NMH Nursing Accolades - Northwestern Medicine

NMH Nursing Accolades
Presentations and Posters
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
Name of Event
Oncology Nursing Society (Hartford, CT)
Name of Presentation
"Pulmonary Issues in a Cancer Patient"
Event Date
November 18, 2011
A Celebration of Medical-Surgical Nursing (AMSN)
American College of Nurse Practitioners
(Denver, CO)
Institute of Medicine's Report on the Future of Nursing
"Quick review of Thoracic Imaging"
November 2, 2011
October 5-7, 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
American College of Nurse Practitioners
(Denver, CO)
"SPIN away"
October 5-7, 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
American College of Nurse Practitioners
(Denver, CO)
"Thoracic Imaging Workshop"
October 5-7, 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
American College of Nurse Practitioners
(Denver, CO)
"What Exactly is that Bug Called H. Pylori?"
October 5-7, 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
TRENDS in Critical Care Nursing (King of Prussia, PA)
"Barrett's Esophagus - What is This and Can it Cause
October 4, 2011
Jill Rogers, PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Michelle Janney, RN, PhD, NEA-BC
Kris Goetz, MA
National Magnet Conference (Baltimore, MD)
"Broad Engagement Beyond Nursing as a Measure of
Success: An Innovative Magnet Redesignation Strategy"
October 4-6,2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
TRENDS in Critical Care Nursing (King of Prussia, PA)
"Case Studies in Adult Thoracic Radiology"
October 4, 2011
Kelly Marks
Kristin Ramsey, RN, MSN, MPPM, NE-BC
Kristopher Goetz, MA
National Magnet Conference (Baltimore, MD)
"Facilitating Exemplary Professional Practice through the
Work of a Nursing Finance Committee"
Virtual Poster
October 4-6,2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
TRENDS in Critical Care Nursing (King of Prussia, PA)
"Lung Cancer Screening - What the NLST has found"
October 4, 2011
Patricia O'Sullivan, RN, MSN, ACNS-BC, NE-BC
Clelia Dompe, RN, MSN, NEA-BC
Marueen Slade, MS, RN, PMHCNS-BC, NE-BC
National Magnet Conference (Baltimore, MD)
"No Longer Your Traditional Educator: From Staff Educator
to Organizational Leader"
October 4-6,2011
Kate O'Brien RN, BSN , CMSRN
National Magnet Conference (Baltimore, MD)
"No Longer Your Traditional Educator: From Staff Educator
to Organizational Leader "
October 4-6, 2011
Kristopher Goetz, MA
Michelle Janney, RN, PhD, NEA-BC
National Magnet Conference (Baltimore, MD)
"Nursing's Role in the Value Equation: Improving Quality of
Care While Reducing Costs
October 4-6,2011
Abby Jones, RN, BSN
Sarah Buenaventura, RN, BSN, CMSRN
Maureen Slade, MS, RN, PMHCNS-BC, NE-BC
National Magnet Conference (Baltimore, MD)
"Recruitment and Retention: Achieving Exceptional
Outcomes Through Direct Care Nurse Leadership"
October 4-6,2011
October 19-22, 2011
September 24, 2011
Jill Rogers PhD, RN, NEA-BC
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
Lita Sabonis, RN-BC, BSN
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA) 25th Annual When Words are not enough: Censory Modulation for
Conference (Anaheim, California)
Patients with Borderline Personality Disorders
Oncology Nursing Society (Charlotte, NC)
"Pulmonary Issues in a Cancer Patient"
Cahren Cruz RN, BSN, CMSRN
UHC Annual Conference 2011
"Impact of Structured Interdisciplinary Rounds and
Unit Co-leadership on Medicine Units"
September 22 , 2011
Jennifer Mullen, RN
2011 ENA Annual Conference (Tampa, FL)
"Z to A in the Trauma Bay: a Mentoring Program"
September 20-24, 2011
Kate O'Brien RN, BSN , CMSRN
AMSN 20th Annual Convention (Boston, MA)
"No Longer Your Traditional Educator: From Staff Educator
to Organizational Leader "
September 8-12, 2011
NMH Nursing Accolades
Presentations and Posters
Linda L. Morris, Ph.D., APN, CCNS, FCCM
Name of Event
International Symposium: Advanced Topics in Tracheostomy
Care & Prolonged Mechanical Ventilation
Name of Presentation
"Tricky Tracheostomy Cases"
Event Date
September 1, 2011
Jill Rogers, RN, PhD, NEA-BC
NMH Nursing Grand Rounds
"The Institute of Medicine Report on the Future of Nursing:
Leading Change, Advancing Health"
August 17, 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
Association of Family Practice Physician Assistants
(Washington DC)
"Pleural Effusions"
August 11-12, 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
Association of Family Practice Physician Assistants
(Washington DC)
"Thoracic Imaging"
August 11-12, 2011
Mary Callaghan, RN, MN, AOCNS
An Institute for Medical Education and Research (IMER)
educational activity - Triangle ONS Chapter (Durham, NC)
“Advances in Melanoma Treatment: Answers to Oncology
Nurses’ Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Novel
Treatment Approaches.”
August 2011
IL American Psychiatric Nurses Association Conference
(Chicago, IL)
NMH Nursing Grand Rounds
When Words are not enough: Censory Modulation for
Patients with Borderline Personality Disorders
"Health Care Reform: Implication for the Profession of
August, 2011
July 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
American Association of Nurse Practitioners
(Las Vegas, NV)
"Helicobacter Pylori Update"
June 22-23, 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
American Association of Nurse Practitioners
(Las Vegas, NV)
"Pleural Effusions"
June 22-23, 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
American Association of Nurse Practitioners
(Las Vegas, NV)
"Solitary Pulmonary Nodule"
June 22-23, 2011
Linda L. Morris, Ph.D., APN, CCNS, FCCM
New Horizons meeting
"Tales from the Light"
June 21, 2011
Semico Miller, RN, BHA, CCRN, CNRN
NMH Nursing Grand Rounds
"The Role of the Nurse in Episodes of Failure to Rescue"
June 15, 2011
E. Joy Springer, RN, CDE, C-ANP
Cardiology Nursing Grand Rounds
"Diabetes Update: Getting to the Heart of the Matter"
June 14, 2011
Paul Langlois, APN, PhD, CCRN, CCNS, CNRN
Cardiaic Emergencies, University of Alaska
(Anchorage, AK)
"Management of Patients with Cardiac Emergencies"
June 13, 2011
Paul Langlois, APN, PhD, CCRN, CCNS, CNRN
Cardiac Medications, University of Alaska
(Anchorage, AK)
"Cardiac Medications for the ICU"
June 12, 2011
Lisa Williams, RN, MS, AACRN
Harvard PEPFAR/MDH HIV Nursing Conference
(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
"HIV Basics"
June 11-22, 2011
Lisa Williams, RN, MS, AACRN
Harvard PEPFAR/MDH HIV Nursing Conference
(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
"Palliative Care and End of Life Issues"
June 11-22, 2011
Lisa Williams, RN, MS, AACRN
Harvard PEPFAR/MDH HIV Nursing Conference
(Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)
"Symptom Assessment, Physical Examination, and
Diagnoses of HIV Associated Illnesses"
June 11-22, 2011
Carol Burke MSN, APN
AWHONN 2011 Convention Denver, Colorado
"Evidence Based Practice - Perioperative Care of the
Pregnant Patient"
June 2011
Ashley Currier, BSN, RN, CMSRN
Academy of Medical-Surgical Nurses Meeting
"Health Care Reform: Implication for the Profession of
June 2011
Mary Callaghan, RN, MN, AOCNS
An Institute for Medical Education and Research (IMER)
educational activity - Hackensack University John Theurer
Cancer Center (Hackensack, NJ)
“Advances in Melanoma Treatment: Answers to Oncology
Nurses’ Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Novel
Treatment Approaches.”
June 2011
Lita Sabonis, RN-BC, BSN
Ashley Currier, BSN, RN, CMSRN
NMH Nursing Accolades
Presentations and Posters
Gwen Mc Natt, RN, MS, FNP-BC
Name of Event
Name of Presentation
American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation: Living "The View from the Administrative Suite: Living Donation
Donor Course
from a Financial Perspective"
Faculty for course
Event Date
May 20, 2011
Dorothy Valin, APN
Evelyn Perkins, RN, MS, PMH-BC, NE-BC
NMH Nursing Grand Rounds
May 18, 2011
Gwen Mc Natt, RN, MS, FNP-BC
American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation: Living "The View from the Bureaucratic Suite: CMS Perspective on
Donor Course
the Conditions of Participation for Transplant Centers"
Faculty for course
May 18, 2011
Deborah L. Bergman, MS, RN, FNP-BC
Northwestern Memorial Hospital Healthy Transition Lecture
"Understanding Strokes and Decreasing Your Risk Factors"
May 18, 2011
Deborah L. Bergman, MS, RN, FNP-BC
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Annual Wellness Day
"Reducing the Risk, Recognizing the Signs/Symptoms and
Responding to Stroke"
May 5, 2011
Emily Warren, RN BSN (second author)
American Transplant Congress
"Improved Efficiency with the Evolution of a Single Center
Incompatible Kidney Program-Transition from
Desensitization to Kidney Paired Donation"
May 2, 2011
Janet Palamone, APN, MSN, CNRN, CCRN
Linda Morris, APN, PhD, CCNS, FCCM
Susan Brunovsky, APN, BSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN
Matthew Groth, RN, BSN, CCRN
Gwen Mc Natt, RN, MS, FNP-BC
American Association of Critical Care Nurses, National
Teaching Institute
"Tap & Twist: Preventing Deep Vein Thrombus in the
Neuroscience Patient through Food and Ankle Range of
Motion Exercises"
May 2011
American Transplant Congress
"Medicare Conditions of Participation: What You Need To
April 30, 2011
Patricia Brown, DNP, APN-BC, CCRN
Tamara Morgan, BSN, BSPA, RN, CCRN
Matthew Groth, BSN, RN, CCRN
18th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference:
Connecting with Consumers for Evidence-Based Health Care
(Iowa City, IA)
"Researching a Collaborative Practice Model: Including the
Family as Partners in Care."
April 29, 2011
Janet Palamone, APN, MSN, CNRN, CCRN
18th National Evidence-Based Practice Conference:
Connecting with Consumers for Evidence-Based Health Care
(Iowa City, IA)
"Tap and Twist: Preventing deep Veing Thrombus in the
Neuroscience Patient Through Foot and Ankle Range of
Motion Exercises"
April 29, 2011
Paula Tanabe, RN, PhD, MPH
NMH Nursing Grand Rounds
"Sickle Cell Disease, Part II - The Patient's Perspective"
April 20, 2011
Lori Clark, RN,
Mary Welti, BSN, RN, CCM,
Nina Kay, RN, BSN
Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital
"Care of the Liver Transplant Patient"
April 16, 2011
Paul Langlois, APN, PhD, CCRN, CCNS, CNRN
Critical care symposium, Warwick, RI
"Management of a Patient with Invasive Cardiac Devices"
April 4, 2011
Paul Langlois, APN, PhD, CCRN, CCNS, CNRN
Cardiac Pharmacology (Trumbull, CT)
"Cardiac Medications fo the Non-ICU Nurse"
April 3, 2011
Ashley Currier, BSN, RN, CMSRN
AONE 44th annual Meeting and Exposition: San Diego, CA
"Guilty until Proven Innocent: A Novel Approach to Falls
April 2011
Tara Campanella, RN, MSN
Association for Radiologic & Imaging Nursing (ARIN)
Convention (Hyatt Regency, Chicago, IL)
"Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients with Implanted
Cardiac Pacemakers"
March 28, 2011
Deborah L. Bergman, MS, RN, FNP-BC
Association for Radiologic and Imaging Nursing (ARIN)
National Meeting
"Improving Outcomes for Stroke Patients: Establishing
Centers for Stroke Care"
March 26th, 2011
Deborah L. Bergman, MS, RN, FNP-BC
CV Nursing Grand Rounds: Northwestern Memorial Hospital
"Improving Outcomes for Stroke Patients: Establishing
Centers for Stroke Care"
March 22nd, 2011
Maggie Oldham
58th Annual Congress (AORN) (Philadelphia, PA)
"LVAD Technology at Northwestern Memorial Hospital"
March 19-24, 2011
Lisa Kwasiroch, RN, MSN, RNFA, CNOR
58th Annual Congress (AORN) (Philadelphia, PA)
"Preventing Perioperative Acquired Pressure Ulcers"
March 19-24, 2011
"Managing the Psychiatric Patient in Non-Psychiatric
NMH Nursing Accolades
Presentations and Posters
Paula Tanabe, RN, PhD, MPH
Name of Event
NMH Nursing Grand Rounds
Name of Presentation
"Sickle Cell Disease, Part I - Pain and So Much More"
Event Date
March 16, 2011
Susan Collazo RN, MSN, ACNP
Illinois Society of Perioperative Anesthesia RNs (ILSPAN)
(Chicago, IL)
"Asthma and the Perioperative Patient Thoracic Drains"
March 12, 2011
Linda L. Morris, Ph.D., APN, CCNS, FCCM
American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Greater Chicago "Tracheostomy Care"
March 10, 2011
Paul Langlois, APN, PhD, CCRN, CCNS, CNRN
Pharmacology of Cardiac Medications (Nashville, TN)
"Cardiac Medications for the ICU"
March 8, 2011
Paul Langlois, APN, PhD, CCRN, CCNS, CNRN
Cardiac Medications, University of Tennessee
(Knoxville, TN)
"Cardiac Medications for the ICU"
March 7, 2011
Ashley Currier, BSN, RN, CMSRN
Saint Xavier Evidence Based Practice Conference (Chicago,
"Evidence Based Practice and Research "
March 2011
Deborah L. Bergman, MS, RN, FNP-BC
International Stroke Conference 2011
"Therapeutic Impact of "Rapid MRI" During a Stroke Code"
February 10, 2011
E. Joy Springer, RN, CDE, C-ANP
Lecture to Vital Bridges (community clinic)
"Introduction to Diabetes"
February 9, 2011
Barbara Holmes Gobel RN, MS, AOCN
City of Hope Nursing Conference: Skin Issues: the Next
Frontier for Oncology Nurses
"Infectious Disease Skin Disorders in Cancer "
January 27, 2011
Judith Paice, PhD, RN, FANN
NMH Nursing Grand Rounds
"I Feel your Pain: Managing Pain Control Challenges
January 19, 2011
Paul Langlois, APN, PhD, CCRN, CCNS, CNRN
Parkland Hospital Systems, Texas
"Traumatic Brain Injury in the Multi-Organ Failure Patient"
Janaury 19, 2011
Paul Langlois, APN, PhD, CCRN, CCNS, CNRN
University of Texas, San Antonio
"Advanced Treatment of Heart Failure"
January 18, 2011
Linda L. Morris, Ph.D., APN, CCNS, FCCM
Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Meeting
(San Diego, CA)
"Year in Review: Nursing"
January 15-19, 2011
Tenille Echard, RN, BSN
Society of Critical Care Medicine Annual Meeting
(San Diego, CA)
"Measures to Decrease Incidence of Delirium"
January 15-19, 2011
Maureen Slade, MS, RN, PMHCNS-BC, NE-BC
Holli Salls
NMH Nursing Grand Rounds
"Navigating Professional Boundaries in an Age of Social
December 16, 2010
Mary Callaghan, RN, MN, AOCNS
Robert H. Lurie Comprehensive Cancer Center Annual
Oncology Nursing Symposia
“What is Renal Cell Cancer and How Do We Treat?"
December 2010
Gwen Mc Natt, RN, MS, FNP-BC
American Society of Transplant Surgeons (ASTS)/NU Kellogg
School of Management - Leadership Development Program
"Transplant 101: Essentials of Regulation and Operations"
Faculty for course
(only nurse)
November 8, 3010
Sandra Reiner, BSN, RN
AMSN 19th Annual Convention (Las Vegas, NV)
"MRSA Matters"
October 20-26, 2010
Susan Collazo, RN, MSN, ARNP-BC
American College of Nurse Practitioners
(Tampa, FL)
"Pleural Effusions"
October 24, 2010
Susan Collazo, RN, MSN, ARNP-BC
American College of Nurse Practitioners
(Tampa, FL)
"SPIN: Solitary Pulmonary Nodule"
October 24, 2010
Susan Collazo, RN, MSN, ARNP-BC
American College of Nurse Practitioners
(Tampa, FL)
"Thoracic Radiology"
October 24, 2010
NMH Nursing Accolades
Presentations and Posters
Jeffrey Zurlinden, RN, MS
Lisa Shafer, RNC
Pam Chay, RN, IBCLC
Kim Kocur, RN, MSN
Magdalyn Patyk, RN-C, MS
Misty Kirby-Nolan, MSN, APN-CNP
Name of Event
Seventh Annual Evidence-Based Practice Conference
(Edward Hospital - Chicago, IL)
Name of Presentation
"Evidence-Based Patient Education: The Fast Method"
Event Date
October 23, 2010
AMSN 19th Annual Convention (Las Vegas, NV)
"21st Century Pain Management Nursing: From Assessment
to Management"
October 20-26, 2010
Evelyn Perkins, RN, MS, PMH-BC, NE-BC
Patricia O'Sullivan, RN, MSN
American Psychiatric Nurses Association 24th Annual
Conference (Louisville, KY)
"Care of the Patient with Co-Morbid Psychiatric Illnesses in
General Medicine Units"
October 20-26, 2010
Richard Ray, Jr., RN, MSN, PMH-BC
American Psychiatric Nurses Association 24th Annual
Conference (Louisville, KY)
"Observation vs. Engagement: New Interventions to
Maintain Unit Safety"
October 20-26, 2010
Semico Miller, RN, BHA, CCRN, CNRN
Cindy Darrah, RN, BSN, MBA, NE-BC
Kristin Ramsey, RN, MSN, MPPM, NE-BC
AMSN 19th Annual Convention (Las Vegas, NV)
"The Role of the Nurse in Episodes of Failure to Rescue"
October 20-26, 2010
Princess Ivy, RN-BC, BSN
Pat Roberts, RN, MSN, PMHCNS-BC, NE-BC
American Psychiatric Nurses Association 24th Annual
Conference (Louisville, KY)
"Using De-escalation Skills to Manage Agitated and
Threatening Patients"
October 20-26, 2010
Lita Sabonis, Rn-BC, BSN
Evelyn Perkins, RN, MS, PMH-BC, NE-BC
American Psychiatric Nurses Association 24th Annual
Conference (Louisville, KY)
"When Words are Not Enough - The Use of Sensory
October 20-26, 2010
Kristopher Goetz, MA
Kristin Ramsey, RN, MSN, MPPM, NE-BC
ANCC National Magnet Conference 2010 (Phoenix, AZ)
"Accountable Care: Making Data Actionable to Improve
Patient Safety"
October 13-15, 2010
Jill Rogers, RN, PhD, NEA-BC
Pat Murphy, RN, MSN, MBA, NEA-BC
ANCC National Magnet Conference 2010 (Phoenix, AZ)
"Developing Transformational Leaders Through a MultiFaceted Leadership Development Program for Nurse
October 13-15, 2010
Susan Collazo, RN, MSN, ARNP-BC
TRENDS in Critical Care Nursing: Southeastern Pennsylvania "Case Studies in Adult Thoracic Radiology - is that ARDS
Chapter AACN & American Association of Critical Care Nurses vs. CHF?"
(King of Prussia, PA)
October 1, 2010
Anna Busman, RN, MS
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 24th Nursing Conference on
Selected topics in Vascular Disease (Chicago, IL)
"Investigational Devices: Where We've Been, Where We
Are and Where We Are Going"
October 1, 2010
Alyssa Breznau, RN
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 24th Nursing Conference on
Selected topics in Vascular Disease (Chicago, IL)
"Lumbar Drains Used in Thoracic Aneurysm Repairs"
October 1, 2010
Susan Collazo, RN, MSN, ARNP-BC
TRENDS in Critical Care Nursing: Southeastern Pennsylvania "Pleural Effusions: From Simple to Complex"
Chapter AACN & American Association of Critical Care Nurses
(King of Prussia, PA)
October 1, 2010
Rita Herm-Barabasz, RN, MSN, C-NP
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 24th Nursing Conference on
Selected topics in Vascular Disease (Chicago, IL)
"Pulmonary Hygiene, Hospital Acquired Pneumonia in the
Post-op Patient"
October 1, 2010
Carol Southard, RN, MSN
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 24th Nursing Conference on
Selected topics in Vascular Disease (Chicago, IL)
"Smoking Cessation Integrating Tobacco Cessation into
October 1, 2010
Susan Collazo, RN, MSN, ARNP-BC
TRENDS in Critical Care Nursing: Southeastern Pennsylvania "Thoracic Drains - Why So Many?"
Chapter AACN & American Association of Critical Care Nurses
(King of Prussia, PA)
October 1, 2010
Linda L. Morris, Ph.D., APN, CCNS, FCCM
American Association of Critical Care Nurses, Greater Chicago "Tracheostomy Care"
October 2010
Leslie Klemp, RN, BSN
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 24th Nursing Conference on
Selected topics in Vascular Disease (Chicago, IL)
"Wound Care in the Post-op Patient"
October 1, 2010
Sue Cloud, RNC, BSN, JD
Carol Burke, RNC, APN, MSN
The Association of Women's Health Obstetric and Neonatal
Nurses (AWHONN) 2010 Nursing Conference (Las Vegas,
"Directed vs. Non-Directed Second Stage Labor Care and
the Woman's Perception of Control"
September 25-29, 2010
Gwen Mc Natt, RN, MS, FNP-BC
American Foundation for Donation and Transplantation: Living "Financial Issues in Paired Donor Exchange (PDE)
Donor Course
Between Transplant Centers"
Faculty for course
September 16, 2010
NMH Nursing Accolades
Presentations and Posters
Name of Event
UIC Executive Nursing Leadership Class
Name of Presentation
"Collaboration for Strategic Finance"
Event Date
September, 2010
Michelle Janney, RN, PhD, NEA-BC
Collaboration for Strategic Finance - University of Illinois at
Chicago (Chicago, IL)
"Executive Nursing Leadership Track: DNP Program"
September, 2010
Diana Doepp, RN, ACM
Sally Kinnamon
Kari Palishen, LCSW, ACM
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"Support and Transition Planning for the Spinal Cord Injury
August 20, 2010
Maria Damico Sheridan, APN-BC, MSN, CNRN
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"Understanding the Journey: Caring for the Patient with a
Malignant Brain Tumor"
August 20, 2010
Marisa Streelman, RN, BSN, OCN, CMSRN
Ashley Currier, RN, BSN, CMSRN
Kimberly Scheffel, RN, BSN,CNRN
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"Fall Prevention at Northwestern Memorial Hospital
August 20, 2010
Anne Findeis, RN, MS
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"Stroke Prevention: Empowering Patients through
August 20, 2010
Nicole Gooding, RN, BN, MSHS
Margaret Duggan, RN, MS
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"Beyond the Survey: A Needs Assessment Strategy for Staff
August 20, 2010
Kate O'Brien, RN BSN
Margaret Mensing, RN, BSN
Megan Ethington, RN, BSN
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"Putting the Patient at the Center of Care: Using Theory in
August 20, 2010
Janet Palamone, APN, MSN, CNRN, CCRN
Linda Morris, APN, PhD, CCNS, FCCM
Susan Brunovsky, APN, BSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN
Matthew Groth, RN, BSN, CCRN
Mary J. Kwasny, ScD
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"Tap and Twist: Preventing deep Veing Thrombus in the
Neuroscience Patient Through Foot and Ankle Range of
Motion Exercises"
August 20, 2010
Semico Miller, RN, BHA, CCRN, CNRN
Cindy Darrah, RN, BSN, MBA, NE-BC
Kristin Ramsey, RN, MSN, MPPM, NE-BC
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"The Use of Modified Early Warning Scores by a Rapid
Response Team"
August 20, 2010
Semico Miller, RN, BHA, CCRN, CNRN
Cindy Darrah, RN, BSN, MBA, NE-BC
Kristin Ramsey, RN, MSN, MPPM, NE-BC
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"Five Tiered Activation Model Used by a Rapid Response
August 20, 2010
Nadya Valdovinos, RN, TNCC, LCDR
Christopher Reddin, RN, MSN, CEN
Paula Tanabe, RN, PhD, MPH
Brooke Shafer, RN, MS
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 7th Annual Neuroscience
Nursing Symposium: Pursuit of Excellence in Neuroscience
Nursing (Chicago, IL)
"The Use of Topical Anesthesia During Intravenous
Catheter Insertion in Adults: A Comparison of Pain Scores
Using LMX-4 vs. Placebo"
August 20, 2010
Nadya Valdovinos, RN, TNCC, LCDR
Christopher Reddin, RN, MSN, CEN
Paula Tanabe, RN, PhD, MPH
Brooke Shafer, RN, MS
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 4th Annual Nursing Research "The Use of Topical Anesthesia During Intravenous
and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium
Catheter Insertion in Adults: A Comparison of Pain Scores
(Chicago, IL)
Using LMX-4 vs. Placebo"
August 5, 2010
Janet Palamone, APN, MSN, CNRN, CCRN
Linda Morris, APN, PhD, CCNS, FCCM
Susan Brunovsky, APN, BSN, RN, CCRN, CNRN
Matthew Groth, RN, BSN, CCRN
Mary J. Kwasny, ScD
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 4th Annual Nursing Research "Tap and Twist: Preventing deep Veing Thrombus in the
and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium
Neuroscience Patient Through Foot and Ankle Range of
(Chicago, IL)
Motion Exercises"
August 5, 2010
Ashley Currier, RN, BSN, CMSRN
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 4th Annual Nursing Research "An Analysis of the Medication Administrative Process"
and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium
(Chicago, IL)
August 5, 2010
Jill K. Rogers, RN, PhD, NEA-BC
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 4th Annual Nursing Research "A New Decade of Discovery: Maximizing Opportunities and
and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium
Fostering Partnerships"
(Chicago, IL)
August 5, 2010
Evelyn Barza, RN, BSN, MPH, CNOR
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 4th Annual Nursing Research "Nursing Role in the New Interventional Radiology Patient
and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium
Scheduling Process"
(Chicago, IL)
August 5, 2010
Kristopher Goetz, MA
NMH Nursing Accolades
Presentations and Posters
Jeffrey Zurlinden, RN, MS
Lisa Shafer, RNC
Pam Chay, RN, IBCLC
Kim Kocur, RN, MSN
Magdalyn Patyk, RN-C, MS
Name of Event
Name of Presentation
Northwestern Memorial Hospital: 4th Annual Nursing Research "Effectiveness of the FAST Model of Evidence-Based
and Evidence-Based Practice Symposium
Patient Education"
(Chicago, IL)
Event Date
August 5, 2010