! Genomic DNA Genomic DNA Genomic DNA Wizard® Purification Genomic Blood gDNA Systems ReliaPrep™ Wizard® ReliaPrep™ SV Miniprep DNA gDNA ReadyAmp™ Wizard® MagneSil® SV 96 Genomic Miniprep Wizard® Wizard® Maxwell® 16 Magnetic 96 Magnetic Fixed Tissue DNA Plant Food MagneSil® ReliaPrep™ Large Volume Blood HT gDNA Genomic Isolation High-Throughput Single-Column Specifications Yields Up To (µg) (1) Varies 20 30 30 N/A 30 400ng Varies(2) Varies(1) Varies(1) 9 300µg/ 10ml Blood Approximate Time 60minutes 30minutes 20minutes 45minutes 20minutes 30minutes 45minutes 30minutes 1 hour 30-40minutes 90minutes <8hr/96(3) Technology Sol Mem Mem Mem Res Mem Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Mag Manual/Automated M M M M M M/A M M/A M A A A » » » » » » Sample Type Blood Buccal Swabs Dried Blood Spots Stool » Animal Tissue Bacteria Cells Ear Punches/Rodent Tail » Fixed Tissue (formalin, paraffin) » Insects » Plant Tissue Yeast Cat No A1120 » » » Fungi » Food » A5081 A2360 A2051 A7710 A2370 MD1490 ※ Mem:, Mag:, Res: , Sol: ● :, »: (1) ! (2)"#$100ng–2µg (3)<8 hours for 96(10ml preps). Automated on MICROLAB® STAR plus Workstation(Hamilton). P1 » FF3760 FF3750 AS2000 MD1360 A1751 Genomic DNA u Genomic DNA < < < < < < Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit ReliaPrep™ Blood gDNA Miniprep System ReadyAmp™ Genomic DNA Maxwell® 16 System MagneSil® Blood Genomic,Max Yield ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System < Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit < ReliaPrep™ gDNA Tissue Miniprep System < Wizard® SV Genomic DNA Purification System < Wizard® SV 96 Genomic DNA Purification System < Maxwell® 16 System < Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit < Wizard® SV Genomic DNA Purification System < Wizard® SV 96 Genomic DNA Purification System < Maxwell® 16 System < Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit < Wizard® Magnetic 96 DNA Plant System < Maxwell® 16 System / < Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit < MagneSil® Genomic, Fixed Tissue System < Maxwell® 16 System < Maxwell® 16 System : : / !": #$%& '(%& )*%& P2 Genomic DNA ² Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit , ! 『』 ! \]^_`ab!;Mdef!! TUgh,*+?i! ¢ %&')*+-.。 ¢ 012345(678)。 ¢ ;<=>?@ABC。 ¢ ?DEFG,IJ%&。 ¢ *+-.,01K4L。 PCR analysis of genomic DNA isolated from whole blood. Lane M: 1kb DNA Ladder Lane 1:no dna control (–) Lane 2:positive control (+) Lanes 3, 5, 7 and 9: samples rehydrated at room temperature for 20 minutes. Lanes 4, 6, 8 and 10: samples rehydrated at 4°C overnight. *W ® Wizard Genomic DNA Purification Kit Proteinase K XY Z[ A1120 100 isolations A1125 500 isolations V3125 100mg K4BCTUVD 45 Primate Cell Lines Rodents Gram(-) Bacteria Gram(+) Bacteria Yeast Human Blood Insect cells Plant Leaf tissue P3 K562 COS NIH 3T3 PC12 CHO Mouse Blood (4% EDTA) Mouse Liver Mouse Tail Escherichia coli Staphylococcus epidermis Saccharomyces cerevisiae Human Blood (EDTA) Human Blood (Heparin) Human Blood (Citrate) Human Blood (EDTA) : 3MNOPQ Human Blood (EDTA Tubes) RS& 6 3 x 10 cells 6 1.5 x 10 cells 6 2.25 x 10 cells 6 8.25 x 10 cells 6 1-2 x 10 cells 300 µl 11 mg 0.5-1cm 9 2 x 10 cells 8 3.5 x 10 cells 8 1.9 x 10 cells 300 µl 300µl 300 µl 300 µl 3 ml 6 5 x 10 cells 40 mg %&(µg) 15-30 10 9.5-12.5 6 6-7 6 15-20 10-30 20 6-13 4.5-6.5 5-10 7 7 3 40 16 7-12 ※:0800-231-914 Genomic DNA ² Wizard® SV Genomic DNA Purification System !! K%&8 ¢ 01K4,6jklm、opq^r。 ¢ stu&>?\]vJ\wgDNA。 ¢ \]=x20yz>?。 ¢ {|}~,。 *W ® Wizard SV Genomic DNA Purification System XY Z[ A2360 50 preps A2361 250 preps B,*+;! Wizard® Genomic Wizard® SV Genomic DNA DNA Purification Kit Purification System 1~1.5<= &'2 20~45yz B &u*+ ghTU =x %&- %* Promega Amplification of genomic DNA isolated from various tissue sources. +C : positive control,–C: negative control * W Q¦ ® Wizard SV Genomic DNA Purification System DNeasy™ Tissue Kit ¢£ §¨ /B ¡V ★★★★ ★★ P4 Genomic DNA ² Wizard® SV 96 Genomic DNA Purification System ! !! ʯ&\]Í Ê\],}~Ë!! ÎÏÐÑÒ! ¢ ?©ª]BC(Biomek®),*+;«。 ¢ ª\]¬?,­®¯。 ¢ TU°,?\]J±20mg¶op,1.2cm¶jklm 6 5x10 ¶^r¼。 ¢ =,45yz>?\]jklm,30yz>?\]^r¼。 ¢ %¿\,?ÀÁ1ÂÃÄ! *W Wizard® SV 96 Genomic DNA Purification System XY Z[ A2370 1 × 96 A2371 4 × 96 *+q%&ÆÇ®J,TUgÈ! Cross-contamination assay. Genomic DNA purified from mouse tail clipping samples or water samples arrayed in a 96-well plate. No PCR product was expected from water samples. ÓÔ1K©ª]\]ÕÖ * ¦ Beckman Coulter Eppendorf epMotion Tecan Caliper Life Sciences PerkinElmer Yield(AÉ) and purity (BÉ) measurements from 96 separate 20mg mouse tail clippings using the WizardR SV 96 Genomic DNA Purification System. P5 96-well genomic DNA purification «ÌÉ。 × Biomek® 2000 Biomek® 3000 Biomek® FX Biomek® NX Eppendorf epMotion® 5075 LH Eppendorf epMotion® 5075 VAC Tecan Freedom EVO® Tecan Freedom EVO® with TeMo™ Tecan Genesis® RSP Tecan MiniPrepTecan TeMo™ SciClone ALH 3000™ PerkinElmer MultiPROBE® II HT/EX with Gripper ※:0800-231-914 "#$%! &'()!! KÛ¿Ü8 ¢ ?©ª? ª,=Ø。 ¢ 96-wellÊÕÙ,0¢JÚ&。 ¢ ,\]=x$25-45yz。 ¢ %*gh,%&q*+ÆÇ®J。 *W ® Genomic DNA ² Wizard® Magnetic 96 DNA Plant System Wizard Magnetic 96 DNA Plant System XY Z[ FF3760 2 x 96 preps FF3761 4 x 96 preps TUË Ë,;ÝÞßà! Arabidopsis Cotton seed Soybean Cabbage seed Grass seed Squash Canola leaf Green pepper seed Squash seed Canola seed Lettuce Strawberry leaf Carrot seed Milkweed leaf Sunflower seed Chicory leaf Potato tuber Tobacco seedling Chives Radish leaf Tomato leaf Corn leaf Rice leaf Tomato seed Cotton leaf Sorghum Watermelon seed ※:0800-231-914 K\]%&8 1. Tobacco seedlingáâ4ã 2. Soybean¯ä 3. Lettuce leafåæç 4. Corn leafèéç 5. Potatoêë 6. Arabidopsis leafìíîïç 7. Cabbage seedðñò4ã 8. Green pepper seedóôõã 9. Prairie grassöâ 10. Chives÷ 11. Tomato leafêëç 12. Riceøé 13. Canola seedòù 14. Sunflower seedúûã 15. Carrot seedôüýã Arabidopsis tissue Canola leaf punches* Canola seeds Corn leaf punches* Cotton seed Lettuce leaf punches* Melon seed Radish leaf punches* Soybean (10mg) Squash seed Sunflower seed Tomato leaf punches* % & 10 ng/mg 26 ng/leaf punch 343 ng/seed 98 ng/leaf punch 29 ng/seed 13 ng/leaf punch 166 ng/seed 89 ng/leaf punch 10 ng/mg bean 279 ng/seed 405 ng/seed 111 ng/leaf punch *Leaf punches 6mm in diameter. P6 Genomic DNA ² MagneSil® Genomic, ² Fixed Tissue System ² ReliaPrep™ gDNA ² Tissue Miniprep System %! ¢ 01\]ÿZ(h) 。 *+,¢ =x,30yz>?@A。 ¢ ;<=@A12\]。 1&!! 0 / . ¢ `ÿ,。 ¢ ,! ¢ *+\,23。(STR assay) 34567, gDNA! 9:;< ¢ !t。 ¢ =x,30yz@A\]。 ¢ %¿\,!! ¢ %¿"wJ,L23! 2 ¢ Genotyping ¢ PCR *W XY Z[ MagneSil® Genomic, Fixed Tissue System MD1490 100 samples PCR inhibitor!?1STR PCR assay。 ¢ Array ¢ Sequencing *W ReliaPrep™ gDNA Tissue Miniprep System XY Z[ A2051 100 preps A2052 250 preps Analysis of DNA purified from paraffin-embedded, formalin-fixed 10µm thin sections using the MagneSil Genomic, Fixed Tissue System. (ABI PRISM® 3100 Genetic Analyzer) P7 Promega Q¦ M¦ A260/230 % & & J#$Array - ' ' =>?@B! CEFG“345”HI!! 2 ¢ ,,t! -inhibitor,>『N/』12! Genomic DNA ² ReliaPrep® Blood gDNA Miniprep System ¢ Array ¢ Sequencing ¢ Genotyping ¢ PCR ¢ ÕÙ,30yz>?@A。 ¢ ,IJ%¿*+。 ¢ %¿\,¯()*A260/A230D+。 ¢ %¿"wJ,>,。 *W ReliaPrep® Blood gDNA Miniprep System XY Z[ A5081 100 preps A8052 250 preps *3C:http://www.promega.com/whatsyourtype \]&gh,$6-12ug。 Blood was aliquotted into 200µl aliquots and frozen Promega * W 5645 Q¦ ReliaPrep™ Blood gDNA Miniprep System Qiamp DNA Blood Mini Kit ÕÙ (cellulose based) ÕÙ(silica based) =x < 30 mins 20–40 mins % & ~12µg (200µl) ~12 µg(200µl) 7¯- ,%¿\! ,89:;! ¡VD ★★★★★ ★★ P8 Genomic DNA ² ReliaPrep™ Large Volume ² HT gDNA Isolation System ² Maxwell® 16 System ! ¢ ,Tinhibitors。 JKLM ¢ =©ª]ÕÖ,0¢3-10ml¶JÚ&(96)。 R! ¢ J-+gDNA%¿,>,。 OPQ ¢ 8Çgh,ÆÇ®J *W XY ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System A1751 BSTUVWXYZI[\ ¢ @M?B£16*,D×Et30~45yz,TIJTF。 ¢ H}¶«Ì,-IJ¶Õh à 。 ¢ K}]¶ ªÌL,?M`NOQU。 ¢ VW¶XYÕÙ,Z[\,]^_`#cf。 ¢ 0*45',)Tggh%&-?,0¢K4ÂÃ。 0*45 Z[ 96×10ml preps *+gh,%&-?! DNA from RNA from Whole Blood Buffy Coat Culture Cells Animal & Plant Tissue FFPE Tissue Mouse Tail Gram (+/-) Bacteria DNA Virus Forensic Reference & Casework Sample Whole Blood Animal & Plant Tissue Culture Cells RNA Virus His-tagged Protein from Bacterial Culture Mammalian Cells Insect cells Culture Medium Reliaprep™ large volume HT gDNA isolation system on the Hamilton microlAb® starplus. =ReliaPrep™ LV 32 HSM,©ªÍ?> P9 ª! , !! Plasmid DNA Promega 、 、 Wizard® Plus PureYield™ Wizard® SV Purification Systems SV Minipreps Minipreps 96/9600 Wizard® MagneSil® Wizard® MagneSil Plasmid Tfx™ Small-Scale Plasmid Systems (<20µg) Single-Column PureYield™ PureYield™ Midipreps Maxipreps Large-Scale Plasmid Systems Single-Column High-Throughput Plasmid DNA Plasmid DNA Specifications 20 20 5 9 20 200 1mg 1-10 0.6-3 1-1.5 0.5-1.5 0.5-1.5 50-250 250-500 Approximate Time 45 minutes 10 minutes 40–60 minutes 45 minutes 45 minutes 45 minutes 75 minutes Technology Membrane Silica Membrane Magnetic Magnetic Membrane Membrane M M M/A A A M M Yields Up To (µg) Starting Culture Volume (ml) Manual/Automated Applications Transfection In vitro Transcription Cloning Probe Generation Sequencing PCR Restriction Digestion Transformation A1330 A1222 A2250 A1630 A2380 A2492 A2392 Cat No P10 Transfection-Grade!" + , - . 0 ! PureYieldTM#$%&'(): 1. :miniprep/midiprep/maxiprep,GHIJ 10/30/60 ,!"#$%&、()*+,-./012。。 Plasmid DNA 2. :miniprep/midiprep/maxiprep,45 6789 :#;15/400/1200µg<=DNA。 3. ::#>Transfection-Grade=DNA,?4@ABCDEFin vitro transcription/ translation。 TM PureYieldTM Plasmid PureYieldTM Plasmid PureYield Plasmid Miniprep System (µg) Midiprep System Maxiprep System Small-Scale Large-Scale Large-Scale Plasmid System Plasmid System Plasmid System Single-column Single-column Single-column 15 200 1000 0.6-3 50-250 250-500 10 30-45 75 PQRS Mem Mem Mem T/VW VW VW VW Transfection ● ● ● In vitro Transfection ● ● ● Cloning ● ● ● Probe Generation ● ● ● Sequence ● ● ● PCR ● ● ● Restriction Enzyme ● ● ● Transformation ● ● ● MN67=O (ml) G (min) Mem=Silica Membrane;●=Recommended P11 ² PureYield™ Plasmid Miniprep System ])U,^)W_`! |}!10yz>?@A! ¢ =xh,10yz>?@A。 ¢ ÀÁjk_^,m。 ¢ BCTUgh,*+K%。 ¢ vwx,1¶z®。 ¢ ?­®{q。 *W PureYield™ Plasmid Miniprep System XY Z[ A1223 100 preps A1222 250 preps ,%&J,! Plasmid DNA ß,Tg-1!! wx,T\]TU! Transfection of pGL4.13 Vector and assay in 5 different cell lines. P12 ² PureYield™ Plasmid Midiprep System ² PureYield™ Plasmid Maxiprep System %¿\,8Ç( in vitro)Í ¢ 7¯\]%&?±400µg/250ml (Midiprep)q1.2mg/250ml (Maxiprep)。 ¢ ¯()*=x:Midiprep 130 yz@A,Maxiprep160yz@A。 ¢ J\wJ"w¶+^DNA ,?1transfectionqin vitro expression。 ¢ %&qÕÖ,?­®{ !¶\]。 Î! Expression of firefly luciferase from SP6 Control Plasmid isolated with PureYield™ Midipreps and competitor midipreps in TNT® SP6 Quick Coupled Transcription/Translation System. Kit control is purified via phenol/chloroform and ethanol precipitation. Plasmid DNA *W PureYield™ Plasmid Midiprep System ! XY Z[ A2492 25 preps A2495 100 preps A2392 10 preps 1 Kit control A2393 25 preps 2 PureYield™ Plasmid Midiprep 3 Competitor purified plasmid Lane Sample PureYield™ Plasmid Maxiprep System ,%&H! %¿TFKJ!!! Isolated plasmid was transfected into CHO cells and luciferase expression measured with the ONE-Glo? Luciferase Assay System. P13 abcdefh? 1jk!! B,TU%! ² Wizard® Plus SV Minipreps ² DNA Purification System ² Wizard® SV 96 Plasmid DNA ² Purification Systems ¢ à , 45yz?B£20。 ¢ ?Sequencing-quality DNA%¿,FJ±98%。 ¢ %&J (~20µg),2。 ¢ t,?i! ¢ ?­®{。 ¢ *+gh,。 ¢ =、J*+qJÚ&¶\]TU,;<=>?\]96。 ¢ ?©ª? ª, ¡¢{! ¢ @£ÕÙ,t¤¥Ï¦ÑÒ。 + *W Wizard® Plus SV Minipreps DNA Purification System XY Z[ A1330 50 preps A1460 250 preps A1465 1000 preps Z[ 1x96 preps Purification System A2255 5x96 preps Wizard® SV 9600 Plasmid A2258 100x96 preps DNA Purification System "#$%! &'()*+,, Plasmid purified with the Wizard Plus SV Minipreps DNA Purification System. High-copy pGEM®-3Zf(+) Vector(a) (lanes 1–3) and low-copy pALTER®-1 Vector(lanes 4–6) were each digested in two separate Promega restriction enzyme reactions. XY A2250 J *+H§,¨©ª«ok! *W Wizard® SV 96 Plasmid DNA Plasmid DNA ¢ %&$~8µg/1~1.5ml_]。 ¢ ?\]EndA strains¶_4qYeast¶+^。 P14 DNA Fragment Promega DNA Fragment Wizard®SV Wizard® Wizard® DNA Wizard® SV 96 Wizard® MagneSil® PurificationSystems Gel and PCR PCR Preps Clean-Up PCR Clean-Up Sequencing Reaction Clean-Up High-Throughput Clean-Up Single-Column Specifications DNA Fragment Yields Up To 95% 96% 80% 90% Phred 20 out to at least 650 bases Approximate Time 15 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes 35 minutes Technology Membrane Resin Resin Membrane Magnetic M M M M/A A PCR Clean-Up Gel Extraction Clean-up from Enzymatic Reactions Nucleotide Removal A9281 A7170 A7280 A9341 A1831 Manual/Automated Applications Cat No P15 ² Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System 15nopqr!stU+uDNA! 11 id e - . / 0 m o r B m iu E t h id ¹º®°,P­F ¢ ?°¢J±40µg¶DNA。 ¢ ?\]J±10kb¶ ±。 ¢ tB£>?(6sequencing, cloning, labeling, RE digestion or ¢ in vitro transcription/translation)。 *W Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System XY Z[ A9281 50 preps A9282 250 preps A9285 1000 preps ± ¯< Wizard® SV Gel and Q¦ PCR Clean-Up System Gel Extraction Kit 55bp 26% 32% 70bp 39% 41% 85bp 55% 61% 100bp 84% 65% 500bp 89% 91% 1,000bp 92% 75% 1,500bp 92% - 3,199bp 95% - 9,416bp 95% - 23,130bp 47% - °T¶\]TU,?M`*«Q! U: \]¶PCR%¿,TA cloningTg¸.! DNA Fragment °T¶\]TU,²Q¦´µ¶·! º»¼! vwxyz ¢ 15yz>?@ABC。 ¢ P­FJ,T®¯«Q。 ! P: P16 ² Wizard® DNA Clean-Up System |}~-! UQR!! ² Wizard® PCR Preps DNA ² Purification System ¢ 15yz@A\]。 ¢ JTU\], ½¾¿À,200bp~50kbÁ?\]! ¢ H\,TK5ÂÃÄ。 ¢ ?!=\]¯&。 ¢ ®%,。 ¢ %¿+-,ÂÃ2。 ¢ P­FJ,WÄÅÆ200bp~1500bp¶ ±。 ¢ TÇprimersqprimer-dimersW?®%¿。 ¢ H!?=ÕÖ\]。 *W *W XY Z[ Wizard® DNA Clean-Up System A7280 100 prep H°T!T-K5ÂÃ! Wizard® PCR Preps DNA Purification System XY Z[ A7170 50 prep A2180 250 preps 『 』 ¢ 15yz\]! JTU DNA Fragment Recovery of PCR products using the Wizard PCR Preps DNA Purification System. separated on a 1% agarose gel and stained with ethidium bromide. P17 RNA P18 ! SV Total RNA RNA Purification Systems "gDNA#$ PureYield™RNA SV 96 Maxwell® 16 MagneSil PolyATtract® PolyATtract® Minipreps Total RNA Systems Total RNA System 1000 mRNA Total RNA Single-Column mRNA Single High-Throughput Specifications 0.27-5.3 Yields Up To (µg) 1mg 0.33-0.45 Varies 2µg /105 cells 5 µg/mg tissue µg/ 10 cells 70 to20ng/mg 1-2% of tissue Total RNA Approximate Time 60 minutes 90 minutes 30 minutes 30–40 minutes 40 minutes 45 minutes 45 minutes Technology Membrane Membrane Membrane Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic Magnetic M M M/A A M/A M M Animal Tissues Cells Manual/Automated Sample Type + + Whole Blood » Bacteria » Yeast Plant » » Total RNA Concentration Cat No ● :, »:, +:ÊmËty Z3100 Z3740 Z3500 AS2000 Z3351 Z5420 Z5200 RNA RNA Clean-Up and u RNA P19 < < < < < < < < < < SV Total RNA Isolation System PureYield™ RNA Midiprep System MagneSil ® Total RNA mini-Isolation System Maxwell® 16 System SV Total RNA Isolation System PureYield™ RNA Midiprep System PolyATtract ® System 1000 SV 96 Total RNA Isolation System MagneSil ® Total RNA mini-Isolation System Maxwell® 16 System < < < < < < SV Total RNA Isolation System PureYield™ RNA Midiprep System PolyATtract ® System 1000 SV 96 Total RNA Isolation System MagneSil ® Total RNA mini-Isolation System Maxwell® 16 System / < SV Total RNA Isolation System < PureYield™ RNA Midiprep System , ! < SV Total RNA Isolation System < PureYield™ RNA Midiprep System < Maxwell® 16 System RNA : : / !": #$%& '(%& )*%& ² SV Total RNA Isolation System $! !! P20 gDNA89&Hu,!! %&ÔDQ¦-?! ¢ %&-?,}Ì。 ¢ Íh\]=xÎ;<=。 ¢ tÏÐ。 ¢ 01\]'4。 ¢ 01;ÑyÒL。 *W SV Total RNA Isolation System RQ1 RNase-Free DNase I XY Z[ Z3101 10 preps Z3100 50 preps Z3105 250 preps M6101 1000 u RNA yield from mouse liver \]45H'!^__« Alteromonas Bacillus Chlamydia Escherichia Klebsiella Lactobacillus Microcystis Mycobacterium Neisseria Orchrobactrum Photorhabdus Pseudomonas Rhizobium Rhodopseudomonas Salmonella Simkania Streptococcus Streptomyces Synechocystis Vibrio Yersinia Saccharomyces cerevisiae Blumeria grominis Bierkandera sp. Gigaspora margarita Trichophyton rubrum \]Û¿opÍ ,]Í Î!T-,ÕÖ׿! <kop Ø!! Medicago truncatula Nicotiana tabacum Pisum sativum Prunus cerasifera Trifolium repens Vigna sp. Vitis vinifera ※:0800-231-914 45 (mg) %& %F A260/A230 A260/A280 (µg/prep) (µg/mg tissue) Liver 30 133 4.4 2.4 1.9 Kidney 20 46 2.3 2.1 1.9 Heart 60 16 0.3 1.8 2.1 Spleen 15 79 5.3 2.3 1.9 Brain 60 39 0.7 2.1 2.1 Lung 60 36 0.6 2.0 2.1 30 22 Muscle RT-PCR amplification of total RNA isolated from fresh human blood RS& 0.7 1.8 2.1 5 x 10 cells 51 - 2.0 2.0 Tomato Leaf 30 4.6 0.15 1.35 2.00 ÂÓ_ S. cerevisiae 7 4x 10 cells 19 - 1.6 2.1 ^_ E.coli 9 36.1 - 1.64 2.0 ^r¼ RAW264.7 Cell Line Û¿ 6 1x 10 cells RNA Arabidopsis thaliana Beta vulgaris Brassica napus Cichorium intybus Hordeum vulgare Lotus japonica Lycospersicon esculentum Manihot exculenta Genomic DNA detected in 100 ng RNA Î! ² PureYield™ RNA Midiprep System “ ”gDNA67¡#¢! P21 %¿H\, Microarray ab! ¢ }Ì,。 ¢ %¿\wJ,gDNAÑÒÙÚ! ¢ tÛB£DNase,IJTF。 ¢ Ü,K®。 ¢ ?BC'4。 *W PureYieldTM RNA Midiprep System XY Z[ Z3741 50 preps Z3740 10 preps Microarray analysis of total RNA Total RNA isolated from 5 × 107 HeLa cells using the PureYield™ RNA Midiprep System BCTUVD -?¶%UÀÝTRIzol Reagent Sample Amount / Average Yield Average Average Maximum Sample Capacity per prep(µg) A260/A230 A260/A280 Liver 300mg 990.7 1.8 1.9 Lung 300mg 193.9 2.0 2.1 Kidney 200mg 329.0 2.3 2.1 Spleen 150mg 430.9 2.3 2.1 Brain 300mg 305.5 2.3 2.1 Heart 300mg 255.3 2.2 2.1 Muscle 300mg 115.1 2.1 2.1 0 0 1x1010cells 782.7 2.5 2.1 0 0 1.5 2.1 Sample Type Rat Tissues Bacteria E coli Plant Tissue Canola 300mg 87.8 Cell Lines RNA Total rna was isolated from rat tissues using the Pureyield® RNA Midiprep System. Lanes 1–2, 150mg spleen Lanes 3–4, 200mg kidney Lanes 5–6,300mg liver Lanes 7–8, 300mg muscle Lanes 9–10, 300mg heart Lanes 11–2, 300mg brain Lanes 13–14,300mg lung Lanes 15–16, control liver samples. Lanes M1, Promega Lambda DNA/Ecori + Hind III Markers (Cat.# G1731). Lanes M2, Promega 100bp DNA Ladder Markers (Cat.# G2101). 0 0 HEK 293T 5x107cells 453.3 2.1 1.9 HeLa 5x107cells 329.2 1.8 2.0 20ml(10ml/tube) -10* * * Human Blood *Varies by white cell count. A white cell count of ~5x106 cells/ml yields ~10µg of total RNA. ² PolyATtract® mRNA Isolation System MmRNA! £¤¥!! ;®HJ,T"Íf¶mRNA!! P22 ¢ =,45yz>?mRNA。 ¢ ;®°,?Þ99%ßD¶ribosomal RNA(rRNA)。 ¢ Oà,\]*+-?。 ¢ ,}~。 ¢ 23,?1;Ñ(in vitro translation, cDNA synthesis,PCR,RNase protection, primer extension and Northern blots.) *W XY Z[ PolyATtract®mRNA Isolation System II with Magnetic Stand* Z5200 3 isolations PolyATtract® mRNA Isolation System I*(Refill for Z5200) Z5210 3 isolations PolyATtract® mRNA Isolation System III with Mangetic Stand* Z5300 15 isolations PolyATtract® mRNA Isolation System IV*(Refill for Z5300) Z5310 15 isolations BCTUVD RNA Product List : :(02)2655-7678 :0800-231-914 Genomic DNA Product Wizard® Genomic DNA Purification Kit Wizard® SV Genomic DNA Purification System ReliaPrep™ Blood gDNA Miniprep System ReliaPrep™ gDNA Tissue Miniprep System ReliaPrep™ Large Volume HT gDNA Isolation System Wizard® SV 96 Genomic DNA Purification System MagneSil® ONE, Fixed Yield Blood Genomic System MagneSil® Blood Genomic, Max Yield System MagneSil ® Genomic, Fixed Tissue System MagneSil® KF, Genomic System Wizard® Magnetic 96 DNA Plant System PureYield™ Plasmid Midiprep System PureYield™ Plasmid Maxiprep System Wizard ® Plus SV Minipreps DNA Purification System Wizard ® SV 96 Plasmid DNA Purification Syste Wizard ® SV 9600 Plasmid DNA Purification System :(06)209-4380 mRNA Size 100 isolations × 300µl 500 isolations × 300µl 100 isolations × 100µl 50 preps 250 preps 100 preps 100 preps 250 preps 96 × 10ml 1 × 96 preps 4 × 96 preps 1 × 96 preps 1 × 96 preps 100 samples 200 preps 2 × 96 preps 4 × 96 preps Cat No A1120 A1125 A1620 A2360 A2361 A5081 A2051 A2052 A1751 A2370 A2371 MD1370 MD1360 MD1490 MD1460 FF3760 FF3761 Product PolyATtract® mRNA Isolation System II with with Magnetic Stand PolyATtract® mRNA Isolation System I (Refill for Z5200) PolyATtract® mRNA Isolation System III with with Mangetic Stand PolyATtract® mRNA Isolation System IV (Refill for Z5300) PolyATtract® System 1000 with Magnetic Stand PolyATtract® System 1000 without Magnetic Stand Size 100 preps 250 preps 25 preps 100 preps 10 preps 25 preps 50 preps 250 preps 1 x 96 preps 5 x 96 preps 100 x 96 preps Cat No A1223 A1222 A2492 A2495 A2392 A2393 A1330 A1460 A2250 A2255 A2258 Size 3 isolations 3 isolations 15 isolations 15 isolations 3 isolations 3 isolations Cat No Z5200 Z5210 Z5300 Z5310 Z5420 Z5400 Total RNA Product SV Total RNA Isolation System PureYield™ RNA Midiprep System SV 96 Total RNA Isolation System MagneSil® Total RNA mini-Isolation System MagaZorb® Total RNA Mini-Prep Kit Plasmid DNA Product PureYield™ Plasmid Miniprep System :(04)2263-3813 Size 10 preps 50 preps 250 preps 10 preps 50 preps 1 x 96 each 5 x 96 each 4 plates 200 preps Cat No Z3101 Z3100 Z3105 Z3740 Z3741 Z3500 Z3505 Z3351 MB2004 Size 50 preps 250 preps 100 preps 1 × 96 preps 4 × 96 preps 8 × 96 preps 50 preps 250 preps Cat No A9281 A9282 A7280 A9340 A9341 A9342 A7170 A2180 DNA Fragment Product Wizard® SV Gel and PCR Clean-Up System Wizard® DNA Clean-Up System Wizard® SV 96 PCR Clean-Up System Wizard ® PCR Preps DNA Purification System