Green Hero: Application Form What is a Green Hero Our Green Hero's are dedicated people who are passionate about zero waste and sustainability. They are ambassadors for recycling and sustainability and actively encourage their friends, family and acquaintances to live more sustainable lives. Benefits of being a Green Hero Our Green Hero program recognises the hard work and dedication of our volunteers. By becoming a Green Hero you can: prove your commitment to recycling, sustainability and your community; inspire your friends and family to follow your lead; strengthen your resume; be part of the solution, not the problem; become a Green Chair ambassador and encourage others to get involved; opportunity to apply for our Green Leader program; and have fun and interact with people with similar interests and passions. Eligibility To apply to be a Green Hero you must have the following: Participated in recycling efforts for at least three (3) Green Chair recycling events and accumulated a minimum of fifteen (15) volunteer hours. Participated in one (1) volunteer activity (eg. community clean-up, tour or educational session). Provide one or two sentences about why sustainability, zero waste and recycling are important to you. Provide one or two sentences about why you enjoy being a part of Green Chair. Have at least three (3) of the following: You have helped to connect Green Chair with your school, university, work place or community group to organise an educational outreach session; You have liked us on Facebook (; Signed up to our Newsletter to keep up to date with Green Chair and hear about upcoming volunteer opportunities; Have been involved with a sustainability group or activity outside of Green Chair, eg. you are an active member of your school's or work place's green team; Encouraged two or more friends and family to become part of Green Chair; You have placed two (2) posters in your high school, university, work place, library or other community location to advertise Green Chair and recruit new volunteers (please contact us for a copy of the poster); or Taken part in the Prom Wearecycle competition. How to apply Please send an email to with the following information: 1. Name: 2. Age (if under 18): 3. Email address: 4. Cell number: 5. City where you live: 6. Place of birth (optional): 7. Photograph of yourself (optional)1: 8. Information to prove you have completed all of the required eligibility criteria: 9. Information to prove you have completed at least three (3) of the optional eligibility criteria. What happens next? We will review your application within 30 days. Successful applications will be awarded with a Green Hero certificate. We will announce new Green Heroes in our monthly newsletter and at our Annual Volunteer Awards party. Happy recycling! All at Green Chair 1 We would love to be able to acknowledge all our awesome Green Heroes. We never use volunteers' family names or surnames.