Copies available at D18b Principles of Quantum Mechanics: Sheet 2 Michaelmas 2015 Copyright © 2015 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission. 1. Starting from the appropriate equation of motion for either operators or states, verify that d ih̄ hφ|A|ψi = hφ|[A, H]|ψi dt holds in both the Heisenberg picture and the Schrödinger picture. 2. (a) Find and solve the Heisenberg equations of motion for the position x̂(t) and momentum p̂(t) of the harmonic oscillator. Write the solution in two forms, one involving x̂(0) and p̂(0) and the other involving the corresponding annihilation and creation operators a and a† (also defined at t = 0). Show that for any complex number α there is a normalized state |ψα i such that hψα |x̂(t)|ψα i = αe−iωt + α∗ eiωt , the general solution for the classical oscillator. [Use the results of example 6 on sheet 1.] (b) The Hamiltonian for a point particle of mass m and charge e in a constant electric field E is 1 2 H(x̂, p̂) = p̂ − e E· x̂ . 2m Solve the Heisenberg equations of motion for x̂(t) and p̂(t), expressing your answer in terms of x̂(0) and p̂(0). Verify that H(x̂(t), p̂(t)) = H(x̂(0), p̂(0)). 3. Define annihilation, creation operators ai , ai† for the three-dimensional harmonic oscillator with Hamiltonian H = H1 + H2 + H3 where Hi = p̂2i + 1 mω 2 x̂2i 2m 2 (i = 1, 2, 3). Use these to find the energy levels and the space of states on which H acts. Assuming no internal structure, show that a complete set of commuting operators can be taken to be {a†1 a1 , a†2 a2 , a†3 a3 }. Show that the degeneracy of the n-th excited state is 21 (n + 1)(n + 2). 4. Two quantum systems have spaces of states V and V ′ . Each space is two-dimensional with an orthonormal basis for V given by {|1i, |2i} and for V ′ by {|1′ i, |2′ i}. An operator A is defined on V by A|1i = |2i, A|2i = |1i and a similar operator A′ is defined on V ′ by A′ |1′ i = |2′ i, A′ |2′ i = |1′ i. The identity operators on V and V ′ are I and I ′ respectively. (a) Consider the combined system whose space of states is represented by the tensor product V ⊗ V ′ . With respect to a convenient basis, determine the matrix forms of the operators S = I ⊗ I ′ + λ A ⊗ A′ , T = A ⊗ I ′ + µ I ⊗ A′ , where λ, µ are real numbers. Find the eigenvalues of S. Mathematical Tripos II: Principles of Quantum Mechanics 1, Michaelmas 2015 Copies available at (b) Show that T 2 ∝ S if λ and µ are suitably related. Hence, or otherwise, find the eigenvalues of T . (c) Now suppose that V and V ′ are spaces of states for two indistinguishable fermions. What are the implications for the eigenvalues of S? 5. (a) The trace of an operator A acting on a vector space V is defined as TrV (A) = P † n hn|A|ni where {|ni} is any orthonormal basis for V . If a, a are annihilation, creation operators and V is the usual space of states for an oscillator, show that † Tr(xa a ) = (1 − x)−1 for |x| < 1. Copyright © 2015 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission. (b) Suppose V = V1 ⊗ V2 and A = A1 ⊗ A2 where A1 , A2 act on V1 , V2 respectively. Show that TrV (A) = TrV1 (A1 )TrV2 (A2 ). *(c) Let ai , ai† be a set of D annihilation, creation operators obeying [ai , aj† ] = δij , [ai , aj ] = 0, [a†i , aj† ] = 0. Show that Tr(xN ) = (1 − x)−D N = where D X ai† ai . i=1 Find the degeneracy dn of the eigenvalue n of the operator N , by first explaining why X Tr(xN ) = d n xn . n≥0 6. A particle of mass m is confined to a three-dimensional box with sides a < b < c (the wavefunction for the particle vanishes on the boundary of the box). Show that, with a suitable choice of coordinates, the allowed eigenfunctions and energy levels are ψnpq (x, y, z) = 8 1 2 abc sin nπx pπy qπz sin sin , a b c Enpq = h̄2 π 2 n2 p2 q 2 + 2 + 2 2m a2 b c where n, p, q = 1, 2, . . . . What are the two lowest energy levels, their degeneracies and associated wave functions, for two identical non-interacting spin-0 particles confined to the box? What are the corresponding results for two non-interacting, identical, spin- 12 particles? 7. A harmonic oscillator of mass m, frequency ω and charge e is perturbed by a constant electric field of strength E, resulting in a new term H ′ = −eE x̂ in the Hamiltonian. Calculate the change in the energy levels to order E 2 and compare with the exact result. 8. The quantum-mechanical observable Q has just three eigenstates, |1i, |2i, |3i which are orthogonal and correspond to eigenvalues 2, 1, 1 respectively. The operator Q′ is defined by Q′ = Q + ǫT, where 3 1 √0 6 hj|T |ii = 1 √2 . 0 6 1 Deriving the necessary formulae from first principles, apply perturbation theory to find two of the eigenvalues of Q′ correct to order ǫ and the third correct to order ǫ2 . Mathematical Tripos II: Principles of Quantum Mechanics 2, Michaelmas 2015 Copies available at Copyright © 2015 University of Cambridge. Not to be quoted or reproduced without permission. 9. Two harmonic oscillators of frequency ω and mass m interact through a potential mω 2 λx1 x2 where x1 and x2 are the displacements of the oscillators. Use perturbation theory to calculate the ground state energy of the system correct to second order in powers of λ by adding the interaction potential on to the Hamiltonian. Find the energies of the first two excited states, working to lowest non-trivial order in perturbation theory. √ √ Verify your results by using the change of variables 2 q1 = x1 + x2 , 2 q2 = x1 − x2 to obtain an exact expression for the energy eigenvalues. 10. The first excited energy level of the hydrogen atom is four-fold degenerate (ignoring electron spin). The four wave functions may be taken to be ψ0 (x) = 1 (8πa3 ) 1 2 r 1− 2a e−r/2a , ψi (x) = 1 (32πa5 ) 1 2 xi e−r/2a , a= 4πǫ0 h̄2 , e2 m where xi are the Cartesian components of the vector x. The atom is perturbed by a weak electric field E parallel to the 3-axis. Show that the only non zero matrix elements of the perturbation H ′ are hψ0 |H ′ |ψ3 i and hψ3 |H ′ |ψ0 i. Calculate the new energy levels to first order in E. Mathematical Tripos II: Principles of Quantum Mechanics 3, Michaelmas 2015