The Current October 1, 2013 ISSUE #10 Subscription Price: FREE A Monthly Publication of the Oshkosh Seniors Center sponsored by FOSC Granny Smith Walkers/Runners took off from OSC South & walked 1 or 2 miles along the Riverwalk and WIOWASH Trail! Walkers enjoyed Caramel Apples after the walk! Highlights from Fall Family Fun Fest 2013! Thanks to the Oshkosh Y for all the fun in the Bounce House! Culver’s the free Custard was great—Thank you! The Del Rays played all our favorites from the 50’s, 60’s & 70’s! Glacier Ridge Animal Farm brought a mini-petting zoo! It was a big hit! So was a visit from Miss Oshkosh! 920-232-5300 The Friends of the Oshkosh Seniors Center will be hosting a Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser Where : 234 N. Campbell Rd Date : Saturday, November 2 Time : 4:30-7:00 pm Tickets : Adults $8.00 ( 13 & Older) Children $5.00 (4-12) (3 and under) FREE s de u l nc i er i, n d tt n Di ghe e an a g Sp e r a v . be sert s de Tickets will be available at both buildings in advance or at the door. Join us for dinner, raffles and lots of FUN!! JUST FOR FUN! Hey all you Ghouls and Gobblins! When you come to OSC on Thursday, October 31, come dressed in costume, orange and black, or your favorite Halloween/Fall outfit! There will be a fun prize for the best dressed! WHAT’S IN THIS ISSUE? Classes are listed alphabetically by category and then by date order. Friends Dinner & OACF Volunteer Opportunities Arts, Crafts, and Handcrafters Exercise and Fitness Health & Wellness Page Page Page Page Page 2 3 4&6 7&8 9 Support Groups & Packer Games Social, Cultural, Educational Other Available Services Friends News What’s New? Winnebago Senior Tours 2 Page 10 Pg 11,12,13 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Pg 18 & 19 Volunteers News WISCONSIN WARMERS KEEPS OTHERS WARM! Wisconsin Warmers is a volunteer group at the Oshkosh Seniors Center that creates handmade quilts and stockings for others in need. One of the more recent projects has involved working with Habitat for Humanity of Oshkosh. Cheryl Klemmer and her crew create beautiful quilts for each member of the family receiving a home through Habitat for Humanity. The Warmers learn a little about the families and construct quilts geared towards gender and interests. George Mathwig, Executive Director of Habitat for Humanity Oshkosh, said “The quilts made by the seniors are a great example of people caring and paying forward to others they don’t even know, this is a good example of what I would call, the love of God in action. “ Thank you WI Warmers! NEW LOOK TO OSC FOX FITNESS CENTER WEIGHT ROOM Many thanks to the UW-Oshkosh Gruenhagen Hall Resident Life students who came with a crew to help with a huge painting project. The group offered their skills and time as a part of the “Citizenship” project day program. In addition to the students, this project would never have been possible without the help of OSC volunteers, Jim Johnson and Bill Zimmerman. Jim and Bill did much of the prep work and paint “cutting” to prepare the room for the students to roll the paint. Thank you to all of you for your time and efforts. The room looks great! NEW VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY– HEALTH AND WELLNESS VOLUNTEER ASSISTANT Do you enjoy working with people and sharing time with them? We are looking for volunteers who would be willing to welcome and aid individuals as they prepare to receive nail care with the nurse. In addition to hospitality, the attendant would be responsible for helping clients with soaking feet, and assisting healthcare staff as needed. If interested in learning more about this wonderful service opportunity, call the Volunteer Coordinator at 232-5306. MAKE A DIFFERENCE DAY-SATURDAY, OCTOBER 26 We are looking for elderly or disabled who may need help with yard work. Families will give 2 hours of yard clean up from 2-4 pm. Contact Mary Beth Kelly,, 426-3626. NEWSLETTER FOLDING (S) Please join us in folding our newsletters. Wednesday, October 23, 1 pm Willows Choice Bank provides refreshments. The newsletter will be ready for delivery on Thursday, October 24. Thank you volunteers for your commitment to newsletter folding and delivery! 3 Arts, Crafts, and Handcrafters All Classes ask for $1 Oshkosh Resident or $1.50 Non-Resident User Fee paid to OSC and Instructor Costs paid to the instructor on the first day of class. Call 232-5300 to register. WATERCOLOR FUN-SHOP (S) “Back to Basics” NEW! PAINT THE MASTERS CLASS (S) “Format Painting” Saturday, October 5 9am-3pm Instructor: Sue Spanbauer Cost: $20 includes user fee Working in watercolor presents certain challenges such as saving the whites and lights of your paper because there is no white watercolor pigment. This "Back to Basics" class will teach you one of the easiest and most popular ways of saving the lights in your painting. We will create these beautiful pomegranates using a wet-n-wet technique and follow up with negative painting. Students love to negative paint and you will learn how step-by-step. There will be a template for those of you who want help with drawing. Bring your watercolors and brushes and be prepared for a great time! Paper available at class. Tuesday, October 1, 1-2 pm Instructor: Trudy Iervolino Cost: $15.00 + $1.50 user fee (includes all materials) Min/Max: 3/25 Register by Thurs., Sept. 26 This month we will do our own fun take on the classic "chat noir". This one hour class will be perfect relaxing "me" time for you! Painted with acrylics on a small canvas (around "9 x 4" or slightly larger ) no previous painting experience necessary-it's step by step fun!! User fee is due at time of registration. BASKET WEAVING (S) 9” Round Centerpiece Basket Monday, October 14 9am-3pm Instructor: Jo Ann Lewis Cost: $36.00 Oshkosh resident and $36.50 nonresident Min/Max: 5/12 Register by Friday October 11 This six inch tall round centerpiece basket is embellished with ash curls! Call 232-5300 to register today. Please bring your own lunch. 4 PAINT THE MASTERS (S) Venice Canal by Edward Manet Monday, October 21, 10 am-12 pm Instructor: Trudy Iervolino Cost: $30.00 + $1.50 user fee (includes all materials) Min/Max: 3/25 Register by Tuesday, October 15 The Paint the Master’s Series continues. This fun and relaxing two-hour class includes paintbrushes, large canvas (16" x 20") and all the instruction you need to create a copy of a master Impressionist’s painting to take home! No painting experience required. User fee is due at time of registration. DID YOU KNOW? The act of creation is life-enhancing and nourishing for the spirit. Recent studies have demonstrated that even when all the other variables are the same, older adults who participate in art programs have fewer doctor visits and lower healthcare costs, use less medication, experience a lower rate of depression, and even have fewer risk factors for entering a nursing home. 62+ Senior Apartment’s Handicapped & Disabled PROFESSIONAL SEWING MACHING REPAIR t)PNFt*OEVTUSJBM t&NCSPJEFSZt$PNNFSDJBM t1SPNQU4FSWJDFBOE3FBTPOBCMF3BUFT t8F4FSWJDF"MM.BLFTBOE.PEFMT t0WFS:FBST&YQFSJFODFt'3&&*O4IPQ&TUJNBUF Lakefront Manor & Villas Yes, we make house calls! Office 920-tCell 920-410-5993 8UI4U0TILPTI CLIFF’S TIRE & BATTERY “We Keep Oshkosh Moving” +BDLTPO4Ut0TILPTI8* 920-235-7400 680 Oak St., Oshkosh Income Restrictions May Apply #3"QUTr)FBU8BUFS*ODMVEFE )FBUFE1BSLJOHr1FUT8FMDPNF &YFSDJTF3PPNr#FBVUZ4BMPO 'SFF.FEJDBM1FOEBOU1SPWJEFE Ask about our Rent Specials "DSPTT'SPN-BLF8JOOFCBHP Call 920-231-6550 Independent Living ~ Assisted Living ~ Skilled Nursing Care Alzheimer’s Care ~ Rehabilitation ~ Respite Services Alzhei tXXXMVUIFSBOIPNFTDPN 4,PFMMFS4Ur0TILPTI Next to Stein’s Free In Home Estimates. (920) 233-3200 LAKE-AIRE Auto Service Complete Auto Service 2200 Montana Street 231-1023 Belville & Associates CHIROPRACTIC CLINIC Dr. Kent Belville Dr. Bradley Hunter Dr. Nicholas Belville /,PFMMFS4Ur0TILPTI8* (920) 230-2525 One Day Installation 8"-,*/#"5)56#4r8"-,*/4)08&3 #"5)300.4"'&5:&26*1.&/5 10% SENIOR DISCOUNT 920-303-5797 This space available. For a price quote call Roofing Contractor Oshkosh, WI 54901 (920) 426-4008 IJDLFZSPPGJOH!NTODPN 8UI"WFt0TILPTI8* $BMWBSZt3JWFSTJEFt4BDSFE)FBSU Pete Harford at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2468 Email: 4UBUF3E0TILPTI MAKE US YOUR FIRST CHOICE! (920) 651-8855 ©2013 For Ad Info Call Pete Harford 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM OSHKOSH SENIOR CENTER, OSHKOSH A 4C 31-0984 Arts, Crafts, Handcrafters North Building (N) South Building (S) HANDS ON CLAY (S) Instructor: Kathy Dittmer Cost: $5 per session + user fee Hands on Clay is held every Tuesday at 1 pm in the Art Studio. No registration required. CERAMICS (S) Instructor: Linda Baerwald Cost: $1.25 + user fee Ceramics class meets every Tuesday from 8 am until 11 am. Work with green-ware & bisque. CREATIVE WRITING (S) Cost: User Fees Apply 9-11 am every Tuesday. Share and discuss individual writings (poetry, short stories, etc.) that are completed at home. NEEDLE ARTS LAB (S) Cost: $.50 per day Meets every Tuesday at 9 am. Do you have an interest in crewel, needlepoint, or counted cross stitch? Come share your patterns and techniques. WRITING FROM THE HEART (S) Facilitator: Roger LeBouton Cost: User Fees Apply Meets every Wednesday at 1 pm. Come enhance your writing skills and express your creativity. WATERCOLOR & ACRYLIC PAINTING LAB (S) Cost: User Fees Apply Painting lab open every Wednesday at 8:30 am in the Art Studio. Everyone welcome—come and paint! OCTOBER WOODSHOP NEWS (N) DECORATIVE ROLLING PIN CLASS Fridays, October 11,18 & 25 8-11 am Instructor: Tom Peotter Cost: $25 + User Fee Min/Max:6 Register by October 4 Come to the OSC Woodshop; join instructor Tom Peotter and learn how to turn and finish your own decorative rolling pin. The class begins October 11 and runs the next 2 Fridays. WOODSHOP OPEN HOURS (N) Mondays Closed for FVTC Classes Tuesdays 8:00 am to 2:30 pm Wednesdays 8:00 am to 2:30 pm Thursdays Bird Carving 8 am to Noon Thursdays Noon to 2:30 pm Fridays 8:00 am to 11:30 am No open woodshop during scheduled classes Don’t forget to drop off your knives and scissors for sharpening before Thanksgiving. Suggested KNITTING AND CROCHETING LAB (S) donation for sharpening runs from $2 to $10 Cost: $.50 per day Join us in the Great Room at 9 am every Thursday. depending on the item. Then check out the wood Bring your pattern to share or use someone else’s. shop items on display. Instruction among participants; everyone welcome. OIL PAINTING LAB (S) Cost: User Fees Apply Painting Lab is open at 9 am every Thursday in the Art Studio. Everyone welcome! 6 Exercise & Fitness Fox Fitness Center (N) Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday: 6:45 am - 2:45 pm; Friday: 6:45 am - 11:45 am Individuals using the Fitness Center must attend our Exercise Basics class and schedule a Fitness Assessment and Equipment Training with our staff. For more info, please stop by our Front Desk. DAILY EXERCISE CLASSES & FITNESS CENTER User Fee $2 Oshkosh Res; $3 Non-Res Individuals may also pay per month or annually. See our Receptionists for more information. OSC INSTRUCTOR-LEAD CLASSES LINE DANCING CLASSES HIGH INTERMEDIATE LINE DANCING (N) Every Mondays, 12:30 pm INTERMEDIATE LINE DANCING (N) Tuesdays, 12:30 pm Cost: $1.50 + $2 Resident, $3 Non-Resident Instructor: Carol Dolan Participants with prior line dancing experience are welcome! TOTALLY TONING (N) Mondays & Wednesdays 8:30 am CARDIO MIX (N) Mondays & Wednesdays 8 am Tuesdays & Thursdays 8:45 am CARDIO CONDITIONING (N) Monday 9 am FLEX ‘N STRETCH (N) Tuesdays & Thursdays 8 am ABSOLUTELY ABS (N) Wednesday 9 am NEW TIME!! BEGINNER LINE DANCING (N) INSTRUCTOR’S CHOICE (N) Wednesdays October 2 —November 6 12:30-1:30pm MUSIC & MOTION (N) Instructor: YMCA Staff Instructor: Trish Delrow 10:30 am Mondays., Wednesdays. & Fridays 6 wk session: $12.00 Res. / $18.00 Non-Res Cost: $1.00 + $2 Res or $3 Non-Res Fee + $1.50 weekly instructor fee Low-mid level beginner dances will be taught. No experience required! Session fee should be paid at TAI CHI CLASSES (N) the North or South front desks. Thursdays, October 17— Friday 8 am November 21 Continuing Beginner; 1pm Advanced; 2pm Instructor: Andy Mertens Cost: $70 Oshkosh Res. / $76 Non-Res. Tai Chi increases flexibility, balance, energy and strength. Continuing Beginner Tai Chi will build on the poses taught in Beginner I. New Beginner I class will resume in January. The fee also allows students to attend evening classes at the Oshkosh Tai Chi Center. Comfortable clothing and flat shoes are required. 7 EXERCISE BASICS (N) Wednesday, October 30, 10-11 am Learn the components of a balanced exercise program, the FITT Principle, the benefits of proper breathing, counting, warming up and cooling down. Exercise Basics is highly recommended for all new Fox Fitness Center participants or those who would like a refresher course are also welcome. Exercise & Fitness YOGA CLASSES FITNESS ASSESSMENTSHOW FIT ARE YOU? (N) Fees are paid to the instructor the first day of class for the entire session. Classes require a yoga mat, two yoga blocks, & one yoga strap. (Can be purchased at Target or Wal-Mart). Instructor: Margie Mahoney Fridays; November 1—December 27; 10-11 am (No class November 29) Session: $48.00 / Drop-in fee: $10.00/class Register by October 28 Please call 232-5310 for an appointment An exercise specialist provides a FREE 30 minute fitness assessment consisting of: • Blood Pressure Check • Calculation of Body Mass Index • Risk Assessment for Metabolic Syndrome • Upper/Lower Body Strength & Flexibility • Cardiac Endurance Test • Balance and Agility Test • Individual consultation regarding results Mondays, November 4—December 30; 11:30 am—12:30 pm (No class December 23) Session: $48.00 / Drop-in fee: $10.00/class Register by October 30 An opportunity for those who have limitations in movement and challenges in their health to begin to experience all the benefits of yoga practice. Participants will use the support of chairs, blocks and straps to improve flexibility, strength and balance. THE “BIGGEST WINNER” COMPETITION UPDATE GENTLE STRETCH YOGA (S) Congratulations to sisters Deborah Horne and Joanne Voakes for being the two winners of this Mondays, November 4—December 30; competition running from June 3- August 9. 12:45-1:45 pm Deborah won for the greatest overall percentage (No class December 23) Session: $48.00 / Drop-in fee: $10.00/class of weight loss losing a total of 14 lbs in the 9 weeks, equaling 6.33% of her total weight. Register by October 30 Slow Flow Yoga is ideal for active seniors who wish Joanne won for the biggest overall improvement in her fitness assessment score, increasing all of to increase their strength, flexibility, balance and her fitness tests by at least 15%! They each won endurance. Participants should be able to move a free month in the fitness center. A big coneasily from the floor to a standing position. gratulations also goes to everyone involved in the competition for either SLOW FLOW YOGA WITH MEDITATION (S) losing pounds or Fridays, November 1—December 27; making big changes in 11:15 am—12:30 pm their fitness assessments (No class November 29) Session: $64.00 / Drop-in fee: $12.00/class as well! Keep up the good work everyone! Register by October 28 The same great Slow Flow Yoga class with the added bonus of post practice meditation. SLOW FLOW YOGA (S) 8 Health & Wellness North Building (N) South Building (S) VALLEY VNA FOOT CARE CLINICS (S) Mondays and Wednesdays, by appointment. Call 232-5310; Suggested Donation: $20 Twenty minute appointments with a Registered Nurse include an exam; foot soak; nail trimming and filing; callus reduction; and foot massage. Nurses will also provide education and referrals as appropriate. FLU CLINICS (S) Wednesdays, October 2, 9, 16, 23 9am-12pm Valley Visiting Nurses will be setting up flu shot clinics starting in October. These clinics run on a walk-in basis, no appointments necessary. Protect yourself and your family members by getting a flu shot. Medicare (Part B), and most Medicare Advantage Plans will cover the cost of vaccines. Flu Vaccine: $30 Pneumonia Vaccine: $44 (1st vaccination) High Dose Vaccine: $49 (Available to people 65 & older.) MONTHLY MEDICATION REVIEW (S) Wednesday, October 9, 9-11am Sponsored by Walgreen’s Pharmacy and the ADRC of Winnebago County. This month’s FREE medication review is held during one of the Flu Clinic dates. It is a great time to review your medications as well any vitamins and OTC (over the counter) medications. You do not need to use Walgreen’s Pharmacy to take advantage of this opportunity. No discarding of medications will be done during this consultation. A HEALTHIER YOU! (S) Monday, October 28, 1 pm OSC, in partnership with Aurora Health Care, host a monthly workshop about improving your life to make “A Healthier You!” Presented by Dena Mayer, Registered Dietician and Diabetes Educator. DID YOU KNOW? Eating a diet rich in vegetables & fruits as part of a healthy diet may reduce risk for heart disease, including heart attack & stroke as well as certain types of cancers. Coming in November: STAY ACTIVE BE CONFIDENT November, 2013 Learn your own risk for a fall and what you can do right now to ensure you don’t have a fall. Nurses will assess medications, mobility, fall history, etc. then give you proven recommendations for preventing a fall. Service will be offered by Winnebago County Health Department. Individual appointments can be made. See 9 November “CURRENT “ for day and time. Don’t let a fall change your world. Take advantage of this free fall screening opportunity. Support Groups and Packers Games North Building (N) South Building (S) BETTER BREATHERS SUPPORT GROUP (S) 2nd Tuesday of every month, 1 pm Facilitator: Maria Munoz Shelly Lancaster, from UW-Oshkosh, will be speaking on the anatomy of COPD. Members of the community living with chronic respiratory diseases and their family members are invited to attend. GRIEF SUPPORT GROUP (S) 3rd Thursday of every month, 6 pm The Grief Support Group is open to any adult grieving the death of a loved one, whether the loss was recent or a long time ago. Facilitated by Melissa Klebbs of Affinity Visiting Nurses Hospice, 1-866-236-8500. Everyone is welcome! PARKINSON’S SUPPORT GROUP (S) 3rd Tuesday of every month 2 pm Hannah Wente, Coordinator for the American Parkinson Disease Association will have a presentation on programs available in Wisconsin. A review of disease process followed by open discussion. People with PD and their care partners are welcome to attend. VISUALLY CHALLENGED SUPPORT GROUP (SF 1st Tuesday of every month, 10 am All persons with vision challenges are welcome to attend. SUNDAY PACKER GAMES (S) Come cheer the Green and Gold to victory with others who enjoy football, especially the Green Bay Packers. Meet new friends while enjoying the game with fellow Packer fans. Tailgate begins 30 minutes before game time – Bring a snack to share and your own non-alcoholic beverage. Celebrate the season! Sunday, October 6, Green Bay Packers vs. Detroit Lions game time: noon Sunday, October 13, Green Bay Packers vs. Baltimore Ravens game time: noon Sunday, October 20, Green Bay Packers vs. Cleveland Brownsgame time: 3:25 pm Sunday, November 10, Green Bay Packers vs. Philadelphia Eagles game time: noon 10 Social, Cultural & Educational North Building (N) South Building (S) OSC RED HAT SOCIETY (S) WELCOME TO MEDICARE (S) Red Hat-A-Tude Meeting Friday, October 4, 1 pm … A legacy of fun and friendship… Wednesday, October 16, 1 pm Registration is recommended by calling 232-5300. A representative from the Social Security Administration office will discuss retirement issues and benefits. Also learn the various parts of Medicare, what choices you need to make when you become Medicare eligible, and what the timelines are for those choices. Learn answers to questions such as: •How do I sign up for Medicare? •What if I am covered under my spouse’s insurance? •I am still working…do I need Medicare? •What exactly is Medicare A, B, C and D? •What are the new private Medicare plans? This informative workshop will be presented by Joan Jaworski, Benefit Specialist for Winnebago County. QUARTER BINGO (S) Mondays, October 7 & 21 2:45-3:45 pm Join Mary Ziegelbauer for a chance to win a quarter per game. Sponsored by: MONDAY BINGO (S) Mondays, October 14 & 28 2:45-3:45 pm Join Corrine Leichtfuss for an hour of fun and prizes sponsored by OSC. THURSDAY BINGO (S) October 10, 1 pm Win great prizes donated by: Vince and Mary Ulrich are your hosts for bingo. October 17 , 1 pm Win great prizes donated by: Join caller, Jeanne Lehr, for an exciting afternoon of bingo. LEGAL COUNSELING (S) Friday, October 18, 10 am-12 pm Legal counseling with local attorneys from Dempsey Law Firm will be offered at no charge for a 30-minute individual session. Counseling is SOCIAL FOR THE SINGLE SENIOR Dublin’s Irish Pub, 2070 W 9th Ave, Oshkosh limited to advising only and does not include other legal work such as drafting of documents. Tuesday, October 8, 11:30 am Call 232-5310 to schedule an appointment. Reservations required by Monday, October 7, MANAGING MONEY IN RETIREMENT (S) Call 232-5300 Friday, October 18, 10 am Do you enjoy eating out? Would Sponsored by Valley VNA & Lutheran Homes you enjoy chatting and socializing while eating of Oshkosh your lunch? Would you welcome the opportunity to Presented by: Providence Financial meet new friends? If you are divorced, single or Register by Tuesday, October 15 widowed, meet us at Dublin’s this month for Managing Your Money in Retirement will cover lunch. everyday expenses needed to maintain one’s PIANO CONCERT (S) standard of living and regular sources of income “Music of the Past” and assets, such as savings and home equity. Providence Financial staff will also discuss Tuesday, October 15, the retirement planning process and suggest how 1:30 pm to handle shortfalls. Join Dr. Weiland on the piano sharing music and sounds from the past. Refreshments complement the afternoon. 11 Social, Cultural & Educational Continued North Building (N) South Building (S) PIANO CONCERT (S) Mary Ellen Pung REPRESENTATIVE HINTZ OFFICE HOURS (S) Friday, October 25, 10 am-12 pm Sunday, October 20, 1:30-2:15 pm Come & discuss local issues with Rep. Hintz. Mary Ellen Pung will play a collection of FRIEND TO FRIEND (N) classical selections including music by HALLOWEEN DANCE Beethoven and Chopin. Friday, October 25, Refreshments complement this afternoon. 1:00-3:00 pm Donations appreciated. Pre-registration encouraged by Monday, THE PATIENT PROTECTION AND October 21 AFFORDABLE CARE ACT (S) Cost: $3.00 per person Tuesday, October 22, 7 pm Join us for great music and Halloween activities! Light refreshments: 6:30 pm Refreshments will be provided. Wear your favorite Presented by: American Association of costume if you choose. Please call to register for University Women planning purposes. Individuals and families age 64 and younger will have new health insurance choices beginning October 1st with an effective date of January 1, 2014.This is a result of the major component of the new federal health reform law. Come to learn about new plan options, premium subsidies, and Medicaid eligibility. John Ulness, founder of Ulness Health Insurance, will help us understand the new laws. Ann Kriegel, Economic Support Manager for Winnebago County, will explain the new process for BadgerCare applications. There will also be administrators from various health care facilities to explain the many changes to their services impacted by this law. PLANNED GIVING (S) Thursday, October 24, 10 am Presented by: Oshkosh Area Community Foundation Have you thought about your legacy? Did you know there are ways to provide for your family and your community through planned giving? Did you know you could start a fund with as little as $250? There are many options available through the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation. Karlene Grabner, Director of Donor Services, will be here to discuss options. She is not a financial planner. This is opportunity to learn how, no matter the size of your estate, you can make a difference in your community. 12 BOOK CLUB (S) Tuesday, October 29, 9:30-11:00 am Anna Quindlen writes about looking back and ahead - and celebrating it all - as she considers marriage, girlfriends, our mothers, faith, loss, all the stuff in our closets, and more. SOUP’S ON (N) Thursday, October 31, 11:30 am-12:30 pm Enjoy a warm bowl of soup on a cool fall day. Donations appreciated! POPCORN & A MOVIE (S) The Great Gatsby Thursday, October 31, 1 pm “The Great Gatsby” follows Fitzgerald-like, would-be writer Nick Carraway as he leaves the Midwest and comes to New York City in the spring of 1922, an era of loosening morals, glittering jazz and bootleg kings. *Coming on Thurs, Oct. 31? See page 2 for dress up information. The Rivers Senior Living Medicare Aces for Adults 55+ Income Affordable Apartments TURNING 65? WE CAN HELP! For more information, call 920-232-2350 Many Activities Available Stunning Location on the Fox River 375 City Center, Suite G Oshkosh, WI 54901 Shelly A. Squier 920-527-0292 *not affiliated with any government agency HAVENWOOD LAKE Medicare Updates How will these affect you? MEMORY CARE EXPERTS Oshkosh 51·V&1$+20(0$.(5 Reliable & Trusted (920) 426-9900 (Bonded & Insured) 3HUVRQDO&DUH&RPSDQLRQVKLS (UUDQGV2XWLQJV 2PUR5G2VKNRVK (920) 651-9400 Call Joan M. Egan from the Physicians Mutual family 0')6/5&343*%(& .JEXFTUT/FXFTU-VYVSZ"QBSUNFOU$PNNVOJUZ t$POEP4UZMF-JWJOHt*OEJWJEVBM&OUSBODFX'SPOU1PSDIt"UUBDIFE(BSBHF t"MM0OF-FWFM/P4UBJSTt-BSHF8BMLJO4IPXFSTt1FUT8FMDPNFXTPNFSFTUSJDUJPOT &ML3JEHF%Sr0TILPTI BRIARWOOD COTTAGES t)FBUBOEXBUFSJODMVEFEt8BTIFSESZFSIPPLVQt3FEVDFE$BCMF t*OEJWJEVBMFOUSBODFXJUIGSPOUQPSDIt4QBDJPVTnPPSQMBOT "UUBDIFE(BSBHFt1FUTBDDFQUFEXJUITPNFSFTUSJDUJPOT 8UI"WF0TILPTI 'PSNPSFJOGPSNBUJPODBMM PMA2649-0412 ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW ,0/3"%#&)-."/ GABERT, WILLIAMS, KONZ & LAWRYNK, LLP '6/&3"-)0.&4 Serious Injury and Accident Cases - Estate Planning Wills - Probate - Elder Law - Real Estate - Landlord/Tenant 4FSWJOH"MM'BJUIT4JODF (920) 733-5521 i'SFFNJOVUF JOJUJBMDPOTVMUBUJPOu "/%$3&."503: 8BVHPP"WFr-BLF1PJOUF%S 920-231-1510 Assisi Homes of Neenah NEW HAVEN ASSISTED LIVING Options for Seniors 920-231-7900 Arborview Manor Oakwood Manor 1520 Arboretum Drive 8JU[FMM"WF0TILPTI BRIARWOOD COTTAGES 414-899-4316 /PSUI.BTPO4U "QQMFUPO ZZZUDKKRPHFDUHFRP LUXURY SENIOR LIVING -VYVSZ4FOJPS-JWJOHGPS t)FBUFE6OEFSHSPVOE1BSLJOHt'JUOFTT$FOUFSt1MBOOFE"DUJWJUJFT t) t&MFWBUPSt0O#VT3PVUFt$MPTFUP4IPQQJOH.FEJDBM'BDJMJUJFTBOE$IVSDIFT A Franciscan Ministries Community Amenities: r"GGPSEBCMFIPVTJOHGPS4FOJPST"HF r0OFCFESPPNBQBSUNFOUTJODMVEFIFBUIPUXBUFS r.BOZ"DUJWJUJFTBOEXFMMOFTTQSPHSBNTPGGFSFE r*ODPNFSFTUSJDUJPOTBQQMZ Sponsored by the 2675 Omro Road Webster Manor "TTJTJ)PNFTPG/FFOBI 210 Byrd Ave., Neenah, WI 54956 920-729-1771 TTY 800-924-1973 515 S. Webster Avenue Wheaton Franciscan Sisters 0SUIPQFEJD3FIBCt4IPSU5FSN4USFOHUIFOJOH3FIBCt3FTQJUF$BSF )PTQJDFt8PVOE$BSFt-POH5FSN$BSFt%FNFOUJB$BSF6OJU #PXFO4USFFUt “Arrive as our patient… leave as our friend” “Over 50 Years of Expertise” %*$,*/40/ ʤ0''8"4)#63/#&)*/%/"1"ʥ FREE TRIAL OFFER 136 JACKSON ST. ! OSHKOSH 920-966-2700 525 E DIVISION ST. ! FON DU LAC 920-921-2353 WWW.BELTONE.COM Sue Schmidt Sales Associate 0SFHPO4USFFU4VJUF#0TILPTI8* 8UI"WF0TILPTIt $FMMr0GGJDF &NBJMTDINJEUT!àSTUXFCFSDPN Just East of The EAA Grounds XXXàSTUXFCFSDPN Seniors age 60 and older ride GO Transit buses for the lowest fare in the City. GO TRANSIT 926 Dempsey Trail, Oshkosh, WI 54902 0VSTFSWJDFTJODMVEF tIPVSTLJMMFEOVSTJOHDBSF t$PNQSFIFOTJWFQPTUBDVUFDBSF t3FIBCJMJUBUJPOTFSWJDFT t1IZTJDBMPDDVQBUJPOBMBOETQFFDIUIFSBQJFT t"M[IFJNFSTBOEEFNFOUJBDBSF t$BSFGPSNFEJDBMMZDPNQMFYQBUJFOUT ti:PVS+PVSOFZ)PNFwTIPSUUFSNSFIBCJMJUBUJPOQSPHSBN ©2013 Mark & Susie’s Piggly Wiggly 525 East Murdock Ave 920-236-7801 For Ad Info Call Pete Harford 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM OSHKOSH SENIOR CENTER, OSHKOSH B 4C 31-0984 08-29-2013 17:24:39 Social, Cultural & Educational Continued WISCONSIN WARMERS (N) WEEKLY GAMES & CARDS Thursdays, 12-3 pm Join us as we make items to give away to schools, hospice programs, group homes, hospitals and other non-profit organizations. No experience necessary. The Wisconsin Warmers appreciate all donations, and are in continual need of cotton quilting fabric pieces that are 2 to 3 yards or larger in size for quilt backs. Check out your stash of material and see what you could spare. Your donation is also tax-deductible! CHORUS (S) Mondays, 1:30 pm Director: Paula Steinert New members are invited to join us this month to share the joy of music. The OSC Chorus performs at local nursing homes, assisted living facilities and various special events. COMPUTER CORNER Classes: $1 Oshkosh Res/$1.50 Non-Res Cost of Card Games: $.25 per day Canasta (S) Come join this card group at 11:30 am every Mon. Sheepshead Sheepshead meets daily in the S at 12:30 pm and in the N M-F at 9 am. Bingo (S) Come join us each Monday at 2:45 pm. Cribbage Meets every Tues. & Fri. in the S at 8 am and in the N Mon., Wed., & Fri. at 9 am. Mexican Train & Spades (S) This domino game (Mexican Train) and card game (Spades) are each played every Tues. at 1 pm. All are welcome! Bunco & Bid Euchre (S) Join us for a great time! Bunco is a dice game played every Wednesday at 1:30 pm. Bid Euchre is a card game of strategy played Wed. at 1 pm. Open Bridge (S) Computer Enrollment Fair (S) Played every Friday at 12:45 pm. All are welcome! Thursday, October 31, 9-11 am LANGUAGE ARTS & HISTORY Classes: $1 Oshkosh Res/$1.50 Non-Res Register for classes offered in November. Internet Hodge Podge (S) German (S) 1st Monday of each month, 1:30-3:00 pm Internet information: anti-virus & firewall programs, favorite sites we hope you enjoy, & an opportunity for you to share your favorites with us. Instructor: Charlie Roeder Mondays at 10 am; Beginners welcome Computer Talk (S); Tuesdays, 1:30 - 3:30 pm Join to discuss computer related topics. Private Lessons (S); Weds., 1:30 - 3:30 pm Schedule one-on-one time with a volunteer instructor. Computer Lab (S); Thurs., 1:30 - 3:30 pm A chance for questions and answers. 13 Spanish (S) Instructor: Ann Cider Tuesdays 10:30 - 11:30 am; Beginners Thursdays 11 am - 12 pm; Moderate to Fluent French (S) Instructor: Severin Swanson Thursdays at 2:30 pm; For those able to hold a basic conversation in French History (S) Instructor: Charlie Roeder Fridays at 10 am; Learn about exotic places; study animals & plants from other parts of the world. Other Available Services SENIOR COMMUNITY RESOURCES LLS Senior Connection provides information and assistance to seniors and/or their family members. Seniors can be connected to resources such as: •In-Home Care Providers •Support Groups •Home Handyman List •Transportation Services •Legal Services & POA Forms •Long-Term Care Facilities •Money Management •Mental Health Services •Nutrition and Meal Program •Independent and Subsidized Housing •Respite and Adult Day Care •Social Service Benefit Programs •Employment Training and Assistance •Caregiver Resources To request information, please call Leah Patrick at 232-5304 or email questions to: ELDER BENEFIT SPECIALISTS Providing Free Services to Anyone Age Sixty and Older Winnebago County Elder Benefit Specialists (EBS) provide confidential assistance for an array of topics and issues to anyone 60+. EBS services are completely free and the service is not based upon income. The EBS are employed by the Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) of Winnebago County. EBS can help with understanding Medicare and the insurance options that go with it, public benefit programs, and helping with denials and appeals. Oshkosh’s EBS, Joan Jaworski, can be reached by calling the ADRC of Winnebago County toll free at 877886-2372. Joan also has walk in hours at OSC every Wednesday 10-11:30 am. NEED A SPACE FOR A PARTY? Need space for a Family Gathering; Anniversary, Birthday, Retirement Parties; or for Bridal or Wedding Showers? Or are you part of a group that needs a place to meet? OSC can help! We have beautiful rooms that can accommodate small groups to a party of 300. Affordable rates are available! Call OSC before you rent somewhere else. Call Sara at 2325310 or If you have any questions, suggestions or concerns you would like to share, please contact a staff member. We are pleased to assist you! WE NEED YOUR HELP! OSC is in the process of determining potential uses for the unfinished space in the North building. We need your input. If you would like more information about the process please contact: Kathy Snell, 232-5301 or Help Shape the Future of OSC! KEEP FIT WITH MINDWORKS Are you experiencing some memory challenges? MindWorks classes meet Wednesday & Friday and feature brain fitness activities, light physical exercise, activities that promote self-expression & language skills, and community resources information. Call Megan at 920-378-8819. 15 Friends Friendsofofthe theOshkosh OshkoshSeniors SeniorsCenter BOARD MEMBERS NEEDED FOR 2014 The Friends of the Oshkosh Seniors Center is currently recruiting new board members to serve a three-year term. The ideal applicants are those that are energetic and committed to the future successes of the Oshkosh Seniors Center. If you or someone you know is interested and would like more information or an application, please contact Jeff Liethen, 920-376-0242 or e-mail The board meets the 1st Thursday of the month for approximately 1 1/2 hours. This is a great way to volunteer and support the Oshkosh Community. DID YOU KNOW? Within the last eight years, attendance at OSC has doubled to more than 50,000 annually. • To meet the increased demand it is imperative that services and programs grow. • With municipal budgets decreasing, OSC must seek additional funding sources. • Additional income could be achieved by growing the Friends of the Oshkosh Seniors Center’s endowment to a target of $4 million by the year 2020. When you... _xtäx t _xztvç You will not only be providing for the needs of those in our community today, but for years to come. Your generous donation will be recognized in many ways. Please consider the Oshkosh Seniors Center in your tax-deductible annual gifting and your legacy planning. For more information, please contact Julie Kiefer, Fund Developer at 232-5319 or the Oshkosh Area Community Foundation at 426-3993. SUPPORT OSC! BE A FRIEND! Accredited Member If you are not a Friend, consider becoming one today! For more information, contact the OSC Front Desks or call 232-5300. Wisconsin Association of Senior Centers (WASC) Thank You to the following FRIENDS for your 2013 Support! Ruth Denow Frances Galow John Kosmer Judy Tracy John & Linda Dittburner Lisa Homann Tom & Judy Steckbauer FOSC Monthly Board Meeting Thursday, October 3, 2013; 10 am Please Join Us: All Friends Board meetings are open to the public. 16 What’s New with the Friends? DONATION RECEOVED Bob Kossel presents Jeff Liethen, Friends President with a large flat screen TV from Kossel’s for the Fall Fest Raffle. R’S KOSH FARME H S O T A S D N FRIE MARKET the Oshkosh ends of he st 10, the Fri u g u A , r’s Market. T y e a rd rm a F e th On Satu t a as a r had a booth oth said it w o b e th d Seniors Cente e rk o about orters who w e community th to Friends supp n o ti a They get inform has to offer. r te en C rs great way to io en attract e Oshkosh S Fun Fest. To y il m a F everything th ll a nd F wing for a ha le tickets for ra d a ad h s d also sold raff rien e-art booth, the F s state-of-th r’ te n e C e people to the th in lp! house made e for their he n o ry crafted bird ve e to Thank you wood shop! 'JTT#JMMT1PLMBTOZ 'VOFSBM)PNFT$SFNBUPSZ Serving All Faiths Since 1904 865 S. Westhaven Dr. 870 W. South Park Ave. 235-1170 XXX'JTT#JMMT1PLMBTOZDPN GRANT RECEIVED The Frien ds receive d a $ 2 50 from the grant Shopko Fo undation. funds were The used to pu Kindle Fir rc h a s e the e HD for th e Fall Fes Raffle. t GLYNN PARK APARTMENTS Oshkosh’s Best Senior Apartments for 55+ (920) 233-2600 Spacious 1 bedroom $475 2 bedroom, 2 bath $585 Includes Heat, Water & Cable TV On-site Library Beauty/Barber Shop, Nail Clinic &YFSDJTF3PPNr57-PVOHFT 8FFLMZ3FMJHJPVT4FSWJDFT &WFOU"DUJWJUJFT This space available. For a price quote call Make yourself at home! Pete Harford at 1-800-950-9952 Ext. 2468 Email: Call Today 920.231.7701 XXXNJMMFOOJVNIPVTJOHPSH 8UI"WF 46%%&/4&37*$& 1-6.#*/(t)&"5*/($00-*/( &-&$53*$" rXXXESVDLTDPN ©2013 For Free Injury / Pain Assessments &217$&726& 25)937 17 ZZZIR[YDOOH\SK\VLFDOWKHUDS\FRP For Ad Info Call Pete Harford 1-800-950-9952 WWW.4LPi.COM OSHKOSH SENIOR CENTER, OSHKOSH C 4C 31-0984 08-29-2013 17:24:39 Winnebago Senior Tours All tours will leave from the Oshkosh Seniors Center South Building unless otherwise noted. PAC Express Flashdance (show only) Date: Wed., November 13, 7:30 p.m. Cost: $67 Guides: Cindy Glatz & Laurie Peach PAC Express - Memphis (show only) Date: Thurs., Oct.17 7:30 p.m. Cost: $67 Guides: Cindy Glatz & Irene Totsky Inspired by actual events, “Memphis” is about a white radio DJ who wants to change the world & a black club singer who is ready for her big break. Come along on their incredible journey and enjoy the emotional and roof-raising rock ‘n’ roll. Bus leaves at 6:15 p.m. and returns at 10:00 p.m. See tour guides for final payment date. HoChunk Casino, Baraboo An inspiring tale of a Pittsburgh steel mill worker by day/bar dancer by night with dreams of one day becoming a professional performer. When romance with her boss complicates her ambitions, she learns the meaning of love and its power to fuel the pursuit of her dream. Bus leaves at 6:15 p.m. and returns at 10:00 p.m. Final payment due November 1st. Branson at Christmas Date: December 1-7 Cost: $599 Guides: Carol Kaufmann & Pat Krohn Date: Thurs., October 31 Cost: $30 Guides: Laurie Peach & Irene Branson is beautiful during the holidays. Join us Totsky for a 7 day, 6 night stay. Shows include: The Casino lovers, join us this fall. $25 free play will be added to your card. Bus leaves at 8:30 a.m. and returns around 4:30 p.m. Please provide your casino card # or birth-date when signing up. Haygoods, George Dyer, Tony Orlando, and more. We will also visit Branson Landing; Showboat Branson Belle; and a St. Louis casino. Deposit is $75 with additional $180 for single occupancy. Final payment due September 25th. Friday Night Lights Winnebago Senior Tours Date: Dec. 13 Cost: $69 Guides: Laurie Peach & Dorinne Christl Oshkosh Seniors Center, South Facility Desk Hours: Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. Get ready for Christmas with stops at The Wreath Factory in Plymouth, Osthoff’s Old World Christmas Market in Elkhart Lake, dinner at the Osthoff Resort, Lakeside Light show in Fond du Lac, a stop at Kristmas Kringle Shoppe in FDL, and then Celebration of Lights in Menominee Park before returning to the Oshkosh Seniors Center. Bus leaves at 11:00 a.m. and returns about 8:30 p.m. Phone: 920-232-5312 To sign up for a tour, stop in or mail your deposit to: Winnebago Senior Tours 200 N. Campbell Rd., Oshkosh, WI 54902 18 Winnebago Senior Tours Continued Fireside Dinner ShowChristmas Show Date: Thursday, December 19 Cost: $89 Guides: Carol Kaufmann & Dorinne Christl A musical review in celebration of the most joyous holiday of the year. A new look, as well as sound, music, choreography, costumes, settings and a Winnebago Senior Tour Guides new cast of performers, filled with inspiration and Back: Carol Kaufmann, Betty Litjens, Pat love. Don’t miss this ever-popular dinner show. Krohn, Dorinne Christl, Laurie Peach; Front: See flyer for menu. Bus leaves at 8:00 a.m. and Cindy Glatz, Kathy Kietz, and Irene Totsky returns around 5:45 p.m. Miami Beach Date: February 21—March 3, 2014 Cost: $849 pp/double for 11 days /10 nights Guides: Carol Kaufmann & Pat Krohn Includes 10 breakfasts/7 dinners; Cruise by celebrity homes on Biscayne Bay; visit to oceanfront Hollywood Beach “Boardwalk”; Time in “South Beach”; Day trip to Key West; Visit to Bayside Marketplace; Guided tour of Miami. A comment from Tour Guide Dorinne Christl. “When putting your name on the reserve list for a trip you would like to go on but it is already full, I would suggest you also put the trip on your personal calendar to keep the date open. You never know when you might get a call due to someone cancelling at the last minute. I know how disappointed people are when we call and they aren’t able to go due to scheduling something else for the day of the trip. So if there is a trip that you REALLY want to go on and it is already full when you come to sign up, be sure to put your name on the reserve list and try to keep the date open just in case you get that call!! Thanks for travelling with us—we enjoy these trips as much as you do and are always open to suggestions from our travelers!” Upcoming Trips for 2014 Overnight Casino Trip Fireside Dinner Show PAC - Wicked Dorf Kapell 3 Night Mississippi River Cruise Cape Cod 19 January February 6 February 13 February 16 July October 4—11 Please Note: For upcoming tours, please contact the tour desk for sign-up availability. Friends of the Oshkosh Seniors Center 200 N Campbell Rd Oshkosh WI 54902 Non Profit Org U.S. Postage RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED PAID Oshkosh, WI 54902 Permit No. 92 The Oshkosh Seniors Center is working to enrich the quality of life for adults 50 and over. Oshkosh Seniors Center Center Staff Lutheran Social Services 200 North Campbell Road Oshkosh, WI 54902 920-232-5300 Mark Ziemer, Senior Services Manager Sara Barndt, Secretary Teri Jolin, Receptionist Julie Kiefer, Fund Development Carrie Ottum, Program Coordinator Steve Sagmeister, Receptionist Paula Seeley, Health Program Manager Kathy Snell, Lead Office Coordinator Amanda Ubbelohde, Fitness Coordinator Jane Wells, Activity Coordinator Sarah Hammond, Day Services Mgr 920-232-9535 Leah Patrick, Senior Connection at OSC 232-5304 Andrea Mitchell, LSS Counselor 920-225-1709 Center Board Bob Cornell, President Judy Smith, Vice President Dale Sonnenberg, Treasurer Barbara Goldthwaite Sue Gullickson John Hauser Heather Hoeffler Gary Konrad Vicki Leichtfuss Roberta Messer Cynthia Thorpe Xandy Kloeckl, Oshkosh COA Delegate Ann Marie Kosek, FOSC Representative Friends Board Jeff Liethen, President Ann Marie Kosek, Vice President Viv Goupell, Secretary Judy Abraham, Treasurer Ginny Brockhaus Nancy Underwood-Dehn Barbara Goldthwaite, Center Board Rep. Jeannie Lehr Trish Liethen Elsie Meland Jean Neal Sandra Reeser Nancy Samida Ron Seipp Mary Swanke South Building Hours: Mon – Fri 8 am – 4 pm North Building Hours: Mon – Thurs 6:45 am – 2:45 pm Fri 6:45 am – 11:45 am Oshkosh Committee on Aging Peggy Bellin, Chairperson Claude Benedict Lurton W. Blassingame Kathryn Glander Julie Hert Xandy Kloeckl, Liaison Evelyn Minniear Deb Pahl Judy Richey, Secretary Clark Seibold Advocap Jo Pinkerton, Mealsite Manager 920-420-3191 Wendy Nevers, RSVP at OSC 420-0153