IDBI Bank Ltd. Internal Ombudsman Scheme 2014 IDBI Bank’s Internal Ombudsman Scheme 2014 1. Objective: 1.01 The ‘Internal Ombudsman Scheme 2014’ is introduced with the objective of enabling customers of IDBI Bank to access an independent arbitrator within the Bank for their complaints, when they do not receive a reply from the Bank as per the timeframe specified in the Bank’s Grievance Redressal Policy as hosted on the Bank’s website or are not satisfied with the resolution provided by the Bank. The customer can approach the Internal Ombudsman so appointed before he files a complaint with the Banking Ombudsman (BO), RBI in line with the BO Scheme, 2006 as amended upto February 2009 2. Scope, Jurisdiction and Effective Date of the Internal Ombudsman Scheme 2014: 2.01 The Internal Ombudsman Scheme, 2014 shall come into force with immediate effect and the Internal Ombudsman shall be designated as the Chief Customer Service Officer (CCSO) of the Bank. 2.02 It shall apply to the business of the Bank in India. 2.03 Complaints received by CCSO will be resolved within 30 working days from the date of receipt of the complaint by the office of the CCSO, as per Grievance Redressal Policy of the Bank. -1- 3. Grounds of Appeal to CCSO: 3.01 A person may file a complaint in relation to deficiency of service with the CCSO if: i. His/ Her complaint with the Bank remains unresolved or is not resolved to his/her satisfaction even after expiry of Turn Around Time (TAT) specified in the Bank’s Grievances Redressal Policy; ii. The Complainant has not taken recourse to any other remedy before the Banking Ombudsman, Consumer Forum, Civil Court or any other adjudicating authority; and iii. The Complaint does not relate to services provided more than two years ago. 3.02 Any complaint, which is non-specific in nature or is in the nature of wild and unsubstantiated allegations not relevant to the grievance sought to be made known, is liable to be rejected by the CCSO and the same shall be communicated to the complainant. 3.03 An indicative list of products and services on which aggrieved customers can approach the CCSO is given below: A. Deficiency or delay without sufficient cause in providing product or service offered by the Bank: i. Non-payment or inordinate delay in payment of cheques, drafts and bills. ii. Non-payment /delayed payment of inward remittances including transfer of funds between branches, or through electronic transfer. -2- iii. Delay/ default in crediting proceeds of deposits, loan instalments, Standing Instructions, ECS credits etc. iv. Delay/ deficiency in handling remittances made by Non-Resident Indians. v. Delay/ deficiency in resolving issues on failed transactions arising from ATM, Internet banking, Mobile banking and other channels of delivery. vi. Non disbursement or delay in disbursement of pension. vii. Delay/ refusal in respect of settlement of deceased depositors’ claim or claim for unclaimed deposits after fulfilling requirements laid down by the Bank. viii. Non-acceptance or delay in acceptance of taxes on behalf of the government, wherever the Bank/its branches are authorized to accept the same. ix. Refusal to issue or delay in issuing or failure to service or delay in servicing of Government securities and Government Schemes handled in the capacity of Agency bank like Public Provident Fund, Senior Citizens Bond, etc. x. Delay in release of securities, collateral securities and security documents after satisfactory adjustments of the loan outstanding. xi. Wrongful or fraudulent disposition of amounts deposited in the Bank’s account. xii. Non-observance of RBI guidelines on engagement of recovery agents. xiii. Non-adherence to the Fair Practices Code, as adopted by the Bank, or nonadherence to the provisions of the Code of Banks’ Commitment to Customers and Banks’ Commitment to Small and Micro Enterprises issued by BCSBI and as adopted by the Bank. -3- B. Refusal to provide legitimate service expected of the Bank: i. Refusal to open deposit account without any valid reason. ii. Refusal to close or delay in closing of accounts/ deposits/ guarantees. iii. Non-acceptance of small denomination notes or soiled notes or coins tendered for exchange and for charging of commission thereof. C. Default in disclosure of terms, conditions, pricing or other information relating to product and service offered by the Bank. i. Levying of charges without adequate prior notice to customers. ii. Charging of penalty/ penal interest without disclosure of such provisions while providing product/ services. D. Violation of guidelines of Reserve Bank of India and/or Code of Commitment under Banking Codes and Standards Board of India while rendering product and service i. Violation of guidelines of Reserve Bank of India and codes of BCSBI. ii. Violation of code on lending to Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises adopted under BCSBI. iii. Any other matter relating to violation of directives by Reserve Bank of India in relation to banking services. -4- 3.04 Exclusions The following complaints, however, shall not be considered as Grounds for appeal to CCSO: i. Non sanction of loans or advances including re-phasement/ restructuring of loans. ii. Recovery action for Non performing loans and advances including repossession of securities under SARFESAI Act. iii. Deficiency of service of principals under agency arrangements or under tie-up with a service provider like online trading platform for equity, joint venture for insurance products or Mutual fund products or its subsidiary. 4. Procedure for filing Complaint: 4.01 Any person who has a grievance against the Bank on any one or more of the grounds mentioned hereinabove under para no.(3) above may, himself or through his authorized representative (other than an advocate), make a complaint to the CCSO. 4.02 The complaint in writing shall be duly signed by the appellant or his authorized representative stating clearly: i. The name and the address of the complainant; ii. The name and address of the branch or office of the Bank against which the complaint is made; iii. The facts giving rise to the complaint; iv. The nature and extent of the loss caused to the complainant; v. Date of complaint to the Bank with the grievance; vi. Copy of the reply received from the Bank, if replied; and vii. The relief sought for. -5- 4.03 The complainant shall file along with the complaint, copies of the documents, if any, which he proposes to rely upon, copy of authority letter and a declaration that the complaint is maintainable under para 4.05 mentioned below. 4.04 A complaint made through electronic means shall also be accepted by the CCSO and a print-out of such complaint shall be taken on record by the CCSO. 4.05 No complaints to the CCSO shall lie unless: i. The complainant had, before making a complaint to the CCSO, made a written representation to the Bank and the Bank had rejected the complaint; or the complainant had not received any reply as per the time frame specified in the Bank’s Grievance Redressal Policy or the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given to him by the Bank; ii. The complaint is made not later than one year after the complainant has received the reply from the Bank to his representation or, where no reply is received, not later than one year and one month after the date of the representation to the Bank; iii. The complaint is not in respect of the same cause of action which was settled or dealt with on merits by the CCSO in any previous proceedings whether or not received from the same complainant or along with one or more complainants or one or more of the parties concerned with the cause of action; iv. The complaint does not pertain to the same cause of action, for which any proceedings before any court, tribunal or arbitrator or any forum is pending or a decree or Award or order has been passed by any such court, tribunal, arbitrator or forum; -6- v. The complaint is not frivolous or vexatious in nature. Contact details of CCSO: 4.06 If the complaint is in physical form, then it should be sent to Chief Customer Service Officer, IDBI Bank Ltd., 14th Floor, IDBI Tower, WTC Complex, Cuffe Parade, Mumbai 400 005 or to any of the Bank’s branches. If it is in electronic form, then the same shall be sent to 5. Escalation to Banking Ombudsman, RBI: If the complainant does not receive a reply within 30 working days of approaching the CCSO or is not satisfied with the response given by CCSO, she/ he may appeal to the Banking Ombudsman, RBI of the relevant jurisdiction. -7-