Introduction and Evolution of Management 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 1 When /in which era management was started in the world? 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 2 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 3 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 4 EVOLUTION OF MANAGAEMENT THOUGHT Different Approaches of Management 1.Classical approach Scientific Management approach Administrative Management Bureaucracy 2.Behavioral approach 3.Quantitative/Management science approach 4.Systems approach 5.Contingency approach 6.Modern/Culture based approaches 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 5 Scientific Management Principles Development of a science for each element of an individual work. Scientific selection and development of employees. Integrate the science of work and employees to do all the work according to the principle. Co-operation between management and workers through dividing the responsibilities equally to match their back ground. 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 6 General Administrative Management The 14 Principles of management. 1.Division of work-Specialization increases output by making employees more efficient. 2.Authority- Authority gives the right to the managers to give orders and make decisions. 3.Discipline-Employees must obey and respect the rules that govern the organization 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 7 Cont4.Unity of command- Every employee should receive orders from only one superior. 5.Unity of direction-The organization should have a single plan to guide the managers and workers under one superior. 6.Subordination of individual interests to the general interest.The priority should be given to the interests of the organization as a whole than the individual or group interests. 7.Remuneration-employees must be paid reasonably for their commitments. 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 8 Cont8.Centralization- Degree of involvement for decision making by managers and subordinates. 9.Scalar chain/Hierarchy- The flow of authority from top to bottom based on the hierarchical positions. 10.Order- People and the materials should be at the right place at the right time. 11.Equity- Managers should be kind and fair to their subordinates. 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 9 Cont12.Stability of tenure of personnel- Retaining the employees for a long time and HR plans to fill the vacancies. 13.Initiative- Autonomy for new ideas and plans even under minor issues. 14.Esprit de corps- Promoting team spirit will build harmony and unity within the organization. 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 10 Bureaucracy Characteristics of Weber’s ideal bureaucracy 1.Division of labor- Jobs broken down into simple, routine and well-defined tasks. 2.Authority hierarchy- Positions organized in a hierarchy with a clear chain of command. 3.Formal selection- People selected for jobs based on merit. 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 11 Cont4.Formal rules and regulations-System of written rules and standard operating system 5.Impersonality- Uniform application of rules and controls, not according to personalities 6.Career orientation- Managers are career professionals, not owners of units they manage… 8/26/2015 K.P.NISHANTHA 12