for me? Is dance the right career There comes a time in all of our lives when we pause to reconsider the choices we’ve made or the direction we’ve taken. But such a time can be fraught with emotion. Kym King helps you clear the way. B eing a professional dancer is a vocation that requires passion, talent and commitment. So we don’t often consider assessing it in the way we assess other potential careers. Yet there are elements to consider that can inform your thinking about whether it is the right career for you. Perhaps you’ve studied dance all your life and never really thought that there were other careers that you could do. Maybe you’re already studying full-time to be a dancer and it isn’t quite what you expected, or perhaps you have a history of injuries and are wondering whether being a dancer is going to be sustainable. Making the decision not to pursue dance as a career often presents new challenges. Throughout years of dance training we are encouraged to believe that if we just work hard enough we will succeed. For some, choosing a different career path can feel like not having tried 30 dance australia | April/May 2014 hard enough. While making the decision can be an overwhelming and emotional process, having some tools can help you clarify your thoughts. SELF-AWARENESS The first thing to do is sit down and identify your current interests, values and personal qualities. Write a list: it will help you decide whether you are a good match with your dance career or with any other career. Interests: Write down headings for both career related interests and personal/ leisure interests. Under these include everything from the type of dance or choreographers you are inspired by to your favourite films, hobbies, causes and subjects at school. Prioritise them in order of importance. What are your strongest interests? What interests would you like to develop? If there are careers other than dance that might be interesting make a note to research them further. You might discover areas that appeal to you more than pulling on those tights every morning. Even if you are sure that being a professional dancer is the career for you, identifying other interests is a worthwhile exercise. Dancers are often at risk of burnout due to long hours of training and rehearsal. Having interests outside of dance to help you unwind means this is less likely to occur, and also means that you will be a richer and more engaging individual and performer. your commitment to be a dancer? These might include a strong desire to help others, or the environment, or a strong sense of obligation to family and friends. How does your family feel about the idea of you dancing for a career? Values: We can examine what we value in a career in terms of external rewards (financial security, job security, opportunity for promotion) and internal rewards (being fulfilled by doing the job itself). How important is it for you to have a good income or even to have a regular income? While some dancers work full-time, in Australia such opportunities are relatively few, with most dancers working on short-term projects. Would you mind having another job besides performing to help sustain yourself financially? How do the other things that you value in your life weigh up against Will these values limit your choice of training institution or opportunities for work? For many students, studying dance full-time means moving interstate and for many dancers being employed means working abroad. For some, choosing a different career path can feel like not having tried hard enough. Personal qualities: What makes you unique? Make a list of what you see as your strongest qualities. Think about your personality type. You might like to ask a friend what they see as your strongest attributes. There is no perfect personality prototype for being a dancer but some useful qualities are creativity, competitiveness, initiative, self-confidence, intellectual capacity, adaptability and Further Resources • The ‘Your Career and You booklet’ Graduate careers Australia has a great self-assessment section: wp-content/uploads/2012/02/ YourCareerYou-2012_web.pdf • Careers NZ has an Action Plan template that can be downloaded: pdf and used to record your goals. • Ausdance list of tertiary dance courses in Australia: publications/details/study-dance-at-university • Ausdance list of Australian Dance Companies: details/australian-dance-companies-list • Performers Collective Agreement has been set by the Media, Entertainment & Arts Alliance (MEAA) and outline employment agreements: • The Life Of A Dancer: Employment, training, and career paths – Australian Council for the Arts: data/assets/pdf_file/0018/34029/05_life.pdf • • • MiniCareerExplorer/index.html April/may 2014 | dance australia 31 Remember that whatever you end up doing as a career can be rich and rewarding, and that you can continue to be passionate about and involved in dance. persistence. Such qualities will exist in all people but to varying degrees. Dancers need to be adaptable because they often have to face a range of situations, from working in other countries to performing a variety of dance styles. Persistence and resilience are an advantage when auditioning. With experience most dancers become more proficient at auditions but the reality is that often you won’t be selected. While some people will be merely disappointed, others may be devastated each time. You might also have good communication and interpersonal skills, organisational skills, leadership skills and self-management skills – which are important in most careers. You might think that as a dancer your Transitioning types These three examples have made the move out of performing into satisfying careers, writes Kym King. Kate Horner 32 dance australia | April/May 2014 Find out what employment opportunities are available. Research how many dance companies there are in Australia and how many dancers they employ. Which agencies take on dancers? What is the standard wage? What does an independent dancer on average earn for a project? What do dancers in musical theatre earn? The internet is a great tool for initial information about companies and training institutions. Service organisations such as Ausdance(, and the Media, Entertainment and Arts Alliance (MEAA)( have websites that offer comprehensive fact sheets on a number of relevant areas. Seek out the companies and dance training institutions that interest you and see if they offer holiday intensives. This is a great way to gain an experience of being a full-time dancer as well as trying a variety of dance styles. See as many dance performances as you can. A good way to find out about a career is to do a career research interview. Contact someone you know who is working in the area you are interested in and arranging to Kate Horner Associate Professor Gene Moyle 3rd year student, Bachelor of Arts (Criminology and Psychology), University of Melbourne. Kate Horner completed her VCE dance with marks high enough to allow her to successfully audition and perform in TOP Class. When she was younger she had wanted to be a professional dancer but towards the end of school began to realise that there were other areas that she wanted to explore further. Commencing an arts degree at Melbourne University, Horner studied psychology and criminology and decided that she was really interested in doing something that helped people, particularly in a one-to-one setting. Currently teaching dance at Utassy Ballet School,Kate enjoys the process of helping others understand movement concepts and finds this helps her to clarify her own. She has also found it interesting to see how developmental psychology theory can be translated into practice in a teaching situation. Horner still loves to perform and choreograph and this year has been working with Adam Wheeler’s youth company, Yellow Wheel (Melbourne). “Before this year I felt that perhaps I had gone as far as I could with dance without being a professional. Working with Yellow Wheel has opened up so many possibilities, in particular the chance to collaborate with a wider range of people”. Horner enjoys the fact that dance is something she loves doing without the pressure of it being what she doesto earn a living. She wonders “if I had tried studying dance full time,whether I might have lost my passion for it, since you must so heavily invest your whole life in it. Sport and Exercise Psychologist and Head of Dance at the Queensland University of Technology. Gene Moyle knew from the age of four that she wanted to be a ballet dancer. After completing one year of dance at QUT, followed by work with Queensland Ballet for their end of year gala, she joined the Australian Ballet School, entering second year. Moyle concluded her first year with an injury and struggled with the challenges this presented, including putting on weight and body image issues. Commencing her graduating year overweight and recovering from an injury was a very low point and the school, although supportive, at this time had no onsite psychologist. This experience, however, proved instrumental in determining her future career path. Realising the psychiatrist to whom she had been referred had no understanding of a dancer’s perspective, she knew that “one day I wanted to be able to help dancers like me”. Upon graduation from the school Moyle was offered a contract with the Queensland Ballet. When this fell through due to lack of funding, she began a degree at QUT Dance. But at the beginning of her second year she decided to take a break from dancing altogether. She then started a degree in psychology not dancing again until, in her third year, she realised that “I wanted to know if I could still be a professional dancer”. After three months of taking classes back at QUT Gene was certain that she had the talent. But realising how much she would have to give main skills are to do with your dance training and technique. But it is also worth noting that you will have developed many other skills through dance that are transferable to other careers. These might include such things as: attention to detail, getting on with the job no matter what, working well in an ensemble or team and presenting yourself well. OPTIONS AND OPPORTUNITIES meet so you can ask them questions. You will need to use your contacts. DECISION MAKING Analyse all your research and weigh up the pros and cons. If you listed other areas or careers that were of interest you will need to go through a similar process and compare your findings with each one. The MyFuture website information on a range of occupations as well as a mini career explorer that provides some career options based on your interests. Using your intuition and the information you have now gathered, decide what you would most like to do. What would you settle for? TRANSITION Whatever career you choose you will need to think about your next steps. Researching training options and various qualification levels will be important. Make a plan with goals and set a timeline for achieving them. For a dance career these might include everything from finding out when training institutions audition, to preparing a resume, to improving technical skills. Remember that whatever you end up doing as a career can be rich and rewarding, and that you can continue to be passionate about and involved in dance. Kym King is a career counsellor and former dancer. Further resources and contact information can be found at Associate Professor Gene Moyle Glyn Scott up in her life to pursue dance again, she continued on with her psychology studies. Now she is back at QUT as the head of department! Glyn Scott Pilot After graduating from the Australian Ballet School, Glyn Scott went on to dance with American Ballet Theatre (US) and the Birmingham Royal Ballet (UK). But at the age of 21, after landing badly from a jump, he realised he was going need to find a new career. Grieving for his career in dance, he knew it would need to be something he was passionate about. At the Australian Ballet School psychologist Lucinda Sharp had spoken of the importance of having interests outside dance. “She asked us to look at ourselves as though we were a pie. If we divided the pie up, how much of it was dance and what would happen if we took dance away?” Scott had been interested in flying and soon after began working part-time at a cinema to pay for flying lessons. He loved it and ultimately this was to become his new career. Despite his parent’s concerns that he would need tocomplete the last two years of high school, Scot pursued his ambition, believing that his brain could be trained just like the rest of his body. Discovering that he would need maths and physics to attend flight school, he found his year 10 maths teacher and began studying hard. After successfully completing his VCE and then his commercial pilot training, Scot now flies for a career. He is still passionate about dance and enjoys watching his sister (Amber Scott) and his friends perform with the Australian Ballet. April/may 2014 | dance australia 33