JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 105, NO. D3, PAGES 3757-3769, FEBRUARY 16, 2000 A casestudy of transport of tropical marine boundary layer and lower troposphericair massesto the northern midlatitude upper troposphere WilliamB. Grant,• EdwardV. Browell,• CarolynF. Butler,2 MartaA. Fenn,2 MarianB. Clayton, 2 JohnR. Hannan, 3 HenryE. Fuelberg, • DonaldR. Blake,4 NicoiaJ. i•iake,• tSera•c• L. Gregory,BriantJ. Heikes,-Gienw. Sachse,HanwantB. Singh, 7 JulieSnow,s andRobertW. Talbots Abstract. Low-ozone (< 20 ppbv)air masses wereobserved in theuppertroposphere in northern midlatitudesover the eastern United Statesand the North Atlantic Ocean on severaloccasions in October1997duringtheNASA Subsonic Assessment, Ozoneand Nitrogen OxideExperiment (SONEX)mission.Threecases of low-ozone air masses wereshownto haveoriginated in thetropicalPacificmarineboundary layeror lower troposphere andadvected poleward alonga warmconveyor beltduring a synoptic-scale disturbance. The tropopause waselevated in theregionwiththelow-ozone air mass. Stratospheric intrusions accompanied thedisturbances. Onthebasisof stormtrackand stratospheric intrusion climatologies, suchevents appear to bemorefrequent from September throughMarchthantherestof theyear. 1. Introduction above normal 36.9% of the time, normal ozone 56.0% of the time, and below normal 7.1% of the time. When There have been a number of observations of low-ozone air massesin the northern midlatitudes that have been traced anticyclonic weatherpatternswith southerlyflow existed, total ozone was below normal 28.5 % of the time, normal to transportfrom the tropicalmarineboundarylayer or 66.8% of the time, and above normal 4.7% of the time. lowertroposphere. Table1 givesa summary of a number When only flow direction was considered,above-normal of suchobservations,as well as somefor which the source total ozonewas observed30.1% of the time for northerly regionwas not identified. Sincesuchdata are generally flow, while below-normal ozone was found 26.5% of the reported duringintensive fieldcampaigns or othershort-term time for southerlyflow. measurement programs,they cannotbe usedto developa The SubsonicAssessment, Ozone and NitrogenOxide climatology of low-ozoneevents. However,theydo help Experiment (SONEX) mission providedan opportunityto establishthat suchtransportdoesoccur. obtain more information regarding the transportof lowIn addition, total ozone over central Europe has been ozone air from the tropics to northernmidlatitudes. The studied as a function of weather pattern [Kalvova and purpose of SONEX was to study the upper tropoHalenka, 1995;DubrovskyandKalvova,1997]. The obsersphere/lowerstratospherein and near the North Atlantic vation was madethat when cyclonicweatherpatternswith flight corridor to better understandthis region of the northerly flow at 500 hPa existed, total ozone there was atmosphere andhow civilianair travelmightbe affectingthe atmosphericchemistry [Singh et al., 1999]. Bases of ]AtmosphericSciencesResearch,NASA Langley Research operationsincludedNASA Ames(Moffett Field), California Center, Hampton, Virginia. (37.4øN, 122.1ø-W);Bangor, Maine (44.8øN, 68.8øW); 2ScienceApplications International Corporation, Hampton, Shannon,Ireland (52.7øN, 8.9øW); and Lajes, Terceira Virginia. Island, Azores (38.8øN, 27.1øW). It took place from 3Department of Meteorology, FloridaStateUniversity, Tallahas- October 13 to November 12, 1997. see. 4Chemistry Department, University of California,Irvine. 5Center for Atmospheric Chemistry Studies,Graduate Schoolof 2. Low-Ozone SONEX 6AerospaceElectronicSystemsDivision,NASALangley Oceanography,Universityof RhodeIsland, Narragansett. ResearchCenter, Hampton, Virginia. Air Masses Observed Oil Low-ozoneair masseswere observedon four flights 7NASAAmesResearch Center,Moffett Field, California. Slnstitute for theStudyof Earth,Oceans, andSpace, University duringSONEXfromOctober13to 23, 1997(seeTable2). of New Hampshire,Durham. Copyright2000 by the AmericanGeophysical Umon. Papernumber! 999JD901022. 0148-0227/00/1999 JD901022 $09.00 Platei showsa pronounced exampleof low-ozoneair in the uppertroposphere, observed onthetransitflightfromNASA AmesResearchCenterto Bangor,Maine, on October13. Thisatmospheric crosssection of ozonewasobtained using a combination of datafrom the NASA LangleyResearch Center'sairborneUV differential absorption lidar (DIAL) 3757 3758 GRANT ET AL.: TROPOSPHERIC TRANSPORT FROM TROPICS TO MIDLATITUDES Table 1. Observations of Low-Ozone Air Masses Transported FromtheTropicalMarineBoundary LayerandLowerTroposphere to the UpperTroposphere at NorthernMidlatitudes. Dates Latitude,Longitude Altitude, Instrument km Ozone Authors Concentration, ppbv Midtroposphere Tropicalsoumeregion, observed in Ariantie Ocean 32.3øN, 64.8øW 11-12 52.S,øN,4. løW 11-12 35øN-59øN,9øW-92øW 6-15 ECC sonde ECC sonde UV DIAL 18 2 18 27øN, 139øE 12-14.5 UV DIAL <20 35.4øN,138.7øE 3.8 UV absorpt. 18 Koike et al. [1997] Tsutsumiet al. [ 1998] Unknownsourceregion May 2, 1993 May 29, 1997 August4, 27, 1993 38.8øN, 27.1øW 47.5øN, 11.1øE 32.3øN, 64.8øW 7-9* 3-5// 10-14' ECC sonde UV DIAL ECC sonde Oltmans et al. [1996] Eisele et al. [1999] Oltmanset al. [1996] Lower troposphere September16, 1991 48øN, 133øE 1.5-2.5 UV DIAL 26.9øN,128.3øE 0.02 UV absorpt. 20-25 April 23, 1993 Juy October 13-23, 1997 Oltmans et al. [1996] Davies et al. [ 1998] presentstudy Tropical sourceregion, observed in Pacific Ocean March 4, 1994 August 11, 1993 October 9, 1991 20-30 20-30 20-30 Browell et al. [ 1996]; Merrill [ 1996] Aldmotoet al. [1996] * nobackward trajectory analyses wereperformed todetermine whether thelowozone hadcomefromthetropics. //backwardtrajectorycalculations determined thattheair masscamefrom25øN,60øW. system [Browell, 1989;Richteretal., 1997;Browelletal., the intersection of the tropospheric background ozonevalue with the trend in the stratospheric ozone. This generally occursnear a value of 100 ppbv. The groundto 18 km evidentin themiddleof thelow-ozone region.Moretypical ozonecolurn variesfrom 65 Dobsonunits(DU) outsidethe ozonevaluesfor this time and placeare 40-55 ppbv, as low-ozoneair massregionto 20 DU inside. Note that 1 DU measured most of the time on the SONEX mission. A representsa milliatmosphere cm of ozoneat 760 torr and pronounced stratospheric intrusionis alsoevident justto the 293 K. eastof the Rocky Mountains. As will be discussed below, The UV DIAL/in sireozoneprofilesfor October15 and a synoptic-scaledisturbancewas associatedwith both the 20 were similarto thatfor October13. The tropopause in southerly transportof the tropicalmarineboundary layer thelow-ozoneregionwasnear 15 kin, andstratospheric air (MBL) air and the descentof the stratospheric air. The was observedon one or bothsidesdownto 3-4 km, with the elevated ozonein thelowertroposphere between Pittsburgh, 100-ppbvcontourdroppingto 6 km on October15 and9 km Pennsylvaxfia,and Albany, New York, is attributedto on October20. On October23, only the latitudinalrange photochemical smog[Grant et al., 1998]. The Total Ozone 55ø-58øN wassampled,anda 2-kmlayerof low ozone(22MappingSpectrometer (TOMS)imagefor thatday(Plate2) 40 ppbv)wasfound,alongwithoccasional valuesashighas clearly showshigh column ozone associatedwith a low 65 ppbvin the 6-8 km region. The TOMS imagefor this tropopause nearthe RockyMountainsandlow columnozone day showsincreasedcolumnozone to the northeastof the associated witha hightropopause to theeastof that. Figure flight track. The ozonecolurn from the groundto 16 km 1 showsthe UV DIAL/in situtropospheric columnozone for October 15 varied from 20 DU to 90 DU, while the andthesurface to 18km columnozoneaswellasthetropo- ozone column from the groundto 17 km on October20 1998] and in situ measurements [Gregoryet al., 1996] onboardthe NASA DC-8. Valuesas low as 18 ppbvare pauseheightalongtheOctober13 flighttrack. Thetropopauseheightwascalculated fromtheUV DIAL data,being varied from 8 DU to 70 DU. Severalapproaches wereusedto verify thatthelow-ozone Table2. Parameters of Low-Ozone Observations andComparisons During$ONEX Flight Date Latitude Longitude Altitude,M'mimum O3, km ppbv Negative PV* 3 Oct. 13 39ø46.5øN 92ø-64øW 6-14 18 yes 4 6 7 Oct. 15 Oct. 20 Oct. 23 54ø-55øN 35ø43øN 55ø-59øN 60ø42øW 9ø-12øW 9øW 5-13 7-15 9-12 22 18 22 yes yes *The valuesarejust slightlynegative. no GRANT ET AL.: TROPOSPHERIC TRANSPORT FROM TROPICS TO MIDLATITUDES 3759 Ames to Bangor SONEX 13 Oct 97 Flight 3 Ozone (ppbv) 20 40 60 I 16:00 I 17:00 I I I 18:00 ! I ,I 19:00 = 80 I, , I 100 I I 20:00 , , ,.I 21:00 , , , I 22:00 I i UT . Pittsburgh Albany Bangor 20-- --2O --0 38.13 39.58 39.29 38.68 41.71 45.37 46.49 N Lat -95.12 -84.65 -76.17 -67.68 -63.68 E Lon ! -116.19 -105.67 Plate 1. UV DIAL and in situ ozonedataobtainedon October13, 1997, duringthe flight from NASA Ames, California, to Bangor, Maine. The vertical and horizontalresolutionsare 300 m and 70 km, respectively,and the measurement precision/accuracy is 5 ppbvor 10g3,whicheveris larger. The black regionsrepresentozonein the stratosphere (concentration> 100 ppbv);the white regionsindicatemissing data. The dottedline at the bottom is the surfaceelevation. There is a stratospheric intrusioncentered near 95øW. air seenin northernmidlatitudesoriginatedin the tropical MBL: backwardtrajectoryanalysis;examinationof potential vorticity levels; and comparison of molecular species concentrations foundat midlatitudecomparedto the tropical MBL. 3. Backward Trajectories hPa. Thedataare processed usinga cubicsplineprocedure within the trajectorymodelin orderto interpolate the data to equally spaced5-hPa increments. Dependingon the flight, 6-8 pressurelevelssomewhere in the rangeof 100 hPato 400 hPa (flight 7), 500 (flight6), 550 (flight3), or 600 (flight 4) hPa wereused. Data pointswerecalculated each15 minutesof flight time (-•210 km). The backward trajectories wentback 10 days,with an arrow indicating Backwardtrajectoriescan be usedto indicatewhere the eachday. air massesoriginated. Backwardtrajectorycalculations Figure 2 showsthe backwardtrajectories calculatedfor were run at Florida StateUniversityusinginputsfrom the along EuropeanCentre for Medium-RangeWeather Forecasts flight 3 on October13, 1997. All of theair masses of 0ECMWF)in a kinematicanalysisinvolvingtheu, v, andw the flight track west of 70øWhad originsequatorward componentsof the wind [Fuelberg et al., 1996]. The 20øNandat severalpressure levels. Thebackward trajectoECMWF data are suppliedwith a horizontalresolutionof ries for arrival at 300 hPa all showascentnear 10øN, which zone(ITCZ), while at 2.5øby 2.5ø and 15 pressure levelsin theverticalup to 100 is nearthe intertropicalconvergence 3760 GRANT ET AL.' TROPOSPHERIC TRANSPORT FROM TROPICS TO MIDLATITUDES ß ß . ß ß a ß ß ß i ill i i i i i i i i:l i i t i I I IIi i II i I I i ß . ß ß IIIIIIdl illllllllllllll I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I IId I I ß . ß ß ß i ß ß . ß . ß ß ß ß . ß ß I I I III I I I I I I IIiI I I I I I I I,• I III I I I:1I I I I III Ill i I I I I I Ill. I i I I I I I Ill I i I I I i I• I I i I i ß ß . . . . ß ß I I I I I I I i ßIll I i I I ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß . ß " .., ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß ß . ß I ß i•1111 iiiiiit ß Jllll!l:ltllllll Ililtlll•1111111 : ß ß : ß IIIIIII1•1111111 : : : . ßIillllll i1•t i :d II11111 IIIIIIlllllllllliJlllll : ß : : • IIIII : ß ß ß . : ß . ß illlllillll i ! ß i i i lq t [ . ß j tiI i I i I ß i I ß i i { lq i i i i i { ß ill i i i I i . lliiIiiiNi!i ß IIiI ß iL•i" i •11111 ß I I i i I i i ill i i i i i i ! GRANT ET AL.: TROPOSPHERIC TRANSPORT FROM TROPICS TO MIDLATITUDES 3761 Plate 3. GOES-8 imagefor October13, 1998, with PV modeloverlay. The injectionof ozone-richair into the troposphere via < 150 hPa (not shown),therewasgenerallydescent.These intrusions hasbeenextensively studied[Danielbackwardtrajectoriesalongwith the stratospheric intrusion stratospheric shown in Plate 1 are consistent with the slantwise baroclinie motion which dominatesmidlatitudesynoptic-scale disturbances. GOES-8 water vaporimageryfor thisday (Plate3) showsan elongatedband of cloudinessassociatedwith the leadingedgeof a majortrough-ridgesystemat approximately 90øW (1830 UT). The troughaxis is characterizedby confluenceof descendingdry stratospheric air to the west and ascendingmoist convectiveboundarylayer air to the east [Browning, 1990]. The lfigh ozone mixing ratios encounteredat 10 kin and 1800 UT are found within the dry stratosphericintrusionwhile the broadbandof low-ozone mixing ratios encounteredat 10 kilometersbetween1900 and 2200 UT is found within the ascendingair. Cooper et al. [1998] also reported stratospheric air comingdownto meeta "warmconveyorbelt" (WCB). The GOES imagein their Plate 1 clearlyshowsa WCB off the east coast of the United States with a cold front to the west of it. They foundthat stratospheric air was generallyfound behind a cold front, but not ahead of the front. Harrold [1973] presented an earlyanalysisof theWCB. SuchWCBs typically have a width of 100-1000km, a depthof a few kin, and initially flows parallel to and in advanceof a surface cold front. Precipitationis also formed in an extensivemidtropospheric flow. sen and Mohnen, 1977; Danielsen, 1980; Browell et al., 1987]. Danielsen and Mohnen [1977] statethat ozone-rich air is transportedinto the tropospherewith each major cyclonicdevelopment. However, the transport of ozone-poorair from the convectiveboundarylayer into theuppertropospherevia the WCB has received less attention [Bethan et al., 1998]. This transport occurs along the WCB of northward moving, saturated mature air which mid-latitude lies ahead disturbances. of the confluence line in The southern end of the WCB lies within the convectiveboundarylayer while the northern end extendsinto the upper troposphere. Latent heat releaseassociatedwith frontal precipitationresultsin diabatic ascent of the saturatedboundary layer air along surfacesof constantequivalentpotentialtemperature. On October13 the WCB extendsfrom Baja California(20øN)to centralOntario(55øN)(seePlate3). The origin of the lowozonemixing ratiosshownin Plate 1 is likely to be within the convectiveboundarylayer at the southernend of the WCB. Most of the backwardtrajectoriesfor flight 4, October 15, originatedequatorwardof 20øN, this time associated with a strongconvective updraftassociated with the300-hPa air mass5 daysprior to arrival, followedby moregradual 3762 GRANT ET AL.' 100 - Ozone TROPOSPHERIC TRANSPORT FROM TROPICS TO MIDLATITUDES Column - 2O 8O 15 E D 60 o 40 N o 2O o 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Time, UT Figure 1. Troposphericozone colurm•sand tropopause heightdeterminedby the UV DIAL/in situ instrumentsonboardthe DC-8 for the SONEX October13, 1997 flight. ascents.For flight 6, October20, someof the flighttracks 1996;$inghetal. , 1996;NewelletaL, 1997;BrowelletaL, originated below20øN,whilefor flight7, October23, only 1998; Fenn et aL, 1999]. This is dueto net ozonedestruca few of the backwardtrajectorieshad suchorigins. tion resultingfrom photolysisof ozone and water vapor duringhigh UV irradianceand the production of peroxy radicalsthroughreactions withcarbonmonoxide or methane 4. Potential Vorticity (PV) in an atmosphere low in precursors for ozoneformation Potentialvorticitycan alsobe usedto help identifythe [Thompson et al., 1993;Monkset al., 1998]. originof the low-ozoneair masses.As shownby Browell Concentrations of othertracespecies canprovideaddi- et al. [1987, 1996], Beckmannet al. [1994], Newell et al. tional evidence that the low-ozone air massesobserved in [1997], Fennet al. [1999], and referencestherein,thereis northern midlatitudes hadtropicalMBL origins.ThePEMa highcorrelation betweenthePV andozoneof stratospheric TropicsA data set (southern Pacificfrom August30 to origin in the troposphere. Both PV and ozoneare well October 6, 1996) [Fennet al., 1999]includes tracespecies conservedin the lower stratosphere.However,the correlaconcentrations in thetropicalMBL. Thecategory of neartion decreasesat lower altitudesin the troposphere[Beck- surface(NS) air includesdata obtainedwithin 3 km of the mannet al., 1994]. Plate 3 hasPV modelproductsoverlaid oceansurface,with abouthalf of thedatacomingfromthe on the GOES-8 image, clearly showingthat the two hightropicsand the otherhalf from southern mid andhigh column-ozone regionsin the TOMS imagewere relatedto latitudes.Another category calledreference (REF)includes high PV at 238 hPa. In addition,sincethe sign of PV datawhichare within20% of the reference ozoneprofile changesfrom positivein the northernhemisphere (NH) to and did not havehigh aerosolloading. It did not include negativein the southernhemisphere (SH), any findingof data from the MBL. The values for the NS and REF cases negativePV wouldalsobe indicativeof transportfrom the are included in Table 3. Some comments can be made about tropicsto northernmidlatitudes.In fact, sometransportof theagreement betweenthePEM-Tropics A NS andSONEX air masses from the NH to SH was found in the Pacific low-ozoneair masses.The threeshort-lived(2 days)ocean sourcespecies,CH3I, CHBq, and CHIC1, had the best agreement withtheSONEXvalues,asmightbeexpected for rapid transportfrom the tropics to midlatitudes. The peroxidesconcentrations were muchlower in SONEX than in PEM-TropicsA, which is reasonable sincethey are water-soluble. Theotherspecies for whichcomparisons can be made had higher concentrations for SONEX than for 5. Concentrationsof Molecular Species PEM Tropics-A. Peroxyacetyl nitrate(PAN), whichhasa Ozonemixing ratiosin the tropicalMBL are low, on the highsourcein thestratosphere, wasmuchhigherin SONEX order of 5-20 ppbv [Routhieret al., 1980;Browellet al., air masses thanin PEM-TropicsA NS air masses, suggestExploratoryMission-TropicsA (PEM-TropicsA) data set [Fennet al., 1999]. For SONEX, severalflightsincluding that of October13 showednegativevaluesof PV (seeTable 2). Modified PV citedhere was from the GoddardSpace Flight Center/Data Assimilation Office (GSFC/DAO) assimilationmodel [Thompsonet ai., i999]. GRANT ET AL.' a) TROPOSPHERIC TRANSPORT FROM TROPICS TO MIDLATITUDES 3763 60 40 2o - 140 b) 200 , , - 120 , - 100 -80 -60 , , , , , , 96 120 144 ' 168 ' 192 ' 216 300 4OO 5OO 600 700 8OO 9OO b 1000 0 • 24 ' 48 ' 72 240 Hours Back Figure2. (a)Backward trajectories forflight3, October 13,1997,at300hPa(9.2km)showing thatmuch of theairmass sampled hadorigins in thetropical Pacific Ocean. (b)Same asla, butshowing thevertical motion of the air masses. ing thattherewassignificant mixingfrommid andupper to northernmidlatitudes.They obtainedbottlesamplesas well asmeasuring CO, NO, andNO• at 46.4øN,10.6øWfor troposphere in the SONEX air masses. Comparisons canalsobe madewithdatafromNS and an aircraftaltitudeof 4 km. Their values,reportedin their background air masses fromPEM-WestA [Browellet al., Tables 1 and 2, while lower for short-livedspeciesthanthe 1996]. ThePEM-WestA valuesweresometimes higherand adjacentair mass,are generallymuchhigherthanobserved sometimeslower thanthe PEM-TropicsA values. duringSONEX. This suggests thatthe air masses reported Bethanet al. [1998] alsomeasuredconcentrations of trace by Bethanet al. may have alreadymixedwith preexisting species in an air masstransported fromthesubtropical MBL mid-latitude air. 3764 GRANT ET AL.: TROPOSPHERIC o TRANSPORT FROM TROPICS TO MIDLATITUDES GRANT ET AL.: TROPOSPHERICTRANSPORTFROM TROPICSTO MIDLATITUDES 3765 6. Synthesis highestozonevalueswhile the period from Septemberto April or May hasthe highestvariability[seealsoThouretet Thus, three ways were usedto checkthat the low-ozone al., 1998]. Thusthe SONEX periodoccurredduringa time air seenin northernmidlatitudesoriginatedin the tropical with aboutaveragevariability. Note thatmostof the ozone Pacific MBL: backward trajectories;PV analysis;and excess and deficit cases occur within 2-4 km of the seasonal concentrationsof trace speciesin comparisonwith those averagetropopauseheight. This is consistentwith the ozone found earlier in the tropical MBL. Backwardtrajectory distributionshown in Plate 1 in which a synoptic-scale calculationsand PV could each be used independentlyto disturbance involvesbotha stratospheric intrusionandlongdeterminethe presenceof tropicalMBL air in the northern rangetransportof low-ozoneair from the tropicalMBL. mid-latitudeupper troposphere. Concentrationsof trace specieswas mostusefulfor oceansourcespecieswith short 7.2. Storm Track Climatologies residencetimes, CH3I, CHBr3, and CH3C1. Together,the Storm track climatologiescan also be used to suggest three approaches make an strongcasethat the air masses camefrom the tropicalPacificOceanwith the tropicalMBL when WCB transport of tropical MBL air to northern midlatitudesmight occur. Blackmonet al. [1977] provided propertiesintact. an early analysisof NH Atlantic and Pacific Oceanstorm tracks, which generally occur during fall and winter. 7. ClimatologiesRelated to Low-Ozone Hoskinsand Valdes [1990] point out that the warm oceans Transport From the Tropical MBL and Lower Troposphere off the east coasts of the cold North American and Asian continentsprovide the conditionsin which winter storm tracks are inevitable. However, suchconditionsare lacking in the SH so storm tracks are more extended (130ø in 7.1. Ozonesonde Results longitudeover the Atlantic) and less deftmite[Jamesand Ozonesondes can be usedto provideclimatologicaldata Anderson, 1983]. Chang [1999] examined the characteristicsof wave regarding the occurrenceof low ozone in the northern packets in theuppertroposphere for seasonal andhemisphermidlatitudes. Austin and Follows [1991] used the 20-year ozonesonderecord at Payerne,Switzerland,finding that the ic variations. The 300-hPa zonal wind was muchhigher in frequencyof stratospheric intrusionsat 300 hPa was maxi- the NH in winter (> 60 m s'l) thansummer(> 20 m s't), and standard deviations of the 300-hPa v' for 1980-1993 was mizedin late winter/earlyspringand minimalduringthe summer. Beckmannet al. [1994] providedtropospheric highin the NH in winter,with the highestvaluesextending ozoneclimatologies usingBrewer-Mastozonesonde datafor from the mid PacificOceanto northernEurope. Meridional theObservatorie deHauteProvence, southern France(44øN, groupvelocitieswere muchhigherin theNH for winterthan 6øE). The ozonein the5-10-kmregionwaslowestduring for summer. This analysisalso supportswinter as having October-March,droppingbelow 40 ppbv on average, more troposphericpolewardtransportthan summer. compared with over60 ppbvduringthemiddleof theyear. Similarresultswere shownfor otherEuropean ozonesonde 7.3. Stratosphericintrusion climatologies stations. Also, the heightof the 120 ppbv contourwas Sincethe threelongflighttrackobservations of upper shownto be highestfrom September thoughNovember, tropospheric low ozonemasses transported fromthetropics rising above 12 kin. the early 1990s. The only low-ozoneoccurrences of note occurredin conjunctionwith stratospheric intrusions,it seems thatsuchcoupling maybefrequent.Thisassumption is supported by Danielsenand Mohnen[1977]. Thusthe climatologyof stratospheric intrusionsis a secondarea of arepresented in Table1. A tropicalsource wasindicated by backwardtrajectories for the April 23, 1993Bermuda data investigation. Cooper et al. [1998] reviewed a numberof studieson Oltmanset al. [1996]provideozonesonde dataplotsfor several stations in the Atlantic Ocean from 32øN to 65øN in [Oltmanset al. , 1996]. stratosphere intrusions, findingthatmostof the papers The electrochemical concentration cell (ECC) ozonesonde reported a higherfrequency of stratospheric intrusions in the data for WallopsIsland, Virginia (37.5øN/75.3øW)for the periodJanuary5, 1979 to December22, 1992 [Pierceand Grant, 1998;Thouretet al., 1998]werealsoreprocessed to fall-to-spring period intheNH. Johnson andViezee [1981] foundozone intrusions in vimudly everytrough thatthey sampled overthecentral United States inthefallandspring developa climatology of low-ozone air masses overa point of 1978. Beckmann et al. [1997]reported the seasonal in the easternUnited States. The WallopsIslandozone- variation of stratospheric air injections at the Zugspitze sondes wereusedsincethereis a longperiodof continuous (2964m abovesealevel(asl))andWank(1780m asl) measurements, and sinceit representsnortherncontinental mountain stations in Germany.Duringtheperiodfrom September toApril,Wankhada highnumber ofevents per study. Figure3 showsthemeanozonemixingratiobelow month (7-12permonth, median equal to8)asdidZugspitze the actualtropopause with the dataaveragedmonttfiy,as (13-28permonth, median equalto 17),whileduring the midlatitudes. A total of 425 ozonesondes were used in the well asthefrequency of ozoneexcesses anddeficitsgreater period Mayto August, Wankhada lownumber (1-4per than30% from themonthlymean. The 100-ppbvcontour month), whileZugspitze hada moderate number (9-15per line is lowerduringthemiddleof theyearthanat theendof month). the year, and is significantly belowthe meantropopause Beckmannet al. [1997] also showthe distributionof the heightin the middleof the year, but aboveit at the endof annualmeandistribution of the globaltropopause folding the year. The period from April to Septemberhas the activityfor 1984-1993with a 10ø grid spacing.The loca- 20 ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' A - 15 v lO 0 2 4 6 Time (months) 8 10 2 20 'B ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' I ' ' ' --35-- 5 0 2 4 6 Time (months) 8 10 12 Figure3. (a) Themeanozone mixing ratiobelowtheactual tropepause withthedataaveraged monthly usingECCozonesondes forWallops Island, Virginia.Thedarklineis themonthly meantropepause height.(b)Thefrequency ofozone excesses • 30%above themonthly mean.(c)Thefrequency ofozone deficits < 30% below the monthly mean. GRANT ET AL.' TROPOSPHERIC TRANSPORT FROM TROPICS TO MIDLATITUDES 3767 20 15 • 25 • 6 8 10 Time (months) Figure 3. (continued) tions with > 50 events/yearin the NH are foundprimarily from easternNorth America to centralEuropepolewardof about35ø, with a few more southof Alaska but north of 50ø. The region of eastern Asia from 35ø-55øNhad >40 events/year. In general, the oceanshad more events/year thandid the continents. The locationsof the higherfrequenciesof troposphericfoldingactivitygenerallycorrespond to the locationsof high stormtrack activity. While there are a numberof caseswhere stratospheric intrusionswere associatedwith WCB transportfrom the foundto be associated with the WCB transport andappear to be generallycoupledto WCB transportin suchsynopticscale disturbances. Futurework to more firmly establishthe climatologyof transportfrom the tropical MBL to northernmidlatitudes might involve the use of TOMS daily globaltotal ozone maps, GOES water vapor images and wind fields. In addition,PV contourmaps couldbe usedto establishthe link with stratospheric intrusions.A preliminaryinspection tropicsto midlatitudes, thetwoprocesses arenotnecessarily of TOMS imagesindicatesthat coupledlow/high ozone linked. In general,the WCB is associated with a mature dipoles in which the low-ozoneregion moves from the directionandeventually midlatitudecycloneor synoptic-scale disturbance. The tropicspolewardin a northeasterly are fairly frequentin the September-March period. WCB is situatedahead of a cold front. Stratospheric dissipate intrusionsare associated with jet strea•, whichmay or may Acknowledgments. The authors thankA. Notaft(SAIC), L. W. not be coupledto the midlatitudecyclones. Overbay,W. J. McCabe, andJ. A. Williamsfor technicalsupport of the UV DIAL systemduringSONEX. The authorsalsothank M. A. Owens(HamstonUniversity),A.M. Thompson(NASA 8. Summary and conclusion GoddardSpaceFlight Center), and two anonymous refereesfor Low-ozoneair masseswere found in the upper tropo- helpful commentson the manuscript. The authorsthankR. B. dataanalysis,A.D. Frolov sphereof northernmidlatitudesbetween13.IøW and91. løW Piemefor the Wallopsozonesonde (University of Maryland) for the TOMS image,and L. Pfister on four flightsduringthe SONEX missionin October1997. (NASA Ames Research Center), T. L. Kuesera (StevenMyer and Using a variety of techniques,suchas backwardtrajectory Associates, Corp. at NASA GoddardSpaceFlightCenter)andA. calculations,PV analysis, and concentrations of various M. Thompsonfor the GOES-8image. species,it was shownthat theseair masseshave originsin thetropicalMBL. ConvectiveloftingneartheITCZ maybe involved in moving the MBL air to higher altitudes,but References evidently is not required. 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