20150907 Western Civ I Plan of the Week

Western Civilization I Plan of the Week for 09/07/15 to 09/11/15
Monday: Labor Day, No Classes
Tuesday: Presentation/Discussion: Civilization Begins at Sumer; Activity: Sumerian cuneiform writing in
~Homework: Review the map below to learn the basic geography of Mesopotamia.
Wednesday: Presentation/Discussion: An Overview of Ancient Egyptian History.
~Homework: Read the Epic of Gilgamesh Summary Outline at the end of this document in
preparation for the Epic of Gilgamesh Video Project.
Thursday: Presentation/Discussion: Mesopotamian Empires and the Epic of Gilgamesh
~Homework: Review the Epic of Gilgamesh Summary and Outline at the end of this document
and the animated summary of the Epic of Gilgamesh shown in clas (link after the Epic of Gilgamesh
Summary Outline).
Friday: Epic of Gilgamesh Video Project Day 1 Complete a two to four minute video summarizing the
basic story of the Epic of Gilgamesh based on the Gilgamesh summary you read for homework. The
instructions are at the end of this document.
~Homework: Read Chapter 2 in preparation for a reading quiz next Tuesday.
Outline of Epic of Gilgamesh (Sanders translation)
Prologue and Chapter I: Gilgamesh and the Coming of Enkidu [Tablets 1-2]
i. Gilgamesh and his accomplishments (Architect of the great-walled city
ii. The Creation of Enkidu by the order of the council of the Gods for the
purpose of making an equal to Gilgamesh in strength (Gilgamesh
terrorizes the people of Uruk)
iii. Enkidu loses his seemingly immortal power through the seduction of a
temple harlot
iv. Enkidu confronts Gilgamesh and they begin wrestling (It becomes a draw
and the two become fast friends)
Chapter II: The Forest Journey [Tablets 3-5]
i. The Council of Elders in Uruk entrust the protection of Gilgamesh to
Enkidu in their journey into the forest of Humbaba
ii. Enkidu warns Gilgamesh at the gates of the forest
iii. Gilgamesh cuts down a cedar to gain the attention of Humbaba (the
watcher of the forest); Enkidu and Gilgamesh battle and kill Humbaba
Chapter III: Ishtar and Gilgamesh, and the Death of Enkidu [Tablets 6-8]
i. Ishtar tries to seduce Gilgamesh after the hero kills Humbaba and takes a
bath; he refuses her because of her history of lovers
ii. Ishtar sends the Bull of Heaven to Gilgamesh for retaliation
iii. Because of the protection of Shamash, Enkidu is allotted to die in the
place of Gilgamesh
iv. Enkidu dies and Gilgamesh mourns for the loss of his friend
Chapter IV: The Search for Everlasting Life [Tablets 9-10] i. Gilgamesh starts his search for Utnapishtim
to find everlasting life
(Utnapishtim being the only one to have gained everlasting life from
ii. On his way to the garden of the gods, Gilgamesh has to defeat Scorpion
iii. Gligamesh puts his foot in the door of Siduri and she warns him in his
quest and tells him to go back and enjoy the life that he has been given
(Gilgamesh is infuriated and continues his journey)
iv. Gilgamesh finds the boatman, Urshanabi, and Gilgamesh forces him to
ferry him across to the home of Utnapishtim and his wife
Chapter V: The Story of the Flood (told by Utnapishtim to Gilgamesh)
[Tablet 11]
i. Enlil as the head of the Gods condemns the race of men with a flood of the
entire world because they were too noisy.
ii. Utnapishtim and his wife survive the flood in a boat with some animals
after being told that the flood was coming by one of the Gods (Ea)
iii. Utnapishtim and his wife are given everlasting life as they sacrifice to the
Chapter VI: The Return to Uruk [End of Tablet 11]
i. Gilgamesh knows that such an event would be unlikely to present itself to
him, but Utnapishtim in his pity tells Gilgamesh that if he will keep
himself awake for the next seven days, then he will tell him of a way to
gain everlasting life.
ii. Gilgamesh falls asleep almost instantly and Utnapishtim’s wife bakes a
loaf of bread every day that he is asleep and places it next to him as proof
of his sleep.
iii. Utnapishtim’s wife notices the great disappointment from Gilgamesh and
begs her husband to give him something to hope for on his journey home;
he tells Gilgamesh about a plant that would give him young life again
iv. Gilgamesh ties boulders to his feet and enters the depths of the sea for the
thorny weed.
v. Traveling home with Urshanabi, he and Gilgamesh stop at a well and a
snake snatches away the sweet smelling flower, shedding a layer of skin vi. Arriving at the great-walled
city of Uruk, Gilgamesh boasts of the
greatness of the city to Urshanabi, bragging that they would be the source
of his immortality
Chapter VII: The Death of Gilgamesh [Tablet (12) added from a different
i. A lament to the great ruler of Uruk, and devout worshiper of the gods
ii. Gilgamesh’s household turn out to praise their husband, father and friend
List of names, places and terms to remember:
The Bull of Heaven
The great-walled city of Uruk
Epic of Gilgamesh animation shown in class.
Epic of Gilgamesh Video Project Instructions are on the next page.
Epic of Gilgamesh Video Project Instructions
Due Date: 09/22/14 (Monday)
Introduction: You and your group are going to create a short film that can be used to teach other
students about the Epic of Gilgamesh, the first great epic. in Western history. An epic is a long, heroic
poem that tells stories of gods and heroes. Epics explore grand themes using elevated language that
follows a specific rhythmic pattern. Your film must be based on the outline I give out in class.
Basic Requirements of Project:
1. Create a storyboard for your video based on the plot outline provided. A storyboard helps you plan
out your film. It will include drawings of background elements, characters and camera angles. Dialog
should be above or below each storyboard.
2. Your video should be about four minutes and should cover the major elements of the outline in a way
that can teach other students.
3. Each character should introduce him or herself or be introduced by another character in the scene.
4. Explore major themes thoroughly in your film.
5. Use interesting camera angles in your video to make your story more dramatic and interesting.
6. Figure out a way to have scenery and props in your story (physical props or images). One way to do
this, for example, would be to add photos of computer, tablet, phone, or textbook images to your video.
If you decide to use Adobe Voice, you can use clip art to represent scenery and important props (in
addition to other images).
7. All students in the group must put an equal amount of effort into the project (storyboarding, filming,
acting). I will be the judge of how much effort you are putting into the project.
Summary of the Epic of Gilgamesh (start from page 4):
Useful resources for moviemaking:
Apple Applications:
~iMovie: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/imovie/id377298193?mt=8
~Adobe Voice: http://getvoice.adobe.com/
~Explain Everything: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/explain-everything/id431493086?mt=8
Android Applications:
~Kinemaster Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/user/KineMasterApp
~Explain Everything:
Windows Application:
~Moviemaker: http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-live/movie-maker