Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook

2015 – 2016
This handbook and designated links review policies and procedures relevant to the Wegmans
School of Nursing (WSON) and the College.
It is the responsibility of every student to know and observe the guidelines, policies, and
procedures published in this Undergraduate Nursing Handbook and the relevant Collegewide policies available on the SJFC website and/or College Catalog.
WSON Mission and Goals: http://www.sjfc.edu/academics/nursing/about/mission.dot
Program Outcomes: http://www.sjfc.edu/academics/nursing/departments/nursing/outcomes.dot
Resources & Policies:
 St. John Fisher College Undergraduate Catalog:
Academic Calendar:
Student Code of Conduct and College Policies:
Academic Integrity Policy:
Departments and Contacts: http://www.sjfc.edu/about/directory.dot
Personal Safety Information:
The Campus Posting Policy:
Student Lab Printing Policy
Guidelines for Accommodating Students with Disabilities:
Table of Contents
1. WSON Structure
2. Program Overview
a. WSON Mission
b. WSON Goals
c. WSON Baccalaureate Program Outcomes
d. WSON Curricular Elements
3. Web Links for Traditional Undergraduate Nursing Program Curriculum
a. Required Nursing Courses: see
b. Typical Plan of Study: see
c. Fast Track BS/MS Option in Nursing: see
4. Web Links for Registered Nurse Baccalaureate Degree (RN/BS)
a. RN/BS Program: see
b. RN/BS Course Descriptions: see
c. Fast Track RN/BS to MS Option: see
5. WSON Guidelines for Reasonable Accommodation
Admission Policies
Reasonable Accommodation
6. Professional Conduct & Behavior Standards
Essential Behaviors for Continuation & Graduation of all WSON
Nursing Students
Professional Conduct & Behavior Implementation Guidelines
Social Media Policy
Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Procedures
7. Progression, Dismissal & Appeal Policies
General Progression Policies: Traditional Program
General Progression Policies: RN/BS Program
WSON Undergraduate Grading Scale
Repeating a Nursing Course
Grade Appeal Process
Readmission or Reactivation of WSON Student Status
a. Withdrawal/Dismissal Policy for Academic Performance
8. Academic Policies
General Attendance/Participation Policies
Policy on Written Assignments
Academic Integrity
WSON Testing Policy
Missed Examination Policy
Grievance Procedure
Student Response System Process
ATI Comprehensive Testing
9. Advising
a. Independent Study Protocol for Nursing
b. Application for Graduation
c. Application to New York State for a RN License
d. Registration for the NCLEX Exam
10. Honors in Nursing Policy
a. NURS 498 – Honors Project
11. Nursing Majors in the College Honors Program
12. The Learning Resource Center and Simulation Center
13. Traditional Program Clinical Performance Policies and Guidelines
a. Policy for Clinical Requests from Students
b. General Policies
c. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading
d. “Critical” Clinical Behaviors
e. Unsafe Incidents
f. Examples of Unsafe or Unprofessional Behaviors
g. Clinical Experience Attendance
h. Simulation Experience Attendance
i. Cancellation of Classes & Clinical Due to Weather Conditions
j. Medical Clearance for Missed Clinical Days for Health Reasons
k. Medication Administration
l. Parking Compliance at Clinical Sites
m. Transportation of Clients
n. Policy on Universal Precautions
o. Policy on Gifts
14. RN/BS Program Clinical Performance Policies and Guidelines
a. General Policies
b. Clinical Compliance
c. Arranging the Clinical Practice Experience
d. Clinical Practice experience Attendance
e. Medical Clearance for Missed Clinical Days for Health Reasons
f. Parking Compliance at Clinical Sites
g. Transportation of Clients
15. Annual Clinical Compliance
a. Certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR
b. Health Appraisal
c. Malpractice Insurance
16. Professional Appearance Guidelines
a. In All Settings
b. Uniform Policy for all Clinical Settings
c. Community Health Setting Appearance Guidelines
d. Identification Badge
17. Student Activity Opportunities
a. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing
b. Student Involvement in Wegmans School of Nursing
c. WSON Student Nurse Association (SNA) & National
Student Nurses Association (NSNA)
d. NSNA Code of Academic & Clinical Conduct
e. NSNA Code of Professional Conduct
f. NSNA Bill of Rights & Responsibilities for Students of
g. American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses
18. General Information
a. WSON Accreditation Information
Assessment Coordinator: Caroline
Assistant to the Dean:
Carolyn Martin
K. Shea;
Sim Lab
Director: J.
LRC Director:
Teresa Brache
Dr. Dianne Cooney
Dr. Marilyn
UG CoChairs
Dr. C. Smith
Dr. C.NelsonTuttle (Sr)
Adm Asst
Judy Martz
UG Clinical
Julie Vilinsky
Nursing Grad
Dr. Colleen
Track Coordinators
FNP: Dr. N. Masco
CNS: Dr. L. Dambaugh
PMHNP: Dr. Kathy Plum
AGNP: Dr. C. Donegan
Dr. John
Dr. Pamela
MHC Grad
Dr. Rachel
Adm Asst
Mary Haley
Grad and RN/BS
Sarah Denis
MHC Faculty
2. Program Overview
a. WSON Mission
Professional nursing education at the undergraduate, graduate, and doctorate
of nursing practice level requires discipline to meet and exceed professional
standards; knowledge of liberal arts and sciences as well as theories and
models that guide scholarly practice; and goodness in the sense of
commitment to meeting societal nursing needs for diverse populations
through accountable practice.
The Wegmans School of Nursing is dedicated to graduating baccalaureate,
advanced practice nurses, and doctoral-level clinicians, who will provide
expert, compassionate, ethical care, and be leaders in nursing and healthcare
environments. To promote an internalized standard of excellence in nursing
practice, the School of Nursing fosters academic and clinical practice
environments for students that provide the opportunity for students and
faculty to engage in:
Active involvement in the quest for knowledge
Professional competence
Collaborative relationships
Ongoing personal growth
Flexibility and openness to change
Effective communication
Modeling of professional behaviors
Community involvement
b. WSON Goals
1. To prepare baccalaureate, advanced practice, and doctoral-level clinicians
2. To provide educational models that are sensitive to the needs of a diverse
student body
3. To participate in local, state, national, and global healthcare and nursing
education policy development and implementation in professional and
civic venues
4. To provide a supportive, collegial environment that encourages
excellence in teaching-learning, professional development, and
faculty/student scholarship
5. To improve clinical practice outcomes, health policy, and care delivery
c. WSON Baccalaureate Program Outcomes
1. Integrate the liberal arts and sciences and nursing courses to promote
holistic outcomes for clients.
2. Support interprofessional communication and collaboration for improving
client health outcomes.
3. Advocate for clients and support their right to safe, compassionate, and
holistic nursing care.
4. Integrate critical thinking and decision-making throughout the nursing
process to improve the care of clients.
5. Practice as a responsible member of the nursing profession reflecting
current standards of practice including ethical and legal accountability.
6. Apply basic organizational and systems leadership for quality care and
patient safety in the provision and management of health care.
7. Practice patient-centered care respectfully and non-judgmentally with
diverse populations of individuals, families, and communities.
8. Engage in ongoing, self-directed learning, self-evaluation, and goal
setting throughout your nursing career.
9. Engage in the scholarship of evidence-based practice and research to
support high quality health outcomes and safe nursing care.
10. Promote clinical prevention and population health based on an
understanding of global health care issues.
11. Use information management systems and apply patient care technologies
for clinical decision-making.
d. WSON Curricular Elements
The WSON eight curricular elements, developed by the faculty, in concert with the
College-wide Learning Goals, shape the curricula and evaluation methods and
establish the desired outcomes for the undergraduate and graduate programs.
The following tables give examples of how the curricular elements have influenced
the programs of study.
Curricular Elements Definitions
Building upon a liberal arts and science base, an understanding and
internalization of the discipline of nursing acquired through Carper’s
(1978) four patterns of knowing; empirics, the science of nursing; aesthetic,
the art of nursing; personal knowledge or self-knowledge;
and ethics the component of moral knowledge.
Use of evidence-based practice; measurement of outcomes.
Appreciation for patterns of knowing, capacity for evaluating, synthesizing
Professional Values
Life-Long Learning
or mental manipulation of ideas across disciplines; awareness of what one
knows and what one does not know.
Compassionate, therapeutic, interdisciplinary, essence of nursing. Foundation for
nurse/client (individual, families, groups and populations)
therapeutic relationship; Writing skills, computer skills, information access and
Understanding the interactive aspects within and among humans; understanding
continua of processes.
The whole is greater than the sum of the parts – appreciating this; recognition of
humans and environments as complex, dynamic entities.
The actualization of knowledge in systematic nursing practice.
Scholarly practice
Practice of nursing which is informed (influenced, directed, impacted) by four
patterns of knowing; a creative process that evolves in interaction with
client and environment.
Affectively held beliefs and understandings about professional nursing
practice. Give definition to the character, responsibilities and moral obligations
pertaining to accountable nursing practice.
Defined in part by professional organizations but reside in individuals and
actualized in practice and role function.
Use of nursing knowledge, scholarly practice, laws and guidelines; Personal or
acquired skills in delivery of nursing professional skills (teaching,
therapeutics, measurement) to populations.
Awareness of self and others as nurse; vehicle for actualizing professional
values and commitment
An appreciation, respect, and acceptance for cultural influences in all
aspects of life, including health, illness and death. An understanding
of global interrelatedness of individuals and health care systems.
Embracing and celebrating difference.
A passion for continual expansion of self as a member of society, and as a
member of a profession. Self-directed behaviors, reflection, goal-setting,
setting boundaries. Commitment to growth.
3. Web links for Traditional Undergraduate Nursing Program Curriculum
a. Required Nursing Courses: see
b. Typical Plan of Study: see
c. Fast Track BS/MS Option in Nursing: see
4. Web links for Registered Nurse Baccalaureate Degree (RN/BS)
a. RN/BS Program: see
b. RN/BS Course Descriptions: see
c. Fast Track RN/BS to MS Option: see
5. WSON Guidelines for Reasonable Accommodation
These policies are specific to students who are seeking admission or who have been
admitted to the Wegmans School of Nursing (WSON). The WSON policies
support the college policies related to students with disabilities in the college
catalog, Office of Academic Affairs website (http://www.sjfc.edu/campusservices/academic-affairs/disability/academic-accommodations.dot), and clarify
unique situations related to professional nursing practice. The ability of the WSON
to reasonably meet the student’s learning needs and accommodations is dependent
on the contractual requirements of clinical agencies used for clinical and
community learning experiences.
The faculty in the Wegmans School of Nursing at St. John Fisher College values the
process by which individuals achieve their highest level of healthy functioning.
The faculty also is “interested in attracting the widest possible group of talented
individuals who can successfully enter the profession if appropriately supported”.
These values are balanced by the responsibility to the public to prepare only those
professional nurses who will provide safe and effective care. The Americans with
Disabilities Act (ADA) provides the legal framework to guide these responsibilities
(American Association of Colleges of Nursing [AACN], 2001).
a. Admission Policies
Application to the Wegmans School of Nursing is required to enter the junior
clinical year of study for the traditional pre-licensure program. Application to
the RN/BS program is required for those who have completed an associate’s
degree or diploma program in nursing and are licensed in NY as a RN.
Application criteria are fairly applied to all students. Upon acceptance to the
Wegmans School of Nursing, all students must have a current history and
physical exam by a licensed health care provider documenting physical,
emotional, and psychological stability sufficient to meet the demands of a
professional nursing program. “The ability to function independently in a
clinical practice setting is essential to the role of professional nursing” (AACN,
Competencies necessary for the professional practice of nursing include the
functions listed below. The functions, with or without reasonable
accommodation include, but are not restricted to the specific examples listed.
1. Sensory: ability to see, hear, touch, smell and distinguish colors (NCSBN,
 Visual acuity must be sufficient to observe and assess client
behavior, prepare and administer medications and accurately read
monitors; accurately read gauges and calibrated equipment having
fine lines; and read client records including graphs.
 Auditory acuity must be sufficient to hear instructions, requests, and
monitor alarms at a distance of 30 feet and to auscultate heart tones,
breath sounds and bowel sounds.
2. Interactive: interpersonal and communications skills (NCSBN, 1999).
 The ability to speak, write and comprehend the English language
 Communicate orally and by telephone.
 Speak and write with accuracy, clarity and efficiency.
3. Physical: gross and fine motor skills, physical endurance, strength and
mobility (NCSBN, 1999).
 The ability to lift weights of up to 35% of recommended body
weight independently.
 The motor ability necessary to manipulate equipment and supplies
and to utilize palpation and percussion in client assessment.
 Sufficient manual dexterity to open doors, perform CPR, maneuver
in client areas, such as multiple occupancy rooms, access storage at
heights of six feet, move a medication cart or emergency cart along a
hall, manipulate sphygmomanometers and stethoscopes, electric and
manual beds and electronic fluid pumps and thermometers.
Be at a correct height to perform physical care activities such as bed
bath, positioning, transferring, dressing changes, sterile technique,
IV administration, placing a bedpan, emptying a urine drainage bag
and applying protective clothing.
Perform isolation techniques in a client’s room.
Dispose of sharps in a client’s room.
Operate client-lifting devices.
4. Cognitive: reading, arithmetic, analytic, and critical thinking (NCSBN,
 Ability to learn, think critically, analyze, assess, solve problems.
 Set priorities and reach judgments.
 Communicate in a professional manner.
 Establish rapport with clients and colleagues.
5. Emotional stability and ability to accept responsibility and accountability and
function effectively under stress (AACN, 2001).
NOTE: Students who will require special accommodation or services must
document the requirements as outlined in the college catalog, Office of
Academic Affairs’ website at http://www.sjfc.edu/campusservices/academic-affairs/disability/academic-accommodations.dot and
contact the Office of Academic Affairs, Kearney Hall Room 202, (585) 3858034. Students are also required to contact the Senior Level Undergraduate
Chair of the Wegmans School of Nursing and each course faculty with the
appropriate paperwork from the Office of Academic Affairs to discuss
reasonable accommodations requested to perform activities in the classroom
and for the professional nursing role in the clinical setting.
b. Reasonable Accommodation
Students with documented special needs may require reasonable
accommodation in the clinical setting. However, “there are some impairments
that preclude participation in professional nursing. An individual may be able
to master content and pass classroom examinations but possess certain
limitations or conditions that cannot be surmounted with present technology”
(AACN, 2001). All requests for reasonable accommodation are handled on an
individual case-by-case basis.
Once admitted to the Wegmans School of Nursing, all students are measured by
the same academic standards (AACN, 2001). Regardless of disability and
reasonable accommodation, a student must pass all courses with a grade of “C” or
higher and achieve a satisfactory and/or passing grade (C) in all required clinical
competencies in order to progress in the nursing curriculum.
The Wegmans School of Nursing will review each case on an individual basis
for students who experience a change in health status affecting their physical,
mental and/or emotional status while in the Wegmans School of Nursing.
During this review, faculty in the Wegmans School of Nursing will determine
the student’s ability to continue in the program and progress in nursing courses.
For this review, students must resubmit a health form completed by a licensed
health care provider, which documents the changes in status, certifying their
ability or lack of ability to meet the demands of the professional nursing roles
documented in this policy.
American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2001, January). Guidelines for
accommodating students with disabilities in nursing. [Online]. Retrieved from,
National Council of State Boards of Nursing. (1999, July). Uniform core licensure
requirements: A supporting paper. [Online]. Retrieved from,
6. Professional Conduct and Behavior Standards
a. Essential Behaviors for Continuation & Graduation of All WSON Nursing
The following behaviors reflect the professional conduct and accountability
competencies expected of all students. Failure to comply with these essential
behaviors will affect progression and may result in student dismissal from the
1. Emotional Stability
Students must:
 Possess the emotional health required for the full utilization of
intellectual abilities, the exercise of sound judgment, and the timely
completion of responsibilities in their programs/areas of study.
 Maintain mature, sensitive, and effective relationships with patients,
students, faculty, staff, other professionals, and agency personnel under
all circumstances including highly stressful situations.
 Possess emotional stability to function effectively under stress and
adapt to environments that may change rapidly without warning and/or
in unpredictable ways as relevant to their programs or areas of study.
Demonstrate empathy for the situations and circumstances of others
and appropriately communicate that empathy.
Acknowledge that values, attitudes, beliefs, emotions, and experiences
effect their perceptions and relationships with others.
Willingly examine and change their behaviors when they interfere with
productive individual or team relationships.
Demonstrate effective and harmonious relationships with the diverse
academic, professional, and community environments relevant to their
chosen programs of study.
Professional Conduct
Students must:
 Possess the ability to reason morally and practice nursing in an ethical
 Willingly learn and abide by professional standards of practice as well
as regulations for professional licensure.
 Students must demonstrate the attributes of compassion, integrity,
honesty, responsibility, and tolerance.
b. Professional Conduct and Behavior Implementation Guidelines
Students in all nursing program levels are held to the standards of professional
conduct dictated by the ANA Code of Ethics, ANA Standards of Professional
Nursing, ANA Social Policy Statement, St. John Fisher Code of Student
Conduct, and the School of Nursing Student Handbooks. Professional
misconduct is a serious breach of professional standards, whether it is
demonstrated in the classroom, in clinical areas, with patients and families,
other health care workers, classmates, faculty, or members of the public.
All students are advised of the Essential Behaviors for Continuation and
Graduation during program orientation, and via the WSON Undergraduate
Nursing Handbook. If and when a student does not meet these expectations for
essential behaviors, the following steps occur:
1. Problematic behavior is documented: Problematic behavior will be
documented by faculty in the student’s record.
2. Problematic behavior results in a contract: If a pattern of problematic
behavior or a single, very serious lapse in the essential behaviors becomes
evident, the steps below should be followed so the student is informed that
the student’s continuation in the program is in jeopardy.
3. Composing the contract: The student’s instructor and/or academic advisor,
in consultation with the program level Undergraduate Chair, will prepare an
individual student contract identifying what needs to be demonstrated in
order to meet the essential behaviors and thus remain in the program.
4. A Nursing Faculty Committee (composed of the Junior or Senior Level
Undergraduate Chair, Academic Advisor and the course faculty) approves
the contract: The individual student contract is reviewed and approved by
the Nursing Faculty Committee. The documentation of lapses in the
essential behaviors must accompany the contract.
5. Student/Faculty Conference: The Junior or Senior Level Undergraduate
Chair, instructor and/or academic advisor meet with the student to present
the individual student contract. After the student reads and signs the contract
(signature indicates that the student has read it), the contract is placed in the
student’s academic file.
6. Contract is monitored each semester by Nursing Faculty Committee: If the
stipulations in the contract are not upheld by the student, the student will be
subject to dismissal from the nursing program.
7. Review the resource on professional boundaries: National Council State
Boards of Nursing Resource: A Nurse’s Guide to Professional Boundaries:
8. Campus Resources: Students may access campus resources including:
a. Fisher Counseling Resources: Fisher recognizes that personal or
academic issues may impede a student’s progress in school. Shortterm personal counseling is offered in a supportive and confidential
environment. For more information or to make an appointment
contact the Health and Wellness Center office: (585) 385-8280.
b. Academic Skills Enhancement: Student support is available through
the: Writing Center (385-8151) http://www.sjfc.edu/campusservices/writingcenter/, the Math Center (385-8407)
http://www.sjfc.edu/campus-services/mathcenter/, and online
tutoring through Smarthinking accessed through the Student Portal at
OR if you have an account through:
c. Social Media Policy
Nursing students may not post any material or information that could potentially
violate patient confidentiality or professional behavior guidelines on social
media sites. Although Blackboard and other online tools used in a nursing
course are not considered social media sites, students are expected to observe
professional standards for communication in all interactions. Students may be
subject to disciplinary action by the school and the clinical agency for
comments that are either unprofessional or violate patient privacy. HIPAA
regulations apply to comments made on social networking sites and Blackboard
or other online tools, and violators are subject to the same prosecution as with
other HIPAA violations.
1. Social media includes but is not limited to blogs, podcasts, discussion
forums, online collaborative information, and publishing systems that are
accessible to internal and external audiences (i.e., Wikis, RSS feeds,
video sharing, and social networks like MySpace, Twitter, Youtube, and
Postings on social networking sites are subject to the same professional
standards as any other personal interactions. The permanence, worldwide
access, and written nature of these postings make them even more subject
to scrutiny than most other forms of communication.
3. Restricted postings include, but are not limited to, protected health
information – individually identifiable information (oral, written, or
electronic) about a patient’s physical or mental health, the receipt of
health care, or payment for that care.
4. Online postings or any discussions of patients or events are strictly
prohibited, even if all identifying information is excluded.
5. Under no circumstances should photos or videos of patients or photos
depicting the body parts of patients be taken or displayed online.
6. Statements made by you within online networks will be treated as if you
verbally made the statement in a public place.
Refer to the:
 American Nurses Association’s Social Networking Principles
Toolkit at
 National Council of State Boards of Nursing’s Social Media
Guidelines website resources:
 NCSBN White Paper: A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social
Media https://www.ncsbn.org/Social_Media.pdf
NCSBN A Nurse’s Guide to the Use of Social Media - pamphlet
NCSBN Social Media Guidelines for Nurses – video
d. Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Procedures.
General Procedures:
The following is a general description of the Professional Standards Conduct Hearing
Procedures. These procedures may vary as appropriate for specific hearings.
1. The Associate Dean chairs the Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Procedures and
convenes a Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Committee consisting of the
Associate Dean (Chair) and two faculty members with practice experience relevant to the
2. The Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Committee will read statements on
confidentiality and procedures for fairness, the alleged violations, and any associated
incident report(s).
3. The complainant(s) and respondent(s) will be asked to present their accounts of the
incident or behavior in question, including presenting relevant evidence and responding to
any information provided by any witnesses. This can be done in writing or in person or
4. The Professional Standards Hearing Committee will have the opportunity to ask the
complainant(s), respondent(s), and any witnesses who attend the hearing relevant
questions in regard to the incident.
5. The Associate Dean will summarize to the complainant(s) and respondent(s) their
understanding of the incident or behavior in question.
5. The complainant(s) and respondent(s) will be offered an opportunity to make a summary
statement to the Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Committee at the conclusion of
the hearing.
6. All other persons, besides the Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Committee, will
then be excused from the hearing room while the Professional Standards Conduct Hearing
Committee considers the information presented and determines responsibility for the
violation, and any sanctions to be applied in the event the respondent is found responsible
for the violation.
7. The student will be informed of the outcome of the hearing verbally at the closing of the
hearing or may be told that more information is needed before making a decision.
a. If a student is found not responsible, no further action will be taken.
b. If a student is found responsible, any sanctions will be effective immediately.
c. If more information is needed, the student will be provided with a date by which
the decision will be made.
If the Associate Dean or other Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Committee members
determine that a witness or complainant may be emotionally harmed by giving evidence or
information in the presence of the respondent during a Professional Standards Conduct Hearing,
arrangements may be made to allow witness participation while not depriving the respondent of
access to the evidence or information. As appropriate and requested, College personnel will
provide support to students in those cases involving sexual or physical assaults.
Please Note: No audio or other recording of a Professional Standards Conduct Committee
Hearing or Administrative Hearing is permitted by any person.
The respondent may request that a witness(es) with firsthand knowledge submit a notarized
statement. Statements must be received at least 48 hours before the scheduled hearing. In a
Professional Standards Conduct Committee Hearing, and at his/her discretion, the WSON
Associate Dean may request that witnesses who have submitted statements attend the hearing.
The respondent may choose one person to act as a character witness who will submit a statement
to the Associate Dean no later than 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing.
Please note that all Professional Standards Conduct Hearings are private and closed to everyone
except the involved persons (i.e., the Complainant, the Respondent, and those witnesses invited
by the Associate Dean). A student may not be accompanied by legal counsel (whether a
practicing attorney or not) unless criminal charges are pending or foreseeable, in which case an
attorney may accompany the student for the sole purpose of advising the student during the
hearing. The ability to have legal counsel present is restricted to the Professional Standards
Conduct Hearing. Legal counsel may not be present during subsequent appeal hearings, if any.
Procedure for Determining Responsibility:
In order to make a decision regarding any alleged violations, the Professional Standards Conduct
Hearing Committee reviews all information presented through the report(s), complainant,
respondent, and any witnesses. The determination will be made on the basis of whether there is
sufficient evidence, in the judgment of the Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Committee,
that the respondent violated any Professional Standards policies/regulations. The Professional
Standards Conduct Hearing Committee will review the relevant information presented to
determine the outcome that is best supported by that information.
Types of Sanctions:
If a student is found responsible for a violation, the Professional Standards Conduct Hearing
Committee will determine the appropriate sanction(s). Prior violations for which a student was
held responsible and subject to previous sanctions are taken into consideration when sanctioning
decisions are made in all cases. The sanction(s) designated by the Committee may include the
following (or modifications or combinations of them):
a. No action.
b. Written Warning: An official written statement that documents the finding of
responsibility for violation(s) of Professional Standards policy.
c. Disciplinary Probation: A period of time specified for observing and evaluating a
student's conduct, with or without special conditions. The student shall automatically
be removed from probation when the imposed period expires.
d. Suspension: A suspension from the Wegmans School of Nursing may be by term, in
which case the student is eligible to re-enroll at the end of the stated period of time.
Readmission to the School after a suspension requires an interview with the Dean of
the Wegmans School of Nursing or his/her designee.
e. Expulsion: Permanent termination of student status.
Notification of Outcome: Respondent:
In addition to any verbal communication, students will receive written notification of the
outcome of their Student Conduct Hearing, Appeal Hearing, or Probationary Status Review by
mail or USPS sent to their mailing address of record, or through their College e-mail address. It
is the student’s responsibility to check their mail and College e-mail address for such
After the conclusion of a Professional Standards Conduct Hearing, the student may choose to
submit a letter or an email from his/her SJFC email account requesting an appeal hearing to the
Dean of the Wegmans School of Nursing. This letter must be received by the Office of the Dean
(WSON 201) within five (5) business days after the student has received written notification of
the original hearing decision.
Grounds for Appeal:
For an appeal hearing to be considered the student must demonstrate in writing that one or more
of the following applies to his/her situation:
1. The original hearing was inconsistent with the established Professional Standards
Conduct Hearing procedures.
2. The sanction imposed was not in keeping with the gravity of the violation.
3. Evidence is now available that could not have been obtained at the time of the hearing.
An appeal hearing will be considered only on the ground(s) alleged by the student. The WSON
Dean will consider the information contained in the appeal request and relevant information
contained in the student’s Professional Standards Conduct Hearing file. The Dean may also
consult with the Associate Dean for background information regarding the original Professional
Standards Conduct Hearing.
The student will be notified of the status of his/her appeal request within five business days of
the receipt of the written appeal request.
Appeal Hearing Procedures:
If an appeal hearing is granted, the WSON Dean, at his/her discretion, may meet with the
appellant individually. The appeal decision made by the WSON Dean or his/her designee is final.
There is no further opportunity beyond this appeal for a student to dispute or further appeal the
decision(s) made.
Interim Action/Interim Suspension:
Any time following the submission of an incident report, verbal or written, the Associate Dean of
the Wegmans School of Nursing or his/her designee may modify or suspend the rights of a
student to be present at a clinical site or to attend classes for an interim period prior to resolution
of the Professional Standards Conduct Hearing proceeding, including any appeal. The decision
will be based on whether the allegation of misconduct is apparently reliable and whether the
continued presence of the student at the clinical site or in class reasonably poses a threat to the
physical or emotional condition and well-being of any individual, including the student, for
reasons relating to the safety and welfare of any person, College property, or any College
function. The decision to modify or suspend the rights of a student for an interim period will be
communicated in writing to the student, and will become effective immediately. Notification will
either be hand-delivered or sent by certified mail. Failure or refusal to take receipt of notification
will not negate or postpone said action.
A student who is suspended or has had their privileges modified for an interim period will be
provided an opportunity to respond to the allegations of misconduct through a Professional
Standards Conduct Hearing scheduled as soon as is practical following the effective date of the
interim suspension or action.
The interim suspension or modified privileges will remain in effect until a final decision has
been made on the pending complaint or until the WSON Associate Dean determines that the
reason for imposing the interim suspension or modification of privileges no longer exists and the
student receives written notice that the interim action is no longer applicable.
Student Professional Standards Conduct Hearing Records:
All documentation of Professional Standards Conduct Hearings become part of the student’s file
maintained by the Wegmans School of Nursing, and as such is part of the student’s educational
record, which is maintained in the Office of the WSON Dean. Records may be released to
College officials on a “need-to-know” basis. Student Professional Standards Conduct records
may be released to persons and agencies external to the College with the student’s permission, or
in compliance with the law. Records subpoenaed or ordered by a judge may be released without
the student’s permission. A record may also be released if it is in the College’s legal interest to
do so.
All student Professional Standards Conduct files will be maintained for seven (7) years after the
most recent recorded incident. Records pertaining to students suspended will be maintained until
seven (7) years after the suspension is completed. Records pertaining to students who are
expelled will be maintained permanently.
7. Progression, Dismissal & Appeal Policies
a. General Progression Policies: Traditional Program
Two failures of any NURS courses (not including the Freshman and Sophomore
Nursing Seminars NURS 107/108 and NURS 205/206) by an undergraduate
student in the Wegmans School of Nursing will result in the dismissal of the
student from the program. A student who successfully repeats a failed nursing
course will be dismissed from the program if a second nursing course is failed.
A grade of C (75) or higher is required to pass all nursing courses. A course in
the major for which the student has received less than a C, and/or an
unsatisfactory clinical grade, must be repeated. For clinical nursing courses,
both the classroom & clinical portions must be repeated regardless of what
part(s) of the course was (were) failed.
A student failing to earn a C in a course with a clinical component (NURS 300,
317, 323, 423, 403, 431, 429, and 449) will not be allowed to progress to the
next level clinical course until the course has been successfully repeated with a
grade of C or higher and a grade of satisfactory in clinical.
Successful completion of a Nursing Non–Clinical Course is defined as follows:
1. Completion of all course assignments and tests.
2. Achievement of a final course grade of C or higher.
3. Grades at 0.5 or higher will be rounded up
Successful completion of a Nursing Clinical Course is defined as follows:
1. Completion of all course assignments and tests.
2. Completion and submission of clinical assignments and written work.
3. Achievement of an average grade of C or higher on all exams AND
4. Achievement of a final course grade of C or higher AND
5. A satisfactory grade in clinical
6. Grades at 0.5 or higher will be rounded up
NURS 449 Clinical Preceptorship Progression
If a student earns a grade of “U” unsatisfactory in a clinical preceptorship course
and this is the student’s second failure, the student will be dismissed from the
nursing program. If this is the student’s first failure, the student will be required to
return the next semester and:
1. Repeat the preceptorship course NURS 449 and either a. or b. (see below:
a. If a student fails NURS 449 based on a failure to meet clinical
competency, they must take a 1 credit clinical independent study for 126
hours that is done in conjunction with the senior medical-surgical
clinical NURS 423. The rationale for this is in order to assist a student to
meet competency in the repeated preceptorship course, the student will
need additional clinical time with faculty feedback and guidance before
NURS 449 is repeated.
b. If a student fails NURS 449 for other reasons (e.g., professional
misconduct), every effort will be made to schedule the student to repeat
NURS 449 early in the following semester.
2. Attend the NURS 400 NCLEX review course and participate in all review
classes and practice tests. To support the student’s success after graduation
on the NCLEX-RN—repeating this course will provide them with
additional timely practice before the NCLEX-RN exam after graduation.
c. General Progression Policies: RN/BS Progression
Two failures of any NURS courses by an undergraduate student in the
Wegmans School of Nursing will result in the dismissal from the program.
A student who successfully repeats a failed nursing course will be dismissed
from the program if a second nursing course is failed.
A grade of C (75) or higher is required to pass all nursing courses. A course
in the major for which the student has received less than a C, must be
Successful completion of a Nursing Course is defined as follows:
1. Completion of all course assignments and tests.
2. Completion of clinical practices experiences (NURS 332, 451, and
3. Achievement of a final course grade of C or higher.
4. Grades at 0.5 or higher will be rounded up
d. WSON Undergraduate Grading Scale
75-77 *
FA Failure due to absence
*C or higher is required to pass any Nursing course
NOTE: Students will receive a final course grade of “C-“ when the course
grade is higher but they receive a test average grade below 75 on or if
they receive an unsatisfactory grade in clinical. If their overall grade for
the course is less than a C-, they will receive the grade earned.
d. Repeating a Nursing Course
Students who wish to repeat a nursing course in order to complete the
curriculum should:
1. Confer with the Junior or Senior Level Undergraduate Nursing Chair or
RN/BS Program Director to establish a plan of study for completing
nursing course work, core courses, and/or enroll in courses to complete a
2. Meet with course faculty in which the student was unsuccessful to
determine a plan for future remediation.
3. Submit an updated official transcript to the SJFC Registrar and notify
the Junior or Senior Level Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS Program
Director if any courses were taken outside of SJFC for credit during the
delay in the student’s progression. Prior to taking courses outside of
SJFC, students must follow college-wide policies for residency
requirements and obtain prior approval for transfer credit equivalency
from the Registrar’s Office.
4. Any student who wishes to take a nursing course at another accredited
baccalaureate nursing program must receive written permission from the
Junior or Senior Level Undergraduate Nursing Chair or RN/BS Program
Director. Students must provide the Junior or Senior Level
Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS Program Director with a course
description/syllabus in order for a decision to be made. The WSON
reserves the right to decide if a course exhibits appropriate content,
outcomes, and credit allotment to substitute for a course in the WSON
undergraduate curriculum. Students may only transfer in a nursing
course with a grade of C or better that has been approved by the Junior
or Senior Level Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS Program Director. There
is a limit to the number of courses or credits that can be transferred into
the nursing major.
e. Grade Appeal Process
Students who choose to appeal the grade they have earned in a nursing course
1. Discuss the grade and the concerns with the course faculty immediately
when a problem is identified after the grade is posted.
2. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of the meeting with the
faculty member, the concerns should be put in writing, forwarded to the
Associate Dean within five business days of the grade posting or the
appeal will not be considered, and the student should make an
appointment in this timeframe to meet with the Associate Dean to discuss
the concerns.
3. If the student is not satisfied with the resolution of the grade concern after
meeting with the Associate Dean, the student should meet with the Dean
of the WSON. The student will submit the specific concerns in writing to
the Dean before the scheduled meeting.
4. The decision of the WSON Dean is final for all grade appeals within the
Wegmans School of Nursing.
f. Readmission or Reactivation of WSON Student Status
Students seeking readmission or reactivation of student status in the WSON
must meet the current GPA admission requirement for the WSON and
submit an application per WSON and college procedures.
Students who began the upper division or nursing major and have taken a
leave of absence from the College or who have not taken required
nursing courses for more than one year:
Traditional Program Students: May be required to audit or re-take
courses as determined by the Wegmans School of Nursing’s
Enrollment Management Committee prior to being re-admitted or
registering for the next level required course with a clinical
Traditional Program Students: May progress in the nursing program
on a space available basis after a letter of intent to reactivate in the
program is received and approved.
Traditional Program Students: May be required to practice and pass
clinical skills/competencies in the Learning Resource Center before
attending clinical.
g. Withdrawal/Dismissal Policy for Academic Performance
1. Students who receive a grade below a C in any required nursing course may
repeat the course one time only.
 Receiving a grade below a C in a course twice or receiving a grade
below C in any two nursing courses, will result in dismissal from the
nursing program.
2. If a student withdraws from the same nursing course twice, the second
withdrawal will be treated as a failure in the course for progression purposes.
If the student withdraws or fails the course again, the student will not be
allowed to register for additional nursing courses and will be dismissed from
the Wegmans School of Nursing.
a. This policy applies to nursing students in all programs—BS, RN/BS,
MS, & DNP.
b. This pertains to withdrawals in two different semesters. If a student
withdraws from multiple courses in the same semester, it counts as one
withdrawal semester.
c. If a student withdraws from a course a second time because of at-risk
academic or clinical performance, the second withdrawal will be treated
as a failure. If the student fails or withdraws from the course again, the
student will not be allowed to register for additional nursing courses and
will be dismissed from the program.
d. At-risk academic or clinical performance is determined by the Dean
and/or Associate Dean of the Wegmans School of Nursing.
e. The student will be notified via certified mail of their dismissal from the
f. There is no appeal to dismissal from the Wegmans School of Nursing.
Students who remain in good academic standing may consider
transferring to another major at the College and should immediately
meet with the Junior or Senior Level Chair or RN/BS Program Director
to discuss options.
8. Academic Policies
The faculty in the Wegmans School of Nursing view the teaching learning process
to be a shared process in which both the faculty and student are accountable for
achieving educational outcomes which lead to professional entry into practice for
graduates who successfully matriculate in the nursing curriculum. Nursing majors
are viewed as self-directed adult learners who are vitally interested in achieving
their professional goals, and therefore must be active participants in the learning
processes associated with course work. The faculty is committed to fostering a
mutually satisfactory learning environment that stimulates initiative, criticalthinking, curiosity, responsibility/accountability, and an ethical frame of reference.
The policies that follow are designed to communicate basic parameters that are
operative in the Wegmans School of Nursing at St. John Fisher College.
a. General Attendance/Participation Policies
The following general guidelines/policies provide the student with expectations
that reflect participative, responsible student learning behaviors:
Prompt attendance is required for classes, clinical, simulation and/or
skills lab experiences. Excessive absences, including leaving early or
arriving late, may result in a faculty member assigning a grade of
“failure due to absence” (FA) as indicated in the undergraduate grading
policy and College catalog.
RN/BS students are expected to actively participate in all aspects of
online courses and maintain a presence in the cyber community through
regular contributions to class discussions, group work, and other
activities online. Failure to participate on a regular basis may result in a
faculty member assigning a grade of “failure due to absence” (FA) as
indicated in the undergraduate grading policy and College catalog.
Students will complete ALL readings, online modules, assignments and
teaching-learning activities as designated in the course syllabus.
Students will prepare as designated in the course syllabus for class, lab
experiences, simulation experiences, and clinical. Students will actively
engage and participate in ALL teaching learning activities.
Students will be proactive in seeking faculty assistance in order to be
successful in achieving course objectives.
Students will organize and manage their time to utilize the skills
laboratory, simulation center, course materials, library and Internet
resources for self-directed learning.
If an absence from a class, clinical, simulation, and/or skills lab
experience is anticipated, the student should notify the faculty in the
course prior to the class and as soon as the student realizes there is a
conflict that cannot be avoided.
For any absence from class, clinical, simulation, and/or skills lab
experiences, it is the student’s responsibility to initiate a meeting with
the appropriate course faculty, so a plan for meeting the requirements for
the course can be reviewed and approved by faculty. The faculty
establishes expectations and the deadline for makeup work. All assigned
work for each course must be completed to pass the course.
The student is accountable for communicating with course faculty in the
case of any absence. The faculty may request documentation to verify
the need for an absence (e.g., a note from a healthcare provider clearing
the student for return to class/clinical). The Wellness Center at St. John
Fisher College does not provide documentation of illness/injury unless
the student was originally seen in the Wellness Center for the
illness/injury. The student is responsible for the consequences of the
The RN/BS student is accountable for communicating with course
faculty in the case of illness or other emergent personal reasons that may
result in late submissions of assignments or absence from the cyber
community. The faculty may request documentation to verify the need
for an absence (e.g., a note from a healthcare provider clearing the
student for return to class/clinical). The Wellness Center at St. John
Fisher College does not provide documentation of illness/injury unless
the student was originally seen in the Wellness Center for the
illness/injury. The student is responsible for the consequences of the
It is expected that examinations will be taken by the student as
scheduled in the syllabus, and that assignments will be submitted on
the date indicated in the syllabus. It is at the discretion of course
faculty to decide if extraordinary circumstances presented by the student
will merit any exceptions to this policy.
b. Policy on Written Assignments
The Wegmans School of Nursing has the following policies regarding
written assignments:
1. The most current edition of the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association is the required style manual that must be used
in writing papers in the Wegmans School of Nursing.
2. Written work will be submitted on time and to the designated faculty
member in person, unless otherwise arranged, and will be congruent
with faculty guidelines for the specific assignment.
3. One electronic copy and one printed copy of each student paper are
required, unless faculty directs students to submit to an electronic
assignment site for grading.
4. For RN/BS students, unless otherwise directed by faculty, students will
submit all assignments electronically through Blackboard .
5. Plagiarism in a paper will make the paper unacceptable and will result in
actions described in the section on “Academic Integrity”
6. All written work submitted should be original and done for the specific
course that semester. When students are repeating a course, they must do
original work and not submit previously written papers or other
7. Faculty may require students to submit papers to TurnItIn or other
designated website to determine plagiarism.
c. Plagiarism
Faculty will adhere to College Guidelines as found in The Academic
Integrity Policy: http://catalog.sjfc.edu/undergraduate/academicinformation/integrity.dot
d. Academic Integrity
All students are expected to be familiar with the details of the SJFC Policy
on Academic Integrity found at:
portions of which are quoted in the following:
Violations of the Academic Integrity Policy include, but are not limited to:
1. Cheating
a. Possession of unauthorized material (e.g. books, notes) that could
be used during an exam, quiz, test, etc.
b. Hiding or positioning of notes or other tools for the purposes of
cheating on an exam, quiz, test, etc.
c. Unauthorized possession of, or knowledge of, an exam, quiz, test,
etc., prior to its administration
d. Looking at another person’s exam, quiz, test, etc. without
permission of the instructor
e. Marking an answer sheet in a way designed to deceive the person
correcting it
f. Altering a graded work after it has been returned
g. Unauthorized access to Internet resources or an electronic
device(s) during an exam, quiz, test, assignment, etc.
2. Plagiarism
a. Representing another person’s work as one’s own, or attempting
“to blur the line between one’s own ideas or words and those
borrowed from another source.” (Council of Writing Program
Administrators, January 2003, http://wpacouncil.org/node/9)
b. The use of an idea, phrase, or other materials from a written or
spoken source without acknowledgment
c. Submitting work that was procured through sale or trade
3. Duplicate Submission of Work
a. Submitting the same, or substantially the same, piece of work to
more than one instructor without the express permission of all
instructors involved
4. Facilitation of Academic Dishonesty
a. Giving improper aid to another student or receiving such aid from
another student or source prior to or during an in class or take
home exam, quiz, test, assignment, etc., without the express
permission of the instructor
b. Retaining, reproducing, possessing, using or circulating previously
given materials when indicated that they are to be returned to the
instructor at the conclusion of the an exam, quiz, test, etc.
c. Taking a test for someone else or allowing someone else to take a
test for you
d. Allowing another person to do one’s work and submitting that
work under one’s own name
e. Providing work to another student to submit as their own
f. Allowing a person to put their name on a group work submission
when they did not work on the assignment
5. Falsifying Data or Research
a. Fabricating information, data or citation as part of a laboratory,
fieldwork or other scholarly investigation
b. Knowingly distorting, altering or falsifying the data
c. Using data acquired by another student without the consent of the
d. Failing to include an accurate account of the method by which the
data were gathered or collected
e. Representing the research conclusions of another as one’s own
f. Undermining or sabotaging the research investigations of another
g. Obtaining and/or reporting research data in an unethical and
intentionally misleading manner
6. Obstructing Library Use and/or Access to Materials
a. Any action that deprives others of equal access to library materials
such as hiding, selling, destroying, mutilating, removing or
deliberately damaging library materials
7. General Academic Misconduct
a. Actions that violate standards of ethical or professional behavior
established by a course or a program
b. Theft, mutilation or destruction of another student’s academic
work, including books, notes, computer programs, papers, reports,
laboratory experiments, data, etc.
c. Using means other than academic achievement or merit to
influence one’s academic evaluation
d. Attempts to bribe an instructor for academic advantage
e. Actions or behaviors that violate standards for ethical or
professional behavior established by a course or program in an offcampus setting that could damage the College’s relationship with
community partners and affiliated institutions
Refer to the St. John Fisher College Undergraduate Catalog.
The faculty in the Wegmans School of Nursing are committed to fostering student
professional ethical behaviors and to this end will adhere to and enforce the SJFC
Academic Integrity Policy. Because professional nursing practice is also guided
by the Code of Ethics for Nurses (ANA, 2015), the Code is adapted in specific
clinical evaluation tools that will be utilized in all clinical coursework.
Any student charged with behavior that constitutes professional misconduct will
have the case adjudicated by the Associate Dean and nursing faculty designated
by the WSON Associate Dean.
e. WSON Testing Policies
The following policies pertain to all testing situations in the WSON. These are
posted in WSON classrooms and computer labs, available to students in the
Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook and enforced by all exam proctors.
The WSON has a zero tolerance policy for cheating on tests. Cheating or
compromising test security is an ethical concern and a sign of professional
misconduct. The college-wide Academic Integrity Policy is found at:
Students are expected to adhere to the following for all classroom testing
conducted as part of nursing courses:
1. Turn off all electronic devices (i.e., cell phones, beepers, IPODS, etc.).
2. Electronic devices are to be secured in a backpack or purse and are not to
be accessed or used during testing.
3. Calculators are to be basic calculators and must be approved by the
4. All purses/backpacks, books, papers, food, drinks, and other materials,
except a pencil/pen, are to be removed from the desk and placed in an
area of the testing room designated by the proctor.
5. Students may use a scrap piece of paper for calculations that is provided
by the proctor only; no other papers are to be on student desks during
testing. This scrap paper must be signed and returned to the proctor prior
to leaving the testing area.
6. No talking or eating/drinking is allowed during testing.
7. Hats must be removed.
8. The proctor may assign seats for testing.
9. Attestations for academic honesty are signed by the student prior to
starting the test.
10. Looking around the room and at others’ tests/computer screens is not
11. Test questions are randomized; therefore tests are not the same.
12. All students must remain in the testing area once the test has begun. If an
emergency arises, the student will be escorted to and from the testing area
by staff/faculty contacted by the proctor.
13. All paper tests, with the attached signed attestations for academic honesty,
must be signed and handed in to the proctor when the student is finished
prior to leaving the testing area.
14. Students must leave the testing area when they complete the exam and are
not permitted to return to the area until all students are finished with the
15. Students may not copy, print, or duplicate any exam or part of an
16. Students may not share or discuss test questions with other students or
write down questions for others’ or their personal use.
17. The consequences for cheating or altering test security, as determined by
the course faculty, may include: a grade of zero for the test, failure of the
course or dismissal from the nursing program. The college-wide Academic
Honesty Policy is found at: http://www.sjfc.edu/dotAsset/109895.pdf
For Blackboard or Web-based Testing:
1. Computer test questions are randomized; therefore tests are not the same.
2. Unless otherwise specified by the instructor, the only program to be open
for computerized tests is the test itself on Blackboard or other testing site,
with the exception of the Microsoft calculator program if permitted by the
3. Unless otherwise specified by the instructor, the test can only be opened
once and submitted. Students will lose answers if they leave the test for
any reason or do not submit the test when finished.
4. Students may not electronically copy, print, duplicate, or send any
exam or part of an exam.
5. Students may not share or discuss test questions with other students or
write down questions for others’ or their personal use.
6. The consequences for cheating or altering test security, as determined by
the course faculty, may include: a grade of zero for the test, failure of the
course or dismissal from the nursing program. The college-wide Academic
Honesty Policy is found at: http://www.sjfc.edu/dotAsset/109895.pdf
f. Missed Examination Policy
Students are expected to take course examinations on the date indicated in the
course syllabus.
1. If an exam is missed, it is at the discretion of the course faculty to decide
if extraordinary circumstances presented by the student will merit any
exceptions to this policy. Prior notification by the student to the faculty is
required if an exam will be missed in order for exceptions to be
2. The range of possible extraordinary circumstances include but are not
limited to:
Death in family
Personal illness
Family illness
Serious injury
3. If an exception is made due to extraordinary circumstances, it is the
expectation that the student is prepared to take the exam within 24 hours
of the original exam date/time as indicated in the course syllabus. In the
event that the student is unable to take the exam within 24 hours of the
original date/time the exam is scheduled, documentation of the
illness/injury from a healthcare provider may be required and it is up to
the discretion of the course faculty whether that exam is offered after 24
4. The Wellness Center at St. John Fisher College does not provide
documentation of illness/injury unless the student was originally seen in
the Wellness Center for the illness/injury that precipitated the missed
course examination.
5. Exams missed due to scheduled vacations, appointments, oversleeping,
interviews, shadowing, or work-related commitments will result in a grade
of zero for the test.
6. All communication related to a missed exam and plans for make-up must
be documented in an email to/from the faculty and student; and will be
placed in the student’s file.
g. Grievance Procedure
The SJFC faculty are committed to assisting you in achieving your academic
goals. Faculty in the Wegmans School of Nursing at SJFC believe that teaching
and learning occur as a dynamic process involving the student, the teacher, and
the environment. Faculty strive to create a personal and professional environment
conducive to student achievement and growth. Basic to this is a sense of respect
and openness in the sharing of ideas, and in role modeling. If a student discerns
that there has been any instance of unfair treatment, a lack of communication, or a
breach of School of Nursing or College policy, the student should follow the
administrative "chain of command" (see WSON Structure) in order to seek a
Make an appointment with the faculty member that is involved, in order to
discuss your perception of the issue or problem. It is a good idea to put
this in writing in order to make you more comfortable, and to be concise
and accurate in your presentation. This also allows the faculty member to
respond to your concerns in an organized, pertinent manner and allows
both of you to arrive at consensus and an action plan.
If your issue cannot be resolved with the faculty person, make an
appointment with the Associate Dean. Present your case in the same
manner as advised in #1. Design an action plan. If the issue is not
resolved, you can then make an appointment with the WSON Dean.
Meet with the Dean to discuss your issue. It is important to write out your
thoughts and why the problem has not been solved. An action plan will be
developed after conferencing with the Dean.
h. Traditional Program Student Response System Process
The Student Response System is used for all undergraduate nursing courses to obtain
immediate student feedback and to assess student learning. Students must use a
Response Card to participate in the Student Response System. Students are
responsible for:
1. The initial purchase of the Response Card (Clicker) in the Bookstore prior to
the first scheduled nursing course as directed in the course syllabus.
2. Registering the Response Card serial number online through the Blackboard
learning management system for each nursing course using the Response
3. Replacing the Response Card if it is lost, stolen, or broken by purchasing a
replacement through the Bookstore within one day.
4. Bringing the Response Card to every nursing class. Failure to bring the
response card may have course grading penalties.
5. Assuring the Response Card is in working condition at the start of every class.
6. Maintaining the Response Card by purchasing extra batteries and replacing
the battery as needed or at least every 6 months to assure the device is in
working order for classes.
7. Academic integrity with use of the Response Cards. Students caught cheating
or using another student’s Response Card will be disciplined per academic
8. Using the Response Card in class as directed by the faculty member. Students
that do not participate in the Response Card class activities may be subject to
course grading penalties.
i. Traditional Program ATI Comprehensive Testing
All undergraduate pre-licensure students are required to take ATI Content
Mastery and RN Comprehensive Predictor practice and proctored assessments.
Additionally students complete focused reviews based on their practice
assessment results for courses requiring ATI testing.
The Wegmans School of Nursing faculty is committed to preparing graduates to
be successful in passing the NCLEX-RN. The faculty of the WSON selected
the testing resources of Assessment Technologies Institute (ATI) based on
review of psychometric data and current evidence-based research on NCLEXRN success. All undergraduate pre-licensure nursing students participate each
semester in the ATI testing program through select courses. ATI is a web-based
testing process designed to assess and reinforce knowledge gained during the
term and develop critical thinking skills in preparation for mastering the
NCLEX-RN exam upon graduation. ATI practice and proctored assessments
validate student strengths and identify areas in need of improvement. T o
facilitate mastery of knowledge necessary for success in the program, and on
the NCLEX-RN exam, students have access to online ATI products such as:
 Practice tests in the Learning System RN
 Nurse Logic 2.0 modules for developing prioritization, decision-making
and test taking skills
 Practice and proctored assessment results
 Individual Performance Profiles to create focused-reviews for
 Online and print resources for remediation
 “How to” tutorials and documents to instruct students on how to use the
ATI resources
The cost for this service is included in the student fees assessed each semester.
Students are encouraged to take their participation and performance on all ATI
practice and proctored online assessments seriously. Performance on the
proctored assessment is weighted as 10% of the final course grade.
Assignment and scheduling of testing in each course is identified in the course
The WSON faculty recognizes that Proficiency Level 2 or higher, achieved on
all ATI Content Mastery Series proctored assessments, may be predictive of
success in the nursing program and on the NCLEX-RN after graduation.
1. Testing
a. In courses with associated ATI Content Mastery Series proctored
assessments, students are required to take a(n):
i. Initial non-proctored practice ATI assessment independently
and complete a focused review as scheduled in the course
syllabus. Students may take the non-proctored practice
assessment as many times as desired.
ii. Second non-proctored practice ATI assessment independently
and complete a focused review as scheduled in the course
syllabus. Students may take the non-proctored practice
assessment as many times as desired.
iii. Proctored ATI assessment as part of the overall course grade.
b. All students need to complete the two assigned practice assessments
and complete a focused review for each practice assessment based on
their Individual Performance Profile results in order to sit for the
scheduled proctored assessment. To assure student completion of the
practice assessment and a focused review, the faculty will assess the
students’ online ATI Transcript results.
c. Any student who fails to complete the required online practice
assessments or the focused reviews is still required to sit for the
ATI proctored assessment. However, no points are awarded,
regardless of achieved proficiency level, for the proctored
assessment and could lead to course failure.
2. Student Remediation
a. Students are expected to review the results of the practice and
proctored assessments and remediate all content areas identified
in the Individual Performance Profile that fall below 60% or a %
as established by the course faculty.
b. Methods of remediation may include (but are not limited to)
a targeted review of identified areas of content mastery
highlighted in the student’s Individual Performance Profile by
using the course notes/text/assignments, online or print (book)
ATI resources as targeted in the Individual Performance Profile,
creating a Focused Review, developing index cards, etc.
3. Scheduling
a. ATI assessments are scheduled by faculty before the last class meeting
or class exam.
b. Practice assessments are taken independently by the student within the
scheduled open timeframe established by the course faculty.
c. Proctored assessments are administered during scheduled class or
clinical time.
4. Grading
a. ATI proctored assessments constitute 10% of the course grade.
b. ATI testing is not included when calculating the test score average
used as the basis for determining success in passing a course.
c. For ATI Content Mastery Series proctored assessments, the grade is
assigned by comparing the student’s individual (composite) score on
the proctored assessment to the ATI Proficiency Level Reference
Table. The percentage of the individual score varies among the content
mastery assessments and is based on the probability that the student is
likely to meet NCLEX standards in the content area.
Proficiency Level on Proctored Test
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Below Level 1
Course Points Earned
Students are responsible for accessing the information on the ATI
Testing Site on how to create a focused review and how to access their
transcript in the “How To” tab accessed in the Tutorial tab.
When students register for ATI in junior orientation, they are assigned a
cohort based on their anticipated graduation date and a Product ID number
that automatically populates their ATI account with assessments and
resources each semester. However, students who are in a new cohort in
subsequent semesters will need the new cohort Product ID number from
course faculty in order to access the proper assessments and resources for the
new cohort.
The Internet address of the ATI Testing Site is: http://www.atitesting.com It
is essential students remember their ID and password to access the ATI
Testing Site for practice and testing. Practice accessing the ATI testing site
before the scheduled proctored test at the end of the semester.
9. Advising
All SJFC nursing majors in the sophomore year and above and all transfer students are
assigned a nursing faculty advisor. Students are encouraged to establish a relationship
with their advisor so that the advisor can assist the student in negotiating the College
academic experience. The faculty advisor is available to assist the student in:
Planning coursework for the entire curriculum, with projected graduation date.
Selecting courses during fall and spring registration times. Students must meet
with their advisor each semester prior to class registration to discuss
academic progress, career plans, and to receive the alternate PIN number
that is necessary for computer online registration.
How to manage problems that a student may encounter in course work related to
studying, seeking tutoring, etc.
Selecting a minor course of studies, pursuit of the nursing or college honors
program, or petition for the fast-track RN/BS option.
Maintaining contact with faculty and the Wegmans School of Nursing
See http://www.sjfc.edu/campus-services/academic-affairs/advising/ for Undergraduate
Advising information.
It is recommended that a student set up an appointment with the assigned nursing
advisor by one of the following methods:
 Calling the faculty advisor’s office and talking with the advisor; or if the faculty
is not in the office, leave a message where the student can be reached on a return
 Contacting the faculty advisor through e-mail to set up an appointment.
Stopping by the faculty advisor’s office or attending virtual sessions during
scheduled office hours.
Students who are unable to contact their advisor in a timely way should contact the Junior
or Senior Level Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS Program Director for assistance.
a. Independent Study Protocol for Nursing
A student may elect to pursue an independent study course for 1-3 credits. Each
credit requires three clock hours per week throughout the 15-week semester.
Therefore a 1-credit course = 45 hours; a 2-credit course = 90 hours; and, 3-credit
course 135 hours.
Types of Study Programs:
1. In-depth library research with a focus in nursing theory or practice.
2. Independent study of a clinical experience in a nursing role.
3. Individual or group project designed to meet specific objectives.
The student selects an area of interest, discusses it with the Junior or Senior Level
Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS Program Director who will suggest an appropriate
nursing faculty member (based on interest, specialty, etc.). If the faculty agrees to
work with the student, the student writes the proposal, following the College
Proposal for Independent Study Guidelines on the Registrar’s Office website:
http://www.sjfc.edu/dotAsset/874514.pdf . The faculty member and Junior/
Senior Level Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS Program Director must approve the
project and sign the required form before the students starts the course.
b. Application for Graduation
Students completing the junior level nursing courses should complete the
application to graduate on Fish ‘R’ Net. Information about this process is
available at: http://www.screencast.com/t/NwQgoScBt
December 1 for May graduation
April 1 for August graduation
September 1 for December graduation
This process will generate a senior audit from the Registrar’s office to make sure
that all requirements for graduation have been verified. It is the student’s
responsibility to check their online audit each semester during the program (do
this by generating a degree evaluation in Fish ‘R’ Net) and the senior audit to
make sure that the student is on track to meet requirements for the planned
graduation date.
c. Application to New York State for an RN License
The process for applying for an RN license in New York to the Office of The
Professions, New York State Education Department is available on line:
http://www.op.nysed.gov/prof/nurse/ and is reviewed in NURS 400 during the
final semester of senior nursing courses. The fee is $143 (subject to change) for
the license application. The licensing fees are the responsibility of the student
and are subject to change by NYS.
d. Registration for the NCLEX Exam
In addition to applying for licensure to the state, graduates from nursing programs
must apply to Pearson Vue (http://www.vue.com/nclex/) the testing agency for the
National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN®).
The requirements are reviewed in NURS 400 in the final semester of senior
nursing courses. The fee for the exam is $200 (subject to change).
10. Honors in Nursing
Honors in Nursing are conferred by vote of the nursing faculty to graduating students
who have achieved academic distinction and have completed an Honors Project.
Eligibility to pursue Honors in Nursing Program is based upon the student’s GPA and
placement in the program. Students who meet the following requirements are encouraged
to consider developing an honors project:
1. Completion of 28 credits of nursing coursework (12 credits for RN/BS students.)
2. Upon graduation, will have completed a minimum of 60 credits at St John Fisher
3. Overall GPA of 3.3 or higher
4. Current nursing GPA of 3.3 or higher
The intent to develop an honors project must be declared prior to the beginning of the
senior year. The student declares intent by:
1. Meeting with the Senior Level Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS Program Director to
declare the intent to do an honors project and discuss the proposed project.
2. Working with the Senior Level Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS Program Director to
identify a WSON faculty mentor who agrees to work with the student to complete the
honors project.
3. Submitting the ”Declaration of Intent to Develop an Honors in Nursing Project” form
to the Wegmans School of Nursing Senior Level Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS
Program Director for approval prior to the start of the senior year of study
The School of Nursing Senior Level Undergraduate Chair or RN/BS Program Director
will inform the student regarding acceptance of her/his application to pursue Honors in
Nursing Program before the start of the senior year of study.
a. NURS 498 – Honors Project (3 Credits)
Type of Projects:
Procedure &
Proposal Guidelines:
Honors projects in nursing are 3 credits. The time commitment is
equivalent to three hours per week/per credit throughout the 15week semester: 135 hours for 3 credits.
1. In-depth library/literature review with a specific focus in
nursing theory or practice.
2. Independent study of a selected nursing role (may include
clinical experience).
3. Individual project or research study designed to meet specific
learning outcomes.
1. Completion of 28 hours of nursing coursework (12 hours for
RN/BS students.)
2. Overall GPA of 3.3 or higher
3. Current nursing GPA of 3.3 or higher
4. Completion of a minimum of 60 credits at St John Fisher
College by graduation (SJFC policy).
1. Prior to the start of the senior year: Submit “Declaration of
Intent to Develop an Honors in Nursing Project” form to the
Wegmans School of Nursing Senior Level Undergraduate
2. Before the start of the senior year: The WSON
Undergraduate Chairperson will inform the student regarding
acceptance of her/his application to pursue Honors in
Nursing Program.
3. By the 6th week of the first semester of senior year: the
student submits the Honors Study Proposal (see below).
4. By pre-registration for the final semester of senior year: The
WSON Chairperson and Dean approve the proposal
5. Student registers for NURS 498H in the final semester.
6. By the 13th week of the final semester: The project activities
and paper are completed and submitted.
7. The faculty mentor and the WSON Undergraduate
Chairperson determine final approval of the completed
8. The week before final examinations: The project is presented
in a WSON Colloquium.
The proposal will include:
1. Goal of honors project with rationale.
2. Learning outcomes
3. Activities to meet outcomes with time (hour) estimates.
4. If relevant: Site and name/credentials of preceptor (if
determined) for clinical experiences.
5. Timeline including due dates for evaluation and monthly
(minimum) conferences with faculty sponsor.
6. Evaluation plan with grade % for each method (e.g. may
include papers, presentations, report of project, reflective
journal, clinical evaluation tool).
Criteria for Evaluation:
1. Learning outcomes achieved*.
2. Due dates on timeline met.
3. 135 hours accounted for per proposal.
4. Quality of written work: concise, grammar and spelling,
organization, quality of references, APA format.
5. Quality of oral presentation: use of technology, engagement
and presentation skills.
6. “Honors in Nursing” are conferred by a vote of the nursing
faculty to graduating students who have achieved academic
distinction and have successfully completed an Honors
11. Traditional Program Students: Nursing Majors in the College Honors Program
Students who are accepted into the college Honors Program as freshmen are required to
complete six honors courses by graduation. Transfer honor students may have fewer
honors courses required (see the Undergraduate Catalog for Honors Program
requirements). Honors students who are nursing majors should plan to have 4-5 of these
courses completed before starting the junior “clinical” (J1) semester in the WSON.
Each of the options listed below provides one HNRS course substitution credit, making it
possible for Honors Program students who are also nursing majors to fulfill up to two of
their HNRS course requirements while also fulfilling nursing requirements.
Senior nursing students in the St. John Fisher College Honors Program may choose up to
two of the following course substitution options to complete the requirements for their
college Honors Program:
1. NURS 449- Honors option for Senior Preceptorship (3 cr.)
Note: For nursing majors in the College Honors Program who complete a project
above and beyond the normal requirements of NURS 449 and may therefore
receive Honors Program credit.
2. NURS 498H - Honors Project (3 cr.)
Note: Students who complete the NURS498 H Honors Project to fulfill the
college Honors program will also fulfill the WSON Honors requirement and will
be granted Honors in the WSON upon successful completion of the course.
3. GNUR 509 Professional and Systems Leadership (3 cr.)
NOTE: This opportunity is available for senior nursing students in the BS/MS
Fast-track option.
Students wishing to receive credit for one or two of these options should email the
Director of the Honors Program Melissa Bissonette at mbissonette@sjfc.edu or (585)
385-7397. The Honors Program Director will notify the Registrar that the selected
course(s) fulfill(s) the honors requirement for the student’s Honors Program.
Traditional Program: The Learning Resources Center and Simulation Center
The Wegmans School of Nursing is fortunate to have two state-of-the art labs in the
Learning Resource Center (LRC) and a Simulation Center (SC) available to nursing
students. The SC has a full-time Simulation Lab Director and the LRC has a LRC
Director and a LRC Coordinator. The SC and LRC staff are responsible for organizing
the labs and assisting faculty with laboratory and simulation experiences. The LRC
Director and the LRC Coordinator are also available to students for guidance/supervision
in practicing skills, and accessing/using equipment in the LRC.
The LRC provides a simulated acute care environment in which students can practice
psychomotor and critical thinking skills utilizing the extensive technologic equipment
that is available. A representative selection of textbooks or nursing reference books is
also available in the LRC. In addition, two computer labs equipped with a large collection
of software are available to assist students with development of critical thinking,
acquisition of theory, writing, research, Internet access, and simulated clinical practice
and test taking.
The LRC and SC are learning environments and should be treated as such.
Accountability, responsibility, dependability, professionalism, and courtesy are expected
in the SC and LRC. Students are required to dress in the nursing student uniform for SC
simulation experiences and as directed by faculty for selected competency skills
demonstrations in the LRC. Students can make appointments for practice by contacting
the LRC Coordinator or LRC Director. Students must notify the LRC Coordinator or
LRC/SC Directors in advance if they will not be in the LRC or SC as scheduled.
Students are expected to practice skills before demonstrating competency in the
presence of the faculty/staff member. The LRC and SC staff, clinical instructor and/or
course coordinator faculty may send students to the LRC for additional practice as
necessary (e.g., sterile dressing changes, parenteral administration of meds, taking vital
signs). Students are responsible for cleaning up after themselves during their practice
time (e.g., remake bed with clean sheets as needed and return equipment to the
cupboards). The LRC must be secured at all times when left unattended.
Any incident involving personal injury requires immediate notification of the Learning
Resource Director or Coordinator and the Course Coordinator and completion of an
incident report. A copy of the incident report is given to the Wegmans School of Nursing
Associate Dean.
13. Traditional Program: Clinical Performance Policies and Guidelines
Students are evaluated in each clinical course, using an evaluation tool based on the
Wegmans School of Nursing philosophy, the American Associate of Colleges of
Nursing’s Essentials of Baccalaureate Education, the American Nurses Association’s
Standards of Practice, the American Nurses Association’s Code of Ethics for Nurses,
Quality & Safety Education for Nurses’ KSAs, and the SJFC Wegmans School of Nursing
Undergraduate Program Outcomes. Effective clinical evaluation is an ongoing process-both formative and summative. This process requires open communication between the
faculty and student.
The clinical evaluation tool is completed by the clinical instructor and reviewed with the
student at midterm and at the completion of the clinical rotation. The clinical evaluation
tool must be signed by both the clinical instructor and student to indicate that the
information was reviewed.
a. Policy for Clinical Requests from Students
Students are placed in clinical teams by the WSON faculty, based on many
different considerations. Students may not switch teams with other students unless
discussed and approved by the faculty clinical course coordinator.
At the end of the current semester, the student will complete the clinical request
form and return it to the Undergraduate Clinical Coordinator by the designated
date for avoiding days of the week based on:
 Childcare issues
 Eldercare issues
 College sports teams requirements
 Class time requirements
 First Generation Scholar scheduled time requirements
 ROTC requirements
 Extenuating circumstances discussed with and agreed to by the clinical
course coordinator
Students are responsible for letting the clinical course coordinator know if they
are currently working on a patient care unit in any capacity to avoid being placed
on that unit. Clinical requests for employment schedules are not given priority.
Requests must be made prior to the designated date.
b. General Policies
The nursing faculty is responsible for upholding the standards of the
Wegmans School of Nursing, the New York State Board of Nursing, and
the discipline of nursing. Therefore, the faculty reserves the right to deny
progression at any point in the curriculum to a student, who in the
faculty’s judgment, fails to meet professional nursing standards.
Clinical faculty evaluates progress in learning and achievement of clinical
objectives throughout the semester. Student and clinical faculty
interactions about a particular aspect of care will initially focus on
teaching and coaching, and then move toward evaluation of learning and
competencies as the student gains more experience in a clinical area.
Expected level of performance for any one behavior, such as medication
administration or client teaching, differs as the student advances in the
curriculum. Clinical faculty notify/counsel students about any observed
lack of progress or about a specific behavior, and assist the student in
formulating a plan to reach learning or competency goals. (See section on
critical behaviors below).
c. Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory Grading
The clinical component includes clinical experiences in various sites and/or
laboratory and simulation experiences. Clinical achievement is graded on a
satisfactory/unsatisfactory basis. In courses, which contain both classroom and
clinical components, the student must pass both components in order to receive a
passing grade for the course. To pass a clinical nursing course, the student must
earn a grade of 75 or C in classroom evaluation requirements and receive a
satisfactory evaluation on the Clinical Evaluation Tool associated with each
clinical course.
If a student receives a grade of C or higher in the course and an
unsatisfactory in clinical, the student’s final course grade will be C-.
If a student receives a grade less than C- in the course and an
unsatisfactory in clinical, the student’s final course grade will be the actual
grade earned in the course.
Clinical evaluation instruments are designed to give student specific behaviors
that are expected of students enrolled in the clinical courses. Students use the
evaluation instrument to engage in self-evaluation at mid-term and again at the
end of each clinical course. Clinical faculty will evaluate each student at mid-term
and at the end of the course, and meet with the student to discuss student
achievement in relation to clinical goals. A grade of Satisfactory or Unsatisfactory
is based on the guidelines included in the evaluation instrument.
d. “Critical” Clinical Behaviors
Course faculty will indicate on each course evaluation (in bold type) those criteria
that are related to safety and professional behavior, and are therefore, “critical”, i.e.,
must be achieved to pass the course.
e. Unsafe Incidents
Definition: An unsafe incident is an event or situation in which the student
demonstrates behavior or makes decisions which actually or potentially harm a client
or violate standards of professional conduct. Although faculty attempt to prevent
actual harm, designating the incident as unsafe emphasizes the seriousness of the
The unsafe incident is documented in writing (i.e., on the WSON Documentation of
at Risk Clinical Performance form at: http://www.sjfc.edu/dotAsset/5116fe96-628343a4-a7f4-ea0e4f66a549.pdf, and discussed, and signed by the clinical instructor, the
clinical course coordinator and student.
The Course Coordinator is given a verbal and written report as soon as possible, and
is responsible for notifying the School of Nursing Junior or Senior Level
Undergraduate Chairperson and filing the report in the student’s advising folder. The
student and clinical faculty collaborate to develop specific plans for remediation and a
timeframe to complete the activities.
The clinical faculty will send a written notice to the Learning Resource Center (LRC)
coordinator if the student requires supervised remediation or additional practice in a
psychomotor skill. It is the student’s responsibility to make an appointment with
the LRC coordinator for this practice.
f. Examples of Unsafe or Unprofessional Behaviors
Leaving the side rails down on an infant’s crib.
Error in administration of medication (6 “rights”).
Inaccurate recording or failure to record medication administration.
Inaccurate IV calculation/administration.
Failure to report changes in client’s condition or plan of care.
Inappropriate handling or touching of clients.
Coming to clinical under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
Possession of a weapon at the clinical site.
Failure to observe isolation procedures and/or use appropriate personal protective
equipment (PPE) and infection control measures.
Failure to adequately document and/or report nursing care given.
Inadequate preparation for assuming responsibility for client care.
Breach of confidentiality.
Unprofessional conduct such as making verbal or nonverbal reference to another’s
race, religion, or sexuality in a condescending, inappropriate and disparaging
Absence from clinical without notifying faculty prior to the beginning of the shift.
Leaving the clinical area without notifying faculty and without taking action to
assure client safety in the student’s absence.
Use of a cell phone for personal communication while on the unit.
Use of agency computers for personal business such as but not limited to checking
email or accessing a social networking site.
Posting information of any kind on social networking sites related to patients, a
patient’s family, or agency reference.
The above list of common unsafe practices is not exhaustive. If a student engages in
unsafe practices that are not on this list, the student will be held accountable.
g. Clinical Experience Attendance
Attendance is necessary to successfully meet the objectives of the clinical and
laboratory components of the nursing course.
A. Laboratory Attendance
1. Students are expected to attend all scheduled on-campus labs.
2. Absence from the lab component of any course must be made up.
3. Students must coordinate the make-up lab after consulting with the
Course Faculty and Learning Resource Coordinator within 48 hours of
the missed lab.
4. Make-up lab must occur within one week of the missed lab.
5. Students reporting to lab more than ½ hour late or leaving ½ hour early
are considered absent..
B. Clinical Attendance
1. Attendance is necessary to successfully meet the objectives of the
clinical and laboratory components of the nursing course. Passing of
clinical objectives is not possible if faculty determine that student
absence resulted in failure to meet the learning objectives including
socialization into the professional role and demonstration of
professional collaboration and accountability.
2. The clinical faculty may not allow a student to participate in a clinical
experience for illness or other issues such as:
a. The student is unprepared for patient care.
b. The student appears to be either physically, emotionally, or
psychologically ill.
c. The student is unaware of his/her own limitations or fails to seek
help when these limitations are recognized.
d. Unprofessional appearance and/or behavior as outlined in the
WSON Undergraduate Nursing Student Handbook.
e. The student appears to be under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
3. Policies governing clinical attendance are as follows:
a. Excused absences (extenuating circumstances) include: significant
student illness with MD/NP note, significant family illness with
MD/NP note, hospitalization, and death in immediate family (this
includes spouse, children, siblings, parent, grandparent), and jury
b. Clinical make-up time must be completed prior to the end of the
respective semester. There will be no make-ups after the semester
c. For a clinical make-up, a student may join a clinical team that has
an open space with the permission and coordination of the Course
Coordinator (student numbers will not exceed 8 students to 1
clinical instructor member).
d. The make-up unit must match the clinical specialty of the missed
clinical rotation (ex: missed adult med/surg requires a make-up in
an adult med/surg clinical group).
e. The student must be available for a four-hour orientation to the
clinical unit for make-up as deemed necessary by clinical faculty.
Students that have not had a formal four hour orientation to a unit
will not be permitted to make up a clinical day on the unit.
f. Student must assure completion of make-up clinical agency
orientation checklist.
g. In the event of circumstances that do not fall under excused
absences, the student will present the circumstances on an
individual basis to the clinical course coordinator.
NOTE: Students who do not demonstrate competency in the clinical or course
objectives at the conclusion of the make-up rotation will fail the course.
If faculty evaluating the student deems that the student will be unable to meet the
course or clinical objectives because of the length or timing of the absence, the
student will receive an “Unsatisfactory” in the clinical component of the course.
h. Simulation Experience Attendance
Simulation Center Policy
It is expected that every student attend their scheduled simulation session prepared
and in full uniform as indicated in the syllabus. If a simulation is missed, it is at the
discretion of the Simulation Lab Staff to decide if extraordinary circumstances
presented by the student will merit any exceptions to this policy.
1. The student must report in full uniform with their required identification badge as
if they are reporting for a clinical site prepared with assigned pre-work completed
to care for the designated simulation patient(s). If the student is not prepared for
their simulation clinical experience, the Simulation Instructor can require the
student to reschedule and a $50 fee for rescheduling will apply. If the
identification badge is not present, the first infraction will be a warning and the
warning is posted to their SimManager account.
2. Notification
a. Prior notification to the Simulation Director and Course Coordinator is
required if a simulation will be missed in order for exceptions to be
b. Range of possible extraordinary circumstances include but are not limited
 Death in family
 Hospitalization
 Personal illness
 Family illness
 Serious injury
3. Rescheduling
a. If an exception is made due to extraordinary circumstances, it is the
expectation that the student will be rescheduled at the discretion of the
Simulation Director.
b. A no call/no show to simulation is identified on the student’s clinical
evaluation as a missed clinical day.
4. Student Fees
a. Simulations missed due to incomplete uniform, scheduled vacations,
appointments, oversleeping, interviews, shadowing, or work-related
commitments will result in the student being charged a fee of $50.00. This
fee is to cover the rescheduling of the missed simulation.
b. The $50.00 fee will be added to the student’s college bill. The student will
have a hold placed on their account that could prevent him/her from
registering for classes or graduating until the fee is paid. The student will
then be rescheduled at the discretion of the Simulation Director to one of
the course’s simulation make-up days. Students will not have the
opportunity to independently join another simulation session.
5. Documentation of Absence
a. All communication related to a missed simulation must be documented in
an email and a copy placed in the student’s file.
b. The Wellness Center at St. John Fisher College will not provide
documentation of illness/injury unless the student is seen in the Wellness
Center for that illness/injury.
i. Cancelation of Classes & Clinical Due to Weather Conditions
When it is necessary to cancel classes on campus because of storm conditions,
announcements will be made on local radio and television stations. Clinical faculty will
notify students when weather causes a cancellation for clinical and make-up clinical
hours or experiences will be arranged.
j. Medical Clearance for Missed Clinical Days for Health Reasons
Students who have a health care need that develops after enrollment in the nursing
program, prior to, or during the clinical experience, which results in absences from a
clinical course for more than one week, the student will be required to obtain written
medical clearance from her/his health care provider in order to return to clinical
The written medical clearance must document the student's ability to function as a
student nurse, at full capacity physically and mentally, in the acute-care or
community health setting.
k. Medication Administration
Prior to the administration of any medication, the drug, dose, route, time, and patient
will be verified by a faculty member or faculty-identified clinical preceptor. All
medication administration must be directly supervised by WSON clinical faculty or
the assigned RN preceptor in NURS 449.
No medications may be administered intravenous push by students.
No blood products may be administered by students.
No chemotherapeutic/antineoplastic agents/monoclonal antibodies may be
administered by students.
Students may not access an automated medication dispensing system
without the WSON clinical faculty member present.
May not change medication cassettes for PCA pumps
May not serve as a double check for any medication requiring two RN
May not program epidural pumps, add/change bag or change rate/mode
In NURS449, the assigned RN preceptors on a clinical unit may provide supervision
for student medication administration (see exceptions listed previously). All students
must pass the C-NET test to administer medications in NURS 449 under the
supervision of RN preceptors.
Clinical faculty, preceptors, or institutions may establish more stringent regulations
for medication administration for certain situations, medications, or clients, such as
insulin administration, administration of intravenous medications to pediatric clients,
or other high risk medications.
The RASON document identifies additional skills that students may not perform
in the Rochester area clinical sites. This document is available on the website at:
Proper documentation of all administered medication will be verified and co-signed
by the clinical faculty or designated preceptor.
Students who do not meet safety standards will be sent back into the lab to practice
medication administration by faculty. Unsafe medication administration may be
grounds for failure of the course.
1. Designated preceptors are allowed to supervise student medication
administration only in the final semester, senior clinical preceptorship.
2. Students must pass the math competency associated with the program level
before administering medications in the clinical site.
3. Students are not allowed to administer intravenous medications “IV push”,
blood products or chemotherapy.
4. Students must follow all policy guidelines for the agency.
5. Prior to the administration of any medication, the drug, dose, route, time, and
patient will be verified by the faculty member or designated clinical preceptor.
6. A faculty member or designated preceptor must be present in a client’s room
for the administration of any intravenous medication.
7. Students may not access controlled substances without a faculty member or
designated preceptor present.
8. A faculty member or designated preceptor may establish more stringent
guidelines for medication administration with specific medications, or clients
in high risk situations such as insulin administration or administration of
intravenous medications to pediatric clients.
9. Proper documentation of all administered medications must be completed by
the student, verified, and co-signed by the faculty member or designated
10. Unsafe medication administration may be grounds for failure of a clinical
l. Parking Compliance at Clinical Sites
Clinical facilities provide designated parking areas and procedures for students.
Students are responsible for any parking fees charged by agencies during their clinical
experiences and are expected to observe all parking policies. The use of facilities by
WSON students is jeopardized when agency parking rules are violated.
m. Transportation of Clients
Students and faculty are not permitted to transport clients in private vehicles.
n. Policy on Universal Precautions
The Wegmans School of Nursing is concerned about the safety of its students,
faculty, and the client population in the clinical setting. Based on the mandatory
Centers for Disease Control (CDC), NYSDOH, and Occupational Safety Health
Administration (OSHA) guidelines, the Wegmans School of Nursing requires that
both students and faculty observe blood and body fluid universal precautions when
working with all clients in all settings (i.e., hospital, clinic, home, outside agency).
Proper use of personal protective equipment is required. Neglecting to use appropriate
PPE can be grounds for professional misconduct. Gloves are to be worn during an
existing or potential contact with blood and/or body fluids. Masks and goggles may
also be worn when a threat of exposure to secretions exists (i.e., handling blood,
drainage from wounds, discontinuing IVs, converting IVs to saline-locks, suctioning,
emptying all drainage units or when there is a threat of splatter contamination). Used
needles will not be recapped. Review agency policies for universal precautions,
isolation precautions, and use of PPE.
Universal precautions are a shared responsibility for both students and faculty.
Faculty members act as role models for the student population, and it is expected that
faculty will set an excellent example for students to follow.
When a blood or body fluid exposure occurs, both faculty and students should know
what procedures to follow for the facility and the necessary follow-up and medical
care that is essential.
1. The faculty and student contact the department manager/nursing supervisor
immediately to follow the procedure at the specific institution.
2. Complete agency and WSON incident reports.
3. Administer first aid as outlined in the facility Infection Control Manual.
4. Students and faculty are responsible for their own medical expenses, including
the urgent/emergent care received at the facility and post-exposure follow-up
o. Policy on Gifts
Clinical practice policies view the receiving of gifts as a conflict of interest in an
environment where staff are held to ethical standards of providing unbiased
services to patients/families.
To align with policies in the clinical practice settings, where nurses and other staff
in the institution may not accept gifts from patients/families, students may not
receive gifts from families/patients. Similarly, gifts from the student(s) for faculty
or clinical instructors are discouraged on the basis of conflict of interest and
undue stress and pressure on students with limited funds.
14. RN/BS Program: Clinical Performance Policies and Guidelines
Because nursing is a practice discipline, the RN/BS program includes clinical practice
experience to enable the student to demonstrate competencies consistent with the
baccalaureate-level practice. Students in complete 80 hours of clinical practice
experience (CPE) over three courses: NURS 332, Caring for Populations; NURS 451,
Leadership in Systems of Care; and NURS 457, Patient Centered Care and Quality. As
described in each course syllabus, a portion of this time is spent with a baccalaureate
prepared preceptor in the clinical area and a portion of this time is spent on work related
to and in support of that practice experience.
a. General Policies
Students and faculty work collaboratively to identify appropriate clinical sites and
assure a satisfactory practice experience. Course faculty work closely with each
preceptor to assure the goals of the practice experience have been met. Students
are evaluated based on the written work completed in conjunction with the
practice experience. In addition, students may be also be asked to complete an
evaluation of the practice experience.
b. Clinical Compliance
1. Students must be in clinical compliance before the CPE is approved by the
2. The student is also responsible for determining, and if necessary completing,
any mandatory in-service education (e.g., HIPAA, infection control, etc.),
required by the agency for clinical compliance. Students completing CPE in
Rochester Area Healthcare organizations should complete the “Orientation
Packet for Students and Non-Employed Professionals” unless they are
completing their CPE at their place of employment and are thus in compliance
with mandatory education.
c. Arranging the Clinical Practice Experience
1. Students who are planning to enroll in a course requiring CPE discuss the
upcoming CPE with their advisor during regularly scheduled advising
sessions (November for spring classes and April for summer and fall classes).
The advisor gives the student an information sheet outlining the requirements
for the CPE, based on the course syllabus.
2. The student is responsible for identifying a potential clinical site appropriate
for meeting course and/or CPE objectives (as described in the syllabus) and a
baccalaureate-prepared preceptor. Once the site and preceptor have been
identified, the student will complete the RN-to-BS Student Clinical Practice
Experience Application and return the application to the RN-to-BS Clinical
Site Coordinator. Note: If the student will be completing the CPE at an agency
that does not have a current contract with WSON, the student must also
include the name of the contact person who arranges school placements at that
3. The Clinical Site Coordinator will forward the copy of the completed
application to the course instructor and the RN/BS Program Coordinator.
Once the instructor has approved the placement, the Clinical Site Coordinator
will confirm the placement with both the preceptor and the agency.
d. Clinical Practice Experience Attendance
Attendance is necessary to successfully meet the objectives of the nursing course;
consequently, students who do not complete the CPE will receive a maximum grade
of C- for the course. If a student is unable to attend the CPE on the scheduled day, the
student is responsible for notifying both the preceptor and course faculty in advance
and making arrangements for completing the CPE at another time during the module.
Incompletes for failure to complete the CPE are given only in extenuating
circumstances at the discretion of the instructor.
e. Medical Clearance for Missed Clinical Days for Health Reasons
If a student has a health care need that develops during the course resulting in
absences from a course for more than one week, the student will be required to obtain
written medical clearance from her/his health care provider in order to complete the
CPE. The written medical clearance must document the student's ability to function as
a student nurse, at full capacity physically and mentally, in the acute-care or
community health setting.
f. Parking Compliance at Clinical Sites
Clinical facilities provide designated parking areas and procedures for students.
Students are responsible for any parking fees charged by agencies during their clinical
experiences and are expected to observe all parking policies. The use of facilities by
WSON students is jeopardized when agency parking rules are violated.
g. Transportation of Clients
Students and faculty are not permitted to transport clients in private vehicles.
15. Annual Clinical Compliance
a. Certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
A student must document that they have current certification in CPR prior to the
beginning of each clinical rotation. A student who cannot provide this documentation
will not be allowed to attend clinical. This is a responsibility of the student and a
requirement of both the Wegmans School of Nursing and the affiliating agencies.
The student may take the American Red Cross or the American Heart Association
course. Students should take the course for Professional Rescuers. Students with
Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) must still complete Basic Life Support
(BLS) to meet this requirement. Only online courses from the AHA or ARC that
require skills demonstration as part of the certification will be accepted.
b. Health Appraisal
All students must have a complete history and physical on file in the SJFC Wellness
Center dated no more than 6 months before the start of the first semester of the (J1)
junior year or the RN/BS program. RN/BS students currently working in hospitals or
other health agencies may submit the annual health update from their worksites.
Annually thereafter, a health update can be completed by the student to indicate the
student continues to meet health requirements for clinical work. The forms are
available online on the Health and Wellness Center website:
The health form must be submitted to the WSON by July 15 for a fall start or for new
junior 1 students starting in the spring semester, by October 15. RN/BS students
should submit the health form prior to starting their first semester courses. Students
should keep a copy of all documents for their own records.
1. If a student has not received the full course of the Hepatitis B vaccine then
proof of the first administration must be provided. Students are then expected
to receive the full course of these vaccines and submit dates to the Wellness
2. All students are required to have personal health insurance.
3. Students must show documentation of yearly influenza vaccination by
October 1st.
4. Prior to beginning clinical assignments, clinical agencies may require drug
screening of students and background checks.
c. Malpractice Insurance
Students taking any clinical course have malpractice insurance that is provided by the
College. The cost is included in the course tuition. Students must be registered for
the course to meet this requirement.
Students may not participate in any clinical experiences outside of the scheduled
clinical times with the assigned instructor or participate in clinical activities before
the semester starts or after the semester ends.
16. Professional Appearance Guidelines
a. In All Settings
Students are responsible for following these guidelines in ALL Professional Settings.
1. Jewelry:
a. No rings except a single wedding band.
b. One pair of small earrings or earring posts only.
c. No other jewelry i.e., bracelets, necklaces, chains.
d. No facial or tongue piercing.
e. Gauges in the ear must be capped off and closed when in uniform.
2. Any offensive tattoo that is visible while the student is in uniform or professional
dress must be covered during all clinical experiences.
3. NO scrub pants, denim, jeans, leggings, sweat pants, stretch pants, tight-fitting,
low cut, bare midriff or torn clothing*.
4. NO open toes, sling-back shoes, crocs or clogs**.
5. Personal grooming:
a. Hair should be traditional/natural color(s) only, clean, neat, and short or
secured above the collar.
b. Men must be clean shaven or have a mustache/beard that is groomed and
trimmed to a short length.
c. Nails must be clean and trimmed to prevent injury to clients. No nail
polish or artificial nails per hospital policy.
d. Any makeup should be minimal and conservative.
e. Strict personal hygiene is expected. (No perfumes, colognes or scented
after shave lotion should be used. Many people have allergies to
f. No gum chewing (inappropriate in any professional setting).
6. Students must follow the clinical facility’s no smoking policies during clinical
assignments. Student’s uniforms must be free of odor of tobacco smoke.
7. Consumption of alcohol while in the St. John Fisher College student nurse
uniform is strictly forbidden.
b. Uniform Policy for all Clinical Settings
RN/BS students do not have a student uniform and should follow guidelines in sections a,
c, and d.
Please note that the nursing student uniform is a uniform only and no part of this uniform
should be worn for any purpose that is not related to clinical. The student uniform is
expected to be clean, pressed and professional in appearance at all times.
White uniform top with SJFC logo on the left sleeve. These are available
only through Uniform Village in Rochester.
Wegmans School of Nursing ID retractable badge holder with alligator clip
and a clear badge holder for the SJFC student ID. Your student ID has your
first and last name, your picture, and the word “student” on it, which meets
the requirements of the local hospitals. This is ordered through the WSON.
Only all white shirts may be worn under the uniform.
Burgundy uniform pants. (See * above for details). These are available only
through Uniform Village in Rochester.
Clean white or black shoes with adequate support should be part of the
uniform and not for every day wear. (See ** above for details)
White socks are required.
A plain white or navy blue sweater or white lab coat may be worn over the
uniform shirt.
Students should carry a note pad, pen, stethoscope and bandage scissors with
A watch with a second hand should be worn.
c. Community Health Setting Appearance Guidelines
All Professional Appearance Guidelines as noted above.
WSON identification badge must be worn at all times i.e., must be
clearly identified as a nursing student.
Professional attire (attire that you would wear to a professional
interview) and identification badge should be worn.
a. Dress pants or business style skirts only (i.e., no
short/tight/miniskirts, jeans, leggings, denims or cargo pants)
b. Collared shirt. No logos, no graphics, no T-shirts, no low cut,
sleeveless or revealing shirts (i.e., no tank tops, camisoles)
c. Flat footwear (i.e., no high heels, no sandals, no flip flops)
Students are expected to adhere to the WSON dress code and role
model appropriate dress for clients.
d. Identification Badge
Placement: Worn on the front right side opposite the chest pocket.
17. Student Activity Opportunities
a. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society for Nursing
Delta Sigma, a chapter of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of
Nursing, recognizes superior achievement, leadership potential, high professional
standards, excellence, and creativity. Students who have reached the mid-point of
their nursing program may be invited to join for a fall semester induction based on
their achievement of a cumulative grade point average of a minimum of 3.0 AND
a rank in the top 35% of their class. Membership in this society is an honor and
offers students an opportunity to strengthen their commitment to the ideals and
goals of the nursing profession.
The Delta Sigma chapter sponsors annual workshops and publishes a newsletter.
It sponsors awards that recognize excellence in undergraduate and graduate
student chapter members. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of
Nursing sponsors conferences at the regional and national level, which provide a
stimulating exchange of information with nurse leaders. Two publications,
Reflections on Nursing Leadership and Journal of Nursing Scholarship, are
benefits of membership.
b. Student Involvement in the Wegmans School of Nursing
The faculty welcomes student participation in the functions of the Wegmans
School of Nursing. To help the Wegmans School of Nursing gather data for
decisions, faculty encourages students to share problems, needs concerns, and
suggestions. Numerous mechanisms have been implemented to obtain student
input, information, ideas, and opinions prior to making decisions. These include
student participation on Wegmans School of Nursing committees, direct
interaction with faculty, student forums, and written evaluations.
The Wegmans School of Nursing holds regular School of Nursing and committee
meetings. Students are welcome to attend open portions of these meetings.
c. WSON Student Nurse Association (SNA) & National Student Nurses
Association (NSNA)
All WSON undergraduate nursing students are encouraged to become members of
the National Student Nurses Association (NSNA). Participation in a professional
organization at the school, regional, and national levels demonstrates professional
service. The faculty supports such pre-professional leadership involvement by
excusing students from classes to attend national meetings.
The benefits of belonging to the NSNA are many, including:
 Provides the opportunity to network with other nursing students in western
New York, as well as in the state, and nationally.
Informs students of national and local issues of importance to professional
Provides the opportunity to have input to policy formation related to
education and other issues of national importance to students and
professional nursing.
Provides the opportunity to demonstrate leadership.
Provides Imprint, NSNA’s official magazine published by and for nursing
Career counseling and job searching opportunities on-line and at
Receive discounts on NSNA NCLEX EXCEL study products.
Receive reduced rates on products and services (nursing magazines, Capitol
Update, nurses’ drug guides, nursing apparel and accessories etc.).
Information about NSNA may be found at their website: http://www.nsna.org
d. National Student Nurses’ Association, Inc.: Code of Academic and Clinical
Students of nursing have a responsibility to society in learning the academic theory
and clinical skills needed to provide nursing care. The clinical setting presents
unique challenges and responsibilities while caring for human beings in a variety of
health care environments. The Code of Academic and Clinical Conduct is based on
an understanding that to practice nursing as a student is an agreement to uphold the
trust with which society has placed in us. The statements of the Code provide
guidance for the nursing student in the personal development of an ethical
foundation and need not be limited strictly to the academic or clinical environment
but can assist in the holistic development of the person.
NSNA Code for Nursing Students:
As students are involved in the clinical and academic environments we believe that
ethical principles are a necessary guide to professional development. Therefore
within these environments we:
Advocate for the rights of all clients.
Maintain client confidentiality.
Take appropriate action to ensure the safety of clients, self, and others.
Provide care for the client in a timely, compassionate and professional manner.
Communicate client care in a truthful, timely and accurate manner.
Actively promote the highest level of moral and ethical principles and accept
responsibility for our actions.
7. Promote excellence in nursing by encouraging lifelong learning and
professional development.
8. Treat others with respect and promote an environment that respects human
rights, values and choice of cultural and spiritual beliefs.
9. Collaborate in every reasonable manner with the academic faculty and clinical
staff to ensure the highest quality of client care
10. Use every opportunity to improve faculty and clinical staff understanding of the
learning needs of nursing students.
11. Encourage faculty, clinical staff, and peers to mentor nursing students.
12. Refrain from performing any technique or procedure for which the student has
not been adequately trained.
13. Refrain from any deliberate action or omission of care in the academic or
clinical setting that creates unnecessary risk of injury to the client, self, or
14. Assist the staff nurse or preceptor in ensuring that there is full disclosure and
that proper authorizations are obtained from clients regarding any form of
treatment or research.
15. Abstain from the use of alcoholic beverages or any substances in the academic
and clinical setting that impair judgment.
16. Strive to achieve and maintain an optimal level of personal health.
17. Support access to treatment and rehabilitation for students who are experiencing
impairments related to substance abuse and mental or physical health issues.
18. Uphold school policies and regulations related to academic and clinical
performance, reserving the right to challenge and critique rules and regulations
as per school grievance policy.
Adopted by the NSNA House of Delegates, Nashville, TN, on April 6, 2001.
e. National Student Nurses’ Association, Inc.: Code of Professional Conduct
As a member of the National Student Nurses’ Association, I pledge myself to:
1. Maintain the highest standard of personal and professional conduct.
2. Actively promote and encourage the highest level of ethics within nursing
education, the profession of nursing, and the student nurses’ association.
3. Uphold all Bylaws and regulations relating to the student nurses’ association
at the chapter, state and national levels, reserving the right to criticize rules
and laws constructively, but respecting the rules and laws as long as they
4. Strive for excellence in all aspects of decision making and management at all
levels of the student nurses’ association.
5. Use only legal and ethical principles in all association decisions and activities.
6. Ensure the proper use of all association funds.
7. Serve all members of the student nurses’ association impartially, provide no
special privilege to any individual member, and accept no personal
compensation from another member or non-member.
8. Maintain the confidentiality of privileged information entrusted or known to
me by virtue of an elected or appointed position in the association.
9. Refuse to engage in, or condone, discrimination on the basis of race, gender,
age, citizenship, religion, national origin, sexual orientation, or disability.
10. Refrain from any form of cheating or dishonesty, and take action to report
dishonorable practices to proper authorities using established channels.
11. Always communicate internal and external association statements in a truthful
and accurate manner by ensuring that there is integrity in the data and
information used by the student nurses’ association.
12. Cooperate in every reasonable and proper way with association volunteers and
staff, and work with them in the advocacy of student rights and
responsibilities and the advancement of the profession of nursing.
13. Use every opportunity to improve faculty understanding of the role of the
student nurses association.
14. Use every opportunity to raise awareness of the student nurses’ association’s
mission, purpose, and goals at the school chapter level.
15. Promote and encourage entering nursing students to join and become active in
16. Promote and encourage graduating seniors to continue their involvement by
joining professional nurses’ associations upon licensure as Registered Nurses.
Adopted by the 1999 House of Delegates
Pittsburgh, PA at the 47th Annual NSNA Convention
References: American Society of Association Executives and the National Society
for Fund Raising Executives.
f. NSNA Bill of Rights and Responsibilities for Students of Nursing
The NSNA Student Bill of Rights and Responsibilities was initially adopted in
1975. The document was updated by the NSNA House of Delegates in San
Antonio, Texas (1991); and item #4 was revised by the NSNA House of
Delegates in Baltimore, Maryland (2006).
1. Students should be encouraged to develop the capacity for critical judgment
and engage in a sustained and independent search for truth.
2. The freedom to teach and the freedom to learn are inseparable facets of
academic freedom: students should exercise their freedom in a responsible
3. Each institution has a duty to develop policies and procedures which provide
and safeguard the students’ freedom to learn.
4. Under no circumstances should a student be barred from admission to a
particular institution on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin,
ethnicity, age, gender, marital status, life style, disability, or economic status.
5. Students should be free to take reasoned exception to the data or views offered
in any course of study and to reserve judgment about matters of opinion, but
they are responsible for learning the content of any course of study for which
they are enrolled.
6. Students should have protection through orderly procedures against prejudiced
or capricious academic evaluation, but they are responsible for maintaining
standards of academic performance established for each course in which they
are enrolled.
7. Information about student views, beliefs, political ideation, or sexual
orientation which instructors acquire in the course of their work or otherwise,
should be considered confidential and not released without the knowledge or
consent of the student, and should not be used as a basis of evaluation.
8. The student should have the right to have a responsible voice in the
determination of his/her curriculum.
9. Institutions should have a carefully considered policy as to the information
which should be a part of a student's permanent educational record and as to
the conditions of this disclosure.
10. Students and student organizations should be free to examine and discuss all
questions of interest to them, and to express opinions publicly and privately.
11. Students should be allowed to invite and to hear any person of their own
choosing within the institution's acceptable realm, thereby taking the
responsibility of furthering their education.
12. The student body should have clearly defined means to participate in the
formulation and application of institutional policy affecting academic and
student affairs, e.g., through a faculty-student council, student membership or
representation on faculty committees.
13. The institution has an obligation to clarify those standards of behavior which
it considers essential to its educational mission, its community life, or its
objectives and philosophy.
14. Disciplinary proceedings should be instituted only for violations of standards
of conduct formulated with significant student participation and published in
advance through such means as a student handbook or a generally available
set of institutional regulations. It is the responsibility of the student to know
these regulations. Grievance procedures should be available for every student.
15. As citizens and members of an academic community, students are subject to
the obligations which accrue to them by virtue of this membership and should
enjoy the same freedoms of citizenship.
16. Students have the right to belong or refuse to belong to any organization of
their choice.
17. Students have the right to personal privacy in their living space to the extent
that the welfare and property of others are respected.
18. Adequate safety precautions should be provided by nursing programs, for
example, adequate street lighting, locks, and other safety measures deemed
necessary by the environment.
19. Dress code, if present in school, should be established with student input in
conjunction with the school director and faculty, so the highest professional
standards are maintained, but also taking into consideration points of comfort
and practicality for the student.
20. Grading systems should be carefully reviewed periodically with students and
faculty for clarification and better student-faculty understanding.
21. Students should have a clear mechanism for input into the evaluation of
nursing faculty.
g. American Nurses Association (ANA) Code of Ethics for Nurses
1.The nurse practices with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth,
and unique attributes of every person.
2.The nurse's primary commitment is to the patient, whether an individual, family,
group, community or population.
3. The nurse promotes, advocates for, and protects the rights, health and safety of
the patient.
4. The nurse has authority, accountability, and responsibility for nursing practice;
makes decisions; and takes action consistent with the obligation to promote health
and to provide optimal care.
5.The nurse owes the same duties to self as to others, including the responsibility
to promote health and safety, preserve wholeness of character and integrity,
maintain competence, and continue personal and professional growth.
6. The nurse, through individual and collective effort, establishes, maintains, and
improves the ethical environment of the work setting and conditions of
employment that are conducive to safe, quality health care.
7.The nurse, in all roles and settings, advances the profession through research
and scholarly inquiry, professional standards and development, and the generation
of both nursing and health policy.
8. The nurse collaborates with other health professionals and the public to protect
human rights, promote health diplomacy, and reduce health disparities.
9. The profession of nursing, collectively through its professional organizations,
must articulate nursing values, maintain the integrity of the profession, and
integrate principles of social justice into nursing and health policy.
American Nurses Association (2015),
Code of Ethics for Nurses with Interpretive Statements
Silver Spring, MD: American Nurses Publishing
18. General Information
a. Accreditation
The Baccalaureate degree in nursing at St. John Fisher College Wegmans School
of Nursing is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
(CCNE), the accrediting body of the American Association of Colleges of
Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education
One DuPont Circle, NW
Suite 530
Washington, DC 20036-1120
(202) 887-6791
All St. John Fisher College nursing programs are also approved by the State
Education Department. www.op.nysed.gov
The State Education Department
Office of the Professions
Albany, N.Y. 12230
(518) 474-3817 Ext. 280