X Science (THEORY)
Sample paper 2
Time : 2½ Hours
Max. Marks : 60
General Instructions
1. The question paper comprises of two sections A and B. You are to attempt both the
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. There is no overall choice However, internal choice has been provided in all the three
questions of five marks category. Only one option in such questions is to be attempted.
4. All questions of section A and all questions of section B are are to be attempted
5. Questions 1 to 6 in section A and 17 to 19 in section B are short question. These carry
one mark each.
6. Questions 7 to 10 in section A and 20 to 24 in section B are short answer type
questions and carry two marks each.
7. Questions 11 to 14 in section A and 25 to 26 in section B are also short answer type
questions and carry three marks each.
8. Questions 15 and 16 in section A and question 27 in section B are long answer type
questions and carry five marks each.
Section A
(Physics & Chemistry)
Q1. What characteristic feature of magnetic field does the degree of closeness of
magnetic field lines indicate? (1 mark)
Q2. What is an amalgam?
(1 mark)
Q3. Suggest one path of ray of light wherein it can go undeviated irrespective of whether
the lens is convex or concave. (1 mark)
Q4. How many covalent bonds are present in ethane molecule?
(1 mark)
Q5. Give reason: Although acetic acid is highly soluble in water but still it is weak acid.
Q6. Draw a diagram to represent how a white light dispersed into spectral colors due to
a prism can be made to recombine and emerge as white light. (1 mark)
Q7 : Give one example each for combination reaction, decomposition reaction,
displacement and double displacement reactions.
(2 marks)
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Q8. A milkman adds very small amount of baking soda to fresh milk.
Why does this milk take a long time to set as curd?
Will the pH of curd be more or less than milk?
(2 marks)
Q9. Two metallic wires A and B of the same material are connected in series. Wire A has
length L and radius r, wire B has a length 2L and radius 2r. Compute the ratio of the total
resistance of series combination and the resistance of wire A. (2 marks)
Q10. A student places a compass needle near a straight current carrying wire.
He quotes the following observations.
i. As the compass needle is moved away from the wire, its deflection reverses.
ii. As the direction of the current in the wire is reversed, the deflection in the needle again
Which of the above two observations are true? What characteristic feature of magnetic
field around current carrying wire is implied by the correct observation, if any? (2
i)What types of bonds are formed by carbon atoms between themselves and with other
atoms of the elements.
ii) Why carbon compounds cannot form ionic bonds in its compounds?
(3 marks)
Q12. a. The lemon immersed in a water in a glass tumbler appears to be enlarged. Name
the phenomena responsible for this observation.
The size of the lemon changes when the liquid in the tumbler is changed from water to
say, glycerin.
b. Refractive indices of well known substances are given as:
Alcohol : 1.36
Turpentine oil : 1.47
Dense flint glass : 1.65
i.Identify any one pair of substances when placed one after the other will result in relative
increase in speed of light. Justify your choice made.
ii. Calculate the speed of light in alcohol, if speed of light in air is 3 x 108 m/s if refractive
index of alcohol = 1.36. (3 marks)
The formula of Plaster of Paris is CaSO4. H2O .How is it possible to have
half molecule of water attached to CaSO4 ?
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How does sodium hydrogen carbonate function when present in antacid?
Write the formula of bleaching powder?
(3 marks)
Q14. a. When I see the sun at noon it appears white. When I see the sun in the evening it
appears red.
Does the Sun emit different colors of light depending upon the time of the day? What
could be the reason?
b. In the diagram of the visible spectrum formed by a glass prism below:
i. Which number corresponds to the colour of scarf being waved at fighting bull & to the
color of danger signals? Which number corresponds to maximum deviation through the
prism? Identify the colour.
ii. In which direction with respect to sun is a rainbow formed? (3 marks)
Q15. a. Draw circuit diagram depicting the following circuit components:
i. a battery; two resistors of 3 ohm & 2 ohm respectively connected in parallel; a key; a
voltmeter connected across either of the resistors; an ammeter to measure the current
being drawn from the battery.
b. In the above circuit,
i. Will the reading in the voltmeter depend upon whether it is connected across 3 ohm or
2 ohm resistor? If yes or no, why?
ii. Will the reading in the ammeter vary if the two resistors are now connected in series?
If yes or no, why?
iii. What relation can you establish between the ammeter readings made when connected
in 3 ohm resistor arm, in 2 ohm resistor arm and when connected outside the resistor
combination, that is, in the main circuit? (5 marks)
a. Observe the two figures below:
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Fig A
Fig B
i. Which of the two arrangements work on the principle of electromagnetic induction?
ii. In which case do you apply Fleming’s right hand rule in order to find the direction of
iii. In which of the two appliances is the force produced? How do you determine the
direction of this force?
iv. Identify the nature of energy conversions in each of the above arrangements.
b. In case of solenoid, the field lines inside the solenoid are in the form of parallel straight
i. What does it imply about the nature of magnetic field inside solenoid? Give one use of
such magnetic field.
ii. State two methods by which the magnetic field inside the solenoid can be further
increased. (5 marks)
i) How many protons and electrons are present in S2  ?
ii) Name the element which has electronic configuration 2, 8, 2?
iii) The element B belongs to 13th group. What will be the formula of its chloride?
iv) How does the atomic size increase on moving down the group?
Arrange the following elements in decreasing order of their atomic sizeNa,Li, Cs,Rb,K .
(5 marks)
i) Write the number of elements present in K, L and M shell periods of the Modern
Periodic table and give reasons for it.
ii) Define Mendeleev’s Periodic Law
iii)Element A forms a chloride with formula ACl 2 , which is a solid with high melting
point. In which group possibly A can belong to the periodic table?
iv) How many groups and periods are there in the modern periodic table?
(5 marks)
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Section B
Q17.Name the plant hormone which promotes wilting in plants.
(1 mark)
Q18. What is the function of Placenta?
(1 mark)
Q19. What does the high level of total coliform count in a river indicates?
(1 mark)
Q20. A patient had enlargement of neck and was feeling lethargic. What disease is he
suffering from? How can this disease be prevented?
(2 marks)
Q21. (i) Why is the rate of breathing in aquatic organisms faster than seen in terrestrial
(ii) List two features which are common in all respiratory organs.
(2 marks)
Q22 Define solar constant. Explain why a sheet of glass is used in solar heating
(2 marks)
Q23 Are the forelimbs of men and frog analogous or homologous? Give reason to
justify your answer.
(2 marks)
(i) Mention any 2 disadvantages of constructing large dams?
(ii) Suggest any 2 ways to strike a balance between environment and
(2 marks)
Q25 With the help of labelled diagram, describe the working of the dome shaped
biogas plant.
(3 marks)
Q26 a. Fertilization is possible if copulation has taken place during middle of the
menstrual cycle. Give reason.
b. Bring out the differences between Human sperm and human ovum.
(2+1 = 3 marks)
Q27 a. Which organism belongs to the second trophic level among the following-Goat,
grass, crocodile, tiger.
b. Name the phenomenon in which unknowingly some harmful chemicals enter our
bodies through food chain. How is it caused?
c. In the given food chains, which has more energy available at the last trophic level
and why?
Food chain 1
Grass ->Goat -> Lion
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Seed -> Rat-> Snake->Vulture
(5 marks)
Food chain 2
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