Article Review Grading Rubric The following criteria will be used to grade your article review. Keep in mind that the score requirement described under each point outlines the minimum performance that must be demonstrated in order to achieve that score. The grade received for each article will account for 5%, with a total of five accountable for 25% of your final grade. Performance Indicators Objective/ Criteria Excellent (4 points) Very Good (3 points) Satisfactory (2 points) Minimally Responsive (1 point) Un-acceptable (0 points) 1) Summarizes the Provides a very thorough context and and clear and concise content of the summary of the article selected article context and content. Provides a clear and concise summary of the article context and content. Provides a clear but shallow summary of the article; may be excessively brief or may include some extraneous information. Provides a somewhat muddled, unclear and rambling summary of the article. Provides an unclear and unintelligible summary of the article OR No summary at all. 2) Identifies and describes your personal reaction to the article Thoroughly describes your personal reaction to the article; includes discussion of the relevant issues within the article. Describes your personal reaction to the article; includes a simplistic discussion of the relevant issues within the article. Describes your personal reaction to the article; includes no discussion of the relevant issues within the article. Attempts to describe your personal reaction to the article, but lacks a logical flow and reaction is muddled; no discussion of any relevant issues in the article. Provides an unclear, unintelligible and illogical description of personal reaction OR No description of personal reaction at all. 3) Grammar, mechanics, and APA style for references and citations Contains all correct information regarding article title, author name, and article source and date. Consistently contains accurate and proper grammatical conventions, spelling, and punctuation. Clearly and consistently uses proper APA formatting Response is totally unintelligible Contains all correct Contains mostly correct info Contains incorrect info OR info regarding article regarding article title, author regarding article title, No response title, author name, name, and article source and author name, and article and article source date. source and date. Contains frequent errors in Contains numerous errors and date. Contains accurate grammatical conventions, in grammatical and proper spelling, and punctuation; conventions, spelling, and errors begin to interfere punctuation; substantially grammatical with paper’s meaning. interferes with paper’s conventions, Inconsistently uses APA meaning. spelling, and for citations/references. punctuation most of formatting for the time; errors do citations/references not interfere with paper’s meaning. Consistently uses APA for citations/ references Consistently fails to use APA for references/citation