Instructor Isabella Stryker Hum 1020 Intro to Humanities Syllabus Email Office Location 1-243 (Adjunct Office) 3-319 (Mailbox Location) Course Description This class is the basic and fundamental introduction to Humanities. This course focuses on concepts, ideals, and historical significances of the world around us. Humanities is the academic disciple that studies human culture. Office Hours 9:00-10:00 am MW 9:00-11:00 amTR Classroom TBA Required Text Landmarks in Humanities, Third Edition, Gloria K. Fiero A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertation; 7th or 8th Edition; Kate L. Turabian Class Time 6:00-8:45 pm W Objectives This class is oriented to help students understand humanities from prehistoric times to present. While this is not a Gordon Rule class, this class is designed to prepare students for more challenging forms of writing. Therefore, proper use of spelling, grammar, and sentence structure are required. The following goals for the class: Analyze primary works in the arts and humanities in terms of how they contribute to the meaning of human experience. Demonstrate knowledge of the skills involved in creating art and performance. Identify aesthetic principles of the arts and humanities. Select and use the vocabulary of the humanities at an appropriate intellectual level. Identify works in the arts and humanities within a historical framework. Describe a personal response to works of the arts and humanities. Use humanities to think outside the box. Each student will strive to: Think clearly, critically and creatively by analyzing and evaluating the many works, philosophies and a variety of concepts covered in class. Assess the Value of understanding the many aspects of humanities as they relate to life in the 21st century and the actions of the artists of this age. Communicate by reading, listening, writing, and speaking effectively. Act in a way that will enable you to work to your fullest potential. SPRING 2016 Page 1 Course Schedule *This syllabus is subject to change by the instructor at any time Week Subject Assignments 1 Jan 15 Intro to the class, syllabus, contract signed, Invictus Invictus, Read 8-13, 29-63 2 Jan 20 INVICTUS DUE, Origins & Classicalism (Greeks) Read 65-89, CE assigned 3 Jan 27 CE DUE, The Power and Glory of Rome Read 91-118 4 Feb 3 Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Mid-term & 3D Project assigned Read 121-140, 143- 171, RP 1 assigned 5 Feb 10 RP 1 DUE, The Rise of the West, Europe in the Age of Faith Mid-term, 3D 6 Feb 17 Mid-term Jeopardy Game, MID-TERM DUE AT END OF CLASS Mid-term, 3D 7 Feb 24 TOPIC FOR RESEARCH PAPER & 3D PROJECT DUE Read 173-210, Research paper topic, 3D 8 March 2 Early & High Renaissance Italy Read 213-237, RP 2 9 March 9 SPRING BREAK NO CLASS 10 March 16 RP 2 DUE, The Northern Renaissance & Reformation Read 259-290, Portfolio assigned, Research Paper 11 March 23 Catholic Reformation, Italian Baroque, Northern Baroque, Baroque & Music Read 293-321, 325-350, Portfolio, Research paper 12 March 30 PORTFOLIO DUE, Enlightenment, Romanticism Read, 355-379, 383-413, Research paper 13 April 6 RESEARCH PAPER DUE, Materialism, Modernism, Final Exam assigned Read 417-458, Final 14 April 13 Globalism Final 15 April 20 Final Jeopardy Game, FINAL DUE AT END OF CLASS Final SPRING 2016 Page 2 Student Conduct Valencia Community College is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge and learning as well as the development of responsible personal and social conduct. A Student Code of Conduct is available in the current Valencia Student Handbook. By enrolling in this institution a student assumes responsibility for adhering to the rules of conduct found in the handbook. There will be no tolerance for the breaking of any of the rules of student conduct. Classroom Behavior This is a discussion-based class. Often, you will be presented with points of view that may conflict with your own. Academic debate is highly encouraged, but rude and offensive behavior toward any member of the classroom will not be tolerated. Other Responsibilities of the Student Students are expected to know the rules regarding ethical conduct. Any student who breaches any rules regarding ethical behavior risks failure. Some examples of such behavior include: plagiarism, cheating, and failure to document intellectual material obtained during research. Any student who believes that she/he is unable to fulfill these responsibilities must schedule an appointment immediately with the instructor to discuss any chances for success in the course. Students with Disabilities The Office for Students with Disabilities exists to determine and ensure reasonable and appropriate accommodations and modifications for qualified students with documented disabilities, to assist students in self-advocacy, to educate the Valencia community about disabilities, and to ensure compliance with the ADAAA, and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act. Should you have a disability and need assistance, it is available. Assignment Policy Assignments are turned in on its due date, at the beginning of class. Every assignment will be submitted digitally and one hard copy to the professor on the due date. The Invictus response paper is worth UP TO 5 extra points. Attendance and Participation (10 pts) In order to have the greatest chance of success in this class, attendance and participation is required. The policy of this class will be two excused absences. Excessive absences will have a negative impact on your final grade. After two unexcused absences, 2 points will be deducted from your final grade per absence. Since this is 10% of your final grade, IT IS IMPORTANT! Those with perfect attendance at the end of the semester will receive 5 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS towards their grade! Tardy- I will allow 3 unexcused tardies during the semester. After that, it is 2 points per unexcused occurrence off your final grade. Cell Phones / Laptops Cellphones, iPhones and such are not permitted in class! If you are found, heard, or seen with your cell phone out I will collect it at the end of class. After the second occurrence, it will result in 2 points off your final grade per instance. Laptops, ipads, and tablets are permitted for use in class. If the student is found on a non-class material site or not on task, they will be required to put it away for the duration of class. SPRING 2016 Page 3 Response Papers (10 pts) You will be required to prepare 2 scheduled response papers. You will describe your interpretation of the topic via guided response. Each paper will be due on the date and time specified on the syllabus. Each paper must be 300-400 words in length. Instructor may stop reading after 400 words. Response papers are potential testable material and total 10% of your final grade. Revisions One of the goals of this class is to develop your ability to write at the college level. All assigned essays will be graded in a timely manner and you will be given one week to make corrections to potentially earn a better grade. Individual meetings can be arranged for further clarification of corrections. The only assignment not allowed a revision is the research paper; only plagiarism cases will be permitted to revise.(Research paper revisions are due the following class) Submissions must be accompanied with a writing center report. Education and success is my goal. 3D Project (10 pts) You will be required to create a 3D project within the specified guidelines of the professor. It must be able to fit in the room, be three-dimensional, and totals 10% of your final grade. Portfolio (10 pts) Since humanities is the study of humanistic traditions, this will be a study of ourselves. Each student will create a portfolio of previous works from their academic journey. The portfolio will consist of copies of 2 GRADED works from 3 of the following subjects: English/Literature, Science, Art/Art History, History, and Philosophy. These are the 5 pillars that make up humanities. Duel enrollment students can use works from their current high school they are attending. All submitted work must be graded to get full credit. This is worth 10% of your final grade. If you successfully include works from all 5 areas, you will get UP TO 5 extra credit points. Cultural Event (10 pts) In order to globalize our minds it is important to understand the world around us. Each student is required to write one cultural event. The cultural event is meant to look at things happening in our world that typically would be overlooked in everyday life. The cultural event must be approximately 500 words in length but not over 600 words. It is worth 10% of your final grade. Exams (30 pts) This class will have 2 exams, one mid-term and one final. Collectively they are worth 30% of your final grade. Both of these exams will be take home and open book exams. While these are open book exams, GROUP WORK OR COLLABORTIVE WORK IS PROHIBITED AND WILL RESULT IN AN F FOR THE TEST/EXAM. As to what is covered, it will be discussed closer to exam dates. SPRING 2016 Page 4 Research Paper (20 pts) Please obtain approval prior to beginning a paper or project. This paper/project will give students the opportunity to delve into one aspect of humanities beyond those discussed in class. Each student will select a topic for which she/he wishes to construct an academic writing. Upon approval of a topic it is expected that each student prepare a 5 to 7 page paper on the subject. A minimum of 5 scholarly sources are required and a works cited/bibliography page. Each writing must cite sources from academia to support the findings of the writer. Please include approximate dates/periods referred to by the subject-matter. You may include information obtained in class. Be sure to provide documentation of all of your sources. This is worth 20% of your final grade. All research must follow Chicago/Turabian formatting. NO WIKIPEDIA SHALL BE ACCEPTED! Edu’s, Org’s, Gov’s are acceptable, remember scholarly papers need scholarly sources. Plagiarism / Copyright WILL NOT BE TOLERATED AND RESULT IN AUTOMATIC FAILURE OF THE ASSIGNMENT, POTENTIALLY THE CLASS, AND BE REPORTED FOR FURTHER ACTION!!! (When in doubt write it out or ask for help.) A Manual for Writers of Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertation, 8th Edition states: You run the risk of plagiarism when you have done one or more of the following: “You cited a source but used its exact words without putting them into quotation marks or in a block quotation.” “You paraphrased a source and cited it, but in words so similar to those of your source that they are almost a quotation: anyone can see that you were following the source word for word as you paraphrased it.” “You used ideas or methods from a source but failed to cite it.” Please be mindful of copyright laws. They do apply to the student and Valencia College enforces it strictly. Withdrawal Information If a student believes that he/she cannot meet the goals of the course it is imperative that he/she officially withdraw from the course. To receive a W, it is required that one withdraws before the deadline. Students who withdraw after the deadline may be assigned an F. Students who simply stop attending class may receive a W or an F. Withdrawal Deadline - "W" Grade (11:59 p.m.) April 1, 2016. Grading Scale: 100 points total 100 - 90 = A 89 - 80 = B 79 -70 = C 69 - 60 = D 59 and below = F SPRING 2016 Page 5 Syllabus Contract I hereby accept and will honor the syllabus stated above as a contract and will follow it. I _______________________ sign this contract with full knowledge that if I have ANY questions, I will consult with Professor Stryker to better understand. ______________________________________ Name Printed ______________________________________ Signature ______________________________________ Valencia ID Number _____________________________ Date Why am I important??? I AM WORTH 2 EXTRA CREDIT POINTS! SPRING 2016 Page 6