ARTICULATION AGREEMENT BETWEEN University of North Texas AND TAYLOR’S COLLEGE AMERICAN DEGREE PROGRAM MALAYSIA The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a cooperative agreement between the University of North Texas and Taylor’s College American Degree Program (ADP) to facilitate the entry of Taylor’s ADP students into the University of North Texas. This initiative provides opportunities for qualified Taylor’s ADP students to transfer directly to the final two years of the University of North Texas, after successful completion of two years of course work within the Taylor’s American Degree Program (ADP). This Agreement is for a predetermined duration as a pilot project effective from the beginning of the next academic year and may be extended by mutual agreement between the parties. The Agreement may be amended or terminated by mutual consent of the two institutions or it may be terminated upon prior notification, in writing, to the other party at least (6) months prior to the date of termination. This Agreement outlines in turn the following components of the arrangements between the University of North Texas and Taylor’s College. 1. ADM IS S IO N R E Q UIR E M E NT S 1.1 Cou r se Re quire me n ts Taylor’s students will be required to complete the equivalent of 60 Taylor’s credits of course work within Taylor’s ADP program. Students must choose from the attached selection of ADP courses (Appendix I), which have been preapproved for transfer to the University of North Texas. 1.2 Admi ssio n Cri te ria The University of North Texas will offer admission to Taylor’s ADP students based on the following quantitative and qualitative considerations: Taylor’s ADP students will require a minimum C grade point average (2.0 on a 4.0 scale) and a minimum grade of C in each of the courses taken at Taylor’s American Degree Program. Upon successful completion of English 101 and 102 with a grade of C or higher, Taylor’s ADP students will not be required to submit TOEFL or equivalent test results for admission. 1.3 Coo per a ti ve E du c a tio n R equir eme n t Cooperative education – if any (to be determined by University of North Texas. 2. S CHOL AR S HIP Students transferring from Taylor’s College to the University of North Texas will be eligible for scholarships on a competitive basis during their second year of residence at North Texas. 3. PR O M O T IO N Each institution will participate in the promotion of the Program. Approval must be received by the other institution in regard to the text and publicity concerned. Taylor’s ADP will provide guidance and counseling to students interested in the Program. 4. P R O GR AM R E VIE W The University of North Texas will be updated of any changes in Taylor’s American Degree Program courses in order to determine if such changes are still acceptable for transfer credit to the University of North Texas. Representatives of the two institutions will review this program regularly to ensure that it remains mutually beneficial. Both institutions will be allowed to enter into similar agreements with other institutions. SIGNED BY: WITNESSED BY: __________________ Mr. Khoo Soo Peng President Taylor’s College Malaysia ___________________ Mr. Ooi Chee Kok Deputy President Taylor’s College Malaysia _______________________ Dr. Jean Schaake Chair, Articulation Committee Associate Dean, Arts and Sciences University of North Texas INTERNATIONAL STUDIES AND PROGRAMS P.O. Box 311067 • Denton, Texas 76203-1067 Tel: (940) 565-2197 • Fax: (940) 565-4822 April 16, 2003 Dr. Reinier J.B. Bouwmeester Program Director, American Degree Program Taylor’s College CT-G-02 Subang Square, Jalan SS15/4G 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia Dear Dr. Bouwmeester: I enjoyed my brief visit to Taylor’s College during the AEO Tour visit on February 27, 2003. I am writing today on an important item--an amendment to our articulation agreement. As you know, US American universities are reviewed periodically by recognized semi-governmental accrediting agencies to certify the quality of our programs, faculty and facilities. The agency that accredits University of North Texas is the Southern Association of Schools and Colleges (SACS), and our next formal review, conducted once each decade, is now upon us. Recently, SACS revised its rules on academic agreements and imposed a new regulation concerning the written format of formal agreements. This revision requires a statement within the agreement that the SACS accreditation does not extend to any partner institutions abroad. Although this seems rather selfevident to me, we are still required to amend all of our recent agreements to include the needed verbiage. I have taken the liberty of drafting an amendment to our articulation agreement so that this needed verbiage can be included in the provisions of that agreement. Assuming you will have no objections, I request that you have the signatory provide a signature and date on each document, that you keep one signed document in your files, and that you return the other signed document to me for our files here at UNT. If you have any questions about this or any other matter, please feel most welcome to contact me at Thank you for your understanding and assistance with this matter. Sincerely, David J. Keitges Director of International Development Amendment to Articulation Agreement Between Taylor’s College American Degree Program And University of North Texas The following amendment to the current articulation agreement dated September 17, 2002, is hereby approved: University of North Texas is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (SACS), a US American regional accrediting agency. Although North Texas accepts credit in transfer from Taylor’s College, Malaysia, as specified in this articulation agreement, the SACS accreditation does not extend to Taylor’s College itself. Likewise, Taylor’s College is recognized by the Ministry of Education of Malaysia, but this recognition does not extend to University of North Texas itself. Although University of North Texas accepts Taylor’s College coursework as specified, other colleges and universities may not accept this work in transfer, even if it appears on the transcript of University of North Texas. Each institution decides for itself whether to accept transfer credit from another institution. Signed for and on behalf of University of North Texas Signed for and on behalf of Taylor’s College …………………………………. Dr. Jean Schaake Associate Dean, Arts and Sciences University of North Texas …………… ………………………. Dr. Reinier J.B. Bouwmeester Program Director American Degree Program Taylor’s College, Malaysia Date: …………………………… Date: … ………………………….. CHART OF COURSES Taylor’s College, Malaysia TC Course # Course Title UNT Equivalent Comments BIOL 160 Biological Science (with lab) BIOL without match CHEM 101 Chemical Concepts (with lab) CHEM without match CHEM 105 General Chemistry 1 (with lab) CHEM 1410-1430(1) CHEM 106 General Chemistry II (with lab) CHEM 1420-1440(1) CSCI 101 Computer Concepts and Applications Computer Programming I (Pascal) CSCI 1100 Computer Programming I (C) Computer Programming I (Java) Computer Programming II CSCI 1110 Fulfills the University Core for one Laboratory Science. Since this course in only one semester long, it would not satisfy the BIOL major requirement. Fulfills the University Core for one Laboratory Science. Since this course in only one semester long, it would not satisfy the CHEM major requirement. Fulfills the University Core for one Laboratory Science. Also satisfies the first course in CHEM major and minor. Fulfills the University Core for one Laboratory Science. Also satisfies the second in CHEM major and minor. Not required for core or CSCI major First programming course at UNT must be in C or C++. This course would meet the CSCI requirement in ETEC majors. First course in CSCI major and minor. First programming course at UNT must be in C or C++. CSCI 211 File Systems Transfer without match CSCI 221 Object-Oriented Programming Computer Organization and Transfer without match CSCI 111a CSCI 111b CSCI 111 CSCI 112 CSCI 223 CSCI without match CSCI without match CSCI 1120 CSCI 2010 Second programming course required in CSCI major or minor. Elective only for A&S. Topics covered in BCIS. Must be determined by COB. Elective only Third course required in CSCI major or minor Assembly Systems CSCI 241 Cobol and Applications Transfer without match CSCI 251 CSCI without match ECON 202 Programming for Engineering & Sciences Microeconomics ECON 203 Macroeconomics ECON 1110 ECON 230 ECON 302 Statistics I Transfer without match Economics, Business Transfer without match and Policy ELEC 201 Linear Circuit Theory I ETEC without match ELEC 202 Linear Circuit Theory II ETEC without match ENGL 101 English Composition I English Composition ENGL 1310 ENGL 200 Introduction to American Literature ENGL without match ENGR 150 ENGR 1280 ENGR 207 FREN 101 Engineering Graphics Engineering Problem Solving Graphics Elementary French 1 FREN 102 Elementary French II FREN 1020 ENGL 102 ENGR 196 ECON 1100 ENGL 1320 Transfer without match ENGR 207 FREN 1010 Elective only for A&S. Topics covered in BCIS. Must be determined by COB. Does not apply for CSCI major or minor. Will meet ETEC requirement. Fulfills University Core for Social and Behavioral Science Fulfills University Core for Social and Behavioral Science Free elective Free elective – Any other use to be determined by Department of Economics or COB. Free elective or to be determined upon arrival by ETEC advisor Free elective or to be determined upon arrival by ETEC advisor A grade of “C” or better is required. A grade of “C” or better is required. Fulfills the University Core for Humanities or the A&S Literature requirement but not both Free elective or specific major’s requirement Free elective Free elective Fulfills University Core requirement for Communications. Prerequisite for A&S foreign language requirement or first course in FREN major or minor. NOTE: Students from Malaysia are exempt from the foreign language requirement in A&S. Fulfills University Core requirement for HIST 105 U.S. History to 1877 HIST 2610 HIST 106 U.S. History Since 1877 HIST 2620 MATH 121 College Algebra MATH 1100 MATH 125 College Algebra & Trigonometry MATH without match MATH 130 Precalculus MATH 1650 MATH 161 Calculus for Business I MATH without match MATH 162 Calculus for Business II MATH without match MATH 171 Calculus I MATH 1710 MATH 172 Calculus II MATH 1720 MATH 261 Calculus I MATH 1710 MATH 262 Calculus II MATH 1720 MATH 263 Calculus III MATH 2370 Communications. Prerequisite for A&S foreign language requirement or first course in FREN major or minor. NOTE: Students from Malaysia are exempt from the foreign language requirement in A&S. Fulfills first of two courses in University Core requirement of American History Fulfills second course in University Core requirement for American History Fulfills University Core requirement for Mathematics. For students who must complete additional mathematics requirements, a grade of “C” or better is required. Fulfills University Core requirements for Mathematics. Fulfills University Core Mathematics requirement and A&S Additional Mathematics requirement. Is prerequisite for Calculus I Fulfills University Core requirements for Mathematics. Fulfills University Core Mathematics requirement and A&S additional mathematics requirement. First course in MATH major or minor and other science majors Second course in MATH major or minor and other science majors Same as above (?) - previous course number Same as above (?) - previous course number Applies in MATH major or MATH 265 Calculus IV MATH 2700 MATH 267 Calculus for Business I MATH without match MATH 268 Calculus for Business II MATH without match MATH 353 Elementary Differential Equations Thermodynamics MATH without match MECH 200a MECH 200b MECH 270 MECH 274 MUSC 103 PHIL 101 PHIL 203 PHYS 211 PHYS 212 ETEC without match minor and other science majors Applies in MATH major or minor and other science majors Fulfills University Core and A&S core requirements. Together with MATH 268 meets COB mathematic requirements Fulfills University Core and A&S core requirements. Together with MATH 267 meets COB mathematic requirements Fulfills University Core and A&S core requirements. Free elective or to be determined upon arrival by ETEC advisor Thermodynamics ETEC without match Free elective or to be determined upon arrival by ETEC advisor Basic Mechanics I ETEC without match Free elective or to be determined upon arrival by ETEC advisor Basic Mechanics II ETEC without match Free elective or to be determined upon arrival by ETEC advisor Introduction to Course equivalency to be A&S would use as a Music determined by School of University Core requirement Music for Visual and Performing Arts Introduction to PHIL 1050 Fulfills University Core Philosophy requirement for Humanities Introduction to Logic PHIL 2050 Fulfills University Core requirement for Humanities Physics for Science PHYS 1710-1730(1) Fulfills University Core & Engineering I requirement for Physical (with lab) Science. First course in PHYS major or minor and meets other science major’s requirement. Physics for Science PHYS 2220-2240(1) Fulfills University Core & Engineering (with requirement for Physical lab) Science. Second course in POLS 101 American Government PSYC 201 General Psychology SOCS 101 Sociology I SOCS 102 Sociology II SPCH 105 Effective Public Communication STAT 230 STAT 330 THTR 101 Statistics I Statistics II Foundations of Acting I Foundations of Acting II Modern Western Drama THTR102 THTR 205 WREL 105 World Religion PHYS major or minor and meets other science major’s requirements. PSCI 1050 Fulfills University Core requirements for second course of a two-course requirement. PSCI 1040 must include Texas government. PSYC 1630 Fulfills University Core requirement for Social & Behavioral Science Course equivalency to be A&S would apply course to determined by School of University Core requirement Community Service for Social & Behavioral Science Course equivalency to be A&S would apply course to determined by School of University Core requirement Community Service for Social & Behavioral Science COMM 1010 Fulfills University Core requirement for Communications and A&S Core requirement for Oral/Advanced Written Communications Transfer without match Free elective Transfer without match Free elective THEA without match Free elective THEA without match Free elective THEA without match A&S would apply course to University Core requirement for Cross Cultural, Diversity and Global Studies. Free elective Transfer without match Updated July 3, 2002 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS - TAYLOR’S COLLEGE MALAYSIA Bachelor of Science: Computer Science 2001-2002 Catalog UNT Degree Requirement University Requirements Taylor’s College Courses ENGLISH COMPOSITION & RHETORIC (3 hrs): VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS (3 hrs): HUMANITIES (3 hrs): ENGL 101 - English Composition I UNITED STATES HISTORY (6 hrs): AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (6 hrs): HIST 105 - U.S. History to 1877 HIST 106 - U.S. History Since 1877 POLS 101- American Government SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (3 hrs): ECON 202 – Microeconomics ECON 203 – Macroeconomics PSYC 201 - General Psychology SOCS 101 - Sociology I SOCS 102 - Sociology II MUSC 103 - Introduction to Music THTR 205 - Modern Western Drama PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 203 - Introduction to Logic WELLNESS (3 hrs): CROSS CULTURAL, DIVERSITY, & GLOBAL STUDIES (3 hrs): Courses To Be Completed at UNT AMERICAN GOVERNMEN T (3 hours) Three hours that include Texas government must be completed. Wellness: (3 hours) WREL 105 - World Religion ARTS AND SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS ORAL/ADVANCED WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (3 hrs): LITERATURE (3 hrs - in addition to the University Core Humanities Requirement): SPCH 105 - Effective Public Communication ENGL 200 - Introduction to American Literature Bachelor of \Science: Computer Science major requirements ENGL 2702 – Technical Writing for International Students (3 hours) Technical Writing: (3 hours) LABORATORY SCEINCE: (16 hours) CHEM 105 - General Chemistry 1 (with lab) PHYS 211 - Physics for Science & Engineering I (with lab) PHYS 212 - Physics for Science & Engineering (with lab) BIOL 160 - Biological Science (with lab) MATHEMATICS: (16 hours): . MATH 171 - Calculus I or MATH 261 Calculus I MATH 172 - Calculus II or MATH 262 Calculus II MATH 265 – Calculus IV FOREIGN LANGUAGE (2 courses):. COMPUTER SCIENCE MAJOR: A minimum of 45 hours CSCI 111b - Computer Programming I (C) CSCI 112 - Computer Programming II CSCI 223 - Computer Organization and Assembly Systems Advanced Hours: 42 advanced hours of junior and senior level work Electives - hours required to reach 134 total hours. Amount of hours vary according to course and minor selection. ACCT 201- Accounting I, ACCT 202 – Accounting II, CHEM 101 - Chemical Concepts (with lab), CHEM 106 General Chemistry II (with lab), CSCI 101 - Computer Concepts and Applications, CSCI 111a - Computer Programming I (Pascal), CSCI 111 Computer Programming I (Java), CSCI 211 - File Systems, CSCI 221 - ObjectOriented Programming, CSCI 241 Cobol and Applications, CSCI 251 Programming for Engineering & Sciences, ECON 230 - Statistics I, ECON 302 - Economics, Business and Policy, ELEC 201 - Linear Circuit Theory I, ELEC 202 - Linear Circuit Theory II, ENGR 150 - Engineering Graphics, ENGL 102 - English Composition II, ENGR 196 - Engineering Problem Solving, ENGR 207 – Graphics, FIN 323 – Introductory Financial Management, FIN 331 – The Legal Environment of Business, FREN 101 - Elementary French 1, FREN 102 - Elementary French II, GBUS 102 – Introduction to Business, GBUS 271 – Business Communication, MATH 1780 – Probability Models MATH 3350 – Introduction to Numerical Analysis or MATH 3410 – Differential Equations 6 advanced (junior or senior hours) in one foreign language or 6 advanced hours from ENGL 4180 – Advanced Technical Writing, ENGL 4190 – Technical Editing, ENGL 4250 – Writing Technical Procedures and Manuals CSCI 3100 – Computer Organization, CSCI 3400 – Data Structures, CSCI 3600 – Principles of Systems Programming, CSCI 4450 – Algorithm Analysis and Complexity Theory, CSCI 4600 (1 hour) – Social Implications of Computer Science, one course from CSCI 2320 (except C/C++) – Programming Laboratory, CSCI 3210 – Symbolic Processing, or CSCI 4250 – Survey of Computer Languages; plus 18 advanced hours. 2 advanced hours elective or those required to reach 42 advanced hours. NOTE: this number may be reduced if some of the remaining core is taken at the advanced level. MATH 121 - College Algebra , MATH 125 - College Algebra & Trigonometry, MATH 130 – Precalculus, MATH 161 Calculus for Business I, MATH 162 Calculus for Business II, MATH 263 Calculus III, MATH 265 - Calculus IV, MATH 267 - Calculus for Business, MATH 268 - Calculus for Business II, MATH 271 – Calculus III, MATH 353 Elementary Differential Equations, MECH 200a – Thermodynamics, MECH 200b – Thermodynamics, MECH 270 Basic Mechanics I, MECH 274 - Basic Mechanics II, MGMT 325 – Principles of Management, MGMT 333 – Introduction to Management Science, MISS 241 – Management Information Systems, MKTG 311 – Marketing Principles & Problems, OPMT 303 – Operation Management, STAT 230 - Statistics I, STAT 330 - Statistics II, THTR 101 Foundations of Acting I, THTR 102 Foundations of Acting II TOTALS: 134 Taylor’s College: 77 UNT: 57 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS - TAYLOR’S COLLEGE MALAYSIA Bachelor of Arts: Major Economics 2001-2002 Catalog UNT Degree Requirement University Requirements Taylor’s College Courses ENGLISH COMPOSITION & RHETORIC (6 hrs): MATHEMTATICS (3 hrs) ENGL 101 - English Composition I ENGL 102 - English Composition II MATH 121 - College Algebra NATURAL SCIENCES (8 hrs): 2 courses with laboratories from the Natural and Life Sciences and/or the Physical Sciences (Some majors require specific and/or additional laboratory science courses; see your departmental advisor for more information.) CHEM 101 - Chemical Concepts (with lab) CHEM 105 - General Chemistry 1 (with lab) CHEM 106 - General Chemistry II (with lab) PHYS 211 - Physics for Science & Engineering I (with lab) PHYS 212 - Physics for Science & Engineering (with lab) MUSC 103 - Introduction to Music THTR 205 - Modern Western Drama PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy PHIL 203 - Introduction to Logic VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS (3 hrs): HUMANITIES (3 hrs): UNITED STATES HISTORY (6 hrs): HIST 105 - U.S. History to 1877 HIST 106 - U.S. History Since 1877 AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (6 hrs): POLS 101- American Government SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (3 hrs): WELLNESS (3 hrs): Fulfilled by Economics major CROSS CULTURAL, DIVERSITY, & GLOBAL STUDIES (3 hrs): WREL 105 - World Religion LABORATORY SCIENCE – 4 hours in addition to University Core. One course fro the Natural and Life Sciences, one course from the Physical Sciences, and one course from either group ORAL/ADVANCED WRITTEN AMERICAN GOVERNMEN T 3 hours Three hours which include Texas government must be completed.. Wellness: 3 hours ARTS AND SCIENCE REQUIREMENTS MATHEMATICS (3 hrs): Courses To Be Completed at UNT MATH 130 – Precalculus MATH 161 - Calculus for Business I MATH 171 - Calculus I MATH 172 - Calculus II BIOL 160 - Biological Science (with lab) SPCH 105 - Effective Public Communication COMMUNICATION (3 hrs): LITERATURE (3 hrs, in addition to the University Core Humanities Requirement): ENGL 200 - Introduction to American Literature FOREIGN LANGUAGE (2 courses):. Waived for native language Bachelor of Arts – Economics major requirements STATISTICS (3 hrs) STAT 230 - Statistics I STAT 330 - Statistics II, . ECONOMICS MAJOR: (30 hours): ECON 202 – Microeconomics ECON 203 - Macroeconomics Economics: 24 hours ECON 1100-1110, 3550, 3560, 4020 plus 12 additional upperdivision hours above 3000 level. 18 advanced hours elective or those required to reach 42 advanced hours. NOTE: this number may be reduced if some of the remaining core is taken at the advanced level. Advanced Hours: 42 advanced hours of junior and senior level work Electives - hours required to reach 128 total hours. Amount of hours vary according to course and minor selection. ACCT 201- Accounting I, ACCT 202 – Accounting II, CSCI 101 - Computer Concepts and Applications, CSCI 111a Computer Programming I (Pascal), CSCI 111b - Computer Programming I (C), CSCI 111 - Computer Programming I (Java), CSCI 112 - Computer Programming II, CSCI 211 - File Systems, CSCI 221 - Object-Oriented Programming, CSCI 223 - Computer Organization and Assembly Systems, CSCI 241 - Cobol and Applications, CSCI 251 - Programming for Engineering & Sciences, ECON 230 - Statistics I, ECON 302 - Economics, Business and Policy, ELEC 201 - Linear Circuit Theory I, ELEC 202 - Linear Circuit Theory II, ENGR 150 - Engineering Graphics, ENGR 196 - Engineering Problem Solving, ENGR 207 – Graphics, FIN 323 – Introductory Financial Management, FIN 331 – The Legal Environment of Business, FREN 101 - Elementary French 1, FREN 102 - Elementary French II, GBUS 102 – Introduction to Business, GBUS 271 – Business Communication, MATH 125 - College Algebra & Trigonometry, MATH 162 - Calculus for Business II, MATH 261 - Calculus I, MATH 262 - Calculus II, MATH 263 - Calculus III, MATH 265 – Calculus IV – Calculus IV, MATH 265 - Calculus IV, MATH 267 - Calculus for Business, MATH 268 - Calculus for Business II, MATH 271 – Calculus III, MATH 353 Elementary Differential Equations, MECH 200a – Thermodynamics, MECH 200b – Thermodynamics, MECH 270 Basic Mechanics I, MECH 274 - Basic Mechanics II, MGMT 325 – Principles of Management, MGMT 333 – Introduction to Management Science, MISS 241 – Management Information Systems, MKTG 311 – Marketing Principles & Problems, OPMT 303 – Operation Management, PSYC 201 - General Psychology, SOCS 101 - Sociology I, SOCS 102 - Sociology II, THTR 101 Foundations of Acting I, THTR 102 Foundations of Acting II TOTALS: 128 Taylor’s College: 80 UNT: 48 UNIVERSITY OF NORTH TEXAS - TAYLOR’S COLLEGE MALAYSIA Bachelor of Business Administration 2001-2002 Catalog UNT Degree Requirement University Requirements Taylor’s College Courses ENGLISH COMPOSITION & RHETORIC (6 hrs): MATHEMTATICS (3 hrs) ENGL 101 - English Composition I ENGL 102 - English Composition II MATH 121 - College Algebra MATH 161 - Calculus for Business I BIOL 160 - Biological Science (with lab) CHEM 101 - Chemical Concepts (with lab) CHEM 105 - General Chemistry 1 (with lab) CHEM 106 - General Chemistry II (with lab) PHYS 211 - Physics for Science & Engineering I (with lab) PHYS 212 - Physics for Science & Engineering (with lab) MUSC 103 - Introduction to Music THTR 205 - Modern Western Drama ENGL 200 - Introduction to American Literature, or PHIL 101 - Introduction to Philosophy, or PHIL 203 - Introduction to Logic HIST 105 - U.S. History to 1877 HIST 106 - U.S. History Since 1877 NATURAL SCIENCES (8 hrs): 2 courses with laboratories from the Natural and Life Sciences and/or the Physical Sciences (Some majors require specific and/or additional laboratory science courses; see your departmental advisor for more information.) VISUAL AND PERFORMING ARTS (3 hrs): HUMANITIES (3 hrs) UNITED STATES HISTORY (6 hrs): AMERICAN GOVERNMENT (6 hrs): POLS 101- American Government SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES (3 hrs): WELLNESS (3 hrs): Fulfilled by ECON 202 or ECON 203 listed below Courses To Be Completed at UNT AMERCIAN GOVERNMENT University Core I.G. – Three hours that include Texas government must be completed. Wellness: 3 hours CROSS CULTURAL, DIVERSITY, & GLOBAL STUDIES (3 hrs): In order to enroll in junior and senior level business classes and to graduate with a Bachelor of Business Administration Degree (except for a Bachelor of Science with a major in Business Computer Information Systems), a 2.5 minimum GPA must be earned in: a. the professional field, b. all courses completed at UNT, and c. all work attempted including all transfer work. A grade of “C” or above must be earned on each business administration foundation course completed in residency or transferred to UNT. For a Bachelor of Science with a major in Business Computer Information Systems, a 2.7 minimum GPA must be earned in: a. all course work attempted at UNT, b. all course work attempted in the program, and, c. all advanced business computer information systems course work. PRE-BUSINESS REQUIREMENTS ECONOMICS (6 hrs) MATHEMATICS (3 hrs): ORAL/ADVANCED WRITTEN COMMUNICATION (3 hrs): BUSINESS COMPUTER INFORMATION SYSTMES: (3 hrs)* ACCOUNTING: (6 hrs)* ECON 202 – Microeconomics ECON 203 - Macroeconomics MATH 162 - Calculus for Business II or MATH 268 - Calculus for Business II SPCH 105 - Effective Public Communication CSCI 101 - Computer Concepts and Applications ACCT 201- Accounting I ACCT 202 – Accounting II DATA DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS (3 hrs)* DATA DESCRIPTION AND ANALYSIS – MSCI 2710 – Data Descriptions and Analysis with Spreadsheets Business Foundation Requirements (24 hrs) COMMUNICATING IN BUSINESS (3 hrs) MGMT 3330, MKTG 3010, BCIS 3614\5 BLAW 3430 BASIC LAW (3 hrs) BASIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS (3 hrs) BCIS 3610 PRINCIPLES OF MARKETING (3 hrs) MKTG 3650 BUSINESS STATISTICAL ANALYSIS (3 hrs) MSCI 3710 FINANCE (3 hrs) FINA 3770 ORGANIZATONAL BEHAVIOR (3 hrs) MGMT 3720 BUSINESS POLICY (3 hrs) BUSI 4940 Professions Field (30 hrs) Choose from: Business Computer Information Systems, Finance, Insurance, Real Estate and Law Management Marketing and Logistics Electives - 8 hours required to reach 127 total hours. Amount of hours vary according to course and minor selection. CSCI 111a - Computer Programming I (Pascal), CSCI 111b - Computer Programming I (C), CSCI 111 Computer Programming I (Java), CSCI 112 - Computer Programming II, CSCI 211 - File Systems, CSCI 221 - Object-Oriented Programming, CSCI 223 - Computer Organization and Assembly Systems, CSCI 241 - Cobol and Applications, CSCI 251 - Programming for Engineering & Sciences, ECON 230 Statistics I, ECON 302 - Economics, Business and Policy, ELEC 201 - Linear Circuit Theory I, ELEC 202 - Linear Circuit Theory II, ENGR 150 Engineering Graphics, ENGR 196 Engineering Problem Solving, ENGR 207 – Graphics, FIN 323 – Introductory Financial Management, FIN 331 – The Legal Environment of Business, FREN 101 - Elementary French 1, FREN 102 Elementary French II, GBUS 102 – Introduction to Business, GBUS 271 – Business Communication, MATH 125 College Algebra & Trigonometry, MATH 130 – Precalculus, MATH 171 Calculus I, MATH 172 - Calculus II, MATH 261 - Calculus I, MATH 262 Calculus II, MATH 263 - Calculus III, MATH 265 - Calculus IV, MATH 267 Calculus for Business, MATH 353 Elementary Differential Equations, MECH 200a – Thermodynamics, MECH 200b – Thermodynamics, MECH 270 - Basic Mechanics I, MECH 274 - Basic Mechanics II, MGMT 325 – Principles of Management, MGMT 333 – Introduction to Management Science, MISS 241 – Management Information Systems, MKTG 311 – Marketing Principles & Problems, OPMT 303 – Operation Management, PSYC 201 General Psychology, SOCS 101 Sociology I, SOCS 102 - Sociology II, STAT 230 - Statistics I, STAT 330 Statistics II, THTR 101 - Foundations of Acting I, THTR1 02 - THTR102 Foundations of Acting II TOTALS: 127 Taylor’s College: 64 *Pre-Business courses requiring Grade of “C” or above. UNT: 63