who “never attended school or only attended kindergarten” and those who went through elementary school (t-statistic = 1.278, df = 12, p =.225), between individuals who went through some high school and those who were high school graduate (t-statistic = -1.729, df = 273, p =.085), and between individuals who did graduate work and those had a graduate degree (t-statistic = -1.162, df = 156, p =.247). Even though the t-test between individuals with some college or technical school and those with a 4-year college degree was significant (t-statistic = -6.332, df = 415, p < .001), there is sufficient evidence to show that income is missing completely at random for the public sample. 5 67 4.1.3. Analytic Strategies Two different sets of multivariate analyses were run in this study. Ordinary regression analyses using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for Windows Standard Version 15 were run to examine the direct and moderating mechanisms underlying the cognitive and attitudinal outcomes. Next, structural equation modeling, using the LISREL version 8.70 software program, was used to investigate the direct and mediating mechanisms underlying the cognitive and attitudinal outcomes. Before running the multivariate analyses, the nature and treatment of missing values should be examined in greater detail to ensure that the results are generalizable to the larger population. Missing Values Treatment Two considerations determine the extent to which analyses with incomplete data can be biased: (a) the pattern of missing values and (b) the amount of missing data. First off, missing values should be treated differently depending on different patterns of missingness determined by different problems. Depending on how the missing cases are related to the values that would have been observed or other variables in the data, the missing data have three different patterns: missing completely at random (MCAR), missing at random (MAR), and not missing at random (NMAR). Both MCAR and MAR are two kinds of ignorable missing data patterns, whereas NMAR is a type of non-ignorable non-response. MCAR indicates that the missing values are completely due to chance and entirely unrelated to the values (Allison, 2001; Schafer & Graham, 2002). Put differently, if the missing observations on some variable X differ from the observed scores on that variable only by chance, and the presence versus absence of data on X is unrelated to any other variable, the data loss pattern is said to be MCAR. When all the missing values can be safely assumed to be MCAR, any kind of data treatment such as listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, mean substitution, and maximum likelihood, yields consistent solutions 68 (Arbuckle & Wothke, 1999). On the other hand, MAR indicates that the missingness and data values are statistically unrelated but conditional on a set of predictors. In addition, NMAR indicates that the missingness conveys probabilistic information about the values that would have been observed. When either missing values classified as MAR or NMAR are involved, analysis using methods such as listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, and mean substitution often produces biased results. With respect to the 2007 public opinion data used in this dissertation, no socially undesirable or sensitive questions were asked in the questionnaire. Furthermore, the length of the questionnaire was kept short to avoid any respondent fatigue, and significant amount of time and effort were invested in call-backs and refusal conversions to minimize systematic nonresponse. Therefore, it is safe to assume in this dissertation that the missing values were MCAR, even though this is the most heroic assumption to make. Second, the amount of missing values in the data is also another consideration for how the missing values should be treated. To date, no clear standard guidelines exist to determine the acceptable amount of incomplete data. However, in order to see less biased results, Kline (2005) argued that the amount of missing values should probably constitute less than ten percent of the data (also see Allison, 2001; Little & Rubin, 2002). Under the MCAR assumption, listwise deletion, pairwise deletion, and mean substitution, should produce unbiased results. Mean substitution basically replaces missing independent variable values with the mean score obtained from the responding cases. One main advantage of mean substitution is that the simple regression coefficient of Y on X is the same whether missing X scores are replaced with the mean or whether cases with missing values are dropped from the analysis. It is appropriate to use mean substitution if the amount of missing values is small. 69 Under the other two methods, different calculations (e.g., different correlation coefficients) will utilize different cases and will have different sample sizes (different n’s). Listwise deletion omits cases that do not have data on all variables in the variables list of the current analysis (of a multiple-step analysis). An advantage of this method is that all analyses are conducted with the same number of cases. On the other hand, pairwise deletion omits cases that do not have data on a variable used in the current calculation only. This effect is undesirable and may prevent a solution altogether in some procedures like structural equation modeling. In general, listwise deletion is preferred over pairwise deletion when sample size is large in relation to the number of cases that have missing data. Kaplan (2009) recommended that pairwise deletion should be avoided altogether, and that mean substitution is preferred over listwise deletion and pairwise deletion. As the number of missing values in the data was very small (i.e., less than 2 percent for each of the independent variables concerned) and MCAR was assumed in this dissertation, all missing data in the ordinary regression analyses were treated with mean substitution. Although not the most preferred option, listwise deletion was used in the structural equation model analysis because it was the default missing values treatment provided in the LISREL software. Ordinary Regression Analysis To test the hypothesized direct and moderating relationships described in the previous chapter, ordinary regression analysis was used in predicting each of the following two attitudinal outcome variables: (1) perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and (2) support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Ordinary regression examines the relationships between potential independent variables and an outcome variable by fitting a linear equation to the observed data. This method was chosen for Study 1 because it provides the most 70 straightforward way to test for potential conditional (i.e., moderating) relationships, above and beyond the potential unconditional (i.e., main effects) relationships that were hypothesized. To examine their relative explanatory power, all the independent variables were entered in blocks into the regression model according to their assumed casual order. For the first regression model predicting public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology, the independent variables were entered as follow: Demographic variables (i.e., age, gender, and socioeconomic status) were entered first, followed by the main effects of trait-like value predispositions (i.e., religious beliefs and deference to scientific authority), science communication (i.e., science media use), reflective integration (i.e., elaborative processing and science discussion), factual scientific knowledge, and state-like disposition (i.e., trust in scientists). Finally, the interaction terms were entered in the last block. Each of the interaction terms was constructed by multiplying the standardized values of the main effect variables to prevent potential multicollinearity problems between the interaction term and its components (Cohen, Cohen, West, & Aiken, 2003). In the first regression model, two multiplicative terms were included in the final regression block: (1) the interaction between science media use and elaborative processing and (2) the interaction between science media use and science discussion. For the second regression model predicting public support for federal funding of nanotechnology, the independent variables were entered as follows: The first block consisted of the demographic variables (i.e., age, gender, and socioeconomic status), the second block consisted of the main effects of trait value predispositions (i.e., religious beliefs and deference to scientific authority), the third block consisted of science communication (i.e., science media use), the fourth block consisted of reflective integration (i.e., elaborative processing and science discussion), the fifth block consisted of factual scientific knowledge, the sixth block consisted of trust in scientists, and the seventh block consisted of perceived risks-versus-benefits of 71 nanotechnology. Finally, two interaction terms were entered in the last block: (1) the interaction between science media use and elaborative processing and (2) the interaction between science media use and science discussion. A third regression model predicting the cognitive outcome variable (i.e., factual scientific knowledge) was also run. As Study 1 was primarily interested in examining the direct and additive effects of science media use and reflective integration on factual scientific knowledge, the demographic variables (i.e., age, gender, and socioeconomic status) and value predispositions (i.e., religious beliefs and deference to scientific authority) were added as control variables in the regression analysis. The third block of independent variables of interest consisted of science media use, the fourth block consisted of reflective integration (i.e., elaborative processing and science discussion), and the final block consisted of the interaction terms (i.e., the interaction between science media use and elaborative processing, and the interaction between science media use and science discussion). Structural Equation Modeling Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses related to both the direct and indirect (i.e., mediated) effects of the posited independent variables of interests on the outcome variable. In particular, structural equation modeling offers information on the overall strength of the indirect effects and allows estimation of all the individual links among exogenous and antecedent endogenous variables, and the links between antecedent and outcome variables. For the purpose of this study, the exogenous variables were age, gender, socioeconomic status, religious beliefs, and deference to scientific authority; the antecedent endogenous variables were science media use, elaborative processing, science discussion, factual scientific knowledge, trust in scientists, and perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology; and finally, the outcome variable in the model was public support for federal 72 funding of nanotechnology. An examination of the process of pathways linking exogenous variables, antecedent endogenous variables, and support for federal funding of nanotechnology as the final outcome variable require the estimation of both the direct and indirect relationships among the variables, that is, methods that go beyond, or at least supplement, traditional regression techniques. Given a set of variables, structural equation models postulate “a pattern of linear relationships among these variables” (MacCallum, 1995, p. 18) and test these relationships against the data collected. LISREL version 8.70 software program, the package of reference in most articles about structural equation modeling (Kline, 2005), was used in this study to analyze the hypothesized relationships.6 LISREL uses the maximum likelihood (ML) method for parameter estimations and analyzes data based on a covariance matrix. Parameter estimation is done comparing the actual covariance matrices representing the relationships between variables and the estimated covariance matrices of the best fitting model (Kaplan, 2009). In addition, the ML estimators are those that maximize the likelihood of a sample that is actually observed (Winer, Brown, & Michels, 1991). Structural equation modeling allows researchers to examine the causal ordering of variables more closely and to describe both the direct and indirect paths among variables (i.e., the processes leading to support for federal funding of nanotechnology). These are the strengths of structural equation modeling that overcome some of the shortcomings of ordinary regression analyses. In addition, structural equation modeling has numerous advantages over other multivariate techniques. First, structural equation modeling estimates all coefficients in the model simultaneously, in which any coefficient represents the relationship between two Even though it was not the most preferred option, listwise deletion was used in the structural equation model analysis as it was the default missing values treatment provided in the LISREL software. 6 73 variables, controlling for all other relationships and all other variables in the model. Second, structural equation modeling is the most straightforward method to test both direct paths and indirect relationships between variables. That is, a direct link between two variables indicates a relationship between these variables that is not mediated or moderated by any other variables in the model. Conversely, an indirect link is an association that is mediated through other variables. Jöreskog (1993) distinguished three approaches to structural equation modeling applications: (1) strictly confirmatory, (2) alternative models, and (3) model-generating approach. As pointed out by numerous scholars (e.g., Kline, 2005), the first two methods of model testing are too narrow and restrictive. Therefore, this study followed Jöreskog’s suggestion for the model-generating approach, which is probably the most common application. This approach is usually carried out in two steps. First, an initial model is specified based on “at least some tentative ideas of what a suitable model should be” (Joreskog, 1993, p. 313). Next, when the initial model does not fit the data, it can be modified by the researcher and the altered model is then tested again with the same data. As aptly summarized by Kline (2005), “the goal of this process is more to ‘discover’ a model with two properties: It makes theoretical sense, and its statistical correspondence to the data is reasonable.” (p. 11) In line with the model-generating approach, the likelihood ratio test that follows a chisquare distribution is usually used to test the overall fit of the initial model. The model fit is tested with a chi-square (χ2) goodness-of-fit test. The χ2 goodness-of-fit statistic assesses the magnitude of discrepancy between the sample and fitted covariance matrices (Kaplan, 2009). However, the χ2 statistic is very sensitive to sample size. If the sample size is too large, the χ2 statistic may be significant even though differences between observed and model-implied covariance are small. To supplement the χ2 statistic, two groups of fit indices that are relevant 74 for this study were used. The first group consisted of fit indices that are based on comparative fit to a baseline model which specifies complete independence among the observed variables: Normed Fit Index (NFI), Non-Normed Fit Index (NNFI; identical to Tucker-Lewis Index [TLI]), and Comparative Fit Index (CFI). Typically, for estimation using the ML method, a value close to 1.00 on the NFI, NNFI, and CFI is considered representative of a well-fitting model (Kaplan, 2009). One major criticism of these indices is that they are designed to compare one’s hypothesized model against a scientifically questionable baseline hypothesis. The baseline hypothesis states that the observed variables are completely uncorrelated with each other. Sobel and Bohrnstedt (1985) argued that we could never seriously entertain such a hypothesis. Furthermore, the NFI and NNFI utilize the likelihood ratio chi-square and assume that the model fits perfectly in the population. This could be considered too restrictive and we may need to evaluate the approximate fit of the model. Therefore, the second group consisted of fit indices that are based on errors of approximation: Standardized Root Mean Squared Residual (SRMR) and Root Mean Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA). These measures assess if the model fits approximately well in the population (i.e., measures of approximate fit are concerned with the discrepancy due to approximation). Specifically, SRMR is the average difference between the predicted and observed variances and covariances in the model, based on standardized residuals. The smaller the SRMR value, the better the model fit. A SRMR value of 0 indicates perfect fit. A value less than .05 is widely considered good fit and below .08 adequate fit (Hu & Bentler, 1999; Kelloway, 1998; Kline, 2005). A RMSEA value that is less than or equal to .05 is indicative of a good model fit. A RMSEA value that lies between .05 and .08 is indicative of a fair fit, and a value that lies between .08 and .10 is indicative of a mediocre fit (Kaplan, 2009). These cut-offs are somewhat arbitrary, and therefore, should serve as a rule-of-thumb instead of as fixed criteria (Bollen, 75 1989; Kaplan, 2009). Moreover, when sample sizes are greater than 250, it is recommended to employ SRMR and RMSEA as fit indices (Browne & Cudeck, 1993). These fit indices were designed to avoid some of the problems of sample size and distributional misspecification associated with the conventional overall test of fit (i.e., the χ2 statistic) in the evaluation of the model (Bentler & Bonnet, 1980). Based on the discussions above, several goodness-of-fit indices were reported in this study to gauge model fit, including NFI, NNFI, CFI, SRMR, and RMSEA, along with the χ2 statistics. The skewness and kurtosis statistics indicate that none of the items in the model violate the normality assumption to a great extent. If the model does not fit the data based on the results of the goodness-of-fit indices, the Lagrangian Multiplier (LM) tests or modification indices (MI) can be used to determine whether the paths can be freed or fixed to improve model fit (Bollen, 1989). All parameters added based on the LM test should be meaningful and substantially interpretable (Joreskog, 1993). In addition, when determining if a particular parameter is to be freed for estimation, Kaplan (2009) suggested researchers to take into consideration both the MI and the expected parameter change (EPC) statistic. EPC is a point estimate of the alternative hypothesis for the parameter in question. A general rule of thumb is that when both MI and EPC are large, free the parameter if it makes substantive sense; when MI is large but EPC is small, check the power before freeing the parameter; when MI is small but EPC is large, it is possible to free the parameter but check power; and when MI is small and EPC is small, do not free the parameter for estimation (Kaplan, 2009). Therefore, for the purpose of this study, both the MI and EPC were taken into account when deciding which parameters were to be freed for estimation. 76 4.2. Results In this section, tests of the proposed direct, moderating, and mediating mechanisms are reported. Before running the multivariate analyses, a bivariate correlation analysis using SPSS was run to take a cursory look at the relationships among all the variables at the zero-order level. Table 4.2 shows the bivariate correlations among the variables. As only pairwise or listwise deletion for bivariate correlations were available in SPSS, the method of listwise deletion was chosen for reasons that were discussed above. As shown in the table, most of the independent variables were indeed highly correlated with the two attitudinal outcome variables and some of the control variables. For instance, socioeconomic status was positively correlated with many of the independent variables such as science media use (r = .31, p < .001), elaborative processing (r = .20, p < .001), science discussion (r = .17, p < .001), and factual scientific knowledge (r = .38, p < .001). Even though most of the independent variables were significantly correlated with perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and support for federal funding of nanotechnology, it is likely that the significant association between the independent variables and the outcome variables may become weaker after controlling for the demographic and value predisposition variables. The multivariate analyses will be reported next. 4.2.1. Direct and Moderating Relationships Three separate regression analyses were run for (a) perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (attitudinal outcome variable 1), (b) support for federal funding of nanotechnology (attitudinal outcome variable 2), and (c) factual scientific knowledge (cognitive outcome variable), respectively. Table 4.3 shows the ordinary regression model predicting public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Among the demographic variables, females displayed significantly higher perceived risks-versus-benefits than did males (β = .12, p < .001), and socioeconomic status showed a negative relationship with perceived risks-versus- 77 benefits (β = -.11, p < .001), as indicated in the final regression model. However, age was not significantly related to perceived risks-versus-benefits. The demographic variables accounted for 9.90 percent of the total variance in perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. With regard to the main effects of trait-like value predispositions, levels of religious beliefs showed robust positive relationship with perceived risks-versus-benefits (β = .14, p < .001), lending support to Hypothesis 1a. Deference to scientific authority was initially significantly associated with perceived risks-versus-benefits, but the significant relationship was fully mediated away by the science media use variable entered in the subsequent block. Therefore, Hypothesis 2a was not supported. The trait-like predispositions block accounted for an additional 4.30 percent amount of variance in perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. As expected, science media use was negatively related to perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology in the final regression model (β = -.11, p < .001), providing support for Hypothesis 3a. The science media use block accounted for 4.00 percent of the total variance in the outcome variable. In terms of reflective integration, elaborative processing displayed a significant negative relationship with perceived risks-versus-benefits (β = -.10, p < .01). On the contrary, science discussion did not predict perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Therefore, Hypothesis 4b was supported, but not Hypothesis 5b. The reflective integration block explained an additional 2.00 percent of the variance in the attitudinal outcome variable. In addition, factual scientific knowledge showed a significant negative association with perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (β = -.15, p < .001), lending support to 78 Hypothesis 12a. Factual scientific knowledge accounted for an additional 1.90 percent of the variance in perceived risks-versus-benefits. With respect to the state-like disposition, trust in scientists displayed a robust negative relationship with perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (β = -.27, p < .001). Hence, Hypothesis 13a was supported. The state-like disposition block accounted for 5.50 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. As expected, the interaction between science media use and elaborative processing on perceived risks-versus-benefits was significant (β = -.08, p < .01), after accounting for all controls. Therefore, Hypothesis 7a was supported. Conversely, the interaction between science media use and science discussion on perceived risks-versus-benefits was not significant, failing to support Hypothesis 8a. As shown in Figure 4.1, among those with low level of elaboration, science media use displayed a significant positive relationship with perceived risks-versus-benefits; on the other hand, among those with high level of elaboration, science newspaper use displayed a negative significant relationship with the outcome variable. The overall regression model accounted for 28.2 percent of the variance in perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Table 4.4 shows the ordinary regression model predicting public support for federal funding of nanotechnology (attitudinal outcome variable 2). With respect to the demographic variables, only age was significantly related to support for funding (β = -.05, p < .05) in the final regression model. The influence of gender and socioeconomic status were initially significant, but their effects were fully mediated by other factors that were entered subsequently into the model. The demographic block explained 6.80 percent of the total variance in support for funding. The value predispositions block explained a large amount of variance in support for funding (9.30 percent). As expected, level of religious beliefs was negatively (β = -.08, p < .01) 79 and deference to scientific authority was positively (β = .13, p < .001) related to support for funding. Therefore, Hypotheses 1b and 2b were supported. Furthermore, science media use positively predicted support for federal funding (β = .08, p < .05), and explained an additional 5.70 percent of the total variance in the outcome variable. Hence, Hypothesis 3b was supported. In line with my expectations, elaborative processing (β = .09, p < .01) and science discussion (β = .07, p < .05) both showed significant positive effects on support for federal funding of nanotechnology, lending support for Hypotheses 4c and 5c. The reflective integration block accounted for 2.80 percent of the variance in support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Contrary to my expectation, factual scientific knowledge did not have a significant relationship with support for funding, failing to support Hypothesis 12b. The factor explained only .20 percent of the variance in the attitudinal outcome variable. When it comes to state-like disposition, trust in scientists showed a robust positive relationship with support for funding of nanotechnology (β = .19, p < .001), lending support to Hypothesis 13b. The factor explained an additional 5.00 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. With regard to the risks-versus-benefits block, perceived risks-versus-benefits was negatively (β = -.26, p < .001) associated with support for federal funding of nanotechnology, lending support to Hypothesis 16. Perceived risks and benefits explained an additional 4.80 percent of the total variance in the outcome variable. Finally, there was significant interaction effect between science media use and elaborative processing on support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = .07, p < .05). Hence, Hypothesis 7b was supported. However, contrary to my expectation, the interaction between science media use and science discussion on support for funding of nanotechnology 80 was not significant, failing to support Hypothesis 8b. As shown in Figure 4.2, the relationship between science media use and support for funding was significantly stronger for people who engage in high level of elaboration than for those who engage in low level of elaboration. The overall regression model explained 35.0 percent of the total variance in support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Table 4.5 indicates the ordinary regression model predicting public level of factual scientific knowledge (cognitive outcome). As expected, elaborative processing positively predicted public level of factual scientific knowledge (β = .12, p < .001), lending support to Hypothesis 4a. However, scientific discussion did not have a significant main effect on public level of factual scientific knowledge, failing to support Hypothesis 5a. Contrary to my expectations, the interaction between elaborative processing and science media use on factual scientific knowledge, and the interaction between scientific discussion and science media use on factual scientific knowledge were not significant. Therefore, Hypotheses 6a and 6b were not supported. Even though these relationships were not hypothesized, the regression results shown in Table 4.5 indicate that age and religious beliefs negatively predict respondents’ level of factual scientific knowledge. Furthermore, socioeconomic status and science media use positively predict public level of factual scientific knowledge. Gender and deference to scientific authority had no effect on factual scientific knowledge. The overall regression model accounted for 22.0 percent of the variance in factual scientific knowledge. 4.2.2. Direct and Mediating Relationships To examine the proposed indirect or mediated links, structural equation modeling techniques were employed. The structural equation model provides information on the overall strength of indirect effects and estimation on all individual links among exogenous and 81 antecedent endogenous variables, and between antecedent and outcome variables.7 Kline (2005) noted that even though slight differences may exist, structural equation modeling and ordinary regression procedure generally yield similar results within large samples. Therefore, I expect that estimations of the direct effect in the structural equation model would be similar to the ones found in the ordinary regression models. The final structural equation model fits the data exceptionally well (χ2 goodness-of-fit = 25.85, df = 19, p = .13, N = 1,015). The CFI was 1.00, the NFI was .99, the NNFI was .99, and the GFI was 1.00, which were indicative of a good fit. In addition, the RMSEA value was .02 and the SRMR value was .02, which were also indicative of a good fit. The model accounted for 21 percent of the variance in factual scientific knowledge, 26 percent of the variance in trust in scientists, 29 percent of the variance in perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology, and 35 percent of the variance in support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Effects of exogenous variables. Three demographic variables and two trait-like value predisposition variables were included as exogenous variables. Table 4.6 reports the influence of the exogenous variables on other variables in the structural equation model. As shown in the table, older individuals tended to be factually less knowledgeable about science (γ = -.10) and to hold less trust in scientists (γ = -.11) than did younger individuals, and by way of these variables, age was positively related to perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (γ = .04). As a combination of both direct and indirect effects, younger individuals tended to report stronger support for federal funding of nanotechnology than did older individuals (γ = -.10). It would be worthwhile to conduct separate tests to examine if the individual mediated pathways are significant. However, the LISREL software does not provide the option to conduct such separate significant tests. Future studies may use alternative software such as MPLUS to conduct significant tests for the separate indirect pathways examined in this dissertation. 7 82 In comparison to women, men tended to pay greater amount of attention to science in the media than did women (γ = -.07). In an indirect relationship, men tended to elaborate more about news content than did women (γ = -.03). Interesting, through direct and indirect routes, overall women tended to engage in scientific discussion more than did men (γ = .03). As mediated by science media use and elaborative processing, gender also had an indirect effect on factual scientific knowledge, in which men tended to score higher on the measure of factual scientific knowledge than did women (γ = -.01). Women tended to hold greater levels of trust in scientists than did men (γ = .07), with part of this total relationship mediated by science media use and elaborative processing. Finally, through both direct and indirect effects, men tended to perceive smaller risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (γ = .15) and to be more supportive of federal funding of nanotechnology than did women (γ = -.11). Consistent with prior research, individuals with higher levels of socioeconomic status (SES) also tended to pay closer attention to stories about science in the mass media than did those with lower levels of SES (γ = .29). Via direct and indirect influences, SES was overall positively related to elaborative processing (γ = .20). Interestingly, SES was only indirectly positively related to scientific discussion, with its effect mediated by science media use (γ = .18). Not surprising, through both direct and indirect means, individuals with higher levels of SES tended to report higher score in factual scientific knowledge (γ = .31) and to report lower perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology than did those with lower levels of SES (γ = .21). As mediated by other variables in the model, SES had a positive indirect effect on trust in scientists (γ = .09) and a final positive indirect effect on support for federal funding of nanotechnology (γ = .13). In terms of religious beliefs, there was a direct positive relationship with elaborative processing (γ = .07), which was consistent with findings from previous studies that showed that 83 individuals’ motivations will drive them to reflect on news gathered from the mass media. Religious belief had a positive indirect effect on trust in scientists (γ = .01), which was not surprising because the significant indirect link was mediated by elaborative processing. As expected, religious beliefs appear to be an impediment to scientific knowledge and progress: Through a combination of direct and indirect effects, highly religious individuals tended to report overall lower levels of factual scientific knowledge (γ = -.14) and greater amount of perceived risks-versus-benefits (γ = .12) than those who were less religious. This result provided additional support for Hypothesis 1a. Religious belief had a direct negative effect on support for federal funding of nanotechnology (γ = -.08), lending further support to Hypothesis 1b. Finally, religious beliefs had an overall negative relationship with support for federal funding of nanotechnology (γ = .13). Deference to scientific authority was positively associated with science media use (γ = .14), elaborative processing (γ = .22), and science discussion (γ = .15). Via the mediation of science media use and elaborative processing, individuals who defer to scientific authority also tended to score higher on factual scientific knowledge than did those who possess low levels of deference (γ = .04). Not surprising, deference to scientific authority had an overall positive effect on trust in scientists (γ = .39). Even though deference to scientific authority had no significant direct effect on perceived risks-versus-benefits (failing to support Hypothesis 2a), it had an indirect negative effect on perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (γ = -.14) that was mediated through the communication variables. Finally, deference to scientific authority showed an overall positive effect on support for federal funding of nanotechnology (γ = .26), part of this effect was direct (γ = .10) (providing additional support for Hypothesis 2b), and part of it was indirect, mediated by the science media use and reflective integration pathway and by the trust in scientist pathway. 84 Effects of endogenous variables. The relationships among the endogenous variables are graphed in Figure 4.3 and detailed in Table 4.7. As shown from the results, science media use played a prominent role in influencing public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. The influence of science media use was both direct and indirect, and could be classified into two major categories: via the informational pathways, in which the news media provide an informal learning channel of scientific issues for the public, and via the heuristic pathways, in which the positive media frames served as cues or shortcut for the miserly public when making judgments. There were several informational pathways through which mass media use exerted its influence on the outcome variable. First, consistent with previous studies on the cognitive mediation model, science media use had a direct positive effect on factual scientific knowledge (β = .11), and part of its influence was also indirect, as mediated by elaborative processing. Science media use was positively related to elaborative processing (β = .34) and elaborative processing was in turn, positively related to factual scientific knowledge (β = .12). As a result, science media use had an overall positive effect on factual scientific knowledge. Factual scientific knowledge was, in turn, negatively related to public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (β = -.16), lending additional support to Hypothesis 12a (however, scientific knowledge had no significant direct effect on support for federal funding, failing to support Hypothesis 12b). Above and beyond textbook-style scientific knowledge, science media use could also stimulate the public to have more sophisticated knowledge about how the scientific world operates, which in turn, could allow the public to form informed judgments about emerging technologies. As shown in the results, elaborative processing mediated the effect of science media use on perceived risks-versus-benefits, with elaborative processing negatively related to perceived risks-versus-benefits (β = -.11). (The direct effect of elaborative processing on 85 perceived risks-versus-benefits provided further support for Hypothesis 4b.) Similarly, elaborative processing also mediated the influence of science media use on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology, with elaborative processing positively related to support for funding (β = .10). (The direct effect of elaborative processing on support for federal funding of nanotechnology provided additional support for Hypothesis 4c.) The reflective integration variables were interrelated to each other: Elaborative processing was positively related to science discussion (Φ = .13). Paralleling the previous result, science media use tended to stimulate scientific discussion (β = .62), and science discussion in turn, was positively associated with public support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = .08). (The direct effect of science discussion on support for federal funding provided further support for Hypothesis 5c. In addition, there was no significant direct link between science discussion and perceived risksversus-benefits, failing to support Hypothesis 5b.) It is also important to note that perceived risks-versus-benefits had a direct negative impact on support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = -.25), lending additional support to Hypothesis 16. Together, the significant mediation paths lend support for Hypotheses 9a, 10a, 10b, and 11b. However, Hypotheses 9b and 11a were not supported by the results. In addition, there were also several heuristic pathways through which the mass media influenced public judgments about the emerging technology. First, science media use had a direct negative influence on public perceived risks-versus-benefits (β = -.08) and a direct positive influence on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = .07), and these results are consistent with findings from previous studies that indicated that individuals use positive news frames in the media as cognitive shortcuts to form opinion about emerging science and technology (e.g., Lee et al., 2005; Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). These findings provided additional support for Hypotheses 3a and 3b. The second heuristic path emanated from 86 the mediating role of trust in scientists. Specifically, science media use (β = .21) and elaborate processing of science news stories in the media (β = .17) promoted a sense of trust in scientists, and this sense of trust, in turn, propelled the public to perceive more benefits relative to risks for nanotechnology (β = -.27). Therefore, Hypotheses 14a and 15a were supported. In a similar vein, the public tended to use this trust as a heuristic cue to form judgment about support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = .21), lending support to Hypotheses 15a and 15b. (The significant direct effects of trust in scientists on perceived risks-versus-benefits and support for federal funding provided additional support for Hypotheses 13a and 13b.) With a combination of both the informational pathways and the heuristic pathways, science media use had an overall positive effect on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = .26). A summary of the evidence supporting each of the hypotheses postulated in Study 1 was provided in Table 4.8. As shown in the table, the direct effects of the independent variables on the outcome variables of interest were consistent in both the ordinary regression models and the structural equation model. Put differently, the results of the direct effects found in the ordinary regression models were replicated in the structural equation model. These findings will be discussed in greater details in the next chapter. 87 CHAPTER 5 DISCUSSION (STUDY 1) Driven by the debate between the scientific literacy model (Miller, 1998) and the cognitive miser model (Fiske & Taylor, 1991) for the public understanding of science, Study 1 attempted to draw a nexus between these two approaches by examining the direct, indirect, and additive impact of science news in the media and reflective integration on public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Drawing from extant research on the differential gains model (Scheufele, 2001) and the cognitive mediation model (Eveland, 2001), the analysis of the moderating and mediating mechanisms using these theoretical frameworks is a building block for designing more effective science communication and public outreach efforts. To reiterate, Study 1 examines the influence of value predispositions, mass media, reflective integration, and factual scientific knowledge on public perceived risks-versus-benefits and on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Several interesting and important results were found in this study. Overall, the ordinary regression analyses provide strong support for the hypothesis that reflective integration in the form of elaborative processing had a significant negative influence on public perceived risks-versus-benefits. In line with the differential gains model, the influence of science media use on both perceived risks-versusbenefits and support for federal funding of nanotechnology were moderated by elaborative processing, after controlling for socio-demographic and value predisposition variables. Furthermore, the structural equation model reveals an informational pathway and a heuristic pathway through which the mass media directly and indirectly exert its influence on public attitudes toward nanotechnology. Taken together, these findings underscore the importance of 88 cognitive processing when it comes to understanding how the mass media differentially influence individuals’ attitudes toward emerging technologies. 5.1. Explanations for Findings on Direct Effects In line with the cognitive miser explanation, the public primarily uses value predispositions – religious beliefs, deference to scientific authority, and trust in scientists – to make judgments about risks-versus-benefits and acceptance of nanotechnology. This is evidenced by the large beta coefficients and amount of variance explained in the attitudinal outcome variables. These findings are consistent with my expectations, based on the public’s unfamiliarity with this new technology. Being cognitive miser means that people would rely on their pre-existing values and beliefs as heuristics to make quick and efficient decisions. Consistent with results from previous studies (e.g., Brossard et al., in press; Ho et al., 2008; Nisbet, 2005), the current study showed that religious belief is positively related to public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and negatively related to public support for federal funding of the emerging technology. The historical conflict and normative inconsistencies between science and religion (Brooke, 1998; Miller et al., 1997) may be an explanation for the relationships found between religious guidance and acceptance of nanotechnology. In addition, the fact that religious people may perceive nanotechnology, biotechnology, and stem cell research together as means to enhance human qualities, hence tampering with nature by playing God (Sjoberg, 2004; Sjoberg & Winroth, 1986) is also another plausible explanation for the relationships. On the other hand, individuals’ deference for scientific authority and trust in scientists are two driving forces propelling public acceptance of nanotechnology, consistent with findings from previous research (Brossard & Nisbet, 2007; Ho et al., 2008; Lee et al., 2005). Again, these 89 findings are not surprising because, as tools in decision-making, deference for scientific authority and trust in scientists are efficient when knowledge and personal experience are limited, especially when it comes to nanotechnology. Although deference to scientific authority did not display a significant direct influence on perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology both in the regression model and the structural equation model, its effect was indirect as mediated by mass media (this will be discussed in greater details in the subsequent sections on mediating mechanisms). In addition, the independent effects of deference to scientific authority and trust in scientist on public attitudes toward nanotechnology suggest that researchers should adopt a fine-grained approach to examine these concepts separately in future studies as they are essentially different entities. The fact that deference to scientific authority, as a long-term trait-like value predisposition, is shown to promote trust in nanoscientists (i.e., a state-like disposition) in the structural equation model further supports the assertion that they are distinct concepts. In addition, this study shows that the public utilize positive frames derived from the mass media as heuristic cues to make decision about perceived risks-versus-benefits and acceptance of the emerging technology, which is congruent to results of previous studies (Brossard & Nisbet, 2007; Lee & Scheufele, 2006; Lee et al., 2005; Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005) and consistent with framing effects of the media (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979; Scheufele, 1999). This could plausibly be explained by the fact that media outlets are the major gateway to nanotechnology for most Americans (Castellini et al., 2007) and that the tone of media coverage of nanotechnology has been overwhelmingly optimistic in the past few years (Bainbridge, 2002; Cobb & Macoubrie, 2004; Gaskell et al., 2004). On the other hand, factual scientific knowledge played a significant, but minor role in influencing perceived risks-versus-benefits, consistent with findings from previous studies (Ho 90 et al., 2008; Nisbet, 2005; Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). Factual scientific knowledge, however, did not have a main effect on public support for nanotechnology. Given the minimal effect of factual scientific knowledge and the relatively larger effects of heuristic cues on public attitudes, does it point to the demise of the scientific literacy model? Before we explore this tentative conclusion, however, we need to look at the informational roles that the mass media and reflective integration bring into the picture. Besides this, reflective integration, in the form of elaborative processing, plays an important role in determining both the cognitive outcome (i.e., factual scientific knowledge) and the attitudinal outcomes (i.e., perceived risks-versus-benefits and support for federal funding) of the new technology. This could be explained by the fact that people who actively process and synthesize information from the mass media build a larger knowledge structure about science generally, and nanotechnology specifically, in their memory. This new scientific information could be easily accessed for people to formulate judgments about the risks and benefits of nanotechnology and nanotechnology acceptance. Nanotechnology has been covered in overwhelmingly positive light in the mass media and it is therefore, not surprising that these positive information become part of the audience memory when audiences reflect and integrate the materials they attended to in the news. Even though scientific discussion did not have a significant main effect on public perceived risks-versus-benefits, it had a significant positive main effect on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. One plausible explanation for the null effect of interpersonal discussion on perceived risks-versus-benefits is that previous studies have shown that interpersonal communication tended to heighten risk judgments at the personal level instead of the societal level (Coleman, 1993; Dunwoody & Neuwirth, 1991; Griffin & Dunwoody, 2000; Morton & Duck, 2001). Whereas risk judgments at the personal level refers to perceived 91 harm on individuals themselves, risk judgments at the societal level refers to perceived harm on other citizens or abstract population (Morton & Duck, 2001). As the measures that were used to tap the perceived risks and benefits of nanotechnology in this study were at the societal level, it is not surprising that the effect of interpersonal discussion is diminished. The circumstance is rather different for public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. By making sense of complex scientific information gathered from the mass media through talking and discussing with other citizens, people will be able to form a more sophisticated knowledge structure about the scientific world and make informed judgments about the emerging technology. Since interpersonal discussions tend to reinforce mass media effects (Johnson, 1993) and the media has portrayed nanotechnology and science in favorable terms, it is not surprising that scientific discussion had a positive impact on public support for funding of nanotechnology. Returning to the fundamental question of this study, the main effects of elaborative processing and scientific discussion on public attitudes justify the validity of the scientific literacy model. Simply put, it would be premature to nullify the contribution of scientific knowledge at this juncture. Most extant studies, including the current one, examined textbookstyle factual scientific knowledge, which measured only one dimension of science knowledge. People who engage in reflective integration tend to build a more sophisticated knowledge structure about the scientific world, which in turn, has a bearing on their attitudes toward emerging technologies. Therefore, the significant main effects of value predispositions and cognitive processing variables suggest that the cognitive miser model and the scientific literacy model are two complementary processes that individuals use to form opinions about nanotechnology. Finally, perceived risks-versus-benefits is negatively related to public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. From the regression models, perceived risks-versus-benefits 92 partially mediated the influence of value predispositions, science communication, and reflective integration on support for funding for the technology. This was evidenced by the reduction in beta coefficients when perceived risks and benefits were entered into the regression equations. This result suggests that perceived risks and perceived benefits play major roles in influencing acceptance of nanotechnology and therefore reinforce the importance and worthiness of examining the mechanisms through which the public form opinion about risks-versus-benefits of the technology. It also suggests that some form of mediation is going on and it would be worthwhile to examine the indirect effects of these factors on nanotechnology acceptance. 5.2. Explanations for Findings on Moderating Mechanisms Perhaps the most noteworthy contribution of this study is the finding showing the moderating role of cognitive processing in the communication-attitude link, providing partial support for the differential gains model applied to a science communication context. First off, the results show a transverse interaction pattern for the combined effects of science media use and elaborative processing (i.e., intrapersonal reflection) on public perceived risks-versusbenefits. In other words, among the low elaborative processors, those who paid more attention to science news in the media perceived significantly more risks/lesser benefits than did those who paid less attention to science news in the media. Conversely, among the high elaborative processors, those who paid more attention to science news in the media perceived significantly lesser risks/more benefits than did those who paid less attention. These transverse interaction patterns could be explained by the common journalistic practice of reporting two opposing sides of an issue. Even though nanotechnology has been covered in positive terms, in most cases, journalists are likely to offer both benefits and risks perspectives to achieve balance and objectiveness in news coverage. Therefore, it is not surprising that for those people who paid 93 attention to but did not reflect on the news, they are likely to perceive greater risks/lesser benefits than those who paid attention to and reflect on the news. In addition, the study shows a significant interaction between science media use and elaborative processing on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Specifically, the results show a contingent interaction pattern, in which the relationship between science media use and support for federal funding was significantly stronger for high elaborative processors than for low elaborative processors. Given the fact that media coverage of nanotechnology has been overwhelmingly positive, high elaborative processors are therefore likely to absorb this information, resulting in greater support for funding of the technology than do low elaborative processors. Consequently, only those individuals who ponder and actively process media messages about science per se will recall information from the media and form judgment support for federal funding of nanotechnology. These findings underscore the importance of elaborative processing in the public opinion formation process. On the other hand, the postulated interactions between science media use and science discussion on public perceived risks-versus-benefits and support for federal funding of nanotechnology did not hold. One explanation for this null effect may lie in the measurement of science discussion in this study, in which it may be tapping only one type of discussion. Previous research has shown that individuals who engage in heterogeneous discussion, i.e., discussion with diverse others, tended to be more exposed to dissimilar viewpoints and therefore, likely to stimulate more mental activities and thinking; conversely, individuals who engage in homogeneous discussions, i.e., discussions with people who are likeminded, would tend to hear similar viewpoints that reinforce their existing ideas which may not stimulate as much cognitive reflection. This distinction between homogenous and heterogeneous 94 discussions (McLeod et al., 1999; Scheufele, Nisbet, Brossard, & Nisbet, 2004) may be the reason behind the null findings. In addition, the posited relationships of intrapersonal and interpersonal reflections with factual scientific knowledge were not significant. Whereas intrapersonal and interpersonal reflections may engender a more sophisticated knowledge structure (e.g., procedural knowledge) about the scientific world, it may not necessary bring about an increase in factual, textbook style scientific knowledge which was measured in Study 1. As a result, these hypothesized effects were non-significant. Taken together, the significant interactions suggest that people still rely on new scientific information gathered from the mass media to form attitudes toward nanotechnology. The effect from the media was heightened when people paid attention to science news in the media and reflected upon the messages they received. These results partially support the differential gains model and suggest that media effects are more complex than it seems. 5.3. Explanations for Findings on Mediating Mechanisms In addition to the moderating mechanisms, this study advances the processes underlying public attitudes toward nanotechnology by examining the mediating mechanisms. Notably, the impact of science media use was both direct and indirect, (a) via the informational route, in which the news media provide an informal learning channel of scientific issues for the public, and (b) via the heuristic route, in which the positive media frames served as cues or shortcut for the miserly public when making judgments. Applying the cognitive mediation model to understand the mediating mechanism, this study shows that science media use promoted acquisition of factual scientific knowledge, both directly and indirectly as mediated by elaborative processing. Factual scientific knowledge was, 95 in turn, negatively related to public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. These results were in line with the major propositions outlined in the “cognitive mediation model” (Eveland, 2001, 2002). Not only that, this study found that value predispositions including religious beliefs and deference to scientific authority motivated science media use and reflective integration. These findings were also consistent with parts of the cognitive mediation model in which surveillance gratifications are postulated to lead to news attention and elaboration (Eveland, 2001, 2002). Moreover, the findings from the study show that elaborative processing mediated the effect of science media use on perceived risks-versus-benefits, with elaborative processing negatively related to perceived risks-versus-benefits. Likewise, elaborative processing also mediated the influence of science media use on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology, with elaborative processing positively related to support for funding. Echoing this, science media use tended to stimulate scientific discussion, and science discussion in turn, was positively associated with public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. These additional informational pathways could be explained by the fact that media use stimulated a more sophisticated and advanced knowledge structure about science among the public, and this in turn propelled the public to make informed judgments about nanotechnology. This line of reasoning parallels previous studies in the area of political communication (e.g., Sotirovic & McLeod, 2001). The heuristic pathways through which the mass media influenced public judgments about nanotechnology were manifested through the direct effects; science media use had a direct negative influence on public perceived risks-versus-benefits and a direct positive influence on public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. These results are consistent with findings from previous studies that indicated that individuals use positive news frames in 96 the media as cognitive shortcuts to form opinion about emerging science and technology (Lee et al., 2005; Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). Another heuristic path emanated from the mediating role of trust in scientists. Specifically, science media use and elaborate processing of science news stories in the media promoted a sense of trust in scientists, and this sense of trust, in turn, propelled the public to perceive more benefits relative to risks for nanotechnology. Again, these are additional evidence suggesting that individuals draw on both heuristic cues and cognition to form opinions about emerging technologies. 5.4. Implications This study has important implications for theory and policy. Theoretically, this study demonstrates that the scientific literacy model and the cognitive miser model are not mutually exclusive. Rather, individuals tend to use a combination of both heuristic cues and cognitive thinking to form opinions about emerging technologies. In particular, the relationships of mass media use and reflective integration with public attitudes toward nanotechnology enable us to draw a nexus between the two models. As exemplified by the direct effect of mass media, individuals tended to use the positive frames about nanotechnology as heuristic cues in the media to form judgments about the new technology. At the same time, through both the moderating and mediating mechanisms of reflective integration, individuals tended to retrieve new information and scientific knowledge from the mass media to form opinions about nanotechnology. Therefore, scholars in the area of public understanding of science should recognize that heuristics and cognitive thinking are complementary processes, and should strike a middle-ground when examining both processes in future research. Another major theoretical contribution of this study is the application of communication theories into the research area of the public understanding of science. Thus far, this is the first 97 study to incorporate the notion of reflective integration into the area of science communication and its impact on public attitudes toward nanotechnology. Moreover, this study extended the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model to a different context beyond politics and examined different motivations behind mass media use in a non-political context. This cross-domain approach not only enhance the value and generalizability of the differential gains model, the cognitive mediation model, and the notion of reflective integration per se, it also enable us to build a stronger and refined model in understanding how public form attitudes toward science and emerging technologies. More importantly, this study contributes to existing risk and science communication literature by bridging the disconnection between the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model and showing a more complex process of how people form risks judgments and attitudes toward emerging technology. The results of this study shows that people who pay attention to news and actively engage in elaborative processing tended to possess greater cognitive sophistication about the scientific world to perceive greater benefits than risks for nanotechnology and offer greater support for funding of the emerging technology. The moderating role of elaborative processing, coupled with its mediating role, thus sheds light on the additional mechanisms through which public could form attitudes toward emerging technology. Instead of a simple direct media effects model, the relationships between science media use, reflective integration, and public attitudes toward nanotechnology are far more complex than previously assumed. Above and beyond the contributions to communication theory and research in the public understanding of science, the findings of this study point to several important practical implications. Given that there are groups with different opinions about nanotechnology such as the highly religious public, science communication practitioners should adopt the target 98 segmentation strategy, in which communication messages are tailored for publics from different social backgrounds for maximum effect. In addition, trust in nano-scientists both in academia and industry is crucial to public support for nanotechnology. Therefore, government regulatory bodies should ensure that the necessary guidelines are in place (e.g., guidelines to manage toxicity related to nanotechnology and health standards for creating commercial products) so that public confidence and trust is maintained. Given the findings that the mass media play a key role in shaping public attitudes toward nanotechnology via heuristic and/or informational routes, policymakers and scientists should learn to focus on framing their messages in ways that connect with diverse audience. It is important for public officials, scientists, and science communicators to pay attention to new developments in media coverage of nanotechnology to monitor public opinion movements, especially when the issue of nanotechnology enters into a different stage of the issue-attention cycle. The mass media could also be a point of intervention for public officials as they could provide accurate and up-to-date information about nanotechnology to the public so as to sustain positive public opinion. Since scientific discussion has been shown in this study to play a key role in mediating the impact of the mass media on public formation of attitudes toward nanotechnology, it should be worthwhile for policymakers to invest in large-scale public dialogue initiatives such as town hall meetings, deliberative forums, and nano cafes. This inevitably generates another practical question: In addition to dialogues with other non-likeminded citizens who hold dissimilar viewpoints on nanotechnology, is it necessary for policymakers to invite nanotechnology experts to these deliberative forums to have discussions with the public? Put differently, do public attitudes toward nanotechnology differ significantly from that of the experts, to the 99 extent that dialogues between these two groups are necessary to close the attitudinal gaps between them? Very often, scientists in the academia are preoccupied with conducting laboratory research, publishing scientific results, and teaching college-level courses, which leave them with little time for participating in dialogues with the public at forums or nano cafes. This reallocation of time and effort for the scientists has to be justified with the evidence that a attitudinal-gap indeed exists between the public and the scientists. Moreover, a attitudinal-gap inquiry will also justify whether there is a need for scientists to participate in other outreach efforts such as conducting seminars at churches to reach out to the highly religious citizens and involving in thoughtful framing of messages in the news media while staying truthful to scientific uncertainty. Therefore, using the key factors that were identified in this study, Study 2 will examine how the experts and the public differ in terms of their perceived risks-versusbenefits of nanotechnology and their level of support for federal funding of the emerging technology. Details about Study 2 will be described in the next chapter. 100 CHAPTER 6 EXPERTS VERSUS PUBLIC ATTITUDES TOWARD NANOTECHNOLOGY (STUDY 2) Following the practical questions posed in Chapter 5, the aims of Study 2 are threefold. First, Study 2 aims to examine how the experts and the public differ in terms of their perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and their level of support for federal funding of the emerging technology. Second, and more importantly, Study 2 aims to examine how heuristic cues, in the form of value predispositions and science media use variables that were identified earlier on in Study 1, will influence experts and public perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and their support for federal funding of nanotechnology.8 Finally, this study set out to determine if the experts use the same or different set of considerations to make judgments of nanotechnology, in comparison with the public. Study 2 is also a follow-up to a recent research study that was conducted by Scheufele and his colleagues (2007) that examined the similarities and differences between the U.S. nanotechnology scientists and the general public on their perceived risks and benefits. Briefly, Scheufele et al. (2007) found that the experts were more optimistic than the public about the potential benefits of nanotechnology. Conversely, the public were more concerned about the potential risks of nanotechnology, including the potential loss of privacy or adverse economic impacts, than were the experts. Despite the importance of these findings, it is important to highlight that only descriptive statistical analyses were run for this particular study. In order to There were no comparable measures for reflective integration in the expert survey dataset. As such, elaborative processing and interpersonal discussion was left out from the analyses of Study 2. Future research should attempt to examine if the experts and public would differentially use reflective integration when forming opinions about nanotechnology. 8 101 adequately determine if the public were indeed different from the experts in terms of their perceived risks and benefits, appropriate social and demographic factors must be controlled for. Therefore, Study 2 will advance the findings in Scheufele et al.’s (2007) study by comparing the public and expert opinions using multivariate statistical analyses. Furthermore, Study 2 will also fill out a void in the previous research by examining the potential differences between the public and the experts in terms of their level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology. 6.1. Differences in Expert and Public Judgments of Risk Scholars in risk communication research generally believed that experts view risks differently from members of the lay public, and that expert judgments are closer to reality than those of the public (e.g., Cole & Withey, 1981; Sandman et al., 1987; Slovic, 1987). In other words, expert judgments of risk are often viewed as objective and can be measured and quantified scientifically, whereas public assessments of risk are often deemed as subjective and qualitative. Slovic (1997) pointed out: “Experts are seen as purveying risk assessments, characterized as objective, wise, and rational – based upon the real risks. In contrast, the public is seen to rely upon perceptions of risk that are subjective, often hypothetical, emotional, foolish and irrational” (p. 278). Cole and Withey (1981) echoed the view: “Risk assessments obtained from a small group of ‘experts’ were highly correlated with statistical data describing annual fatalities, thereby indicating 102 that, among experts, perceptions of risk were a function of the available statistical evidence and little else” (p. 145) . Likewise, Sandman, Weinstein, and Klotz (1987) maintained: “Whereas experts base their judgments on mortality rates, the public relies on other types of information to evaluate the riskiness of a threat” (p. 95). The small but growing body of empirical studies on expert versus layperson similarities/differences in risk judgment has led to the generally accepted conclusion that experts who are knowledgeable in their field tend to perceive hazards within their area of expertise as less risky than the lay public, and that expert judgments are more objective than those of the general public, both across the wide spectrum of questions asked and across the variety of substantive domains (see Rowe & Wright, 2001, for an overview). Differences in the way that expert and the lay population judge risks have been observed across various domains, including toxicology (Kraus et al., 1992), ecological risks to water environments (McDaniels et al., 1997), global climate change (Lazo et al., 2000), computer technology (Gutteling & Kuttschreuter, 2002), aviation (Thomson, Onkal, Avcioglu, & Goodwin, 2004), biotechnology (Savadori et al., 2004), Mad cow disease (Raude, Fischler, Setbon, & Flahault, 2005), flood risks (Michael Siegrist & Gutscher, 2006), and nanotechnology (Siegrist, Keller, Kastenholz, Frey, & Wiek, 2007). There are only a few exceptions. For instance, Wright, Pearman, and Yardley (2000) found that expert and the lay public shared similarities in risk judgment of hazardous events in oil and gas production in the North Sea. In addition, Wright, Bolger, and Rowe (2002) demonstrated that university students closely paralleled the expert underwriters when it comes to estimating the likelihoods of potentially lethal events. 103 Despite this, methodological weaknesses in many of these studies may have attenuated the true effect sizes of the relationships between expertise (i.e., status) and risks judgments. Put it another way, differences in risk judgments between experts and the public could have been wider if there are no inherent methodological problems in previous studies. There are two noticeable problems in many extant studies. First, the representativeness and validity of the expert sample in many previous studies are questionable. For example, Raude, Fischler, Setbon, and Flahault (2005) examined how medical scientists and members of the general population reacted to the mad cow disease in France. In this particular study, the scientists were sampled from within one scientific institution (the French Institute of Health and Medical Research). Aside from the low response rate of 19 percent in the study, sampling from one institution could hardly be representative of the entire scientific community in France. In another comparison study by Slovic, Fischhoff, and Lichtenstein (1985), the expert group used in the study included such specialists as lawyers, economists, and geographers, who could arguably appear in the lay group as well. Not only that, their sampling process only mentioned “selected nationwide” and thus was not well defined. In several studies, details about the composition of the expert groups were not reported (Barke & Jenkins-Smith, 1993; Flynn, Slovic, & Mertz, 1993; Gutteling & Kuttschreuter, 1999; McDaniels et al., 1997; Wright et al., 2000). In fact, Rowe and Wright (2001) summarized in their meta-review that the expert samples generally represented quite diverse groupings across studies: toxicologists, computer scientists, nuclear scientists, aquatic scientists, ecologists, loss-prevention managers in oil and gas production, and scientists in general. To rectify this problem, Rowe and Wright (2001) suggested that future studies provide information about the nature of the day-to-day activities of the experts to allow readers to ascertain that the content of the risk questions posed is located within the experts’ expertise and experience. This is important because it will enhance the 104 ecological validity of the study and ensure that we are measuring true effect size difference between the expert and the lay public. The second major problem that had plagued many previous studies is the failure to control for social and demographic factors (e.g., age, gender, SES, etc.) that are associated with risk judgments, when determining if expert and lay public differences are indeed due to expertise. Rowe and Wright (2001) aptly pointed out: “There are a number of key demographic and socioeconomic factors that have been demonstrated to correlate with risk perception…….Unfortunately, none of the empirical studies on this subject have attempted to match their expert and lay samples on all of these factors. As such, these factors potentially confound observed expert-lay differences that have been attributed to ‘expertise.’” (p. 348) For example, a study by Kraus et al. (1992) claimed that group status (i.e., public versus experts) was the most important predictor, with gender, race, and education accounting for significant but small amounts of variance in response to questions on risk judgments. However, the authors only provided descriptive breakdowns of the expert versus public responses, and no higher-level statistical analysis was provided to support this claim. This problem could be overcome by simply using ordinary regression, controlling for social and demographic factors in the analysis. Siegrist, Keller, Kastenholz, Frey, and Wiek (2007) conducted a study in Switzerland by examining laypeople’s and experts’ attitudes toward 20 different nanotechnology applications and three non-nanotechnology applications. Notably, they found that laypeople perceived greater risks than did experts, and that risk judgment in each respective group was predicted by 105 different set of factors. Specifically, trust, perceived benefits, and general attitudes toward technology influenced the perceived risk of laypeople; conversely, confidence in governmental agencies was the only important predictor of risks associated with nanotechnology applications among the experts. Despite these differences, the results also show that both laypersons and experts judged asbestos as more risky than any single nanotechnology application. They concluded that laypersons and experts use different cues to make risk judgments about nanotechnology, with the experts having a unique position to independently assess risks and benefits. Even though Siegrist et al. (2007) contributed to our understanding of the similarities and differences underlying layperson’s and experts’ perceived risks of nanotechnology, there are some inherent problems in the study that may have limited the generalizability of the results. First off, information on the sampling of experts was unclear. They indicated that “People who attended recent conferences about nanotechnology or who work at research laboratories in the field of nanotechnology were selected. Experts were contacted by e-mail and asked to fill out a paper and pencil questionnaire” (p. 61). However, there was no information about the response rate, sampling frame, and sampling technique of the expert sample. In other words, a convenience sampling of nanotechnology experts was carried out in their study. If the samples were not randomly selected, this might limit the generalizability of the findings. Moreover, the sample size of both the layperson group (N = 375) and expert group (N = 46) were rather small for surveys, potentially leading to Type II error, that is, rejection of an alternative hypothesis when it may have found support. Given the fact that public in the United States and Europe differ in their perceived risks and benefits of nanotechnology (Cobb & Macoubrie, 2004; Gaskell, Eyck et al., 2005), it would therefore, be worthwhile to conduct a separate study that compares how the public and experts 106 perceive the emerging technology in the United States. The current study seeks to examine these differences between experts and lay public in terms of their perceived risks and benefits in the United States, guided by two key goals: using a better sampling procedure with larger sample sizes in both groups, and using appropriate multivariate analyses, to overcome the inherent methodological problems in previous studies. 6.2. Expert and Public Differences in Levels of Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology Even though studies on layperson and experts differences in risk judgments of science and technologies abound, extant literature examining the differences between expert and public support for federal funding of science in general and nanotechnology in particular is scarce. Nevertheless, it is worthwhile to examine the potential differences in the level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology between the public and the experts. In addition, it is worthwhile to assess if the experts and public use different sets of considerations to make funding decisions about the emerging technology. Specifically, would the experts make more rational judgments than do the public by virtue of their expertise and knowledge (instead of using heuristic cues and value predispositions) when making decisions about federal funding of nanotechnology? Also, would differences in perceived risks-versus-benefits between the two groups have a differential effect on their level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology? If indeed, the differences in funding decisions between the public and the experts are large, and if the public do use more affective considerations to make judgments than do the experts, then communication and dialogue between these two groups would be necessary to bridge the gap. 107 6.3. Factors that Influence Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits and Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology As mentioned earlier, the perceived risks and benefits of individuals vary as a function of various socio-demographic variables, such as gender, age, income, education, etc. (Bodmer, 1985; Brody, 1984; Lee et al., 2005; Miller & Kimmel, 2001; Miller et al., 1997; Siegrist, 1998, 2000; Sparks, Shepherd, & Frewer, 1994). In particular, the most robust demographic predictor of perceived risks and benefits is gender, where females are likely to perceive greater risks (and less benefits) than do males (Bord & O'Connor, 1997; Davidson & Freudenburg, 1996; Gutteling & Wiegman, 1993; Lee et al., 2005; Savage, 1993; Siegrist, 2000; Slovic, 1999). Among experts, gender differences have also been found to influence risk judgments, in which female scientists tend to perceive greater risks than do male scientists (e.g., Barke, Jenkins-Smith, & Slovic, 1997; Kraus et al., 1992; Slovic et al., 1995). The impact of age has been mixed, with some studies found significant influence of age on perceived risks (e.g., Morton & Duck, 2006) while others have not found such differences (e.g., Lee et al., 2005; Morton & Duck, 2001). Nevertheless, both gender and age will be included as control variables in the analysis in the current study to ascertain that any differences in perceived risks-versus-benefits is due to scientific status (i.e., difference in expertise) instead of demographic factors. According to availability heuristic (Tversky & Kahneman, 1982), people use easily accessible instances or associations (from various sources) that could be brought readily to mind, as cues to form judgments and make decisions. Notably, value predispositions are heuristic cues or cognitive shortcuts that individuals often use to form opinions about risks and benefits related to science and technology (e.g., Siegrist et al., 2007). Differences in religious, political, and social worldviews have been found to be associated with variations in attitudes among both the experts and the public. Religious guidance has been demonstrated to correlate at the 108 zero-order level with risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (e.g., Lee et al., 2005). Ascribing trust to social institutions enables us to reduce uncertainty to an acceptable level and simplify decisions involving large amount of information. Studies in the domains of genetic engineering and gene technology have demonstrated that people who trusted scientific institutions attributed more benefits and fewer risks (Siegrist, 2000; Siegrist & Cvetkovich, 2000; Tanaka, 2004). Communication scholars have argued that the more positive framing of nanotechnology in the mass media is likely to act as heuristic cues in influencing the risks and benefits considerations among the public (e.g., Nisbet & Scheufele, 2007; Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). Existing experimental studies have demonstrated that framing of nanotechnology have an effect on how audience perceived risks and benefits of the technology (e.g., Cobb, 2005; Schutz & Wiedemann, 2008). Particularly in the area of emerging technologies where most citizens have little or no direct experience, media coverage of these technologies acts as a key heuristic for the audience (Ho et al., 2008; Nisbet et al., 2003; Nisbet & Lewenstein, 2002). To get a good sense of how the mass media could be used by the experts and the public to make risks and benefits judgment about nanotechnology, science media use (or, attention to science news in the mass media) will be examined. In addition, results of Study 1 in Chapters 4 and 5 have shown that value predispositions, including religious beliefs, deference to scientific authority, science media use, and trust in scientists were key determinants of public level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology. As such, these factors will also be examined in Study 2 to determine if they have differential effects on funding support depending on scientific status. 109 Based on the above-mentioned considerations and the existing literature demonstrating the differences between the public and the experts in terms of perceived risks, the following hypotheses are postulated: Hypothesis 17a: Experts will perceive lesser risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology than will the public, after taking into account all the appropriate control variables. Hypothesis 17b: Experts will indicate greater support for federal funding of nanotechnology than will the public, after taking into account all the appropriate control variables. Hypothesis 18a: The public will use more heuristic cues, in the form of value predispositions and science news frames, when making judgments about perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology than will experts. Hypothesis 18b: The public will use more heuristic cues, in the form of value predispositions and science news frames, when making judgments about support for federal funding of nanotechnology than will experts. In essence, the purpose of the present study is to investigate whether experts perceive, and react differently to, nanotechnology than do the public, and, if such is the case, whether the differences may be attributed to the main demographic predictors, value predispositions, and science news frames, which have consistently been shown to account for individuals’ risk judgments. 110 CHAPTER 7 METHODS AND RESULTS (STUDY 2) In Chapter 7, I will describe the methods and results of Study 2. In particular, the methods section will elaborate on the data and sampling procedure employed, measures used, and the analytical approach for testing the hypotheses posited in Study 2. Following this, I will report the findings for the hypotheses in the results section. 7.1. Methods Data for Study 2 came from a mail survey of 363 nanotechnology scientists and engineers conducted by the University of Wisconsin Survey Center.9 A rigorous sampling design was employed in which authors were identified from more than 90,000 nanotechnology publications indexed in the ISI Web of Knowledge database between January 2005 and July 2006. To construct the target sample, the names and detailed contact information of a complete list of roughly 1,000 U.S. scientists, who worked primarily in higher education and private industry were compiled (contact information was obtained from the Internet and public sources). These scientists were first or corresponding authors of their nanotechnology-related work, which was cited at least five times in the publication database. This sampling design of focusing on the most highly cited and most active scientists within the field of nanotechnology would encapsulate viewpoints from scientists with an 9 Just like the 2007 public opinion data, the scientist survey was originally collected by Professor Dietram A. Scheufele, under grants support from the National Science Foundation (SES-0531194) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison Graduate School (135GL82). Again, I would like to acknowledge his generosity in making these data available for my dissertation. 111 established track record in the field, and exclude scientists in unrelated disciplines who happened to publish a nanotechnology-related topic during the timeframe outlined in the sampling frame. In addition, the small number of graduate students who were listed as lead or corresponding authors were excluded from the sample because most of them had relocated to other labs or institutions by the time the survey went in the field and it was difficult to reliably identify contact information for many of them. The mail survey was administered in three waves, following Dillman’s Total Design Method (AAPOR RR-3: 39.5 percent). The fieldwork was conducted from May to June 2007. The approximate margin of error was +/- 5 percent. All respondents with valid addresses received an initial full mailing, via First Class U.S. Mail, including a cover letter explaining the study, a postage-paid return envelope, and a questionnaire sent on March 13, 2007. A postcard reminder was mailed to respondents on March 20, 2007. A second full mailing was sent to all respondents who had not returned a survey on April 20, 2007. The third wave was held for mailing until June 6, 2007 in order to have them arrive soon after the end of the semester at most universities, and was sent to corrected addresses when available. The University of Wisconsin Survey Center concluded the field period and began data delivery on June 22, 2007. (Sampling procedure of public responses to nanotechnology was described earlier in Chapter 4.) 7.1.1. Measures Only identical or similar measures in the expert and public samples were included in the analyses. Variables such as elaborative processing, interpersonal discussion, and factual scientific knowledge were not included for comparisons because these questions were not measured in the expert survey. In many ways, the expert survey questionnaire was an abridged version of the 2007 public opinion survey questionnaire. Table 7.1 shows the descriptive 112 statistics and the actual question wording from the original expert survey questionnaire for each item examined in this study. Outcome Variables Support for federal funding of nanotechnology. The first outcome variable was measured using a single-item measure for both the expert and the public samples: “Overall, I support federal funding for nanotechnology.” For the expert sample, the outcome variable was measured on a 5-point scale, from 1 “do not agree at all” to 5 “agree very much” (M = 4.69, SD = .66). For the public sample, the outcome variable was measured on a ten-point scale (1 = “do not agree at all,” 10 = “agree very much”). This item in the public sample was therefore recoded (e.g., values of 1 and 2 were recoded into 1, and values of 3 and 4 were recoded into 2, etc.) to correspond to the same metric and range as the item in the expert sample (M = 3.22, SD = 1.34). Figure 6.1 indicates that the experts were overwhelmingly more supportive of federal funding of nanotechnology than were the public. Specifically, 95.6 percent of the experts agree with the statement that “Overall, I support federal funding for nanotechnology” as compared with 42.6 percent of the public who agree with the statement. Perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Next, perceived risks of nanotechnology was an additive index of seven items for both the expert and the public samples: (a) “Nanotech may lead to the loss of personal privacy because of tiny new surveillance devices,” (b) “Nanotech may lead to an arms race between the U.S. and other countries,” (c) “Nanotech may lead to new human health problems,” (d) “Nanotech may be used by terrorists against the U.S.,” (e) “Because of nanotech we may lose more U.S. jobs.,” (f) “Nanotech may lead to the uncontrollable spread of very tiny self-replicating robots,” and (g) “Nanotech may lead to more pollution and environmental contamination.” These items were measured on five-point scales in the expert sample from 1 “strongly disagree” to 5 “strongly agree” (M = 16.65, SD = 5.00, 113 Cronbach’s alpha = .77). For the public sample, these items were measured on ten-point scales from 1 “do not agree at all” to 10 “agree very much.” As with support for federal funding, the items in the public sample were recoded (e.g., values of 1 and 2 were recoded into 1, and values of 3 and 4 were recoded into 2, etc.) to correspond to the same metric and range as those scales in the expert sample (M = 18.87, SD = 5.77, Cronbach’s alpha = .82). Likewise, perceived benefits of nanotechnology was measured with an additive index of seven items for both samples: (a) “Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to treat and detect human diseases,” (b) “Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to clean up the environment,” (c) “Nanotech may give scientists the ability to improve human physical and mental abilities,” (d) “Nanotech may help us develop increased national security and defensive capabilities,” (e) “Nanotech may lead to technologies that will help solve our energy problems,” (f) “Nanotech may revolutionize the computer industry,” and (g) “Nanotech may lead to a new economic boom.” For the expert sample, these items were measured on five-point scales ranging from 1 “strongly disagree” to 5 “strongly agree” (M = 28.89, SD = 4.55, Cronbach’s alpha = .83). For the public sample, these items were measured on ten-point scales from 1 “do not agree at all” to 10 “agree very much.” Again, these items were recoded in the public sample such that they are transformed into the same metric and range as those scales in the expert sample (M = 25.41, SD = 6.59, Cronbach’s alpha = .90). Exploratory factor analyses using principal axis factoring extraction method was conducted to determine the dimensionality of each of the composite measures for perceived risks and perceived benefits in the public and expert samples. For each analysis, only meaningful factor with an eigenvalue that was greater than 1.00 was extracted. For public perceived risks, only one factor emerged in the analysis, with an eigenvalue of 3.407 which explained 48.67 percent of the total variance. For experts’ perceived risks, one meaningful factor 114 emerged, with an eigenvalue of 2.975 which explained 42.504 percent of the total variance. When it comes to public perceived benefits, one factor with an eigenvalue of 4.579 which accounted for 65.42 percent of the variance was extracted. Likewise, for experts’ perceived benefits, one factor with an eigenvalue of 3.561 emerged from the analysis, which accounted for 50.87 percent of the total variance. Therefore, the results of the exploratory factor analyses revealed the unidimensionality of each of the composite measures for perceived risks and perceived benefits in the public and expert samples. The results also suggested that the same patterns emerged for the public and experts sample, and provided further justification for combining the items into additive, composite measures. For both the expert and public samples, the outcome variable was measured by subtracting perceived benefits of nanotechnology from perceived risks of nanotechnology, with higher scores indicating greater perceived risks (Expert: M = -12.24, SD = 6.24; Public: M = -6.51, SD = 6.98). As shown in Figures 6.2 and 6.3, experts were more optimistic about the potential benefits than did the general public, but they were also more concerned about environmental and health risks. For example, experts were significantly more likely than the general public to agree that nanotechnology may lead to “new and better ways to treat and detect human diseases” (92 percent for experts; 64 percent for public) or to “new and better ways to clean up the environment” (83 percent for experts; 49 percent for public). Members of the general public, in contrast, were more concerned about many of the potential drawbacks of nanotechnology, such as the “loss of personal privacy because of tiny new surveillance devices” (44 percent for public; 30 percent for experts) or the loss of “more U.S. jobs” (38 percent for public; 6 percent for experts). The exceptions were two areas in which experts expressed higher levels of concern than did the general public: the potential of nanotechnology to “lead to more pollution and 115 environmental contamination” (19 percent for experts; 14 percent for public) and “to new human health problems” (31 percent for experts; 21 percent for public). On the whole, the public expressed more concern about the potential risks of nanotechnology than did the experts. Independent Variables Religious beliefs. For both samples, respondents were asked to indicate on a ten-point scale (1 = “no guidance at all,” 10 = “a great deal of guidance”), how much guidance does religion provide in their everyday life (Expert: M = 3.42, SD = 2.91; Public: M = 6.00, SD = 3.01). Deference to scientific authority. The following two items were used to tap respondents’ deference to scientific authority: (a) “Scientists know best what is good for the public,” and (b) “Scientists should do what they think is best, even if they have to persuade people that it is right.” For the public sample, the respondents were asked to indicate on a ten-point scale, from 1 “do not agree at all” to 10 “agree very much” the extent to which they agree with the two statements. The items were averaged to create a composite scale (M = 4.30, SD = 2.02, r = .39, p < .001). For the expert sample, the two items were measured on a five-point scale, from 1 “strongly disagree” to 5 “strongly agree.” Likewise, the items were averaged to create a composite scale (M = 3.42, SD = .81, r = .24, p < .001). The new index in both samples was standardized before data analysis to ensure that they were in the same metric. Science media use. For the public sample, respondents were asked to indicate how much attention they paid to the following items when they read the newspapers, watch television, and read online content on a ten-point scale (0 = “no attention at all,” 10 = “very close attention”): (a) “Stories related to science and technology,” (b) “Stories about scientific studies in new areas of research such as nanotechnology,” and (c) “Stories about the social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” This corresponded to nine separate items. Cronbach’s alpha reliability coefficient indicated high internal consistency among these nine items (X = .89). 116 Therefore, these items were averaged to create a composite index, with higher score indicating greater amount of attention (M = 4.73, SD = 2.12). Comparable questions were posed to the experts. In the expert sample, respondents were asked to indicate how much attention they paid to the following kinds of content when they read the newspapers, watch television, and read online content on a five-point scale (1 = “none,” 5 = “a lot”): (a) “Science and technology outside of your own field of research;” and (b) “The social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” This corresponded to six items and they were averaged to create a composite index, with higher score indicating greater amount of attention (M = 3.17, SD = .92, Cronbach’s alpha = .75). To bring them to the same metric, the science media use index was standardized prior to analysis. Trust in scientists was measured using the following two items, in which respondents were asked how much they trust: (a) “University scientists doing research in nanotechnology” and (b) “Scientists working for the nanotech industry.” For the public sample, respondents were specifically asked to indicate on a ten-point scale (1 = “do not trust their information at all,” 10 = “trust their information very much”), how much they trust the above sources of information to tell them the truth about the risks and benefits of nanotechnology. The items were averaged to create an index, with higher scores indicating greater levels of trust (M = 6.16, SD = 2.00, r = .58, p < .001). In a near identical question format, respondents in the expert sample were asked to indicate, on a five-point scale (1 = “not at all,” 5 = “very much”), the degree to which the abovementioned groups currently have the necessary scientific expertise to communicate about risks and benefits related to nanotechnology. The items were averaged to create an index, with higher scores corresponding to greater levels of trust (M = 4.21, SD = .80, r = .61, p < .001). The index in both samples was standardized before data analysis to ensure that they are in the same metric. 117 Control Variables To ensure that the two samples were comparable, only age and gender were included as control variables in the analyses. For the public sample, age was measured as a continuous variable (M = 46.15, SD = 17.07) and gender was measured as a dichotomous variable (51.4 percent females). Similarly, for the expert sample, age was measured as a continuous variable (M = 44.94, SD = 10.42) and gender was measured as a dichotomous variable (14.0 percent females). 7.1.2. Analytical Approach To test the hypotheses, two sets of ordinary regression analyses were run, one for perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and the other for support for federal funding of nanotechnology. For each of the regression models, the independent variables were entered in blocks according to their assumed causal order. With respect to perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology as the outcome variable, two separate regression models were run, one for the public sample and one for the expert sample. In both models, demographic variables were entered first, followed by the traitlike value predisposition variables, science media use, and state-like value predisposition. In the third regression model, the public and the expert samples were aggregated for analysis. A new dummy variable, “scientific status,” was created in which the public was coded as “0” and the experts was coded as “1.” Demographic variables were entered first, followed by the main effects of religious beliefs, deference to scientific authority, science media use, trust in scientists, and scientific status. Finally, scientific status was multiplied with each of the independent variables to create interaction terms that were entered in the last block. The independent variables and the dummy variable were standardized before multiplication to avoid possible multicollinearity problems between the interaction term and its components (Cohen et al., 2003). 118 In the analysis, six multiplicative terms were included in the final regression block: (1) the interaction between religious beliefs and scientific status, (2) the interaction between deference to scientific authority and scientific status, (3) the interaction between science media use and scientific status, and (4) the interaction between trust in scientists and scientific status. A similar analytical approach was used for support for federal funding of nanotechnology as the outcome variable. Two regression models were run, one for the public sample and one for the expert sample. In both models, the independent variables were entered in the following order: demographic variables (block 1), trait-like value predispositions (block 2), science media use (block 3), state-like dispositions (block 4), and finally, perceived risks-versusbenefits (block 5). In the third regression model used to test for significant interactions, the public and expert samples were aggregated for analysis. For this aggregated sample, the independent variables were entered in the regression model as mentioned above, followed by the standardized interactions terms in block 6: (1) the interaction between religious beliefs and scientific status, (2) the interaction between deference to scientific authority and scientific status, (3) the interaction between science media use and scientific status, (4) the interaction between trust in scientists and scientific status, and (5) the interaction between perceived risks-versusbenefits and scientific status. As the number of missing values in the data was very small (i.e., less than 2 percent for each of the independent variables concerned in both the 2007 public opinion survey and the expert opinion survey) and MCAR was assumed in this dissertation, all missing data in the ordinary regression analyses in Study 2 were treated with mean substitution. 7.2. Results In this section, tests of the potential differences between experts and public attitudes toward nanotechnology are reported. Before running the multivariate analyses, a bivariate 119 correlation analysis was run for the expert sample to preliminary examine the relationships among all the variables at the zero-order level. SPSS was used for the bivariate analysis with listwise deletion procedure. Table 7.2 shows the bivariate correlations among the variables in the expert sample. As indicated in the table, most of the variables in the sample were not highly correlated with one another at the zero-order level. As such, the factors may not predict experts’ perceived risks-versus-benefits and support for federal funding of nanotechnology as well as that in the public sample. The ordinary regression results will be reported next. 7.2.1. Experts versus Public: Factors Predicting Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology Table 7.3 shows the ordinary regression model of factors predicting perceived risksversus-benefits of nanotechnology for the public sample. As seen from the table, most of the factors significantly predicted public perceived risks-versus-benefits of the emerging technology. Females displayed a significantly higher perceived risks-versus-benefits than did males (β = .13, p < .001), but age was not significantly related to perceived risks-versus-benefits. The demographic variables accounted for 3.50 percent of the total variance in perceived risksversus-benefits of nanotechnology. With regard to the effects of trait-like value predispositions, levels of religious beliefs showed robust positive relationship with perceived risks-versus-benefits (β = .18, p < .001). Deference to scientific authority was initially related to perceived risks-versus-benefits at the zero-order level (as evidenced by the significant correlation), but its influence was fully mediated by trust in scientists, introduced in the subsequent blocks. The trait-like predisposition variables explained an additional 5.70 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. 120 For science communication, science media use was negatively associated with perceived risks-versus-benefits (β = -.19, p < .001). Science media use alone explained 6.70 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Likewise, trust in scientists displayed a strong negative relationship with the outcome variable (β = -.29, p < .001). The state-like value disposition accounted for a substantial amount of variance in perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (6.70 percent). The overall regression model for the public sample accounted for 22.6 percent of the total variance in perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. Table 7.4 displays the ordinary regression model of the factors predicting perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology among the experts sample. The results show that the perceived risks-versus-benefits was not well-predicted by the factors among the experts. Even though age and gender had no effect on experts’ perceived risks-versus-benefits, the demographic block accounted for 1.50 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Of the trait-like predispositions, religious beliefs had no significant effect on experts’ perceived risks-versus-benefits. On the other hand, deference to scientific authority had a significant negative association with the outcome variable (β = -.13, p < .01). The trait-like predispositions block explained an additional 3.20 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. In addition, science media use was negatively related to experts’ perceived risks-versusbenefits of nanotechnology (β = -.10, p < .05), accounting for an additional 1.30 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Similarly, trust in scientists was negatively associated with experts’ perceived risks-versus-benefits (β = -.24, p < .001), in which trust in scientists explained 5.50 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. The overall regression model for the expert sample accounted for 11.5 percent of the total variance in the outcome variable. 121 Results of the regression analysis of the aggregated sample of the public and experts were shown in Table 7.5. Notably, after controlling for the demographics, trait-like value predispositions, science media use, and trust in scientists, scientific status was significantly related to perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology (β = -.31, p < .001). In other words, the experts perceived significantly higher benefits and lesser risks about nanotechnology than did the public. Scientific status alone accounted for 7.00 percent of the total variance in perceived risks-versus-benefits. Therefore, Hypothesis 17a was supported. To assess whether factors predicting perceived risks-versus-benefits were indeed substantially different between the two groups, a final interactions block was entered in the regression model. The interaction between religious beliefs and scientific status (β = -.07, p < .01) on the outcome variable were significant, after accounting for all controls. However, the interactions between deference to scientific authority and scientific status, between science media use and scientific status, and between trust in scientists and scientific status, were not significantly related to the outcome variable. The overall regression model accounted for 33.4 percent of the variance in perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. These results lend partial support to Hypothesis 18a. As shown in Figure 7.1, among the public, respondents with high level of religious beliefs were significantly more likely to indicate greater perceived risksversus-benefits of nanotechnology than were those with low level of religious beliefs. Conversely, such a difference was not apparent among the experts. 7.2.2. Experts versus Public: Factors Predicting Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology Table 7.6 shows the ordinary regression model for factors predicting public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. As demonstrated in the table, the results show that age was negatively related to public support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = -.07, p < .01). On 122 the other hand, gender had no influence on the outcome variable. The demographic variables explained 2.70 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. With regard to the trait-like value predispositions, religious beliefs was found to be negatively related to public support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = -.07, p < .05). Deference to scientific authority was positively related to the outcome variable (β = .14, p < .001). The trait-like value predispositions accounted for an additional 10.2 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Likewise, science media use was positively associated with public support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = .14, p < .001), accounting for an additional 6.90 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Trust in scientists was positively related with public support for funding (β = .21, p < .001), explaining 6.40 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Finally, public perceived risks-versus-benefits negatively predicted their level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = -.26, p < .001), with the independent variable explaining an additional 5.00 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Taken together, the overall regression model explained a total of 31.2 percent of the variance in public support for federal funding of nanotechnology. Table 7.7 indicates the results of the regression analysis for factors predicting experts’ level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology. The results show that older experts tended to indicate less support for federal funding of nanotechnology than did younger experts (β = -.12, p < .05). Gender had no effect on experts’ opinion about funding. The demographic block explained 3.10 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. In addition, the more religious the experts were, the less likely they were to indicate support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = -.12, p < .05). Conversely, deference to scientific authority had no significant effect on the outcome variable. The trait-like value 123 predispositions block accounted for an additional 2.30 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Both science media use and trust in scientists did not predict experts’ support for federal funding of nanotechnology. On the other hand, experts’ perceived risks-versus-benefits negatively predicted experts’ support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = -.24, p < .001), accounting for an additional 5.20 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Overall, the regression model predicted a mere 12.6 percent of the variance in experts’ support for federal funding of nanotechnology. In addition, Table 7.8 shows the regression analysis of the combined sample of the public and the experts. Specifically, after accounting for the demographic variables, trait- and state-like dispositions, and science media use, scientific status was significantly related to support for federal funding of nanotechnology (β = .48, p < .001). Put differently, the experts perceived significantly greater support for federal funding of nanotechnology than did the public. The scientific status variable explained 16.5 percent of the variance in our outcome variable. Hence, Hypothesis 17b was supported. Again, to examine whether factors predicting support for federal funding of nanotechnology were substantially different between the experts and the public, a final interactions block was entered in the regression model. With the exception of the religious beliefs and status interaction, all the rest of the interactions were significantly related to support for federal funding of nanotechnology. As shown in Figure 7.2, among the public, respondents with high deference for scientific authority were significantly more likely to indicate greater support for federal funding of nanotechnology than were those with low deference; in contrast, such a difference was negligible among the experts. Even though there seems to be a slight slope for the expert sample, this could be due to “regression toward the mean,” a phenomenon 124 whereby members of a population with extreme values on a given measure for one observation will, for purely statistical reasons probably give less extreme measurements on other occasions when they are observed. Likewise, as indicated in Figure 7.3, among the public, those who paid high amount of attention to science news media were significantly more likely to indicate support for federal funding of nanotechnology than were those who paid low amount of attention. No such significant difference was found among the experts. Figure 7.4 shows that the public who have a high trust in scientists were significantly more likely to indicate support for funding than were those who have a low trust in scientists; there is no effect among the experts. Interestingly, Figure 7.5 shows that perceived risks-versus-benefits had differential effects on the public and the experts. Specifically, the public with higher perceived risks-versusbenefits were significantly less likely to indicate support for federal funding of nanotechnology than were those with lower perceived risks-versus-benefits. Again, such a difference was not found among the experts. Therefore, these findings provide partial support for Hypothesis 18b. 125 CHAPTER 8 DISCUSSION (STUDY 2) Chapter 8 will discuss the findings of Study 2 by providing explanations for experts and public differences in perceived risks-versus-benefits and explanations for experts and public differences in support for federal funding of nanotechnology. This chapter will also discuss the limitations and the implications of Study 2 for theory and practice. Using large and representative samples of the lay public and experts collected in the United States, Study 2 set out to examine the factors influencing perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology and support for federal funding of nanotechnology in a public sample and an expert sample. Overall, the regression analyses provide partial support for the hypotheses regarding the impact of scientific status (i.e., experts versus lay public) on perceived risksversus-benefits of nanotechnology. Notably, two major findings were demonstrated. First, compared with the experts, the public judged nanotechnology as having more risks and lesser benefits, after controlling for all appropriate factors such as demographic variables. Second, experts, equipped with their professional training and experience, used relatively less heuristic cues such as religious guidance, to make risks-versus-benefits judgment of nanotechnology than did the public. With respect to funding of nanotechnology, the regression analyses provide strong support for the hypotheses on the effect of scientific status on support for federal funding of nanotechnology. In particular, experts indicated greater support for federal funding of the emerging technology than did the public, after accounting for all the appropriate control variables. Moreover, experts drew on significantly less heuristic cues in the form of value predispositions and science media frames to make decision about funding support for 126 nanotechnology than did the public. Taken together, these findings suggest that the experts are in a position to independently assess risks and benefits, and indicate that experts and the public use different considerations to make judgments about risks and benefits of the emerging technology. 8.1. Explanations for Experts and Public Differences in Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits As expected, the lay public perceived greater risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology than did the experts, consistent with the results of most previous studies (e.g., Lazo et al., 2000; Savadori et al., 2004; Siegrist et al., 2007). Important factors including demographic and value predisposition variables were controlled for in the analysis to ensure that differences in the outcome variable is truly a function of scientific status, and not a consequence of the confounding demographic factors. This status gap potentially stems from the fact that experts deal with the technology on a daily basis and they are more knowledgeable about the technology. Therefore, their estimation of the risks and benefits of the technology may be closer to reality than that of the public, and experts may be more accepting of risks from nanotechnology than are the public. To the extent that they perceive risks-versus-benefits to be larger, the lay public may feel there is a greater need for policy intervention. However, the hypothesis that the experts are able to independently assess risks and benefits, and therefore employ less heuristic cues to make risks-versus-benefits judgment of nanotechnology than did the public was, at best, partially supported in this study. Even though in the separate regression models, value predispositions and science media use explained a relatively larger amount of variance in public (22.6 percent of variance explained) perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology than did the experts (11.5 percent of variance explained), only the impact of the interaction between scientific status and religious beliefs on 127 perceived risks-versus-benefits was significant in the combined regression model. In other words, both the experts and the public use heuristic cues – including deference to scientific authority, science news frames, and trust in scientists – to form risks-versus-benefits judgment. The fact that deference to scientific authority and trust in scientists did not show differential effects on perceived risks-versus-benefits depending on scientific status is not as surprising as it appears. The experts conduct laboratory research on nanotechnology on a dayto-day basis and therefore, they should be very confident and certain about their own and other scientists’ capability and integrity in handling the potential risks related to the emerging technology. As such, it is not surprising to find that deference to scientific authority and trust in scientists influenced both the public and experts’ judgments. Perhaps significant interactions may have been found if this study were to examine trust in other non-scientific institutions, such as governmental agencies (e.g., the White House and the Environmental Protection Agency) or non-profit organizations (e.g., environmental activists). Besides this, science media use had an influence on both the public and experts’ perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology. This highlights the strong impact of mass communication channels, potentially in the form of heuristic cues (positive media frames) and information, on both experts and public attitude. This is not surprising since news coverage of nanotechnology has been overwhelmingly positive (e.g., Cobb, 2005; Stephens, 2005), and therefore, the benefits frame could influence both the experts and the public. This study may have been able to find a differential effect of science media use on perceived risks-versusbenefits contingent on scientific status if it were to examine media use separately by medium (i.e., television news, print news, and online news). For instance, due to the nature of the Internet, those who attended to online science news are likely to be interested in science or to be more knowledgeable about scientific issues from the start. Therefore, those who attended to 128 science news online would naturally gravitate towards greater perceived benefits/ lesser perceived risks than those who do not. Of course, these are speculations that should be verified in future research. On the other hand, the significant interaction results show that scientific status moderated the impact of religious beliefs on respondents’ perceived risks-versus-benefits. Put differently, those who are highly religious are significantly more likely to indicate higher perceived risks-versus-benefits than those who are low on religiosity among the public. No such effect was found for the experts. Due to their expertise and knowledge, the experts would be able to put aside their religious beliefs to give a more objective assessment of the risks and benefits of nanotechnology than would the lay public. Echoing recommendations in Study 1, the finding from the current study suggests that industry and university scientists may need to work with religious institutions such as churches and synagogues to convey the message that science is not necessary an antithesis to religion, and to provide accurate information about nanotechnology to the public. Therefore, the assertion that the experts are indeed more objective in their judgment, using more objective and rational reasoning (such as statistical evidence) and concomitantly less heuristic cues, of risks and benefits assessments than the public was partially supported by the findings in this study. Other sets of value predispositions such as trust in governmental agencies must be examined in future studies that compares opinions of experts and lay public to gather more support for this conclusion. 129 8.2. Explanations for Experts and Public Differences in Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology Unlike perceived risks-versus-benefits, the lay public seemed to use significantly more heuristic cues to form opinion about support for federal funding of nanotechnology than did the experts, providing a strong support for the hypothesis that the experts are more objective in their judgments when it comes to funding decisions. To recapitulate, the lay public support for federal funding of nanotechnology were predicted by age, religious beliefs, deference to scientific authority, science media use, trust in scientists, and perceived risks-versus-benefits. These factors explained 31.2 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. Conversely, experts’ level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology was predicted only by age, religious beliefs, and perceived risks-versus-benefits with these factors explaining a small 12.6 percent of the variance in the outcome variable. This indicates that experts and the public use different considerations to make decision about funding support for the emerging technology. The extent to which scientific status moderated the heuristic factors in the combined regression model provided stronger evidence for this conclusion. Notably, scientific status moderated the influence of deference to scientific authority on support for federal funding of nanotechnology. The influence of deference to scientific authority was significantly larger among the public than among the experts. Likewise, trust in scientists was positively associated with perceived risks-versus-benefits among the public, whereas no such difference was found for the experts. A similar moderation effect on support for federal funding was found for science media use as well. Although perceived risks-versus-benefits had a significant influence on both the public and experts’ support for federal funding of nanotechnology in the separate regression models, in the combined sample, the result shows that scientific status significantly moderated the 130 impact of perceived risks-versus-benefits on funding support; the effect is larger among the public. This finding highlights the importance of perceived risks-versus-benefits as a factor that could create a large divide between experts’ and the lay public’s levels of support for funding of the new technology. Based on the results of the study, an interesting question arises: Why did heuristic cues display differential effects on support for federal funding between the experts and the public, but relatively smaller differential effects on perceived risks-versus-benefits? One plausible explanation may be that support for funding is a more subjective judgment relative to perceived risks and benefits. Hence, it is difficult to give an “objective” response to support for funding without evoking value predispositions such as one’s religious beliefs and trust in scientists. As such, public may place a greater emphasis on heuristic cues for funding issues instead of perceived risks-versus-benefits. In line with this, the fact that support for federal funding of nanotechnology is a more subjective judgment relative to perceived risks-versus-benefits may shed light on why scientific status did not moderate the effect of religious beliefs on support for federal funding of the emerging technology in this study. 8.3. Implications Given that the results show a gap in perceived risks-versus-benefits and level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology between the experts and the general public that is indicative of a communication deficit, it should therefore be worthwhile to invest in risk communication programs to convey expert judgments of risks and benefits to the public. Furthermore, the results of this study strengthened the recommendations in Study 1 in which it should be worth the effort to conduct consensus conferences for the public to have dialogues with scientists and elites to bridge the gaps in attitudes between the two groups. 131 Investing in the mass media to convey about risks and benefits to the public should also be useful as this study shows that science news frames are often used by the public as heuristic cues to make judgments. Moreover, the relatively low coverage of health and environmental risks of nanotechnology in the mass media provide industry and university scientists the opportunity to educate the public by giving them factual information about nanotechnology and by engaging them in a worthwhile dialogue about the emerging technology. This is especially so to avoid the debacle that biotechnology had encountered previously (Priest, 2000). 132 CHAPTER 9 OVERALL DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION In Chapter 9, I will summarize the results of Study 1 and Study 2 and highlight the major theoretical, conceptual, and theoretical contributions of this dissertation. Following this, I will describe the limitations of both studies and the directions for future research. Finally, I will end with a final conclusion. 9.1. Summary This dissertation adopted a holistic approach to look at the intersection of mass media, public opinion, and expert opinion about the emerging science of nanotechnology comprised of three major components: assessing the moderating and mediating mechanisms behind how public form opinion about nanotechnology, comparing the expert and public opinion of the emerging technology, and examining the simultaneous influence of mass media on public and expert opinion of the novel science. Descriptive analyses of the 2004 and 2007 survey of public opinion of nanotechnology reveal that there were only slight variations in terms of public attitudes in both years due in part to the fact that nanotechnology is still at the early stage of the issue-attention cycle in the mass media. Even though the public are largely unaware and under-informed about nanotechnology, they tend to perceive greater benefits than risks related to nanotechnology and to be supportive of federal funding of nanotechnology in both years. How did this positive public opinion of nanotechnology come about? One major source of this positive opinion may stem from the mass media. 133 Using a simple analysis of media content, this dissertation showed that nanotechnology was first covered in the high circulation newspapers in the late 70s and early 80s. The issue made its foray into the medium circulation newspapers in the late 80s. News about nanotechnology started to appear in the low circulation newspapers in the late 90s, suggesting that nanotechnology has gained prominence over time, evolving from a solely elite issue to a local issue which is closer at heart to the citizens. In addition, even though the number of news articles about nanotechnology had been climbing steadily from 1999 to August 2008, the percentage of risk-related articles remained somewhat low, indicating that media coverage of nanotechnology has been overwhelmingly positive, highlighting the benefits of the emerging technology over its risks. To take a closer look at the relationship between mass media and public opinion about nanotechnology, this dissertation attempted to build a more sophisticated theory-driven model by examining the influence of mass media alongside other cognitive and heuristic factors on public attitudes of nanotechnology. In particular, this dissertation examined the moderating and mediating mechanisms behind public attitudes toward the emerging technology, by situating the queries within the debate between the scientific literacy model and the cognitive miser model. Above and beyond the main effects of value predispositions, reflective integration in the form of elaborative processing had a significant negative influence on perceived risksversus-benefits. Guided by the differential gains model, this dissertation found that the influence of science media use on both perceived risks-versus-benefits and support for federal funding of nanotechnology was moderated by elaborative processing. Based on the cognitive mediation model, this dissertation also found that the mass media directly and indirectly exert its influence on public attitudes toward nanotechnology through an informational route and a heuristic route. Notably, people who engage in reflective integration tended to build a more 134 sophisticated knowledge structure about the scientific world, which in turn, shape their attitudes toward emerging technologies. Therefore, the findings of the dissertation indicate that it would be premature to invalidate the role of scientific knowledge in the area of public understanding of science at the moment. Both the main effects of value predispositions and cognitive processing variables suggest that the cognitive miser model and the scientific literacy model are two complementary processes that individuals use to form opinions about nanotechnology. Comparison of the expert and public opinion of nanotechnology yielded several interesting findings. The public judged nanotechnology as having more risks than benefits and were less supportive for federal funding of the emerging technology than were the experts. Equipped with their professional training and experience, experts used relatively less heuristic cues, such as religious guidance, to make risks-versus-benefits judgment of nanotechnology than did the public. Similarly, the experts draw on significantly less heuristic cues in the form of value predispositions and science media frames to make decision about funding support for nanotechnology than did the public. These findings indicate that the experts are in a position to independently assess risks and benefits, and indicate that the experts and the public use different considerations to make judgments about risks and benefits of the emerging technology. 9.2. Major Theoretical, Conceptual, and Practical Contributions By focusing on the intersection between the mass media, public opinion, and expert opinion of nanotechnology, this dissertation has made many important theoretical, conceptual, and practical contributions to the field of science communication and the area of science policymaking. 135 One key theoretical contribution that this dissertation has made pertains to the finding that the “scientific literacy model” and the “cognitive miser model” are parallel, simultaneous processes that individuals use to make judgments about emerging technologies. Instead of regarding them as two distinct processes that work in isolation of each other, this dissertation demonstrates that both heuristic cues and cognitive thinking complement each other and were used by individuals when forming decisions about nanotechnology. In particular, the relationships of mass media use and reflective integration with public knowledge about science and public attitudes toward nanotechnology enable us to draw a nexus between the two theoretical models. Science communication scholars should take into consideration both heuristic and cognitive factors in future to develop a fuller understanding of how the public form opinions about controversial science and emerging technologies. Another major theoretical contribution of this dissertation is that it bridges the disconnection between the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model that were originally developed from the field of political communication. The differential gains model posits that reflective integration can moderate the influence of mass media use on cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral outcomes. The processes of intrapersonal and interpersonal reflections underlie the differential gains model. The cognitive mediation model, on the other hand, advocates a different process in which reflective integration can mediate the impact of mass media use on cognitive, attitudinal, and behavioral outcomes. Scholars have generated two separate lines of empirical research based on these two theoretical models (Eveland, 2001, 2002, 2004; Eveland et al., 2003; Eveland & Thomson, 2006; Scheufele, 2001, 2002), without realizing that a nexus could be drawn between them. By testing the competing hypotheses in a single study, this dissertation connects the two models to develop a more complete and sophisticated model that could explain and predict how public would form 136 opinions about nanotechnology. This underscores the importance of considering both the moderating and mediating processes of science media use and reflective integration on public attitudes toward emerging technologies and in other areas of communication research in future studies. Furthermore, while traditional political communication approaches often focus narrowly on the cognitive and behavioral outcomes of elaboration, the results suggest that more immediate outcomes, such as knowledge, matter mostly as precursors to variables like trust and risk-benefit judgments, which in turn shape policy judgments. Moreover, this dissertation not only develops a communication theory-centered approach to understanding public attitudes toward science and technologies, but also contributes theoretically to the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model by testing the communication models in a scientific, rather than political, context. Future studies should continue to test the competing hypotheses of the two models in other non-political contexts to strengthen their generalizability and validity. Very often, researchers examine communication effects using issues that are “chronically accessible,” that is, issues that have been heavily discussed in public discourse and that are so prominent in the audiences’ mind to the extend that it becomes a challenge to detect significant attitudinal changes that are due to communication effects (Iyengar & Kinder, 1987). Contrary to these chronically accessible issues, public levels of awareness and knowledge about nanotechnology is low at this point (Peter D. Hart Research Associates, 2007) and a majority of citizens have hardly any predetermined ideas or firmly held attitudes about risks and benefits of the emerging technology (Scheufele & Lewenstein, 2005). Therefore, the choice of nanotechnology as an issue in this dissertation provided an ideal setting to explore the processes by which audiences gather information and understand this information through interpersonal or intrapersonal channels. 137 Conceptually, this dissertation contributes to extant science communication research by demonstrating that deference to scientific authority and trust in scientists are two fundamentally different concepts that should be separately examined in future studies. Deference to scientific authority is a long-term socialized trait that directs public attitudes toward a wide range of technical controversies, whereas trust refers to public willingness to rely on the endorsements of experts to handle risks associated with emerging technologies. While deference to scientific authority is a trait-like value predisposition that is general and applicable to a wide range of scientific controversies, trust is a state-like quality that is specific to a particular science or technology. This suggests that future studies should use different operational definitions of the two distinct concepts when examining their impacts on public attitudes toward emerging technologies in future. The comparison between public and expert opinions about nanotechnology in this dissertation have also contributed to the weight of evidence in extant risk communication literature that experts were indeed more objective in their judgments than were the public. This dissertation also used a more rigorous methodology in terms of sampling procedure, in terms of sample size, and in terms of statistical analyses, than did other previous studies. Science communication researchers could leverage on the methodological and analytical strengths of this dissertation for similar comparative studies in future. Besides theoretical and conceptual contributions, this dissertation also offers many important practical implications to policymakers, scientists, and science communication practitioners. The results from this dissertation have demonstrated that the mass media could shape public attitudes toward nanotechnology through the heuristic and/or informational routes. Media coverage of nanotechnology may be positive right now because it is at the early stage of the issue-attention cycle. However, once the issue progress and is picked up by 138 mainstream media and local news, various interest groups will struggle to frame the issue and tailor the message to suit their own interests. For instance, opponents of nanotechnology have already begun to frame it as the “asbestos of tomorrow” in the mass media. Policymakers, scientists, and science communication practitioners should be aware of this and exert their influence by framing their messages in favorable terms, while staying truthful to scientific uncertainty. For example, when scientists are speaking to a group of businessmen, they should emphasize the economic relevance of science by pointing out that expanded government funding would make the U.S. more economically competitive. As pointed out by Nisbet and Scheufele (2007), “In political coverage, at the opinion pages, in television advertising, and at the cable news shows, if scientists don’t evolve in their strategies, they will essentially be waving a white flag, surrendering their important role as communicators.” (p. 41) At the same time, public officials could use the mass media as an avenue, such as running campaigns and sponsoring science programs on PBS channels, to offer accurate and up-to-date information about nanotechnology to the public. Next, this dissertation also shows that talking to others about scientific issues mediates the effect of the mass media on public attitudes toward nanotechnology. This finding suggests that it may be worthwhile for policymakers to invest in large-scale public dialogue initiatives such as town hall meetings, deliberative forums, and nano cafes. Deliberative forums generate conversations among highly engaged citizens and activists, and allow scientific organizations and government officials to tap concerns early and integrate them into policy, and prevent the types of controversies that had arisen for scientific issues such as genetically modified technology and embryonic stem cell research. In fact, science communication practitioners could leverage Internet resources to create online dialogue sessions for the public to engage in discussions about emerging science and technologies. Online discussion forums have the 139 additional advantages of reaching out to citizens from diverse geographical areas to participate and alleviating some of the dysfunctional social-psychological barriers so that the public are willing to express their opinions (e.g., Ho & McLeod, 2008). Given that the results of this dissertation show a gap in perceived risks-versus-benefits and level of support for federal funding of nanotechnology between the experts and the general public that is indicative of a communication deficit, it should be worthwhile to conduct consensus conferences for the public to have dialogues with scientists and elites to narrow the gaps in attitudes between the two groups. As pointed out in a 2003 speech by George M. Whitesides at Harvard University: “Intimately related to education is public understanding, which is currently confused on the subject of nanotechnology. This confusion means that there is a real obligation on the part of the scientific community to try to help ‘unconfuse’ people. So long as everyone is confused, imagined risks will stand in the way of real progress.” The findings of this dissertation therefore highlight the importance of dialogues between experts and the lay public, such that accurate and up-to-date information are conveyed to the latter. Moreover, given that there are different groups that have different opinions about nanotechnology (such as the highly religious public), science communication practitioners should adopt the target segmentation strategy, in which communication messages are tailored to fit with publics from different social backgrounds for maximum effect. For example, to reach out to the religious public, scientific institutions should strengthen partnerships with churches by arranging scientists to speak at churches on topics related to nanotechnology and inviting 140 churches to visit research institutions and ask religious leaders to address scientists on issues of concern. At the same time, policymakers and the relevant scientific institutions should find ways to promote and instill trust in scientists and deference to scientific authority among the public (e.g., arranging eminent scientists to conduct seminars for high-school students) so as to counter the opposing force that religious guidance could potentially play in shaping opinion about nanotechnology. In a similar vein, trust in nano-scientists both in the academia and the industry is crucial to public support for nanotechnology. Therefore, government regulatory bodies should ensure that the necessary guidelines are in place (e.g., guidelines to manage toxicity related to nanotechnology and health standards for creating commercial products) so that public confidence and trust is maintained. 9.3. Limitations and Directions for Future Research 9.3.1. Study One There are several limitations in Study 1 that could be overcome in future research. First, the cross-sectional data used in Study 1 limits the extent to which I can lay claims about the causal direction of the direct, indirect, and additive relationships in the structural equation model and the regression models. This refers to both the relationships among predictors of support for funding and the relationships between antecedents of support for funding and support for funding itself. Future studies could establish time-order using panel data in order to make more rigorous causal inferences. Second, some concepts were operationalized with single-item measures in Study 1. Although this meant that we could not control for unreliability in some of our measures, it is reasonable to assume that any potential random error in these single-item measures would 141 weaken the relationships found in our regression models. In other words, if I had been able to use multi-item measures, I would have been likely to find stronger effects for the relationships in our regression and structural equation models. Just like many extant studies in the area of science communication, Study 1 at best managed to tap respondents’ level of factual scientific knowledge as opposed to other kinds of scientific knowledge. Moreover, this study claimed that a more sophisticated knowledge of the scientific world exists in the public minds. Yet, the assertion of a more sophisticated knowledge is a claim that has not been directly tested in this study. Therefore, it would be worthwhile for future studies to explore more dimensions of scientific knowledge and find ways to operationalize them. In addition, future studies could establish the discriminant validity of those different dimensions of scientific knowledge and examine their various impacts on public attitudes toward nanotechnology. Similarly, Study 1 claimed that positive framing in the news media drives audiences to perceive more benefits over risks of nanotechnology and to be more supportive of federal funding of the emerging technology. Although Study 1 found an impact of the mass media on attitude, this argument was not explicitly tested in the study. Therefore, future research may use experimental methods to tease out the interactive effects of specific news frames and cognitive processing on individuals’ perceived risks of nanotechnology in order to validate the claims made here. Despite these shortcomings, the findings of Study 1 also inform future research agendas. First, using ordinary regression analysis and structural equation modeling to test for moderating and mediating relationships respectively are common statistical approaches used in most communication studies. More recently, however, a more advanced statistical approach of using structural equation model to test for either “moderated mediation” or “mediated 142 moderation” has been introduced in social science research (e.g., Preacher, Rucker, & Hayes, 2007) and has been applied in some recent communication studies (e.g., Slater, Hayes, & Ford, 2007). That is, this approach models hypotheses combining mediation and moderation. Future research may use this integrated approach to test for the potential “moderated mediation” role of reflective integration on public attitudes toward nanotechnology. Next, it may be worthwhile for future studies to examine the influence of mass media and reflective integration on other science and technologies that are at different stages of the issue attention cycle, so as to ensure that the significant effects found in this study are not unique to nanotechnology. For example, it may be worthwhile to examine public risk judgments and acceptance of embryonic stem cell research and biotechnology in which the risk aspects had been made salient in the mass media. Second, future studies may also examine reflective integration along with other cognitive information processes such as selective scanning to provide a more complete understanding of how people form attitudes toward emerging technologies. Finally, future research may move beyond perceived risks-versusbenefits and support for funding of nanotechnology to examine factors that motivate public to actively participate in issues related to nanotechnology specifically, and science more generally. 9.3.2. Study Two Likewise, several issues in Study 2 should be addressed and overcome in future research. Just like Study 1, Study 2 utilizes cross-sectional data, which captures only a snapshot of the dynamic opinion formation processes. Future research should use longitudinal panel data to track changes within individuals among the public and the expert samples over time. Longitudinal studies are especially important for emerging technologies such as nanotechnology when mass media coverage of the issue changes according to issue attention cycle. 143 Second, Study 2 examined experts and public attitudinal differences within the United States, which may limit the generalizability of the results, at least geographically. Future research should therefore examine lay-expert differences cross-culturally, comparing across North America, Europe, and Asia. Third, several of the non-significant differences found in Study 2 may be a function of the considerably smaller sample size of the experts relative to the sample size of the public. Despite this, the size of our expert sample (N=363) was a marked improvement from previous studies that used sample sizes that were smaller than 50 respondents when examining layperson and experts differences (e.g., Siegrist et al., 2007). Furthermore, future research should develop a more comprehensive model that identifies the main factors or considerations that influence experts’ perceived risks and benefits of the emerging technology, especially when we know that the value predispositions examined in Study 2 are not the crucial determinants among the experts. In other words, there may be other unidentified value predispositions that could be examined in future studies. In addition, experts’ differences in attitudes toward nanotechnology may be a function of practical factors such as their area of specializations and the nature of their workplace. For example, scientists who work in nano-related toxicology research may be more concerned about the health and environmental risks of the emerging technology than do scientists who conduct nano-related research in other sub-domains. Therefore, the nature of their research may account for some of the unexplained variances in experts’ perceived risks-versus-benefits. Moreover, scientists who work in public universities often face strong competition among themselves for government funds to conduct research in nanotechnology. As such, scientists who work in public universities may be more concerned about federal funding support for nanotechnology than do scientists who work in private universities. Besides the nature of their working environment, a 144 recent study has shown that scientists’ leadership and managerial roles, and their research productivity in terms of the quantity of publications were associated with their frequency of contact with journalists (Peters et al., 2008). Hence, scientists’ management roles and research productivity are practical factors that may influence their attitudes toward nanotechnology. Of course, these are speculations that should be verified in future studies. Nevertheless, by being the first to date to examine risks-versus-benefits attitudinal differences and support for federal funding differences between experts and the public about nanotechnology in the United States, Study 2 no doubt provides us with a more comprehensive understanding of opinion formation of the emerging technology. 9.4. Conclusion In closing, I would like to underscore the importance of a theory-driven approach for developing a sophisticated model that could provide predictions and explanations on how the public form opinions about emerging science and technologies. By combining the moderating and mediating mechanisms in the differential gains model and the cognitive mediation model, this dissertation took a leap from previous studies in terms of introducing a theory-driven approach to understanding public opinion formation about emerging technologies. Science communication researchers should continue to extend these theoretical models to scientific issues so that policymakers and communication practitioners could perform a more theoretically informed evaluation of how public judgments are formed and design more effective communication strategies to offer the latest information about science and technologies to the public. 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Risk Analysis, 20(5), 681-690. 166 Figure 2.1 Media Issue-Attention Cycle administrative policy arena op in ion Technical framing l/ t r a n s i t i o n tic a / op ini cal Po liti overtly political policy arena Dramatic Framing overtly political policy arena t r a n s i t i o n list cia spe Media attention Type of journalist ist ial ec Focusing Event t r a n s i t i o n sp t r a n s i t i o n Technical Framing on Dramatic Framing po li Pre-problem stage Cycle Continues administrative policy arena Nisbet, M.C. & Huge, M. (2006). Attention cycles and frames in the plant biotechnology debate: Managing power and participation through the press/policy connection. Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics, 11(2), 3-40. 167 Figure 2.2 Public attitude towards Nanotechnology Acceptance Do not agree at all - Agree very much “Overall, I support federal funding for nanotechnology.” 10 9 8 7 6 5 5.9 5.36 4 3 2 1 2004 2007 Year 168 Figure 2.3 Public Attitudes toward Nanotechnology Risks Do not agree at all - Agree very much 10 9 8 7 6.43 6 5.87 4.99 5.16 5 2004 5.33 4.89 2007 4 3.29 3.17 3 2 1 0 Loss of Privacy An Arms Race Loss of Jobs Selfreplicating Robots Note: 1 = “Do not agree at all” 10 = “Agree very much” 169 Figure 2.4 Public Perceived Nanotechnology Benefits Do not agree at all - Agree very much 10 9 8 7 7.28 7.15 6.56 6.48 6.5 6.41 6.71 6.79 6 2004 2007 5 4 3 2 1 Better Treatment of Diseases A Cleaner Environment Improvement in Human Activities Improved National Security 170 Figure 2.5 Public Self-report Level of Awareness about Nanotechnology “How much have you heard, read or seen about nanotechnology?” 10 Nothing at all - Very much 9 8 7 6 5 4 3.99 3.69 3 2 1 2004 2007 Year 171 Figure 2.6 Public Self-report Level of being Informed about Nanotechnology “How well informed would you say you are about nanotechnology?” 10 Not informed at all - Very informed 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3.39 3.18 2 1 0 2004 2007 Year Note. 1 = “Not informed at all” 10 = “Very informed” 172 Figure 2.7 Public Level of General Scientific Knowledge Knowledge score 3 2 1.98 1.77 1 0 2004 2007 Year Note. “Antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteria.” (False) “Electrons are smaller than atoms.” (True) “Ordinary tomatoes do not contain genes, while genetically modified tomatoes do.” (False) 173 Figure 2.8 Public Level of Knowledge about Nanotechnology 6 Knowledge score 5 4 4.07 3.9 3 2 1 0 2004 2007 Year Note. “Nanotechnology involves materials that are not visible to the naked eye.” (True) “US corporations are not using nanotechnology yet to make products sold today.” (False) “Experts consider nanotechnology to be the next industrial revolution of the US economy.” (True) “A nanometer is a billionth of a meter.” (True) “Nanotechnology allows scientists to arrange molecules in ways that do not occur in nature.” (True) “A nanometer is about the same size as an atom.” (False) 174 Figure 2.9 Public Amount of Attention Paid to Newspaper Content No attention at all - Very close attention 10 9 8 7 6 5 4.91 4.86 5.08 5.25 4.96 4.48 4 2004 4.58 4.47 3 2 1 0 International Affairs National Government and Politics Stories about Stories Related to scientific studies in Science and new areas of Technology research such as nanotechnology 2007 175 Figure 2.10 Public Amount of Attention Paid to Television Content 10 No attention at all - Very close attention 9 8 7 6.99 6 5 6.04 5.65 4.77 5.08 5.98 4.72 4 5.67 5.68 5.05 2007 4.02 3 2.74 2 1 0 Stories Related International National Affairs Government to Science and Technology and Politics 2004 Specific scientific developments such as nanotechnology Science fiction dramas Science documentaries 176 Figure 2.11 Public Amount of Attention Paid to Online News Content No attention at all - Very close attention 10 8 6 4 2 4.51 4.34 4.36 4.12 2004 2007 2.25 2.34 2.38 2.09 0 -2 News about International Affairs News about National Government and Politics Content Related to Content related to Science and specific scientific Technology developments such as nanotechnology (Note: 0 = “No attention at all” 10 = “Very close attention”) 177 Figure 2.12 Media Coverage of Nanotechnology across 21 Newspapers 300 Number of News Articles 250 200 150 100 50 0 1969 1978 1983 1988 1993 Years 1998 2003 Aug-08 178 Figure 2.13 The New York Times and the Washington Post Coverage of Nanotechnology 180 Number of News Articles 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 1969 1978 1983 1988 1993 Years 1998 2003 Aug-08 179 Figure 2.14 Emergence of Nanotechnology as an Issue across High, Medium, and Low Circulation Newspapers 180 Phase 1 Phase 2 Phase 3 Number of News Articles 160 140 120 100 80 60 High Circulation Newspapers 40 Medium Circulation Newspapers 20 Low Circulation Newspapers 0 1969 1978 1983 1988 1993 Years 1998 2003 Aug-08 180 Figure 2.15 Percentage of Risks-Related Nanotechnology Articles across the 21 Newspapers between January 1999 and August 2008 300 Number of articles about nanotechnology 100 90 250 80 70 200 60 150 50 40 100 30 20 50 10 0 0 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 Aug08 Percentage of articles devoted to nanotechnology and risks 181 Figure 4.1. Science Media Use, Elaborative Processing, and Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) -8 -9 High Reflective Integrators -10 -11 Low Reflective Integrators -12 -13 -14 Low Science Media Use High Science Media Use 182 Figure 4.2 Science Media Use, Elaborative Processing, and Public Support for Federal Funding Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) 6.2 High Elaboration 6 5.8 5.6 5.4 Low Elaboration 5.2 5 Low Science Media Use High Science Media Use 183 Figure 4.3. Structural Equation Model Predicting Public Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology: Relationships among Endogenous Variables MEDIA USE REFLECTIVE INTEGRATION COGNITION STATE DISPOSITION OPINION .07* .08* Science Discussion .62*** -.08** Science Media Use .13*** Risks-vs-Benefits Perception -.25*** -.11*** Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology .34*** .10*** Elaborative Processing -.16*** .12*** .11*** Factual Scientific Knowledge -.27*** .21*** .17*** .21*** Trust in Scientists Notes. (1) Age, gender, SES, religious beliefs, and deference to scientific authority are controlled for in this model. (2) The coefficients in the figure are directional standardized beta coefficients. (3) The coefficient for the relationship between science discussion and elaborative processing is non-directional phi-coefficient. (4) *p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001. 184 Figure 6.1 Experts versus Public Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology 100 90 Experts Percent of Respondents Agreeing 80 Public 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology 185 Figure 6.2. Experts versus Public Perceived Benefits of Nanotechnology Percent of respondents agreeing 100% 90% Experts 80% Public 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Better Treatment of Diseases A Cleaner Environment A Solution for Revolutionizing Energy the Computer Problems Industry Perceived benefits Improved National Security Improvement in An Economic Human Boom Abilities 186 Figure 6.3. Experts versus Public Perceived Risks of Nanotechnology 100% 90% Experts Percent of respondnts agreeing 80% Public 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% Loss of Privacy Use of the An Arms Race Technology by Terrorists Loss of Jobs Self-replicating More Pollution Robots Perceived risks New Health Problems 187 Figure 7.1. Levels of Religious Beliefs, Scientific Status, and Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) -4 -5 Public -6 -7 -8 -9 -10 Experts -11 -12 -13 -14 Low Level of Religious Beliefs High Level of Religious Beliefs 188 Figure 7.2. Deference to Scientific Authority, Scientific Status, and Support for Federal Funding Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) 5 4.8 Experts 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 Public 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 Low Deference High Deference 189 Figure 7.3. Science Media Use, Scientific Status, and Support for Federal Funding of Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) 5 4.8 Experts 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 Public 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 Low Science Media Use High Science Media Use 190 Figure 7.4. Trust in Scientists, Scientific Status, and Support for Federal Funding of Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) 5 4.8 Experts 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 Public 3.4 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 Low Trust in Scientists High Trust in Scientists 191 Figure 7.5. Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits, Scientific Status, and Support for Federal Funding Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology of Nanotechnology (scale ranges only partially displayed on Y-axis) 5 4.8 Experts 4.6 4.4 4.2 4 3.8 3.6 3.4 Public 3.2 3 2.8 2.6 Low Perceived Risks-vs-Benefits High Perceived Risks-vs-Benefits 192 Table 2.1 Comparison of 2004 and 2007 Public Opinion: Descriptive Statistics of Similar Question Items Items Nanotechnology acceptance Year Mean SD N (a) Overall, I support federal funding for nanotechnology (1 = Do not agree at all; 10 = Agree very much) 2004 2007 5.36 5.90 2.81 2.85 672 986 (a) Nanotech may lead to the loss of personal privacy because of tiny new surveillance devices 2004 6.43 2.88 663 2007 5.87 2.72 996 (b) Nanotech may lead to an arms race between the U.S. and other countries 2004 4.99 2.91 648 2007 5.16 2.70 977 (c) Because of nanotech we may lose more U.S. jobs 2004 4.89 2.95 661 2007 5.33 2.95 986 (d) Nanotech may lead to the uncontrollable spread of very tiny self-replicating robots 2004 3.29 2.64 638 2007 3.17 2.33 967 (a) Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to treat and detect human diseases 2004 7.28 2.49 664 2007 7.15 2.39 990 (b) Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to clean up the environment 2004 6.56 2.65 664 2007 6.48 2.46 985 (c) Nanotech may give scientists the ability to improve human physical and mental abilities (d) Nanotech may help us develop increased national security and defensive capabilities 2004 2007 2004 6.50 6.41 6.71 2.68 2.46 2.60 664 985 666 2007 6.79 2.36 988 Perceived risks of nanotechnology (1 = Do not agree at all; 10 = Agree very much) Perceived benefits of nanotechnology (1 = Do not agree at all; 10 = Agree very much) 193 General scientific knowledge (Range = 0-3) 2004 2007 1.77 1.98 1.00 .88 706 1,015 Nanotechnology knowledge (Range = 0-6) 2004 2007 3.90 4.07 1.55 1.36 706 1,015 2004 2007 3.69 3.99 2.54 2.46 702 1,015 2004 2007 3.18 3.39 2.27 2.18 697 1,014 2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 4.91 4.86 5.08 5.25 4.48 4.96 4.58 3.56 3.45 3.49 3.35 3.18 3.27 3.29 705 1,014 705 1,014 705 1,015 704 2007 4.47 3.22 1,010 2004 2007 2004 2007 4.77 5.65 5.08 6.04 3.23 3.00 3.25 2.76 704 1,006 704 1,013 Level of awareness (a) How much have you heard, read or seen about nanotechnology? (1 = Nothing at all; 10 = Very much) Level of being informed (a) How well informed would you say you are about nanotechnology? (1 = Not informed at all; 10 = Very informed) Attention to newspaper content (a) International Affairs (b) National government and politics (c) Stories related to science and technology (d) Stories about scientific studies in new areas of research such as nanotechnology (0 = No attention at all; 10 = Very close attention) Attention to television content (a) International Affairs (b) National government and politics 194 (c) Science and technology (d) Specific scientific developments, such as nanotechnology (e) Science fiction dramas, such as "Lost", "Surface" or "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" (f) Science documentaries on stations such as PBS, the Learning Channel or Discovery Channel (0 = No attention at all; 10 = Very close attention) 2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2007 4.72 5.98 4.02 5.05 2.74 5.67 5.68 6.99 2.89 2.54 2.93 2.55 2.71 3.13 3.11 2.87 704 1,012 703 1,004 703 1,009 705 1,013 2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2.25 4.34 2.34 4.51 2.38 4.36 2.09 2.92 3.63 2.94 3.60 2.74 3.39 2.56 705 1,014 704 1,014 704 1,014 704 2007 4.12 3.37 1,011 Attention to online news content (a) News about international affairs (b) News about national government and politics (c) Content related to science and technology (d) Content related to specific scientific developments, such as nanotechnology (0 = No attention at all; 10 = Very close attention) Note. The sample sizes varied due to the different number of missing values in each item. 195 Table 4.1. Descriptive Statistics of Question Items in the 2007 Public Opinion Survey Question Item Descriptive Statistics Attitudinal Outcome Variables Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology Now, thinking about funding and support for nanotech research, please tell me how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements using a ten-point scale, where 1 means you do not agree at all and 10 means you agree very much? 1. “Overall, I support federal funding for nanotechnology.” (1 = Do not agree at all; 10 = Agree very much) Mean SD N 5.90 2.85 986 Perceived benefits of nanotechnology Here are a number of statements people have made about nanotechnology and how it will develop. Thinking about the future, can you tell me how much you agree with the following statements? 1. “Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to treat and detect human diseases.” 2. “Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to clean up the environment.” 3. “Nanotech may give scientists the ability to improve human physical and mental abilities.” 4. “Nanotech may help us develop increased national security and defensive capabilities.” 5. “Nanotech may lead to technologies that will help solve our energy problems.” 6. “Nanotech may revolutionize the computer industry.” 7. “Nanotech may lead to a new economic boom.” (1 = Do not agree at all; 10 = Agree very much) Mean SD N 7.15 2.39 990 6.48 2.46 985 6.41 2.46 985 6.79 2.36 988 6.73 2.48 987 7.55 6.49 2.34 2.51 992 987 Perceived risks of nanotechnology Here are a number of statements people have made about nanotechnology and how it will develop. Thinking about the future, can you tell me how much you agree with the following statements? 1. “Nanotech may lead to the loss of personal privacy because of tiny new surveillance devices.” 2. “Nanotech may lead to an arms race between the U.S. and other countries.” 3. “Nanotech may lead to new human health problems.” 4. “Nanotech may be used by terrorists against the U.S.” 5. “Because of nanotech we may lose more U.S. jobs.” Mean SD N 5.87 2.72 996 5.16 2.70 977 4.92 5.34 5.33 2.23 2.60 2.95 973 989 986 196 6. “Nanotech may lead to the uncontrollable spread of very tiny self-replicating robots.” 7. “Nanotech may lead to more pollution and environmental contamination.” (1 = Do not agree at all; 10 = Agree very much) 3.17 2.33 967 4.30 2.15 969 Religious beliefs 1. “How much guidance does religion provide in your everyday life?” (1 = No guidance at all; 10 = A great deal of guidance) Mean 6.00 SD 3.01 N 1,010 Deference to scientific authority 1. “Scientists know best what is good for the public.” 2. “Scientists should do what they think is best, even if they have to persuade people that it is right.” (1 = Do not agree at all; 10 = Agree very much) Mean 3.38 5.21 SD 2.10 3.01 N 1,013 1,009 Science Media Use Please tell me how much attention you pay to the following kinds of stories when you read the newspaper: 1. “Stories related to science and technology.” 2. “Stories about scientific studies in new areas of research such as nanotechnology.” 3. “Stories about the social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” Please tell me how much attention you pay to the following types of content on television: 1. “Science and technology.” 2. “Specific scientific developments, such as nanotechnology.” 3. “Information about the social and ethical implications of emerging technologies.” When you go online to learn about things, how much attention do you pay to the following types of news and information on the Internet? 1. “Content related to science and technology.” 2. “Content related to specific scientific developments, such as nanotechnology.” 3. “Content related to the social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” (0 = No attention at all; 10 = Very close attention) Mean SD N 4.96 4.47 3.27 3.22 1,015 1,010 4.48 3.06 1,006 5.98 5.05 2.54 2.55 1,012 1,004 5.24 2.63 1,009 4.36 4.12 3.39 3.37 1,014 1,011 3.98 3.15 1,013 Independent Variables 197 Elaborative processing Now I would like to ask you a few questions about when you encounter news or information in the media about science. Please use a 10 point scale where 1 means you do not agree at all and 10 means you agree very much, to tell me how much you agree with the statement: 1. “After I encounter news about a scientific development, I am likely to stop and think about it.” 2. “If I need to act on science information, the more viewpoints the media give me the better.” (1 = Do not agree at all; 10 = Agree very much) Mean SD N 6.88 2.45 1,012 7.47 2.57 1,007 Science Discussion Now I would like to ask you how much you talk about news with other people. Using a scale from 1 to 10, where 1 means never and 10 means all the time, please tell me how often you talk with family, friends, or co-workers about: 1. “Stories related to science and technology.” 2. “Stories about scientific studies in new areas of research such as nanotechnology.” 3. “Stories about the social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” (1 = Never; 10 = All the time) Mean SD N 4.78 3.93 2.26 2.32 1,013 1,006 4.43 2.69 1,009 Correct Answers (%) N 1,015 1,015 1,015 1,015 Factual scientific knowledge 1. “Lasers work by focusing sound waves.” (False) 2. “Antibiotics kill viruses as well as bacteria” (False) 3. “Electrons are smaller than atoms.” (True) 4. “Ordinary tomatoes do not contain genes, while genetically modified tomatoes do.” (False) 5. “More than half of human genes are identical to those of a chimpanzee.” (True) (1 = True, 2 = False) 67.3 66.5 64.2 75.8 Incorrect Answers/ Don’t Know/ Refused (%) 32.7 33.5 35.8 24.2 70.5 29.5 1,015 Trust in scientists How much do you trust: 1. “University scientists doing research in nanotechnology?” 2. “Scientists working for the nanotech industry?” (1 = Do not trust their information at all; 10 = “Trust their information very much”) Mean SD N 6.80 2.33 1,012 5.52 2.05 1,005 198 Control Variables Age (Range = 18 to 96) Mean 46.15 SD 17.07 N 995 Gender Male (%) 48.6% Female (%) 51.4% N (0 = Male; 1 = Female) Socioeconomic Status Proportion (%) 1. “What is the highest grade or year of school you completed?” 1 = Never attended school or only attended kindergarten 2 = Grades 1 through 8 (elementary) 3 = Grades 9 through 11 (some high school) 4 = Grade 12 or GED (high school graduate) 5 = College 1 year to 3 years (some college or technical school) 6 = 4-year college graduate 7 = Graduate work 8 = Graduate degree 3.30 1.20 29.1 26.2 2. About how much was your total family income last year before taxes, was it: 1 = Less than $10,000 2 = $10,000 - $15,000 3 = $15,000 - $20,000 4 = $20,000 - $30,000 5 = $30,000 - $50,000 6 = $50,000 - $75,000 7 = $75,000 - $100,000 8 = Over $100,000 Proportion (%) 5.20 2.10 4.00 11.2 18.2 18.1 18.5 22.7 1,015 N= 1,010 0.00 20.0 1.10 19.0 N = 865 Note. The sample sizes varied due to the different number of missing values in each item. 199 Table 4.2 Bivariate Correlations among the Variables in the 2007 Public Opinion Survey (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (1) 1.00 (2) .07* 1.00 (3) -.24*** -.12*** 1.00 (4) .22*** .18*** -.17*** 1.00 (5) .04 -.04 .05 -.12*** 1.00 (6) -.05 -.10** .31*** -.05 .15*** 1.00 (7) -.01 .00 .20*** .01 .21*** .41*** 1.00 (8) -.05 .01 .17*** -.01 .15*** .62*** .40*** 1.00 (9) -.24*** -.08* .38*** -.24*** .07* .24*** .21*** .16*** 1.00 (10) -.12*** .04 .18*** -.11*** .36*** .30*** .31*** .26*** .15*** 1.00 (11) .09** .17*** -.29*** .25*** -.14*** -.29*** -.26*** -.17*** -.31*** -.38*** 1.00 -.15*** -.10*** .24*** -.21*** .28*** .34*** .31*** .29*** .23*** .44*** -.45*** (12) (12) 1.00 Note. Variable names: (1) age, (2) gender (female), (3) socioeconomic status, (4) religious beliefs, (5) deference to scientific authority, (6) science media use, (7) elaborative processing, (8) science discussion, (9) factual scientific knowledge, (10) trust in scientists, (11) perceived risks-versusbenefits of nanotechnology, and (12) support for federal funding of nanotechnology; Listwise Solution (N = 958); *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. 200 Table 4.3. Ordinary Regression Model Predicting Public Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology (Attitudinal Outcome Variable 1) (standardized regression coefficients) ZeroOrder Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Block 1: Demographics Age Gender (female=1) Socioeconomic status Incremental R2 (%) .10*** .17*** -.28*** .02 .14*** -.26*** 9.90*** -.01 .11*** -.24*** -.00 .09** -.17*** -.00 .10** -.16*** -.03 .10** -.12*** -.05 .12*** -.11*** Block 2: Trait-Like Predispositions Religious beliefs Deference to scientific authority Incremental R2 (%) .24*** -.15*** .17*** -.12*** 4.30*** .17*** -.09** .18*** -.07* .16*** -.07* .14*** .02 Block 3: Science Media Use Science media use Incremental R2 (%) -.30*** -.21*** 4.00*** -.18*** -.16*** -.11** Block 4: Reflective Integration Elaborative processing Science discussion Incremental R2 (%) -.26*** -.18*** -.16*** .03 2.00*** -.14*** .03 -.10** .04 Block 5: Cognition Factual scientific knowledge Incremental R2 (%) -.31*** -.16*** 1.90*** -.15*** Block 6: State-Like Disposition Trust in scientists Incremental R2 (%) -.37*** -.27*** 5.50*** -- -.08** -- -.02 Block 7: Interactions Science media use × Elaborative processing Science media use × Science discussion Incremental R2 (%) Total R2 (%) .50* 28.2*** Note. N = 1,015. Cell entries for all models are final standardized regression coefficients for Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, while cell entries are before-entry standardized regression coefficient for Block 7. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. 201 Table 4.4 Ordinary Regression Model Predicting Public Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (Attitudinal Outcome Variable 2) (standardized regression coefficients) ZeroOrder Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Model 7 Block 1: Demographics Age Gender (female=1) Socioeconomic status Incremental R2 (%) -.15*** -.10*** .23*** -.09** -.07* .20*** 6.80*** -.09** -.04 .17*** -.09*** -.02 .10** -.09** -.03 .08** -.08** -.03 .07* -.06* -.06* .06 -.07** -.03 .03 Block 2: Trait-Like Predispositions Religious beliefs Deference to scientific Authority Incremental R2 (%) -.21*** .29*** -.12*** .27*** -.12*** .24*** -.13*** .21*** -.13*** .21*** -.11*** .13*** -.08** .13*** .25*** 5.70*** .16*** .15*** .11** .08* .17*** .07 2.80*** .16*** .07 .12*** .06 .09** .07* .05 .20 .04 .01 9.30*** Block 3: Science Media Use Science media use Incremental R2 (%) .33*** Block 4: Reflective Integration Elaborative processing Science discussion Incremental R2 (%) .31*** .28*** Block 5: Cognition Factual scientific knowledge Incremental R2 (%) .22*** Block 6: State-Like Disposition Trust in scientists Incremental R2 (%) .43*** Block 7: Perceived Risksversus-Benefits Perceived risks-versusBenefits Incremental R2 (%) -.45*** Block 8: Interactions Science media use × Elaborative processing Science media use × Science discussion Incremental R2 (%) .26*** 5.00*** .19*** -.26*** 4.80*** -- .07* -- .03 Total R2 (%) .40* 35.0*** Note. N = 1,015. Cell entries for all models are final standardized regression coefficients for Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, while cell entries are before-entry standardized regression coefficient for Block 8. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. 202 Table 4.5. Ordinary Regression Model Predicting Public Level of Factual Scientific Knowledge (Cognitive Outcome) (standardized regression coefficients) ZeroOrder Block 1: Demographics Age Gender (female=1) Socioeconomic status Incremental R2 (%) -.25*** -.09** .37*** Block 2: Trait-Like Predispositions Religious beliefs Deference to scientific authority Incremental R2 (%) -.23*** .06* Block 3: Science Media Use Science media use Incremental R2 (%) .26*** Block 4: Reflective Integration Elaborative processing Science discussion Incremental R2 (%) .22*** .16*** Block 5: Interactions Science media use × Elaborative processing Science media use × Science discussion Incremental R2 (%) Total R2 (%) --- Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 -.17*** -.04 .32*** 16.4*** -.15*** -.01 .30*** -.15*** -.00 .26*** -.15*** -.01 .24*** -.14*** .04 2.00*** -.14*** .01 -.15*** -.00 .16*** 2.30*** .13*** .12*** -.01 1.10*** .01 -.03 .20 22.0*** Note. N = 1,015. Cell entries for all models are final standardized regression coefficients for Blocks 1, 2, 3, and 4, while cell entries are before-entry standardized regression coefficient for Block 5. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. 203 Table 4.6. Influence of Exogenous Variables on Other Variables Science Media Use Elaborative Processing Science Discussion Factual Scientific Knowledge Trust in Scientists Perceived Risks-versusBenefits Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology Age Gender SES Religious Beliefs Deference to Scientific Authority -- -.07 .29 -- .14 -- -- -- -- -- -- -.07 .29 -- .14 -- -- .10 .07 .17 -- -.03 .10 -- .05 -- -.03 .20 .07 .22 -- .08 -- -- .06 -- -.05 .18 -- .08 -- .03 .18 -- .15 -.10 -- .26 -.15 -- -- -.01 .06 .01 .04 -.10 -.01 .31 -.14 .04 -.11 .09 -- -- .32 -- -.02 .09 .01 .06 -.11 .07 .09 .01 .39 -- .16 -.09 .11 -- .04 -.01 -.12 .01 -.14 .04 .15 -.21 .12 -.14 -.07 -.08 -- -.08 .10 -.03 -.03 .13 -.02 .16 -.10 -.11 .13 -.10 .26 Notes. (1) Coefficients in the first row indicate direct effects, coefficients in the second row indicate indirect effects, and coefficients in the third row indicate total effects. (2) All coefficients are at least 1.96 times larger than their standard error. 204 (3) Direct and indirect effects may not always add up to total effects due to rounding error and non-significant pathways. 205 Table 4.7. Relationships among Endogenous Variables Science Media Use (1) Elaborative Processing (2) Science Discussion (3) Factual Scientific Knowledge (4) Trust in Scientists (5) Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits (6) Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .34 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .34 -- -- -- -- -- .62 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- .62 -- -- -- -- -- .11 .12 -- -- -- -- .04 -- -- -- -- -- .16 .12 -- -- -- -- .21 .17 -- -- -- -- .06 -- -- -- -- -- .27 .17 -- -- -- -- -.08 -.11 -- -.16 -.27 -- -.13 -.06 -- -- -- -- -.21 -.17 -- -.16 -.27 -- .07 .10 .08 -- .21 -.25 .19 .08 -- .04 .07 -- .26 .18 .08 .04 .28 -.25 Notes. (1) Coefficients in the first row indicate direct effects, coefficients in the second row indicate indirect effects, and coefficients in the third row indicate total effects. (2) All coefficients are at least 1.96 times larger than their standard error. (3) Direct and indirect effects may not always add up to total effects due to rounding error and non-significant pathways. 206 Table 4.8. Summary of Findings in the Ordinary Regression Models and Structural Equation Model Hypotheses Regression Models Structural Equation Model H1a (Religious beliefs Perceived risks-vs-benefits) Supported Supported H1b (Religious beliefs Support for federal funding) Supported Supported H2a (Deference Perceived risks-vs-benefits) Not supported Not supported H2b (Deference Support for federal funding) Supported Supported H3a (Science media use Perceived risks-vs-benefits) Supported Supported H3b (Science media use Support for federal funding) Supported Supported H4a (Elaborative processing Factual scientific knowledge) Supported Supported H4b (Elaborative processing Perceived risks-vs-benefits) Supported Supported H4c (Elaborative processing Support for federal funding) Supported Supported H5a (Science discussion Factual scientific knowledge) Not supported Not supported H5b (Science discussion Perceived risks-vs-benefits) Not supported Not supported H5c (Science discussion Support for federal funding) Supported Supported H12a (Factual scientific knowledge Perceived risks-vsbenefits) Supported Supported H12b (Factual scientific knowledge Support for federal funding) Not supported Not supported H13a (Trust in scientists Perceived risks-vs-benefits) Supported Supported H13b (Trust in scientists Support for federal funding) Supported Supported H16 (Perceived risks-vs-benefits Support for federal funding) Supported Supported Direct Effects 207 Additive/Interaction Effects H6a (Elaborative processing × Science media use Factual scientific knowledge) Not supported -- H6b (Scientific discussion × Science media use Factual scientific knowledge) Not supported -- H7a (Elaborative processing × Science media use Perceived risks-vs-benefits) Supported -- H7b (Elaborative processing × Science media use Support for federal funding) Supported -- H8a (Science discussion × Science media use Perceived risks-vs-benefits) Not supported -- H8b (Science discussion × Science media use Support for federal funding) Not supported -- H9a (Elaborative processing as mediator of science media use on factual scientific knowledge) -- Supported H9b (Scientific discussion as mediator of science media use on factual scientific knowledge) -- Supported H10a (Elaborative processing as mediator of science media use on perceived risks-vs-benefits) -- Supported H10b (Elaborative processing as mediator of science media use on support for federal funding) -- Supported H11a (Science discussion as mediator of science media use on perceived risks-vs-benefits) -- Not supported H11b (Science discussion as mediator of science media use on support for federal funding) -- Supported H14a (Trust in scientists as mediator of science media use on perceived risks-vs-benefits) -- Supported H14b (Trust in scientists as mediator of science media use on support for federal funding) -- Supported H15a (Trust in scientists as mediator of elaborative processing on perceived risks-vs-benefits) -- Supported H15b (Trust in scientists as mediator of elaborative processing on support for federal funding) -- Supported Indirect Effects 208 Table 7.1. Descriptive Statistics of Question Items in the 2007 Experts Survey Question Item Descriptive Statistics Outcome Variables Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology Thinking of nanotechnology and nanotechnology research, please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements. 1. “Overall, I support federal funding for nanotechnology.” (1 = Strongly disagree; 5 = Strongly agree) Mean SD N 4.69 .66 358 Perceived benefits of nanotechnology Listed below are a number of predictions people have made about nanotechnology. Thinking of nanotechnology and nanotechnology research, please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements. 1. “Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to treat and detect human diseases.” 2. “Nanotech may lead to new and better ways to clean up the environment.” 3. “Nanotech may give scientists the ability to improve human physical and mental abilities.” 4. “Nanotech may help us develop increased national security and defensive capabilities.” 5. “Nanotech may lead to technologies that will help solve our energy problems.” 6. “Nanotech may revolutionize the computer industry.” 7. “Nanotech may lead to a new economic boom.” (1 = Strongly disagree; 5 = Strongly agree) Mean SD N 4.58 .67 358 4.32 .82 358 3.74 1.11 358 4.10 .93 358 4.27 .90 358 4.24 3.66 .92 1.06 357 358 Perceived risks of nanotechnology Listed below are a number of predictions people have made about nanotechnology. Thinking of nanotechnology and nanotechnology research, please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements. 1. “Nanotech may lead to the loss of personal privacy because of tiny new surveillance devices.” 2. “Nanotech may lead to an arms race between the U.S. and other countries.” 3. “Nanotech may lead to new human health problems.” 4. “Nanotech may be used by terrorists against the U.S.” 5. “Because of nanotech we may lose more U.S. jobs.” 6. “Nanotech may lead to the uncontrollable spread of very tiny self-replicating robots.” Mean SD N 2.81 1.21 357 2.27 1.16 357 2.96 2.69 1.85 1.51 1.06 1.21 .98 .90 357 357 356 357 209 7. “Nanotech may lead to more pollution and environmental contamination.” (1 = Strongly disagree; 5 = Strongly agree) 2.62 1.06 357 Religious beliefs 1. “How much guidance does religion play in your everyday life?” (1 = No guidance at all; 10 = A great deal of guidance) Mean 3.42 SD 2.96 N 351 Deference to scientific authority Here’s a list of statements other scientists have made about the relationship between science and the public and about how scientists should communicate with the public. Thinking of science more generally, please indicate your agreement or disagreement with the following statements. 1. “Scientists know best what is good for the public.” 2. “Scientists should do what they think is best, even if they have to persuade people that it is right.” (1 = Strongly disagree; 10 = Strongly agree) Mean SD N 2.90 3.94 1.10 .96 361 361 Science Media Use In general, how much attention do you pay to the following kinds of content when you read the newspaper? 1. “Science and technology outside of your own field of research.” 2. “The social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” In general, how much attention do you pay to the following kinds of content on television? 1. “Science and technology outside of your own field of research.” 2. “The social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” In general, how much attention do you pay to the following kinds of content online, i.e., when you use online news sites, blogs, etc.? 1. “Science and technology outside of your own field of research.” 2. “The social or ethical implications of emerging technologies.” (1 = None; 5 = A lot) Mean SD N 3.12 1.75 361 2.78 1.66 357 3.42 1.19 349 3.03 1.16 348 3.59 1.08 358 3.06 1.11 358 Independent Variables 210 Trust in scientists To what degree do the following groups currently have the necessary scientific expertise to communicate about risks and benefits related to nanotechnology? 1. “University scientists doing research in nanotechnology.” 2. “Nano scientists working for big companies.” (1 = Not at all; 5 = “Very much”) Mean SD N 4.40 .79 359 4.02 .99 359 Age (Range = 28 to 84) Mean 44.94 SD 10.72 N 343 Gender Male (%) 85.6 Female (%) 14.4 N Control Variables (0 = Male; 1 = Female) 354 Note. The sample sizes varied due to the different number of missing values in each item. 211 Table 7.2 Bivariate Correlations among the Variables in the 2007 Experts Survey (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (1) 1.00 (2) -.03 1.00 (3) -.08 .13* 1.00 (4) .00 -.06 -.17** 1.00 (5) -.02 -.05 .07 -.05 1.00 (6) -.13* -.05 -.08 .19*** .04 1.00 (7) .09 .05 .07 -.17** -.11* -.28*** 1.00 (8) -.15** -.12* -.14** .08 .10 .18*** -.30*** (8) 1.00 Note. Variable names: (1) age, (2) gender (female), (3) religious beliefs, (4) deference to scientific authority, (5) science media use, (6) trust in scientists, (7) perceived risks-versus-benefits of nanotechnology, and (8) support for federal funding of nanotechnology; Listwise Solution (N = 328); *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001. 212 Table 7.3. Ordinary Regression Model with Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable for the Public Sample (standardized regression coefficients) Zero-Order Block 1: Demographics Age Gender (female=1) Incremental R2 (%) .10*** .17*** Block 2: Trait-Like Predispositions Religious beliefs Deference to scientific authority Incremental R2 (%) .24*** -.15*** Block 3: Science Communication Science media use Incremental R2 (%) -.30*** Block 4: State-Like Dispositions Trust in scientists Incremental R2 (%) -.37*** Total R2 (%) Note. N = 1,015. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 .08** .16*** 3.50*** .05 .12*** .04 .10*** .00 .13*** .19*** -.13*** 5.70*** .19*** -.09** .18*** .01 -.26*** 6.70*** -.19*** -.29*** 6.70*** 22.6*** 213 Table 7.4. Ordinary Regression Model with Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable for the Expert Sample (standardized regression coefficients) Zero-Order Block 1: Demographics Age Gender (female=1) Incremental R2 (%) .10* .06 Block 2: Trait-Like Predispositions Religious beliefs Deference to scientific authority Incremental R2 (%) .07 -.18*** Block 3: Science Communication Science media use Incremental R2 (%) -.11* Block 4: State-Like Dispositions Trust in scientists Incremental R2 (%) -.28*** Total R2 (%) Note. N = 363. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 .10* .07 1.50 .11* .05 .10* .04 .07 .03 .04 -.17*** 3.20** .04 -.18*** .03 -.13** -.11* 1.30* -.10* -.24*** 5.50*** 11.5*** 214 Table 7.5. Ordinary Regression Model with Perceived Risks-versus-Benefits of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable with the Public and Expert Samples Combined (standardized regression coefficients) ZeroOrder Block 1: Demographics Age Gender (female=1) Incremental R2 (%) .20*** .27*** Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 .17*** .24*** 9.70*** .11*** .17*** .11*** .15*** .08*** .17*** .03 .10*** .25*** -.11*** 7.30*** .26*** -.09*** .24*** -.02 .14*** -.03 -.20*** 3.70*** -.14*** -.15*** -.24*** 4.90*** -.25*** Block 2: Trait-Like Predispositions Religious beliefs Deference to scientific authority Incremental R2 (%) .34*** -.15*** Block 3: Science Communication Science media use Incremental R2 (%) -.23*** Block 4: State-Like Dispositions Trust in scientists Incremental R2 (%) -.31*** Block 5: Scientific Status Scientific Status (1 = Expert) Incremental R2 (%) -.41*** -.31*** 7.00*** --- -.07** -.04 --- .04 .03 .80** Block 6: Interactions Religious beliefs × Status Deference to scientific authority × Status Science media use × Status Trust in scientists × Status Incremental R2 (%) Total R2 (%) 33.4*** Note. N = 1,378. Cell entries for all models are final standardized regression coefficients for Blocks 1, 2, 3, and 4, while cell entries are before-entry standardized regression coefficient for Block 5. Deference to scientific authority, science media use, and trust in scientists variables in both samples were standardized before analysis to ensure that they are in the same metric. 215 *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. 216 Table 7.6. Ordinary Regression Model with Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable for the Public Sample (standardized regression coefficients) ZeroOrder Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Block 1: Demographics Age Gender (female=1) Incremental R2 (%) -.14*** -.10*** -.13*** -.09** 2.70*** -.12*** -.05 -.11*** -.03 -.07** -.06* -.07** -.02 Block 2: Trait-Like Predispositions Religious beliefs Deference to scientific authority Incremental R2 (%) -.20*** .29*** -.13*** .28*** 10.2*** -.13*** .24*** -.12*** .14*** -.07* .14*** .27*** 6.90*** .19*** .14*** .29*** 6.40*** .21*** Block 3: Science Communication Science media use Incremental R2 (%) .32*** Block 4: State-Like Dispositions Trust in scientists Incremental R2 (%) .42*** Block 5: Perceived Risks-versus Benefits Perceived risks-versus-benefits Incremental R2 (%) Total R2 (%) Note. N = 1,015. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. -.43*** -.26*** 5.00*** 31.2*** 217 Table 7.7. Ordinary Regression Model with Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable for the Expert Sample (standardized regression coefficients) ZeroOrder Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Block 1: Demographics Age Gender (female=1) Incremental R2 (%) -.14** -.10* -.14** -.11* 3.10** -.15** -.08 -.15** -.08 -.13** -.07 -.12* -.07 Block 2: Trait-Like Predispositions Religious beliefs Deference to scientific authority Incremental R2 (%) -.14** .09* -.13* .06 2.30* -.14** .07 -.13* .05 -.12* .02 .10 .90 .09 .07 .11* 1.20* .05 Block 3: Science Communication Science media use Incremental R2 (%) .09* Block 4: State-Like Dispositions Trust in scientists Incremental R2 (%) .16*** Block 5: Perceived Risks-versusBenefits Perceived risks-versus-benefits Incremental R2 (%) Total R2 (%) Note. N = 363. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. -.29*** -.24*** 5.20*** 12.6*** 218 Table 7.8. Ordinary Regression Model with Support for Federal Funding of Nanotechnology as Outcome Variable with the Public and Expert Samples Combined (standardized regression coefficients) ZeroOrder Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 Model 4 Model 5 Model 6 Block 1: Demographics Age Gender (female=1) Incremental R2 (%) -.26*** -.25*** -.23*** -.22*** 11.5*** -.18*** -.14*** -.17*** -.12*** -.15*** -.14*** -.15*** -.12*** -.06** -.02 Block 2: Trait-Like Predispositions Religious beliefs Deference to scientific authority Incremental R2 (%) -.37*** .21*** -.26*** .18*** 10.2*** -.27*** .16*** -.26*** .10*** -.24*** .10*** -.07** .11*** .19*** 3.50*** .15*** .12*** .12*** .20*** 3.30*** .15*** .15*** -.17*** 2.20*** -.21*** Block 3: Science Communication Science media use Incremental R2 (%) .23*** Block 4: State-Like Dispositions Trust in scientists Incremental R2 (%) .31*** Block 5: Perceived Risks-versusBenefits Perceived risks-versus-benefits Incremental R2 (%) Block 6: Scientific Status Scientific Status (1 = Expert) Incremental R2 (%) Block 7: Interactions Religious beliefs × Status Deference to scientific authority × Status Science media use × Status Trust in scientists × Status Perceived risks-versus-benefits × Status Incremental R2 (%) Total R2 (%) -.34*** .53*** .48*** 16.5*** --- .02 -.08*** ---- -.06** -.11*** .10*** 2.00*** 48.8*** Note. N = 1,378. Cell entries for all models are final standardized regression coefficients for Blocks 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 while cell entries are before-entry standardized regression coefficient for 219 Block 6. Deference to scientific authority, science media use, trust in scientists, and perceived risks and benefits variables in both samples were standardized before analysis to ensure that they are in the same metric. *p<.05. **p<.01. ***p<.001. 220 Appendix A 2004 Public Opinion Survey In the fall of 2004, a representative national telephone survey with a sample size of N = 706, was conducted. The cooperation rate (based on standard definitions developed by the American Association for Public Opinion Research) was 43 percent (AAPOR definition CR-1). The survey was based on a carefully constructed probability sample that minimizes sampling and nonresponse biases. In this survey, we are particularly concerned about systematic non-response as a result of the scientific nature and novelty of the survey topic. In other words, it is possible that the people who chose to respond to our survey are overall more interested in nanotechnology and related issues and that people who were less aware or less interested in the issue refused to participate in the survey. (Or, we are aware that individuals who would choose to respond to our survey might be overall more interested in nanotechnology and related issues than those who did not participate, mainly because of the scientific nature and novelty of the survey topic.) This would not only skew the descriptive statistics, but potentially also introduce biases in the multivariate relationships reported in this dissertation. Therefore, significant amounts of resources in multiple call-backs for non-contacts and initial refusals were invested in order to minimize non-response potentially due to the survey topic. (The data for the 2004 public opinion survey were originally collected by Professor Dietram A. Scheufele, under grants support from the National Science Foundation, Grant No. SES-0403783.) 221 Appendix B The following comprehensive search term was used to gather the nanotech-related articles using the Vantage Point software program: “atleast3(nanotech!) OR nanosci! OR nanoscal! OR nanocrystal* OR nanotube*OR nanomat! OR (nanometer* NOT W/15 light or laser or wavelength or UV) OR nanodot* OR nanomed! OR nanopart! OR nanowir! OR nanoeng! OR nanocomp! OR nanoelectric! OR nanoelectronic! OR nanobot* OR nanomachine* OR fullerene* OR buckminsterfullerene* OR fullerite* OR buckyball* OR buckypaper* OR buckytube* OR molecular assembl! OR molecular manufactur! OR micromachine* OR quantum dot* OR quantum wire* OR quantum well* OR sub micron OR (individual atom* w/5 manipulate or move or build) OR (scanning w/3 microscope*) OR (tunneling w/3 microscope*) AND NOT nanosecond* AND NOT apple AND NOT ipod AND NOT mp3 AND NOT digest AND NOT news w/2 brief* AND NOT business w/2 brief* AND NOT news summary”