An Initial Study of Attitudes to CASE Tools in Agile Development A.J.Cowling Dept of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Regent Court, Sheffield, S1 4DP, UK, + 44 0114 22 21823 J.S.Karn Dept of Computer Science, University of Sheffield, Regent Court, Sheffield, S1 4DP, UK, +44 0114 22 21800 Abstract Research into software modelling/notations and CASE tools was carried out on the Genesys Solutions software-company; a company committed to the XP management development methodology. Information pertaining to the student’s background, experiences and career plans was collected to see what effect this had on choice of development tools/methodologies. Of particular interest was the overall impression the Genesys students had regarding CASE tools. Initial findings presented indicate that proponents of “agile” methodologies still find many aspects of traditional software engineering useful. This is apparent from the ratings given to certain modelling notations and certain CASE tool features. Keywords CASE tools, Empirical Software Engineering, eXtreme programming, modelling notations 1. Introduction There are now many different and in many cases competing software development methodologies. These range from what have been termed “agile” methods, to traditional so-called “heavy” models. The agile methods place less emphasis on design documentation and processes and more emphasis on simple design and open workspace. The traditional methods on the other hand place great emphasis on design documentation and on systems analysts to determine and document detailed user requirements. Extreme programming (XP) is perhaps the most well known agile methodology. Founded in 1996 by Beck [1], XP has been at the heart of many heated, often acrimonious debates between traditional software engineers and XP proponents. There have been many claims and counter claims including “XP is undisciplined hacking”, “Proponents of XP are trying to destroy the foundations of software engineering”[2]. Then on the XP side we have almost sanctimonious diatribes that are put forward by XP proponents, here are some examples “The methodology allows the user to change the requirements because that is real! XP expects to achieve many small but useful 1 deliverables to meet the speed of change in an Internet world.” [3]; “XP is "extreme" in that it takes 12 software development "best practices,"and applies them to the extreme.” [4], “If XP is not perfect, at least its heart is in the right place.” [5]. The full extent of this debate is outside the scope of this report as is any attempt at rapprochement between the major protagonists. In comparison with the well-established traditional methods; agile methods are still in their infancy. So it is therefore logical to state that empirical research into agile methods is also in its infancy. This presents opportunities for empirical software engineers. The University of Sheffield has developed a facility where agile methods can be studied. Fourth year and MSc students in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Sheffield run a professional software house known as Genesys Solutions [6]. The academics ultimately responsible for driving the Genesys projects introduced the students to XP several years ago. It is Genesys Solutions and other undergraduate group projects that make up the “Software Engineering Observatory”. The observatory is a place where empirical researchers can observe, question or interview software developers working on real industrial projects. The existence of this observatory allows many empirical studies to be carried out. Several PhD students from the Verification and Testing research group have carried out empirical studies of XP. These include Holcombe et al’s comparative experiment involving XP and traditional design led approach [7], and Holcombe et al’s initial observation of student impressions of XP [8]. 2. Background XP was designed to implement a simple, yet effective way to enable groupware development [3]. XP attempts to improve a software project in four ways; communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. One of the fundamental ideas of XP is that there is no process that fits every project as such but practices that should be tailored to each individual project [9]. In 1999 Beck was forced to admit that XP was not suitable for all projects, he also admitted that all of XP’s limits had not been identified. It is clear from the admissions of Beck that more empirical research must be carried out in this area. XP is aimed at small to medium sized teams. The physical environment is also important; communication and co-ordination must be maintained at all times. Business culture is another focal issue in XP. If there is any resistance against XP principles on behalf of project members, management or customers, then it may fail the entire process. A full description of the 12 core activities of XP can be found in Beck’s book “eXtreme Programming eXplained: Embrace Change”. [9] Genesys Solutions operates along the following lines. Typically in each academic year at the University of Sheffield there are between 5 and 8 Genesys teams working on separate software projects. Each project has a real industrial client, so professional standards are 2 not only encouraged they are expected. The students are a mixture of fourth year Sheffield students working on Genesys for the completion of their degree or students taking a taught MSc in which Genesys is the core element of the programme. The MSc students are from many different universities, this means there is a lot of diversity in the backgrounds of the Genesys students. As the Genesys Company is using an agile method it is interesting to see which, if any features of traditional software engineering are important to them. This is crucial because the estimation of resources for XP driven projects needs to be considered in a different way from traditional projects. As a result of this the students are starting from a position where they need to think about things rather differently [8]. In spite of the XP emphasis, the Genesys students are still under obligation to produce requirements documentation as this is expected from the clients. This means that XP in its purest form is not being used by Genesys; alternatively it could be argued that Genesys are following Beck’s advice when he stated that only the XP practices that could be tailored to a particular project should be used. 3. Qualitative Technique Used Empirical software engineers now face the kind of challenges that social scientists have been trying to circumvent for years. That is they are dealing with the most unpredictable phenomena around-human beings. Software development presents a number of unique management and organisational or “people problems”, that need to be addressed and solved in order for the field to progress. In the words of Seaman “ It could be argued that human behavior is one of the few phenomena that is complex enough to require qualitative methods to study it” [10]. It is crucial to keep in mind this insuperable fact if one wishes to achieve valid results from empirical research. An informative starting point that gives a good insight into human factors of software engineering is the work of DeMarco and Lister [11], they address a wide range of social issues, this work is useful to all software development managers. Certain aspects of software engineering are open to quantitative methods; this was kept in mind at all times during this research project. As a result of this a questionnaire was designed that would elicit both quantitative and qualitative responses from the Genesys students. 4. Objectives of Study There were three overall objectives in this work. The first was to get some idea about the background of Genesys students. This background information would provide the foundation for the rest of the project. Only by finding out about the student’s backgrounds could analysis be made as to whether certain types of people will hold differing opinions with regards to CASE tools and modelling notations. Gender, ethnicity, previous country and previous university are all variables that could possibly have an effect on the attitudes of the subjects involved. 3 The second objective was to ascertain the general feeling of the Genesys students with regards to CASE tools and the effect of the aforementioned tools on software development. An important part of this objective was to classify opinions on prominent features of CASE tools. The third objective involved prompting the students into giving ideas of how CASE tools could be improved. Ultimately this objective sought to find out whether students would be interested in using re-designed CASE tools. 5. Justifications for Research Method Used A questionnaire was the chosen method for gathering data in this project. This choice was made primarily because this study represents a starting point for a broader area of research and because a questionnaire represents the least expensive option in terms of time and resources when seeking a response from a large number of people. Questionnaires are usually quick and therefore cost effective to administer and to score and a lot of data can be gathered by using questionnaires as surveys. Interviews and/or participant observation were not deemed to be good starting points for this project, as they tend to be more personal and involve a lot more time. These techniques will be used later in the research. Getting hard, quantitative data about user attitudes or opinions is good, but this is never the whole story. In addition, one should also ask more intense questions to elicit high quality qualitative data. This means interviewing the students and observing them. Questionnaires are not free of problems. The major problem is low feedback. This is a massive problem in the case of postal surveys. This is verified by Gibson who states “Low response rates are a problem for postal surveys (less than 10% is not uncommon)” [12]. In this project low feedback was more of a minor hindrance then a serious stumbling block. A 63% response rate was achieved. This figure may look impressive compared to the disastrous response rates of some postal surveys but it is slightly misleading. Most students completed the questionnaire as soon as they received it. The problem was the students who didn’t do this; they tended to not fill it in at all. There are two possible explanations for the 37% of students who did not fill in the questionnaire. The first reason is that it could be attributed to the pressures students were facing in their projects as opposed to insipidity in the face of empirical software engineering research. The second reason has more negative undertones; the people who did not fill in the questionnaire could be the same students about whose progress the Genesys management has expressed concerns. If this is the case then it is no big surprise that they failed to fill in a research questionnaire. The 63% response rate turned out to be a representative sample. 53% of the students who responded were Sheffield students, i.e. all of their previous experience in higher education had taken place at the University of Sheffield. So this left us with 47% non-Sheffield students, one had to be pleased with this response as it was almost an equal split between people with different backgrounds. In all the response rate caused no serious problems. 4 6. Design of Questionnaire The final questionnaire was essentially tri-partite in nature. The first part was concerned with the background of students. Of particular importance in this section were the previous country and previous university questions. These questions would allow comparisons to be made between students whose previous university education had taken place at the University of Sheffield with those who had been educated at other institutions of Higher Education. The second part of the questionnaire dealt with the career aspirations and IT background of the Genesys students. With luck this would allow us to establish such things as to whether people who aspired to be programmers had less experience with and were less comfortable with modelling notations/software then those who aspired to be software engineers or systems analysts. Each student’s experience with modelling software/notations and management development methodologies was scrutinised in this section. Crucially features of modelling software/notations and management development methodologies that the students found helpful and unhelpful could be fully discussed in this section. The final part of the questionnaire dealt with attitudes towards and prior experience with CASE tools. Students with prior experience were then asked to rate CASE tool features on a scale of 1-10. This would help to establish any propinquity between features. Students were then asked what effect CASE tools have had on the development of software, choices ranged from “Made Developing Software Much Easier”, to Severely Hindered Software Development”. Students were then asked if any other factors influenced their decision as regards the effect of CASE tools on software development. Of particular relevance were people with negative experiences of CASE tools. It was hoped that this would give some insight into the limitations of current CASE tools. Logically following on from this was a question probing for opinions, which could improve the usability of current CASE tools. This sequence of questions came to its logical conclusion by asking the students whether they would be interested in using re-designed CASE tools. Those who showed no interest were cordially invited to express the reasoning behind their intransigent attitude towards CASE tools. 5 7. Students Background 7.1 Previous University and Career Preference Of the 30 Genesys students who completed and returned the questionnaire 16 had completed their previous education at the University of Sheffield and 14 had completed their previous education at other universities. The other universities ranged from ones in the UK such as Essex to places as far-flung as India and Mexico. Out of the Sheffield students 8 people expressed an interest in programming as a career choice. This was compared to 11 who expressed an interest in software engineering. One Sheffield student showed an interest in research as a career choice, whilst one specified that they would seek a career outside the milieu that is IT. A similar pattern emerged amongst the non-Sheffield students. Again software engineering proved to be the most popular career choice with 7 students showing an interest in this field. The overall advantage of software engineering as a career choice was more tenuous amongst the non-Sheffield students. This was primarily because 6 people expressed an interest in programming and 3 expressed an interest in systems analysis. One student chose Database Administrator as a career choice. Overall the nonSheffield students seemed to favour a wider range of career options. 7.2 Modelling Software/Notations Used Every Sheffield student had experience with UML and Discovery. Two Sheffield students also had experience with Z [13]. UML, Discovery and Z are all part of the undergraduate degree in Sheffield. The surprising aspect here is that so few people mentioned Z. This could be because the students did not really see a formal method like Z as a modelling notation or because they had either forgotten it or not taken the Z module. The non-Sheffield students once more showed more diversity with modelling notations used. UML was a popular notation, yet none of these students had had contact with Discovery [14]. This was not surprising as the main architect of Discovery is Dr. Tony Simons a lecturer from the University of Sheffield and as yet it has not been widely used outside of the University of Sheffield. Structured analysis notations were prevalent amongst the non-Sheffield students. Two classical structured analysis notations; Yourdon [15] and SSADM [16,17] had been used by 5 of these students. 6 7.3 Management Development Methodologies Used XP was chosen by over 90% of the students. These findings were inevitable, after all XP was the chosen methodology for the Genesys projects. Only one other development methodology was mentioned, this was the Microsoft Solutions Framework [18]. 7.4 Helpful/Unhelpful Features of Modelling Software/Notations 7.4.1 Sheffield Students It would be perverse not to mention the near reverence in which many of the Sheffield students held certain principles of UML. One student said all of UML was helpful, others highlighted the modelling notation. Use Cases and class diagrams were also held in high regard. Overall UML diagrams were overwhelming seen as a helpful feature of modelling notations. The student’s strong endorsement of UML principles gave insight into how aspects of this particular modelling notation would have been a good aid during their undergraduate years. This does not mean that the students were all fully in favour of the finer details of UML; all it means is that certain aspects of the UML notation have proved to be helpful. The Sheffield students did not however issue a blank cheque in favour of modelling notations. Discovery took heavy criticism from some quarters and was even dismissed as “nonsensical” by one disgruntled user. Typically criticisms of Discovery ranged from “complicated notations”, to “lack of clarity”. Other students levelled criticism at notations in other modelling methods, saying they were unclear and “strange”. In spite of these aberrations the central theme that shone like a beacon was that certain UML principles had proved to be very helpful. 7.4.2 Other Students The diagrammatic approach of UML was seen as a helpful feature of modelling notations by many of the non-Sheffield students. Comments such as “UML is helpful” and “Systematic Diagrammatic Approach of UML” highlighted the zeal that the students had regarding these features of UML. There was only one criticism levelled at modelling notations/software by this set of students. This solitary criticism stated that it was “Not always easy to create class diagrams”. In response to this it must be observed that no one has ever suggested that designing software was always going to be a straightforward affair. 7 7.5 Helpful/Unhelpful Features of Management Development Methodologies 7.5.1 Sheffield Students The results in this section are essentially based on one methodology, namely XP. Helpful features included pair programming, and exhaustive requirements lists. Certain features of XP were deemed to be very helpful. However no student issued a blank cheque stating that all of XP was helpful. The helpful features of XP contrasted sharply with the students who found XP unhelpful. Whereas the people who found aspects to be helpful highlighted them appropriately, the people who criticised XP levelled blanket denunciations at this methodology. Inimical comments about XP included “XP is unhelpful” and “Do not Understand Meaning of XP”. 7.5.2 Other Students All of the results in this section also pertained to XP. Pair programming was seen as a favourable feature, and one student claimed that XP as a whole was helpful. Bizarrely the student, who stated that XP was helpful, also stated “XP can also be unhelpful”. It is best left to the discretion of the individual readers of this report as to what to make of this unusual response. 8 CASE Tools Experience There was a marked difference between the Sheffield and non-Sheffield students when it came to prior CASE tool experience. For the Sheffield students 69% had some prior experience with CASE tools. By contrast the results for the non-Sheffield students showed that only 23% of them had prior experience with CASE tools. This result could suggest that many of the non-Sheffield students have not had much experience with courses that emphasise requirements engineering and systems design. Percentage of Sheffield Students Who Have Used CASE Tools Other Students Experience with CASE 23% 31% No No Yes Yes 69% 77% 8 8.1 Usefulness of CASE Tool Features On a 1-10 Scale Most CASE tools include a selection of, or have all of the following features: Data, Process and State Modelling, Bug Tracking, Enforcement of Standards, Help Authoring, Real-Time Multi-Task Design, Regenerability of Code, UML Modelling (specific to UML not to all modelling notations), Quality Code Creation, and WYSIWYG Screen and Report Building. What follows is a synopsis of the results regarding the aforementioned features. 8.1.1 Data, Process and State Modelling This proved to be a helpful feature of CASE tools. 5 students rated this feature as 7 or above and 2 people even rated it as 10. It was seen as an average feature (5 or 6) by 4 students, only 2 students rated it as lower than average. 3 people had not used this feature during previous usage of CASE tools; as a result of this it was impossible for them to assign a rating to this feature. A ll S tu d e n ts R a te D a ta , P r o c e ss a n d S ta te M o d e llin g 3 0 T im e s R a t in g S e le c t e d 4 2 5 1 6 7 0 0 4 5 R a t in g 6 7 8 8 1 0 1 0 ( 1 -1 0 ) 8.1.2 Bug Tracking Overall respondents had either not used this feature or rated it as less than average. 6 of the 7 people who had used this feature rated it as 5 or less. A ll S t u d e n t s R a t e B u g T r a c k in g T im e s R a t in g S e le c t e d 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 3 4 0 2 3 4 5 5 8 8 R a t in g ( 1 - 1 0 ) 9 8.1.3 Enforcement of Standards This was viewed as a very helpful feature by certain students (rated 8 or 9). Other students seemed indifferent; the highest number of students had not used this feature. A l l S tu d e n ts R a te E n fo r c e m e n t O f S ta n d a r d s T im e s S e le c t e d 4 0 3 3 2 4 1 5 6 0 0 3 4 5 6 8 9 8 R a t in g ( 1 - 1 0 ) 9 8.1.4 Help Authoring It was difficult to form any opinions about the usefulness of this feature. This was primarily because over half the relevant students had not used this feature. There were some extreme differences amongst the people who had used it, one person gave it the lowest possible mark 1, whilst another gave it a 10. A ll S tu d e n ts R a te A u th o r in g H e lp 8 T im e s R a t in g S e le c t e d 7 6 5 4 0 1 2 3 2 1 0 5 6 0 1 2 5 R a t in g 6 1 0 1 0 (1 -1 0 ) 8.1.5 Real-Time Multi-Task Design A mixed bag of results was recorded as regards this feature. Results ranged from 1 to 9. However the majority of the marks rated as less then average. This suggests that the students did not view this feature as positively as certain others. A l l S tu d e n ts R a te R e a l-T im e M u lti-T a sk D e sig n 0 1 T im e s R a t in g S e le c t e d 4 3 2 1 2 3 4 5 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 7 R a t in g ( 1 - 1 0 ) 9 10 8.1.6 Regenerability of Code This was a decidedly average feature. Most of the marks fell within the 4, 5 and 6 range. The two extremes for this feature were 2 and 9. A ll S tu d e n ts R a t e R e g e n e r a b ilit y o f C o d e T im e s R a t in g S e le c t e d 4 0 3 2 2 4 1 5 0 0 2 4 5 6 7 6 9 7 R a t in g ( 1 - 1 0 ) 9 8.1.7 UML Modelling The results showed that this was clearly a helpful feature. 6 people rated this as 8 or above, 2 people even gave this feature the maximum 10. A ll S t u d e n t s R a t e U M L M o d e llin g 0 3 T im e s R a t in g S e le c t e d 3 2 5 1 6 7 0 0 3 5 6 7 8 9 8 10 9 R a t in g ( 1 - 1 0 ) 10 11 8.1.8 Quality Code Creation Initial results indicate that this is one of the least useful CASE tool features, at least in the opinion of Genesys students. 5 people even rated this feature as 2 or 1, this suggests that rather than helping this feature could have severely hindered these people. This result baffled the researchers involved with this paper. Either the students did not really understand the meaning behind this feature or they prefer to take 4-5 hrs writing code by hand as opposed to a 15 minute job when a CASE tool would create the code needed. It is hoped that the negative feedback regarding this feature has more to do with lack of clarity on the researchers part rather than hostility from the students. A ll S t u d e n t s R a t e Q u a lit y C o d e C r e a t io n Selected Times Rating 5 0 4 1 3 2 2 5 1 7 0 0 1 2 5 7 8 8 10 10 R a t in g ( 1 - 1 0 ) 8.1.9 WYSIWYG Screen/Report Building Along with UML modelling and Data, Process and State modelling this was seen as a very useful feature. 5 people rated it as a 9 or 10. Although overall it was seen as helpful, to some people this didn’t seem to be the case at all. A sizeable minority only rated this feature as a 3. A ll S tu d e n ts R a te W Y S IW Y S c re e n /R e p o rt 5 T im e s S e le c t e d 4 0 3 3 2 6 1 7 0 0 3 6 R a t in g 7 9 1 0 (1 -1 0 ) 12 9 1 0 8.2 Effect of CASE Tools on Software Development The sample was divided into Sheffield and non-Sheffield students. Each student with prior experience was asked how the use of CASE tools had affected past software development projects. 8.2.1 Effect for Sheffield Students The responses elicited from Sheffield students seemed to indicate that CASE tools had on the whole propagated a positive effect on the development of software. Three people claimed that CASE tools hindered software development, this compares to 6 people who claimed CASE tools made developing software easier. Two people were indifferent and stated explicitly that CASE tools made no difference. S h e ffie ld S tu d e n ts O p in io n O n E ffe c ts o f C A S E T o o ls 6 5 4 3 2 1 H in d e r e d S o ftw a r e D e v e lo p m e n t M ade D e v e lo p in g S o ftw a r e E a s ie r Not M ade Any D if f e r e n c e 0 8.2.2 Reasoning Behind Sheffield Choices Sheffield students praised the way CASE tools helped the design of software and that they were very good for large-scale projects. The students who were more cautious pointed out that the learning curve involved with CASE tools and project size influenced their decisions. 8.2.3 Effect for non-Sheffield Students The result yielded here could be regarded as the zenith for proponents of CASE tools. All students stated that Case tools made developing software easier. Before the CASE tool advocates start to have utopian delusions, it must be kept in mind that this result must be treated with a degree of equanimity. The total number of non-Sheffield students with CASE tool experience was small in comparison to the Sheffield students. 13 Other Students: CASE Effects 4 CountOfEffect of CASE Tools on Softw are 3 2 1 0 Made Developing Softw are Easier 8.2.4 Reasoning Behind non-Sheffield Choices One student gave an explanation to indicate why they made the choice they did. The reasoning was that CASE tools helped to clarify the structure of a system. 8.3 All Students Features that Could Improve CASE Tools Only 10% of the students who completed the questionnaire gave any sort of response to this question. The most useful issue raised was that CASE tools should do one or two things well, instead of trying to be all things to all men. 8.4 Interest in Re-Designed CASE Tools All students regardless of prior experience were asked if they would be interested in using re-designed CASE tools. All information given in this project and follow on projects would help to gather a set of requirements, based on the students own experiences. 8.4.1 Sheffield Students Interested in Re-Designed CASE Tools Generally speaking the Sheffield students tended to broach this subject with a safety-first approach. Only 2 students emphatically stated that they would be interested in using redesigned CASE tools. The overwhelming majority of Sheffield students gave “maybe” as their answer to this question. Total S h e ffi e l d : I n te r e ste d i n U si n g R e D e sig n e d C A S E T o o ls 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 M aybe No Ye s M aybe No Ye s C h o ic e s 14 8.4.2 Non-Sheffield Students Interested in Re-Designed CASE Tools In sharp contrast to the Sheffield students, this set of students broached this subject with a lesser degree of trepidation. The majority of non-Sheffield students were in favour of using re-designed CASE tools. Only one student upset the almost total state of equipoise and stated that he/she would not be interested in using the aforementioned tools. Others Interested In ReDesigned CASE Tools 10 8 Total 8 6 4 4 1 2 0 Maybe No Yes Choices 8.5 Reasons for No Interest in Re-Designed CASE Tools On first glance it appears that students who answered this question had very differing agendi. On the one hand there were people who gave responses such as “ Never used them”, and “Don’t Understand them”, whereas other people claimed that “Negative Experiences” had put them off. This response seems reasonable, as negative aversions to certain things are a primal feature of human and indeed animal behaviour. One respondent quipped that each software designer could use his/her own notation that is made up on the fly. Another querulous response simply stated, “CASE tools do not work with XP”. 9 Evaluation and Future Directions The results of this project support the idea that modelling notations and CASE tools are effective when used in the design phase of the software lifecycle. The subjects were all involved in agile projects so these initial results show that certain phases of the traditional software development process are still seen as useful and/or helpful by the majority of students. It must be kept in mind at all times that not all of the Genesys students responded; therefore it is unwise to make generalisations. But from the students who did respond a representative sample was achieved. Future work will involve researching into more depth the general feeling about the analysis and design phase of software development, and what students find difficult or enjoyable in these areas. This will give an idea of the meaning student’s give to terms like “software engineer” or “systems analyst”. All of the time this is going on students 15 will be prompted for ideas on how to make software design easier. This will help future research when drawing up requirements analysis and requirements specification documentation concerning the theoretical design of a CASE tool used to aid agile developers. Another angle for future research is concerned with the initial background section. Students who see software engineering or systems analysis as a career choice may have different working habits than those who see themselves as programmers. Further research into this area would involve looking at the personality types of people involved in Genesys and ascertaining whether or not certain personalities work well in software projects. It will be particularly interesting to get feedback from students working in these software groups regarding the personality (or lack of) and working habits of their fellow team members. This would give us an idea of how to achieve a cohesive, happy group. Something that all software managers attempt to achieve. 10 Discussion This project provided a useful starting point that could metamorphose into several legitimate avenues of empirical research. The information gathered regarding the background and career aspirations of Genesys students could be used as the foundational level for further projects that will address in detail issues such as group and individual personality types, and how they affect software development teams. The information gathered that related to attitudes towards and experience with CASE tools is also excellent foundational data. This forms the basis from which requirements analysis and requirements specifications documents could be written to work with the process of completing a theoretical design of a CASE tool. The responses from the participants show what features should be paramount when the time came to carry out this design. Modelling notations were overwhelmingly seen as helpful and as a useful feature of a CASE tool. This was true for Data, Process and State Modelling and UML Modelling. When one combines this with the high ratings given to WYSIWYG Screen/Report building it becomes apparent that participants are keen to use modelling notations and they would like to see how their design is progressing by using WYSIWYG techniques. Any future design of a CASE tool must take these features into account. An interesting conclusion that can be drawn from the popularity of modelling notations and WYSIWYG features is that when designing software the participants would prefer to work at a much higher level of abstraction than source code. This would suggest that many of the participants are still interested in traditional development techniques that take advantage of modelling notations, rather than using the rather crude measure of basing software design purely on source code. The opinion that participants would prefer to work at a higher level of detail than source code is vindicated by the low ratings given to CASE tool features such as bug tracking and code regenerability. Again this suggests that working purely with code; even within a CASE environment is neither desired nor realistic to certain sections of Genesys Solutions. 16 Future research along similar lines is needed to substantiate the results presented in this paper. This research may not be confined to Genesys Solutions but could also take in other students from the University of Sheffield and even outside industry. Of particular interest is to what extent features of traditional development are seen as useful by agile developers and which traditional features they feel could improve their current development process. Another area of future research is the issue of group and individual personalities and to ascertain whether the psychological make-up of people and groups has an effect on the software development process. This could yield useful results in terms of how software development teams should be organised, it could also highlight how certain personalities favour traditional or agile methods. The aspects mentioned in this discussion need not be carried out in isolation; there is a strong possibility that an amalgamation of the areas could take place. More detailed questionnaires dealing with software engineering techniques and psychological tests are legitimate extensions of this research. A closer examination of the area(s) under study would also require interviews and observation. To be successful this research would require the use of triangulation, the effective use of more than one research technique. This would improve the research skills and investigative analysis of any person involved in any area of research. Acknowledgements We would like to thank Mike Holcombe and Marian Gheorghe for allowing us to carry out research into Genesys Solutions. Also to thank them for allowing the students time to fill in the questionnaire. References 1. About the Author: Kent Beck, 2. P. McBreen, Questioning Extreme Programming, 3. Extreme Programming the New Zealand Way, Why XP? 4. J. A. Kanbay, Extreme Programming, 5. I. Alexander, The Limits of Extreme Programming, 17 6. Genesys Solutions, 7. M Holcombe, M Gheorghe and F Macias, Empirical Experiments with XP, 8. M Holcombe, M Gheorghe and F Macias, Teaching XP for Real: Some Initial Observations and Plans, XP 2001 Conference Procedures, pages 14-17 9. K Beck, Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change. Addison Wesley Longman, Reading Mass, USA 2000. 10. C Seaman, Qualitative Methods in Empirical Studies of Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering ,25.4, July/August 1999, pages 557-572 11. T. De Marco, T. Lister, Peopleware:Productive Projects and Teams 2nd Edition, Dorset House Publishing, NYC, NY, USA, 2000. 12. N. Gibson, Manage Feedback from Customers, 13 M. Spivey, The Z Notation: a reference manual 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, NYC, NY, USA, 1992 14. Tony Simons, Discovery Homepage, 15. E Yourdon, Modern Structured Analysis, Prentice-Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA, 1989 16. M Eva, SSADM Version 4: A User’s Guide Second Edition, The McGraw-Hill International Series in Software Engineering, The McGraw-Hill Book Company, Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK, 1994 17. M Goodland, C Slater, SSADM Version 4: A Practical Approach, The McGraw-Hill Book Company, Maidenhead, Berkshire, UK, 1994 18. Microsoft Solutions Framework, /innsol/Default.asp 18