Third Grade Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank April Fool’s Test Time: 5 Minutes Description: A reading activity for April Fool’s Day. Language Point: Reading Preparation: Make copies of the handout. Instructions: This activity works best on April 1st as a trick. You can also use it any other day to practice reading skills. Before you start the activity explain to students that this is a timed reading test. Students will have 5 minutes to complete the test. The test has 10 sentences. Each sentence is an instruction. If students have read the first sentence carefully they will not be tricked. However, if students do not grasp the meaning of the first sentence they will be tricked into following the instructions in each sentence. The first sentence says: “ Read all the sentences written in this handout before you do anything.” Give each student one copy of the handout. Watch your students. You will know if they are reading carefully because they will remain in their seats and not perform any of the instructions written in the handout! After 5 minutes ask your students to stop working. If any students were tricked, say “April Fools!” Activity Bank On-line April 2009 Reading Test Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank Activity Bank You have 5 minutes to complete this test. 1. Read all the sentences written in this handout before you do anything. 2. Stand up and turn around 25 times. 3. Write your last name 50 times on the back of this handout. 4. Go to the front of the class and jump up and down 10 times. 5. Count up to 107. 6. Turn to the person on your left and say “hello.” 7. Sing the first verse of your favorite song as loud as you can. 8. Draw a cat on the back of this handout. 9. Clap your hands 12 times. 10. You have finished reading everything. Congratulations! Now do only as directed in the first sentence. ————————————————————————————————————— End of Test Activity Bank On-line April 2009