berita UAC BERHAD news

No. 69
January 2012
Top budding architects awarded by UAC
- Page 3
2011 Long service awards
- Page 8
Prize presentation for UAC Architectural
Students Design Award 2011
- Page 10
Piala Menara UAC 2011
Five-a-Side Futsal Tournament
- Page 11
Message from
Chief Executive Officer/
Managing Director
Utusan daripada
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif/
Pengarah Urusan
Dear friends and members of the UAC family,
Rakan-rakan dan warga UAC sekalian,
My warmest and best wishes to you for a Happy and
Fulfilling New Year.
Salam sejahtera dan ucapan selamat buat anda semua,
semoga kedatangan Tahun Baru ini membawa kebahagiaan
dan lebih bermanfaat.
As we look forward to 2012 we do so with resolve
to meet the challenges ahead as we foresee much
of the business sentiments of 2011 continuing in
the coming year. We are excited at the same time
because opportunities will come for those who are
prepared to break new grounds and venture into new
territories. We at UAC Group will continue to leverage
on the success of our existing products and systems
and venture into new territories.
Ketika kita menyambut kedatangan tahun 2012, kita perlu
melaluinya dengan penuh keazaman bagi menghadapi
cabaran-cabaran mendatang kerana kita menjangkakan
banyak sentimen perniagaan pada tahun 2011 akan
berterusan pada tahun hadapan. Pada masa yang sama,
kita berasa teruja kerana peluang-peluang akan datang
bagi mereka yang bersedia untuk mencuba sesuatu yang
baharu dan menyertai bidang-bidang baharu. Kami di
Kumpulan UAC akan terus menggunakan pengaruh kami
di atas kejayaan produk dan sistem sedia ada kami serta
menyertai bidang-bidang baharu.
As we have reported in our quarterly announcements
throughout 2011, the Company was able to maintain
and even grow revenue despite difficult business
environment. However, rising costs had put a tight
squeeze on profit margins and the strong Malaysian
Ringgit against our major trading currencies had also
eroded revenue from export sales. Management will
continue to work to improve efficiencies in operations,
increase productivity and strive for volume growth in
all markets in the coming year.
The support of all our business partners in 2011 has
been tremendous, for which we are very appreciative.
Our appreciation goes also to all our employees for
the team work in 2011, and I urge my colleagues to
continue to rise up to meet the challenges in the year
Seperti yang dilaporkan dalam pengumuman suku tahunan
sepanjang tahun 2011, Syarikat telah berjaya mengekalkan
dan menambahkan pendapatan walaupun persekitaran
perniagaan agak sukar. Walau bagaimanapun, kos yang
semakin meningkat telah menyekat margin keuntungan
sementara Ringgit Malaysia yang kukuh berbanding
matawang dagangan utama juga telah mengurangkan
pendapatan daripada jualan eksport. Pihak pengurusan
akan terus berusaha untuk memperbaiki kecekapan dalam
operasi, meningkatkan produktiviti dan berusaha untuk
mencapai pertambahan jumlah jualan dalam semua
pasaran pada tahun hadapan.
Kami mengucapkan terima kasih di atas sokongan padu
daripada semua rakan perniagaan kami sepanjang tahun
2011. Penghargaan kami juga ditujukan kepada semua
para pekerja kami di atas kerja pasukan pada tahun 2011
dan saya menyeru agar rakan sekerja saya akan terus
bangun bagi menghadapi cabaran-cabaran pada tahun
akan datang.
My best wishes to our Chinese friends and colleagues
for a Happy and Prosperous Lunar New Year.
Saya ingin mengucapkan selamat maju jaya kepada semua
rakan serta rakan sekerja berbangsa Cina kami, semoga
Tahun Baru Lunar ini disambut dengan gembira dalam
suasana makmur.
Koo Hock Fee
Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director
Koo Hock Fee
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif/Pengarah Urusan
January 2012
Januari 2012
Berita UAC Berhad
Top budding architects awarded by UAC
One for the album - winners with sponsors
UAC Berhad (UAC), recently unveiled
winners of its annual inter-varsity UAC
Architectural Students Award (ASDA) 2011
at The Royale Bintang The Curve, Mutiara
The UAC ASDA, an annual event, is part of
UAC’s corporate responsibility programme
partnering with Malaysian institutions
of higher learning to help prepare
architectural students for employment
in the marketplace. A total of eight
Malaysian institutions of higher learning
participated in the third UAC ASDA since
it was inaugurated in 2009. ASDA 2011
commenced earlier in the year at the
varsity level culminating in the inter-varsity
level competition.
with their building designs within the
design framework of their respective
Mr. Koo went on to say that, “Our main
aim is to prepare the final year students
for the marketplace where they will be
gainfully employed after graduation.”
This year’s theme, ‘Build Green for a
Sustainable Future’, provided a creative
platform for architectural students to
present their ideas for residential/office/
industrial buildings, resorts/hotels or
recreational park/community halls.
In line with the theme for 2011, the
students presented their ideas that were
environmentally friendly while maximising
the use of UAC’s fibre cement building
materials, tiles from Johan Ceramic
Tiles, paints from Sissons Paints and
products and systems from UAC Steel
The competition was opened to
institutions of higher learning which
offered architecture courses. In
2011, the participants were from the
following institutions: Universiti Islam
Antarabangsa, Universiti Kebangsaan
Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
Skudai campus, Universiti Teknologi
Malaysia Kuala Lumpur campus,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti
Sains Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi
Mara, and Limkokwing University of
Creative Technology.
UAC is the organiser and main sponsor of
UAC ASDA annual series which was also
supported by Boustead Sissons Paints Sdn.
Bhd., Johan Ceramics Berhad and UAC
Steel Systems Sdn. Bhd.
Mr. Koo Hock Fee, Chief Executive Officer/
Managing Director of UAC said, “UAC
is privileged to partner with Malaysian
institutions of higher learning through the
annual ASDA series to provide a platform for
architectural students to interact with the
sponsors who are established Malaysian
building materials manufacturers. The
sponsors interact actively with the students
through various dialogue sessions on
the usage, installations and application
processes. Students are then given leeway
to express their creativity to come up
continue next page......
Judging in progress
UAC Berhad News
...continued from page 3
The competition had two categories,
Category A for third year students and
Category B for fifth year students which
saw a total of 26 entries for this year. The
top two students from each category at
university level were chosen to qualify for
the inter-varsity level. For each category,
all winners received a certificate as well
as cash prizes of RM800.00 for first place,
RM600.00 for second place, RM300.00 for
third place and RM100.00 each for five
consolation prize winners. Each winner
from the inter-varsity level competition
received certificates as well as cash prizes
of RM2,000.00 for first prize, RM1,000.00
for second prize, RM750.00 for third
prize and RM150.00 for consolation prize
The inter-varsity level UAC ASDA 2011
winners from Category A were Nur Atiqah
Mohd Nissfu who came in third place,
Yasmin Abd. Rahman who came in second
place and Muhammad Qhawarizmi
Norhisham who won the first prize. The
winners from Category B were Muhammad
Taufik Abdul Wahab who came in third
place, Lee Jian Zhou who won the second
prize and Tan Choon Wah who won the
first prize.
Judging in progress
The panel of judges (drawn mainly
from the participating institutions and
the sponsors) for the inter-varsity level
this year include three experienced
professionals who looked and judged
the entries from different perspectives.
The judging panel included Tn. Hj. Ar.
Sharuddin Md. Yunus a renowned
architect from MAA Akitek Sdn. Bhd.,
Ar. Dr. Tan Loke Mun from ArchiCentre
Sdn. Bhd., a renowned advocate in the
use of green building architecture and
technology in property and construction
development and Ar. David Tan from
Harley Consult, an architect with vast
experience in property development.
“Through the UAC ASDA, we hope
the participating students will gain
valuable knowledge in incorporating
the use of building materials into their
designs creatively. The knowledge
gained during these formative years in
tertiary education will indeed provide
a sound foundation for their future as
architects,” Mr. Koo concluded.
Arkitek muda terbaik terima anugerah daripada UAC
UAC Berhad (UAC), pengeluar papan
simen gentian selulosa terkemuka barubaru ini mengumumkan para pemenang
bagi Anugerah Pelajar Seni Bina (ASDA)
UAC 2011 antara universiti di The Royale
Bintang The Curve, Mutiara Damansara.
Anugerah tahunan ASDA UAC adalah
tanggungjawab korporat UAC yang
dianjurkan dengan kerjasama institusi
pengajian tinggi Malaysia untuk
seni bina memasuki dunia pekerjaan.
Sejumlah lapan institusi pengajian
tinggi Malaysia menyertai edisi ketiga
ASDA UAC yang dimulakan pada tahun
2009. ASDA 2011 bermula awal tahun
ini di peringkat universiti, disusuli
pertandingan antara universiti.
UAC adalah penganjur dan penaja utama
siri tahunan ASDA UAC, yang turut
disokong oleh Boustead Sissons Paints
Sdn. Bhd., Johan Ceramics Berhad dan
UAC Steel Systems Sdn. Bhd.
Proud winners from UiTM with senior faculty members
Berita UAC Berhad
En. Koo Hock Fee, Ketua Pegawai
berkata, “UAC berbangga kerana dapat
bekerjasama dengan institusi pengajian
tinggi Malaysia menerusi acara tahunan
ASDA yang menyediakan saluran untuk
pelajar seni bina berinteraksi dengan
para penaja yang terdiri daripada
pengeluar bahan binaan Malaysia.
Para penaja berinteraksi dengan pelajar
menerusi pelbagai sesi dialog berkaitan
proses penggunaan, pemasangan dan
aplikasi. Pelajar diberi kebebasan untuk
memperlihatkan kreativiti mereka dengan
menghasilkan reka bentuk bangunan
berasaskan rangka kerja reka bentuk
institusi masing-masing.”
En. Koo seterusnya menjelaskan,
“Matlamat utama kami adalah untuk
menyediakan pelajar tahun akhir untuk
memasuki pasaran dan mendapatkan
pekerjaan selepas tamat pengajian.”
CEO/MD Mr. Koo Hock Fee with Muhamad Qhawariizmi
Norhisham, Category A winner
Tema tahun ini, ‘Build Green for
a Sustainable Future’ (Binaan
Depan Lestari), menyediakan
landasan kreatif untuk pelajar
seni bina memperlihatkan idea
perindustrian, pusat peranginan/
hotel atau taman rekreasi/dewan
Selaras dengan
tema untuk tahun 2011, pelajar
idea yang mesra alam sambil
bahan binaan simen gentian
UAC, jubin Johan Ceramic Tiles,
cat Sissons Paints serta produkproduk dan sistem-sistem UAC
Steel Systems.
Pertandingan dibuka kepada
institusi pengajian tinggi yang
menawarkan kursus pengajian
seni bina. Para peserta mewakili
Universiti Islam Antarabangsa,
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia,
Teknologi Malaysia, kampus Kuala
Lumpur Universiti Teknologi Malaysia,
Universiti Putra Malaysia, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Universiti Teknologi Mara,
dan Limkokwing University of Creative
Pertandingan terbahagi kepada dua
kategori, Kategori A untuk pelajar
tahun tiga dan Kategori B untuk pelajar
tahun lima yang menarik sejumlah
26 penyertaan tahun ini. Dua pelajar
terbaik dari setiap kategori di peringkat
universiti dipilih untuk melayakkan diri ke
peringkat antara universiti. Untuk setiap
kategori, semua pemenang pertandingan
peringkat universiti menerima sijil dan
juga hadiah wang tunai RM800.00 untuk
tempat pertama, RM600.00 untuk
tempat kedua, RM300.00 untuk tempat
ketiga dan RM100.00 setiap satu untuk
lima pemenang hadiah sagu hati. Setiap
pemenang pertandingan peringkat antara
universiti menerima sijil dan juga hadiah
wang tunai RM2,000.00 untuk tempat
pertama, RM1,000.00 untuk tempat
kedua, RM750.00 untuk tempat ketiga
dan RM150.00 untuk pemenang hadiah
sagu hati.
Para pemenang peringkat antara universiti
untuk Kategori A adalah Nur Atiqah Mohd
Nissfu iaitu pemenang tempat ketiga,
Yasmin Abd. Rahman, pemenang tempat
kedua dan Muhammad Qhawarizmi
Norhisham, pemenang tempat pertama.
Para pemenang untuk Kategori B adalah
Muhammad Taufik Abdul Wahab iaitu
pemenang tempat ketiga, Lee Jian Zhou,
pemenang tempat kedua dan Tan Choon
Wah, pemenang tempat pertama.
Panel hakim (terdiri daripada wakil
institusi yang mengambil bahagian
dan para penaja) untuk pertandingan
peringkat universiti tahun ini termasuk
tiga profesional berpengalaman, yang
meneliti dan menilai penyertaan daripada
perspektif yang berlainan. Panel hakim
termasuk Tn. Hj. Ar. Sharuddin Md.
Yunus, arkitek terkenal dari MAA Akitek
Sdn. Bhd., Ar. Dr. Tan Loke Mun dari
ArchiCentre Sdn. Bhd., tokoh terkenal
yang menggalakkan penggunaan ciriciri seni bina dan teknologi binaan hijau
dalam pembangunan hartanah dan
projek pembinaan, dan Ar. David Tan
dari Harley Consult, seorang arkitek yang
mempunyai pengalaman luas dalam
pembangunan hartanah.
“Menerusi ASDA UAC, kami harap pelajar
yang turut serta akan menimba banyak
pengetahuan yang berguna dalam
menerapkan penggunaan bahan binaan
secara kreatif dalam rekaan mereka.
Pengetahuan yang diperolehi pada
tahun-tahun pembelajaran di institusi
pengajian tinggi akan menyediakan asas
yang kukuh untuk masa depan mereka
sebagai arkitek,” kata En. Koo.
CEO/MD Mr. Koo Hock Fee with Tan Choon Wah, Category B winner; Mr. Tey Long Puang and Mr. BT Gan
UAC Berhad News
News from around Boustead Group
Y.A.M. Tunku Imran (left) receiving Honorary degree of
Doctor of Laws from Prof. Christine Ennew
Nottingham graduates
joins 200,000 global
alumni members
Successful students at The University of Nottingham Malaysia
Campus who graduated at the recent graduation ceremony
joined 200,000 alumni members of the university worldwide.
Close to 700 students from various engineering, business,
computer science, management and other disciplines
graduated at a ceremony hosted by Prof. Christine Ennew,
Pro Vice-Chancellor of Internationalisation of The University
of Nottingham and Prof. Ian Pashby, CEO & Provost of The
University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus.
“Our students are highly sought after by employers and I had
the pleasure of meeting some students who have already
secured employment in their chosen fields long before the
results were announced,” said Prof. Ian Pashby.
“A Nottingham graduate has a truly international qualification
from one of U.K.’s leading universities and they form the next
generation of knowledge leaders who will address issues
we face today on climate change, food security and rapidly
changing technology and customer needs. I am confident
that our students are able to achieve and address the
challenges of the working world. This year alone they have
successfully organised two major student led initiatives, the
Charity Carnival and Green Week,” he added.
Berita UAC Berhad
(L-R): Prof. Christine Ennew, Y.Bhg. Dato' Zainal Abidin Hj. Ahmad, Y.Bhg. Dato’
Dr. Michael O.K. Yeoh and Prof. Sayed Azam-Ali, the then Vice-Provost of Research and
Internationalisation of The University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus
Many prominent members of Malaysian society are Nottingham
graduates. They include our Prime Minister Y.A.B. Dato’ Sri Mohd
Najib Tun Abdul Razak, former Kings, D.Y.M.M. Sultan Azlan
Muhibbuddin Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Yussuf Izzuddin Shah
Ghafarullahu-lah, Sultan of Perak; and the late D.Y.M.M. Tuanku
Ja’afar ibni Almarhum Tuanku Abdul Rahman, the former Yang DiPertuan Besar of Negeri Sembilan and renowned senior members
of the Malaysian judicial system.
At the recent graduation ceremony, Honorary degree of Doctor of
Laws was conferred to Y.A.M. Tunku Imran ibni Tunku Ja’afar and
Y.Bhg. Dato’ Dr. Michael O.K. Yeoh.
News from around Boustead Group
Some run for fun, some run for a challenge to themselves,
some run to win…
Orange Run 2011
The Orange Run is an annual event on BHPetrol’s calendar and it was held
for the sixth time this year. The 11-km run was opened to all Malaysians,
aged 13 years and above. A total of eight categories
were set for the participants based on their age
"You're almost the
staff of
Entertainment by
The eager runners gathered at the Starting Point where
Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, Deputy
Chairman/Group Managing Director of Boustead
Holdings Berhad flagged off the runners.
The top five prizes for each category consisted
of cash and BHPetrol vouchers in the amounts
of RM1,500.00 (1st prize), RM1,000.00 (2nd
prize), RM750.00 (3rd prize), RM500.00 (4th
prize) and RM300.00 (5th prize).
The winners in the 6th to 10th placing for
all categories received consolation prizes of
BHPetrol vouchers worth between RM100.00 to
RM400.00. All registered runners received an OR11
recyclable bag, BHPetrol vouchers, a certificate and
other goodies.
A winner from Boustead Group
A lucky draw session
First, second and third winners
BHPetrol Orange Run not only attracted thousands of participants but also managed to raise RM30,000.00
for three charity homes - Yayasan Sunbeams Home, Rumah Sentuhan Budi and Rumah Kebajikan Anbu Illam
UAC Berhad News
2011 Long Service Awards
Anugerah Khidmat Lama 2011
On 17 November 2011, UAC Berhad held its 35th Long
Service Award Ceremony to recognise and appreciate
employees who have served the company for 10 years
and above. There were 27 recipients for the 10 years
Long Service Award, two recipients for the 20 years
Long Service Award and 11 recipients for the 30 years
Long Service Award.
Pada 17 November 2011, UAC Berhad telah menganjurkan Majlis
Anugerah Khidmat Lama yang ke-35, sebagai penghargaan kepada
para pekerja yang telah berkhidmat dengan syarikat melebihi 10
tahun. Seramai 27 orang pekerja telah diberi penghargaan untuk
perkhidmatan selama 10 tahun, dua pekerja untuk perkhidmatan
selama 20 tahun dan 11 pekerja untuk perkhidmatan selama 30
The awards were presented by Mr. Koo Hock Fee, Chief
Executive Officer/Managing Director of UAC Berhad. The
ceremony was attended by senior managers, managers,
recipients of the awards as well as UAC employees.
Recipients were awarded with their choice of prizes,
either a gold pendant, a watch, or a digital camera.
Hadiah telah disampaikan oleh En. Koo Hock Fee, Ketua Pegawai
Eksekutif/Pengarah Urusan UAC Berhad. Majlis telah dihadiri oleh
para pengurus kanan, para pengurus, para penerima anugerah
serta para pekerja UAC.
Para penerima telah dianugerahi dengan hadiah mengikut pilihan
masing-masing, iaitu samada loket emas, jam tangan atau kamera
All proud recipients with UAC senior management team
30 years service award recipients with CEO/MD Mr. Koo Hock Fee
Berita UAC Berhad
The award recipients were as follows: / Para pemenang anugerah adalah seperti berikut:
Muhd Rosly Abd. Rahim
Rahim Wahab
Suhearry Haznan
Mohd Ismail Abdul Hamid
Ismawi Zulkefli
Syed Zulkernain Syed Zainun
Ahmad Akhirus Abdul Sukor
Asrul Sani Abdullah
Amree Yakup
Konasaigar Thanimalai
Hailmi Fairus Hairudin
Mohd Hafiz Mat Nor
Mohd Zubir Jab
Mohd Hazlan Mohd Ismail
Mohd Kamil Mohd Othman
Mohammad Shah Long
Mior Affendi Mior Sidek
Navarathanam Perumal
Nasrul Kamil Idris
Mohd Amri Mustafa Bakri
Ahmad Fadhil Borhan
Khairul Anuar Mokhtar
Ramesh Kannan
Izhan Amir
Elsron Solomon Raji Lourdesamy
Suhar Mohd Salleh
Lim Sek Jin
Factory Leading Hand - Grade I, Sheet Machine 1
GFH I - Forklift Driver, Sheet Finishing
GFH II - Sheet Trimmer, Sheet Finishing
GFH IV - Sheet Handler, Sheet Finishing
GFH IV - Sheet Handler, Sheet Finishing
GFH IV - Product Cleaner, Moulding
Tradesman - Grade I, Maintenance
GFH III - Sheet Handler (Auto Claving), Sheet Machine 3
Factory Leading Hand - Grade I, Sheet Finishing
GFH IA - Refinery Pulp Plant Opt, Sheet Machine 2
GFH I - Recorder/ SF Opt, Sheet Finishing
GFH I - Recorder/ SF Opt, Sheet Finishing
GFH I - Recorder/ SF Opt, Sheet Finishing
GFH I - Recorder/ SF Opt, Sheet Finishing
GFH I - Forklift Driver, Store
GFH I - Recorder/ SF Opt, Sheet Finishing
GFH I - Stack Breaker/ Screening Opt, Sheet Machine 2
Factory Leading Hand - Grade I, Sheet Finishing
GFH I - Recorder/ SF Opt, Sheet Finishing
GFH I - Forklift Driver, Sheet Finishing
Factory Leading Hand - Grade I, Sheet Finishing
Special Grade - Sheet Machine Driver, Sheet Machine 3
GFH I - Stacker/ Exit Conveyor Hand, Sheet Machine 5
GFH II - Sheet Trimmer (Guillotine), Sheet Finishing
Clerk - Grade I, Production Control
Confidential Clerks, Human Resource
Senior Sales Executive, Sales
Mohd Kassim Yaakub
Muhamad Yusuf Abdul Aziz
GFH I - Stacker/ Exit Conveyor Hand, Sheet Machine 4
Sales Executive, Sales
Abu Bakar Ahmad Abdullah
Choong Pooi Hoe
Manogarai Sivalingam
Mat Othman Samad
Lim Boon Lee
Krisnan Subramaniam
Adward Soosay
Looi Chee Heng
Selvari Nathan Ramasamy
Gopalsamy Subramaniam
Khairul Azlan Khairuddin
GFH I - Forklift Driver, Sheet Machine 3
Female GFH - Grade II, Laundry
GFH II - Sheet Trimmer, Sheet Finishing
Electrican – Chargeman, Electrical
Clerks - Grade II, Accounts
Clerks - Grade II, Store
Clerks - Grade II, Administration
Senior Accounts Executive, Accounts
Foreman, Sheet Machine 5
Engineering Services Foreman, Maintenance
Confidential Draughtman, Projects
UAC Berhad News
Group photo session before kick-off
Piala Menara UAC
2011 Five-a-Side
Futsal Tournament
The Piala Menara UAC 2011 Five-a-Side Futsal
Tournament was held on 22 July 2011. In its
3rd season, this tournament continued to
enjoy strong and enthusiastic support from the
tenants of Menara UAC and Boustead Group
of Companies located in Mutiara Damansara.
A total of 16 teams participated in this year’s
tournament. The event was kicked off by Mr.
Koo Hock Fee, Chief Executive Officer/Managing
Director of UAC Berhad, the organiser.
This was followed immediately by round robin games amongst
the teams in each group of four teams. There was excitement
from the start of the games as the teams displayed great
determination. Each game was keenly contested as proven by
the tight scores in the initial round robin.
When the dust settled after the round robin games, eight
teams progressed to the knock out stage at the end of which
the following teams qualified for the semi finals:
• Orangie Two (from Boustead Petroleum Marketing Sdn.
• The Manager (from Boustead Curve Sdn. Bhd.)
• RB (from Reckitt Benckiser (M) Sdn. Bhd.)
• BESB FC (from Boustead Engineering Sdn. Bhd.)
The semi finalists put up an entertaining play, spurred on by
their boisterous supporters. The Manager edged out Orangie
Two with a scoreline of 2-0 on penalty shootout. In the other
semi finals, BESB FC came out on top of RB with a score 2-0 in
what was a closely contested game.
All who watched the final match between BESB FC and The
Manager were not disappointed. They were entertained by
a fast and pulsating final match keenly contested by the two
teams. The pace and agility shown by the players from both
teams was enthralling. The full time score of 2-2 was truly
a testimony of the keen competition between these teams.
Despite tired limbs and bodies, both teams played their hearts
out in a game worthy of being the final match of the Season
3 tournament. In the end, the match was decided on penalty
shootout. BESB just managed to come out on top of The
Manager with a penalty score of 3-2.
Berita UAC Berhad
The finalists
Congratulations to BESB and a jolly well done to The Manager
who proved to be worthy opponents in an exciting and
pulsating final match.
At the end of the evening, the following were the winners:
Champion - BESB FC
1st runner up - The Manager
2nd runner up - RB
3rd runner up - Orangie Two
Top scorer - Kenny from RB with 11 goals
Best player - Saiful from The Manager
Syabas to all the players, team managers and supporters. It
was an evening to remember for the good playing skills of all
the players, the great sportsmanship, the thrilling games and
the enthusiastic supporters. Till we meet again in 2012 for
Season 4!
Pom pom supporters
Piala Menara UAC 2011
Kejohanan Futsal Lima Sebelah
Kejohanan Futsal Lima Sebelah Piala Menara UAC 2011 telah
diadakan pada 22 Julai 2011. Pertandingan Musim ke-3 ini terus
mendapat perhatian dan sokongan daripada para penyewa
Menara UAC dan syarikat-syarikat Kumpulan Boustead di Mutiara
Damansara. 16 pasukan telah mengambil bahagian dalam
kejohanan kali ini. Acara telah dimulakan oleh En. Koo Hock Fee,
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif/Pengarah Urusan UAC Berhad, selaku
Ini diikuti oleh pertandingan
‘round robin’ oleh kumpulankumpulan
yang terdiri
daripada 4 pasukan masingmasing. Seawal pusingan
telah menjadi panas dengan
kesungguhan para peserta
bermain. Setiap pasukan
bermain dengan bersungguhsungguh dan semangat yang
cekal, sehingga menyaksikan
setiap pasukan mencatatkan
jaringan yang hampir sama.
Kejohanan Musim ke-3 ini. Pemenang bagi perlawanan akhir
ditentukan melalui sepakan penalti. Pertandingan menyaksikan
Pasukan ‘BESB’ menjadi juara setelah menewaskan ‘The
Manager’ melalui jaringan sepakan penalti 3-2.
Tahniah kepada ‘BESB’ dan syabas kepada ‘The Manager’ yang
membuktikan kewibawaan selaku pencabar yang baik sewaktu
perlawanan akhir yang menarik dan mendebarkan.
Berikut adalah senarai para pemenang bagi kejohanan ini:
Juara - ‘BESB FC’
Naib juara - ‘The Manager’
Tempat ketiga - ‘RB’
Tempat keempat
- ‘Orangie Two’
Penjaring terbanyak - Kenny dari ‘RB’ dengan 11 gol
Pemain terbaik - Saiful dari ‘The Manager’
Syabas kepada semua
pemain, para pengurus
penyokong. Saat ini
akan sentiasa diingati
di mana para pemain
telah mempamerkan skil
permainan yang baik,
yang tinggi, permainan
yang mendebarkan dan
para penyokong yang
bersemangat. Sehingga
bertemu semula pada
tahun 2012 bagi Musim
ke 4!
Apabila pusingan kelayakan
tamat, 8 pasukan telah layak
ke peringkat seterusnya iaitu
Penjaring gol terbanyak
pertandingan secara ‘kalah
mati.’ 4 pasukan telah layak ke
peringkat separuh akhir, iaitu:
• ‘Orangie Two’ (dari Boustead Petroleum Marketing
Sdn. Bhd.)
• ‘The Manager’ (dari Boustead Curve Sdn. Bhd.)
• ‘RB’ (dari Reckitt Benckiser (M) Sdn. Bhd.)
• ‘BESB FC’ (dari Boustead Engineering Sdn. Bhd.)
Pemain terbaik
Pasukan-pasukan yang layak ke separuh akhir telah
mempamerkan corak permainan yang sangat menarik.
Keadaan menjadi semakin meriah dengan riuh rendah
sorakan para penyokong mereka. Pasukan ‘The Manager’
telah menewaskan pasukan ‘Orangie Two’ dengan jaringan
2-0 melalui penentuan sepakan penalti. Pada perlawanan
penentuan yang lain, pasukan ‘BESB FC’ telah berjaya
menewaskan pasukan ‘RB’ dengan jaringan 2-0 setelah melalui
persaingan yang sangat sengit.
Para penonton perlawanan akhir antara ‘BESB FC’ dan ‘The
Manager’ telah dapat menyaksikan aksi-aksi yang pantas dan
mendebarkan dari kedua-dua pasukan yang bertanding di
pertandingan akhir. Kelajuan dan ketangkasan yang ditunjukkan
oleh para pemain dari kedua-dua pasukan memikat hati
penonton, yang merasa teruja. Hingga tamat perlawanan,
kedua-dua pasukan masih terikat dengan jaringan 2-2. Ini jelas
menunjukkan daya saing yang sangat tinggi di antara kedua-dua
pasukan. Walaupun letih dan lesu, kedua-dua pasukan terus
bermain dengan penuh semangat dan membuktikan bahawa
mereka benar-benar layak untuk bermain di perlawanan akhir
Juara 2011
UAC Berhad News
Prize presentation for UAC Architectural Students
Design Award 2011
A prize presentation to the winners of Architectural Students
Design Award (ASDA) University level was held on 24 October
2011 at the faculty of Housing, Building and Planning of Universiti
Sains Malaysia (USM).
USM took part in both Category A (for 3rd year Architectural
students) and Category B (for 5th year Architectural students)
with 20 students where five students participated in the
respective categories.
The winners for Category A were Ow Yang Seok Tin, who won the
Best Design Award, Chu Chee Keong for 1st Meritorious Award,
Muhammad Zaki Mohd Salleh for 2nd Meritorious Award whilst
Mr. Tey presents the certificate
and cheque to one of the winners
Mr. Tey Long Puang of UAC Berhad presented the certificates and
cheque prizes to all winners and the event was witnessed by PM
Dr. Ahmad Nazri, Dean Faculty of Built Environment of UTM.
UTM Skudai took part in both Category A and B of ASDA 2011.
The winners for Category A were awarded to Lim Gim Huang for
Best Design Award, Teh Chee Jye for 1st Meritorious Award and
Berita UAC Berhad
The winners for category B were Muhammad Taufik Abdul Wahab
who won the Best Design Award, Cynthia Yong Hwa Sieng, for
1st Meritorious Award, Engku Nasri Engku Mohd Ariffin for 2nd
Meritorious Award whilst the Commendation Award went to
Leong Chun Keat and Mohd Shah Reza Kamaruddin.
The award ceremony was attended by Mr. Tey Long Puang of
UAC Berhad and Prof. Ir. Dr. Mahyuddin Ramli, Dean of School
of Housing, Building and Planning of USM as well as sponsors,
lecturers and students.
Winners showing their certificates to the Dean
On 8 November 2011, UAC held its final prize giving for University
level of ASDA 2011 at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM) Skudai
Mr. Tey presents the certificate and prize to
Mr. Tan, winner for Category B, witnessed by Ahmad
Nazri, Dean Faculty of Built Environment of UTM
the Commendation Award went to Ong Rae Lynn, Priciallia Tan Ee
Ju, Chan Yen Fei, Thor Yi Chun and Muhammad Firuzabadi Firdus.
Winners posing with their gifts
Lim Yin Ying for 2nd Meritorious Award. Commendation award
went to Lau Siyi, Shi Zhun and Budi Kurniawan.
The Best Design Award for Category B was Tan Choon Wah whilst
the 1st Meritorious and 2nd Meritorious Award went to Sim Sia
Fern and Ho Chin Keng respectively. Chew Teik Hee, Ho Bee Li
and Wong Teck Yong received the Commendation Award.
We congratulate Tan Choon Wah, the winner of Category B and
also the Champion of ASDA 2011 inter-varsity level, Category B.
One of the winners sharing her
thoughts about the competition
Mr. Tey and PM Dr. Ahmad Nazri together with the winners
BHPetrol Orange Run 2011
The eager runners from UAC had
won three prizes. Sadhisvaran
Gunashegaran (Sheet Finishing
II), come in 3rd place, followed
by Mohamad Azizi Abdul
Wahab (Sheet Machine 5) in 5th
place and Muhamad Huzaime
Yaakup (Sheet Machine 1) in
10th place. Other participants
from UAC, even though did not
secure any prize successfully
completed the run and all had
an enjoyable and memorable
with Y.Bhg. Tan Sri
Some Team UAC members
din, Deputy Chairman/
Dato’ Lodin Wok Kamarud
, Boustead Group,
Group Managing Directorof the run
before the start
UAC Berhad sent a strong contingent to
the 6th edition of the Orange Run 2011,
held at the Curve, Mutiara Damansara,
Petaling Jaya. 30 UAC staff from the Ipoh
factory travelled the night before the
event and arrived at the starting point
early and full of enthusiasm to await the
start of the 11-km run. There were eight
categories under Orange Run 2011 and
the UAC contingent participated under
the staff category.
e 5)
Wahab (Sheet Machin
Mohamad Azizi Abdul position
in 5th
Sadhisvaran Gunashegaran
(Sheet Finishing II) in 3rd position
Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, Deputy Chairman/
Group Managing Director of Boustead Holdings Berhad flagged off
the runners at the starting point, approximately 7.00 a.m.
Muhamad Huzaime
Yaakup (Sheet Ma
chine 1)
in 10th position
Team UAC with CEO/MD Mr. Koo Hock Fee before leaving for home after the run
UAC Berhad News
Production Team
Challenge Season 2
Cabaran Pasukan Produksi
Musim Kedua
The Production Team Challenge Season 2 began
in April 2011 and lasted until the end of year
2011. The winners for April and May 2011 were
announced and the prizes were given away during
the Family Day Celebration in June 2011.
Cabaran Pasukan Produksi Musim Kedua bermula pada bulan April
2011 dan selesai pada akhir tahun 2011. Para pemenang bagi bulan
April dan Mei 2011 telahpun diumumkan dan menerima hadiah
masing-masing semasa sambutan Hari Keluarga pada bulan Jun
2011 yang lalu.
Tuesday, 16 August 2011 witnessed another prize
giving ceremony for the winners of the challenges,
for the month of June and July 2011. Mr. Koo Hock
Fee, Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director
gave away the prizes to the Maintenance and
Electrical Department, the overall winner for June
and Sheet Machine 1 and Sheet Machine 3 teams,
the runners-up. The Maintenence and Electrical
Department emerged as the overall winners again
for July 2011 while the runner-up was Sheet
Finishing 1 team.
Satu lagi upacara penyampaian hadiah untuk para pemenang
pertandingan bagi bulan Jun dan Julai 2011 telah diadakan pada hari
Selasa, 16 Ogos 2011 yang lalu. En. Koo Hock Fee, Ketua Pegawai
Eksekutif/Pengarah Urusan UAC Berhad telah menyampaikan hadiah
kepada Jabatan ‘Maintenance and Electrical’, juara keseluruhan
bulan Jun dan pasukan dari ‘Sheet Finishing 1’ dan ‘Sheet Machine
3’, naib johan. Pasukan dari Jabatan ‘Maintenance and Electrical’
telah mengekalkan kedudukan sebagai pemenang keseluruhan bagi
bulan Julai, diikuti oleh pasukan dari ‘Sheet Finishing 1’ sebagai naib
Once again, congratulations to all the winners! For
the others, don’t give up and work harder to catch
up in the remaining months of the Production
Team Challenge Season 2.
Sekali lagi sekalung tahniah kepada semua pemenang! Bagi pasukan
yang belum berjaya jangan putus asa dan terus berusaha untuk
mencapai kemenangan sepanjang Cabaran Pasukan Produksi Musim
Kedua berlangsung bagi baki bulan seterusnya.
Berita UAC Berhad
Training and development activities
Executive Development Training
• 27 - 28 July 2011
(First Session)
• 13 - 14 September 2011
(Second Session)
of enabling them to achieve higher
performance in the workplace.
The programme was held in two sessions.
The first session was conducted for Ipohbased employees on 27 and 28 July 2011
while the second session was conducted
for employees based in Menara UAC,
Petaling Jaya, on 13 and 14 September
2011. A total of 49 staff attended training
for both sessions.
The programme was facilitated by
experienced trainers from Northern
The trainers, Mr. Dhamendra, Mr.
Edward and En. Aznirulhisham
Mohd Hussain Sukor, emphasized on
interpersonal communication, personal
transformation, effective problem
solving techniques, workplace team
effectiveness and presentation skills.
Executive and business management
skills are essential to be an effective
leader. Mastering management
and leadership skills will help an
executive perform his or her task
more effectively and will contribute
to career advancements. It is very
important to equip our line managers
with relevant and up-to-date
management skills. Thus, with the
input from Heads of Departments, the
Executive Development Programme
was designed to better equip line
managers for the primary purpose
Participants were divided into two
groups, and were guided by the trainers
to complete the HIRARC list. This exercise
required them to do some fieldwork
research and homework. During
the session, the participants had the
opportunity to share experience with
a few staff who were involved in an
industrial accident, including the General
Manager - Factory Operations, En. Zubair
Abdullah and Mechanical Supervisor, Mr.
Jayaratnam T. Visuvalingam. The session
proved useful and relevant to their job.
Accident Prevention Training
•30 November - 1 December 2011
•14 - 15 November 2011
With the aim of creating a safe working
environment by preventing workplace
accidents, Accident Prevention training
was organised for middle management
staff, such as Foremen, Assistant Foremen,
Supervisors, Technical Assistants as well
as Engineers. These agents of change will
be an important link in the chain to create
awareness among staff as well as to direct
and monitor the implementation of
safety and health procedures.
The training was facilitated by two
trainers from Northern Logistics
Development Centre, namely Ms.
Margaret Ann and Mr. Edward. With
their vast experience in the safety field,
they created an interesting and lively
training session. This was noted from
the comments received in the posttraining evaluation form.
UAC Berhad News
Staff updates & movements
New Appointments
# C/No Name
# C/No Name
1 7193
2 9531
3 8067
4 8604
5 9044
6 7194
7 7382
8 7383
9 7386
10 7196
11 7385
12 7197
13 7581
14 7582
15 8605
16 8606
17 2881
18 2882
19 2883
20 2884
21 2885
22 2887
23 2888
24 2890
25 2891
26 2892
27 2893
28 2894
29 2895
30 2896
31 2897
32 2898
33 2900
34 2901
Senior Engineer (Production)
Deputy Chief Operating Officer
Sales Clerk
Site Executive
Assistant Accountant
Executive Engineer (Maintenance)
Purchasing Executive
Purchasing Executive
Human Resource Assistant Manager
Engineer (Electrical)
1 7384
Lai Ken Min
Store Foreman
2 1170
Kow Lian Teik
Factory Leading Hand
3 1511
Prabagar Nagaiah
Factory Leading Hand
4 2357
Jefri Rafi Jamaluddin
GFH I - Stacker
5 2651
Khairul Aswad Mohamed
Forklift Driver
6 2827
Razali Ahmad Mahmud
Power Sweeper Grade II
7 2841
Elangovan Sangkaralingam
Asbestos Grade III
8 2846
Mohd Irwan Shah Hashim
GFH III – Sheet Handler
9 2635
Kamarulnizam Kamaruddin
Special Grade Machine Driver
10 2724
Janagan Balakrishnan
Special Grade Machine Driver
11 6181
Elsron Solomon Raji Lourdesamy
Clerk Grade I
12 2806
Muhamad Latif Ismail
GFH II- Machine Relief / Cleaner
13 2071
Latif Mohd Yusof
GFH I –Stacker / Exit Conveyor
14 2865
Parthiban Manogaran
GFH IA – Silica Plant Operator
15 2843
Jaganathan Mariappan
GFH II – Stacker Operator
16 2483
Mohamad Nasarudin Hassan
GFH II – Machine Relief / Cleaner
17 2842
Gopi Balakrishnan
GFH II – Machine Relief / Cleaner
18 2854
Thanenjeyan Vijey Kumar
GFH II – Machine Relief / Cleaner
19 2772 Ahmad Fadzli Mat Yeop
GFH I – Stack Breaker /
Screening Operator
20 2839
GFH II – Machine Relief / Cleaner
Gunasegaran Subramani
21 2606 Pathmanathan Varatharaj
Special Grade – Sheet Machine
22 2631 Prem Nathan Arumugam
FLH Grade II –
Leading Hand Housekeeping
23 2818
Mohamad Norhaizad Zainuddin GFH II – Sheet Trimmer
24 2845
Lee Chee Keong
GFH III – Sheet Handler
25 2899
Hairul Nizam Harun
Fitter Assistant
26 2847
Muhamaad Faridz Jamaludin
GFH II – Machine Relief / Cleaner
27 6218
S. Sri Teepan Sitharai
Clerk Grade III
28 2814 Mohd Azwan Abdul Razak
GFH III – Asbestos Treatment
29 2873 Fakhrul Rizal Musa
GFH III – Asbestos Treatment
30 2787
Muhamad Sahir Romainoor
GFH I – Water Process Hand
31 2872
Mohammad Khairul Rizal Alang Ahmad
Fitter Assistant
32 2840
Mohammad Nur Azahari Khairudin
Fitter Assistant
33 2812
Mohd Razwan Huzzairi Zakaria
GFH IV – Carpenter’s Assistant
34 2584
Megat Mohd Zulkifli Megat Norizan
GFH I – Forklift Driver
35 2851
Nuzul Hakimi Zakaria
GFH II – Sheet Trimmer
36 2880
Vickneswaran Tasharaju
GFH II – Power Sweeper
37 2809 Hasbullah Haris
GFH III – Stacker Relief /
Truck Pusher
38 6178
Abd. Rahman Samsudin
Clerk Grade I
39 7580
Halimahtun Sa’adiah Abd. Manan
Confidential Clerk
Berita UAC Berhad
Vincent Tan Leng Huat
Gan Boon Ting
Masyitoh Ibrahim
Ahmad Adril Ahmad Fuad
Cheong Mei Kuan
Nizam Shah Zainal
Ho Wei San
Azhar Abdul Hamid
Mohd Kamal Nizam Ismail Muhamad Nabil Shaaban Ahmad Thamin
Shamsul Amry Mohd Ali
Mohd Hasnul Ezuan Mohd Bakri
Poorna Chandren @ Sudakaran Subramaniam
Thilakaran Ahrikrishnan
Mohd Hafiz Mohamad
Ahmad Hafizie Ahmad Hayazim
Abdul Fathir Rosdi
Chan Kim Rong
Divendran Muniandy
Gurjeet Singh Kaltab Singh
Harenthiran Tharuman
Mohd Nizam Nasaruddin
Mohammad Nazrul Mohammad Jarita
Muhammad Farhan Mohd Ramli
Shahrul Akmar Salleh
Taruman Lachamanan
Adika Tazar
Muhamad Azmawi Abd. Aziz
Someraj Jeyakumar
Zahiruddin Kamaruddin
Kaviarasu Rachandran
Muhammad Zulfazli Ahmad Nawawi
Abu Hassan Isobali
Perumal Ramachandran
R&D Assistant
Engineer (Electrical)
Security Guard
CCTV Operator
Site Engineer
Sales Executive
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
GFH IV – Sheet Finishing
Housekeeping Hand
Housekeeping Hand
Boiler Attendant
Housekeeping Hand
# C/No Name
Length of Service
27 years and 11 months
27 years and 6 months
34 years and 5 months
19 years and 2 months
31 years and 3 months
30 years and 8 months
35 years and 7 months
31 years and 11 months
35 years and 6 months
32 years
30 years and 6 months
32 years and 2 months
33 years and 11 months
31 years and 5 months
36 years and 8 months
36 years
35 years and 10 months
Mohd Puzi Ramlan
Vincent Sinappen
Tan Chin Liang
Lee Chong Poh
Jaafar Abdullah
Ali Othman Md. Yusoff
Mohd Ismil Udah Jais
Hamidi Yeop Omar
Abd Rahim Zainudin
Latib Abd. Hamid
Mokhtar Abd. Rani
Zainuddin Nordin
Kamala Govindasamy
Mustafa Kamal Hussein
Abd. Rahman Oden
Nor Anua Abd. Lah
Ishak Mat Nor