Week commencing 21 September 2015

18 September 2015 | Michaelmas Term
School News | The Week Online | Noticeboard
Diary dates
Tuesday 22 September - Old
Girls’ Association AGM at
7.30pm in Sixth Form Centre
Wednesday 23 September Read4Refugees book sale at
12pm in the Foyer
Friday 25 September European Day of Languages
Monday 28 September - Star
Party & Lunar Breakfast at 12
Saturday 26 September Greenpower Race at Castle
Friday 9 October - Year 8 trip
to the National Marine
Aquarium, Plymouth
Friday 9 October Greenpower at Rockingham
Speedway International Final
Monday 12 October - Pastoral
Evening | All Years
Wednesday 14 October - Year
10 & 11 visit Cornwall Careers
Honouring the brave
Our Chamber Choir had the privilege of being invited to
perform at a prestigious ceremony honouring the brave who
served in WWII. The girls paid tribute to those who had
fought as part of the RAF Battle of Britain 75th Anniversary
Commemoration held at Truro Cathedral. The ceremony also
marked the 70th anniversaries of VE and VJ Day.
The girls performed to a full house including RAF personnel
past and present, cadets, civic leaders and local dignitaries,
including the Lord Lieutenant of Cornwall. There were also a
significant number of WWII veterans present at the
Wednesday 14 October “Cutting Edge” Fashion Show
at 6.30pm
Friday 16 October - South
West Wide Religious
Philosophy Conference
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18 September 2015 | Michaelmas Term
The choir sang Howard Goodall’s The Lord is my Shepherd.
Freya Martin and Savannah Hall also sang a duet of Sebastian
Temple’s Make Me A Channel of Your Peace.
Discovering the Deep
Our Year 8 scientists are set to
investigate some fishy goings on
when they visit the National Marine
Aquarium in Plymouth next month.
Organised by Truro High’s Science
department, the trip on Friday 9
October enables the girls to
experience marine science outside
the classroom with a structured
programme led by the aquarium’s
education officers.
The day will start with a two-hour tour
on the theme of Habitats and
Adaptations, where the girls will learn
about a wide variety of habitats and
study the physical and behavioural
adaptations of the creatures that
have evolved to live in them.
Headmaster Dr Moodie said: “The girls’ performance on
Sunday was stunning and many told me just how impressed
they were. It can’t have been easy for the girls to stand up in
front of a packed cathedral and sing with such confidence, but
they exceeded themselves moving everyone at this historic
ceremony. We are very proud of this exceptionally talented
The School’s choir was the only one to perform earlier in the
year at Dawn French’s installation as Chancellor of Falmouth
Party with the stars
Astronomers from across the region will gather at Truro High
School for Girls next Sunday night to witness the lunar
The amazing spectacle will begin at around 2am on Monday
28 September when the Sun, Earth and Moon align, casting
the shadow of the earth across the moon creating a rare
Biology teacher Mrs Sharp said: “This
will tie in with work on ecology
covered in Year 7 Biology and with
future ecological studies. After lunch,
the girls will undertake a related
science practical activity and, if time
permits, have the opportunity to
explore the aquarium a little further.”
The school will provide a packed
lunch. Transport will be by coach,
fully equipped with seat belts. Pupils
need to depart from school promptly
at 0830 and will need to be collected
from school on their return at 1700.
Three members of the Science
Department staff will accompany the
Permissions slips will be sent home
with the girls for signing and the £20
cost of the trip will be added to the school
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18 September 2015 | Michaelmas Term
phenomenon known as the blood moon.
Leading a full night of activities will be the Director of the
Roseland Observatory, Mr Brian Sheen, who teaches
astronomy as a GCSE subject at the school. He said: “I am
really looking forward to something amazing. We have not
had a total lunar eclipse for a long while and it will be ages
before we get another. The colour of the eclipsed Moon is
always a real treat.”
Bound For Bolivia
Pupils from Years 10, 11 and 12
have the chance to sign up for
a trip of a lifetime to Bolivia.
The adventure, organised by
the school’s Duke of
Edinburgh Awards coordinators, is scheduled to
begin in July 2017 and will last
between three and four weeks
contributing valuable points
towards a gold award.
The girls will undertake a
number of community projects
while in South America as well
as trekking and immersing
themselves in local culture.
Astronomy enthusiasts from schools around the county are
welcome at the event along with pupils of Truro High itself.
The eclipse lasts until around 5.30am and there will be a full
programme of events to keep star-watchers entertained
including pinning lunar landers on a map of the moon and
talks about the spectacle itself.
Head of Science, Mr Dean, explained: “We can promise a
busy night for anyone keen to stay up and watch the eclipse.
It is a rare event and also gives us one of the best possible
opportunities to observe the stars as well. The observatory
will be setting up a full range of telescopes at the school and
the data we collect will be shared in real time with a science
university in Nigeria.”
Those wishing to attend must be accompanied by an adult
and should email jdean@trurohigh.co.uk to register their
interest. Tickets for the event cost £5 per person to include a
pasty, hot drinks throughout the night and a continental
Accommodation will be a
combination of hostels and
camping and the total cost of
the trip is around £3000 per
pupil met, where possible, by
fundraising efforts over the
next year.
“Over the last few weeks the refugee situation in Europe has
escalated to an unprecedented level. Not since WWII have
we seen so many run from their own homes in order to find
safety and asylum. The majority of people in the UK know
that we must act with compassion and love if we are to make
a difference.”
The trip’s leaders are holding
an information evening at
4-5pm in the Main Hall on
Thursday 24 September with
those interested in finding out
more invited to come along.
Ellie Angove, Year 13
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18 September 2015 | Michaelmas Term
ShelterBox is just one of many charities helping thousands of
refugees who are arriving in Greece each day with few
belongings and no form of shelter. ShelterBox is working to
make sure that while people are on the island, they have
somewhere safe to shelter and rest.
Getting to know you
It was lovely to see so many
new faces (and quite a few
familiar ones too!) at the New
Parents’ Afternoon Tea on
We hope you all enjoyed
getting to know your
daughters’ teachers and Form
tutors a little better over a
flapjack and a cup of tea.
On Wednesday 23 September,
we shall be holding a
Read4Refugees event in
support of the work of
Our book sale will take place
in the foyer from lunchtime
onwards and we are asking
anyone who would like to
support us to bring in a “nearly
new” hardback or paperback
fiction book that we can sell on
to raise funds. Book donations
will be gratefully received and
can be left at Main Reception.
Please feel free to pop in and
stock up on your autumn
Find out more about how
Shelterbox is helping migrants
displaced by conflict aiming to
improve conditions and ease
suffering here.
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So what can we do to help? Even on a local scale people are
trying to make a difference. Reverend Jeremy Putnam from
All Saints Church, Truro is encouraging people to help with
the refugee crisis in any way from offering accommodation to
a refugee, to simply donating items for the next outreach trip
to the camps in Calais.
The Sixth Form would like to organise a collection for this
trip. Possible items for donation include:
Camping Equipment
Items of personal hygiene i.e. soap, toothpaste etc
Reverend Putnam will be coming into school on October 7 to
talk about the cause and the girls hope to be able to present
him with the donations. David Crook, a ShelterBox volunteer said: “We are delighted
that the Head Girl team has chosen to support Shelterbox.
The school’s support over the years has enabled us to
continue the essential work we do across the globe which
goes far beyond the recent Refugee Crisis to help displaced
families following disasters every day.”
18 September 2015 | Michaelmas Term
There will be more fundraising events happening in the
coming months to support this worthy cause.
Sporting News
Truro High cyclist finishes third at
National Time Trial Championships
Let’s get continental
European Day of Languages is
always one of the highlights of
Michaelmas Term with an array of
continentally themed activities
offering the chance to celebrate
cultural and linguistic diversity.
This year celebrations will be held
across the school with Cornish,
Italian and Greek taster sessions,
lessons from Science to Music
held in an multitude of
languages, quiz competitions and
a continentally themed lunch.
Head of Languages, Mrs Cox
said: “European Day of
Languages is the perfect
opportunity not only to raise
awareness of the vast array of
languages in Europe but to
encourage pupils to get handson with language learning. Many
teachers outside of the Modern
Languages department speak a
second language, and these
celebrations provide the perfect
opportunity to share this
knowledge with our pupils. We
are very much looking forward to
what will hopefully be a fun and
inspiring day.”
A Truro High School cyclist is
celebrating after finishing
in third place overall at the
GHS National Time Trial
Championships near Ware
in Hertfordshire.
Alanah Wickett, Year 11,
clocked a personal best of
cycling 10 miles in a time
of 26 minutes and 22
seconds into tough head
winds on a dual
She said: “I was competing against many fifteen-year-old girls
who also had to get through a regional selection process to be
able to qualify for this event. I was so delighted that I came
3rd. However, I was only 5 seconds off second place and 27
seconds off coming first, which is now an aim for next year!”
Alanah’s success is hot on the heels of her recent performance
at the National Sainsbury's School Games in Manchester
where she was one of 8 chosen to represent the South West
after placing as the region’s top young female cyclist at the
selection event.
Truro High shooter has national success
in her sights
Year 11, Alice Wilson has been honoured with selection for
the National Scout Shooting Squad.
She is the only person from Cornwall to make the Scouts’
national team which comprises the country’s 30 best young
rifle and pistol shooting men and women.
Alice, who is also a member of St Austell Rifle and Pistol
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18 September 2015 | Michaelmas Term
Club, will now join the rest of the squad for monthly training
sessions at Bisley or Aldersley.
House Proud
Truro High will resemble a
rainbow on Monday with
pupils across the school asked
to dress head to toe in their
house colours.
The classrooms will be a riot of
red, blue, green and yellow in
an event designed to reignite
the friendly rivalry between the
school's four houses - Benson,
Hedley, Tremayne and Trevosa.
Organising the event is Head
of Sixth Form, Miss Freeman,
who explained: "The girls
greatly enjoy earning house
points for their achievements
during the year in everything
from schoolwork to sports, and
music to community work. At
the end of each year the points
are totted up with the winning
house collecting rewards for its
members and a much coveted
silver cup”.
"The own clothes day is an
ideal way to introduce our new
pupils to their Houses and to
make them feel a part of
something that's a fun and
rather special part of Truro
High's history."
This year will see Benson,
Tremayne and Trevosa all
aiming to knock Hedley off the
top spot after a run of success.
Andrew Wilson, Alice’s father said: “Alice only started
shooting 12 months ago when one of her scout leaders, a
former RAF shooting instructor, organised a shooting
evening. Her results were so extraordinary that when we
collected he was adamant that we should get her into a
dedicated shooting club.”
Next weekend she will take on challengers of all ages, and
both sexes, at the South West regional finals competition in
Okehampton. Most competitors have at least 20 years
experience in the field.
She has also qualified for the Great Britain Open at Bisley in
February. Thus far her personal best is 562 out of 600. The
senior Olympic qualification score is 560.
U16 Netball v Penair lost 3-25
U14 Hockey v Penair U14 won 5-1
PSP Netball v Truro School
Yr 7 won 14-3
Yr 8 won 9-8
Yr 9 lost 3-13
Yr 10 lost 5-18
Yr 11 lost 11-25
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18 September 2015 | Michaelmas Term
Let’s get lyrical
Fixtures next week
The Prep girls have been
dancing up a storm this year in
their Ballet and Street Dance
classes led by Clare Meardon,
Artistic Director at Savvy Dance
Tuesday 22nd September
Now, by popular demand,
Clare will be offering a Lyrical
Dance Club in the Senior
School offering girls the
chance to explore their
creative expression though a
fusion of ballet, jazz and
contemporary dance.
The club will be held every
Monday from September 21.
Years 7-9 | 4-4.45pm
Years 10-13 | 4.45-5.30pm
The course will cost £50 per
term, however girls are
welcome to come along for
the first week without
Calling all models
A huge thank you to all girls
who came to our open call for
models. There was a fantastic
response and the girls were
put through their paces by
Fashion Show organiser Mrs
Wieringa learning how to strut
the catwalk.
Next week, we are holding
auditions in front of the fashion
retailers looking for around 30
models to walk in our fabulous
fashion show in school on
October 14.
Senior girls are invited to come
along and find out more in the
Main Hall at 1pm Wednesday
23 September.
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U14 & 13 Netball away 4.00p.m.
Wednesday 23rd September
Cross Country at Newquay Tretherras 4.00 p.m.
U11 Netball tournament at St Joseph’s Launceston 1.00 p.m.
Theatre Review
Return to Manderley
Kneehigh Theatre is known for having a complete vision of all
elements of production - the overall design, the music, the
script, as well, of course, for the direction and performances.
All is part of the creative process of the group as a whole. The performance of Rebecca, taken from the famous novel of
Daphne du Maurier, had such a production. It was scripted
and directed by Emma Rice, and showed Kneehigh’s particular
take on this gothic tale of love, jealousy, dark passions all
imbued with a sense of the Cornish landscape. There was an outstanding performance from Imogen Sage as
the second Mrs de Winter, presenting a shy, gauche and often
bewildered young girl, married into a society far above her
socially, and to a man of worldly experience, much older than
her, used to privilege and wealth.
Kneehigh’s celebrated use of music and dance, well-woven into
the fabric of the narrative, was particularly enjoyable at the
beginning of the second half, where we saw all the cast playing
instruments, singing and dancing, and we were reminded of
what a talented theatre group they are in all sorts of ways.
Overall this production had high entertainment value,
excellent energy, some strong performance, and a sense of
Mrs Trewellard
Year 10-12 saw Manderley brought to life in Kneehigh Theatre’s production
of Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca this week at the Hall for Cornwall.
18 September 2015 | Michaelmas Term
The Week Online…
Lifeguard needed
See yourself making our busy
school pool a safe and pleasant
place to be, for clubs and groups
ranging from children’s
swimming lessons to triathlon sea
We are seeking a responsible and
experienced lifeguard to assist
the Pool Manager to work
alongside and supervise the team
of lifeguards working at the
School swimming pool. It is
imperative that you are familiar
with Health and Safety legislation
and can ensure that the pool is a
safe and pleasant environment
for all our pool users. You will
work on a shift basis
incorporating evenings,
weekends and Bank Holidays.
Have a look at our staff vacancies
page for all the details bit.ly/
Ready for rugby?
As the world’s best rugby players
prepare to battle it out for the
World Cup, our girls will soon get
the chance to try the game for
themselves with a brand-new
school club. Take a look back
here for more details, coming
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18 September 2015 | Michaelmas Term
Dive on in
Start the new term with a splash.
Our Adult Swim session will be running every Friday from 6.15-7.45pm, starting this week on
September 18.
Our Family Swim sessions will start on Saturday 19 September from 2-3.30pm. Open to all Truro High
pupils, parents, staff & Old Girls.
Sessions are £2.50 per person (under 5s are free). Senior girls can swim unaccompanied and all girls can
bring a friend.
Tired of the high street?
Learn how to create your own fabulous designs with our new ‘Sewing Machine skills and Simple Dress
Making for Beginners’ class. You'll be designing & making festive pyjama bottoms - the perfect
present for your secret Santa.
The course costs £60 and includes 6 sessions which will run every Monday from 6.00-8.00pm. All
fabric and equipment is provided.
The sessions will run from 2 November - 7 December . Please contact Donna Squibb on 07773209998
or email donnasquibb@icloud.com to find out more and book your place.
Life Drawing
Life drawing started today with
our fantastic new model who
struck some classical
'contreposto' poses for our
students and parents to draw.
The class runs every Friday for
the next few weeks and starts at
3.45 until 5.45. Latecomers are
also welcome at 4.45.
Open to all pupils from Year 11
upwards, Parents and past
pupils. All materials are
Please email
jtutin@trurohigh.co.uk to find
out more and book your place.
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