modules/groups/homepagefiles/cms/1538341/File/Tiger Times

USD 259/Spaght Mission Statement:
to empower all students with the 21st century skills and
knowledge necessary for success by providing a coherent,
rigorous, safe and nurturing, culturally responsive and
inclusive learning community.
Sept. 5
Sept. 20
Labor Day
Official Enrollment Day
Spaght Vision Statement:
to inspire students to take personal ownership of themselves
and their learning while utilizing multimedia tools in their
everyday lives.
Principal’s Corner
Greetings parents,
Thank you for your support in a successful 1st month
of school. Your patience and understanding at arrival and
dismissal is appreciated. As we complete our construction
project, I ask that you continue to work with us for the
safety of your children. There is a parking lot located on
the corner of 11th and Spruce. You are welcome to park
their if space is available or on the street. However, if you
park on Spruce do not park on the side in front of the
school. Please keep in mind that every minute we have
your child is important to educate them properly. We ask
that you refrain from checking your child out early. We
understand occasional doctor appointments but regular
early checkouts will be questioned. Let’s work together!
Thank you-Kim Sherfield –Principal
Navy Blue, White, Bright Orange
Polo Style (tucked at all times)
Navy Blue, Khaki shorts, slacks,
skirts, skorts, jumpers
Uniforms at a bargain price
See Standardized Dress Code
for more details
Fridays: Spirit Shirts and Jeans
**Order Spirit Shirts through
Main Office**
Short sleeve-orange OR blue=$8
Long sleeve-orange OR blue=$10
Sweat shirt-orange OR blue=$12
Office Staff-Ms. Freda; Ms. Payne & Mrs. Sherfield
Custodial-Mr. Lamont, Mr. Toney & Mr. Tran
Specials-Ms. Alston (Music), Mr. A (P.E.), Ms. Walker (Library), Ms. Thomas (Art), Ms. Metcalf (P.E.) & Ms. Fusilier (Music)
Support-Ms. Apsley, Ms. Davis, Ms. Fischer, Mr. George, Ms. Ronk, Mrs. Silveous, Ms. Swartz & Ms. Williams
Child Study Team-Ms. Alexander-Fulton, Ms. Holle, Ms. Newry-Owens, Ms. Snyder
Paras-Ms. Apsley, Ms. Diaz, Ms. Landrum, Ms. Martin, Ms. Melody, Ms. Katrina, Ms. Lori,
Ms. Smith, Ms. V. Webb, Ms. R. Webb & Mr. White
PreK-Mrs. Amador & Mrs. Reyneros
Kdg-Ms. Mitchell, Ms. Santore, Ms. Guffey & Ms. Suffolk
1st-Ms. Hall, Ms. Saunders & Ms. Nichols
2nd-Ms. Parker, Ms. Schiffel & Ms. Lent
3rd-Ms. Stanton & Ms. Baker
4th-Ms. Brooks, Ms. Roland & Ms. Myers
5th-Mr. Vasquez, Ms. Schmidt & Ms. Oswald
The SAP (School Age Program) is in operation on days school is in session for approximately two (2) hours before
and after school. Competent child development professionals guide and encourage children’s learning by ensuring
that the environment is emotionally supportive and invites active exploration through play and movement.
Full Pay/SRS
Reduced Pay
0-3 Hours
0-3 Hours
3:01-6 Hours
3:01-6 Hours
6:01 Hours & Over
6:01 Hours & Over
The 3rd child and/or any additional children in each family attending a SAP will pay 1/2 of all contracted hours.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We have space available in the morning and afternoon. If you would like to enroll your child (ren) in our SAP program or
if you have questions please feel free to contact me at (316)973-7311 to request an application.
Tracie Davis, Director
Nurse’s Notes
Welcome to Spaght! My name is Debbie Snyder and I am your school nurse. You may reach me for any
health related questions at 973-7341, M-F. Here is some information for you:
 This year I have posted on the bulletin board outside of my office a list of community resources
for health care.
 The district requires that your student be up-to-date with their immunizations. Please provide the
school with a KCI (KS Certificate of Immunizations) if new to the district, or an update of any
immunizations they have gotten in 2011.
 Yearly health exams are recommended. Getting ears checked to make sure they are free of wax
buildup decreases the risk of your child missing out on important teacher instruction.
Family Engagement
\ Site Council
\ Mentoring/Tutoring
\ Volunteering, etc.
Construction-Work in Progress
Please use side streets.
Please follow traffic flow
northbound on Spruce Street for dismissal.
Further updates to come.
Please be patient with
our progress.
Contact 973-7300:
Amanda Amador (Family Engagement Site Contact)
Alisa Alexander-Fulton (Site Council Site Contact)
Spaght Multimedia Magnet
2316 E. 10th
Wichita, Kansas 67214
(316) 973-7300
(316) 973-7310
Web Site:
Editor: Amanda Amador-
Principal: Kimberly Sherfield–