Holy Family Elementary 2015-2016 School Handbook Holy Family Elementary 1800 Milner Hays, KS 67601 Telephone: 625-3131 Fax: 625-2098 http://www.hfehays.org 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS HISTORY OF HOLY FAMILY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ... 4 FLOWER AND GIFT DELIVERY .................................. 24 MISSION STATEMENTS.............................................. 5 FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM....................................... 24 DIOCESAN ORGANIZATION ....................................... 5 GENERAL SCHOOL RULES ........................................ 26 SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL .................................... 6 GRADING ................................................................. 27 HOME AND SCHOOL COMMITTEE ............................ 6 GRIEVANCE .............................................................. 27 SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL / HOME AND SCHOOL COMMITTEES AND SUB-COMMITTEES ..................... 6 HEALTH REQUIREMENTS......................................... 27 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SCHOOL.................. 7 LIBRARY ................................................................... 28 ABSENTEES/ILLNESS/INJURY PROCEDURES .............. 9 LIMITATION OF CLASS SIZE ..................................... 29 ADMISSION ............................................................... 9 MASS ....................................................................... 29 AFTER SCHOOL CARE .............................................. 10 MEDICATION ........................................................... 29 ALLERGIES/MEDICAL CONCERNS ............................ 11 PARENT/GUARDIAN COMMUNICATION ................. 29 ATTENDANCE POLICY .............................................. 11 PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES ........................... 30 AUTHORIZATION TO PUBLISH STUDENT PHOTOS/WORK ....................................................... 12 PARENTAL REQUEST FOR STUDENT ASSIGNMENT . 30 HOMEWORK ............................................................ 28 PHONE USAGE: LAND AND MOBILE ........................ 30 BULLY PREVENTION POLICY .................................... 12 PROMOTION AND RETENTION................................ 30 CLASS PARTIES......................................................... 13 RECORDS ................................................................. 30 COPYRIGHT LAW ..................................................... 14 RESPECT AGREEMENT ............................................. 31 DAILY SCHEDULE ..................................................... 14 SCHOOL SAFETY AND SECURITY .............................. 31 DISCIPLINE ............................................................... 15 SEVERE WEATHER PROCEDURES ............................ 31 DOMINIC SAVIO CLUB ............................................. 19 SPECIAL SERVICES.................................................... 31 SCHOOL DRESS CODE .............................................. 19 SUPERVISION ........................................................... 32 EMERGENCY INFORMATION ................................... 23 EMERGENCY SAFETY INTERVENTIONS .................... 23 USE OF THE INTERNET AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES ................................................................................. 33 EVACUATION PROCEDURE ...................................... 23 VISITATION OF SCHOOL .......................................... 34 EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES .............................. 23 VOLUNTEERS/VIRTUS .............................................. 34 FIELD TRIPS.............................................................. 24 2 HOLY FAMILY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL 1800 Milner Street Hays, Kansas 67601 785-625-3131 hfehays.org Dear Parents, We are humbled that you have chosen Holy Family Elementary and our staff to entrust your child’s education and well-being over the next years. Our staff is dedicated to teaching each child and instilling the values of our mission to “Be Christ to One Another.” Holy Family Elementary is dedicated to teaching the core subjects, and cultivating a great appreciation and understanding of the Catholic religion. We achieve this through our highly qualified educators and catechists. The entire staff of Holy Family promotes and enhances the education and religious foundations through high educational and behavioral standards. Parents are highly encouraged to partner with the staff so that we can promote and encourage the exploration and development of that deep personal relationship with Jesus Christ. As members of the Holy Family Advisory Council, we have accepted the responsibility to be your representative as we all grow together. Each of us is available to you if there are concerns or interests regarding the school. Along with the staff, the Advisory Council is pleased to welcome you and your family to the 2015-16 school year. Sincerely, The Holy Family Elementary School Council Amy Wasinger (Antonino, Shoenchen, Munjor, Catharine) President Mike Schlyer (Immaculate Heart of Mary) At time of publication the following positions still needed to be appointed. Refer to school newsletters or website for appointments. Vice President St. Joseph’s Parish Council Representative Courtney Brady (St. Nicholas of Myra) Secretary St. Nicholas Parish of Myra Council Representative Michelle Baalman (St. Nicholas of Myra) Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish Council Representative Nathan Staab (St. Joseph’s Parish) Clint Newell (St. Joseph’s Parish) Melissa Romme (Immaculate Heart of Mary 3 HISTORY OF HOLY FAMILY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Holy Family Elementary has a rich history of Catholic school education in Hays. The school was previously known as St. Joseph Tri-Parish School and was located at 210 W. 13th. The history of that building dates back to 1908. Over the years, the building housed Hays Catholic College, Girl’s Catholic High, and finally, St. Joseph Elementary School. The three-story, native-stone building, located directly across from St. Joseph Church, had the spirit and feel of the old country school used to educate many of our gifted leaders today. It was simple and basic, providing a great environment for stimulating the spiritual, social, and educational development of our Catholic youth. In 1963, grades one and two began in the remodeled building. The following year another classroom was opened to accommodate the growing student population. In September 1964, grades three and four were added. Grades five and six were added in September 1966 but were dropped in September 1969. Kindergarten was added in 1973. Grade five was reinstated in 1978. The former Lutheran Church located at the corner of 13th and Fort was purchased by St. Joseph Parish in 1966. In September 1981, Kindergarten moved into the building. It was remodeled in the summer of 1986 and turned into a multi-purpose extension of the school. The building housed the art room, kindergarten, library, music room, computer lab and multi-purpose room. In August 1990, the computer lab and afterschool care program were implemented at the school. The need to consolidate the expanding curriculum was just one of many factors that led to the February 1996 decision to relocate the school. In August 1998, St. Joseph Tri-Parish School moved to its new location at 1800 Milner. The building, formerly known as Jefferson School, had previously been leased by USD 489 from Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish but was officially renamed Holy Family Elementary School. The increase in available space in the new building enabled the addition of a preschool and sixth grade. Through the years, the Capuchin Friars and Sisters of St. Agnes provided for the spiritual and educational needs of the students. The school transitioned from a tuition-free program staffed by the religious to one staffed by Catholic lay persons which implemented a tuition fee providing for the continued operation of the school. In 2001 the Heartland Parishes of Ellis County adopted a Stewardship model that supports the ministry of the Catholic Schools in Hays. Stewards in good standing with their parish may enroll their children at either of the Catholic Schools. The faculty provides a strong foundation for the students. Turnover among teachers is minimal, adding to the strength of our program. The school motto emphasizes the goals of our students: LIVE, LOVE, and LEARN. 4 MISSION STATEMENTS Salina Diocesan Schools In union with the family and the Church, the Catholic schools of the Diocese of Salina strive to prepare young people to impact the world for Christ and to attain their eternal destiny by providing a Catholic learning environment, based on the values of Jesus Christ that promotes academic excellence, develops spiritual, physical and emotional well-being, fosters mutual respect, demands moral responsibility, encourages selfgrowth, and nurtures Christian service to others. Holy Family Elementary School At Holy Family Elementary School, We are Christ to one another! We grow in our Catholic Faith to “Teach as Jesus Did” (102) Honor God, Mark 12:30 Respect others, Mark 12:31 Imitate Christ 1 Corinthians 11:1 Study, and develop our “For the Children” by Pope John Paul II Talents to glorify God. I Peter 4:10 DIOCESAN ORGANIZATION BISHOP – The Most Rev. Edward Weisenberger is the official teacher of the Diocese of Salina and is ultimately in charge of all Catholic Schools in the Diocese. DIOCESAN SUPERINTENDENT – Dr. Nick Compagnone is the Diocesan Superintendent. He is appointed by the Bishop and represents the Bishop in educational matters and provides the necessary leadership in the development and administration of the Diocese of Salina. PASTORS – Fr. Fred Gatschet– St. Joseph’s Pastor & Comeau Campus Center; Fr. Jarett Conrade – St. Nicholas of Myra & St. Francis of Assisi Pastor; Monsignor Barry Brinkman – Immaculate Heart of Mary’s Pastors, Fr. Earl Befort -St. Catherine, St. Anthony & Our Lady Help of Christians. Monsignor Barry Brinkman represents the Bishop in the operation of Holy Family Elementary School. PRINCIPAL – Mrs. Rachel Wentling holds executive authority for the school. She is responsible to the Pastor. The principal is responsible for all aspects of the operation of Holy Family Elementary School. HOLY FAMILY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL COUNCIL – An Advisory Council to the Pastor. The Council recommends policies and assists the Pastor in the evaluation of the Principal’s performance. 5 SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL The Holy Family Elementary School Advisory Council is an advisory body that supports the school administration. It receives and makes recommendations relating to the operations of the school. The school advisory council meetings are held on the fourth Monday of every month, except December, June, and July or as determined by the school pastor. Monthly meeting minutes will be posted on the school website, www.hfehays.org. The School Advisory Council consists of the following members: Two (2) ex-officio members to include: the Pastor Designate (Monsignor Barry Brinkman), and the School Administrator (Rachel Wentling). Eight (8) members are appointed by the pastoral leaders of the school population for a 3-year term on a rotating basis. Officers are appointed annually by the School Advisory Council. Officers include: President, Vice-President, and Secretary. HOME AND SCHOOL COMMITTEE The Holy Family Elementary Home and School Association is an organization of school parents. The primary functions of the association are: 1) to provide a format of communication between parents and school, 2) to support the learning programs of the school by providing volunteer assistance to teachers, 3) to help with fund-raising projects for the development of the learning program and for other needs of the school, and 4) to provide educational programs for parents as a means of support in raising children. Home and School Meetings are held on the second Monday of September, November, January & March. Home and School Committee consists of the following members: Four (4) officers are elected at large from and by the parents association. President—Heather Seiler Vice-President—Trina Gottschalk & Dana Schumacher (shared) Treasurer—Amanda Lang Secretary—Jeff Pinkney Two (2) Chili Supper chairs also serve on the committee Kellie Lee & Shanna Kester SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL / HOME AND SCHOOL COMMITTEES AND SUB-COMMITTEES Roles and Responsibilities can be found on the Holy Family web site: www.hfehays.org 6 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE SCHOOL Holy Family Elementary School provides a preschool through sixth grade program. The following are general characteristics of the educational programs of the school: General Atmosphere Holy Family Elementary School is a Catholic school which provides diocesan approved Catholic curriculum for all students. The atmosphere of the school is characterized as being warm, welcoming, caring and supportive to the development of Christian values. Students pray daily in the classroom, attend Mass twice weekly and participate in First Friday prayer services as a school. Other various service and social justice opportunities are provided to help students to grow in their faith. General Education Holy Family Elementary School is a self-contained classroom design that permits students to progress within their classroom, and allows teachers to integrate core subjects such as math, reading, and writing across the curriculum. Holy Family Elementary adheres to the curricular educational standards adopted by the Kansas Department of Education. The Kanas College and Career Readiness Standards are based on the Common Core Standards, and have been implemented across the curriculum. An innovative curriculum is geared to help students reach their own potential. Art, computer technology, library, music, and physical education are provided for all students by qualified instructors. Technology tools are available and utilized in the individual classrooms. Special Education and Needs Testing for special education and gifted services is offered through USD 489 to students who have special learning needs. Title I, a remedial reading program, is provided for students who qualify under district, state, and federal regulations by USD 489. The school provides its own testing program through Iowa Test of Basic Skills. State assessment tests are given to appropriate grade levels. Food Program Holy Family Elementary School provides a hot lunch and breakfast program for students in grades KP-6 that follows the National Food Program Guidelines. Free and Reduced meals are available to those families that qualify. After School Program Holy Family Elementary School provides an after-school program for students that require care until 6 pm during the week after full days of school. 7 Holy Family Elementary Staff Principal Rachel Wentling Pastor Monsignor Barry Brinkman Faculty Karen Bieker – Preschool Director Cindy Washburn – Kinderprep Cristy Dinkel – KA Amadee Staab – KB Karen Rohr – 1A Ann Weber – 1B Paula Beck – 2A Kayla North – 2B Jennie Helget – 3A Ruth Ann Fry – 3B Amber Zimmerman – 4A Teresa Schrant – 4B Stephanie Hagans – 5A Brenda Stoecklein – 5B Shirley Dinkel – 6A Tyler Haas – 6B Chris Dinkel – 6C Janice Collins – Library Matthew Dumler – Physical Education Janel Ruder - Art Randy Sauer –Music/6th Grade Band Lori Flax – Computer Julie Zollinger – School Psychologist Amy Woydziak – Title I Special Reading Gena Feldt – Special Education Erin Wagner – Speech and Language Celina Fisher – Speech and Language Rebecca Whitmer – After School Director Office Staff Toni Whitmer - Office Manager Karla Stecklein – Bookkeeper Keri Veach—Administrative Assistant Cafeteria DeeDee Froelich-Head Cook Linda Degenhardt Patricia Schaffer Sue Watson Custodial Staff Larry Dinkel Robert Degenhardt Bob Ruder Paraprofessionals Preschool—Nichole Ruder, Lori Krannawitter Kindergarten—Tammy Wierman, Anne Schulte 1st-3rd grade--Jennifer Brown, Jan Degenhardt, Mary Hickman, Judy Flax, Marcia Dinkel, Gail Pratt-Hollern 8 ABSENTEES/ILLNESS/INJURY PROCEDURES A child who is absent or tardy should be excused either by a phone call or note from a parent. Tardy students must check into the office with a parent and will receive a pass to take to the classroom teacher. Out of concern for the safety of our children, a call will be made to the homes of those absentees who have not been excused before 9:00 a.m. If a student has had a fever or symptoms of illness, he/she may not return to school for 24 hours. If he/she has vomited or been ill during the night, the child should remain at home. In the event of illness or injury, no child will be sent home whose parent or designated person has not been notified and has arranged transportation. This must be done through the office. If a child misses school because of illness or unexcused absence and a school program is scheduled for the evening, the student should not attend the school program. When necessary, students may be excused from classes for dental/medical appointments. Parental request is required and notice sent to the office for approval. (Diocesan Policy) Please contact the school office by phone or email the day before or morning of the appointment. Handwritten notes may be sent to the classroom teacher, but personal contact with the front office is also necessary. Parents are required to notify the office and teacher in advance of family events or vacations that will cause the student to be absent. A student is never allowed to leave the premises during the school day without permission of the parent and principal. Parents are required to report to the office to sign the student out. At that time, office personnel will call the student to the office. Upon returning, the parent is to sign the student back in to school in the office. ADMISSION No Catholic child whose parents desire enrollment in any Catholic school in the Diocese of Salina shall be denied admission to that school on the basis of race, color or national origin. No child, regardless of religious affiliation, whose parents’ desire enrollment in any Catholic school in the Salina Diocese that possesses capacity for additional enrollees shall be denied admission to that school on the basis of race, color or national origin. COMMITMENT STATEMENT Holy Family Elementary (HFE) will admit any student whose parents sincerely want their child to receive a Catholic school education. Appointments will be scheduled with parish pastors or pastoral administrators for families not previously enrolled in Hays Catholic Schools. Appointments will be scheduled with the principal for non-Catholic families. Students are admitted with the understanding that they will abide by the school’s rules and policies. Families are expected to be good stewards of their parish by sharing their “Time, Talents and Treasure”. Both students and parents are to be supportive of the school and its standard of being Christ to one another. Families are expected to be participating active stewards of their parish. This will be verified by the parish priest. Admission to Holy Family will not be finalized until approved by the parish priest. Admission for one year does not guarantee admission the following year if active stewardship of the family in their parish does not occur during the year. 9 ORDER OF ADMITTANCE Whereas Holy Family Elementary is growing and we have established a waiting list for classes. These guidelines will be followed for admittance: Priority of admission will be given in the following order: Priority 1: Currently enrolled Holy Family Elementary students and siblings. Priority 2: Families who previously had children attend Holy Family Elementary with younger siblings entering school age, and employees of the Catholic schools and/or parish employees. Priority 3: Heartland parish members Priority 4: Non-Heartland parish Catholics Priority 5: Non-Catholics The date that a student was placed on the list will be taken into consideration for each level of priority. Parents can have children added to the waiting list at any time. TIMELINES/DEADLINES Pre-enrollment occurs in January. Pre-enrollment forms will be sent to all parents for completion. It is necessary for Priority 1 and Priority 2 families (refer to Order of Admittance) to return forms by the due date. If the due date is missed, they will be placed on a waiting list. Registration occurs in February and March. A registration fee will be due at this time. Final enrollment and payment of fees will take place in August at Holy Family Elementary School. AGE OF ADMISSION Preschool: Any child who will attain the age four (4) years before the first day of September of any school year shall be eligible to enter preschool. All preschool students must be fully potty trained. Kinderprep: Any child who will attain the age of five (5) years before the first day of September of any school year shall be eligible to enter kinderprep. Kinderprep placement is by appointment only and will be determined by the principal with recommendations from the preschool and kinderprep teachers along with the parents. Kindergarten: Any child who will attain the age of five (5) years before the first day of September of any school year shall be eligible to enter kindergarten. First Grade: Any child who will attain the age of six (6) years before the first day of September of any school year shall be eligible to enter first grade. Any child who as a resident of another state has completed a kindergarten course maintained by a public school district or by an accredited private or parochial school shall be eligible to enter first grade, regardless of age. AFTER SCHOOL CARE After school care runs from 3:15 until 6:00 on days when school is in session. The program provides supervised activities until parents can pick up students from school. The children participate in a variety of 10 activities: games, cooking, art, science, etc. Homework assistance is also available. A nutritious snack is served each afternoon. The fee is $5.00 per child from 3:15 to 4:30 and $6.00 per child for any time past 4:30. Monthly fees are due by the 10th of the following month. Without payment by the 11th, after school care services will be discontinued immediately. ALLERGIES/MEDICAL CONCERNS Students with food allergies will be required to have a “Medical Statement for Student with Food Allergy or Intolerance” form filled out by their physician. They will also be required to have a “Food Allergy Action Plan” filled out by their physician. These files will be kept in the office and cafeteria office for reference. ATTENDANCE POLICY In an effort to comply with Kansas’ College and Career Readiness Standards of Education Holy Family shall employ the following attendance policy. Compulsory attendance is a statutory requirement in Kansas for all children who are seven or more years of age, but less then sixteen years of age. Each school through its designated reporting officer shall report any child who is enrolled but not attending school including all cases of unusual and/or habitual absence to the appropriate local authorities. Frequent and/or continuous absence from school substantially reduces the quality of education for both the absent student and his/her classmates. Since the educational process requires continuity of instruction, classroom participation, the exchange of ideas, and supervised study activities, regular attendance is essential for maximum educational benefit. The learning process provided by regular classroom instruction cannot be adequately nor efficiently replaced by make-up work or individual instruction after regular school hours. No school can be expected to effectively teach students who do not regularly and consistently attend classes. Before any report is made that a child is not attending school as required by the law, the principal shall serve written notice thereof, by mail, upon the parent or guardian of the child. This notice shall inform the custodial parent or custodial guardian that continued failure of the child to attend school without a valid excuse will result in a report being made to the appropriate law enforcement official. School’s Implementation A letter will be sent home if the following occurs: Five (5) unexcused tardies per 9 weeks or more than ten (10) in a semester OR Five (5) Absences per 9 weeks or more than ten (10) in a semester The only days that shall be excluded from this response are those during which the student was admitted into the hospital, time missed for funerals, and doctor appointment in which your local doctor has referred you to a doctor outside of the local community. 11 Absences All absences will be recorded and monitored each 9 week period. Truancy Response If excessive absences or tardies continue in the 9 week period after a letter is sent home, a report may need to be filed with DCF. AUTHORIZATION TO PUBLISH STUDENT PHOTOS/WORK Parents/Guardians must grant permission to the school for their student’s name and/or photo to be published in news releases, newsletters, parish bulletins, yearbook, school website, and/or social media. The permission document is presented at enrollment, but may be updated at any time throughout the school year. BULLY PREVENTION POLICY Based on our philosophy that Catholic Schools have been established to provide an environment of faith, which brings all of life together within the grace and love of God, we have established the anti-bullying policy set forth. The Salina Diocese Catholic Schools views bullying as unchristian behavior, and it will not be tolerated. We define bullying as an act which: 1. repeatedly hurts another individual either a. physically (such as pushing, hitting, kicking, spitting, or any other use of violence, taking items from, forcing to do something unwillingly), etc. b. verbally (such as teasing, name-calling, sarcasm, threatening, spreading rumors), etc. c. indirectly (such as excluding, being mean, tormenting, using hurtful gestures, making hurtful written comments), etc. d. through use of technology (such as cyber bullying – using technology to hurt others through any communication device such as e-mail, cell phone, camera, chat rooms, text messaging, or websites), etc. 2. is deliberate and sustained 3. is intended to isolate, hurt, or humiliate another individual 4. is unprovoked The goal of Salina Diocese Catholic Schools anti-bullying policy is to ensure that all students experience a safe, Christian environment that is conducive to learning. The following steps will be taken when dealing with bullying incidents: Isolated or initial incidents which do not constitute bullying will be handled by the teacher in charge at the time of the incident. Depending on the severity of the incident, the principal and/or parents may be notified. 12 Whenever possible, any incidents which may constitute bullying should be reported immediately to the teacher in charge at the time of the incident. The teacher in charge at the time of the incident will immediately deal with those involved in the incident. In some cases, students may choose to report the incident to a different adult in the building, such as their homeroom teacher. The principal or teacher in charge should be made aware of any bullying incidents. Students engaging in bullying behavior will be disciplined according to the school discipline policy. Depending on severity and length of incident, parents may be notified. If the bullying does not cease after the student has been disciplined, parents will be notified, and further action will be taken according to the school discipline policy. In addition to the above outlined steps, anti-bullying policy requires the following: Staff members of Catholic Schools should: a. remain alert to signs of bullying and act promptly and firmly against it according to the school’s discipline policy b. report incidents of bullying to the principal or teacher in charge, who will determine if further disciplinary action should be taken, and/or if parents should be notified c. offer support and encouragement to students being bullied, including notifying parents, principal, and/or support staff as needed d. encourage all students to refrain from bullying behavior, and encourage reporting of any bullying behaviors they witness Parents of Catholic Schools students should: a. report concerns of bullying behavior to their child’s appropriate teacher as soon as possible following the incident(s). If concerns are not handled sufficiently at this level, a report should be made to the building principal or teacher in charge as outlined in the grievance procedures of the school handbook b. support the school’s anti-bullying policy and actively encourage their child to avoid bullying behavior Students of Catholic Schools should: a. report incidents of bullying they witness to the teacher in charge at the time of the incident, or to another staff member as soon as possible following the incident b. whenever possible, stand up for the student being bullied, and refrain from joining in bullying behavior c. treat others with the respect and dignity that is expected of any Catholic School student. CLASS PARTIES Class parties may be held four times a year: Halloween, Christmas, Valentine’s Day, and Easter Exceptions can be made with permission of the principal. 13 COPYRIGHT LAW All employees, volunteers, and students of the educational programs of the Diocese of Salina will abide by copyright laws. Regulations Employees, volunteers, and students may copy printed or non-printed materials allowed by: copyright law fair-use guidelines specific licenses or contractual agreements, and other types of permission. Employees, volunteers, and students who willfully disregard copyright laws are in violation of diocesan policy, doing so at their own risk and assuming all liability. DAILY SCHEDULE Our regular school day for grades KP – 6 is 8:00 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. The time for lunch varies from grade to grade in order to avoid overcrowding in the cafeteria. ARRIVAL OF STUDENTS Students may arrive at school at 7:20 am for breakfast. All students are expected to remain in the cafeteria from 7:20-7:30 am until supervision in the Activity Center begins. ALL students that arrive before 7:45 am are to enter the building through the east Activity Center Room or through the north doors. Those who come to eat breakfast will go on to the cafeteria area. The other students will remain supervised in the Activity Center. To help meet the goals of our wellness program, students will casually walk and/or play around the activity center or enjoy reading time of their AR books DISMISSAL OF STUDENTS SCHOOL IS DISMISSED AT 3:20 PM 1. BUS STUDENTS - Bus transportation is available to students of Holy Family Elementary School. Bus schedules and route information are available at the District #489 administration office (323 W. 12th – 623-2400). Please call the district office for further information and registration. Students riding the bus will be dismissed at 3:10 p.m. when the bell rings. All bus students will meet and line up quietly in the gathering space inside the south main entrance of the school. 2. ALL OTHER STUDENTS - All other students will be dismissed from the Activity Center. Those picking students up from the activity center may park in the north parking lot and enter through the north doors. Students are expected to report to the activity center to be dismissed appropriately. Students that need to be picked up prior to the 3:20 bell need to follow the appointment procedures outlined previously. 14 Drivers will enter the parking lot from the south gate and line up in five lines facing the north. Dismissal will be from the area of striped yellow lines along the east side of the building. This is the loading zone. All vehicles picking up students need to be in single file line in the right lane which passes the striped yellow loading zone. Please place a name tag in your windshield, this will aid in speeding up the loading process. Drivers – PLEASE remain in your vehicles and refrain from cell phone use. This will help in maintaining safety and loading of the students quickly. Walkers - will be dismissed from the activity center after having their names checked off the log book. They will exit the southwest door of the activity center entry way. Parents must inform the school that their child will be walking. 3. All students not picked up by 3:35 p.m. will be sent to after school care and families will be charged according to ASC fees. Your cooperation is appreciated. DISCIPLINE Suspension and expulsion procedures (including weapons possession) follow the policies set forth by the Diocese of Salina. For other infractions, a detention policy has been adopted to mold conduct according to Christian behavior in a Catholic school setting. Suspension and Procedure Suspension is a temporary withholding of the privilege of attending class/school. Suspension may be “in school” suspension in which the student is admitted to school but not to class, or the suspension may be an “out of school” suspension. A suspension may be imposed on a student only after giving the student oral or written notice of the charges against him/her and affording the student a hearing. However, if the presence of the student endangers other persons, or property, or substantially disrupts, impedes or interferes with the operation of the school, the principal in consultation with the pastor may suspend the student forthwith without a hearing for a term not to exceed five (5) school days. A written notice and reasons for the suspension shall be given to the student and his/her parents or guardians within twenty-four (24) hours from the time of the suspension. A hearing shall be afforded the student no later than seventy-two (72) hours after the suspension has been imposed. Included in the notice of suspension should be the date, time and place of hearing. The hearing specified herein shall be conducted by the school principal and/or pastor or designee and should include the student, parent or legal guardian and counselor whenever possible. (Diocesan Policy) Expulsion and Procedure Expulsion is the termination of enrollment for the remainder of the current year. Expulsion shall be imposed only after the student has been afforded an opportunity for a formal hearing. In all cases where a student might be expelled, he/she shall be suspended first for a term not to exceed five (5) school days. A written notice of intent to expel and the charges upon which the expulsion is based shall be given to the student’s parents or guardians within seventy-two (72) hours of the student being suspended. 15 The notice shall also contain the date, time and place that the student will be afforded a formal hearing. This date shall be no later than the last day of the five (5) school day suspension. Formal hearings may be conducted by the local school council members or appropriate persons appointed by the pastor. The pastor shall make the final determination. (Diocesan Policy) Grounds for Suspension/Expulsion A student may be suspended or expelled for: willful violation of any published regulation for student conduct adopted and approved by the school administration; conduct which disrupts, impedes, or interferes with the operation of the school; conduct which infringes upon or invades the rights of others; disobedience of an order of a teacher, school security officer or other school authority, when such disobedience can reasonably be anticipated to result in disorder, disruption, or interference with the operation of the school; grave immoral conduct; or continual conduct contrary to the official teachings of the Catholic Church. (Diocesan Policy) Notice of Suspension or Expulsion Whenever any written notice is sent to the parents or guardians of a student, it shall be sufficient if the notice is sent by registered mail to the address on file in the school records. In lieu of mailing such a written notice, the notice may be personally delivered. (Diocesan Policy) Procedural Rights Required In any formal or appeal hearing specified in these policies, the following additional rights of due process shall be afforded: the right of the student to have the counsel of his/her parents’ or guardians’ choice present and to receive the advice of such counsel or other person they may select; the right of the parents or guardians to be present at the hearing; the right of the students and his/her counsel or advisor to hear or read a full report of the testimony or witnesses against him/her; the right of the student to testify in his/her own behalf and give reasons for his/her conduct; the right of the student to have an orderly hearing; and the right of the student to a fair, impartial decision based on substantial evidence. (Diocesan Policy) Expulsion of Pupils – Weapons Possession In accord with KSA 72-8902, it shall be the policy of all Catholic schools in the Diocese of Salina to expel from school, for a period of not less than one year, any student determined to be in possession of a weapon 1) at school; 2) on school property; or 3) at any school supervised activity. A weapon is defined as any object that creates a threat of physical harm to or physically harms a student or school personnel, is detrimental to the welfare or safety of a student or school personnel, adversely affects school discipline, or adversely affects educational programs. 16 In the event of such determination of weapons possession, the principal shall immediately refer the pupil to the appropriate state and local law enforcement agencies; and, if the pupil is juvenile, to the secretary of social and rehabilitation services. Should the pupil be an exceptional child as defined in KSA 72-962, the expulsion requirement may be modified in a manner consistent with federal law. An annual report of weapons possessions cases shall be submitted to the State Board of Education at the time and in the manner specified by the State Board. On the local level, this policy shall be carried out in a manner corresponding to the implementation procedures outlined herein. (Diocesan Policy) (1-96) 17 Holy Family Elementary School Detention Form Student Name: Date: o Deliberately inflicts physical harm on another person. o Displays conduct that disrupts, impedes, or interferes with the operation of the school. o Refuses to cooperate. o Uses inappropriate language or gestures. o Willfully destroys property. o Breaking the rules of the Respect Agreement. o Disobeys an order of any person in authority. o Other: Principal signature: Teacher signature: Parent signature: Detention to be served: o Monday ___Recess o Tuesday ___10 minutes after school (Grades 2-3) beginning at 3:35 o Wednesday ___20 minutes after school (Grades 4-6) beginning at 3:35 o Thursday o Friday Student’s Name: Date to serve: Infraction: Detention to be served: o Monday ___Recess o Tuesday ___10 minutes after school (Grades 2-3) beginning at 3:35 o Wednesday ___20 minutes after school (Grades 4-6) beginning at 3:35 o Thursday o Friday Time checked in: Time checked out: Supervisor: 18 DOMINIC SAVIO CLUB Dominic Savio is a club designed to enhance the 6th grade religious education program. Its members will participate in (1) activity a week, such as Dominic Cart, visiting the elderly or helping with Tiger Tots. On those Fridays that Dominic Savio Cart is available purchases will be made prior to dismissal. Healthy snacks will be available; once each month will be exemption week. Funds earned through this activity are donated to the neediest in our community or designated beneficiaries approved by the club members under the guidance of the club supervisor. SCHOOL DRESS CODE Appropriate dress for school should be worn at all times. This includes neat and well-groomed haircuts, no makeup, and uniforms that reflect the ideas of Christian values. The administration with the advice of the school council shall determine the appropriate dress. GENERAL Holy Family Elementary School is proud of its uniform policy, which provides students and families with clear expectations on what dress is acceptable. HFE maintains a uniform policy for the following reasons: Uniforms encourage a sense of school unity, identity and pride. Uniforms allow for minimal cost to parents. Uniforms encourage a positive self-image, eliminate comparison and competition, and enhance performance. Uniforms, along with the guidance of parents, help students acquire an appropriate sense of dress. CONSEQUENCES FOR NON-COMPLIANCE WITH UNIFORM POLICY 1st Offense – A note will be sent home to parents detailing the uniform guidelines. 2nd Offense – Student’s parent will be called to bring appropriate dress for the student. 3rd Offense – Student’s parent will be called to bring appropriate dress for the student and the student will serve one (1) detention. 19 UNIFORM GUIDELINES Uniforms are required on the first day of school. Shirts must be tucked in. Skirts or shorts must be no shorter than 2 inches above the knee. Girls are required to wear modesty shorts underneath all skirts and jumpers if they are not already part of the garment. Uniform shorts may be worn during the months of August, September, October, April, and May only. Uniforms must be in good condition with no holes. The principal will determine free dress days. Solid white or solid navy long sleeved shirts may be worn under uniform shirts for warmth. 5TH Grade DARE t-shirt may be worn on the day of DARE graduation. UNIFORM ACCESSORIES Item Belt Description Navy, black or brown Black, blue, gray or white socks Small, discreet logos are allowed. No show socks are allowed. Solid navy blue, gray, white or black Leggings must go below the knee Any hairstyle or accessory that is judged inappropriate or distracting by the administration is not allowed. No extraordinary styles, extensions, hair adornments (such as tinsel, feathers, etc.) Unnatural hair colors are prohibited. Shoes should be appropriate for use on asphalt surfaces. Tennis shoes are recommended. Closed-toed shoes with socks are required Inappropriate jewelry is not allowed. Boys are not permitted to wear earrings. Students may be asked to remove jewelry at the teacher’s discretion. Bandanas, caps, hats or scarves are NOT to be worn in the building. Tattoos or body piercing except girls’ ears are NOT allowed. (optional) Socks Tights / Leggings Hair Shoes Jewelry Miscellaneous SPIRIT DAY DRESS CODE – WEDNESDAYS ONLY Item Description Shirt Students may wear their standard uniform shirt or their Spirit Shirt. Spirit shirts are available for purchase from HFE during enrollment. Solid white or solid navy long sleeved shirts may be worn under the Spirit Shirt for warmth. 20 Pants / Shorts 6th grade will implement a class shirt during the second semester. The 6th grade class shirt may be worn on Wednesdays only. Preschool students are allowed to wear the school spirit shirt on Wednesdays. Students may wear their standard uniform pants or hemmed blue denim jeans or scooter skirts (modesty shorts are required to be worn underneath). Uniform shorts or hemmed blue denim jean shorts may be worn during the months of August, September, October, April, and May only. Denim jeans should be with minimal decoration. The decoration should be limited to the pocket region. Straight 5 pockets jeans are encouraged. The following guide lists the approved apparel items that comply with the uniform code at Holy Family Elementary School. We recommend that you use it when purchasing school uniforms clothes for your child. Other clothing items at these retailers may not meet the guidelines so, if necessary, please refer to the uniform policy prior to making a uniform purchase. Gone Logo 2717 Plaza Ave Hays, KS 67601 To Order by Phone: 785-625-3070 Girls Boys Item Item Short Sleeve Polo Shirt with Monogram Short Sleeve Polo Shirt with Monogram Long Sleeve Polo Shirt with Monogram Long Sleeve Polo Shirt with Monogram Navy Hooded Zip Jacket Navy Hooded Zip Jacket Navy Fleece Zip Jacket w/o hood Navy Fleece Zip Jacket w/o hood Parker Uniform Company 650 N Carriage Parkway Wichita, KS 67208 School Code: To Order Online: www.parkersu.com HFE ID# WI104056 To Order by Phone: 1-800-500-4634 Note: Parker Uniform Company pays for alterations to uniforms when taken to Master Cleaners. Girls Boys Item Item Visit www.parkersu.com or see the attached flyer. Visit www.parkersu.com or see the attached flyer. 21 JC Penney 2918 Vine St Hays, KS 67601 To Order Online: www.jcpenney.com To Order by Phone: 1-800-222-6161 Girls Boys Item Item IZOD Navy Pleated Jumper - (K- 3rd Grade) (modesty shorts are required to be worn underneath) IZOD Navy Uniform Shorts IZOD Navy Pleated Scooter Skirt – (K -6th Grade) IZOD Navy Pleated Shorts IZOD Pleated Skirt - (4th- 6th Grade) IZOD Navy Classic-Fit Uniform Pants IZOD Navy Long Sleeve Cardigan IZOD Navy Uniform Pants IZOD Navy Bootcut Flat-Front Pants IZOD Navy Pleated Pants IZOD Navy Skimmers IZOD Navy Bermuda Shorts Please see the appendix which includes photos of the approved uniforms. Wal-Mart 4300 Vine Street Hays, KS 67601 To Order Online: www.walmart.com Girls Boys Item Item George – Girls’ Navy Pleated Scooter (K-6th Grade) George – Boys’ Pleated Twill Pants George – Girls’ Navy Bermuda Shorts George – Boys’ Pleated Shorts George - Girls’ Navy Flat Front Pants George – Juniors Navy Bermuda Shorts George – Juniors Navy Flat Front Pants Please see the appendix which includes photos of the approved uniforms. 22 UNIFORM SALE An annual uniform sale will be scheduled at Holy Family Elementary School. Uniforms can be purchased throughout the year by contacting the vendors listed above. A used uniform sale will be held prior to enrollment. The HFE Uniform Committee will oversee the sale. If parents choose to bring their used uniforms to the school for resale, it will be considered a donation to the school. All proceeds from the used uniform sales benefit HFE. Parents also have the option to retain and sell their used uniforms on their own and keep the proceeds. EMERGENCY INFORMATION An emergency contact form should be filled out by the parent or guardian at the beginning of each school year. If parents or guardians cannot be reached emergency contacts will be called. Please notify the office of address, email, or phone number changes during the school year. Fire drills, Tornado drills and Crisis drills are conducted to ensure safety. Crisis plans are located in each classroom behind evacuation map. EMERGENCY SAFETY INTERVENTIONS The use of bodily force or physical restraint as a form of discipline is prohibited in a Pre-K – 12 school setting. Physical restraint and seclusion should never be used as a form of punishment for misbehavior. Physical restraint and seclusion may be used for emergency situations only if a child is in danger of injuring themselves or others. Seclusion does not include a time out or in school suspension, which is a behavioral intervention in which a student is temporarily removed from a learning activity without being confined. An adult must supervise any student that is secluded in an enclosed area. Use of medication to control a student’s behavior is prohibited. This does not include prescribed treatments for student’s medical needs or psychiatric conditions by a person appropriately licensed to issue these treatments. Mechanical devices to restrict students movement is prohibited unless restraint is carried out by law enforcement officials, use of seatbelts, or for protective purposes ordered by a licensed person. All emergency safety interventions should be reported to parents and reported in the KansDis system. EVACUATION PROCEDURE In the event that the school must be evacuated the school will enact the school crisis plan. Parents will receive communication via PowerAnnouncement for instructions following the incident. EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Joyful Noise is an extra-curricular choir directed by Mr. Randy Sauer outside of school hours. Any extracurricular activities must be approved by the office before planning and initiating. 23 FIELD TRIPS Field trips are an integral part of the educational process. They provide enrichment to the basic program and should be encouraged. In planning field trips, attention must be given to the following guidelines: Field Trips are conducted to enhance the curriculum. The field trip is a definite learning and enjoyable experience. A field trip form stating the place, proposed date and objective of the trip shall be submitted to the principal. Permission for the field trip must be obtained from the principal prior to the finalization of plans. Students shall be prepared for the observations they will make on the trip. Since this is a definite learning activity, ALL students MUST participate unless approved by the principal PRIOR to the field trip. Written permission from the parent or guardian is procured. Parents may be asked to help drive. Driver information must be on file in the school office. Videos or DVD may be viewed by the students on the way to these events, but must be G rated. An adequate number of adults accompany the students. All field trips should be completed before May15th. When field trips are scheduled for outside the Hays area, the teacher may provide the following options to students which include: a. Purchasing school lunches from the cafeteria b. Purchasing lunches at trip destination c. Bringing a packed lunch from home. d. These options must meet with the principal’s approval prior to offering them. FLOWER AND GIFT DELIVERY Students will be notified when they receive flowers, gifts, and etc., but they will not be taken to the classroom. These items will be picked at the office after school. FOOD SERVICE PROGRAM Mission Statement: To serve students nutritious meals in a pleasant atmosphere at a reasonable cost and to help educate them to make healthy food choices for life. Holy Family Elementary School offers a breakfast and lunch program for all students in grades K – 6. Meal tickets are sold in the Holy Family Elementary School office. Students must purchase tickets in order to participate in the meal programs, although they do not have to be used each day consecutively. Reminders for meal money are sent home on Wednesday when balance falls below the cost of one meal. 24 Students participating in the breakfast program should arrive in the cafeteria between 7:20 a.m. and 7:45 a.m. Students have the option of participating in the lunch program or bringing their lunch from home. Fast food, pop, and candy are not permitted as part of sack lunches. Since we are interested in our students having a nutritious lunch, milk or juice should be brought with a sack lunch. Extra milk may be purchased. A separate letter containing milk and meal prices is sent before the food service program begins. Families who qualify may request free or reduced price meals by filing state forms that are provided at the beginning of the school year. Parents who on occasion want to eat with their child in the lunchroom must call the school office before 9:00 a.m. on the day they plan to eat. They must also report any small children they will bring along. Tickets are purchased in the Holy Family Elementary School office. Lunch accounts will have their balance carried forward to the next school year. Upon request, or if the student leaves Holy Family Elementary, the balance will be refunded by check. Students will be accompanied to the lunch line and monitored until all students have entered the lunchroom. Lunchroom will be monitored by staff of Holy Family Elementary. In accordance with the Diocesan initiative in March, 2013. Bishop Weisenbeger encourages the Catholics of the Salina Diocese to abstain from meat as a form of penance. While the National Conference of Bishops encourages this form of prayer for religious freedom, Bishop Weisenberger wants us to identify with the death of Christ on Good Friday, to learn spiritual penance, and to deepen our Catholic identity. Holy Family’s food program will refrain from serving meat dishes on Fridays. 25 GENERAL SCHOOL RULES General Students are expected to treat others as they would want to be treated. Respect others by moving quietly without talking in hallways as others are having classes. Keep up with the class, and follow all instructions of the supervisor. Cafeteria Use inside voices while eating. Students should speak to classmates at their own table. Clean the area before leaving. Pick up napkin, milk carton, and wipe crumbs into own plate (not on floor or chair). Playground Play in the designated areas. Never leave the playground without the supervisor’s permission. Good sportsmanship is expected always. Touch games are acceptable (i.e. tag, touch football, etc). Tackling, pushing, or shoving are unacceptable. Playground equipment is to be used as intended. KP-2nd grade students shall sit on the merry-go-round. Only one person is allowed on a swing at a time. Only one person is allowed on the slide at a time. Students shall not sit on top of the monkey bars. Balls and Frisbees shall not be thrown against the building or used on windy days. Refrain from playing on snow and ice or in rain puddles. Do not throw or kick rocks, sticks, dirt, or woodchips. Electronic games, trading cards, skateboards, and roller blades are not permitted. Line up promptly in designated areas after the recess bell rings. After three long whistles students should be silent and wait for directions from the playground supervisor. One long whistle and two short whistles indicate an emergency situation. Students shall be silent, line up immediately, and wait for directions from the playground supervisor. Coats/sweatshirts are worn outside unless 60 degrees or higher Stay in for recess if wind chill is not above 20 degrees 26 GRADING Holy Family Elementary School is on a nine (9) week grading schedule. Parent and teacher conferences are held in October and January. Report cards are sent home on the Wednesday following the last day of each 9-week period. Progress during each grade period can be monitored through the parent portal in PowerSchool. GRIEVANCE In the event of a grievance, the parents’ responsibility is to first discuss their concerns with the appropriate teacher. If there is no action taken by the teacher or the action taken by the teacher is not satisfactory, the parent may personally contact the school principal. If the action taken by the principal is not satisfactory, the parent may contact the school’s overseeing priest. HEALTH REQUIREMENTS All Kindergarten students and any student new to the state of Kansas through age eight MUST have the following health forms completed: 1. Child Health Assessment – a form to be completed by the family physician, nurse practitioner or registered nurse certified by the state, stating the health history and present health status of the child. 2. Kansas Certification Of Immunization (KCI) – a form signed by the child’s physician or the county health department stating the dates of all immunizations. These include four (4) DPT, three (3) oral polio, and two (2) MMR immunizations. Hepatitis B vaccination is encouraged. Both of these forms must be completed and submitted to the school office BEFORE school starts. Parents of students who transfer to Holy Family Elementary School from other schools must complete a release of information form so that health and academic records may be transferred. A parent/guardian has ninety (90) days from the day the student enrolls in school to comply with the above policy. If no statement or certification is produced, the student shall not be admitted to classes until the documents are produced. Forms can be obtained by writing: Kansas Department of Health and Environment Bureau of Epidemiology Topeka, KS 66612 Diocesan Immunization Policy Any pupil entering a Catholic school for the first time in Kansas shall, prior to admission, be required to present to the appropriate school authorities certification from a licensed physician that he/she received, or is in the process of receiving, immunization against poliomyelitis (IPV/OPV), mumps, measles, rubella, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (DTaP), varicella (chicken pox), Hepatitis A and B, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) and Pneumococcal conjugate (PCV) by such means of immunization as are approved by the Kansas State Board of Health, or in the alternative shall present to the appropriate school authorities: 27 1. Certification from a licensed physician stating the physical condition of the child to be such that the test and immunization would seriously endanger the student’s life or health, or 2. A written statement signed by one parent or guardian that is an adherent of a religious denomination whose religious teachings are opposed to such test and immunization. In the event either of these exceptions is claimed, parents must execute and deliver a declaration assuming full responsibility for their children. The declaration must include an agreement on the part of the parents that allows the Catholic school to exclude the non-immunized student from classes in the event a disease for which immunization has been declined is present in the Catholic school and which waives the right to privacy of student and medical records and information for any actual or implied release of protected information which occurs as a result of removal of non-immunized student from classes. Transfer of Health Records When the student leaves Holy Family Elementary, all health records are sent to the receiving school upon written consent of the parent and/or receiving school along with all paid fees. Included in the school health records are: the health assessment form, the KCI, results of vision and hearing examinations conducted by the Ellis County Health Department and by Fort Hays State University, letters submitted to the school by physicians pertinent to the educational needs of the student. HOMEWORK While most assignments can be accomplished during the school day, mastery of some facts and skills may require reinforcement. Constructive homework assignments to promote such mastery are encouraged. Time spent on the assignment should be appropriate to the grade level (approximately 10 min. per grade level). If a student is absent, homework should be picked up in the office at the end of the day or sent home with another student at the parent’s request. Teachers must have homework to sibling or to the office for absent student by 3:00 p.m. LIBRARY Holy Family Elementary School maintains a centralized library. During their library period, students check out books for the week and have formal classes in library skills. 28 LIMITATION OF CLASS SIZE Preschool enrollment will be limited to meet Diocesan guidelines of teacher/student ratio being 1 to 15. Kindergarten enrollment will be limited to meet Diocesan guidelines that indicate the maximum amount of students per classroom is 25. PK ratio—1:8 K-2nd grade ratio—1:12.5 Enrollment in other grades will be limited so as not to exceed 25 students per room MASS Students in grades 1 – 6 attend the 8:00 a.m. Mass every Tuesday and Thursday, as well as on other special feast days. Parents are encouraged to attend. Students participate in the planning and celebration of these liturgies. This is done by classes of Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 on a rotating basis. Kindergarten students will attend one time a week beginning the 2 nd nine weeks; and will attend twice a week beginning second semester. The first nine weeks will be a time of study to prepare them for attending. When students are late for Mass, they must check in at the office before going into Mass. A birthday Mass is scheduled monthly. Preschool birthday students have the option to attend this Mass, process in and sit with their parents. Traditionally, school is not in session on Holy Days. MEDICATION When it is necessary for medicine to be administered during school hours, a request form MUST be completed and sent with the medication in the original container. This form is available in the school office. NO medication of any kind is given to students without authorization of the parent. All medications are retained in the office and dispensed according to written directions. No student will be allowed to have medication in the classroom or on his person. PARENT/GUARDIAN COMMUNICATION The principal will communicate with parents twice weekly through the school email list serv. Those without email access may opt to receive a hard copy of the message. 29 PARENT TEACHER CONFERENCES Teachers meet formally with parents of the students for a conference twice a year, (end of 1st and 3rd nine weeks by appointment only). At this time a constructive evaluation of the child’s academic, personal and social progress is discussed. Teachers or parents may request a conference between the regularly scheduled conference times. This is encouraged, especially if there is an academic and/or behavior difficulty. Parent information will be sent home to schedule these conferences. PARENTAL REQUEST FOR STUDENT ASSIGNMENT Requests for a specific teacher are discouraged. Extreme circumstances of conflict that would hinder a student’s education will be considered on an individual basis. The parent will need to set up an appointment with the principal and discuss it in person. PHONE USAGE: LAND AND MOBILE The school telephone is for business purposes. Students use the phone in the school office when it is necessary and must have permission to do so. Student cell phones brought to school must be turned off and left in school bags until after dismissal unless permission is given by the classroom teacher. Students who do not follow this policy will have their phone confiscated and turned into the principal. Students will retrieve the phone from the principal along with a detention. The second offense will result in communication with the parents, another detention, and the phone will need to be turned into the office each morning and will be returned at the end of each school day. The third offense will result in a meeting between the principal, student, and parents to determine the next step. PROMOTION AND RETENTION It may be necessary, in exceptional cases, to retain underachievers in their current grade levels. When retention is necessary, parents are to be notified well in advance, at the end of the first semester, or at the latest, at the termination of the third quarter of the school term. The latest time for a notice of this nature is to be the end of March. Communication is to be had with the principal before the homeroom teacher notifies the concerned parent. RECORDS Health, report card and cumulative records are maintained for each child. The health and cumulative records are kept in the school file and are not to be removed from the building. BLACK ink is to be used on all records, reports and report cards. 30 RESPECT AGREEMENT Students, Parents, and Staff will review the Respect Agreement at the beginning of each school year. Students and parents will sign the agreement signifying their support. SCHOOL SAFETY AND SECURITY Anyone visiting Holy Family Elementary School is required to report to the office upon entering school grounds. This includes the outside play area. In keeping with the Kansas School Safety and Security Act, it shall be the policy of all Catholic schools of the Diocese of Salina that an immediate report be made to the appropriate state or local law enforcement agency by, or on behalf of, any school employee who knows or has reason to believe that an act has been or will be committed at school, on school property, or at a school-supervised activity that involved or will involve: a direct or immediate threat to the safety or security of a human life, the possession, use, or disposal of explosives, firearms, or other weapons, or the commission of an inherently dangerous criminal act. AS A SAFETY PRECAUTION, STUDENTS WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO WALK HOME DURING A CRISIS SITUATION (E.G. SCHOOL LOCKDOWN, TORNADO WARNING, ETC). ALL DOORS TO THE SCHOOL BUILDING WILL BE LOCKED DURING A SCHOOL LOCKDOWN. PARENTS WILL RECEIVE COMMUNICATION THROUGH POWERANNOUNCEMENT DURING A CRISIS SITUATION. SEVERE WEATHER PROCEDURES In the event of inclement weather, please listen to radio stations KAYS, KHAZ, KHOK-FM, KPRD or KJLS for announcements regarding the closing of schools. The school will also utilize PowerAnnouncement to notify primary guardians. Parents are encouraged to sign up through the parent portal of PowerSchool, otherwise the announcement will default to the home phone number listed. Usually we will follow the direction of USD #489. Please inform your children what they are to do if school is dismissed early. This is particularly important if adults are not at home during the day. Parents are encouraged to make individual decisions concerning their children’s attendance or withdrawal during severe weather. SPECIAL SERVICES GEIT GEIT (General Education Intervention Team) provides support and ideas for those teachers who have students who are struggling academically, socially or emotionally. GEIT provides suggestions to implement as interventions in the student’s daily life. 31 Reading Title I Special Reading Classes are provided through USD 489. Students are identified through teacher recommendation and testing. Teachers consult the Reading Specialist in reference to the test score qualifications. Referral forms are filled out by the Reading Specialist and the classroom teacher. Those eligible receive services from the Special Reading Program according to a schedule that is worked out with classroom teachers. Parental consent must be given before services begin. Learning Disabilities/Developmental Delays Students suspected of having a learning disability or developmental delay can be tested through the USD 489 school psychologist. Referral forms are filled out by the psychologist, special education teacher and the classroom teacher. Qualifying students are eligible to receive services in the area of disability. Parental consent must be given before the services begin. Gifted and Talented Students who through testing and observation have been identified as gifted are eligible to participate in the Gifted and Talented Program sponsored by USD 489. Students are identified through teacher recommendation and test scores. Referral forms are filled out by the psychologist, teacher of gifted and talented students and the classroom teacher. This program presently entails one full school day a week in a different setting with other gifted students from the district. Parental consent must be given before services begin. Speech Therapy Speech therapy is provided by the FHSU Speech and Hearing Clinic. All preschool and kindergarten students are screened in the fall. A list of students referred for further testing will be provided to the teacher. Referrals can be made by parents and/or teachers. Students referred for an IEP in speech –language therapy will receive services through the USD 489. Hearing Screening Hearing screening is offered for all students annually through the FHSU Speech and Hearing Clinic. Referral for testing can be made by parents and/or teachers. A list of students referred for further testing will be provided to the teacher. Vision Screening Vision screening is offered annually for all students through Holy Family Elementary School. Referrals can be made by parents and /or teachers. A list of students referred for further testing will be provided to the teacher. SUPERVISION Holy Family Elementary School is insured by Catholic Mutual…”CARES” Insurance. Supervision is the responsibility of every teacher. A supervision schedule is developed by the principal to ensure equality for all teachers. The school is responsible for the safety of students at all times. For safety reasons and liability, the Diocesan Superintendent has suggested one adult supervisor be on the playground during recesses for forty students. Recess supervision duties will be divided 32 among Holy Family Elementary staff. One staff member for each recess will be designated to make the weather appropriateness call and inform others. Students are accompanied to and from the church, playground, lunchroom, gym, specials classes and for other activities Students are not to be left in the classroom unsupervised. Provisions must be made for those staying in during recess and for the class when it is necessary for the teacher to leave. Teachers should maintain good order in the classroom. Teachers should arrive 20 minutes before school starts (7:40) and remain for 25 minutes after school is dismissed (3:45). Teachers should always follow the guidelines and procedures of both diocesan and local policies when taking disciplinary action. Teachers should take all reasonable precautions to prevent injury to persons or damage to property. USE OF THE INTERNET AND RELATED TECHNOLOGIES All employees, volunteers, and students of the Diocese of Salina will observe the terms, conditions and regulations set forth by the diocesan administration for the ethical use of the Internet and all related technologies. Access privileges may be revoked, school/diocesan disciplinary action may be taken and/or appropriate legal action taken for any violations that are unethical and may constitute a criminal offense. Internet Terms, Conditions, and Regulations A. Acceptable Use 1. The use of the Internet and related technologies must be in support of education and research consistent with the educational objectives of the school and/or diocese. 2. Use of other organizations’ networks or computing resources must comply with the rules appropriate for these networks. B. Unacceptable Use 1. The transmission of any material in violation of any United States or state regulation is prohibited. This includes but is not limited to: a. copyrighted materials b. material protected by the trade secret c. threatening, violent, or obscene material d. materials which harass, insult, or attack others e. unauthorized use of another’s computer, access accounts, and/or files 2. Prohibited also is the employment of the network for: a. commercial purposes b. product advertisement c. political lobbying d. game playing e. unauthorized “chat” or chain letter communication f. downloading materials without permission 3. Vandalism, the malicious attempt to harm or destroy data of another user or to damage hardware or software, is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to the uploading or creation of computer viruses. 33 4. Other examples of unacceptable information are: a. pornography b. inappropriate language and communications c. information on bombs d. letters of harassment C. Privileges The use of the Internet and related technologies is a privilege not a right. Inappropriate use may result in cancellation of those privileges. Each user who is prohibited access to the Internet and related technologies will participate in a discussion with assigned staff person (s) concerning the use of the network. The faculty, staff or parent/guardian may request the administrator or designee to deny, revoke or suspend a specific user’s access to the Internet and related technology due to unacceptable use. When applicable, law enforcement agencies may be involved. D. Warranties The Diocese of Salina through its educational programs makes no warranties of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service it is providing and will not be responsible for any damages users suffer. This includes loss of data resulting from delays, non-deliveries, mis-deliveries, or service interruptions. Use of any information obtained via the Internet and related technologies are at the user’s own risk. The Diocese of Salina specifically denies any responsibility for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through its services. The student or parent/guardian will be responsible for any financial obligation incurred through the use of Internet and related technologies that is not previously approved as part of the local budget. VISITATION OF SCHOOL Parents and friends are welcome to visit a students’ classroom. We ask that this be kept to a minimum though to prevent disruption to the learning process. Please make arrangements with the classroom teacher before the visit. Daily stopping by the class is a disruption to the class and can be upsetting to the child when the parent is departing, it is strongly discouraged. VOLUNTEERS/VIRTUS Volunteers are a valuable resource to our school, and necessary to the function of the school. For Holy Family, this service is also viewed as a ministry to the students of our school. As ministers we are required to fulfill the Safe Environment Protocol as established by the Diocese of Salina. This is for any volunteer that will have unsupervised contact with students of our school. Please contact the school office to determine if Safe Environment Protocols will be necessary for various forms of “All those who minister to children or young people are to be educated about the nature of child sexual abuse, how it is perpetrated, how to report it, and strategies for prevention. The Diocese of Salina has implemented a training program by the name of 34 “VIRTUS”. VIRTUS is a national program, widely in use in dioceses throughout the United States. It is a web-based on-line training program that specializes in helping churches and religious organizations create safe environments for children and youth. The program is mandatory for all adults [employees or volunteers] who interact on a regular basis with children in the Salina Diocese. There are three Parts to the VIRTUS program.” Viewing a 90-minute on-line video which covers in great detail the nature of child sexual abuse, how to respond properly when it is suspected and methods of prevention and reporting about childhood sexual abuse. A Certificate of Training Attendance is available after completing the training Providing personal information for a criminal background check to be run on each applicant or volunteer-which is accomplished when you register with the VIRTUS program. Reading and signing our Diocesan Code of Conduct, which each trainee is required to read and sign off on while completing the training. Most users complete the registration and training in 90 minutes. This replaces the former Safe Environment Program offered through our Diocese. For this reason, individuals can now complete their Safe Environment clearance in the privacy of their homes and at their leisure. The VIRTUS program also is available in Spanish. Anyone logging on to the VIRTUS web site is offered the Spanish option. Criminal Background Check Every adult who regularly ministers to children or young people in the Church must have a criminal background check conducted by the Diocese. The Diocese employs a private national company, Employment Screening Resources (ESR) to conduct the background checks. This also is accomplished online by the applicant. 35