DAILY BULLETIN From Mr. Buthod - Please Note: School information can be found in our daily bulletin. To assess go to the Fatima’s web site: www.fatima.k12.mo.us . The following is in your student handbook: Shorts, skirts and dresses must be lower than your middle finger when your arm is resting at your side. No holes are allowed in shorts, skirts, pants and dresses above this level. It doesn’t matter if you have tights or shorts underneath your pants/jeans to cover up the holes. It also doesn’t matter if the holes have patches inside the pants/jeans. If you are not following dress code, you will be written up by teachers/administrators. The consequences for a dress code violation: 1st Offense – Principal/Student Conference and you must change or fix the dress code problem. If you can’t fix or alleviate the problem you will be placed in ISS for the remainder of the day. 2nd Offense – Principal/Parent Conference and 1 day ISS 3rd Offense – 2 days of ISS If the problem continues, the consequences will continue to escalate. PARENT PORTAL Parents can now sign up to be given access to the Parent Portal. Instructions for doing so have been placed on our website: www.fatima.k12.mo.us STUDENT ALERT FOR ABSENCE Our computer system has an automatic alert sent to parents if their child is absent. This alert will go out about 10:00 a.m. If you would like to be emailed when your child is reported absent, send your name, your child’s name(s), and your email address to Kim Eads eadsk@fatima.k12.mo.us. BOX TOPS Fatima’s Student Council is collecting General Mills BOX TOPS – please support our STUCO. CALENDAR Wed – May 11 – EOC – 8th Grade Algebra Thurs – May 19 – Awards Assembly & 8th Grade Promotion th Thurs – May 19 – SCHOOL’S OUT ! 2011 – 2012 School Year Mon – Aug 15 – Open House Wed – Aug 17 – 1st day of school AFTER SCHOOL !!! Students are NOT allowed to stay after school and hang out in the halls or library. The only reason you should be staying after school would be for tutoring, weightlifting or practice. If you stay for tutoring you must be in stay in that classroom until 4:00 (NO EXCEPTIONS). If you stay for weight lifting you must be in the weight room by 3:20 and do not leave until everyone is done lifting. If you are caught hanging out in the halls or library after 3:20 you will be written up. If you don’t have a legitimate excuse for being in the hall after 3:20, you risk being written up. TUTORING Tutoring is available Monday thru Thursday 3:15 – 4:00. Open to all students and as a reminder – students with any “F’s” are required to attend tutoring to participate in ANY sport 8th GRADE PROMOTION & JUNIOR HIGH AWARDS ASSEMBLY Junior High parents/grandparents mark your calendars, Thursday, May 19th. Our 8th grade Promotion Ceremony and Junior High Awards Assembly will be held the last day of school, May 19th. We will begin at 9:50AM and end with the end of the school day at 11:22 AM. All Junior High Students will be ending their school day/school year at that same time, so you may sign them out and take them home with you if you wish. An invitation will be sent home with all 8th grade students in the near future. Please do not hesitate to email Ms. Stumpe at stumpep@fatima.k12.mo.us or call (573) 455-2375 if you have concerns or questions. Assignments/Tests 7th Grade Pre-Algebra (Mrs. Kesel) 7th Grade English (Mrs. Bish) Students just completed work on the Chapter 9 Test; they should have the results today. Be sure to ask! We will spend the rest of the year picking and choosing topics to prepare for next year’s Algebra class. Please remind your students that they need to keep working hard right up until the end of the school year. Make sure to get all of their assignments turned in on time to get the maximum points possible. Thanks for all your help! The seventh graders are reading Island of the Blue Dolphins and participating in “Survivor Challenges.” This is the story of Karana, an Indian girl who lived alone on an island similar to San Nicholas Island off the coast of California. She kept herself alive by building shelter, making weapons, finding food, and fighting wild dogs. The students seem to be really enjoying this book. The end of the year final will be over Island of the Blue Dolphins and the various literary techniques that we’ve studied this year. 8th Grade Pre-Algebra (Mrs. Kesel) Students recently completed work on our Geometry Chapter. Test scores were not as good as I would have liked, so we spent some time correcting the tests and earning back some of the points missed. Our new chapter is Probability, and we will try to squeeze in a little on Linear Functions before the end of the year. Remind your students to keep getting that homework turned in on time! Thanks for your help! 8th Grade English (Mrs. Bish) The eighth graders will finish The Cay as our last unit for the year. It is a “coming of age” book in which a young boy is stranded on a Caribbean island during World War II. We are completing a reading guide and a figurative language log, taking quizzes, and discussing the main elements and ideas of the novel. The vocabulary/spelling words are taken from this novel as well. The end of the year final will cover what we have studied this year as exemplified in the novel. Each eighth grader should have an April/May calendar that indicates what we are doing each day and when we are having a quiz over certain chapters. Hopefully, this will help make things less hectic as the academic year draws to a close. I hope to see you at the Jr. High Award Program and 8th Grade Promotion! 7th Grade English (Ms. Cassmeyer) This week the 1st hour 7th grade English class is completing their final week of spelling activities! The rest of our three weeks of the school year we will focus on finishing up the novel Island of the Blue Dolphins, competing in various learning “challenges”/activities, and preparing for our final exam over the novel. Because we are first hour, we will take our final exam on Tuesday, May 17th. We will complete several review sheets and play a “Survivor” Brainquest Bullseye Review game so that we can have some fun while getting ready for our final. It’ been a fantastic year and the students have worked diligently! Let’s keep up the effort for our last three weeks!