Hospitality and Tourism Hotel Management Multiple Choice Science

1 Hospitality and Tourism
Hotel Management
Multiple Choice Science Assessment Questions
All science problems address TEKS 130.223. Hotel Management.
Hotel Management
(10) The student understands the importance of health, safety, and
environmental management systems in organizations and their importance
to organizational performance and regulatory compliance. The student is
expected to:
(B) apply safety and sanitation standards common to the workplace
(D) demonstrate first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation skills
(E) research sources of food-borne illness and determine ways to prevent
(8) Science concepts. The student knows that taxonomy is a branching
classification based on the shared characteristics of organisms and can
change as new discoveries are made. The student is expected to:
(C) compare characteristics of taxonomic groups, including archaea,
bacteria, protists, fungi, plants, and animals
(10) Science concepts. The student knows that biological systems are composed
of multiple levels. The student is expected to:
(A) describe the interactions that occur among systems that perform the
functions of regulation, nutrient absorption, reproduction, and defense
from injury or illness in animals
(B) describe the interactions that occur among systems that perform the
functions of transport, reproduction, and response in plants
(C) analyze the levels of organization in biological systems and relate the
levels to each other and to the whole system
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Hotel Management Science Assessment Questions
2 Assessment Questions
1. When the heart stops, the lack of oxygenated blood can cause brain
damage in only a few minutes. A person may die within
a. 4 - 6 minutes
b. 10 - 15 minutes
c. 17 - 20 minutes
d. 25 - 30 minutes
2. CPR procedures state that if the person appears unconscious, tap or
shake his or her shoulder and
a. go through their pockets?
b. ask loudly, “Are you OK?”
c. ask as soft as you can “Are you OK?” as not to wake them up
d. walk away as quickly as possible
3. When is CPR used?
a. when a person faints
b. when a person has a seizure
c. when a person stops breathing and has a heartbeat
d. when a person stops moving
4. With two steps, almost all bleeding can be controlled by:
a. pressure and elevation
b. remove clothing and ignore
c. pour talcum powder and wait 10 minutes
d. place ice and wait 10 minutes
5. All of the following are signs of heat stroke except for
a. deep and rapid breathing
b. seizures-like activity
c. coma or confusion
d. cool and energized
6. Eggs should be cooked until the whites and yolks are firm or, for dishes
containing eggs, until an internal temperature of 160 degrees Fahrenheit
is reached because ______________ is destroyed by the heat of cooking.
a. Salmonella
b. Norovirus
c. Hepatitis A
d. Hepatitis B
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Hotel Management Science Assessment Questions
3 7. The USDA recommends that you wash your hands thoroughly with soap
in warm water for at least ________ seconds. Make sure to scrub under
your fingernails, between your fingers, and on the backs of your hands.
a. 5 seconds
b. 10 seconds
c. 15 seconds
d. 20 seconds
8. Different causes of food poisoning cause different symptoms, so there is
no one symptom that is a food borne illness; however, common symptoms
include all the following except:
a. abdominal cramping, diarrhea
b. nausea, vomiting
c. fever, headache
d. burst of energy and body aches
9. You can't see, smell or taste harmful bacteria that may cause illness. In
every step of food preparation, follow the guidelines to keep bacteria away
except for:
a. wash hands and surfaces often
b. don’t cross contaminate
c. cook to proper temperature
d. leave out at room temperature as much as possible
10. Which of the following is true about bacteria?
a. all bacteria multiplies very slowly
b. all bacteria give people food poisoning
c. some bacteria caused illness can be treated with antibiotics
d. all bacteria love freezing temperatures
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.
Hotel Management Science Assessment Questions
Answer Key
Copyright © Texas Education Agency, 2013. All rights reserved.