RECENT ADVANCES in ELECTRONICS, HARDWARE, WIRELESS and OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Design Register Stack with Bubble Sorting Function Hoda B. Abugharsa The Higher Institute of Industry Misurata, LIBYA Email: Abstract: -In this paper we propose to design a register-stack with sorting ability, that means at any time we can stop pushing in and popping out data from the stack and start sorting the stored data. The sorting operation design depends on converting a sorting algorithm that called Bubble Sorting Algorithm into an Algorithm State Machine (ASM) chart in order to design a control unit for the stack that performs the sorting operation. Key-Words: -ASM chart, Bubble Sorting Algorithm, Register Stack, Control Unit, Data Processor. information that manipulated to perform arithmetic, shift, and other similar data processing tasks. Control information provides command signals that supervised the various operations in order to accomplish the desired data processing tasks. That means it generates the signals for sequencing the operations. It is a sequential circuit whose internal states dictated the control commands for the system. The control and data-processing tasks of a digital system are specified by means of hardware algorithms. An algorithm consists of a finite number of ocedura1 steps that specify how to obtain a solution to a problem [4][5]. A hardware algorithm is a procedure for implementing the problem with a given piece of equipment. A special flowchart that has been developed specifically to define digital hardware algorithms is called an algorithmic state machine (ASM) chart. 1 Introduction Many digital applications require that a data item can be inserted into a set and popped back out from that set at any time. This type of structure is called last in first out (LIFO) stack [1]. In some applications data that is stored in a stack need to be sorted. Sort this data may be done by using a hardware circuit. The algorithm state machine ASM is a device that has two units: data processor unit, and control unit. These units could be designed using a special flowchart called ASM chart. 2 Bubble Algorithm Bubble sorting is the most widely known algorithm among all sorting algorithms. One of the characteristic of this algorithm that it is easy to understand and apply [2]. Assume that the array needs to be sorted is denoted by x . It contains of n elements. The array elements are denoted by x[0], x[1],............x[n - 2], x[n 1] . The basic idea is illustrated in the following algorithm steps: 1. Start. 2. Let i=0 3. If i>n-2 go to step (8). 4. j=n-2 5. if j<i then let i=i+1 and go to step (3) . 6. if x[j] and x[j+1] are not sorted, then exchange them. 7. j=j-1 and got to step (5). 8. End. 3 ASM Chart Information in digital systems can be classified as either data or control information. Data are ISSN: 1790-5117 Fig. 1: Bubble Sorting Algorithm Flowchart. 105 ISBN: 978-960-474-155-7 RECENT ADVANCES in ELECTRONICS, HARDWARE, WIRELESS and OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS The ASM chart resembles a conventional flowchart, but it is interpreted somewhat differently. A conventional flowchart describes the sequence of procedural steps and decision paths for an algorithm without concern for their time relationship. But the ASM chart describes the sequence of events as well as the timing relationship between the states of a sequential controller and the events that occur while going from one state to other [4]. An ASM chart is composed of three basic elements that shown in Fig. 2. These elements are the state box, the decision box, and the conditional box. The shape of the state box is a rectangle within which are written register operations or output signal names that the control generates while being in this state. The state is given a symbolic name. The decision box describes the effect of an input on the control subsystem. It has a diamond-shaped box with two or more exit paths. The third element that is conditional box is unique to the ASM chart, it has an oval shape. The input path to the conditional box must come from one of the exit paths of a decision box. The register operations or outputs listed inside the conditional box are generated during a given state provided that the input satisfied [4]. 4.1 Moving Data in a stack Data in a stack moves from one register to other as follows[1]: When pushing data in, all previous stored data are pushed deeper one register into the stack. When popping data out, all previous stored data are popped back out by one register from the stack. 4.2 Status of a Stack It is very important to know the status of the stack before any new operation (pop or push operation). The stack at each clock cycle can be [6]: Empty: No data can be popped out of the stack, but new data can be pushed into it. Full: No data can be pushed into the stack, but data can be popped out from it. Not empty/Not full: The stack contains at least one item of data, so the pop operation can be performed, and the stack is not completely full, so that at least one item of data can be pushed into the stack. One way to detect the status of the stack is using m -bit up/down counter, where m log 2 n 1 . Before the first use of the stack, the counter is cleared. As an item is pushed into the stack, the counter counts up, and when an item is popped out from the stack, the counter counts down. If the reading of the counter is zero then the stack is empty, at this time if a pop signal occurs, then the counter keeps zero on its output. If the counter shows number of registers in the stack (n) then the stack is full, at this time if a push signal occurs, then the counter keeps n on its output. keeping the output of the counter could be done by loading the counter with its output. Fig. 4 shows a status detector circuit for n registers-stack. Binary code State Name Register Operation or output State Box 0 Condition 1 Register Operation or output Decision Box Conditional Box Fig. 2: ASM Charts Components. 4 Register Stack The stack in many computing systems is implemented with a group (array) of bi-directional shift registers [1]. The bi-direction shift register is a register with two data-in inputs and two data-out outputs. The register-stack has there control signals; they are Clk to drive clock signal, Push to move data in a direction, and Pop to move data in the other direction. Fig. 3 shows simplified illustration of a register-stack using n bi-directional shift registers {R0, R1, R2, ……….Rn-2, Rn-1} each one is r bits register. Fig. 4: Register Stack Status Detector. 5 The proposed Register Stack Converting the bubble sorting flowchart into an ASM chart is the first step to design the proposed register stack with bubble sorting function. The stack registers will be denoted by {R0, R1, R2, Fig. 3: Register Stack with n Registers. ISSN: 1790-5117 106 ISBN: 978-960-474-155-7 RECENT ADVANCES in ELECTRONICS, HARDWARE, WIRELESS and OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS into an ASM chart. We need to convert some software expressions we have use in the flowchart into hardware expressions. Fig. 6 shows the ASM bubble sorting chart. The variable i in that flowchart will be represented in the proposed ASM chart as m-bit up counter (i counter), where m log 2 n 1 . The initializing statement i=0 will be represented as clearing i counter, that means the clear input of i counter ( CLRi ) must be equaled to 1. The variable j in the same flowchart will be represented as m-bit down counter (j counter). The initializing statement j=n-2 will be represented as loading j counter with the value Q-2; where Q is the output of the status detector circuit that represents number of full registers in the stack. The value Q-2 could be generated using a subtracter circuit that receives Q and generates Q-2. This circuit is denoted by Q-2 circuit. Loading j counter with this value could be done by making the load input of j counter ( LD j ) equals to 1. ……….Rn-2, Rn-1}, where n is number of registers in the stack. The designed stack has a starting control signal denoted by StartSort. If StartSort=0 then the stack stays at its normal state, that means the stack performs push and pop operations. If StartSort=1, then the control signals (Push and Pop) will be masked and the stack state will be changed into sorting state. The stack stays at sorting state until an output that is denoted by Endsort becomes 1, at this time the stack is returned to the normal state and the signals Push and Pop will not be masked. At sorting state, we need to exchange data between any two registers in the stack, that is why we need to design an exchanger circuit. 5.1 Exchanger circuit A stack with n registers requires n 1 exchanger circuits, they are denoted by {C0, C1, C2, …….…. Cn-2}. The circuit Cj is connected to the registers Rj and Rj+1. The function of the exchanger circuit Cj is to exchange data between Rj and Rj+1 if they are not sorted, that is why Cj has two other input signals: The SortType input is for defining the sorting type. If SortType is equaled to 1, then it is ascended sorting, that is why if Rj > Rj+1, then we define Rj and Rj+1 as not sorted registers. Otherwise if SortType is equaled to 0, then it is descended sorting, that is why if Rj < Rj+1, then we define Rj and Rj+1 as not sorted registers. The Enj signal is for enabling the exchanger circuit Cj. If Enj is equaled to 0, then the circuit will not exchange data between Rj and Rj+1 even they are not sorted. If the registers R j and R j 1 are not sorted and the enable input of Cj exchanger circuit is activated then a pop signal to R j register ( Pop j ) and a push signal to R j 1 register ( Push j 1 ) will occur. Pop j will occur also if the external pop signal is equal to 1 (popping data out from the stack in the normal state), and Push j 1 will occur also if the external push signal is equal to 1 (pushing data into the stack in the normal state). Fig. 5 shows C j exchanger circuit. Fig. 5: Cj Fig. 6: ASM Chart for the proposed Circuit. In that bubble sorting flowchart there are some compare operations. The first compare operations is comparing the variable i with the value n-2. It will be represented in the ASM chart by comparing the output of i counter with the value Q-2, if i<=Q-2 then the comparator output (Z1) will equal to 1, otherwise Z1 will equal to 0. The second compare operation in the flowchart is comparing the variable j with the variable i. This compare operation will be represented by comparing the output of j counter with the output of i counter, if j>=i then the comparator output (Z2) will equal to 1, otherwise Z2 Exchanger Circuit. 5.2 Bubble ASM Chart The first step of the proposed design is converting the bubble sorting flowchart that shown in Fig. 1 ISSN: 1790-5117 107 ISBN: 978-960-474-155-7 RECENT ADVANCES in ELECTRONICS, HARDWARE, WIRELESS and OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS will equal to 0. The third compare operation in the flowchart is comparing x[j] with x[j+1]. This operation is represented by comparing Rj with Rj+1 data. When we need to compare Rj with Rj+1, we must enable the exchanger circuit C j , that means Enj input of Cj must be 1. An m/n decoder with enable input could be use to activate only one exchanger circuit each time. The input of this decoder is the output of j counter. The outputs of this decoder are connected to the enable inputs for the exchanger circuits. When the enable input of the decoder (EnDec) equals to 1 then the enable input of Cj will equal to 1. Fig. 7 shows the proposed register stack, it consists of n registers, n-1 exchanger circuits, two counters, a status detector, two comparators, and a control unit. Fig. 7: The Proposed Register Stack with sorting Function ( Q1Q0 ). The inputs of these flip-flops are ( D1 D0 ). Fig. 8 shows the control unit state table. From that table the flip-flops inputs can be obtained from: D0 T0 .StartSort T2 D1 T1Z1 T2 . Z 2 T3 The outputs of the control circuit could be obtained from: 5.3 The Control Unit The ASM chart that is shown in Fig. 6 has 4 states; they are T0, T1, T2 and T3. The binary codes of these states are 00, 01, 10, and 11. The control unit for the proposed stack is a sequential circuit. To design this control unit we should represent the ASM chart in a sequential circuits-state-table form. The inputs of the sequential circuit are the start sorting signal (StartSort), the first comparator output (Z1), and the second comparator output (Z2). The outputs of this sequential circuit are the clear input of i counter (CLRi), the up count input of i counter (UPi), the load input of j counter (LDj), the count down input of j counter (Downj), the end sorting signal (EndSort), and the enable input of the decoder (EnDec). To implement four states sequential circuit we need two flip-flops. We will use D flip-flops. ISSN: 1790-5117 CLRi T0 .StartSort Upi T2 .Z 2 LD j T1. Z1 Down j T3 EnDec T2 .Z 2 EndSort T1. Z 1 108 ISBN: 978-960-474-155-7 RECENT ADVANCES in ELECTRONICS, HARDWARE, WIRELESS and OPTICAL COMMUNICATIONS Current State State T0 T0 T1 T1 T2 T2 T3 Q 1Q 0 00 00 01 01 10 10 11 Inputs S* 0 1 x x x x x Z1 x x 0 1 x x x Next State Z2 x x x x 0 1 x State T0 T1 T0 T2 T1 T3 T2 Q1Q0 00 01 00 10 01 11 10 Flip-Flops Input D1 D0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 *S=StartSort Fig. 8: Control Unit State Table. Fig. 9 shows the complete control circuit for the designed stack. An 2/4 decoder is used to decode the two flip-flops output to the four states of the control unit Fig.9: Control Unit Circuit References: [1] Thomas L. Floyd "Digital Fundamentals", Prentice Hall, July 2005. [2] Robert Lafore, " Data Structures & Algorithms in Java", Second Edition, Sams Publishing, 2003. [3] Ronald L. Rivest, "Introduction to Algorithms", Second Edition, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 2001. [4] Morris Mano, "Digital Design", Prentice Hall, Third Edition 2002. [5] Sajjan G. Shjiva, Huntsville, " Introduction to Logic Design", MARCEL DEKKER Inc, second Edition, 1998. [6] H. Abugharsa, A. H. Maamar, "Self Checking Systolic Stack", WSEAS IMCAS'08, pp 98-101, 2008. ISSN: 1790-5117 109 ISBN: 978-960-474-155-7