Welcome to the Fourth Edition of Greg Mankiw's Principles of

Welcome to the Fourth
Edition of Greg Mankiw's
Principles of Economics
The First Edition of Greg
Mankiw’s Principles of Economics
introduced instructors to a new
way of teaching economics, and
the subsequent editions have
maintained that level of excellence. Now, Greg Mankiw introduces the Fourth Edition of
Principles of Economics, which is
again poised to define the
modern way in which students
learn and instructors teach
economic principles. Turn the
page to learn more about the
Mankiw 4e Experience!
Update Your Mankiw 4e Experience
updated to reflect the very latest changes in economic
policy and trends. Mankiw has taken great care to
present concepts with his hallmark conversational
Brief Macroeconomics
ISBN: 0-324-23697-2
ISBN: 0-324-23695-6
writing style, encouraging students to apply what they
have learned in class to their daily lives. In this edition,
ISBN: 0-324-31916-9
you will see that Mankiw has applied examples from his
experience as a leading economic advisor in Washington,
ISBN: 0-324-22472-9
D.C. to bring added real-world relevance to concepts
and help students make sense of economic policy.
Mankiw continues to keep the study of economics
fresh and relevant for new principles students. To
achieve this approach, the Fourth Edition delivers
multiple new boxed features and case studies on
topics such as: how economic statistics can miss
the underground economy, recent research into the
causes of child labor in poor nations, the impact of
Hurricane Katrina, and fiscal challenges ahead that
arise from an aging population.
Clarity of Writing
The power of Mankiw's writing style comes from
his ability to put himself in the shoes of someone
encountering economics for the first time. He
presents the economic principles in a way that
engages and enlightens students. This writing style
speaks to students and allows them to see how
economics plays a part in their day-to-day lives.
Engaging Examples
In the White House
In Chapter 2, a new case study titled “Mr. Mankiw
Goes to Washington” discusses Greg’s recent
experience as the Chairman of the Council of
Economic Advisors to the President.
Offshore Outsourcing
The Fourth Edition includes a new discussion
and boxed feature analyzing the current debate on
offshore outsourcing.
Experience Mankiw 4e
The Mankiw 4e Product Family
Every chapter in all five versions has been thoroughly
ISBN: 0-324-23696-4
Tailor Your Mankiw 4e Experience
Teaching with Mankiw 4e
Simplifying Your Life
The Mankiw product family is more than just
textbooks—it's a comprehensive teaching and
learning solution—creating the most dynamic
•Instructor’s Resource Kit
•Resource Integration Guide
experience in and out of the classroom.
•Study Guide
Now back in the classroom teaching the principles
course, Mankiw has taken steps to expand the
Fourth Edition’s instructor’s resource package –
with your time and busy workload in mind.
Beyond the pencil-and-paper basics, you will find
innovative resources that help you quickly plan
your courses and create media-driven classroom
presentations with ease. Best of all, you can use this
package to integrate book-specific content with
Aplia, the leading online economics education pro•Textbook
•Premium PowerPoint
gram. This integrated learning approach gives you a
variety of enjoyable ways to present economic principles
•Economics In
your students.
the Movies
For more detailed information about
all of these resources, please visit
Above, we have mapped out the resources available to you for
each stage of teaching so you can create the very best economics
course. When combined, we believe these resources will help
you create a customized learning and teaching experience. You
do the teaching—let us provide the solutions.
Instructor Community Web Site
We invite you to join our MankiwTown
community Web site. In MankiwTown, you
will find exclusive opportunities to learn
more about Mankiw 4e, share ideas with
colleagues, participate in upcoming events,
and enter to win great prizes! This is truly
the way to experience all that Mankiw 4e
has to offer. Visit today at:
Order Your Review Copy Today! Call 800.423.0563 or visit http://mankiwtown.swlearning.com
Experience Mankiw 4e
Add to Your
Mankiw 4e Experience
Mankiw’s Fourth Edition has even more resources
available to help create an enjoyable and efficient
teaching experience. If you have any questions,
contact your local Thomson South-Western
representative or visit
Thomson Custom Solutions
Thomson Custom Solutions develops personalized
solutions to meet your business education needs.
Match your learning materials to your syllabus and
create the perfect learning solution. Consider the
following when looking at your customization
options for Mankiw 4e:
Thomson is proud to announce our
partnership with Aplia Inc.! Created
by Paul Romer, one of the nation’s leading
economists, Aplia enhances teaching and learning by
providing online interactive tools and experiments
that help economics students become “active
learners.” Our partnership allows a tight content
correlation between Mankiw 4e and Aplia’s online
tools. Contact your local Thomson South-Western
Representative to find out how you can incorporate
this exciting technology into your course.
ThomsonNOW for Mankiw's
Principles of Economics, 4e
Providing instructors and students with
unsurpassed control, variety, and all-inone utility, ThomsonNOW is a powerful
and fully integrated teaching and learning system.
ThomsonNOW ties together five fundamental
Source Code: 7TPECM07
Mankiw 4e Premium PowerPoint®
Our all-new instructor Premium PowerPoint for
Mankiw’s Principles of Economics has been designed
to incorporate the principles of effective teaching.
Lecture material is blended with brief active-learning
exercises for immediate reinforcement, application,
and informal assessment. Many slides are annotated
with helpful notes for instructors. Visit
Instructor’s Resource CD The IRCD contains many key
supplements including the Class Planning Guide, Instructor’s
Manual, Transparency Masters, the Test Bank, and more.
Instructor’s Manual with Solutions Manual Written by Linda
Ghent, Eastern Illinois University, this includes learning objectives,
teaching tips, in-class activity ideas, and solutions to end-ofchapter exercises.
ExamView® Testing Software This computerized testing
software contains all of the questions from the printed test bank.
With this tool, you can add or edit questions and answers for
upcoming tests.
Test Bank Daniel K. Biederman, Ken Brown, Lisa Jepsen, Bryce
Kanago, and Ken McCormick have updated the Test Bank, which
includes approximately 230 questions per chapter.
Study Guide David R. Hakes, University of Northern Iowa, has
prepared a study guide that will enhance student success. Each
chapter includes learning objectives, the chapter purpose, a
chapter review, helpful hints, practice problems, and more.
Traditional PowerPoint® Lecture Slides Available only on
the Web site and the IRCD is this comprehensive lecture
presentation, which covers all the essential topics presented in
each chapter of the book. Graphs, tables, lists, and concepts
are developed sequentially, much as one might develop them
on a blackboard.
PowerPoint® Exhibit Slides Exhibit slides contain the figures,
charts, and tables from the text and can easily be incorporated
into your own PowerPoint presentations.
Transparency Acetates Created to help you build text images
into your lectures, full color transparency acetates are available
with the Fourth Edition to use on an overhead projector.
Class Planning Guide This guide simplifies class planning and
helps you incorporate valuable tools and new activities into your
principles course. A great tool to use when creating your
course syllabus.
• Video for Mankiw’s Ten Principles of Economics Mankiw’s
video series illustrates his Ten Principles of Economics and can
be used to visually introduce topics discussed throughout
the book.
Macroeconomic Approach Explanation Guide In this essay,
Mankiw explains his well-respected approach to teaching
macroeconomics – an approach that fosters in students a better
understanding of economic principles.
• Product Support Web site At http://mankiw.swlearning.com
you’ll find a wealth of instructor and student resources.
Additional Mankiw Supplements
• Remove chapters you do not cover or rearrange
their order creating a streamlined and efficient text
that students will appreciate.
• Add your own material to cover new topics or
information, saving you time and providing
students a fully integrated course resource.
• Include contemporary economic issues from our
Economic Issues Collection, found on our custom
Web site.
For more information about custom publishing
options, visit www.thomsoncustom.com or contact
your local Thomson representative.
learning activities: diagnostics, tutorials, homework,
quizzing, and testing. Easy to use, this program
offers instructors complete control when creating
assessments in which they can draw from the wealth
of exercises provided or create their own questions.