User-level Management of Kernel Memory

User-level Management of Kernel Memory
Andreas Haeberlen1 and Kevin Elphinstone2
University of Karlsruhe, System Architecture Group
76128 Karlsruhe, Germany
University of New South Wales
Sydney, 2052, Australia
Abstract. Kernel memory is a resource that must be managed carefully in order to ensure the efficiency and safety of the system. The use
of an inappropriate management policy can weaken the isolation between subsystems, lead to suboptimal performance, and even make the
kernel vulnerable to denial-of-service attacks. Yet, many existing kernels
use only a single built-in policy, which is always a compromise between
performance and generality.
In this paper, we address this problem by exporting control over kernel
memory to user-level pagers. Thus, subsystems can implement their own
application-specific management policies while independent subsystems
can still be isolated from each other.
The pagers have full control over the memory resources they manage;
they can even preempt and later restore individual pages of kernel memory. Still, protection is not compromised because the kernel converts its
metadata into a safe representation before exporting it. Therefore, pagers
need only be trusted by their respective clients.
We describe the model we use to page kernel memory and various techniques for obtaining a safe external representation for kernel metadata.
We also report experiences with an experimental kernel that implements
our scheme and outline our plans to further develop the approach.
Operating systems obviously need resource management. Any multitasking or
multiuser system needs to ensure resources are efficiently managed to fulfil some
desired system-level policy, such as maximising overall throughput or guaranteeing availability to high priority tasks. Poor or simplistic resource management
can result in underutilisation, low performance, or even denial of service.
Kernel memory is an often overlooked resource. It is required to implement
higher-level resources or services for applications; examples include page tables
for implementing virtual memory, buffer caches for file providing, and thread
control blocks (TCB) to implement threads. Physical memory is the ultimate
resource consumed by kernel memory, and thus simplistic kernel memory management is ultimately simplistic and problematic physical memory management.
As demonstrated by Scout [27], a management approach encompassing all kernel
memory is required to avoid denial-of-service attacks.
Several operating systems manage their kernel memory carefully. Scout provides limits on kernel memory per protection domain and per path [27]; a path is
a logical execution flow through one or more domains. Eros [26] and the Cache
kernel [4] both view kernel physical memory as a cache of kernel metadata and
as such can evict cache entries when cache capacity is exceeded. However, these
systems share one thing in common: they all carefully manage kernel memory
in such a way as to fulfil a single overall system policy. This is understandable
as each system has a particular focus and is designed to meet its specific needs.
We believe these kernels are overly restrictive in their management of kernel
memory and thus limit their application in areas outside their original focus.
Related work has shown that applications are often ill-served by the default operating system policy [1, 28] and can benefit significantly from managing their
own memory resources [7,9,11,13,15,20]. Ideally, a kernel should be adaptable to
different application areas, and even support concurrent applications with differing requirements on kernel memory management whilst preventing interference
between the applications.
An example might be a real-time system running together with an insecure
best-effort system. The two have very different requirements for kernel memory
management: the real-time system may require preallocated and pinned memory
to ensure deadlines are met, whereas the best-effort system only needs cache-like
memory behaviour to meet its current needs.
Paged virtual memory has become ubiquitous in modern systems as it provides a well understood, flexible, and efficient mechanism to manage the physical
memory of applications. Virtual memory has proved sufficient to manage physical memory usage between competing clients, provide recoverable and transactional memory [5,24], provide more predictable or improved cache behaviour via
page colouring [14], enable predictable access timing via pinning, and even enable secure application-controlled virtual memory by safely exporting control of
basic virtual memory mechanisms [7,17,22]. Given the power, maturity, and understanding of applying virtual memory techniques to user-level applications, we
believe virtual memory techniques can also be applied to manage kernel memory.
By paging kernel memory and safely exporting that control to user-level, we
believe we can harness the power and flexibility of virtual memory to support
classes of applications requiring careful management of kernel memory without
targeting and thus restricting our approach to a particular application area; also,
we can concurrently support different applications while ensuring isolation from
each other.
Moreover, the generality of our approach allows us to unify and replace various existing mechanisms. One example is user-level persistence, which can be
easily implemented when kernel metadata is fully accessible. Another example is
cache colouring [14], which requires control over the in-kernel placement policy.
Fig. 1. Virtual memory primitives
The Approach
We chose the L4 microkernel as the platform to evaluate our ideas. L4 is a small
microkernel which reduces the complexity of the problem. It also has a powerful
model for constructing user-level address spaces [16] which we believe can be
applied to kernel memory. Our approach to kernel memory management aims
to place all kernel memory logically within a kernel virtual address space, which
is realised by user-level kpagers using the same model that is used to construct
user-level virtual address spaces. We believe our approach is unique in that it
allows untrusted user-level pagers to safely supply and preempt kernel memory.
Before we proceed to describe our approach in more detail, a brief description
of the L4 virtual address space model is warranted.
L4 implements a recursive virtual address space model which permits virtual
memory management to be performed entirely at user level. Initially, all physical
memory is mapped within the root address space σ0 ; new address spaces can
then be constructed by mapping regions of accessible virtual memory from one
address space to the next.
Memory regions can either be map-ped or grant-ed. Mapping and granting
is performed by sending typed objects in IPC messages. In the case of map, the
sender retains control of the newly derived mapping and can later use another
primitive (unmap) to revoke the mapping, including any further mappings derived
from the new mapping. In the case of grant, the region is transferred to the
receiver and disappears from the granter’s address space (see Figure 1).
Page faults are handled by the kernel transforming them into messages delivered via IPC. Every thread has a pager thread associated with it. The pager
is responsible for managing a thread’s address space. Whenever a thread takes
a page fault, the kernel catches the fault, blocks the thread and synthesizes a
page-fault IPC message to the pager on the thread’s behalf. The pager can then
respond with a mapping and thus unblock the thread.
This model has been successfully used to construct several very different systems as user-level applications, including real-time systems and single-addressspace systems [8, 10, 12, 21]. We believe it can also be used to manage kernel
The Basic Model
We propose the following extension to the L4 memory model to facilitate kernel
memory management. While these extensions are L4 specific, they should also
be applicable to other systems. We associate each thread with a kpager which
receives kernel page faults when the kernel requires more memory for a thread.
The kpager can choose to map any page it possesses to resolve the fault. Like
a normal pager, the kpager can revoke the memory at any point by invoking
unmap on the supplied page.
This basic model is more complicated in reality due to important differences
between paging an application and paging the kernel. By paging the kernel to
a user-level pager, we are storing critical information in an object backed by an
untrusted, insecure pager. To succeed, we need to ensure that no kpager can
obtain sensitive kernel information, nor compromise the kernel. However, it is
acceptable for a kpager to obtain information associated with its clients, or to
compromise its clients.
We consider kernel memory currently in use (the equivalent to memory paged
in), and kernel state not in the kernel (the equivalent to memory paged out) separately. In-use memory is protected from kpager interference and examination
by revoking user-level read-write access rights to the page. The kpager still logically possesses the page and can unmap it from the kernel to gain normal access
once again.
Paged-out kernel memory can be freely examined and modified by the kpager.
To prevent the disclosure of sensitive information, the kernel transforms the
contents of a page into a safe external representation prior to exporting it back
to the kpager. To avoid interference by potential kpager modifications to the
exported state, the kernel validates the contents when paging it back into the
kernel, and converts the contents back into its in-kernel representation. The
exact transformation to and from the external representation is dependent on the
particular kernel memory being exported and imported. The following section
describes the classes of data we deal with.
Kernel Data Structures
In terms of ease of exporting kernel data to kpagers, we have identified three
broad classes of kernel data: safe, redundant, and sensitive. The classes are not
necessarily mutually exclusive.
Data is safe to export as-is if it is readily available (readable and writable)
to the client. If any restrictions are placed on data availability to the client, the
data is still safe if the restrictions can remain in place after the data is exported
to and imported from the kpager.
Some kernel data can be readily reconstructed from data held by user-level
applications. This redundant data can be exported by simply discarding the
contents of the page, and returning a vacant page to the pager. One example is
a page table which is discarded when exported, and rebuilt when imported via
page faults to user-level pagers.
Data is sensitive to export if it refers to kernel internals, to clients other than
those being paged by the kpager, or to client attributes not freely accessible to the
client itself. Unrestricted access to sensitive data could compromise the kernel,
detrimentally affect the clients of other kpagers, or raise the privileges of clients
beyond what is directly achievable by the client or the kpager. Sensitive data
can be exported, for example, by sealing it cryptographically before exporting
it to user-level, and validating it when it is returned to the kernel.
This section describes the more interesting details of our implementation. We
focus on L4 on Intel’s IA-32 architecture, but we believe the techniques described are readily applicable to other architectures. The IA-32 L4 kernel has the
following in-kernel data structures: page tables, thread control blocks (TCBs),
mappings nodes, and node tables.
Page Tables
Pages tables are redundant data as they are constructed by a user-level application’s invocation of the map, grant, and unmap primitives. The user-level pager
typically has a superset of the kernel’s page table which it uses to manage its
clients’ virtual address spaces. Page tables are also sensitive data as they contain
physical addresses. To avoid the potential security issues in exporting sensitive
data, we actually export the page tables vacant.
Mapping Nodes
Mapping nodes are used to track the derivation tree of mappings that represent
the current state of all address spaces in the system. This mapping database is
required to implement the unmap primitive. unmap removes any mapping derived
from a specified mapping and, optionally, the specified mapping itself. Like page
tables, the mapping database is redundant data constructed by invoking map,
grant, and unmap. In principle, the data structure could be exported vacant.
However, the data structure is a hierarchical tree. Thus, to export part of
it vacant, any branches derived from the newly vacated part must also be invalidated to ensure unmap is correct when applied closer to the root of the tree.
Hence, a simplistic approach to vacating pages from the mapping database could
result in significant, cascading invalidation. We avoid this by localising mapping
nodes prior to exporting them.
Localisation is a general technique we use to transform particular sensitive
data into safe data. Data is exported by translating all data in the page from inkernel references to references valid in the local user-level context of the client.
When returned to the kernel, the page is validated by translating the clientlocal references back into kernel data. By translating the kernel data into local
references, we safely export the data by restricting the contents of the page to
references to objects the client can directly manipulate. Any permutation of the
page returned to the kernel could have been constructed directly by the client
by invoking operations on local objects.
A mapping node contains a reference to the virtual page and address space
it is associated with, a reference to the page and address space from which it is
derived, and reference to any further derived mappings. The mapper of the page
determines the page from which the mapping is derived, and the receiver of the
mapping determines the location where the received mapping is placed.
We split the mapping node into a sender-derived part and a receiver-derived
part. The sender’s and receiver’s kpager pages the respective parts. Each part
is localised with respect to the sender and receiver, thus making it examinable
by the respective parties. Kpager modifications of the data can only result in
situations that could have been created through cooperative application of the
mapping primitives by both parties.
Node Tables
Node tables exist to provide a mapping between virtual memory regions and
the corresponding nodes in the mapping database. They are closely related to
page tables and have a similar structure; for each page table entry, there is a
corresponding node table entry which points to the associated mapping node.
Unlike page table entries, however, these pointers are not redundant; they are
required by the kernel e.g. to locate preempted mapping nodes. Therefore we
export them by localising them to the context of the client.
Thread Control Blocks
Thread control blocks (TCBs) implement kernel threads. A thread’s TCB contains a thread’s register set and activation stack (if in kernel mode), the thread’s
state (e.g. waiting or running), its scheduling parameters (time slice, priority,
run queue link), and other queue links related to IPC. In order to support lazy
thread switching [19], the TCBs are divided into two parts, one of which (the
UTCB) is user accessible, and the other (the KTCB) resides in protected kernel
memory. The content of the UTCB is modifiable at user level by the thread it
implements, and thus is not protected in any way. It is safe and we simply export
the complete contents to the kpager. Similarly, the thread’s user-level register
set is also safe.
The kernel activation stack and state is sensitive. In order to safely export
it we use a continuation, a special kernel object which contains a digest of the
state that is encoded in the stack. Only particular safe points within the kernel
need to be represented by the continuations, and those can be safely revalidated
when faulted back into the kernel. Examination of the continuation only gives a
kpager coarse knowledge of the particular thread’s kernel state, and modification
of the exported data results in a mutation to some other valid kernel state which
can only affect the client thread involved. The integrity of other threads and the
kernel itself is preserved.
Scheduling parameters and implementation are sensitive. We are currently
exploring how to safely export them. If we adopted a hierarchical proportionalshare scheduling scheme with kpagers determining scheduling parameters, we
could localise the scheduling parameters in terms of shares of the kpager’s allocation. However, we are wary of unifying both scheduling and memory management into a single hierarchy. Currently, a copy of the scheduling parameters is
kept in the kernel.
In a system with pageable kernel metadata, the kernel must be prepared to handle situations where it lacks the metadata necessary to complete an operation.
These situations can occur when additional metadata needs to be allocated, or
when existing metadata has been paged out. In either case, care must be taken
to ensure progress, i.e. to prevent the system from being caught in a deadlock.
To this end, two different problems need to be solved. First, the kernel must
not deadlock internally, e.g. because the page fault handler itself causes a page
fault. Second, the page fault messages must not cause deadlocks in the user-level
The first problem is common to all pageable kernels; it is essentially a matter
of system design. In our system, we solved it by eliminating all circular dependencies between kernel data structures, and by imposing a strict hierarchy. The
second problem, however, cannot be solved entirely at kernel level because the
user can always create a deadlock, e.g. by establishing a circular dependency
between a pager and one of its clients. The kernel can therefore only guarantee
that it is possible to construct a deadlock-free system with reasonable effort, and
that unrelated subsystems are not affected when a deadlock does occur.
In an L4 system, the only critical operation is sending a map message via
IPC. When a kernel page fault occurs while a kpager is using this operation to
resolve another page fault in one of its clients, the kpager is blocked indefinitely
because it can never handle the second fault. In this case, however, the kernel
can easily detect the deadlock and resolve it by aborting the operation. Both
threads are notified and can use this information to avoid further deadlocks, e.g.
by handling the page faults in a different order.
We use fault ordering to reduce the overhead induced by deadlock resolution.
When the kernel detects that it needs multiple resources r1 , . . . , rn to complete
an operation, it chooses an order (i1 , . . . , in ) such that rij does not depend on any
rik with k > j. Such an order always exists because the metadata is structured
hierarchically. The kernel can then effectively avoid deadlocks by requesting the
resources in that order.
Other Details
We enable accounting and control of kernel memory usage by associating the
memory mapped to the kernel with a resource principal. Tasks (i.e. address
spaces containing one or more threads) were chosen as resource principals since
most kernel data (page tables, etc.) is used to implement tasks and is shared
between all threads in the task. The kernel only uses kernel memory associated
with the requestor of a service. Once exhausted, the kernel can fault in more
pages on behalf of a task from the task’s kpager. Therefore, kpagers can accurately account and control the amount of kernel memory used by individual
Typically, a pager has a contract to implement virtual memory regions for
its clients. For this purpose, it uses the mapping primitives and its physical
memory resources; it also keeps a mapping between virtual page addresses and
their contents, which reside either in memory or on external storage. However,
while the client of a normal pager does not know the current assignment between
physical pages and virtual memory regions and therefore must treat the region as
an opaque object, the client of a kpager (the kernel) has full knowledge and can
therefore operate on the memory as it sees fit, even access the physical frames
directly. Thus, virtual page addresses become content identifiers and need not
bear any resemblance to the actual virtual addresses used by the kernel. Kernel
page faults can be signalled when content is not present or when more memory
is required, not necessarily as a result of hardware-based page faults. This gives
the kernel implementor full freedom, but still preserves the simple pager model
for all user-level code.
Different kernel pages have different costs associated with revoking them
from the kernel; for example, a root page directory is more costly to revoke
than a leaf directory. To allow fine tuning of kpager policy, we are exploring
the possibility of giving specialised kpagers information about the internal data
types of a particular kernel. This can be done cleanly by assigning kernel data
types to specific virtual page ranges. A specialised kpager can make use of this
information, e.g. to adjust its replacement policy or to discard vacated pages
instead of writing them to backing store. At the same time, a generic kpager can
function correctly, albeit sub-optimally.
We have constructed an experimental L4 kernel to serve as a platform to develop and experiment with our ideas. It implements a modified L4 API and
allows kpagers to page most dynamically allocated kernel memory. All memorymanagement related data is paged, and most TCB data is paged (all but approximately 100 bytes of an original 1 Kbyte TCB).
The kernel is stable and complete enough to run L4 Linux [10], a derivative
of Linux 2.4.20 that was modified to run on top of the L4 microkernel. We used
this system to get a first impression of performance.
Kernel Memory Usage
In order to determine the amount of kernel memory used by typical applications,
we booted a standard Debian distribution on top of L4 Linux. After opening an
Application Threads Resident #P
131.080k 3
L4 Linux
129.804k 5
20k 4
76k 5
52k 5
392k 5
80k 5
152k 5
96k 5
108k 5
108k 5
96k 5
100k 5
112k 5
260k 5
272k 5
284k 5
140k 5
80k 5
80k 5
80k 5
164k 5
2.700k 5
#U Metadata
Fig. 2. Memory usage under L4 Linux. Table shows resident set size, number of pages
used for page tables (P), node tables (N), mapping database (M), user TCBs (U), and
total kernel memory usage.
emacs session and starting a compile job, we obtained a snapshot of the system
and analysed the usage of kernel memory (Figure 2).
We found that a typical3 application consumes approximately 100-300kB of
user memory and 40-60kB of kernel memory. We conclude that a nonnegligible
portion of main memory is used as kernel memory; hence, some extra effort for
managing it seems justified.
We also found that the numbers are surprisingly high and do not vary much
between small and large applications. This is due to high internal fragmentation,
which is largely caused by sparsely populated page tables and cannot be avoided
by the kernel alone since the page table format is dictated by the IA-32 hardware.
However, by replacing the standard Linux address space layout with a more
compact one, the overhead could be reduced significantly, in some cases by up
to 50%.
The root pager σ0 and the L4 Linux server have atypical resident set sizes because
they have all physical memory (128MB in our experiment) mapped to their address
spaces. Most of that memory is mapped on to other applications.
A comparison to other L4 kernels for the IA-32 shows that the effective
overhead of our scheme amounts to only 1.5 frames or 6kB, which we consider
sufficiently low.
Policy Overhead
In order to determine the temporal overhead for a simple user-level allocation
policy, we measured the time required to handle a kernel page fault. To this end,
we modified our kernel to support an optional in-kernel memory pool. When this
pool is in use, no kernel page faults are generated.
We then ran a simple test application that causes a page fault in a previously
untouched memory region. This memory region was carefully chosen so that
multiple instances of kernel metadata (a page table and a node table) would
be required to handle the fault. Without the in-kernel memory pool, the kernel
would thus have to send two additional page faults.
In-kernel allocator 1 fault 18,091 cycles (± 100)
User-level allocator 3 faults 21,454 cycles (± 100)
Fig. 3. Cycles required to handle a complex page fault, for which the kernel must
allocate two additional pages of kernel memory.
The experiment was performed on a dual Pentium II/400 system with 192 MB
of main memory; we used the performance counters of the CPU to measure the
cycles required in both cases (Figure 3). The difference of approximately 3,400
cycles is explained by the additional overhead for generating two fault IPCs, executing the user-level fault handler twice, and crossing the user-kernel boundary
four times. This indicates an effective overhead of 1,700 cycles per kernel page
fault on this machine.
In the previous section, we demonstrated that a typical L4 Linux task uses
less than 60kB of kernel metadata. This is equivalent to 15 frames. We estimate
that requesting these frames from a simple user-level manager, e.g. one that
implements a Quota policy, causes an additional one-time overhead of 15·1, 700 =
25, 500 cycles or 64µs, which we consider acceptable, especially given that our
microkernel is still completely unoptimized.
Related Work
There has been previous work on managing kernel memory from user level. The
path abstraction in Scout [27], Resource Containers [2] and Virtual Services [23]
can be used to account for and limit consumption of kernel memory; all of them
can be controlled from user level. The same is possible in extensible systems like
SPIN [3] and VINO [6], where code can be uploaded into the kernel at runtime.
However, all of these approaches use a global policy for the entire system, and
neither of them supports preemption or revocation of kernel memory, except by
killing the principal.
EROS [25] and the Cache Kernel [4] use a different approach in which the
kernel acts as a cache for metadata and can evict objects from this cache when
its capacity is exceeded. However, neither the capacity nor the allocation of these
caches can be controlled by applications, and it is difficult to isolate subsystems
from each other.
Liedtke has described another approach where applications can resolve a
shortage of kernel memory by donating some of their own memory to the kernel
[18]. However, the model is incomplete as no mechanism is provided to revoke
or reclaim memory from the kernel.
The Fluke kernel can export kernel state to user level, which has been used to
implement user-level checkpointing [29]. However, kernel memory itself cannot
be managed.
Conclusions and Future Work
In this paper, we have presented a mechanism that can be used to safely export
control over kernel memory to user level. Unlike previous solutions, it supports
graceful preemption and revocation of kernel memory, which makes it possible to
implement not only basic policies like FCFS or quotas, but also more advanced
strategies such as Working Set. Also, every subsystem can implement its own
custom policy, allowing it to benefit from specific knowledge about its current
and future needs.
To demonstrate the feasibility of our approach, we have implemented it in an
experimental kernel that supports the L4 API. The experimental kernel allows
all memory-related metadata and most TCB metadata to be paged from user
level. A small portion of the TCB (approximately 10%) is not paged because
this would require changes to the L4 API. We plan to continue refining our
design to eliminate the remaining unexported data; also, we will conduct further experiments to apply different management policies and to evaluate their
We believe that our mechanism is powerful enough to be used beyond the
simple control of physical memory consumption. We envisage kpagers enabling
subsystem checkpointing by capturing both the kernel and user-level state of a
subsystem. Kpagers should also enable paging of kernel data to backing store,
thus allowing kernel memory to exceed physical memory limitations. Page coloring [14] might also be advantageous when applied to kernel memory.
In summary, we believe we can safely export management of kernel memory to user-level pagers. Our system should be flexible enough to do any or all
schemes concurrently on isolated subsystems, without requiring kernel modification.
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