i*:tf#' iv- 'r: 10 l) 9M t,': Now Penelope sank down, holding the weapon on her knees, and drew her husband'sgreat bow out, and sobbed and bit her lip and let the salt tears flow. Then back she went to face the crowded hall, tremendous bow in hand, and on her shoulder hung the quiver spiked with coughing death. Behind her maids bore a basket full of axeheads,bronze and iron implements for the master'sgame. Thus in her beauty she approachedthe suitors, and near a pillar of the solid roof she paused,her shining veil acrossher cheeks, her maids on either hand and still. then spoke to the banqueters: Guide for 1-4 Noticethat Penelope still grievesfor Odysseus, evenafter20t years. 7 quiver (kwiv'ed:a casein which arrows are carried.\ivhatdo You t l r i n i : r r . r '1 t '. ,h: )r y" t h e q u i v e r r r.rlrghingoeath"? ::,itr:,.r,l v'ii-i 8 - 9 a x e h e a d s . . . g a m e :m e t a l headsof axes(without handles) Ina usedto emPloy that Odysseus d i s p l a yo f a r c h e r ys k i l l . "My lords, hear me: suitors indeed, you commandeeredthis house to feast and drink in, day and night, my husband being long gone, long out of mind. You found no iustification for yourselves-none except your lust to marry me. Stand up, then: \YORDS ;;f N6 w Reading commandeer(k6m'en-dir')v. to take controlof by force justification(jUs'to-fY-ke'shon) n. an explanation or excusefor an action +g { i i 20 l5 we now declarea contest for that prlzeHere is my lord Odysseus'hunting bow. Bend and string it if you can. \7ho sendsan arrow through iron axe-helvesockets,twelve in line? I join my life with his, and leave this place, my home, my rich and beautiful bridal house, forever to be remembered,though I dream it only." 21-23 Note that the contesthas two parts:first the suitormust bend the heavybow and stringit.a task that requiresimmense strength and skill-then fremust shoot an arrow straightthrough t h e h o l e si n 1 2 a x f t e a d ss e tu p i n3 row. Then to Eumaeus: "Carry the bow forward. Carry the biades." Tears came to the swineherd'seyes as he reached out for the big bow. He laid it down at the suitors' feet. Across the room the cowherd sobbed, knowing the master'sweapon. Antinous growled, with a glance at both: 28-38 Noticethe emotionexpressed by the swineherdEumaeus s hen a n d t h e c o w h e r d P h i l o e t i uw they are reminded of their master Then notice how Antinoustreats O d y s s e u s 's e r v a n t s . "Clods. They go to piecesover nothing. lou two. there. why are you sniveling?To upset the woman even more? Has she not Pain enough over her lost husband?Slr down. Get on with dinner quietly, or cry about it outside, if you must. Leave us the bow. A clean-cut game, it looks to me. Nobody bends that bowstave easilY in this company. Is there a man here made like Odysseus?I remember him from childhood: I can seehim even now." That was the way he played it, hoping inwardly to span the great horn bow with corded gut and drill the iron with his shot-he, Antinous, destinedto be the first of all to savor blood from a biting arrow at his throat, a shaft drawn by the fingers of Odysseus whom he had mocked and plundered, leading on the rest,his boon companions. 946 \(/ORDS To I(N O w 4rt-51 Antinous imagineshimsel{ winning Penelope'scontest.Notice' however,that his death is foreshadowedhere. 51 boon comPanions:jollYfrienos plunder(plin'der)u to rob of propeltyby force;steaifrom j F=]: llolll-l € i P I T € H €Ar I N C AN D 6 K€Ai I N C t h r ' I t o | ', t l r e l e s s e r . s t t l f o r s t- l ilu l fioldoJJ. sulfors,!4ntinousttnd'Euntmuchus, to stringit.'Tlie mostLrbLe proueLmable lriil 'l.Ahiletfit suitorsare busy u,itfitlie bow, Odysserrs-sfi//tlisqursed ns an oltl beqgar- Itill t= ' tl ' ' E umLreus tl i e su,i nehet'snd d g l e s t0 enlis t t lie dd o J tu ,o o f h i s tn L s te ds e rL )u tl ts, Itilil t= t I 1t-l t-l lt--ll L! | l l L! | l_-_1_ 'P lii[oetitts tfie cowfierd. )J : :: ..': |[d lrfl Two men had meanwhile left the hall: swineherd and cowherd, in companionship, one downcast as the other. But Odysseus followed them outdoors, outside the court, and coming up said gentlyr "You, herdsman, and you, too, swineherd, I could say a thing to you, or should I keep it dark? No, no; speak, my heart tells me. \fould you be men enough to stand by Odysseusif he came back? Supposehe dropped out of a clear sky, as I did? Supposesome god should bring him? 'Would you bear arms for him, or for the suitors?" '-ti The cowherd said: 65 "Ah, let the master come! Father Zeus, grant our old wish! Some courier guide him back! Then judge what stuff is in me and how I manage arms!" Likewise Eumaeus fell to praying all heaven for his return, so that Odysseus,sure at least of these, told them: !: F. F Fr = 7{ f=, F H. s... h "I am at home, for I am he. I bore adversities,but in the twentieth year I am ashore in my own land. I find the two of you, alone among my people, longed for my coming. PrayersI never heard except your own that I might come again. So now what is in store for you I'll teli you: 72-75 What is the quality that O d y s s e uvsa l u e ss o h i g h l y i n t h e s e two servants? rHE HoMECoMTNG 947 :€ '4 :j ]i a If Zeus brings down the suitors by my hand I promise marriagesto both, and cattle, and housesbuilt near mine. And you shall be brothers-in-armsof my Telemachus. Here, let me show you something else,a sign that I am he, that you can trust me, look: this old scar from the tusk wound that I sot boar hunting on ParnassusAutolycus' sons and I." Shifting his rags he bared the long gash. Both men looked, and knew, and threw their arms around the old soldier,weeping, kissing his head and shoulders.He as well took each man's head and hands to kiss, then saidto cut it short, else they might weep till dark- 100 105 110 "Break off, no more of this. Anyone at the door could see and tell them. Drift back in, but separateiyat intervals after me. Now listen to your orders: when the time comes, those gentlemen,to a man, will be dead against giving me bow or quiver. Defy them. Eumaeus,bring the bow and put it in my hands there at the door. Tell the women to lock their own door tight. Tell them if someonehears the shock of arms or groans of men, in hall or court, not one must show her face, but keep still at her weaving. Philoetius, run to the outer gate and lock it. Throw the cross bar and lash it." He turned back into the courtyard and the beautiful house and took the stool he had before. They followed one by one, the two hands loyal to him. Eurymachus had now picked up the bow. He turned it round, and turned it round before the licking flame to warm it up, but could not, even so, put stressupon it UNIT SIX PART 1: THE ODYSSEY 84 Parnassus(pdr-nds'es): a m o u n t a i n i n c e n t r a lG r e e c e . 85 Autolycus' (6-tdl'Y-kes) sons: Odysseus'uncles.(Autolycuswas Odysseus'grandfatheron his mother'sside.) hasa Planbut 94-104 Odysseus revealsto the servantsonlYthe detailsthey must take careof. On r h e b a s i so f t h e o r d e r sh e g i v e s , w h a t d o y o u r h i n k O d Y s s e ui s p l an ni n g? : to jam the loop over the tip though his heart groaned to bursting. Then he said grimly: this day' \fhat gloom I feel, not for myseif uron.,t"tt" and not only becausewe lose that bride. \7omen are not lacking in Achaea, in other towns, or on Ithaca. No, the worst is humiliation-to be shown up for children measuredagainst Odysseus-we who cannot even hitch the string over his bow. \7hat shame to be repeatedof us. after us!" 113-121 Sincemost of the suitors have alreadytried the challenge here speaks and failed, Eurymachus for all of thein when he expresses h i s s h a m ea n d e m b a r r a s s m e n lts. t h e l u i t o r s ' c o n c e r na b o u t t h e i r r e p u t a t i o n i o r p h y s i c asl t r e n q t h s i m i l a ri o a t t i t u d e sr n e n h a v e today? 116 Achaea(+k6'e):the Greek mainland. THE HOMECOMING 949 Then spoke Odysseus,all craft and gall: 12 i 13 0 "My lords, contendersfor the queen, permit me: a passion in me moves me to speak out. I put it to Eurymachus above all and to that brilliant prince, Antinous. . . . But iet me try my hand at the smooth bow! Let me test my fingers and my pull to seeif any of the oldtime kick is there, or if thin fare and roving took it out of me." 122-130 Rememberthat i s d i s g u i s e da s a n o l d b e g g a r . about the effect of an old requestto try the challenge 1us1 after the finest princesinjhe l^, h a v ef a i l e d s o m i s e r a b l y , 130 thin fare and roving:poor food and hard travel. Now irritation beyond reason swept them all, since they were naplgedby fear that he could string r l Antinous answered,coldiy and at iength: 13 . 5 "You bleary vagabond, no rag of senseis left you. Are you not coddled here enough, at table taking meat with gentlemen,your berrers, denied nothing, and listening to our talk? .When have we let a tramp hear all our talk? The sweet goad of wine has made you rave!" iltrll L=] Iolt Li=J ilotl L=I At this the watchful queen Peneiope interposed: "Anfinous, discourtesy to a guest of Telemachus-whatever guestthat is not handsome. ril/hat are you afraid of? Supposethis exile put his back into it 14.t and drew the great bow of Odysseuscould he then take me home to be his bride? You know he does not imagine that! No one need let that prospect weigh upon his dinner! How very, very improbable it seems." ffi L - ] i l j DIt =il:] A. 140-149 The epithet "watchful queen" characterizes Penelope as patient and observant.Hereshe s c o l d st h e s u i t o r sf o r t h e i r l a c ko f courtesyand hospitaIity-values they consistentlyignore-and :. urgesthem to give the stranger a chance. r€ L€MA c H U s ' K €qu ( s r , ( P u t c [ oltytttet , c s t lic m e n t o s c t L lc t lit ffi ( /u csir .lo l rlicl,ot (uu,tr.q llrr'rrr.'r,1i, r, r -]Hf 950 134-139 How does Antinous to the beggar'srequest? V/ORD S To KNO'W gall (96l)n. scornfulboldness Ht i l tr i l tr _l 150 The swineherd had the horned bow in his hands moving toward Odysseus,when the crowd in the banquet hall broke into an ugly din, shouts rising from the flushed young men: "Ho! Where do you think you are taking that, you smutty slave?" 153-157 How would you the way the suitorstreat the old swineherd? "What is this dithering?" "We'll toss you back alone among the pigs, for your own dogs to eat, if bright Apollo nods and the gods are kind!" 15 0 He faltered, all at once put down the bow, and stood in panic, buffeted by waves of cries, hearing Telemachusfrom another quarter shout: "Go on, take him the bow! 15 5 170 Do you obey this pack? You will be stoned back to your hills! Young as I am my power is over you! I wish to God I had as much the upper hand of these! There would be suitors pitched like dead rats through our gate, for the evil plotted here!" Telemachus' frenzy struck someone as funny, and soon the whole room roared with laughter at him, so that all tension passed.Eumaeuspicked up bow and quiver, making for the door, and there he placed them in Odysseus'hands. Calling Eurycleia to his side he said: "Telemachus trusts you to take care of the women's doorway. Lock it tight. If anyone inside should hear the shock of arms or groans of men in hall or court, not one must show her face, but go on with her weaving." 162-172 As Penelopedid earlier; Telemachusstandsup to the suitors. He wishesthat he had as much power over them as he has,despitehis youth, overthe servantEumaeus.The suitorsjust laugh at Telemachus, but asthey do, Eumaeusis able to deliverthe bow safelyto Odysseus. 173-178 EumaeusordersEurYcleia to lock the women'sroom.Why does he say that the orderscame from Telemachusratherthan from Odysseus? The old woman noddedand kept still. Shedisappeared 'woRD S g5Z To KN ow ,... dithering (dYth'er-Yng) n. actingin a nervousor uncertainway dither v frenzy (fr6n'26)n' a wildly excitedstateof mind 180 185 1.90 into the women's hall, bolting the door behind her. Philoetius left the house now at one bound, catlike, running to bolt the courtyard gate. A coil of deck-rope of papyrus fiber lay in the gateway; this he used for lashing, and ran back to the same stool as before. fastening his eyesupon Odysseus. And Odysseustook his time, turning the bow, tapping it, every inch, for borings that termites might have made while the master of the weapon was abroad. The suitors were now watching him, and some jested among themselves: "A bow lover!" "Deaierin old bows!" "Maybe he has one Iike it a t h o m e !" "Or has an itch to make one for himself." "Seehow he handlesit. the slv old buzzard!" And one disdainful suitor added this: l' ,s t "May his fortune grow an inch for every inch he bends it!" But the man skilled in all ways of contending, satisfiedby the great bow's look and heft, like a musician, like a harper, when with quiet hand upon his instrument he draws between his thumb and forefinger a sweet new string upon a peg: so effortlessly Odysseusin one motion strung the bow. Then slid his right hand down the cord and plucked it, so the taut gut vibrating hummed and sang a swallow's nore. In the hushed hall it smote the suitors and all their faceschanged.Then Zeus thundered overhead,one loud crack for a sign. And Odysseuslaughed within him that the son 198 heft: weight. 199-203 In this epicsimile Odysseus'stringing of the bow is comparedto the stringing of a h a r p . Wh a t q u a l i t i e so f O d y s s e u s d o e si h i s c o m p a r i s o ne m p h a s i z e ? 206 smote: struck; affected sharply. 2O7-2OaThe thunder, a sign from Zeus,indicatesthat the gods are on Odysseus'side. THE HOMECOM]NG 270 220 of crooked-minded Cronus had flung that omen down. He picked one ready arrow from his table where it lay bare: the rest were waiting still in the quiver for the young men's turn to come. He nocked it, Iet it rest acrossthe handgrip, and drew the string and grooved butt of the arroq aiming from where he sat upon the stool. Now flashed arrow from twanging bow clean as a whistle through every socket ring, and grazed not one, to thud with heavy brazen head beyond. Then quietly said: Odysseus 210 Cronus(kro'nes): Zeus,fathei 214 nocked it: placedthe arrowb..i feathered end againstthe bow_ r, srflng. 219 brazent made of brass, "Telemachus, the stranger you welcomed in your hall has not disgracedyou. I did not miss, neither did I take all day stringing the bow. My hand and eye are sound, not so contemptible as the young men say. The hour has come to cook their lordships'muttonsupper by daylight. Other amusementslater, with song and harping that adorn a feast." 230 He dropped his eyesand nodded, and the prince Telemachus,true son of King Odysseus, belted his sword on, clapped hand to his spear, and with a clink and glitter of keen bronze stood bv his chair. in the forefront near his father. * 954 ?:,o * * J* s 22A-232 Book 21 ends with the image of father and son standing side by side facing more than 100 enemies. orn"n (o'men)n. an eventthoughtto foretellgoodor evil;sign contemptible(ken-t6mp'te-bal) ad7.deserving of scornor drsdain; worthless