Question No: 1

Question No: 1
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Beyond simply retaining good customers, marketers want to constantly increase their “share
of customer.” Identify suitable term related to this statement
Marketers want to increase their market share.
Marketers want to increase the share they get of the customer’s purchasing in their
product categories.
Marketers want to increase the profit margin with the target market.
None of the given options.
Question No: 2
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Which of the following is not the market challenging strategy:
Attack the leader
Acquire smaller firm
Expand market share
Avoid the leader
Question No: 3
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
______ can use the bulletin boards, chat rooms and news letters for communication that can
facilitate the exchange
Virtual business
None of the given options
Question No: 4
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Early adopters will continue buying and later buyers will start following their lead
Growth stage
Decline stage
Maturity stage
Introduction stage
Question No: 5
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Two basic ways to set list prices are the cost-oriented and ________oriented approaches.
Question No: 6
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Sales decline because of many reasons, including:
Technological advances
Shift in customer tastes
Increased competition
All of the given options
Question No: 7
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
______ involves a combination of promotion and a product alternation for the foreign
Communication adaptation
Dual adaptation
Product innovation
Production adaptation
Question No: 8
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Marketing concept holds that achieving organizational goals depends on determining
Needs and wants of target market
Customer or consumer of target market
Producer and seller target market
Price, place, product and promotion(4 P’s)
Question No: 9
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
__________is not the major public relation decision
Setting public relation objectives
Choosing public relation messages and vehicles
Implementing the private relation plan
Evaluating the result
Question No: 10
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
The number of product lines in the product mix is described as__________:
Product mix length.
Product assortment.
Product mix width.
Product mix consistency.
Question No: 11
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A common practice among marketers is to increase sales to current customers without
changing their products. What is this practice called?
Market skimming
Market penetration
Market development
Product extension
Question No: 12
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
The ________ calls for “good deeds” followed by good words.
Marketing communication
Marketing management
Sales promotion
Question No: 13
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Direct presentation of a product to a customer by a representative of the selling organization
is termed as____________
Personal selling
Optimal product
None of the given options
Question No: 14
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
The rule of E-marketing is______
Intellectual capital rules
Time compression
All of the given options
Marketing deconstruction
Question No: 15
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Following are the strategies of environmental sustainability except:
Pollution prevention
Product stewardship
New environmental technology
None of the given options
Question No: 16
( Marks: 1 )
The_____________ is a popular meeting place for consumer and business commerce.
World Wide Web
Question No: 17 ( Marks: 1 )
___________is better off asking questions and letting buyers come to their own conclusion.
Question No: 18
( Marks: 1 )
_______ is a tax levied by Govt. against certain important product, designed to raise revenue.
A tariff
Question No: 19
( Marks: 1 )
The______ is the price that consumers expect to pay for many of the products they purchase.
Question No: 20
( Marks: 1 )
Marketing efforts should be guided by marketing ___________ .
Question No: 21
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Internet was first used in 1972.
Question No: 22
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
All companies and trade associations organize convention and trade shows to promote their
Question No: 23
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A sales force requires a long term commitment than advertising.
Question No: 24
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Production concept is useful when demand for a product is less than the supply.
Question No: 25
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Advertising can succeed only if commercials gain attention and communicate well.
Question No: 1
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A person who is bringing buyers and sellers together and assists in negotiation is called:
Selling Agent
Purchasing Agent
Question No: 2
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A person has something which is tangible and can satisfy his need or want is a:
Question No: 3
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A person X obtains his desired object from a person Y and offers something in return to the
person Y, his act is called:
Question No: 4
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A person is directly presenting a product to the customer. He is doing:
Relationship Selling
Personal Selling
Non Personal Selling
None of the above
Question No: 5
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Company is offering short term incentives to encourage the purchase or sale of a product or
service. Company is doing:
Sales Promotion
Both 1 & 2
None of the above
Question No: 6
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Suppose Nestlé is trying to increase its sales by introducing its existing/current product like
Nestlé mineral water in a new market. It is adopting:
Market Penetration Strategy
Market development Strategy
Product Development Strategy
Question No: 7
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A researcher is taking data from the balance sheet of a company. He is collecting:
Primary Data
Mathematical Data
Descriptive Data
Secondary Data
Question No: 8
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A researcher has put a question in his questionnaire and the respondent has to give the
answer of that question in his own words. The question is:
Close Ended Question
Multiple Choice Question
Open Ended Question
Long Question
Question No: 9
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A person is purchasing a product and selling this product to customers. The person is called:
Question No: 10
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
The different important decisions which are to be taken while designing the advertising
campaign, does not include:
None of the above
Question No: 11
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
The discount which is offered by the seller to trade channel members who perform certain
functions, such as selling, storing, and record keeping is called:
Functional Discount
Cash Discount
Seasonal Discount
None of the above
Question No: 12
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
The promotional strategy that calls for spending a lot on promotion to build up consumer
demand; if successful, consumer will ask their retailers for the product, the retailer will ask
the wholesalers and wholesalers will ask the producers, is called:
Push Strategy
Pull Strategy
Intensive Strategy
None of the above
Question No: 13
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
The store that carries a wide variety of product lines is called:
Super stores
Department store
Convenience store
Specialty stores
Question No: 14
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A quantity discount is basically a price reduction to:
Whole sellers
Question No: 15
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Strategy for setting a product’s price often has to be changed when the product is part of a:
Product line
Product mix
None of the above
Question No: 16
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Fixed Cost
Mark up Price - VC
Break- evenVolume=
Question No: 17
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
A quantity discount is a price reduction to buyers who buy large volumes.
Question No: 18
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Product life cycle involves six stages.
Question No: 19
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
Product’s perceived performance in delivering value relative to a buyer’s expectations is called
customer value.
Question No: 20
( Marks: 1 )
- Please choose one
The strategy that creates competitive advantage by offering products with unique customer benefits
or features not available from competitive offerings is called overall cost leadership.
Question No: 21
( Marks: 1 )
_________ includes all the activities involved in selling goods or services directly to final
consumers for their personal, non business use.
Question No: 22
( Marks: 1 )
A _________ is a name, sign, symbol, design or a combination of these that identifies the maker or
seller of a product or service.
Question No: 23
( Marks: 1 )
________marketing is the process of building, maintaining, and using customer database and other
database for the purposes of contacting and transacting with customers.
Question No: 24
( Marks: 1 )
When the objective is to gather preliminary information that will help to better define problems
and suggest hypotheses for their solution, it is called _________.
Exploratory research
Question No: 25
( Marks: 1 )
________ is society’s relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar
values, interests and behaviors.
Social Class
Question No. 1 Marks: 1
The stage in the product life cycle in which the marketing objective is to maximize profit while defending
market share is the _______________ stage.
1. 1 Introduction
2. 2 Growth
3. 3 Rejuvenation
4. 4 Maturity (moderate)
5. 5 Decline
Question No. 2 Marks: 1
A common mistake in pricing is _______________.
1. 1 Setting prices according to demand
2. 2 Revising prices too often
3. 3 Considering price and price competition as a key problem in marketing
4. 4 Ignoring costs when setting prices
5. 5 Setting prices independently of the rest of the marketing mix (difficult)
Question No. 3 Marks: 1
Which of the following is not a function of wholesalers?
1. 1 Bulk-breaking
2. 2 Selling and promoting
3. 3 Transportation
4. 5 Risk bearing
5. 6 Final customer segment selection (moderate)
Question No. 12 Marks: 1
The first step in the buying process is the _______________.
1. 1 Information search
2. 2 Evaluation of alternatives
3. 3 Purchase decision
4. 4 Location of alternatives
5. 5 Recognition of the need or problem (moderate)
Question No. 13 Marks: 1
When compared to the consumer market, the demand for goods and services in the business market is
1. 1 Far more elastic
2. 2 Significantly more constant
3. 3 Derived (moderate)
4. 4 More likely to be affected by changes in price
5. 5 All of the mention
Question No. 4 Marks: 1
Culture is the most fundamental determinant of a person's wants and behavior.
1. 1 True
2. 2 False
Question No. 6 Marks: 1
Post-purchase satisfaction is a function of the consumer's product expectations and the
Product’s perceived performance
1. True
2. False
Question No. 9 Marks: 1
Characteristics of business markets include that there are more buyers and larger buyers
1. True
2. False
Question No. 10 Marks: 1
Target marketing requires marketers to take three major steps:
1) Identify and profile distinct groups,
2) Select one or more segments to enter, and predict the consumer behavior of the segments.
1. True
2. False
Question No. 11 Marks: 1
A product is anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need
1. True
2. False
Question No: 1
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
SWOT analysis is carried out to
1. Measure the strengths of the competitors.
2. Ascertain the weaknesses of the competitors.
3. Ascertain the strengths and weaknesses of own organization.
4. None of the given options.
Question No: 2
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
When we talk about product in marketing, we mean:
1. Physical commodity that has a benefit for the consumer.
2. A virtual thing that leads to human satisfaction.
3. A person, place or an idea.
4. None of the given options.
Question No: 3
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
The need for marketing was felt because
1. Commodities were being produced in excess of demand.
2. People were ignorant of the products produced by the manufacturers.
3. Sales teams did not come up to the expectations of the organization.
4. There was a direct need to generate demand for want satisfying goods.
Question No: 4
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
______________ is a complex concept that must be carefully defined
1. Product
2. Price
3. Promotion
4. Placement
Question No: 5
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
_________ is demand-stimulating activity designed to supplement advertising and facilitate personal
1. Direct marketing
2. Direct selling
3. Sales promotion
4. Personal selling
Question No: 6
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
You have learned at work that today’s successful companies at all levels have one thing
in common: they are strongly customer focused and heavily committed to _____.
1. Obtaining the best CEOs
2. Increasing stockholder’s wealth
3. Marketing
4. Employee motivation
Question No: 7
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
Some companies often use study results as claims in their _____.
1. Advertising
2. Promotion
3. Advertising and promotion
4. Annual reports
Question No: 8
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
____________ are given to final consumers, distributors or channel members for doing something or
accepting less of something.
1. Allowances
2. Credits
3. Bonuses
4. Incentives
Question No: 9
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
Customers buy from stores and firms that offer the highest _____.
1. Value for the dollar
2. Customer perceived value
3. Level of customer satisfaction
4. All of the given options
Question No: 10
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
Many marketers use ____________ concept today to determine which customer can be served profitably
and which one cannot.
1. Selective relationship management
2. Target marketing
3. Market segmentation
4. Selective targeting
Question No: 11
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
Marketing planning at your firm occurs at ________
1. Business unit; market
2. Business unit; product
3. Product; market
4. Business unit; product; market
Question No: 12
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
Marketing manager for CNG Industries, you should be aware that legislation affecting business around the
world will continue to ______
1. Exist
2. Increase
3. Remain steady
4. Decrease
Question No: 13
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
___________Pricing policy tries to sell the whole market at one low price.
1. Skimming
2. Penetration
3. Discount
4. Global
Question No: 14
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
Competitors are most likely to react when
1. Number of firms involved is small
2. Product is uniform
3. The buyers are well informed
4. All of the given options
Question No: 15
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
The total assortment of products and services marketed by a firm is called its:
1. Product line
2. Master mix
3. Line assortment
4. Product mix
Question No: 16
(Marks: 1)
Tactical marketing planning for an organization is carried out for the ___________ term period.
Question No: 17
(Marks: 1)
_________is caused by shortsightedness or loosing sight of underlying customer needs by only focusing
on existing needs.
Question No: 18
(Marks: 1)
_________ is introducing a new product into the market.
Question No: 19
(Marks: 1)
The___________ product includes any additional consumer service and benefit built around the core and
actual products.
Question No: 20
(Marks: 1)
________________ include convenience products, shopping products, specialty products and unsought
Question No: 21
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
In many companies, personal selling is the largest single operating expense.
Question No: 22
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
Most companies today are moving away from transaction marketing, with its emphasis on making a sale.
Question No: 23
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
Prospecting leads is the process of identifying good ones in the product line and screening out the poor
Question No: 24
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
More and more companies are adopting direct selling as a primary approach.
Question No: 25
(Marks: 1)
- Please choose one
A competitive intelligence system helps the company to acquire and manage the competitive information.
Question No. 1
Marks: 1
A common practice among marketers is to identify and develop new markets for their existing products.
This practice is called _____.
Market development
Product developments
Market penetrations
Market skimming
Question No. 2
Marks: 1
____ are society's relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members share similar values,
interests, and behaviors
Social classes
Purchase decisions
Question No. 3
Marks: 1
The five alternative concepts under which organizations conduct their marketing activities include the
production, _____, selling, marketing, and societal marketing concepts
Question No. 4
Marks: 1
The most commercially influential demographic group in history is _____.
Generation X
Baby boomers
Generation Y
Question No. 6
Marks: 1
The twofold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior Value and to
Keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction
Keep and grow current customers by delivering competitive pricing
Keep and grow current customers by delivering friendly service
All of the given options
Question No. 9
Marks: 1
The objective of _____ research is to gather preliminary information that will help define the problem and
suggest hypothesis
Question No. 10
Marks: 1
When your firm practices developing and maintaining a strategic fit between your organization's goals and
capabilities, it is forming
mission statement
values statement
strategic plan
operating plan
Question No. 11
Marks: 1
With respect to the product life cycle, the ______________ is a period of slow sales growth as the product
is introduced in the market
product development stage
introduction stage
growth stage
maturity stage
Question No. 12
Marks : 1
The _____ environment consists of factors that affect consumer purchasing power and spending patterns
Question No. 13
Marks: 1
Choose the item from the following that is not one of the standard four Ps
Question No. 2 Marks: 1
_______ is anything that can be offered to market for attention, acquisition, use or consumption.
Question No. 4 Marks: 1
When products are being developed, marketers must:
1. Identify the core
2. Design the actual product
3. Identify the core and design the actual product.
4. None of the given options
Question No. 6 Marks: 1
A modern marketing system involves all the elements necessary to bring together:
General public
Buyers and sellers
4 Ps (Price, product, place, promotion)
Question No. 7 Marks: 1
Which of the following is not the major force in the company’s macro environment?
Question No. 8 Marks: 1
One useful device for identifying growth opportunities for future is:
Product/market expansion
Portfolio planning
Increase in sale of the firm
Market share growth
Question No. 9 Marks: 1
Two important demographic factors that impact the marketing management are:
Income and education
Decision making and risk
Product and price
Income and expenditure
Question No. 10 Marks: 1
Which of the following is not the characteristic of strategic plan?
Its leads to better co-ordination of company's efforts
It is useful for management to think to go ahead systematically
It is dangerous for the fast changing environmental changes and sudden development
It clarifies the performance standards for control
Question No. 11 Marks: 1
___________ involves designing and producing the container or wrapper for a product
Question No. 5 Marks: 1
The major tool for accomplishing strategic control is the _____________
Question No. 13 Marks: 1
Institutional market consist of
Nursing homes
All of the given options
Question No. 14 Marks: 1
Desirable quality of a good brand name includes
It should be distinctive
It should be incapable of registration
It should not be easy to recognize
None of the given options
Question No. 16 Marks: 1
Buyer characteristics include the major factor
All of the given options
Question No. 19 Marks: 1
Cell phone, fax machine, CD ROM and interactive TV are just few tools being used to:
Purchase order
Make connection
Marketing the product
Promote the sale
Question No. 20 Marks: 1
Personal self concept is called ____________
Question No. 21 Marks: 1
_________ is the original function charged with defining customer's targets
Question No: 1 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
All of the following are disadvantages of telephone interviewing except _________
1. Higher cost than mail questionnaires
2. Introduces interviewer bias
3. Under time pressures some interviewers might cheat
4. Interviewers tend to interpret answers similarly
Question No: 2 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Your marketing department is attempting toimprove strategic decision making, assess and track
competitors’ actions, and provide early warning of opportunities and threats. Your department
would do well to use _____.
1. Internal databases
2. External database
3. Marketing intelligence
4. The internet
Question No: 3 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Individuals are bringing their spiritual awareness to the _____ they buy.
1. Products.
2. Brands.
3. Styles.
4. Benefits
Question No: 4 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
A society’s basic values, perceptions, preferences, and behaviors are found in its _____
1. Social environment.
2. Cultural environment.
3. Social cultural environment.
4. All of the given options.
Question No: 5 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
One of the major concerns for marketers about the natural environment is the _____.
1. Number of protestors against misuse
2. Shortages of raw materials
3. Increases in recycling
4. None of the given options
Question No: 6 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
__________ group shares new cultural concerns, cares about the environment, and responds
favorably to socially responsible companies.
1. Generation X
2. Generation Y
3. Generation Z
4. Baby boomers
Question No: 7 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Your marketing environment is currently researching the size, density, location, age, and
occupations of your target market. What is this environment?
1. Demographic
2. Psychographic
4. Geographic
Question No: 8 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
You are directed to study the factors that are close to the company that affect its ability to serve its
customers – the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors and
publics. What are you studying?
1. The macro environment
2. The micro environment
3. The marketing environment
4. The global environment
Question No: 9 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Which of the following types of management organization might be best for companies that sell one
product line to many different types of markets and customers that have different needs and
1. Market
2. Customer
3. Product
4. Market and customer
Question No: 10 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Economists use the term “market” differently than marketers. They refer to a collection of buyers
and sellers who transact in a particular _____, as in the commodities or housing market.
1. Product class
2. Product division
3. Market segment
4. Target market
Question No: 11 (Marks: 1)
Marketing researchers usually draw conclusions about large groups of consumers by studying a
small _____ of the total consumer population
Question No: 12 (Marks: 1)
Marketers must weigh carefully the costs of additional information against the _____ resulting from
Question No: 13 (Marks: 1)
MIS consists of people, equipment, and procedures to gather, sort, _____, evaluate and distribute
information to marketing decision makers
Question No: 14 (Marks: 1)
Your Younger brother is excited about studying marketing. You tell your younger brother that
product, price, placement and promotion make up the __________.
Question No: 15 (Marks: 1)
Marketing is not carried on by sellers alone. _____ also carry on marketing
Question No: 1 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Marketing seeks to create and manage profitable customer relationships by delivering _____ to customers.
1. competitive prices
2. superior value
3. superior service
4. superior promotion
Question No: 2 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
You have learned at work that today’s successful companies at all levels have one thing in common: they
are strongly customer focused and heavily committed to _____.
1. obtaining the best CEOs
2. increasing wealth to stockholders
3. employee motivation
4. marketing
The twofold goal of marketing is to attract new customers by promising superior value and to _____.
1. keep and grow current customers by delivering satisfaction
2. keep and grow current customers by delivering competitive pricing
3. keep and grow current customers by delivering friendly service
4. all of the given options
Question No: 4 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
As a new assistant marketing manager trainee, you learn in an orientation meeting that _____ are the form
human needs take as they are shaped by culture and individual personality.
1. wants
2. demands
3. self concepts
4. desires
Question No: 5 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Which of the following does business portfolio planning entail?
1. analyzing the current portfolio
2. deciding which units should receive more or less investment
3. deciding which units should receive no further investment
4. all of the given options
Question No: 6 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
The BCG market growth rate provides a measure of _____.
1. company's strength in the market
2. decline of competitors
3. market attractiveness
4. the unit stock value
Question No: 7 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
One of these represents marketing’s main responsibility for a company.
1. achieving maximum stockholder wealth
2. increasing sales
3. achieving profitable growth
4. developing new products through research
Question No: 8 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
What does the term “customerization” mean?
1. The company leaves it to individual customers to design the offering.
2. Customers can shop anytime they want to.
3. Customers can talk to each other on the Internet.
4. None of the given options.
Question No: 9 (Marks: 1 ) - Please choose one
The most commercially influential demographic group in history is _____.
1. generation X
2. baby boomers
3. generation Y
4. seniors
Question No: 10 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
You are directed to study the factors that are close to the company that affect its ability to serve its
customers – the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors, and
publics. What are you studying?
5. the microenvironment
6. the microenvironment
7. the marketing environment
8. the global environment
Question No: 11 (Marks: 1)
By _____ the market and having several detergent brands, Proctor & Gamble has an attractive offering for
consumers in all important preference groups.
Question No: 12 (Marks: 1)
When a company identifies the parts of the market it can serve best and most profitably, it is practicing
Question No: 13 (Marks: 1)
Baby boomers were born between the years 1946 and _____.
Question No: 14 (Marks: 1)
The final step in the strategic planning processes is _____________________.
Question No: 15 (Marks: 1)
________________is a strategy for company growth by offering modified or new products to the markets.
Question No: 1 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
_____________ are used to help employees to communicate with each other within the company.
1. Internet
2. Intranet
3. Extranet
4. Ethernet
Question No: 2 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
A common practice among marketers is to identify and develop new markets for their existing products.
This practice is called _____.
1. product development
2. market penetration
3. market development
4. market skimming
Question No: 3 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Marketing plays a key role in a company’s strategic planning. Which of the following does marketing
1. guiding philosophy
2. inputs
3. strategies
4. All of the given options
Question No: 4 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
The old marketing view emphasized trying to make a profit on each sale rather than trying to profit by
managing ____________
1. customer lifetime value
2. customer satisfaction index
3. cognitive dissonance
4. All of the given options
Question No: 5 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
The marketing information system is not limited to use by the company it serves. It may also provide
information to _____.
1. the government
2. external partners
3. Various Publics
4. None of the given options
Question No: 6 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Companies can conduct e-marketing in any of four ways. What is not one of these
1. creating a Web site
2. placing ads online
3. calling their customers to do surveys
4. setting up or participating in Web communities
Question No: 7 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
As a marketer of pesticides, you should be concerned about the entire following natural environment
trends mentioned in your text except _____.
1. shortages of raw materials
2. increased pollution
3. increased government intervention
4. government subsidies
Question No: 8 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
New technologies create new opportunities and new _____.
1. products
2. services
3. markets
4. means of financing purchases
Question No: 9 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
What is one way that a social class is not measured?
1. occupation
2. education
3. income
4. number of children in the family
Question No: 10 (Marks: 1) - Please choose one
Your colleague is confused about using the marketing research process. He seems to be having problems
with _____, which is often the hardest step to take.
1. defining the problem
2. defining the research objectives
3. defining the problem and research objectives
4. choosing a research agency to help
Question No: 11 (Marks: 1)
_Place stands for company activities that make the product available to target consumers.
Question No: 12 (Marks: 1)
A company is getting huge market share but it is not growing at the same pace. It is an example of
Question No: 13 (Marks: 1)
Food, shelter and clothing are examples of ________________ needs.
Question No: 14 (Marks: 1)
_ Objectives _ should be stated as goals the company would like to reach during the plan’s term.
Question No: 15 (Marks: 1)
Strategic control _ involved looking at whether the company’s basic strategies are well matched to its