Spanish Title: Media: Date: Visuals “Critico” TV: 0:30 10/23/12 English [CRISTINA] ¿Por qué es tan importante que los latinos voten en estas elecciones? “Cristina Saralegui” [CRISTINA] Why is it so important for Latinos to vote in this election? [FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA] Hay tanto que esta en juego... “Michelle Obama” [FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA] So much is at stake... [FIRST LADY “Reforma migratoria” [FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA] MICHELLE OBAMA] La reforma Comprehensive migratoria. immigration reform. Backup PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS AFFIRMED HIS COMMITMENT TO ACHIEVING COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM In His 2012 State Of The Union Address, President Obama Said: “We Should Be Working on Comprehensive Immigration Reform Right Now.” “I believe as strongly as ever that we should take on illegal immigration. That’s why my administration has put more boots on the border than ever before. That’s why there are fewer illegal crossings than when I took office. The opponents of action are out of excuses. We should be working on comprehensive immigration reform right now.” [White House, Remarks by the President In State of the Union Address, 1/24/12] PRESIDENT OBAMA WORKED TO BUILD A CONSENSUS TOWARDS ENACTING COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM In 2009, Expressing A Desire To “Actively Get Something Done” Around Comprehensive Immigration Reform, And “Not Put It Off.” President Obama Met With Lawmakers Of Both Parties To Work Towards An Agreement. “President Barack Obama began a push for comprehensive immigration reform Thursday, meeting with members of Congress to seek bipartisan help in reaching an accord on the politically explosive issue. Although he did not set a deadline for passing legislation, Obama said he and the group of about 30 lawmakers who gathered at the White House ‘want to actively get something done and not put it off until a year, two years, three years, five years from now.’” [Arizona Republic, 6/26/09] President Obama And Administration Officials Spurred Senators Schumer And Graham Towards Introducing A Comprehensive Immigration Reform Bill, Pushing For A Blueprint In Early 2010. “Despite steep odds, the White House has discussed prospects for reviving a major overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, a commitment that President Obama has postponed once already. Obama took up the issue privately with his staff Monday in a bid to advance a bill through Congress before lawmakers become too distracted by approaching midterm elections. In the session, Obama and members of his Domestic Policy Council outlined ways to resuscitate the effort in a White House meeting with two senators - Democrat Charles E. Schumer of New York and Republican Lindsey Graham of South Carolina -who have spent months trying to craft a bill. According to a person familiar with the meeting, the White House may ask Schumer and Graham to at least produce a blueprint that could be turned into legislative language.” [Los Angeles Times, 3/5/10] ROMNEY OPPOSES COMPREHENSIVE IMMIGRATION REFORM THAT INCLUDES A PATHWAY TO CITIZENSHIP Washington Post: Romney Has “Long Opposed” Immigration Reform That Includes A Path To Citizenship For “The Roughly 12 Million Undocumented Immigrants” In The U.S. “Other Than Making Them Return To Their Native Countries And Get In Line.” “Romney has long opposed a comprehensive immigration reform policy that would include a path to citizenship for the roughly 12 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States other than making them return to their native countries and get in line. During one debate, he famously described this policy as ‘self-deportation.’ He has been consistent on this through both of his campaigns for the White House.” [Washington Post, 6/26/12] Romney’s Been Consistent On His Opposition To A Comprehensive Immigration Reform Policy That Includes A Path To Citizenship “Through Both Of His Campaigns For The White House.” “Romney long has opposed a comprehensive immigration reform policy that would include a path to citizenship for the roughly 12 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States other than making them return to their native countries and get in line. During one debate, Romney famously described this policy as ‘self-deportation.’ He has been consistent on this through both of his campaigns for the White House.” [Mother Jones, 6/27/12] [FIRST LADY “Cuidado medico” [FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA] MICHELLE OBAMA] Asegurando que no Making sure that nos eliminen acceso health care is not a un seguro medico... repealed. THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT WILL MAKE INSURANCE COVERAGE MORE ACCESSIBLE AND AFFORDABLE FOR LATINOS, ELIMINATED LIFETIME LIMITS, AND EXPANDED PREVENTIVE SERVICES “The Affordable Care Act Will, By 2014, Make Health Care More Accessible And Affordable For As Many As 9 Million Latinos Who Currently Lack Coverage." [White House, February 2012] An Estimated 913,000 Latino Young Adults Acquired Health Insurance Due To The Affordable Care Act. Because the Affordable Care Act requires insurance plans to allow young adults up to age 26 to remain on their parents’ plans, 913,000 Latino young adults who would otherwise be uninsured gained coverage through the end of 2010. [Department of Health and Human Services, July 2012] Because Of The Affordable Care Act, Lifetime Limits Have Been Eliminated For 11.8 Million Latinos. “Among the 105 million Americans for whom lifetime limits have been eliminated as a result of the Affordable Care Act, 75.3 million are non-Latino White, 11.8 million are Latino, 10.4 million are African-American, 5.5 million are Asian, and approximately 500,000 are American Indian or Alaska Native.” [Department of Health & Human Services, 03/2012] In 2011, An Estimated 6.1 Million Latinos Have Access To Expanded Preventive Services With No Cost Sharing Under The Affordable Care Act. [Department of Health and Human Services, 4/10/12] THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT STRENGTHENS MEDICARE FOR LATINO SENIORS An Estimated 3.9 Million Latino Medicare Beneficiaries Now Have Access To Expanded Free Preventive Services Under The Affordable Care Act [Department of Health and Human Services, 4/10/12] Under The Affordable Care Act, Nearly 532,000 Hispanic Beneficiaries Received At Least One Free Preventive Benefit In Medicare In 2011. “According to preliminary numbers, at least 25,720,996 million Americans took advantage of at least one free preventive benefit in Medicare in 2011, including the new Annual Wellness Visit. This represents 73.3% of Medicare fee‐for‐service (FFS) beneficiaries, including 2,373,810 African‐ American beneficiaries, 531,911 Hispanic beneficiaries” [Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, 02/2012] ROMNEY HAS PROMISED TO REPEAL OBAMACARE ON DAY ONE Romney: “If I’m President, I Will Repeal Obamacare, And I’ll Kill It Dead On Its First Day.” [Romney town hall, Collinsville, IL, 3/17/12] [FIRST LADY “Educación” [FIRST LADY MICHELLE OBAMA] MICHELLE OBAMA] Educación - Education – making asegurando que cada sure that every niño en este país young person in this tenga acceso a las country has access mejores escuelas... to good schools. Son tantas, tantas Son tantas, tantas cosas y es por eso que el voto es crítico. cosas y es por eso que el voto es crítico. THE OBAMA ADMINISTRATION HAS MADE EDUCATION A NATIONAL PRIORITY WITH RACE TO THE TOP, THE LARGEST COMPETITIVE INVESTMENT IN SCHOOL REFORM IN THE NATION’S HISTORY President Obama's Race To The Top Is The Largest-Ever Federal Competitive Investment In School Reform. “The $4.35 billion Race to the Top Fund is the largest-ever federal competitive investment in school reform.” [Department of Education Fact Sheet, 12/2009] For Less Than 1 Percent Of Total Education Spending Nationwide, 19 States Received Race To The Top Funding, Benefitting 22 Million Students. “For less than 1% of total education spending nationwide—19 states received Race to the Top funding, benefitting 22 million students.” [White House, Accessed 04/16/12] Race To The Top Has Inspired Dramatic Education Reform Nationwide, Leading 46 States To Pursue Higher Standards. “Race to the Top (RTT), launched in 2009, has inspired dramatic education reform nationwide, leading 46 states to pursue higher standards, data-driven decisions making, greater support for teachers, and turnaround interventions in persistently lowperforming schools. The next phase proposes to build on those principles at the classroom level, supplying teachers with the strategies and tools they need to help every student learn at his or her own pace.’ [Department of Education, 05/22/12] PRESIDENT OBAMA HAS WORKED TO ENSURE THAT HIGHER EDUCATION IS IN REACH FOR ALL LATINOS President Obama Signed Legislation That Stops Interest Rates From Doubling For An Estimated 7.4 Million Students Expected To Get New Loans This Year. “It also keeps interest rates of 3.4 percent for subsidized Stafford loans for undergraduates. If Congress hadn't acted, the rate would have doubled beginning July 1 for an estimated 7.4 million students expected to get new loans this year, adding an extra $1,000 to the average cost of each loan.” [The Associated Press, 07/06/12] President Obama’s “Pay As You Earn” Student Loan Proposal Caps Income-Based Federal Loan Repayments At 10 Percent Of Income Above A Basic Living Allowance Starting As Soon As 2012 For Certain Borrowers. “Allow borrowers to cap their student loan payments at 10% of discretionary income…Today, the President announced that his Administration is putting forth a new “Pay As You Earn” proposal to make sure these same important benefits are made available to some borrowers as soon as 2012.” [White House, 10/25/11] President Obama Signed Student Loan Reform That Would Provide An Estimated 150,000 Additional Pell Grant Awards To Hispanic Students By 2020 And New Protections For 143,000 Latino Student Borrowers. “By signing the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act , the President ensured increased affordability of and access to student loans for American students. The Department of Education estimates that some 150,000 additional Pell Grant awards will be made to Hispanic students by 2020 under this new law, and that 143,000 Latino student borrowers will avail themselves of new protections for student loan repayment which ensure affordability.” [White House, March 2011] PRESIDENT OBAMA PROPOSED TO RECRUIT AND PREPARE 100,000 MATH AND SCIENCE TEACHERS OVER THE NEXT DECADE President Obama Has Set A Goal Of Preparing More Than 100,000 New Math And Science Teachers Over The Next 10 Years. “Obama has set a goal of preparing more than 100,000 math and science teachers and training a million additional math, technology, engineering and science graduates over the next decade.” [Seattle Times, 02/07/12] MITT ROMNEY HAS OFFERED NO PLAN TO FIX FAILING PUBLIC SCHOOLS Romney’s Education Plan Says That Students Should Be Allowed To Escape Failing Public Schools By Using Federal Dollars To Pay For Private Schools, Online Schools And Other Alternative Settings. “Calling it a ‘national education emergency,’ Mitt Romney said Wednesday that poor and disabled children should be allowed to escape failing public schools by using federal dollars to pay for private schools, online schools and other alternative settings.” [Washington Post, 5/23/12] Former Education Secretary To George W. Bush Margaret Spellings Said She Stopped Advising Romney After He “Rejected Strong Federal Accountability Measures” Because Vouchers And Choice As Drivers Of Accountability Are “Untried And Untested.” “One notable skeptic is Margaret Spellings, a former education secretary under Mr. Bush, who this year was an informal adviser to Mr. Romney. She said she withdrew once the candidate rejected strong federal accountability measures. ‘I have long supported and defended and believe in a muscular federal role on school accountability,’ Ms. Spellings said. ‘Vouchers and choice as the drivers of accountability — obviously that’s untried and untested.’” [New York Times, 6/11/12] ROMNEY’S ADVICE TO COLLEGE STUDENTS STRUGGLING TO AFFORD TUITION WAS TO “SHOP AROUND” FOR A GOOD DEAL Romney In Youngstown Today: “The Best Thing I Can Do For You Is To Tell You To Shop Around, And To Compare Tuition In Different Places.” [Romney Youngstown Town Hall, 3/5/12] THE ROMNEY-RYAN PLAN COULD SLASH PELL GRANTS BY $1,000 FOR NEARLY 10 MILLION STUDENTS If Cuts Were Applied Across The Board, The Ryan Budget Would Slash Education, Meaning “9.6 Million Students Would See Their Pell Grants Fall By More Than $1000 In 2014, And, Over The Next Decade, Over One Million Students Would Lose Support Altogether.” [Jeff Zients, Acting Director of the Office of Management and Budget,, 3/21/12] ROMNEY WOULD ELIMINATE THE AMERICAN OPPORTUNITY TAX CREDIT Romney’s Plan Would Allow Tax Provision In The 2009 Recovery Act To Expire, Including The “American Opportunity Tax Credit For Higher Education.” “Tax provisions in the 2009 stimulus act and subsequently extended through 2012 would expire. These include the American Opportunity tax credit for higher education, the expanded refundability of the child credit, and the expansion of the earned income tax credit (EITC).” [Tax Policy Center, The Romney Plan (updated), 3/1/12] Politifact: “If Romney Does Not Renew The American Opportunity Tax Credit, Students Would Revert Back To Using The Less Generous, Nonrefundable Alternatives.” [Politifact, 8/31/12] President Obama: Soy Barack Obama y apruebo este mensaje. m President Obama: I’m Barack Obama and I approve this message.