Getting started with Excel

Getting started with Excel
Using this guide
This tutorial contains descriptive text, instructions and accompanying online content from
Read the text and click the links to view the online videos.
The first time you click a icon, you will need to login with your UCLan username and
Each video is just a few minutes long. You'll also notice that you can download
accompanying exercise files so that you can practice alongside the video.
Getting Started ................................................................................................................................. 2
What is Excel? ............................................................................................................................... 2
To start Microsoft Excel ................................................................................................................ 2
Entering data .................................................................................................................................... 2
Understanding Formulas................................................................................................................... 3
How Formulas Work...................................................................................................................... 3
To create a formula using the pointing method: ........................................................................... 4
Use cell references in formulas.......................................................................................................... 4
To create a subtraction formula .................................................................................................... 4
To create a formula that multiplies or divides ............................................................................... 4
Use Simple Functions........................................................................................................................ 5
Arguments .................................................................................................................................... 5
Creating formulas with functions .................................................................................................. 5
To type a sum function for a non-contiguous range ...................................................................... 6
An introduction to formatting ........................................................................................................... 6
To insert or delete columns ........................................................................................................... 6
To insert or delete rows ................................................................................................................. 7
Exercise ............................................................................................................................................ 7
Further resources .............................................................................................................................. 7
IT Skills@UCLan
Learning and Information Services
Getting Started
What is Excel?
Excel is an electronic spreadsheet program that can be used for storing, organizing and
manipulating data. You can perform calculations using simple or complex formula and create tables
and charts. It's great for recording and analysing survey data, creating charts, and even keeping
track of your monthly budget!
Video - what is Excel used for?
To start Microsoft Excel
Click on the Windows Start button
Click on All Programs
Click on Microsoft Office 2013
Click on Microsoft Office Excel 2013
The Worksheet
A worksheet appears as a number of rows and columns
which form squares known as cells. Everything you type
in Excel is entered into these cells. In the simple business
plan shown here there are numbers and words entered
into a worksheet. Formulas are also entered that
automatically perform calculations. The worksheet is
part of a larger entity known as a workbook – workbooks
can be filed away for future use or for sharing and can
also be printed.
The real magic of Excel lies in the use of formulas.
If all Excel could do was allow you to input numbers and words it would be virtually no different to a
word processing package – without the fancy features for processing words!
Just as Microsoft Word allows you to work with words, Excel allows you to process numbers. This is
done with formulas that are used to perform calculations.
Formulas can perform simple tasks such as adding up a few cells or more complex operations. Excel
actually contains several hundred pre-programmed formulas for performing complex operations –
these are known as functions.
Entering data
There are a few things to think about when entering data into Excel - here are a few tips to get you
Try to organise your data in tables that use adjacent columns and rows.
Separate tables with rows or columns, but don't omit a column or row within a table to
space things out. Instead, make rows or columns bigger.
Enter column or row headings directly above or next to your data.
You can enter text or numbers, then use the formatting options in the Number group on the
Home tab, for example date, currency, time.
Auto-fill Use the fill handle to speed up your data entry - a little bit like predictive text, Excel
will fill cells with data such as dates, days of the week and consecutive numbers based the
contents of one or two cells
AutoComplete If the first few characters you type in a cell match an entry you've already
made in the same column, Excel will fill in the remaining characters for you. Just press
ENTER. This works for text or for entries with text and numbers. It does not work for
numbers only, nor does it work for dates or times.
Edit data Either Double-click the cell that contains the data you want to edit or click the cell
that contains the data you want to edit and click anywhere in the formula bar.
Video - Entering data entry and editing techniques
Video - Entering data with autofill
Video - Working with dates and times
Understanding Formulas
Formulas can be very simple, very complex, or somewhere in between. Excel, however, must know
when you are entering a formula in a cell, after all, how can it discern the difference between
numbers, words, and formulas unless you specifically tell it? And one other thing, you’ll also need to
understand some basic maths theories before proceeding to more complex formulas.
How Formulas Work
In Excel every formula that you create MUST start with an equal sign ( = ). This is a trigger to Excel.
When Excel sees you start a cell entry with an equal sign it immediately knows that you are about to
enter a formula that will perform a calculation.
For instance, if you type 5+6 in a cell, as shown in example 1,
Excel will display 5+6 in that cell. It doesn’t know what else to
do with it.
However, if you type =5+6 in a cell, as shown in example 2,
Excel will display 11 in that cell in the worksheet. In the
formula bar at the top of the worksheet it will actually display
=5+6 whenever that cell is the active cell.
So far, so good. But really, what use is there in typing =5+6 in a
cell? If you next need to know what 6+6 will equal you will
need to do some tricky cell editing to change the formula, or retype
the formula completely.
Excel uses standard operators for formulas:
Plus sign (+) for addition
Minus sign (-) for subtraction
Asterisk (*) for multiplication
Forward slash (/) for division
Formulas in Excel actually work like an illusion. Instead of typing numbers into a formula, you type
the numbers in their own cells, then type the cell addresses that refer to those numbers in the
In example 3, the value 5 has been typed into B2, the value 6 has been typed into B3, and the
formula =B2+B3 has been typed into B4.
This might seem like a lot more typing than you might otherwise do, but the real gain lies in the
functionality of what is done here. For example, if you need to know what 6 plus 6 equals, you
simply type 6 in B2, and the formula in B4 will instantly update to show you the answer.
This occurs because Excel interprets the formula shown in B4 as this cell should equal whatever is in
B2 plus whatever is in B3. Whenever something new is typed into one of the two referenced cells this
formula is immediately recalculated and provides the latest result.
In Excel you can create formulas by typing them directly into the cells, or by pointing to the cells.
When pointing to a cell, Excel types the cell address into the formula for you. This helps to avoid
typing errors in your formulas.
To create a formula using the pointing method:
1. Click on the cell to hold the addition
2. Type = then click on each of the desired cells (typing + after all except for the last)
3. Press Enter
Use cell references in formulas
Entering cell references lets Microsoft® Office Excel automatically update formula results if cell
values are changed. For example: Type=C4+C7 in a cell. Or type the equal sign (=), click cell C4, then
type the plus sign (+), and finally click cell C7.
To create a subtraction formula
Click on the cell to hold the subtraction
Type = then click in the first cell
Type - (minus sign) then click on the cell to subtract
Press Enter
To create a formula that multiplies or divides
1. For multiplication, separate the variables with an asterisk (*)
2. For division, separate the variables with a forward slash (/)
Video - Creating simple formulas: totals and averages
Video - Copying a formula to adjacent cells
Use Simple Functions
There are hundreds of functions in Excel. They are basically predefined formulas and are designed
to save you time when you are performing tasks such as calculations and formatting text.
This guide explores the most commonly used functions, such as SUM and AVERAGE which are
easily accessible on the Home ribbon in the Editing group.
You need to follow a specific order to create a formula with a function:
equals sign (=), function name (e.g. SUM) and the argument (i.e. the information you want Excel
to use to perform the calculation).
Arguments must be enclosed in parentheses. Within the parentheses, values (or cell references) are
separated by either colons or commas.
Colons create a reference to a range of cells.
For example, =SUM(D3:D10) would calculate the total of the cell range D3 through to D10.
Commas separate individual values, cell references, and cell ranges in parentheses. If there is more
than one argument, you must separate each argument by a comma.
For example, =COUNT(B6:B14,B19:B23,B28) will count all the cells in the three arguments that are
included in parentheses (i.e. B6 through to B14 and B19 through to B23 and B28).
Creating formulas with functions
Add the values in a row or column
1. Click a cell below the column of values or to the right of the row of values.
2. Click the AutoSum button on the Home tab toolbar, and then press Enter.
Note: make sure the correct data is selected before you press Enter
To type a sum function for a non-contiguous range
Type =sum(
Click on the first cell to sum
Type , and click in the next cell to sum
Type ) then press Enter e.g. =sum(A1,B2,E5)
To insert an average function
1. Click in the cell then click on the arrow next to Autosum
2. Click on AVERAGE
3. Insert the required ranges then click on OK
To insert a maximum function
1. Click in the cell then click on the arrow next to Autosum
2. Click on MAX
3. Insert the required ranges then click on OK
To insert a minimum function
1. Click in the cell then click on the arrow next to Autosum
2. Click on MIN
3. Insert the required ranges then click on OK
Video - Using SUM and AVERAGE
Video - Using other common functions
An introduction to formatting
Your spreadsheets can look a little more polished - and easier to read - by applying some simple
All your rows and columns will be a default width and height, but by adjusting them you can create
(or remove) space between cells. For example, if you want to add some space between your column
headings and your data.
You can also use Autofit to automatically adjust a columns width to fit its contents automatically.
Basic font and colour formatting or adding borders can help to you to draw attention to specific
sections and making your content easier to view and understand.
To insert or delete columns
To insert, click a cell immediately to the right of where you want to insert a new column. On the
Home Tab in the Cells group click Insert, select Insert Sheet Columns.
To delete, click a cell in the column. On the Home Tab in the Cells group click Delete. Select Delete
Sheet Columns.
To insert or delete rows
To insert, click a cell in the row immediately below where you want the new row. Then on the Home
menu, in the Cells group select Insert and click Insert Sheet Rows.
To delete, click a cell in the row. On the Home Tab in the Cells group click Delete. Select Delete
Sheet Rows.
Video - Adjusting row heights and column widths
Video - Inserting and deleting rows and columns
Video - Working with alignment and wrap text
Video - Exploring font styles and effects
Video - Designing borders
Video - formatting numbers and dates
If you'd like to practice the new skills you've learnt in this IT Skills module, have a go at
the exercise.
Further resources
If you'd like to take your skills further with Excel, you can complete the entire Excel 2013
Essential Training course. Once you've completed the course, you'll receive a certificate of
completion which you can share with others or upload directly to your LinkedIn profile.
You can also complete a Microsoft Office 2013 Specialist Certification in Excel at both Core and
Expert level. These are completely free whilst you're a student at UCLan - you'll find more
information on our certifications web page.