Course Guide Masters Course “Digital Communications” Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Faculty of Engineering Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering Date: 24 August 2015 Contact: Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering Faculty of Engineering Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel Kaiserstraße 2 D-24143 Kiel, Germany E-Mail: Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 2 Table of Contents 1. General Aim .......................................................................................................................... 5 2. Schedule ............................................................................................................................... 6 3. Compulsory Modules ............................................................................................................ 7 Advanced Signals and Systems ...................................................................................................... 7 Advanced Digital Signal Processing.............................................................................................. 10 Information Theory and Coding I ................................................................................................... 13 Information Theory and Coding II .................................................................................................. 16 Wireless Communications (DSP) .................................................................................................. 19 Optical Communications................................................................................................................ 22 Digital Communications ................................................................................................................. 25 Wireless Communications (RF) ..................................................................................................... 27 Communications Lab ..................................................................................................................... 29 Real-time Signal Processing Lab .................................................................................................. 31 Advanced Topics Lab and Seminar .............................................................................................. 33 German Language Course ............................................................................................................ 35 4. Technical Elective Modules ................................................................................................ 36 4.1.Category “Applied Communications and Networks“ ..................................................... 36 Numerical Simulation of Analog and Digital Communication Systems ......................................... 36 Advanced Wireless Communications (DSP) ................................................................................. 39 High-speed Communication Networks .......................................................................................... 42 Advanced Photonic Communication Systems............................................................................... 44 Secure Communications ............................................................................................................... 47 4.2.Category “Communication Devices” ............................................................................. 48 Digital Electronics .......................................................................................................................... 48 Radio Frequency Identification and Security ................................................................................. 51 Microwave Filters: Theory, Design, and Realization ..................................................................... 54 Underwater Techniques ................................................................................................................ 56 Photonic Components ................................................................................................................... 59 Digital Systems .............................................................................................................................. 61 4.3.Category “Applied Signal Processing“ .......................................................................... 62 Neuromorphic Engineering ............................................................................................................ 62 Optimization and Optimal Control ................................................................................................. 64 Micro and Millimeter Wave Photonics ........................................................................................... 66 Introduction to Radar Signal Processing and Algorithms .............................................................. 68 Applied Nonlinear Dynamics ......................................................................................................... 71 Adaptive Filters .............................................................................................................................. 73 Pattern Recognition ....................................................................................................................... 76 Time Series Analysis ..................................................................................................................... 79 Neural Networks ............................................................................................................................ 82 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 3 Signal Processing for Medical Applications – Frequency Domain Analysis ................................. 85 Multimedia Communications ......................................................................................................... 88 Embedded System Design ............................................................................................................ 88 5. Non-technical Elective Modules ......................................................................................... 89 Economics I ................................................................................................................................... 89 Economics II .................................................................................................................................. 91 6. Master Thesis ..................................................................................................................... 93 Master Thesis ................................................................................................................................ 93 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 4 1. General Aim Successful participants of the study program „Digital Communications“, who acquired the degree of a Master of Science, have a solid knowledge in the fields of information and communication engineering (signals, systems, information) as well as digital telecommunication technology (coding, modulation, statistics, cryptology). Beyond, they possess a fundamental knowledge in numerous applications of digital communications, e. g., optical, wireless, or multi-media communications. They are able to treat practical problems in the field of digital communications as well as in adjacent domains purposively, to analyze and structure complex problems, to apply the acquired standard techniques to problem solutions, but also, based on literature search, to find and realize new approaches. This also results in the ability to generally scrutinize known methods and to extend them scientifically. They are able to present their ideas and results orally and in written form according to scientific standards. With this ability and knowledge, they are competent to work as engineers in the field of Digital Communications, e. g., in research or development groups in industry, as consultants, team members, or leaders in projects, or as scientists in academia. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 5 Exercise SWS Digital Communications 3 2 5 7 Advanced Signals and Systems 3 2 5 7 Advanced Digital Signal Processing 2 1 3 4 Information Theory and Coding I 2 1 3 4 Module 1 Lab SWS Lecture SWS1) Semester 2. Schedule 4 4 4 Non-technical Elective I 2) 4 4 6 24 32 Information Theory and Coding II 2 1 3 4 Optical Communications 2 1 3 4 Wireless Communications (DSP) 2 1 3 4 Wireless Communications (RF) 2 1 3 4 ca. 6 8 2 4 20 28 ca. 15 20 2 4 6 6 23 30 Technical Electives Real-time Signal Processing Lab 2 Summe 3 Technical Electives Non-technical Elective II 2 Advanced Topics Lab 6 Summe 4 Sum 1) 2) CP Communications Lab Summe 2 SWS1) Master Thesis 30 Summe 30 34 17 16 67 120 SWS = 45-minutes-course per week of the lecture period (duration of each lecture period: 15 weeks) Non-technical Elective: According to the subject specific examination regulations, the course “Grundkurs Deutsch für ausländische Studierende” is – in general – a compulsory non-technical course for the students of this masters’ course. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 6 3. Compulsory Modules Module number etit-506 Module title Advanced Signals and Systems Module level Core subject Abbreviation ASS Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and System Theory Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory subject in term 1 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 3 SWS lecture 2 SWS exercise Work load 45 h (1.5 credits) lecture (course attendance) 45 h (1.5 credits) lecture (revision) 30 h (1.0 credits) exercise (course attendance) 90 h (3.0 credits) exercise (preparation of exercises) Credits 7 Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Basic knowledge of signals and systems obtained during bachelors course Learning outcome Successful participants shall have gained competence to deal with 1-D abstract signals in time and frequency domains, with enhanced ability to deterministic, continuous Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 7 cases as known from their B.Sc. courses, plus additional acquaintance with discrete and / or stochastic signals. They are to be able to treat the influence of (mainly: linear) systems on such signals, know about typical effects (like band-limitation), and have a basic understanding of realizations as described by signal-flow graphs and statespace descriptions. Also, the basic ideas for a 2-D extension are to be known. Content Discrete signals Stochastic signals Spectra Transformations Spectra of stochastic signals Discrete systems Discrete linear systems and their response to deterministic signals Discrete linear systems and their response to stochastic signals Idealized discrete linear time-invariant systems Hilbert transformation State-space description From input-output to state-space description From signal-flow graphs to state-space descriptions Generalizations transformations for signals, systems, and spectral Assessment of course achievements During the lecture period, a voluntary test is offered. During the examination period following the course, a written exam (duration: 120 min.) is held. Media Beamer (Slides) Blackboard Problems distributed prior to exercises Literature Oppenheim, A.V., Willsky, A.S., Nawab, H.: Signals and Systems. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, USA, 1996. Papoulis, A., Pillai, S.U.: Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes. McGraw-Hill Inc., New York, USA, 2002. Mitra, S.K.: Digital Signal Processing – a Computer-based Approach. McGraw-Hill, New York, USA, 1998. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 8 An updated bibliography is handed out during the lecture. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 9 Module number etit-509 Module title Advanced Digital Signal Processing Module level Core subject Abbreviation ADSP Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or term 2 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and System Theory Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 500) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory subject in term 1 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (revision) ca. 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) ca. 45 h (1.5 credits) exercise (preparation of exercises) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order None Recommended prerequisites Signals and Systems I (module etit-104) Signals and Systems II (module etit-108) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 10 Learning outcome Students attending this lecture should be able to implement efficient and robust signal processing structures. Knowledge about moving from the analog to the digital domain and vice versa including the involved effects (and trap doors) should be acquired. Also differences (advantages and disadvantages) between time and frequency domain approaches should be learnt. Content Digital processing of continuous-time signals Sampling and sampling theorem Quantization AD- and DA-conversion DFT and FFT Leakage effect Windowing FFT structure Digital filters FIR filters o Structures o Linear phase filters o Least-squares frequency domain design IIR-filters o Structures o Finite word-length effects Multirate digital signal processing Decimation and interpolation Filters in sampling rate alteration systems Polyphase decomposition and efficient structures Digital filter banks Spectral estimation Periodogram ARMA modeling Assessment of course achievements Written examination (90 min.) in the examination period after the course. Media Blackboard, beamer presentation Literature J.G. Proakis, D.G. Manolakis: Digital Signal Processing: Principles, Algorithms, and Applications, Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 11 Prentice Hall, 1996, 3rd edition S.K. Mitra: Digital Signal Processing: A ComputerBased Approach, McGraw Hill Higher Education, 2000, 2nd edition A.V. Oppenheim, R.W. Schafer: Discrete-time signal processing, Prentice Hall, 1999, 2nd edition M.H. Hayes Statistical Signal Processing and Modeling, John Wiley and Sons, 1996 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 12 Module number etit-510 Module title Information Theory and Coding I Module level Core subject Abbreviation IT1 Subtitle (if applicable) Advanced Information Theory Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or term 2 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Information and Coding Theory Lab Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 500) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory subject in term 1 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (online presence) ca. 15 hours (0,5 credit points) exercise (online presence) ca. 15 hours (0,5 credit points) exercise (self studies) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (post processing) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) preparation for examination Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites „Theoretische Grundlagen Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide der Informationstechnik“ 13 (Foundations on Information Technology) (module etit-115) Learning outcome Since our society is moving towards an information society, the need for obtaining a core competence in this area is essential. Data compression techniques (like JPEG and mp3), error detection and error correction techniques as well as data encryption techniques are all based on information theory. By means of this module, the students learn the basics of information theory at a masters level. Upon a successful completion of this course, students acquire skills to understand fundamental bounds on information theory, and to develop new system concepts. The course covers elements of a classical interactive on-line lecture/exercise, as well as team-working elements based on tutorial material. The students learn to solve problems both independently as well as team-oriented. Content Fundamentals: Shannon’s source coding theorem, Shannon’s channel coding theorem, Shannon’s crypto system Multiuser information theory: Broadcast channel, multiple-access channel, relay channel, channel capacity for Gaussian multiuser channels Joint source and channel coding: Lossy source coding, Shannon’s rate-distortion theory Network coding Assessment of course achievements Written examination (90 min.) in the examination period after the course. Media textbook: Peter Adam Höher, Grundlagen der digitalen Informationsübertragung, Springer-Vieweg, 2nd ed., 2013 (also available as an e-book). slides blackboard team-working Literature Cover, T.M. und Thomas, J.A., Elements of Information Theory, John Wiley & Sons, 2nd ed., 2006. Lubbe, J.C.A.: Information Theory, Cambridge University Press, 1997. Yeung, R.W.: A First Course in Information Theory, Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 14 Springer, 2002. Yeung, R.W.: Information Theory and Network Coding, Springer, 2008. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 15 Module number etit-511 Module title Information Theory and Coding II Module level Core subject Abbreviation IT2 Subtitle (if applicable) Advanced Channel Coding Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or term 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Information and Coding Theory Lab Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 500) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (online presence) ca. 15 hours (0,5 credit points) exercise (online presence) ca. 15 hours (0,5 credit points) exercise (self studies) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (post processing) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) preparation for examination Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order Recommended prerequisites „Theoretische Grundlagen Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide der Informationstechnik“ 16 (Foundations on Information Technology) (module etit-115) „Information Theory & Coding I”(module etit-510) is NO prerequisite Learning outcome Since our society is moving towards an information society, the need for obtaining a core competence in this area is essential. Channel coding is applied in a wide range of digital transmission and storage systems, like cellular radio systems, data modems, satellite links, or CD/DVD/Blu-ray discs. By means of this module, the students obtain a fundamental understanding of channel coding at a masters level. The course covers elements of a classical interactive on-line lecture/exercise, as well as team-working elements based on tutorial material. The students learn to solve problems both independently as well as team-oriented. Content Fundamentals of channel coding: Block codes and convolutional codes LDPC codes: Tanner graph, belief propagation, optimization of LDPC codes Turbo codes: LLR algebra, BCJR algorithm, EXIT chart analysis, density evolution Coded Modulation: Trellis-coded modulation, multilevel coding, bit-interleaved coded modulation, superposition modulation Polar codes Assessment of course achievements Media Literature Written examination (90 min.) in the examination period after the course. textbook: Peter Adam Höher, Grundlagen der digitalen Informationsübertragung, Springer-Vieweg, 2nd ed., 2013 (also available as an e-book) slides blackboard team-working Lin, S., Costello, D.J.: Error Control Coding, Prentice-Hall, 2nd ed., 2004. Richardson, T., Urbanke, R.: Modern Coding Theory, Cambridge University Press, 2008. Ryan, W.E., Lin, S.: Channel Codes: Classical and Modern, Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 17 Cambridge University Press, 2009. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 18 Module number etit-512 Module title Wireless Communications (DSP) Module level Core subject Abbreviation WC1 Subtitle (if applicable) Baseband Processing I Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or term 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Information and Coding Theory Lab Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 500) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load 30 hours (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) 30 hours (1.0 credits) lecture (revision) 15 hours (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) 45 hours exercises) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites - (1.5 credit points) exercise (preparation of Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 19 Learning outcome Digital radio systems consist of a software-oriented digital signal processing (DSP) unit as well as a physical-oriented transmission unit (antennas, amplifiers, mixers, etc.). This course is devoted to fundamental signal processing techniques, either implemented in software or in dedicated signal processors. The main goal of this course is that students acquire a basic knowledge on the field of digital radio communications matched to a master level in the area of electrical and information engineering. Upon a successful completion of this course, students acquire skills to understand the technical background of digital radio systems. The students learn to solve related problems on their own. Content Fundamentals: Wireless radio standards, classification of wireless radio systems, cellularization, uplink und downlink, multi-user access, frequency bands Channel modelling: AWGN, Rayleigh/Rice fading, WSSUS channel model, equivalent discrete-time channel model Digital modulation schemes: PSK, QAM, CPM, OFDM. IDM Multiple access techniques: FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, IDMA, OFDMA Equalization and channel estimation (for the example of GSM) MIMO systems (space-time codes, spatial multiplexing) Assessment of course achievements Media Literature Written examination (90 min.) in the examination period after the course. textbook: Peter Adam Höher, Grundlagen der digitalen Informationsübertragung, Springer-Vieweg, 2nd ed., 2013 (also available as an e-book) slides blackboard A.F. Molisch, Wireless Communications. IEEE Press -Wiley, 2005. T.S. Rappaport, Wireless Communications -- Principles & Practice. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1996. J.G. Proakis, Digital Communications. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 4th ed., 2001. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 20 R. Steele, L. Hanzo, Mobile Radio Communications. New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons, 2nd ed., 1999. G.L. Stueber, Principles of Mobile Communication. Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 21 Module number etit-513 Module title Optical Communications Module level Core subject Abbreviation Opt. Comm. Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or term 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Chair for Communications Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Rosenkranz Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Rosenkranz and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 500) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) lecture (course attendance) ca. 15 h (0.5 LP) lecture (revision) ca. 15 h (0.5 LP) exercise (course attendance) ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) exercise (revision) ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) preparation for examination Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Nachrichtenübertragung (module etit-114) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 22 Learning outcome The course teaches fundamentals of optical communications and the required optical and electronic components as well as the optical communication channel based on a system oriented view. It will familiarize the students with modern principles of optical communications. Content Survey: optical communications - systems and applications The Optical Transmission Channel: wave optical description of fiber, slab waveguides, dielectrical waveguides, propagation in cylindrical waveguides, dispersion and attenuation in fibers, phase velocity, group velocity, dispersion in singlemode fibers, transfer-function of singlemode fiber, impact of dispersion, polarization and optical power, nonlinear properties of fiber, optical Kerreffect, propagation equation, split step Fourier method, impact on signal transmission, soliton transmission. Optical Transmitters and Modulators: semiconductor laser, materials, energy-band diagram, guidance of laserbeam, mechanism of recombination, design of lasers, Fabry-Perrot-resonator, lasing condition, singlemode lasers, rate equations, Power-current-characteristic, direct modulation of lasers, laser-chirp, small-signal analysis, laser-frequency response, external modulators, elektroabsorption-modulator (EAM), Mach-Zehnder-modulator (MZM). Optical Receivers: block diagram and model, Photodiodes, noise performance, optical filter, Optical Amplifiers: principle, main characteristics, noise performance Assessment of course achievements Written examination (90 min.) in the examination period after the course Media The basic content is presented on a tablet PC and projected with beamer. This basic content can be downloaded by the students. Additional notes (about 20% of total material) are filled in the presentation by handwriting and beamer projection. Literature G.P. Agrawal.:“Fiber-Optic Communication Systems“, Wiley, New York, 2002 G. Keiser: “Optical Fiber Communications“, 3rd edition, McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2000 G.P. Agrawal: “Lightwave Technology” Wiley, Hoboken, 2005 I.P. Kaminow, Tingye Li, A.E.Willner: “Optical Fiber Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 23 Telecommunications VA, VB“, Academic Diego, 2008. Press, San E. Voges, K. Petermann: “Optische Kommunikationstechnik“, Springer, Berlin, 2002. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 24 Module number etit-514 Module title Digital Communications Module level Core subject Abbreviation Dig. Comm. Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Chair for Communications Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Rosenkranz Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Rosenkranz and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory subject in term 1 of the masters course “Digital Communications“ Teaching methods/SWS 3 SWS lecture 2 SWS exercise Work load 45 h (1.5 credits) lecture (course attendance) 45 h (1.5 credits) lecture (revision) 30 h (1.0 credits) exercise (course attendance) 90 h (3.0 credits) exercise (preparation of exercises) Credits 7 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Basic knowledge in systems theory and analog transmission Learning outcome To understand communications with a focus on modern digital communications theory and systems. To be able to apply the underlying methods for up-to-date examples of real world systems. Emphasis is on modern digital data transmission concepts and optimization of receivers. To build a basis for subsequent related courses. Content Elements of communication systems Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 25 Transmission channels Source signals Digital baseband transmission Digital band pass transmission Optimum receivers Assessment of course achievements During the lecture period, a voluntary test is offered. During the examination period following the course, a written exam (duration: 180 min.) is held. Media Blackboard (basic element suited for supplementing the available lecture notes) Foils (copies available for download) PowerPoint-presentations (copies available for download) Kammeyer, K.D.: Nachrichtenübertragung. B.G. Teubner, Stuttgart, 2004. Glover, I.A., Grant, P.M.: Digital Communications. Prentice Hall, Harlow, 2004. Ziemer, R.E., Peterson, R.L.: Digital Communication. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, 2001. Lee, E.A., Messerschmitt, D.G.: Digital Communications. 3rd edition, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004. Proakis, J.G.: Digital Communications. 4th edition, McGraw-Hill, 2001. Literature Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 26 Module number etit-516 Module title Wireless Communications (RF) Module level Core subject Abbreviation WCRF Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or term 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Wireless Communications Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Manteuffel Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dirk Manteuffel and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 500) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering “ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications “. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load 30 hours (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) 30 hours (1.0 credits) lecture (revision) 15 hours (0.5 credits) and exercise (course attendance) 45 hours (1.5 credits) exercise (preparation of exercises) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order BSc ETIT, BSc Wi-Ing ETIT or equivalent Recommended prerequisites „Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik I – III“ (modules etit-101, etit-102 and etit-103) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 27 „Elektromagnetische Felder I – II“ (modules etit-106 and etit-110) „Mathematik für Ingenieure I – III“ (modules MIng-1, MIng2 and MIng-3) „Leitungstheorie“ (module etit-112) Learning outcome The participants of this module gain an overview of state of the art rf principles in wireless communications: Content - Development of Deterministic and statistic Channel models - Understanding of the RF Chain of Wireless Communication systems - Increasing channel capacity by MIMO - Wideband Techniques - Radio Propagation - Antennas - Transmitter and Receiver architecture - Link Budget - Multi Antenna Systems - Wideband Systems Assessment of course achievements During the examination period following the module, a written exam (duration: 90 min) is held. Media Black board, laptop presentations, printed Manuscript Literature J. S. Seybold: Introduction to RF Propagation. ISBN 978-0-471-65596-1, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005. Antennas & Propagation for Wireless Propagation Systems. ISBN 978-0-470-84879-1, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 28 Module number etit-705 Module title Communications Lab Module level Practical subject Abbreviation Comm. Lab Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or 2 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Rosenkranz Lecturer Staff of Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. A. Höher, Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Rosenkranz and Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt, Language: The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 700) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory subject in term 1 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 4 SWS laboratory Work load ca. 45 h (1.5 credits) laboratory (course attendance) ca. 75 h (2.5 credits) laboratory (preparation of lab projects) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Knowledge of basics obtained during bachelors course Learning outcome The students gain practical expertise with signals, systems, and analysis methods for digital communications, by means of computer-based and instrumentalmeasurement experiments. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 29 Content Hands-on experiments and computer simulations (MATLAB) on selected topics in communications and related fields: P1. P2. P3. P4. P5. P6. P7. P8. P9. Introduction to MATLAB LTI-Systems: State Equations and Simulation PAM/PCM Digital Modulation Channel Coding Equalization Correlation, Coherence and Information Flow Signal Sources and Spectrum Analysis Source Coding: Data Compression Using the Huffman and the Lempel-Ziv Algorithm P10. Cryptology: Encryption and Authentication Using the Asymmetric RSA Algorithm P11. Optical Communication Basics Assessment of course achievements Certificate after successful completion of laboratory Media Computer / MATLAB, transmission and measurement equipment Literature During the lab course, a set of references is given for each experiment. Manuals are available for all experiments. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 30 Module number etit-708 Module title Real-time Signal Processing Lab Module level Practical subject Abbreviation Lab RtSP Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. A. Höher, Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Rosenkranz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 700) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lab + homework (“code preparation”) Work load 60 h (2.0 credits) software development 50 h (1.75 credits) study of lab topic and presentation of the lab presentation 7,5 h (0.25 credits) attendance of lab presentations Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Knowledge of basics obtained during bachelors course Learning outcome Students acquire the ability to implement signal processing algorithms with special emphasis on current real-time Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 31 hardware platforms. Restrictions such as the available bit widths, complexity, or the delay introduced by block processing, AD and DA conversion or the algorithms themselves should be reflected when choosing among different processing structures and hardware types. Content At the beginning of the lab students obtain an introduction into the hard- and software platform they will use during the lab. Afterwards they will obtain real-world signal processing problems or topics such as ‐ noise suppression for speech signals, ‐ equalization of loudspeakers, or ‐ software-defined radio, which they should solve or implement with the tools mentioned above in small teams. At the end of the lab each group should give a short presentation about their platform as well as their problem and their solution. Assessment of course achievements Certificate after successful completion of laboratory Media - Literature During the seminar, a set of references is given for each lab topic. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 32 Module number etit-706 Module title Advanced Topics Lab and Seminar Module level Practical subject Abbreviation ATL Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. A. Höher Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. P. A. Höher, Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Rosenkranz, Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 700) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 4 SWS laboratory 2 SWS seminar + homework (“paper” preparation) Work load 75 h (2.5 credits) study of seminar topic 60 h (2.0 credits) software development 37.5 h (1.25 credits) preparation of paper and presentation 7,5 h (0.25 credits) attendance of seminar presentations Credits 6 Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Knowledge of basics obtained during bachelors course and successful completion of the module “Real-time Signal Processing Lab” (module etit-708). Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 33 Learning outcome The students acquire the ability to do a literature research on a given scientific topic, to evaluate this literature, to extract central points, and to present a scientific topic in a talk as well as a paper. Furthermore, the students shall be competent to implement their topic in a high-level language (e.g., Java, Matlab or C/C++). The students are able to work in a team. Content Selected topics in digital communications and information technology - which vary from semester to semester – are studied and presented by groups of three to four students. The presentation includes the demonstration of the software developed during the team work and discussions with the supervisors, and it takes place within a one-day workshop. Assessment of course achievements Certificate after successful completion of module Media Literature During the laboratory and the seminar, a set of references is given for each topic. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 34 Module number Module title German Language Course Module level Supplementary subject Abbreviation Language Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 Frequency of offer Each term Responsible institute Lektorat Deutsch als Fremdsprache Responsible staff member Martin Lange, M.A. Lecturer Martin Lange, M.A., and staff Language German Assignment to the curriculum For students without sufficient knowledge of the german language: Compulsory subject in term 1 of the masters course “Digital Communications“ Teaching methods/SWS 6 SWS/week, 12 teaching weeks Work load Homework, interim tests Credits 6 Prerequisites according to examination order Participation in a placement test (for students with previous knowledge of German) Recommended prerequisites - Learning outcome Basic skills to handle everyday situations in German such as orientation, establishing contacts, shopping and the like Content German courses are offered at different levels (basic level 1,2,3; intermediate level 1,2,3; advanced level) Assessment of course achievements Continuous coursework, homework, intermediate tests Media Lessons given in classrooms, partly media assisted, CD for revision partially included in the teaching material. Literature The teaching material is determined based on the grading and is specified in the preliminary course meeting. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 35 4. Technical Elective Modules 4.1. Category “Applied Communications and Networks“ Module number Module title etit-611 Numerical Simulation of Analog and Digital Communication Systems Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation NSN Subtitle (if applicable) Courses (if applicable) Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Chair for Communications Responsible staff member Dr.-Ing. J. Leibrich Lecturer Dr.-Ing. J. Leibrich Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) lecture (course attendance) ca. 15 h (0.5 LP) lecture (revision) ca. 15 h (0.5 LP) exercise (course attendance) ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) exercise (revision) ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) preparation for examination Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to - Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 36 examination order Recommended prerequisites Nachrichtenübertragung (module etit-114) Digital Communications (module etit-514) Learning outcome Numerical simulation as flexible and cost-efficient tool for investigation into arbitrary communication systems is to be understood. Basic techniques for transferring real systems into computer programs are learned. The potential as well as the limits of numerical simulation as method for investigation is focused on. Finally, an overview over programming techniques for efficient use of today’s computer hardware is obtained. Content Introduction: Numerical Simulation as method of investigation Comparison with other methods of investigation (experiments, theoretical modeling) Basics: Description of communication systems by means of block diagrams, implementation of block diagrams into code Appropriate programming languages Signal sources (generators for random numbers, PRBS,PRMS) Signal analysis (measurement of S/N for analog systems, evaluation of bit error probability for digital systems, estimation of power spectrum density) Implementation of linear systems Applications: Simulation of analog systems (e.g. speech processing) Simulation of digital systems (e.g. optical high-speed transmission systems) Parallel algorithms for efficient simulation on multi-core computers Assessment of course achievements Oral examination (30 min.) in the examination period after the course Media Slide presentation (main medium) Blackboard (for mathematical derivations) Notebooks (for clarification of basic concepts) using o MATLAB Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 37 Literature o C++ o MOVE-IT (simulation software) Lecture notes are offered for download M.C. Jeruchim, P. Balaban, and K.S. Shanmugan, Simulation of communication systems, New York, 1992. J. Leibrich, Modeling and simulation of limiting impairments on next generation’s transparent optical WDM transmission systems with advanced modulation formats, Shaker, 2007 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 38 Module number etit-621 Module title Advanced Wireless Communications (DSP) Module level: In-depth elective Abbreviation WC2 Subtitle (if applicable) Baseband Processing II Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Information and Coding Theory Lab Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications “. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (online presence) ca. 15 hours (0,5 credit points) exercise (online presence) ca. 15 hours (0,5 credit points) exercise (self studies) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (post processing) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) preparation for examination Credits Prerequisites according examination order 4 LP to - Recommended prerequisites - Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 39 Learning outcome Digital radio systems consist of a software-oriented digital signal processing (DSP) unit as well as a physical-oriented transmission unit (antennas, amplifiers, mixers, etc.). This course is devoted to advanced digital signal processing techniques, either implemented in software or in dedicated signal processors. The students obtain specialized knowledge in the field of digital radio communications matched to a master level in the area of electrical and information engineering. Upon a successful completion of this course, students acquire skills to understand modern wireless communication techniques and to design new schemes. The course covers elements of a classical interactive on-line lecture/exercise, as well as team-working elements based on tutorial material. The students learn to solve problems both independently as well as team-oriented. Content GSM extensions: GPRS, EGPRS, EGPRS2, reduced-state equalization, channel estimation, channel shortening, co-channel interference cancellation UMTS: DS-CDMA, spreading sequences, scrambling, correlation properties, rate adaptation, Rake receiver, multiuser detection LTE, LTE-A: MIMO, Space-time-codes, spatial beamforming, multi-user OFDM, OFDMA Assessment of course achievements Media Literature multiplexing, Oral examination in the examination period after the course. textbook: Peter Adam Hoeher, Grundlagen der digitalen Informationsübertragung, Springer-Vieweg, 2nd ed., 2013 (also available as an e-book) slides blackboard team-working E. Biglieri, R. Calderbank, A. Constantinides, A. Goldsmith, A. Paulraj, H.V. Poor, MIMO Wireless Comunications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2007. V. Kuehn, Wireless Communications over MIMO Channels. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 40 Chichester: Wiley, 2006. A. Goldsmith, Wireless Communications. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. D. Tse, P. Viswanath, Fundamentals of Wireless Communication. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 41 Module number etit-627 Module title High-speed Communication Networks Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation HSN Subtitle (if applicable) High-speed Systems and Networks Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Chair for Communications Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Rosenkranz Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. W. Rosenkranz and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) lecture (course attendance) ca. 15 h (0.5 LP) lecture (revision) ca. 15 h (0.5 LP) exercise (course attendance) ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) exercise (revision) ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) preparation for examination Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Nachrichtenübertragung (module etit-114) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 42 Learning outcome We examine optical communication networks and highspeed digital transmission systems. We report on the latest developments in the field and also on current projects of the Kiel research team. Thus students will be able to enter project work in this field or starting to work on a PhD thesis in the field. Content Optical WDM-network Elements, Transmission Schemes and Modulation Formats Wide Area Networks, Access Networks, passive optical networks, fibre to the home High-speed Ethernet Assessment of course achievements Oral examination (30 min.) in the examination period after the course Media The basic content is presented on a tablet PC and projected with beamer. This basic content can be downloaded by the students. Additional notes (about 20% of total material) are filled in the presentation by handwriting and beamer projection. Literature G. Keiser: “FTTX Concepts and Applications“, Wiley, Hoboken, 2006 R. Ramaswami; K.N. Sivarajan: “Optical Networks, Morgan Kaufmann Publ., Hall, San Francisco, 2002. I.P. Kaminow, Tingye Li, A.E.Willner: “Optical Fiber Telecommunications VA, VB“, Academic Press, San Diego, 2008. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 43 Module number Module title etit-632 Advanced Photonic Communication Systems Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation APCS Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Chair for Communications Responsible staff member Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Ronald Freund, Fraunhofer HHI Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) lecture (course attendance) ca. 15 h (0.5 LP) lecture (revision) ca. 15 h (0.5 LP) exercise (course attendance) ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) exercise (revision) ca. 30 h (1.0 LP) preparation for examination Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Nachrichtenübertragung (module etit-114) Digital Communications (module etit-514) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 44 Learning outcome Content Knowledge, skills, and competences: Knowledge for the design of optical transmission systems regarding different applications Knowledge of transmission impairments and mitigation methods Ability to numerically model and solve corresponding practical problems Competence to judge the properties of commercially available photonic design automation (PDA) software High-speed optical Core and Submarine Systems transmission schemes and modulation formats detection schemes, digital signal processing for coherent detection optical network elements Optical Wireless Communication Systems basics and advances in optical satellite communication free-space terrestrial optical communication systems visible light communication systems Optical Access Systems state-of-the art FTTx systems next generation optical access systems (OFDM/DWDM/UDWDM-PON) optical front- and backhaul systems Optical Systems for Datacentre Applications Assessment of course achievements Media high-speed Ethernet multimode fibre short-reach networks high-speed inter-datacentre connects Oral examination (30 min.) in the examination period after the course Literature Slide presentation (main medium) Blackboard (for mathematical derivations) Notebooks (for clarification of basic concepts) using o MATLAB, C++ o MOVE-IT (simulation software) o VPItransmissionMaker (simulation software) Lecture notes are offered for download G. P. Agrawal. Nonlinear Fiber Optics. Academic Press, second edition, 1995. References are mostly taken from IEEE Xplore Digital Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 45 Library and will be provided during the course. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 46 Module number Inf-SecCom Module title Secure Communications The description of the module Secure Communications can be found on the following website: Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 47 4.2. Category “Communication Devices” Module number etit-515 Module title Digital Electronics Module level Core subject Abbreviation Subtitle (if applicable) Non-Volatile Data Storage Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Nano Electronics Responsible staff member Prof.Dr. H. Kohlstedt Lecturer Prof. Dr. H. Kohlstedt and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 500) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load 30 hours (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) 30 hours (1.0 credits) lecture (revision) 15 hours (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) 45 hours (1.5 credits) exercise (preparation of exercises) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order Basics in Material Science and Electronics Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 48 Recommended prerequisites Material Science Lecture Learning outcome The student should be able to understand the physics background of different RAM storage and mass storage devices One aim is the understanding to compare various RAM technologies and explain there advantages and disadvantages The student should be able to explain the problem of processor-memory latency The student should be able to sketch the circuit of a CMOS inverter, a Static RAM and a DRAM and explain there principle function The student should be able to explain various methods to realize digital VLSI circuits as ASICs, PLDs, semi-custom circuits (e.g. µP core, gate arrys) and custom circuits (e.g. handcrafted and cell based) Content Overview on current RAM technologies including DRAMs, Flash, Hard-Disks, DVD, Blue Ray and Holograms, market situation Typical applications of non-volatile RAMs and mass storage systems Flash memories: principle function, devices Fabrication, I-V characteristics, current status and limits of Flash devices, MP3 player Magneto Random Access Memories (MRAMs), magnetic materials, device fabrication, tunneling magneto resistance effect, current status and limits Ferroelectric Random Access Memories (FeRAMs), ferroelectric materials, crystal structure, typical materials (PZT, BTO, SBT), compability issues SiCMOS – complex oxides, data storage with ferroelectric capacitors, cell design, read and write operation, failure mechanism, RFID tags as an application Ferroelectric Field Effect transistors, principle function, material issues, current status and prospects Resistive RAMs, Principle functions, comparison between charge based and resistance based memories, materials background, physical models to describe the resistance switching effect Mass storage overview Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 49 Hard-disk, operation principle, hard disk and read head technology, horizontal and perpendicular recording, superparamagnetic limit, applications DVDs and Blue Ray recorder/player Hologram, theory, materials, technical set-up, current applications, possible application: 3 dimensional TV RAM circuits and systems: Static-RAM, memory hierarchy in processor and computer units Processor – memory latency Embedded memories CMOS-Nano FPGAs: Devices and Architecture Digital and Mixed Signal Architectures Assessment of course achievements Written or oral exam Media black board including projector, slide can be downloaded from the web page TF-Nanoelectronics - Lectures. Literature Ultra-Low Voltage Nano-Scale Memories, K. Itoh, M. Horiguchi, H. Tanaka, Springer 2007 CMOS Processors and Memories, K. Iniewski, Springer 2010 Nanometer sized CMOS IC`s: From Baiscs to ASICS, H. Veendick, Springer 2008 Nanotechnology Vol. 3 and 4, Informationtechnology I and II, Wiley-VCH 2008, ed. R.Waser Nanoelectronics and Informationtechnology, Adv. Elec. Mat. nnd Novel Dev. Wiley-VCH 2003, ed. R. Waser Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 50 Module number Module title etit-608 Radio Frequency Identification and Security Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation - Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Microwave Group Responsible staff member Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Kheir Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Kheir Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) ca. 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (presentations) ca. 45 h (1.5 credits) lecture (revision) ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) exercise (preparation of presentation) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order None Recommended prerequisites RF/Microwave Engineering (module etit-116: Hochfrequenztechnik). Antenna theory and design. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 51 Learning outcome Content Wireless communications systems and protocols. By the end of the course the students should be able to: Realize the necessity of RFID applications in our every day’s life. Understand and analyze the architectures and components of RFID systems. Design microwave antennas for RFID systems. Be familiar with different power harvesting techniques. Understand different RF-based hardware security aspects. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology has been receiving a huge attention in today’s world. Such technology is already merged with different security applications in both the civil and military fields. This elective course is targeting postgraduate students from communications and information engineering backgrounds. Throughout this course, several fundamental aspects of this emerging technology are to be discussed. State-of-theart and the recent advances of RF-based security techniques are to be covered as well. Preliminary Course Contents: Introduction to RFID systems. RFID systems standards and architectures. Propagation and back-scattering Types of RFID tags. Components of RFID tags. RFID Antennas. Structure of Rectennas. Surface acoustic waves (SAW) RFID tags. Modulation and encoding techniques for RFIDs. RFID time and frequency encoding techniques. Power harvesting techniques for RFIDs. RFID in medical applications. State-of-the-art and recent advances. Principles of RF Integrated security. Assessment of course achievements Introduction to physical unclonable functions (PUFs). During the examination period following the module, an oral exam is held. Media Slides, blackboard, acoustic presentations. Literature Recent journals and transactions (will be made available to students). Curty J.-P.; Declercq, M.; Dehollain, C.; Joehl, N.; Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 52 Design and Optimization of Passive UHF RFID Systems, Springer, 2007. Lehpamer H., RFID Design Principles, Artech House, 2008. Sadeghi, A.-R.; Naccache, D.; Tylus, P.; Towards Hardware-Intrinsic Security: Foundation and Practice, Springer Verlag, 2010. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 53 Module number Module title etit-616 Microwave Filters: Theory, Design, and Realization Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation Microwave Filters Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Microwave Group Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Höft Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. M. Höft, Dr.-Ing. Payman Rezaee Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) ca. 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) ca. 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (self study) ca. 30 h (1 credits) lecture (post processing) ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) preparation for examination Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order None Recommended prerequisites Hochfrequenztechnik (module etit-116), Leitungtheorie (module etit-112) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 54 Learning outcome Knowledge: Filter synthesis techniques Various filter characteristics Realization approaches Skills: Design and analysis of filters for different applications Expertise: The course attendees will acquire the ability to select appropriate filter technology with appropriate electrical characteristics for different scenarios. Content Introduction to microwave filters Basic network theory Design of lumped lowpass prototype networks Circuit transformation on lumped prototype networks Coupled resonator circuits TEM transmission line filters Introduction to waveguide filters Introduction to dielectric resonator filters Introduction to different filter technologies Computer aided design Assessment of course achievements Oral exam Media Slides, blackboard, tablet Literature I. C. Hunter, Theory and Design of Microwave Filters. London: IET, 2006. J.-S. Hong and M. J. Lancaster, Microstrip filters for RF/microwave applications. New York: Willey, 2001. G. Matthaei, L .Young, and E. M. T. Jones, Microwave Filters, Impedance Matching Networks and Coupling Structures. Norwood, MA, Mcgrow-Hill, 1964. Relevant articles related to the topics. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 55 Module number etit-620 Module title Underwater Techniques Module level: In-depth elective Abbreviation UWT Subtitle (if applicable) Sonar signal processing Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Information and Coding Theory Lab Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabah Badri-Höher Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. Sabah Badri-Höher and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise (small groups) Work load ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (online presence) ca. 15 hours (0,5 credit points) exercise (online presence) ca. 15 hours (0,5 credit points) exercise (self studies) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (post processing) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) preparation for examination Credits Prerequisites according examination order 4 LP to - Recommended prerequisites - Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 56 Learning outcome The main subjects of this course are: Underwater navigation and localization techniques Sonar signal processing implementation in software. algorithms and their The students obtain specialized knowledge in the field of underwater sound transmission and detection matched to the master level in the area of electrical and information engineering. Upon a successful completion of this course, students acquire skills to understand modern navigation and localization techniques. The course covers elements of a classical interactive on-line lecture/exercise, as well as team-working based on the handling of scientific papers. The students learn to solve problems both independently as well as team-oriented. Content Properties of sound in water: Absorption, scattering, multipath propagation, natural and artificial noise sources. Underwater acoustic postitioning systems: Long-baseline (LBL), short-baseline (SBL), ultra-shortbaseline (USBL), GPS intelligent buoys (GIB). Sonar principles: Sonar equation, single-bream systems, beamforming. and multi-beam sonar Sonar signal processing: Localization and tracking of objects by means of 1D and 2D sonar signals. Sonar-based navigation, simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Assessment of course achievements Media Literature Oral examination in the examination period after the course. Projector presentation Lecture notes Blackboard Team-working Software development L. Brekhovskikh, Y Lysanov, Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics. Springer, 2003. W. S. Burdic, Underwater acoustic system analysis. Prentice Hall, 1991. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 57 X. Lurton, An Introduction to Underwater Acoustics: Principles and Applications. Springer Praxis Publishing, London, 2010. D. Ribas, P. Ridao, J. Neira, Underwater SLAM for Structured Environments Using an Imaging Sonar. Springer, 2010. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 58 Module number etit-625 Module title Photonic Components Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation - Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Integrated Systems and Photonics Responsible staff member Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken Lecturer Prof. Dr. Martina Gerken and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 hours (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) ca. 45 hours (1.5 credits) lecture (preparation of lecture) ca. 15 hours (0.5 credits) lecture (revision) ca. 15 hours (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) ca. 15 hours (0.5 credits) exercise (revision) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Solid state physics, semiconductor devices Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 59 Learning outcome Content Ability to read scientific publications independently Ability to perform a literature search on a specific topic Ability to explain working principle of photonic components Ability to describe design choices for improving photonic components Ability to judge scientific publications critically Scientific English improved This course teaches the fundamentals and the design of photonic components based on the study of scientific publications. The following devices will be discussed: Light emitting diodes (LEDs) Organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) Semiconductor lasers Optical switches Photo detectors Solar cells Assessment of course achievements Presentation and discussion of research papers during class; oral exam (20 min) Media Black board, where appropriate slides Literature Mandatory literature A compilation of current research papers is handed out during the course. Supplementary literature Schubert, E. F.: Light-emitting diodes, Cambridge University Press Würfel, P.: Physics of solar cells : from basic principles to advanced concepts, Wiley-Vch Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 60 Module number Inf-DSys Module title Digital Systems The description of the module Digital Systems can be found on the following website: Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 61 4.3. Category “Applied Signal Processing“ Module number etit-520 Module title Neuromorphic Engineering Module level Core subject Abbreviation NeuroEng Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Nanoelectronics Responsible staff member Prof. Dr. H. Kohlstedt Lecturer Prof. Dr. H. Kohlstedt and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 500) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2,5 SWS lecture 1,5 SWS exercise Work load 37.5 h (1.25 credits) lecture (course attendance) 60 h (2.0 credits) lecture (revision) 22.5 h (0.75 credits) exercise (course attendance) 60 h (2.0 credits) exercise (preparation of exercises) Credits Prerequisites according examination order 6 to Bachelor Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 62 Recommended prerequisites Electroncis (etit-105) Material Science Lecture (mawi-007), Mathematics I-III, Learning outcome Understanding of: Functioning of neurons in the nervous system, comparison between digital Computers and bioinspired computing, basics of learning in biological systems, analog circuits for neuro-informatics, Hebbian learn rule, basics of: Perceptron, Adaline and Madaline, backpropagation, Hopfield Modell, AER, WTA, Memristors Skills: Content Description of fundamental biophysical mechanism in nerve cells, Advantages and disadvantage of neural networks, Explanation of various analog circuits for neural applications, description of the Memristor principle including the material background Neural Networks: an overview (McCulloch-Pitts Neuron, Perceptron, Adalein/Madaline, ART, Boltzmann-Machine, Ising-Model / Spinglasses Biophysical background of neurons Data processing in invertebrates and vertebrates Learning with and without teacher Implicit and explicit learning Short and long-term potentiation Plasticity Hebbian learning rule Neuronal analog circuits: Axon Hillock circuit, LIFNeuron, STDP, AER (including PSpice simulations) Memristors Field Programmable Analog Arrays Assessment of course achievements Written or oral exam Media Black board and projector, pdf-template with figures can be downloaded from the web-site: CAU Kiel - TF-Nanoelectronics - Lectures. Literature Analog VLSI and Neural Systems, C. Mead, AddisonWesley Pub. Comp. 1989 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 63 Module number etit-522 Modul title Optimization and Optimal Control Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation OPT Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Every winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Chair of Automatic Control Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Meurer Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Meurer Language English Assignment to curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 500) in term 1 or 2 of the master courses “Electrical and Information Engineering” and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 3 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load approx. 45 h (1.5 credit) lecture (course attendance) approx. 45 h (1.5 credit) lecture (revision) approx. 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) approx. 45 h (1.5 credit) exercise (revision) approx. 30 h (1 credit) preparation for examination Credits 6 LP (until Winter Semester 2014/2015: 4 LP) Prerequisites according to None examination order Recommended prerequisites Nonlinear Control Systems (module etit-501) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 64 Learning outcome The course gives an introduction to static and dynamic optimization without and with constraints as well as modelpredictive control. Methodical skills Concepts and methods for the analysis and the solution of static and dynamic optimization problems without and with constraints; Numerical solution of optimization problems. Cognitive and practical skills Comprehension of mathematical methods for the analysis and solution of static and dynamic optimization problems; practical skills for the analytic and and numerical solution of optimization problems. Content Fundamentals of static and dynamic optimization problems Static optimization without and with constraints Dynamic optimization without and with constraints Model-predictive control Assessment of course achievements Oral exam (45 min.) during the examination period Media - Beamer - Lecture notes - Blackboard Literature T. Meurer: Optimization and Optimal Control – Lecture notes. S. Boyd, L. Vandenberghe: Convex Optimization, Cambridge University Press. A.E. Bryson: Dynamic Optimization, Addison-Wesley. L. Grüne, J. Pannek: Nonlinear Model Predictive Control: Theory and Algorithms, Springer. D.G. Luenberger, Y. Ye: Linear and Nonlinear Programming, Springer. J. Nocedal, S.J. Wright: Numerical Optimization, Springer. M. Papageorgiou: Optimierung, Oldenbourg Verlag. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 65 Module number Module title etit-602 Micro and Millimeter Wave Photonics Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation MWP Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Chair for Communications Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Werner Rosenkranz Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Reinhold Herschel Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load 30 h (1.0 LP) lecture (course attendance) 15 h (0.5 LP) lecture (revision) 15 h (0.5 LP) exercise (course attendance) 30 h (1.0 LP) exercise (revision) 30 h (1.0 LP) preparation for examination Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended prerequisites Optical Communications (module etit-513) Learning outcome Understanding of challenges and approaches for microwave signal generation and transmission using fiber Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 66 optics; Ability to understand the opportunities of the use of optical broadband components for RF signal processing; Background knowledge on principles of broadband electrooptic components; Knowledge about applications of coherent millimeter wave and THz Photonics for measurement purposes Content Radio-over-Fiber Systems: Application Scenarios, Heterodyne wireless signal generation, Optical RF transmission formats, the fiber optic RoF channel, link architectures Microwave Photonic Signal Processing: Photonic RF filters, phase shifters, RF beam steering, arbitrary waveform generation, optical packet storage, high Q oscillators, RF frequency measurement Components for Microwave to THz Photonics: Optical Multicarrier sources, broadband external modulators, electro-absorption transceivers, unicarrier and travelling wave photodetectors Coherent Optics for Measurement Technologies: Optical Coherence Tomography, LIDAR, Pulsed Laser based Particle Acceleration Assessment of course achievements Oral examination (30 minutes) in the examination period after the course Media Content is presented projecting PowerPoint Slides which are available online during the lecture Literature G. P Agraval. „Fiber-Optic Communication Systems“. John Wiley&Sons Inc; Chi H. Lee. „Microwave Photonics“,Crc Pr Inc, 2006 ; Proceedings of International Topical Meeting on Microwave Photonics (MWP) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 67 Module number Module title etit-603 Introduction to Radar Signal Processing and Algorithms Module level: In-depth elective Abbreviation Radar Signal Processing Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Information and Coding Theory Lab Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter A. Höher Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Jan Mietzner Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications “. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (online presence) ca. 15 hours (0,5 credit points) exercise (online presence) ca. 7.5 hours (0,25 credit points) exercise (self studies) ca. 7.5 hours (0,25 credit points) tutorial material (self studies) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) lecture (post processing) ca. 30 hours (1,0 credit points) preparation for examination Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order - Recommended A prior course in Digital Signal Processing or Digital Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 68 prerequisites Communications is recommended. Learning outcome Modern radar systems are employed in a great variety of technical fields, ranging from aeronautical applications (e.g., for airport surveillance) to automotive applications (e.g., for driver assistance systems). Remote sensing and space-borne ground mapping applications are further exciting fields, where radar plays a predominant role. Essentially, modern radar systems consist of an analog radio-frequency (RF) frontend (including the antenna system) and a software-oriented digital signal processing (DSP) unit. This course is devoted to the latter part and focuses on advanced digital signal processing techniques for modern radar applications, either implemented in software or in dedicated signal processors. The students obtain specialized knowledge in the field of radar signal processing and algorithms for a variety of applications − in particular about state-of-the-art techniques, like syntheticaperture radar (SAR) or multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar. The knowledge conveyed is matched to a master level in the area of electrical and information engineering. Upon a successful completion of this course, students acquire skills to understand modern radar systems, to analyze the expected performance, and to design suitable radar waveforms for a given radar task (along with corresponding receiver algorithms). The course mainly covers elements of a classical interactive on-line lecture/exercise, but will also support phases of self-study based on special exercises and tutorial material. Content Assessment of course achievements Media Literature Radar system aspects and range prediction Modulation schemes and the ambiguity function Detection theory for target objects in clutter Space-time adaptive processing (STAP) Synthetic-aperture radar (SAR) Future trends in radar (e.g. MIMO radar) Written exam in the examination period after the course. slides blackboard M. Skolnik, Radar Handbook, 3rd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 2008 F. Nathanson, Radar Design Principles, 2nd Ed., McGraw-Hill, 1991 (classic textbook) L. Blake, Radar Range-Performance Analysis, Artech House, Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 69 1986 (classic textbook) D. Barton, Radar System Analysis and Modeling, Artech House, 2005 C. Jackowatz, Spotlight-Mode Synthetic Aperture Radar: A Signal Processing Approach, Springer, 1996 R. Klemm, Principles of Space-Time Adaptive Processing, 3rd Ed., IET Radar, Sonar and Navigation Series, 2006 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 70 Module number Modul title etit-614 Applied Nonlinear Dynamics Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation AND Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or 2 Frequency of offer Every summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Chair of Automatic Control Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thomas Meurer Lecturer Dr. Alexander Schaum Language English Assignment to curriculum In-depth elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the master courses “Electrical and Information Engineering” and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load approx. 30 h (1 credit) lecture (course attendance) approx. 45 h (1.5 credit) lecture (revision) approx. 15 h (0,5 credits) exercise (course attendance) approx. 30 h (1 credit) exercise (revision) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to None examination order Recommended prerequisites Nonlinear Control Systems (module etit-501) Learning outcome The course gives an introduction to the qualitative analysis of nonlinear differential and difference equations, in particular on bifurcations in one, two, and higher- Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 71 dimensional systems. Methodical skills Concepts and methods for the analysis of nonlinear dynamics; Numerical solution of differential and difference equations, and the associated bifurcation analysis. Cognitive and practical skills Comprehension of basic nonlinear phenomena like steadystate multiplicity, multistability and bifurcation; practical skills for the analytic and numerical solution of bifurcation problems. Content Linear and nonlinear dynamical systems Qualitative behavior of vector fields Local and non-local bifurcations Introduction to discrete-time nonlinear systems Assessment of course achievements Oral exam (45 min.) during the examination period Media - Beamer - Lecture notes - Blackboard Literature A. Schaum: Applied Nonlinear Dynamics - Lecture notes. S. Strogatz: Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos: with applications to physics, biology, chemistry, and engineering, Pereus Books. L. Perko: Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems, Springer. J. Hale, H. Kocak: Dynamics and Bifurcations, Springer. S. Lynch: Dynamical Systems with Applications using Mathematica, Birkhäuser. R. Abraham: C. Shaw: Dynamics: The Geometry of Behavior, Addison-Wesley. S. Wiggins: Introduction to Applied Nonlinear Systems and Chaos, Springer. S. Sastry: Nonlinear Systems: Analysis, Stability, and Control, Springer. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 72 Module number etit-617 Module title Adaptive Filters Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation AF Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and System Theory Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (revision) ca. 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) ca. 45 h (1.5 credits) exercise (preparation of exercises) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order None Recommended prerequisites Signals and Systems I (module etit-104) Signals and Systems II (module etit-108) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 73 Learning outcome During the lecture and the exercises basic knowledge about adaptive structures, the role of feedback, and general aspects about signal processing structures should be acquired. Students should know how to incorporate a priori knowledge about the signals and processes involved in a practical scenario in adaptive structures in order to improve the robustness and the speed of convergence. Also numerical aspects - such as computational complexity and memory requirements - of different adaptive structured should be understood by listeners of the lecture. Content Students attending this lecture should learn the basics of adaptive filters. To achieve this, necessary algorithms will be derived and applied to problems arising in speech and audio processing. The algorithms comprise Wiener filtering, linear prediction, and adaptive schemes such as the NLMS algorithm, affine projection, and the RLS algorithm. For applications from speech and audio processing we use noise and reverberation reduction, echo cancellation, and beamforming. Topic overview: Introduction and application examples (part 1 of 2) Signal properties and cost functions Wiener filter and principle of orthogonality Linear prediction RLS algorithm LMS algorithm and its normalized version Affine projection algorithm Control of adaptive filters Efficient processing structures Applications of linear prediction Outlook and application examples (part 2 of 2) Assessment of course achievements During the examination period following the module, an oral exam (duration: 30 min.) is held. Media Blackboard, Beamer presentation, Matlab demos Literature E. Hänsler, G. Schmidt: Acoustic Echo and Noise Control, Wiley, 2004 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 74 S. Haykin: Adaptive Filter Theory, Prentice Hall, 2002 A. Sayed: Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering, Wiley, 2004 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 75 Module number Module title etit-618 Pattern Recognition Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation PATREC Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or term 2 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and System Theory Responsible staff member Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt Lecturer Prof. Dr.-Ing. G. Schmidt and staff Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (revision) ca. 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) ca. 45 h (1.5 credits) exercise (preparation of exercises) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order None Recommended prerequisites Signals and Systems I (module etit-104) Signals and Systems II (module etit-108) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 76 Learning outcome Content During the lecture and the exercises basic procedures of pattern recognition with emphasis on audio, medical, and underwater applicaitons should be acquainted. In particular, these are methods for noise reduction and methods for model building, which are used for pattern recognition. Students should know how to generally apply these principles to other problems (also outside the area of audio, medical, and underwater signal processing). Furthermore, the students should deepen or extend their knowledge in the fields of the signal processing structures and statistical signal theory, which is necessary for the application of the above-mentioned methods. In this lecture the basics of pattern recognition are treated. Often schemes that are based on statistical optimization are utilized for these applications. The involved cost functions are matched to the specific applications. Topic overview: Preprocessing to reduce signal distortions Noise reduction Beamforming Basics of pattern recognition Fundamentals of selected applications Feature extraction Gaussian mixture models (GMMs) Hidden Markov models (HMMs) Selected applications: Recognition of speech and speakers Extending the bandwidth of speech signals Assessment of course achievements Written examination (90 min.) in the examination period after the course. Media Blackboard, beamer presentation Literature Statistical signal theory: Papoulis: Probability, Random Variables, and Stochastic Processes, McGraw-Hill, 1965 Noise reduction, beamforming, adaptive filters: E. Hänsler, G. Schmidt: Acoustic Echo and Noise Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 77 Control, Wiley, 2004 S. Haykin: Adaptive Filter Theory, Prentice Hall, 2002 A. Sayed: Fundamentals of Adaptive Filtering, Wiley, 2004 Speech signal processing: L. R. Rabiner, R. W. Schafer: Digital Processing of Speech Signals, Prentice Hall, 1978 P. Vary, R. Martin: Digital Speech Transmission, Wiley, 2006 L. R. Rabiner, R. W. Schafer: Introduction to Digital Speech Processing, Now, 2008 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 78 Module number etit-623 Module title Time Series Analysis Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation - Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Information and Coding Theory Lab Responsible staff member Dr. Andreas Galka Lecturer Dr. Andreas Galka Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering” and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) 45 h (1.5 credits) lecture (preparation of lecture) 15 h (0.5 credits) lecture (revision) 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (revision) Credits Prerequisites according examination order 4 LP to - Recommended prerequisites Calculus, linear algebra, scientific programming Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 79 Learning outcome Content Assessment achievements Ability to perform analyses of time series analysis Ability to implement algorithms for time series analysis Ability to read scientific publications independently Ability to perform a literature search on a specific Ability to judge scientific publications critically Scientific English improved "Time series analysis" represents a field of statistical approaches to analysing time-resolved data sets. In this lecture a first introduction into this field will be provided, including examples of applications. A certain focus will be put on data sets with biomedical or neuroscience background. Table of contents: of Temporal correlations in data Frequency domain analysis Modeling and inverse problems sets of linear equations, pseudoinverses principal component component analysis blind signal separation maximum-likelihood estimation entropy and mutual information prediction of time series whitening of residuals dynamical systems stochastic differential equations deterministic chaos autoregressive modelling state space modelling reconstruction of strange attractors fractal dimensions / Lyapunov exponents analysis / independent course Data analysis project; presentation of project results and of related published papers; oral exam (20 min) Media Mostly pdf slides; black board Literature G.E.P.Box & G.M.Jenkins (1970), Time series analysis: forecasting and control D.R.Brillinger (1981), Time series: data analysis and theory M.B.Priestley (1988), Non-linear and non-stationary time series analysis L.Ljung (1987), System identification: theory for the Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 80 user J.D.Hamilton} (1994), Time series analysis H.Kantz} & T.Schreiber (1997), Nonlinear time series analysis H.Akaike (1999), The practice of time series analysis J.Durbin} & S.J.Koopman (2001), Time series analysis by state space methods B.Schelter (2006), Handbook of time series analysis: recent theoretical developments and applications R.H.Shumway & D.S.Stoffer (2000), Time series analysis and its applications Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 81 Module number etit-630 Module title Neural Networks Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation NN Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1 or 2 Frequency of offer Each summer term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and System Theory Responsible staff member Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Krini Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Mohamed Krini Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 2 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (revision) ca. 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (course attendance) ca. 45 h (1.5 credits) exercise (preparation of exercises) Credits Prerequisites according examination order 4 LP to None Recommended prerequisites Signals and Systems I and II (module etit-104 / etit-108) or Advanced Signals and Systems (module etit-506) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 82 Learning outcome Students will learn how to model linear and non-linear, dynamic (but also memory-less) systems. If they face corresponding problems when working as electrical engineers they should be able to select among several network types the most appropriate one. Also the training of such networks (adjusting the parameters of the network) should be learnt in this lecture. Since the lecture puts focus on the principle ideas behind the individual algorithms students should be able to port these ideas and design also new algorithms and network types. Content The course will introduce a variety of contemporary approaches to neural networks and explain the theory underlying of these approaches. A deeper insight into different architectures and functionalities of artificial neural networks will be provided. The approaches that will be covered include single- and multi-layer networks, selforganizing networks, and different learning algorithms. The exercises consist of student presentations. Students have to give presentations at the end of the lecture about (topics in) applications of neural network systems and its extensions. Details will be given in the lecture. The course is suitable for students in electrical engineering and computer engineering with basic background in digital signal processing and mathematics. Topic overview: Introduction, types of neural networks and definitions Preprocessing and feature extraction Threshold logic units Single-layer networks (perceptron) Multi-layer networks (multi-layer perceptrons) Training of multi-layer networks: o Gradient descent and error back propagation algorithm o Fast learning algorithms Assessment achievements of Radial basis function networks Learning vector quantization Hopfield networks Kohonen self-organizing networks course During the examination period following the module, an oral exam (duration: 30 min.) is held. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 83 Media Slides, blackboard, acoustic presentations Literature R. Rojas: Neural Networks - A Systematic Introduction, Springer, Berlin, Germany, 1996 C. Borgelt, F. Klawonn, R. Kruse, D. Nauck: NeuroFuzzy-Systeme, Vieweg Verlag, Wiesbaden, 2003 (in German) C. Bishop: Neural Networks for Pattern Recognition, Oxford University Press, UK, 1996 S. Haykin: Neural Networks - A Comprehensive Foundation, Prentice Hall, NJ, USA, 1994 Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 84 Module number etit-631 Module title Signal Processing for Medical Applications – Frequency Domain Analysis Module level In-depth elective Abbreviation - Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 1, 2 or 3 Frequency of offer Each winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and System Theory Responsible staff member Dr.-Ing. Muthuraman Muthuraman Lecturer Dr.-Ing. Muthuraman Muthuraman Language The language of instruction is English. This module is suitable for students with English language skills according to the Common European Framework (CEF) level B2. Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory elective subject (category 600) in term 1 or 2 of the masters courses “Electrical and Information Engineering“ and “Electrical and Information Engineering and Business Management”. Compulsory elective subject in term 3 of the masters course “Digital Communications“. Teaching methods/SWS 2 SWS lecture 1 SWS exercise Work load ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) lecture (course attendance) ca. 15 h (0.5 credits) exercise (presentations) ca. 45 h (1.5 credits) lecture (revision) ca. 30 h (1.0 credits) exercise (preparation of presentation) Credits 4 LP Prerequisites according to examination order None Recommended prerequisites Signals and Systems I and II (module etit-104 / etit-108) Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 85 or Advanced Signals and Systems (module etit-506) and Advanced Digital Signal Processing (module etit-509) Learning outcome The students participating in this lecture will gain in depth knowledge of the medical data acquired from brain and muscles. The main analysis tools used in the medical research field concentrating mainly on the frequency domain analyses. The students will get hands on experience with the real non-linear medical data and in the process also learn to model such signals. Finally, they will learn some of the most advanced source analysis techniques used nowadays in medical data to identify the source which is responsible for the data collected on the scalp. Content Introduction to medical data Brain signals – EEG /MEG Muscle signals – EMG Magnetic resonance imaging – MRI Tremor disorders Quantities measured from time series in frequency domain Power spectrum Modeling time series using auto-regressive (AR) processes Coherence spectrum Phase spectrum Delay Source analysis Forward problem Inverse problem Different solutions Assessment of course achievements During the examination period following the module, an oral exam (duration: 30 min.) is held. Media Slides, blackboard, acoustic presentations Literature EEG: Niedermeyer E, lopes da silva F. Electroencephalography- Basic principles, clinical applications, and related fields. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Sanei S, Chambers J. Introduction to EEG: EEG Signal Processing. John Wiley and Sons Ltd., 2007. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 86 EMG: Journee HL, van Manen J. Improvement of the detectability of simulated pathological tremour e.m.g.s by means of demodulation and spectral analysis. Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput., 1983, 21,587-590 MRI: M.F. Reiser · W. Semmler · H. Hricak (Eds.). Magnetic resonance tomography. Springer, 2008. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 87 Module number Inf-MMCom Module title Multimedia Communications The description of the module Multimedia Communications can be found on the following website: Module number Inf-EmSysDes Module title Embedded System Design The description of the module Embedded System Design can be found on the following website: Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 88 5. Non-technical Elective Modules Module Name Economics I Identification code Subtitle - Courses embedded - Term Summer Coordinator Prof. Dr. Federico Foders Teacher Prof. Dr. Federico Foders Tuition language Englisch Programme involvement MSc Materials Science MSc Digital Communications Teaching form, contact time per week class size Lecture Economics I (90 min; 15 weeks) 25 Workload overall Contact time 90 h 30 h (incl. tests) ECTS credit points 4 Preconditions prescribed - Prerequisites recommended A thorough understanding of single-variable calculus and introductory knowledge of multivariable calculus; basic knowledge of probability Learning outcomes Participants are able to analyse a wide range of economic issues applying economic theory. They are aware of the complexities necessarily involved, of the methods available to study economic issues and of the particular way of thinking of economists Content The course offers a mix of selected introductory, intermediate and advanced topics in micro and macroeconomics with a focus on intermediate macroeconomics and international economics. It includes themes such as economic growth, unemployment, inflation and the public finances as well as increasing returns and market structure, firms in international trade and globalization and the role of innovation and education in sustainable economic growth. Case studies serve to illustrate the applicability of economic theory to the real world. Assessment Written exam (100%) Teaching Media Lecture notes, case studies, text books, journal articles References Lecture notes, case studies and a reading list are handed out. Basic literature: Delong, J. Bradford (2002), Macroeconomics, rev. ed., New York: McGraw-Hill; Krugman, Paul R, Maurice Obstfeld, Marc J. Melitz (2012), International Economics, 9th ed., Upper Saddle River: Pearson; Romer, David (2001), Advanced Macroeconomics, 2nd ed., Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 89 New York: McGraw Hill; Pindyck, Robert S., Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 7th ed., Upper Saddle River: Pearson. Contact Federico Foders, Kiel Institute for the World Economy phone: +49 431 8814 285 email: Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 90 Module Name Economics II Identification code Subtitle - Courses embedded - Term Winter Coordinator Prof. Dr. Federico Foders Teacher Prof. Dr. Federico Foders Tuition language Englisch Programme involvement MSc Materials Science MSc Digital Communications Teaching form, contact time per week class size Lecture Economics I (90 min; 15 weeks) 25 Workload overall Contact time 90 h 30 h (incl. tests) ECTS credit points 4 Preconditions prescribed - Prerequisites recommended A thorough understanding of single-variable calculus and introductory knowledge of multivariable calculus; basic knowledge of probability Learning outcomes Participants are able to analyse a wide range of issues in economics and management applying microeconomic theory. They are aware of the complexities involved and of the methods available to study the behavior of firms and the implications of changes in the environment of business. Content The course offers a mix of selected introductory, intermediate and advanced topics in microeconomics and management. It includes themes such as the analysis of demand, cost, market efficiency, the design of pricing strategies, investment and production, public policy (regulation), competitive strategy, game theory, the role of uncertainty and asymmetric information in decision making. Case studies serve to illustrate the applicability of microeconomic theory to the real world. Assessment Written exam (100%) Teaching Media Lecture notes, case studies, textbooks, journal articles References Lecture notes, case studies and a reading list are handed out. Basic literature: Pindyck, Robert S., Daniel L. Rubinfeld, Microeconomics, 7th ed., Upper Saddle River: Pearson; Jehle, Geoffrey A., Philip J. Reny (2011), Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 3rd. ed., Upper Saddle River: Pearson; Sloman, John, Elizabeth Jones (2011), Economics and the Business Environment, 3rd. ed., Upper Saddle River: Pearson. . Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 91 Contact Federico Foders, Kiel Institute for the World Economy phone: +49 431 8814 285 email: Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 92 6. Master Thesis Please, keep in mind that according to the Prüfungsverfahrensordnung of the ChristianAlbrechts-Universität zu Kiel the Master Thesis it not a module. Number - Title Master Thesis Level Master Thesis Abbreviation Thesis Subtitle (if applicable) - Courses (if applicable) - Study term Term 4 Frequency of offer Each summer and winter term Responsible institute Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering Responsible staff member Professors of the Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering Lecturer Professors of the Institute of Electrical and Information Engineering Language English Assignment to the curriculum Compulsory element in term 4 of the masters courses “Digital Communications” Teaching methods/SWS Self study, discussions with the supervisor, and seminar Work load 300 h (10.0 credits) self study 420 h (14.0 credits) practical realization, e.g., measurements, programming, simulations 180 h (6.0 credits) preparation of thesis and presentation Credits 30 LP Prerequisites according to examination order Bachelor degree with 180 credits and successful completion of all course achievements (exams, certificates) Recommended prerequisites - Learning outcome The students are able to work independently and goaloriented on a challenging scientific topic. They shall have the competence to do a literature research, to evaluate this literature, to extract central points and draw consequences for their own work. The students are able to apply the Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 93 knowledge and techniques acquainted during the masters’ course to solve a given problem within a predefined period of time. They are able to present the results of a study in an oral and a written report. Content Current problems with practical relevance in the area of digital communications and information technology are studied, analyzed, and solved using scientific methods. Assessment of course achievements Exposition of results and presentation of results in a 30 minutes’ public talk. Media - Literature Subject-specific literature is handed out at the beginning of a master thesis. Masters Course “Digital Communications” – Course Guide 94