Dynamic Design of a Cryogenic Air Separation Unit Samantha Schmidt and Russell Clayton Lehigh University Spring 2013 Page 1 of 41 Abstract We present the dynamic design of an air separation unit (ASU), which is used to separate oxygen, nitrogen, and argon products from air at very low temperatures. This unit can be used as an isolated plant to produce the products to be sold or as a unit joined to a larger plant, also called a “piggy back” plant, to produce products to be used in an additional process [1]. These gases are commonly used in refineries and oil recovery efforts. This process is convenient because the raw material is available at no cost and in limitless amounts. The primary cost in the process is compression. In order to minimize costs, heat integration is used throughout the process. This particular ASU will produce 1500 metric tons of 99.5% oxygen, 5000 metric tons of 99.5% nitrogen, and 58 metric tons of 95% crude argon each day to a customer. Heat integration will eliminate all costs from heating and cooling in the process. The compressor capital cost will be $16.5 MM1. The venture guidance appraisal for this process is $118.5 MM. When running at full capacity, the plant will sell $113.9 MM worth of products. With a total annual cost for equipment and utilities of $39.0 MM, this plant will yield a yearly profit of $73.4MM. An integrated control structure has been designed to maintain product purity and reject atmospheric (temperature and pressure) disturbances, as well as flowrate disturbances. An overview of both a feed control and on demand scheme is included in the following pages, along with disturbance testing for both schemes. 1. Million dollars Page 2 of 41 Table of Contents Process Overview 3 Design Problem 3 Control Objectives 4 Argon Column Control 5 Compression Control 7 Integrated Column Control 8 Plant Wide Control 10 On Demand Control Structure 11 Process Adjustments 12 Total Annual Cost 13 Safety 13 Lessons Learned 16 References 18 Appendix 20 Page 3 of 41 Process Overview In this process, air is fed into a molecular sieve column, in which carbon-containing molecules and water are removed by adsorption. The air then enters a series of compressors in which the air is compressed to high pressure. The air stream enters a high pressure column from which two streams are separated. The liquid distillate is rich in nitrogen, and the liquid bottoms product is rich in oxygen. These streams enter a low pressure column that separates the nitrogen and oxygen products. The reboiler of the low pressure column acts as the condenser of the high pressure column, eliminating energy costs for both columns. A vapor side stream is taken from this low pressure column, and feeds into a single crude argon tower. The distillate from this column is the crude argon product. The bottoms product of this column is recycled to the low pressure column. The process flow diagram illustrating the process is shown in Appendix 1. The property package used in our simulation was Peng-Robinson because this model was in good agreement with experimental data found in literature [4]. Design Problem This particular plant is required to produce 1500 metric tons of 99.5% oxygen, 5000 metric tons of 99.5% nitrogen, and 58 metric tons of 95% crude argon each day [2]. A mass balance showed that 9480 kmol/hr of air must be fed into the process. For the plant design, our constraints are the purity specifications and the necessary product flowrates. Because the composition of air cannot be changed, our smallest product relative to the amount of air entering is nitrogen. Thus, we will have some excess argon and oxygen produced when running at design conditions. This plant will be operated in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. The feed air will contain contaminant amounts found in Bethlehem air, 275 ppm hydrocarbons, and will be at 1 atm and ambient air temperature, 315 K. The amount of water in the air will be dependent on the humidity in the air on a given day. We over estimated an amount of water equivalent to the amount of hydrocarbons in the air, in order to guarantee our purification process can rid the feed air of water Page 4 of 41 In this plant simulation, one column is shown. Industrially, this system would be built as one large column with a high pressure section on the bottom and a low pressure section on top. Figure 1 shows a schematic of the one column design. In this design, the condenser/reboiler is a heat exchanger in between the high pressure and low pressure sections of the column. In some cases the high pressure and low pressure sections are built as two separate towers. In this case, the condenser-reboiler would be a large heat exchanger Figure 1. Single ASU column separated in high pressure and low pressure sections [2] outside of the columns. A pump would be required to pump the liquid from a vessel into the high pressure column. We are assuming our simulation is for a system in a single column. This process is operated at cryogenic temperatures. At very low temperatures, the chemicals can be in the liquid state. In order to achieve the necessary separation, it is required that the chemicals are partially liquid. To obtain these low temperatures, the feed gas is compressed, and the compressed stream is cooled by the nitrogen and oxygen products to reduce the temperature. The temperatures in the process are also mandated by the heat duty specifications of the condenser in the high pressure column and the reboiler in the low pressure column. The heat duties of these two columns must be equal. The cryogenic temperatures pose intricacies in the design because of the materials required for the equipment, as well as additional potential safety problems the low temperatures can cause. Control Objectives Our primary control objective is to maintain the purity of our products. The purity is the most important product specification. These objectives are explained in greater detail in the following pages. The disturbances that must be rejected are primarily pressure and temperature changes. These Page 5 of 41 disturbances are important because the feed is the ambient air which is subject to temperature and pressure change based on the weather. Because the feed into the process is air from the atmosphere, we do not expect a significant composition change. There is possible hydrocarbon impurity fluctuation for the feed air but, this has been compensated for by designing a molecular sieve purification system that is twice as large then would be necessary to account for all fluctuations of hydrocarbon and water impurities in the feed. The system was designed this way because Aspen software is incapable of simulating a molecular sieve and other methods of purification would not sufficiently remove the hydrocarbon and water impurities in the system. Otherwise, the composition of the three key components: nitrogen, oxygen, and argon are not expected to change so testing was not done on composition changes of these components. We do, however, test that our argon column can reject a change in the composition of the side stream from the integrated columns, in case the composition in that column would change due to a pressure or temperature change in the process. For this type of plant, both feed control and on demand control structures can be used. In this report, we explore both options and weight the benefits of using each. Argon Column Control For the crude argon column, the primary control objective was to control the purity of the crude argon product. Due to the lack of a re-boiler in this column, the crude argon column only had five degrees of freedom as opposed to the normal six degrees of freedom in a normal column. The parameters that must be controlled are the reflux drum and sump liquid levels, the feed flow rate, the pressure into the column, and the composition of the crude argon product. The reflux drum level is controlled by the reflux flow rate into the column and the sump level is controlled by the flow rate of the oxygen rich bottoms recycle. A simple flow controller was used to control the feed into the crude argon column from the side stream coming off the low pressure column. The pressure is controlled by the heat Page 6 of 41 duty of the condenser. This leaves only one degree of freedom to handle the control objective once all of the inventory controls are set. The composition in the crude argon product could be controlled with one of two methods: temperature control or composition control. The temperature control scheme holds the temperature on stage 21 of the crude argon column by manipulating the distillate product flow rate. The composition control scheme measures and controls the concentration of the oxygen impurity in the distillate leaving the reflux drum by manipulating the distillate product flow rate. The appropriate disturbance for the column is a feed composition disturbance. When disturbance testing was performed, both control structures could reject with a five percent change in argon composition of the feed. However, the temperature controlled scheme could not hold the product within its specified purity of 95% argon, whereas the composition control scheme could reject the disturbances almost entirely. Therefore, the composition control scheme was chosen to be used based on its ability to meet the control objectives. The composition response is further improved when the gain for the reflux drum level control is increased to 20. Figure 2 shows the control scheme chosen for the crude argon column. The disturbance analysis for this column is shown in Appendix VIII. Page 7 of 41 Condenser Cooled using Liquid Nitrogen 6.6 MW PC CC LC Argon Product 1.1 atm 88.2 K 68.0 kmol/hr .955 Argon .045 Oxygen Argon Valve 1.5 atm 93.9 K 3500 kmol/hr .058 Argon .942 Oxygen 1.1 atm 93.9 K 3500 kmol/hr .058 Argon .942 Oxygen FC T-103 Crude Argon Tower 1.1 atm 88.2 K Packing Height: 5.85 m 80 Side Valve LC 1.5 atm 90.7 K 3432 kmol/hr .96 Oxygen .04 Argon Recycle Valve Figure 2. Composition control structure for crude argon column Compression Control The control objectives for control of the compressor train were to maintain a steady feed pressure and temperature. These objectives were accomplished by using a temperature controller to maintain the inter stage temperature by manipulating the appropriate cooler’s heat duty and using a single pressure controller to control the exit pressure by controlling the power supplied to each compressor. This control scheme rejected 50K temperature disturbances and 20% pressure disturbances quickly and efficiently. Figure 3 shows the control scheme used for the compression train control. The disturbance analysis for this system is shown in Appendix IX. Page 8 of 41 Feed Air 300 K 1 atm 9482 kmol/hr .7812 Nitrogen .2095 Oxygen .0093 Argon 275 ppm Hydrocarbons Trace Water C-101 4.3 MW TC C-102 4.3 MW TC E-101 3.7 MW 2550 m² CW TC PC E-104 4.3 MW 2570 m² CW E-102 4.3 MW 2560 m² CW C-103 4.3 MW E-103 4.3 MW TC 2570 m² CW C-104 4.3 MW TC C-105 4.3 MW TC E-105 4.4 MW 2580 m² CW Figure 3. Compression train control structure Integrated Column Control For the heat integrated columns, the key variables we are trying to control are the nitrogen and oxygen product stream purities and the composition of the vapor side stream that goes into the argon column. The integrated condenser/reboiler has constraints of its own. Because of this, there are fewer degrees of freedom in the design. Typically, a single column has six degrees of freedom. This two column integrated system only has six degrees of freedom. Thus, the design to control several parameters with fewer control variables must be integrated. In order to ensure heat integration in these two columns, flowsheeting equations first had to be used to make the reboiler and condenser heat duties equivalent. Figure 4 shows the flowsheeting Page 9 of 41 equations used. The duty of the reboiler on the low pressure column is first defined using the heat transfer area and the change in temperature across the heat exchanger. The heat duty of the condenser is then set to be the negative value of the reboiler heat duty. This will specify the heat integration in these columns. Figure 4. Flowsheeting equations used to equate the heat duties of the integrated condenser/reboiler As stated above, there are fewer degrees of freedom in this integrated column system. The parameters that must be controlled are the pressure in one column, the sump levels of both the high and low pressure columns, the composition of the nitrogen and oxygen products and the flowrate of the feed stream into the column. There are various ways to control these parameters. The heat duty of the condenser reboiler is set by the above flowsheeting equations. The flowrate of the nitrogen rich and oxygen streams coming from the high pressure column, the flowrates of the product streams, and the flowrate of the reflux stream from the condenser/reboiler, as well as the flowrate of the feed stream can be used to control the necessary parameters. A temperature controller is used to maintain the purity of the nitrogen product and a composition controller is cascaded to the compressor train to maintain the oxygen product purity. The temperature profile for the low pressure column is shown in Figure 5. The control design chosen for this system is shown in the process flow diagram Appendix II. Page 10 of 41 100.0 Block T -101: Temperature Profile 94.5 95.0 95.5 96.0 Temperature K 96.5 97.0 97.5 98.0 98.5 99.0 99.5 Temperature K 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 Stage Figure 5. Temperature profile of low pressure column. A temperature controller is used on stage 7 to maintain the purity of the nitrogen product. The appropriate disturbances for this system are temperature and pressure changes. We test this system in conjunction with the compression train to assess the effects of temperature and pressure on this system. A 20% pressure change and 50 degree temperature change is made. The key disturbance graphs are shown in Appendix X. Plant Wide Control Once each component of the system was designed and tested, the integrated column system was combined with the argon column and the front end compression train. The primary plant wide control concern is the product purities. The main concern in bringing together the crude argon column and the integrated column system was the oxygen-rich recycle stream from the crude argon column. However, when connected and tested, this stream did not cause many issues. The main issues originated from the vapor side stream that is taken from the integrated columns to the crude argon column. When pressure and temperature disturbances are made in the feed stream, Page 11 of 41 15.0 16.0 there is a short period when there are also pressure and temperature disturbances that occur downstream in the process. Because of the temperature and pressure disturbances, there is variation in the composition on each stage of the low pressure column. This variation in the composition on stage 35 leads to a composition change in the vapor side stream. Depending on the type of disturbance made, this leads to either an excess or deficiency of argon in this stream. These changes in argon flowrates in the side stream also lead to changes in the flowrate of the crude argon product. Ratio controls were used in various manors to try to properly adjust the side stream flowrate depending on the change in argon in this stream. A composition controller was also implemented to test its effectiveness in manipulating the side stream flowrate depending on the amount of argon. However, these more complicated, more expensive schemes did not work any better in helping to better control the product flowrate. Thus, we decided to go with a simple flow controller to maintain the flowrate of this stream. This is only an issue when a large flowrate disturbance is made. The system can easily and readily reject any pressure or temperature disturbances that it may experience. Appendix XI shows the disturbance graphs for the plant wide control structure. On Demand Control Structure In order to truly understand the process, an on demand structure was also designed. This structure differs because the throughput manipulator is the flowrate of the nitrogen product. Although the control structures for the crude argon column and the compression train do not change, the controls on the integrated column system and for the plantwide control must be considered and altered. The flowrate of the nitrogen product is controlled by a valve on the nitrogen product stream. This valve previously controlled the pressure on the low pressure column. This pressure will now be allowed to vary. The pressure in the high pressure column, which previously was allowed to “float”, is now regulated by a valve in the feed line to this column. All other controls remain the same. The control structure for the integrated columns is shown below in the process and instrumentation diagram in Page 12 of 41 Appendix II. The on demand structure would be used in a “piggy-back” plant because the flowrate of the nitrogen product would be specified by the amount necessary in the larger plant that utilizes the separated elements. The on demand structure also implements a ratio control to regulate the flowrate of the vapor side stream from the low pressure column. As described earlier, temperature and pressure differences in this column lead to composition differences in the column and in the side stream. By maintaining the design ratio between the feed stream and the vapor side stream, larger flowrate disturbances can be made to the nitrogen product stream. This system can withstand larger flowrate disturbances than the feed control system. This system can also withstand and pressure and temperature disturbances in the feed. The disturbance tests are shown in Appendix XI. A 20% pressure change and 50 degree temperature change yield the same results as those from the feed control the system. Process Adjustments A few adjustments to the process needed to be made in order to meet the control objectives. All three distillation columns were redesigned to contain five additional stages each to allow for more flexibility for the control system as per feedback on the steady state design. Pumps and valves were added to the system to ensure that the process was entirely pressure driven and could have a control system added to it. The crude argon column was redesigned to have a total of 80 stages, up from the original 40. This increase in stages was made during the design of the crude argon control structure due to the 40 stage column’s inability to handle composition disturbances well enough to keep the product on specification. The larger distillation column could both reject disturbances with the control structures tested on it and keep the product within purity and flow rate specifications. Finally, a calculation of heat duty proved that the nitrogen product from column two was not sufficient enough to cool condense the argon distillate, and so it was decided that liquid nitrogen would be used as an external cooling utility instead. Page 13 of 41 Total Annual Cost Detailed information on the total annual cost for each piece of equipment is given in Appendix III. It is assumed that composition controls will cost about 0.1MM$ each and other controls will have costs that are ultimately negligible compared to the cost of the process. The venture guidance appraisal for this plant is 118.5 MM$. The total annual cost for this plant is 40.6 MM$. The yearly income from product sales for this plant will be 113.9 MM$, with our products selling for $30/ton, $30/ton, and $2000/ton for nitrogen, oxygen, and argon, respectively. The cash flow for this plant for the next eighteen years is shown in Figure 5. The startup year will be 2016. $40,000 Cash Flow $30,000 $20,000 Cash Flow ($k) $10,000 $0 -$10,000 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 -$20,000 -$30,000 -$40,000 -$50,000 Years Figure 6. Cash Flow Diagram for the next eighteen years. Safety The conditions required for the separations and the products themselves, nitrogen, argon, and oxygen, are what make safety considerations necessary. The specific safety considerations include control of pressurized gases, exposure to cryogenic temperatures, risk of asphyxiation from oxygen Page 14 of 41 displacement by argon, and explosion risks in the distillation columns due to oxygen reactivity, combustion, and pressurization. In cryogenic air separation the air is compressed to pressures in the range of 8-10 atmospheres through a series of compressors and heat exchangers. While the gas in the process does not stay at these high pressures for very long, any high pressure gas can be dangerous in the event of a leak or pipe rupture. However, the risk to personnel is relatively low because cryogenic air separation needs to maintain a tight set of conditions and generally does not have maintenance access ways. As a precaution pressure gauges can be placed to monitor the pressure across pipes at regular intervals as a check against leaks in the pipes and pressure relief valves can be used to safely vent over pressurized gases which may have resulted from equipment malfunction. Asphyxiation due to argon and nitrogen, and the cryogenic temperatures are hazards that occur in the insulated ‘cold boxes’ that house the parts of the process that work at cryogenic temperatures. Leaks in this part of the process would allow exposure to the extremely cold fluids. This can also be a problem in the condenser of the crude argon column, which is cooled using 70K liquid nitrogen. Additionally, a leak in the argon and nitrogen rich pipes would cause them to displace the air near the ground, which in the confined spaces of the cold box would displace the breathable air. Again, limited access ways and the limited number of personnel during active process limits these risks and pressure valves can be installed to monitor for leaks. As a further precaution oxygen sensors can be installed in the cold boxes to monitor for low oxygen content and maintenance crews can be equipped with portable breathing apparatus, which will be available at cold box entry ways for work in the cold box Explosion risk is the primary concern related to the process. There are factors to cause reactions with oxygen, which in turn would lead to combustion and an explosion inside the low pressure distillation column. Most distillation column explosions are caused by problems with the reboiler. This process contains only one reboiler at the bottom of the low pressure column. This is the primary area of Page 15 of 41 concern regarding the explosion hazard. When the air is fed into the process, the air contains trace amounts of hydrocarbons. These hydrocarbons would freeze under the operating conditions and collect at the bottom of the low pressure column and in the reboiler. Over time, enough hydrocarbons would build up to react with the oxygen, causing combustion which could lead to flash vaporization in the column and, subsequently, an explosion. The damage from these explosions can vary from leaks in the reboiler to destruction of the entire process and product pipelines [10]. To prevent this, hydrocarbons must not be allowed to enter the cold section of the process. To this end an adsorption unit must be used to capture these flammable impurities. The unit must be designed to adsorb more than the expected amount of impurities in the ambient air. Also, it has been found that the carbon dioxide concentration left in the air is related to the amount of hydrocarbons in the air [10]. Thus, if carbon dioxide concentrations leaving the adsorption unit are monitored, the hydrocarbons are also monitored. An alarm condition needs to be set at a concentration of carbon dioxide of 1ppm of air leaving the adsorber, at which point the operator should switch adsorber beds to a properly regenerated bed and then monitor sump concentrations of hydrocarbons [10]. Should these exceed safe values, then the plant must be shut down and either warm air must be sent through the system to remove the built up hydrocarbons, or maintenance must be done on the process. The removed hydrocarbons would be disposed of as waste gas. Should this precaution fail, a way to limit the explosion is to ensure that the packing used in the low pressure column does not combust more readily in the presence of reaction oxygen. Using copper or brass packing instead of aluminum is a safe alternative to limit the explosion which will in turn cut down on repair costs and lower the risks of injury. Additionally, a composition controlled purge stream is used to vent trace amounts of hydrocarbons that are caught in the sump of the low pressure column. A HAZOP summary of the failure of the low pressure column is included in Appendix XIII. A simulation was run in which a compressor failed. The results of this simulation showed that the process came back to steady state after approximately six hours. The crude argon product stream Page 16 of 41 increased significantly, but this was due to the changes in composition in the low pressure column caused by pressure changes in the system. The changes in each of the other streams was negligible. Since the increase or decrease in pressure is a concern in our process, it must be able to withstand changes like this. In the control scheme, there is enough redundancy that most safety concerns are rejected. Figure 6 shows the disturbance graphs from this simulation. Manipulated variables 200 T-101 Reflux, Mg/hr Nitrogen Product Purity Controlled variables 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 195 190 185 180 8 0 1 2 3 Time, hr Compressor Power, kW 1 0.95 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time, hr Controlled variables Crude Argon Purity 1.05 1 0.95 0.9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 6 7 8 Manipulated variables 5 6 7 8 Time, hr Crude Argon Product Flow, kmol/hr Oxygen Product Purity Controlled variables 1.05 0.9 4 Time, hr 5000 4500 4000 3500 3000 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time, hr Manipulated variables 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 0 1 2 3 4 5 Time, hr Figure 7. Disturbance analysis of process when compressor stage fails Lessons Learned We learned that Aspen Plus and Aspen Dynamics contain many nuances that enable process design to be easier. We would suggest utilizing online resources to research Aspen implementation and learning about the many ways Aspen can be made easier. We learned that plant wide control can have a very large effect on the disturbance rejection. We would suggest considering plant wide control obstacles that may arise throughout the design of the process and working on plant wide control sooner. We learned that safety is very important, even if you are working with a raw material as seemingly Page 17 of 41 harmless as air. We suggest thoroughly researching safety hazards and understanding the entirety of the process so that dangerous areas can be identified and precautions can be taken. We learned that although integrated columns cut down on costs greatly, they are very difficult to design. Both in steady state and dynamics, these columns necessitate a thorough understanding of the process. Particularly in dynamics, the integration takes away degrees of freedom and requires an integrated control scheme. We would suggest that the engineer researches and understands the process entirely before undertaking the task of converging the heat duties of the condenser/reboiler or designing an integrated plant wide control scheme. Page 18 of 41 References 1. "Basic Air Separation Unit Description." Ranch Cryogenics Inc. RSS. N.p., n.d. Web. 25 Oct. 2012. <http://www.ranchcryogenics.com/about/basic-air-separation-unit-description/>. 2. "Air Separation into Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon." West Virginia University ChE. West Virginia University, n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2012. <http://www.che.cemr.wvu.edu>. 3. ".Argon Ar Properties, Uses, Applications - Gas and Liquid." Universal Industrial Gases, Inc. N.p., n.d. Web. 2 Nov. 2012. <http://www.uigi.com/argon.html>. 4. Bernstein, Joseph T. "Cryogenic Argon Production." Proc. of Modern Air Separation Plant Technology Conference, Chengdu, People's Republic of China. N.p.: Cryogenic Consulting Service, n.d. N. pag. Print. 5. Luyben, William L. Distillation Design and Control Using Aspen Simulation. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley-Interscience, 2006. Print. 6. Turton, Richard. Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall PTR, 2009. Print. 7. "Air Separation Tutorial." Air Separation Tutorial. Carnegie Mellon University, n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <http://www.cheme.cmu.edu/course/06302/airsep2/Part2.html>. 8. "Air Separation Plants." Linde Engineering. The Linde Group, n.d. Web. 12 Nov. 2012. <http://www.linde-engineering.com/en/process_plants/air_separation_plants/index.html>. 9. "Air Separation Technology— Structured Packing." Cryogenic Air Separation. Air Products, n.d. Web. 10 Oct. 2012. 10. Argent, Roger et al. “Safe Operation of Reboilers/Condensers in Air Separation Units.” Asia Industrial Gases Association. AIGA 035/06. Web. 25 Nov. 2012 11. "Molecular Sieve Zeolite." 13X Zhengzhou Gold Mountain Science and Technique Co. Ltd. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2012. Page 19 of 41 12. "Activated Alumina Dessicant." ECompressedAir. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2012. 13. “Airtek Air Dryer.” Full Systems Engineering. Web. 6 Dec. 2012. 14. Luyben, William L. "Design and Control of a Fully Heat-Integrated Pressure-Swing Azeotropic Distillation System." Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 47.8 (2008): 2681-695. Print. Page 20 of 41 Appendix I. Process Flow Diagram See attached II. Piping and Instrumentation Diagram See attached III. Total Annual Cost Table II. Total Annual Cost of Plant Equipment Equipment Capital Cost ($) Utility Costs ($/year) C-101 Compressor in Train 8683000 2950000 C-102 Compressor in Train 8806000 3010000 C-103 Compressor in Train 8806000 3010000 C-104 Compressor in Train 8806000 3010000 C-105 Compressor in Train 8806000 3010000 E-101 Compressor Cooler 1050000 39000 E-102 Compressor Cooler 1050000 46000 E-103 Compressor Cooler 1050000 46000 E-104 Compressor Cooler 1050000 46000 E-105 Compressor Cooler 1050000 46000 E-106 Feed Cooler 1 2690000 0 E-107 Feed Cooler 2 7550000 0 E-108 Precompressor Hx 1050000 46000 T-101 HP Tower 499000 0 T-102 LP Tower 1250000 0 T-103 Crude Argon Tower 904000 2136000 Condenser/Reboiler 1041000 0 Crude argon Condenser 20100 0 P-101 Oxygen Recycle Pump 57000 6880 P-102 Oxygen Product Pump 47000 3620 P-103 Argon Product Pump 36000 460 Page 21 of 41 V-101 Molecular Sieve Vessel 3670000 0 Cold Box (Cryogenic Container) 1140 0 4 Composition controllers 400000 0 Total ($MM): 68.35 17.4 40.6 TAC 3 year pay back ($MM) IV. Equipment List Table III. Design parameters for all equipment in plant Equipment Summary for Proposed Cryogenic Air Separation Plant Heat Exchangers E-101 E-102 E-103 Type Fixed or U-Tube S/T Fixed or U-Tube S/T Fixed or U-Tube S/T Area (m2) 1280 1280 1280 Duty (kW) 3690 4330 4330 U (kW/m2*°C) 0.06 0.06 0.06 Shell Temp In (°C) 27 27 27 Press (psi) 14.7 14.7 14.7 Phase Liquid Liquid Liquid MOC 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Tube Temp In (°C) 97 105 105 Press (psi) 22.2 33.8 51.3 Phase Vapor Vapor Vapor MOC 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers E-104 E-105 E-106 Type Fixed or U-Tube S/T Fixed or U-Tube S/T Fixed or U-Tube S/T Area (m2) 2570 2580 3780 Duty (kW) 4340 4360 7260 U (kW/m2*°C) 0.06 0.06 0.06 Page 22 of 41 Shell Temp In (°C) 27 27 -179 Press (psi) 14.7 14.7 22.1 Phase Liquid Liquid Liquid MOC 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Tube Temp In (°C) 105 105 49 Press (psi) 77.9 118 118 Phase Vapor Vapor Vapor MOC 316 Stainless Steel 315 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Heat Exchangers E-107 E-108 Type Fixed or U-Tube S/T Fixed or U-Tube S/T Area (m2) 10700 1280 Duty (kW) 8200 4330 U (kW/m2*°C) 0.03 0.06 Shell Temp In (°C) -192 27 Press (psi) 22.1 14.7 Phase Vapor Liquid MOC 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Tube Temp In (°C) -44 105 Press (psi) 118 33.8 Phase Vapor Vapor MOC 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Towers T-101 T-102 T-103 Operational Temp (°C) -178 -192 -185 Press (psi) 73.5 22 16.2 MOC 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Page 23 of 41 Size Height (m) 1.6 8.9 14.4 Diameter (m) 4.2 4.2 2.8 1.35 m Copper Mesh 7.35 m Copper Mesh 5.85 m Copper Mesh Packing Packing Packing HETP (m) 0.15 0.15 0.15 Pumps/Compressers P-101 P-102 P-103 Flow (kmol/hr) 3450 1987 9480 Shaft Power (kW) 9.57 5.02 0.64 Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Efficiency 0.7 0.64 0.30 MOC 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Temp In (°C) -182 -179 49 Press In (psi) 16.0 22.0 16.2 Press Out (psi) 52.2 52.9 66.2 Compressors C-101 C-102 C-103 Flow (kmol/hr) 9480 9480 9480 Shaft Power (kW) 4230 4320 4320 Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Centrifugal Efficiency 0.72 0.72 0.72 MOC 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Temp In (°C) 42 49 49 Press In (psi) 14.7 22.2 33.8 Press Out (psi) 22.2 33.8 51.3 Compressors C-104 C-105 Flow (kmol/hr) 9480 9480 Shaft Power (kW) 4320 4320 Type Centrifugal Centrifugal Efficiency 0.72 0.72 MOC 316 Stainless Steel 316 Stainless Steel Internal Page 24 of 41 Temp In (°C) 49 49 Press In (psi) 51.3 77.9 Press Out (psi) 77.9 118 Molecular Sieve V-101 Temp (°C) 49 Press (psi) 118 MOC 316 Stainless Steel Size Height (m) 19 Diameter (m) 2.5 11 m3 Alumina Internal adsorbant, 18.8 13X Zeolite adsorbant Compression Analysis Analysis was performed to optimize number of compressors Utility Requirement for Compression 30000 Utility Required (kW) V. 25000 20000 15000 10000 5000 0 0 2 4 6 8 Number of Stages Figure 63. Total utility requirement for compressor trains with 1-7 stages Page 25 of 41 Annual Utility Cost for Compression Cost (MM$) 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 Number of Stages Figure 14. Total annual cost for compression utility (electricity) for compressor trains with 1-7 stages Cost (M$) Compressor Capital Cost 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 0 2 4 6 8 Number of Stages Figure 15. Capital cost of compressor-drive system for compressor trains with 1-7 stages Page 26 of 41 Heat Exchanger Capital Cost 0.3 Cost (MM$) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 2 4 6 8 Number of Stages Figure 16. Total capital cost for heat exchangers in compressor trains. Each train contains the same number of heat air cooler heat exchangers as compressors Heat Exchanger Utility Cost 0.3 Cost (MM$) 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0 2 4 6 8 Number of Stages Figure 17. Annual utility cost for shell and tube heat exchangers using cooling water Page 27 of 41 Compression Total Annual Cost 25 Cost (MM$) 20 15 10 5 0 0 2 4 6 8 Number of Stages Figure 18. Total annual cost of compression, including capitals costs of compressors, drives, and heat exchangers, and utility for drives and heat exchangers VI. Stream Table Table IV. Properties of each stream in plant simulation Stream Temperature (K) Pressure (atm) Flow Rate (kmol/hr) Nitrogen Argon Oxygen Vapor Fraction 1 315 1.00 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 2 370 1.52 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 3 322 1.52 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 4 378 2.30 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 5 322 2.30 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 6 378 3.49 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 Stream Temperature (K) Pressure (atm) Flow Rate (kmol/hr) Nitrogen Argon Oxygen Vapor Fraction 7 322 3.49 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 8 378 5.29 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 9 322 5.29 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 10 378 8.00 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 11 322 8.00 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 12 229 8.00 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 Page 28 of 41 VII. Stream Temperature (K) Pressure (atm) Flow Rate (kmol/hr) Nitrogen Argon Oxygen Vapor Fraction 13 127.6 8.00 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 14 124.1 5.00 9480 0.7812 0.0093 0.2095 1.000 15 94.4 5.00 4412.1 0.99 0.002 0.008 0.000 16 81.2 1.50 4412.1 0.99 0.002 0.008 0.143 17 98.3 5.00 5067.9 0.6 0.016 0.384 0.000 18 84.7 1.50 5067.9 0.6 0.016 0.384 0.138 Stream Temperature (K) Pressure (atm) Flow Rate (kmol/hr) Nitrogen Argon Oxygen Vapor Fraction 19 81.2 1.50 7443 0.995 0.002 0.003 1.000 20 215.2 1.50 7443 0.995 0.002 0.003 1.000 21 93.9 1.50 3500 -0.06 0.94 1.000 22 94 1.50 1969 -0.003 0.997 0.000 23 319.4 1.50 1969 -0.003 0.997 1.000 24 90.7 1.10 3432 -0.04 0.96 0.000 Stream Temperature (K) Pressure (atm) Flow Rate (kmol/hr) Nitrogen Argon Oxygen Vapor Fraction 25 90.7 1.50 3432 -0.04 0.96 0.000 26 88.2 1.10 68 -0.955 0.045 0.000 Sample Calculations a. Assumed or given values: From Turton, Analysis, Synthesis, and Design of Chemical Processes [6]: Page 29 of 41 From Air Separation Tutorial [7]: Molecular Sieve Densities: [11] [12] b. Molecular Sieve Calculations (zeolite used as an example): 1. Mass of adsorbant (calculated using 1.333 more adsorbant than minimum needed as per regulation) [7]: 2. Volume of adsorbant: 3. Height of Vessel (assuming same diameter as column T-101, 4.2 m) ( Page 30 of 41 ) ( ) c. Column Calculations (crude argon tower used as example): ( ( ( ( ( ( ( ( )) )) ( )) ( ( d. Heat exchanger/condenser/reboiler area: e. Compression ratio: ( ) ( )) ) Page 31 of 41 ) ) ( ) ) VIII. Crude Argon Disturbance analysis Composition Controller, 5% Feed Composition Disturbance Temperature Controller, 5% Feed Composition Disturbance Page 32 of 41 Composition Controller, Drum Level Controller Gain=20, 5% Feed Composition Disturbance Control Scheme Comparison: -5% Feed Composition Disturbance Page 33 of 41 IX. Compressor Disturbance Analysis Compressor Control: 20% Pressure Disturbance Compressor Control 50K Temperature Disturbance Page 34 of 41 X. Integrated Column Disturbance Analysis Integrated Column Control 20% Pressure Disturbance Integrated Column Monitored Variables 20% Pressure Disturbance Page 35 of 41 Integrated Column Control 50K Temperature Disturbance Integrated Column Monitored Variables 50K Temperature Disturbance Page 36 of 41 XI. Plant Wide Control Disturbance Analysis Plant Wide Feed Control Feed Flow Disturbances Plant Wide On Demand Nitrogen Product Flow Disturbances Page 37 of 41 Plant Wide Control Both Models 20% Pressure Disturbance Plant Wide Control Both Models 50K Temperature Disturbance Page 38 of 41 T-101 Pressure with 20% Pressure Disturbance Page 39 of 41 Page 40 of 41 Loss of feed High Temperature Temperature indicator on column Separation would not occur, pressure increase Purge stream and hydrocarbon monitor Pressure indicator on column Hydrocarbon Build Build up of oxygen and could cause Adsorption system fault Up explosion Flow controller on Nitrogen product fault Separation would change, affecting consequent product purities Low level alarm Level controller malfunction or low flow Condenser/Reboiler stops working from high pressure column Level controller fault High level alarm independent of level controller Safeguard Recommendation Flooding of column and reboiler/condenser stops working Cause High Pressure Low Level High Level Guideword Unit: T-102 (Low Pressure Column) Consequence XII. HAZOP of Low Pressure Column XIII. Controller Specifications Unit HX-1 HX-2 HX-3 HX-4 HX-5 C1-C5 E-104 T-101 T-103 Control Variable Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Temperature Pressure Temperature Temperature (Nitrogen Composition) Composition Page 41 of 41 Gain 4.01244 0.995011 0.998494 1.004902 1.004977 20 0.510111 10.491378 8.81741 Integral Time 20 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 12 8.5 29.03999 71.28 Direction Reverse Direct Direct Direct Direct Reverse Reverse Direct Reverse