8/1/2014 Zimbra Zimbra pkcomer@lamar.edu Tk20 Summer 2 course binders From : Pamela K Comer <pamela.comer@lamar.edu> Wed, Jul 30, 2014 08:58 AM Subject : Tk20 Summer 2 course binders To : randy davis <randy.davis@lamar.edu>, Sarah Becerra <sbecerra@lamar.edu>, Carl J. Sheperis <csheperis@lamar.edu>, Rachael Ammons <rachael.ammons@lamar.edu>, Luis E. Lacourt <llacourt@lamar.edu>, patricia harris <patricia.harris@lamar.edu>, Donna S. Sheperis <dsheperis@lamar.edu>, Jane E. Wood <jwood4@lamar.edu>, Lisa A. Wines <lwines@lamar.edu>, Suhad Sadik <ssadik1@lamar.edu>, Bipin Sharma <bipin.sharma@lamar.edu>, Mary R. Batchelor Owens <mbatchelorow@lamar.edu>, Rebecca K. Frels <rfrels@lamar.edu>, Deidra M. Byas <dbyas@lamar.edu>, Shahab D. Aslinia <saslinia@lamar.edu>, Robika M. Mylroie <rmylroie@lamar.edu>, Brian S. Canfield <bcanfield@lamar.edu>, Belinda Lopez <belinda.lopez@lamar.edu>, Mary L. Bartlett <mbartlett1@lamar.edu>, Yulia Pronchenko <ypronchenko@lamar.edu>, Lindy K. Parker <lparker4@lamar.edu>, Anna D. Nguyen <adnguyen@lamar.edu>, Shin-Hwa Lee <slee7@lamar.edu>, Dawn Hudak <dhudak@lamar.edu>, Jonathan E. Procter <jprocter1@lamar.edu>, Joydel T. Snook <jsnook@lamar.edu>, Melissa A. Wheeler <mwheeler3@lamar.edu>, Dr. Donna Azodi <donna.azodi@lamar.edu>, Kenneth E. Cummings <kecummings@lamar.edu>, Steven W. Beagle <swbeagle1@lamar.edu>, Jenkins Steve <msjenkins@lamar.edu>, Donna L Fong <dfong@lamar.edu>, Vance Cortez-Rucker <vance.cortez-rucker@lamar.edu>, Kay Abernathy <LKabernathy@my.lamar.edu>, Christina Maria Puente <ccpuente@lamar.edu>, Johnny O'Connor Jr <joconnorjr@lamar.edu>, Krin L. Bryson <kbryson@lamar.edu>, Jessica N Cunningham <jcunningham6@lamar.edu>, Cynthia J. Fussell <cfussell@lamar.edu>, Betty L M. Sanders https://lu.lamar.edu/zimbra/h/printmessage?id=101801&xim=1 1/3 8/1/2014 Zimbra <bsanders5@lamar.edu>, Jimmy R. Creel <jcreel@lamar.edu>, Robert Eddie Nicks <renicks@lamar.edu>, Darylann Borel <daborel@lamar.edu>, Gary E. Martin <gemartin95@gmail.com>, Debbie A Troxclair <debbie.troxclair@lamar.edu>, Julia Yoo <julia.yoo@lamar.edu>, Vanessa M. Villate <vanessa.villate@lamar.edu>, John D. Mohr <jmohr@lamar.edu>, Cheryl A. Nelson <cheryl.nelson@lamar.edu>, Lisa M. Toole <ltoole@lamar.edu>, Stacey Elizabeth Bumstead <sebumstead@lamar.edu>, Babette M. Eikenberg <beikenberg@lamar.edu>, Katy L. Corcoran <kcorcoran@lamar.edu>, Diane D. Mason <diane.mason@lamar.edu>, Dr. Jason Mixon <jason.mixon@lamar.edu>, Sandra Louise Harris <harriss@lamar.edu>, Jennifer Butcher <jbutcher@lamar.edu>, James K Young <jkyoung1@lamar.edu>, Kaye Shelton <kaye.shelton@lamar.edu> Reply To : Pamela K. Comer <pamela.comer@lamar.edu> Faculty, The Tk20 data upload for Summer 2 sessions has occurred and all course binders (assignments) have been sent out for these sessions. Please check to make sure you are able to view all course / sections by logging into Tk20 and going to the Courses tab andCourse Binders on the left side menu. PLEASE DO NOT WAIT until week 5 to see if you are able to locate your sections. You should contact me directly no later than Friday, August 1st if you are unable to find your sections. ALSO, Please be sure to reconcile your Tk20 course roster with your BANNER Roster, just as you do with Blackboard. This is vitally important and will save lots of confusion for your students and emails to you or to our office. We experience a high volume of calls and emails during Week 5, so having to add students to sections or sections to faculty or IA accounts creates further delays. To run a Tk20 course roster, you can go to the Reports tab in Tk20, click Browse and look for the Courses 033: My Course Rosters report. https://lu.lamar.edu/zimbra/h/printmessage?id=101801&xim=1 2/3 8/1/2014 Zimbra Select the Term and Course and leave Section as Any. Select Display Report and Tk20 will generate a report that can be exported to Excel by clicking on the Export button on the top right hand corner. If you have students who have dropped or need to be added, please email our office asap at tk20@lamar.edu. Thank and let me know if you have questions. We are here to help you. Pamela K. Comer, M.Ed. COEHD Graduate Assessment Director Lamar University (409)880-2124 pamela.comer@lamar.edu Tk20@lamar.edu https://lu.lamar.edu/zimbra/h/printmessage?id=101801&xim=1 3/3