2014 AnnuAL - Little Tokyo Service Center

L i t t l e Tok y o S e r v i c e C e nt e r
2014 Annual report * Building Strong Futures
2014 was a planning year for LTSC.
We engaged in a strategic planning process to guide the organization
for the next three years. We created a fund development plan to ensure
diverse and long-term funding for LTSC. Finally, we began working on a
communications strategy to improve the way LTSC tells its story. All this
work will help LTSC meet the needs of its clients and continue serving
the Los Angeles community. As seen on the cover of this annual report,
LTSC is building a strong future.
I hope you will join us in celebrating LTSC’s 35th anniversary.
Dean Matsubayashi
Executive Director
As we embark on LTSC’s 35 th year,
Save the date
JW Marriott L.A. Live
we reflect on the dream for a vibrant and sustainable Little Tokyo and
goals of discovering new ways to serve our community. We also celebrate
and honor culture and collaboration in our growing and changing
community. Our BIG push to raise funds for the Budokan of Los Angeles
is taking place and soon our community-wide vision will be realized with
Little Tokyo’s new center for recreation and community activities.
I am privileged to follow Alan Nishio as President of LTSC’s Board. Alan’s
imprint on LTSC will continue as he applies his future-focused vision and
leadership in his new role as Chair of LTSC’s Board of Governors. Thank
you Alan for your 30 years of leadership!
Thank you dedicated staff, volunteers and donors for keeping LTSC
a priority in your lives.
Debra Nakatomi
President, Board of Directors
4th, 2015
2 0 14 A n n u a l R epo r t
L i t t l e Tok y o S e r v i c e C e nt e r
Positive Change for
People and Places
* Improving the lives of individuals
and families through culturally
sensitive social services
* Strengthening neighborhoods
through housing and community
community development corporation
Statement of Activities:
January 1, 2014 – December 31, 2014
units of
and Support
* Promoting the rich heritage of
the ethnic community
Focusing our work in:
* Little Tokyo
Where we strive for a vibrant and healthy
multi-ethnic community that preserves
and celebrates its Japanese America
heritage and culture.
* Nikkei Community
Where we serve as a key Japanesespeaking social services provider,
especially for seniors, and where we help
connect Nikkei youth to community.
* Asian American and Pacific Islander
and Low-Income Communities
Where we collaborate with communitybased organizations to address the
needs in low-income communities.
Cash Contributions
Special Events
In Kind Contributions
Fees for Service
Real Estate Activity
Reimbursed Costs
Miscellaneous Income
Fiscal-Sponsored Programs
Li t t le Toky o Se rv i ce Ce n t e r
1. Little Tokyo
*LTSC Administrative
Offices, located at
Casa Heiwa
(by Program)
*Grace Iino Child
Care Center
*Union Center for the
Arts, cultural & historic
preservation project
*Professional Housing
& Development
*Far East Building,
development project
*Sammy Davis Jr.
2. South Los Angeles
*Epworth Apartments
*36th & Broadway
3. Chinatown
*Cesar Chavez Gardens
positive change for peopl e and pl aces
6. Koreatown
*Menlo Family
*Casa Yonde
*LDK Senior
*San Pedro Firm
Building, affordable
housing project
Community Economic Development
Children & Family Services
Social Services
Fiscal-Sponsored Programs
$629,452 $219,969 $65,687 $2,428,113 $100,713 $884,228 $37,257 $1,287,121 4. Temple Beaudry
*Angelina Apartments
*Angelina Preschool
5. Historic Filipinotown
*Larry Itliong Village
Dollars in
real estate
7. San Gabriel Valley
*Pacific Housing
*Pacific Bridge Adult
Residential Family
8. Van Nuys
*HFL Sequoia
9. Sun Valley
*Palm Village Senior
Undisclosed Location
Transitional Housing
sq ft of
L i t t l e T o k y o Little Tokyo is one of the last remaining
Japantowns in the country. We must preserve
its cultural roots and build a more sustainable
Little Tokyo for future generations.
atomic cafe
A Little Tokyo landmark, the Atomic Café, was demolished
to make way for Metro’s Regional Connector. On February
22, 2014 over 200 Angelenos joined Atomic Nancy –
daughter of the Café’s original owners – as she resurrected
the sounds of the Atomic with a DJ set of old ‘45s from
the Café’s infamous jukebox. Everyone came to share
memories and say goodbye to the familiar brick building.
The original “Atomic” was opened in 1946 by the Matoba
family and its name was a challenge by Minoru Matoba
that “no one ever forget the Atomic bomb… nor our food.”
A local hang-out with an eclectic menu, featuring signature
dishes like saimin and “the gaccha” (scrambled eggs,
veggies and spam or wieners), the Atomic flourished as an
after hours stop for kimono-clad hostesses, local business
owners and GIs.
In the 1980’s the Atomic became one of the city’s hottest
gathering spots in the burgeoning punk rock scene.
Blondie, The Go-Go’s and David Bowie hung out with
the locals after hours.
Sustainable Little Tokyo:
Environment, Culture, Economy and Equity
FandangObon 2014 & the Mottainai “Eco” Fest
San Pedro Firm Building Stories
The Story of the Atomic Café is an important part of
Little Tokyo history and also highlights the cultural richness of the area. LTSC and a committee of community
partners advocated for and secured from Metro a space
on the Regional Connector station site for an artistic
commemoration that celebrates the Atomic Café.
offered at
Far East Lounge
People attending
classes at
Far East Lounge
In 1991, the City threatened to demolish this 1923
building but after a $3 million renovation, LTSC’s first
affordable housing project now provides 42 units of
affordable housing to low-income residents.
Ms. Yoshiko Takai has been living in San Pedro Firm
Building since 1953. Now 91 years old, Ms. Takai was
born in Fresno but grew up in Japan. At 20 she returned
to Fresno and then came to Los Angeles. She moved into
San Pedro Firm Building and worked as a seamstress.
She recalls how the building was lively before its decline
and how happy the residents were when they first saw
their renovated homes.
Evie helped Ms. Takai tell her story
about life in Little Tokyo
Little Tokyo
selected for
Target Cities
Ms. Takai is the subject of a documentary film produced
by LTSC and directed by Evie Liu, a student at USC.
LTSC captured her story because she has witnessed
over 60 years of Little Tokyo history. See her story on
2 0 14 A n n u a l R epo r t
Little Tokyo Service Center is the only bilingual
multi-service agency and community developer in
Southern California serving the Japanese American
community. We serve more than 18,000 Japanese
Americans annually.
parenting skills
seniors in Little Tokyo &
Gardena given assistance
survivors of
violence received
seniors helped with
utility bill savings
Li t t le Toky o Se rv i ce Ce n t e r
hours of service to
home-bound seniors
(provided by Nikkei Tomodachi
Program volunteers)
translations & interpretations to
seniors living in affordable housing
meetings held
by Casa Heiwa
Seniors club
seniors reached through
educational programs
Casa Heiwa Bingo
christmas lunch
positive change for peopl e and pl aces
Households assisted
with applications for
insurance under the
Affordable Care Act
2 0 14 A n n u a l R epo r t
for seniors,
466 attendees
volunteer spotlight
Citi Foundation
Thanks to funding from Citi Foundation LTSC was able
to start a new financial literacy program for the residents
living in our affordable housing communities. Our
Financial Capacity and Asset Building program provides
financial literacy workshops and one-on-one counseling
to residents needing help managing their money.
Residents learn how to develop a monthly household
budget, decrease expenses, reduce credit card debt,
increase savings and improve their credit record and
FICO score. This program is providing a much-needed
service and is assisting residents build their financial
capacity. Thank you Citi Foundation for helping our
low-income residents achieve financial capability and
long-term stability.
Valerie Zin: Big Sister
As a freshman at UCLA Valerie joined CHAMPs, the
Saturday youth mentoring program at LTSC’s Angelina
Apartments in Echo Park and mentored youth for four
years and codirected the program for two years. Currently
in its 18th year, CHAMPs links at-risk youth with UCLA
volunteer mentors. “As I got to know the youth I wanted
to invest in their lives and let them know they mattered,”
explains Valerie.
In addition to beginning a weekday tutoring program,
Valerie started a college prep workshop series because
she wanted to help the youth with their college aspirations.
“I was checking in with Genesis, a girl I mentored in
CHAMPs, and she asked me for help with scholarship
applications,” Valerie said. This gave Valerie the idea for
Moving Forward. “Some of the kids wanted to look into
college, but didn’t know what questions to ask or where
to start,” stated Valerie.
Remembering Nancy Hatsumi Kikuchi
On September 10, 2014 LTSC lost one of its family
members as Nancy Kikuchi passed away from ovarian
cancer at the age of 52. Nancy was dedicated to making
Little Tokyo a better place and she worked and volunteered with more than 10 community organizations. At
LTSC she was a small business counselor from 2000 2007, assisting the mom-and-pop shops that give Little
Tokyo its unique charm. Nancy was also instrumental in
getting LTSC’s annual sake and food tasting event off the
ground. The “Home is Little Tokyo” mural was her labor
of love and is a larger than life reminder of Nancy. In
June 2014 Nancy was recognized by the JACCC as a
Community Spirit Award Winner.
Moving Forward helps with the application process
and gets the youth thinking about the direction they
want to take in their lives. “I begin with a question, ‘why
do you want to go to college?’ to get everyone thinking
about their motivations. They can use these thoughts in
their personal statement,” explains Valerie.
Valerie (in blue dress) with her mentees touring UCLA
Thank you Citi Foundation for helping
our low-income residents
Valerie has helped many youth with the admission
process and currently 8 are attending college. “I see
myself as their big sister. Ultimately they will make
their own decisions in life but I hope they remember
my advice of ‘be wise’ along the way,” says Valerie.
Grace Iino Child Care Center
We will all miss her energy, enthusiasm, joy and dedication to Little Tokyo. She
was fearless and her sense of adventure was infectious. We all lost a great friend.
GivingTuesday Success
Located in LTSC’s Casa Heiwa Apartments, Grace Iino Child Care Center
serves middle-income families who work and live in Downtown Los Angeles
and Little Tokyo. Our program provides a developmental and child-centered
curriculum and offers peace of mind for working parents.
Hours: 7 am – 6 pm
Our 2014 GivingTuesday campaign raised nearly twice
our goal of $3,000. Thanks to the generosity of our
donors, Kosumosu received a brand new security camera
system, increasing the level of security and contributing
to the peace of mind of residents.
For more info, contact: Jenni Kuida, Director of Children & Family Services
(213) 473-1699
Li t t le Toky o Se rv i ce Ce n t e r
positive change for peopl e and pl aces
2 0 14 A n n u a l R epo r t
Budokan of Los Angeles (BoLA)
Connect * Support * Give
Ground breaking Fall 2016
closing the Fundraising gap
Together we can build…
A multipurpose sports
facility in Little Tokyo
and a home court for all!
2014 Project Milestones:
* $12.7 million raised, surpassing 50% of
total fundraising goal
* Project Entitlements obtained from the
Los Angeles Department of City Planning
approving the project
* Business Plan Complete
Li t t le Toky o Se rv i ce Ce n t e r
positive change for peopl e and pl aces
2 0 14 A n n u a l R epo r t
A A PI a n d L o w - I n c o m e C o m m u n i t i e s
Casa Heiwa’s Martinez family
Inequality hurts us all — not just those receiving the
short end of the stick. When we provide supportive
services and affordable housing that help people thrive,
we build a stronger community and we all win.
Jose, sister Claudia, brother Raul, baby Oswaldo and their
parents were living in a small apartment near Skid Row.
When Casa Heiwa opened the Martinez family applied
for a unit. “Life changed when we were approved to move
into Casa Heiwa,” Jose remembers. “I had my own room
and was able to get my school work done. We could play
basketball and have fun outside.” A few years later, LTSC
opened the Aratani Afterschool Program and Claudia and
Raul came for tutoring and fun. When Oswaldo was old
enough he also attended where his sister was a tutor. “I
really liked the computer lab,” says Oswaldo.
Oldest brother Jose doesn’t think they are special, but
Casa Heiwa’s Martinez family is very special.
And now, Oswaldo is getting ready to graduate high
school and become the fourth Martinez sibling to attend
college. Jose, the first to go to college in the family, graduated from Cal State LA and is working as an accountant,
Claudia attends Glendale Community College, Raul is a
science major at Cal State Northridge and Oswaldo will be
a chemistry major also Cal State Northridge.
Casa Heiwa provides 100 units
of affordable housing
With the strong work ethic instilled in them by their
parents, the Martinez children have bright futures ahead
of them. “Education is everything. Our parents were very
strict about school,” says Jose.
New Affordable housing in 2014:
On June 13, 2014, the Homes for Life Foundation and
LTSC celebrated the grand opening of the HFL Sequoia
Apartments, which will provide 24 apartments for lowincome adults with mental disabilities. The lack of
permanent, affordable, supportive housing is one of the
main obstacles to stabilized lives for mentally disabled
adults. The building was designed with many “green”
elements and two rooftop terraces provide a serene yet
secure outdoor environment for residents. On-site supportive services include life skills development, mental health
counseling, crisis intervention, economic empowerment
and networking for off-site mental health services.
2 0 14 A n n u a l R epo r t
A A PI a n d L o w - I n c o m e C o m m u n i t i e s –
Child Development programs
LTSC’s Child Development programs served 75 children
at Angelina Preschool and 74 children in our home-based
Family Child Care programs throughout Downtown Los
Angeles and Koreatown. These programs expanded in
2014 due to restoration of funding after several years of
state budget cuts.
186 parents participated in “Make Parenting a Pleasure,”
a parenting education and support program. With funding
from Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health,
LTSC provided 165 classes throughout Los Angeles.
LTSC’s After school Program highlights:
75 %
Youth participated in
after school Programs
attend CHAMPS
(UCLA volunteer
Mentoring Program)
Li t t le Toky o Se rv i ce Ce n t e r
of youth in after school
program increased grades
L T S C ’ s Pa r t n e r s
Asian Pacific Islander Small Business
Program (API SBP)
Ron Fong, API SBP Director (far right) and
Jerome Horton, Chairman of CA Board of
Equalization (back left) at the 15th Annual
Asian Small Business Expo with winners of the
API SBP & Citi Business Plan Competition.
Formed in 1999, API SBP is a
collaborative of 5 community organizations: Chinatown Service Center,
Koreatown Youth & Community
Center, LTSC, Search to Involve
Pilipino Americans and Thai
Community Development Center.
API SBP provides free business
counseling and business workshops
regarding business plans, loan
applications, access to capital, basic
business preparation and franchise
acquisition. In 2014 API SBP served
2,500 people.
Asians for Miracle Marrow
Matches (A3M)
UCSD NSU students during their drive for
INC Cheek Week
Field trips including
swimming and hiking
positive change for peopl e and pl aces
Since 1991, A3M has been a
recruitment center for Be The Match,
operated by the National Marrow
Donor Program. Each year, A3M
conducts over 500 marrow donor
recruitment drives in the African
American, Chinese, Japanese,
Hispanic, Korean, Pilipino, South
Asian, Vietnamese and multi-racial
communities to increase and diversify
the national marrow donor registry.
More than 450 people who registered
as potential marrow donors at
recruitment drives have gone on to
donate their marrow or blood stem
cells to patients with leukemia and
blood cancers. Patients are searching
for a cure. It could be you.
Nikkei Helpline (NHL)
Japanese Speaking Parents
Association of Children with
Challenges (JSPACC)
JSPACC with Hon. Norman Mineta, Former
U.S. Secretary of Transportation.
In 2014, JSPACC celebrated its 20th
anniversary. A unique parent support
group for families with special needs
in the Japanese-speaking community,
JSPACC has been actively engaged in
supporting families with educational
seminars, family events and raising
awareness. For more information,
please visit www.jspacc.org or email
to info@jspacc.org.
Ryugakusei Hotline (RHL)
Volunteers of the Nikkei Helpline
NHL was the first crisis hotline for
the Japanese and Japanese American
community. Over 40,000 people
have called NHL since its inception
in 1984, getting help with everything
from immigration, education, and
traffic accidents to illness, drug
abuse, relationship crises and other
emergencies. NHL serves Japanese,
English, and Korean-speaking
community members. Inochi No
Denwa Tomono Kai was established
in December 2005 to support NHL.
The Tomono Kai has raised over
$80,000 to support NHL service
activities through fundraising events
and activities.
Ryugakusei Hotline volunteers at the Oshogatsu
New Year’s Celebration in Little Tokyo
In 1991 RHL was established to
provide information and referral
services to Japanese international
students in need. Since then RHL’s
dedicated volunteers have answered
thousands of calls. RHL volunteers
also fundraise by selling Oshiruko
at the New Years celebration in
Little Tokyo.
2 0 1 4 S a k e E x p r e ss S p o n s o r s
Quan, Cohen & Hirano
David & Donna Uyehara/Japanese
American Dental Society
Wells Fargo Advisors/
Jonathan Tanaka
Special thanks to donors for support, grants and donations
received from January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014
Sake Cups donated by
Karyn Yamate & Steven Moomey
Honor Grove
donations support
LTSC’s Social Service
Media Group
Thank you to
all our sponsors
Sponsor Reception
US Bank
Sake donated by
Mutual Trading Co., Inc.
Official Airlines Presenting Sponsor
Japanese Airlines
Wells Fargo
Ellias Construction
Fukui Mortuary
JPMorgan Chase
Speaker Emeritus John A. Pérez
Union Bank
Upper Crust Enterprises, Inc.
Ansho Uchima & Family
Walton Construction Services, Inc.
Aratani Foundation
Aihara & Associates Insurance
Services Inc.
Boston Private Bank &
Trust Company
California Bank & Trust
Citi Community Capital
FIA Insurance Services, Inc.
Gruen Associates
Manufacturers Bank
NeighborWorks America
Southern California Gas Company
Chor Chai, Marie and Gregory Tan
Family Foundation
Vasquez & Company LLP
Verizon California, Inc.
Andersen Environmental
Arroyo Insurance Services
Bank of America
Capital Foresight Management
Carde-Ten Architects
Dreyfuss Construction
Federal Home Loan Bank of
San Francisco
Go for Broke National
Educational Center
Green Dinosaur, Inc.
Japanese American Cultural
& Community Center
Kubota Nikkei Mortuary
Yvonne & Alan Nishio
Pacific Commerce Bank
Food and Beverage Providers –
Sponsor Reception and Main Event:
Roy’s Pasadena
Far Bar
Feast from the East & Brewyard
Homebrewed Beer
Hakata Ramen Shinsengumi
LA Prime at the Westin Bonaventure
Maison Akira
Nestle Waters
Pop’D Up
Tri-Star Vending & Asian Business
Starry Kitchen
Whole Foods – Arroyo Store
& Kikka Sushi
Honor Grove Annual Pledges
Bonsai level:
26+ Years of Giving
Bamboo Level:
16 – 25 Years of Giving
Pine Level:
11-15 Years of Giving
Maple Level:
6-10 Years of Giving
Cherry Level:
1-5 Years of Giving
$100,000 and up
California Community
California Department
of Education
Citi Foundation
County of Los Angeles
Department of Public
Social Services
Enterprise Community Partners
Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health
Los Angeles County
Department of Children
and Family Services
Los Angeles Housing
Services Authority
US Department of Housing
and Urban Development
Consulate General of Japan
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Local Initiatives Support
National CAPACD
Self-Help for the Elderly
Wells Fargo Housing
County of Los Angeles
Community and Senior
Dwight Stuart Youth Fund
Eagle, Globerman and
Kodama Foundation
Kazuto Yamamoto Charitable
Trust Foundation
Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power
S.L. Gimbel Foundation
Advised Fund at The
Community Foundation
Advanced Meter Community
Outreach and Education
Bank of America Charitable
Blue Shield of California
Capital One
Grace Iino Community
Education Fund
Pfaffinger Foundation
Verizon Foundation
Asian Pacific Community
Bandai Foundation
Bank of the West
Cathay Bank Foundation
Wayne Gan
Kansha Fund:
- Janice & Richard Edesa
- Maya Hayashi
- David Chris Hoshimiya
- Chris Inouye
- Kari Marie & Daniel Kelley
- Kazuko & Bob Kodaka
- Steven Kramer
- Komako & Bradley Leland
- Linda & John McDonnell
- Sandie & Dean Mochinaga
- Jean & Richard Nishimoto
- Joyce Uyeno & Paul Hao
Joh Sekiguchi
Union Bank of California
Union Pacific Foundation
Teresa & Robert Matsushima
Janet & Henry Minami, Jr.
Karen & Martin Tachiki
Oda Family Charitable
Elaine & Cooke Sunoo
Nell & Seiji Itahara
Mark Kawauchi
Vien Le
Women of St. Mary’s
Episcopal Church
Betty & Frank Hiji
George Tanaka
America Travel Factory
Arroyo Insurance Services
Hoops for Friends
Jon Kaji
Aiko Kawaratani
May & Yasuo Kikuchi
M.A. & Josephine Grisham
The New Neighbors Club of
Palos Verdes Inc.
2 0 14 A n n u a l R epo r t
Pauline & Dick Kaku
Jane & Samuel Kurohara
Yoneo Yamamoto
Shirley Chami
Mabel & Mark Harman
Eric Inouye
Debra Nakatomi & Bob
Yvonne & Alan Nishio
Sakae Okuda
Lynn & Don Akamine
Lorraine & Jeffrey Dohzen
John Okita & Michiko
Barbara & Philip Ito
Bruce Iwasaki
Jean & Richard Nishimoto
Kathy & Mark Masaoka
Marsha & Gary Watanabe
Golden Carpets, Inc.
Peter Huang
Etsuko & Noboru Kato
Terri & Dave Mitani & Family
Dean Okamura
Allyson & Bradley Sakai
Carol Sato
Douglas Wada
Gayle & Craig Wong
Bruce Iwasaki
Aihara & Associates Insurance
Services Inc.
Mohammad Al Moshin
Shuk-Li & Wataru Ebihara
Marianne Hane
Atsuko Kanai
Chris Inouye
Sandie & Dean Mochinaga
Suzette & Gary Kawaguchi
Russell Kitagawa
Tsz Yan Lam
Yoko Okada Hayashi
Roll Giving & Paramount
Community Giving
Karen Saeki & Jeremy
Cathy & Masaru Tanaka
Angela & Jonathan Ty
John Hayashi & Leslie
Merilynne Hamano Quon
Icy & Janey Hasama
Betty & John Hatakeyama
Lloyd Inui
Dianne Kazahaya
Marion & Tim Manaka, Sr.
Steve Ogasa & Carol
Dr. Jon & Stephanie
Joyce Miyabe
Eileen Nawa
Nikkei Widowed Association
Janice Osumi
Kitty Sankey
Kay & Paul Shishima
Linda Tanamachi
Gladys & Everett Endow
Jennie & Arthur Hasegawa
Dee A. Hayashi
Misako Honda
Patricia Ishida-Witscher
Suzy Katsuda
Dawn & Alan Kita
Steve & Akemi Kayleng Knight
Hiroko & Sidney Kunitake
Gary Mikuni
Marivic Miyashita
Kinuyo “Kay” Mori
Christine & Jeff Murakami
Setsuko & Mas Nagami
Hit Ohara
Sam Otsuji
Senshin Buddhist
Women’s Association
Laura Shiozaki Lee
Lisa Sugino & Jay Rosenthal
Mable & Frank Takenaka
Cathie & Richard Tanabe
Cynthia & Kaz Uemura
Keith Umemoto
Gordon Yamamoto
Ruth & Mamoru Yamaoka
Akemi & Gary Yano
Jane & Takashi Makinodan
Patsy & James Matsushita
Lorene & Mark Miller
Coleen Nakamura
Stacey Tanaka
Diana Tani
Union Church of Los Angeles
Lloyd Kajikawa
Kelvin Lee
Mary & David Noguchi
Kaz Ota
Donna & Glenn Sanada
Jill Ishida & Mike Tanaka
Linda & Gary Yamauchi
Toshiko & Ben Ebihara
Yosh Fukumoto
Paul Jay Fukushima
Vivienne Lee
Mia & Greg Lockwood
Carrie & Walter Morita
Harry Nakada
Kuniko & Sam Shimoguchi
Edwin Takahashi
Karen & Edward Toguchi
Dean Toji
Vivien & Mark Usui
David Yoo
Susan & Brett Yoshimura
Victor Aguilera
Ted & Tomi Akahori
Gina & Chris Fujinami
Noriko Fujinami
Emi Gusukuma
Jeff Hamamoto
Ann & Steve Inouye
Erin Ishizaki
Janet & Noriaki Ito
Janice & Richard Edesa
Maya Hayashi
David Chris Hoshimiya
Kari Marie & Daniel Kelley
Kazuko & Bob Kodaka
Komako & Bradley Leland
Joyce Uyeno & Paul Hao
Barbara & Gary Kitagawa
Reiko & Harold Kobata
J. & Mariko Kobata
Jenni Kuida & Tony Osumi
Eric Kurimura
Peggy & Masao Kushigemachi
Akiko & Michael Lazare
Victor Lazo
Frankie Lee
Scott Lee & Karen Wong
Margin & Carol Lew
Deena Lew
Akiko & Tim Manaka, Jr.
Diane & David Matsumoto
Li t t le Toky o Se rv i ce Ce n t e r
Judy Matsuzaki
MELSA International, LLC.
Mariko & Ray Motoyama
Marsha & Don Nakanishi
Carol & Jerald Nasu
Ronald Osborne
Roger Stephens & Laura
Toriumi Stephens
Cathy & Ron Takeuchi
Terasaki Nibei Foundation
USC Sigma Phi Omega
Karen Yamamoto
Toshiko Yamamoto
Lily & Michael Yanagita
Gay Yuen
Up to $199
Jerry Fukui
Ikuko Kiriyama
Kazuko Matsumoto
Thomas Matsunaga
Shirley & Steven Ogata
David & Donna Uyehara
Ruth Watanabe
Young & Eiko Amano
Therese & JD Hokoyama
Sam & Kiyoko Isomoto
Tayoko Kawato
Jim Matsuoka
Tetsuo Murata
Mitsue Nishio
Shirley Oka
Melodee Smith
Aiko & Walter Sumi
Gary Uyekawa
Bruce Uyemura
Nora & Norman Yamauchi
Marlene Berry
Glenn Hamanaka
June & Gary Masada
Masako & Richard Murakami
Jean & Alan Shinseki
Mary Karatsu
Fumy Machida
Setsuko & Roy Nakahara
Natalie Nakatani
Stephen Suzuki
Paul Yokoyama
Miyako Iwai
Kay & Mike Okamoto
Emily & Dan Weaver
Ann & Paul Abe
Toshie & Syed Ahmed
Mikako & Ali Amini
Ryan Asato
Elena & Jim Azama
Suzanne & Hank Borenstein
Elizabeth Burton
Sharon Caestecker
Jamie Cha-McGrath
Yi Bing Chen
Kyung Ja & Kyung Ho Chong
Bernice Chu
Sandra & Darren Chu
Sandy & Clinton Clement
Patricia Cohen
Chris Comee
Matt Crochet
Sharon & Richard Denner
Jean Do
Koko & John Doami
Douglas & Mary Eichenhofer
Julian Ely
Hope Fang
Chris Fitzgerald
Joyce Fong
Atsuko & Akira Fujimoto
Fred Fujioka
June Fukuhara
Sadako Gee
Tadao Gee
Kathy Gilbert
Susan Gin-Shaw
Yong Guan
Ana Guevara
Charles Han
The Tsubaki Family
Mark Harris
Janet Hasegawa & Cliff Chu
Yoshiko Hayashi
Pattie & Roland Hazama
Linda Hiji
Yukari Elston
Jean & Thomas Hirata
Michelle Hirose
Mimi Ho
Kathryn & Bryan Hori
Joy & Ralph Hutter
Dan Ichinose
Takahiro Ide
Nobuko Ike
Edna Ikeda Horiuchi
Douglas Ikemi
Bok Sum Im
Sharon & Roy Inouye
International Family In Christ
Colette & John Isawa
Chie Iseri
Sabrina & Darin Ishimatsu
Tsuruko Ishimatsu
Julie Itahara
Leslie Ito & Steve Wong
Noelle Ito & Cliff Okada
Toshi Ito
positive change for peopl e and pl aces
Setsuko & Henry Itow
Paul H. Iwahashi
Carol & Harold Iwata
Akiko & Tsugio Iwohara
Kathy Jong
Betty Jung
Lynn & Curtis Jung
Ruth & Paul Kadota
Alice Kaku
Rebecca Kammerling
Vickie & Gene Kanamori
Gary Kanemoto
Steven Kramer
Linda & John McDonnell
Gayle & Daniel Kaplan
Mizue Katayama
Traci Kato-Kiriyama
Yoshie Kato
Masaru Kawai
Virginia & Paul Kawakami
Raymond Kawamoto
Misa & Richard Kawano
Hideo Kikuchi
Jessie Kikuchi & Brent Mori
Barbara Kim
Aiko & Yoshikazu Kobayashi
Alison Kochiyama
Qris Yamashita & Chris Komai
Alan Kondo
Noriko & Raymond Kong
Debra & Hirofumi Kono
Kathleen Kubota
Keiko Kuida
Glorian Kunioka
Takayo Kurachi
Leland Lau
Britt Legaspi
Mee Leung
Esther Lin
Toshiko Lundy
Grace Marumoto
Kimberley & Asao Masumiya
Kimie Matayoshi
Matsuhisa Restaurant
Ellen Matsumoto &
Larry Rubin
Elaine & Mas Matsumoto
Masami & Dana Matsuno
Mabel Yoshiye Mayeda
Matsuko McKellar
Eiko Mitoma
Amy Miyakawa
Meriko & Victor Miyamoto
Seitaro Miyano
Wendy & Johnny Mori
Otoe & Masaharu Motoyama
Setsuko & Minoru Motoyama
Wendy & Russell Mun
Nancy & Mark Munekata
Hiroko Murakami
Takako Murashige
Sachiko & Shiro Nakagawa
Lily Nakao
Lily & David Nakatani
Bette Nakatomi
National Publisher
Services, LLC
Chiyoko Nishimori
Susan Oda Omori
Suzuko & Takashi Oda
Margie & Michael Odanaka
SPHS Class of 2004
Lisa Okamoto
Mike Okamura
Shirley Okayama
Yumiko & Fred Ong
Diana & Russell Ono
Susan Osa
Kikuko & Hiroshi Otake
Alan Pabalan
Enisha & Amar Parimi
Jung Hee Park
Amy Phillips & Scott
Miyako Phillips
Hiroko Pinto
Donna Plesh Lycan
Mark Podhajsky
Amy & Stewart Powell
Yumiko Rafael
Angelita Ramirez
Louise Sakamoto
Susan Sakamoto &
Gary Broyles
Sanuki No Sato
Atsuko Sato
Catherine & Eugene Sato
Wilbur Sato
Colleen Seto-Gee &
Douglas Gee
Ayako & Charles Seu
Chan Hwa Shang
Sharon & Raymond Shibata
Diane Shigekawa
Diane & Bruce Shimano
Joyce Shimazu
Kana Shimizu & Marion
Shigeko Shimokubo
Patsy Shintani
Roberta Shiroma
Anthony Solis
Donald Spivack
Elaine & Stan Suda
Lily & Ken Sugino
Sushi Gen
Scarlet Sy & Eric Olson
Hiroyuki Taga
Jun & Shizie Taira
Risa Taira
Patricia Takakawa
Natsuko Takaki
Ryoko Takata
Beth Tamayose
Bessie Tanaka
Lilian & James Tanaka
Iris Tang
Mucci & Larry Taylor
Linda Taylor
Lai To
Loan Thi Tran
Jeanne & Ernie Tsujimoto
Jill Tsutsui
Syuwa Uchiyama
Junko Umeda
Lori Usuki
Jennifer Usyak
Emily Uy
Teruko & Alden Uyemura
Momoyo & Edward Wada
Ken Wada
Louise Wada
Maki & Richard Wallace
Posim Wang
Susie Wang
Ruth & Bill Watanabe
Michiko & David Watanabe
Richard Watanabe
Allyne Winderman &
Glenn Wasserman
E Jean Wong
Lois & Jerry Wong
John Wong
Shizue Wong
Taeko Yamada
Grace & James Yamakawa
Yukiko Yamamoto
Chris & Tats Yamasaki
Cheryl Yamashita
Sally Yamashita
Ken Yasuda
Teri & Lance Yokoyama
Linda Yokoyama
Sari Yoshioka & Jacob Wexler
Helen Akahori, Kathryn
Kawaye, Jean Akahori
Ted & Tomi Akahori
Ray Inouye
Ann & Paul Abe
Susan Sakamoto & Gary
Sandra & Darren Chu
Sandy & Clinton Clement
Douglas & Mary Eichenhofer
Joyce Fong
Gina & Chris Fujinami
Noriko Fujinami and Paul &
James Moore
Pattie & Roland Hazama
Michelle Hirose
Chris Inouye
Sharon & Roy Inouye
Ann & Steve Inouye
Betty Jung
2 0 14 A n n u a l R epo r t
Lynn & Curtis Jung
Vickie & Gene Kanamori
Gayle & Daniel Kaplan
Debra & Hirofumi Kono
Leland Lau
Scott Lee & Karen Wong
Deena Lew
Margin & Carol Lew
Wendy & Russell Mun
Kay & Mike Okamoto
Amy & Stewart Powell
Cathy & Ron Takeuchi
The Tsubaki Family
Emily Uy
Ruth & Bill Watanabe
Chris & Tats Yamasaki
Teri & Lance Yokoyama
Kaye Ishida
Patricia Ishida-Witscher
Kiyoshi Kawaratani
Aiko Kawaratani
Fusao Kawato
Tayoko Kawato
Nancy Kikuchi
Eiko Amano
Elizabeth Burton
Jean Do
Julian Ely
Colleen Seto-Gee &
Douglas Gee
Tadao Gee
Mark Harris
Janet Hasegawa & Cliff Chu
Yoko Okada Hayashi
Joy & Ralph Hutter
Sabrina & Darin Ishimatsu
Julie Itahara
Leslie Ito & Steve Wong
Noelle Ito & Cliff Okada
Suzette & Gary Kawaguchi
May & Yasuo Kikuchi
Donna Plesh Lycan
Ellen Matsumoto &
Larry Rubin
Lily Nakao
National Publisher
Services, LLC
The Okamoto Family
Enisha & Amar Parimi
Mark Podhajsky
Joyce Shimazu
Kana Shimizu & Marion
Lisa Sugino & Jay Rosenthal
Scarlet Sy & Eric Olson
Jennifer Usyak
Gayle & Craig Wong
Taeko Yamada
Karen Yamamoto
Sari Yoshioka & Jacob Wexler
Kay Komai
Qris Yamashita & Chris Komai
David Miyashita
Marivic Miyashita
George Nakashima
Debra Nakatomi &
Bob Miyamoto
Mabel Yoshiye Mayeda
Alan Kondo
Misa & Richard Kawano
Bette Nakatomi
Takako Murashige
Hideko & Hiroshi Ota
Judy Nishimoto Ota
Victor Aguilera
Ruth & Paul Kadota
Kathy & Mark Masaoka
Kaz Ota
George K. Sato
Carol Sato
Beverly Shue
Grace Marumoto
Sharon & Richard Denner
Kathy Jong
Reverend Howard Toriumi
Roger Stephens & Laura
Toriumi Stephens
Deklan Sakura Yoshimura
Susan & Brett Yoshimura
Gena Hamamoto
David Yoo
Olivia Lam’s Graduation
Gay Yuen
Mike Murase
Minoru Nishida &
Akemi Kitagawa
J. & Mariko Kobata
Alan Nishio
CSULB Asian American
Studies students and faculty
Kim Tachiki’s 50th Birthday
Takayo Kurachi
Angelita Ramirez
John Wong
Bill Watanabe
Jane & Takashi Makinodan
Melodee Smith
Gayle Hane Wong
Grace & James Yamakawa
Young & Eiko Amano
Mikako & Ali Amini
Jamie Cha-McGrath
Bernice Chu
Hope Fang
June Fukuhara
Tadao Gee
Ana Guevara
Janet Hasegawa & Cliff Chu
Mimi Ho
Hoops for Friends
Dan Ichinose
Julie Itahara
Paul H. Iwahashi
Rebecca Kammerling
Kansha Fund
Traci Kato-Kiriyama
Jessie Kikuchi & Brent Mori
Kathleen Kubota
Jenni Kuida & Tony Osumi
Victor Lazo
Esther Lin
Carrie & Walter Morita
Mariko & Ray Motoyama
Hiroko Murakami
Sachiko & Shiro Nakagawa
Marsha & Don Nakanishi
Yvonne & Alan Nishio
Mary & David Noguchi
Margie & Michael Odanaka
Lisa Okamoto
Susan Osa
Ronald Osborne
Alan Pabalan
Amy Phillips & Scott
Lisa Sugino & Jay Rosenthal
Hiroyuki Taga
Risa Taira
Beth Tamayose
Iris Tang
Karen & Edward Toguchi
Marsha & Gary Watanabe
E Jean Wong
Lois & Jerry Wong
Cheryl Yamashita
Linda Yokoyama
Grace Andow
Lorraine & Jeffrey Dohzen
Walter Douglas, III
Elsie Dozen
Dick H. and Lily M. Fujioka
Herbert Hamako
Irene & Fred Hoshiyama
Sho Iino
Delmer Clarence Kallberg
May Kambara
Midori Kamei
Nancy Kikuchi
Li t t le Toky o Se rv i ce Ce n t e r
Steve & Akemi Kayleng Knight
Kinuyo “Kay” Mori
Norie Morita
Kayoko Morrey
Jean & Richard Nishimoto
Yvonne & Alan Nishio
Yone Nobe
Lilly Nomura
Daniel & Jeri Okamoto Floyd
Kuniko & Sam Shimoguchi
Wallace Takata
Jonathan Tanaka
Ken Toma
David & Donna Uyehara
Kazuto Yamamoto
Center for the Pacific
Asian Family
Susan Fong
Casey Fukunaga
Ruthie & Leland Hong
Sharilynn Jung
Delcey & Steve Kawasaki
Brian Kito
Howard Kunihiro
Noriko & Kauro Miura
Hisato Mizuno
Barry Morinaka
Tracy & Grant Nakaoka
Mary Oi
Herb Okamoto
Kay & Mike Okamoto
Judy Okita
Minoru Sakamoto
Regina Sakurai
Mary & Paul Shiba
Le Shieh
Machiko Spann
Margaret & Dick Takimoto
Mark Uyehara
Gina & Hiro Watanabe
Lily Harumi Baba
John Brasel
Buzy Q’s Quilts for Charity
Center for the Pacific
Asian Family
Maggie Choi
Deana Chuang
Shuk-Li & Wataru Ebihara
Marcia Ferreira
Kazuko & Chris Fong
Yosh Fukumoto
Yuki Fukumoto
Girl Scout Troop 5325
Amparo Gonzales
Janet Hasegawa & Cliff Chu
Jasper Hu
Edna Ikeda Horiuchi
Leslie Ito & Steve Wong
Barbara & Philip Ito
Dolly Ito Oishi & Rick Oishi
Paul H. Iwahashi
JANM Volunteers
Christine Jung
Lloyd Kajikawa
Kisuk Kang
Kathy Khoury
Linda Kim
Kathleen Kubota
Jenni Kuida & Tony Osumi
Frankie Lee
Celina Martin del Campo
Kathy & Mark Masaoka
Dean Matsubayashi &
Kim Kawaratani
Cheryl Murase
Yoshiko Nakagawa
Nelson Thompson Pegue
& Thornton
Sharon Nakata
Eva & Ted Nishimura
Suzanne Ogami
Takahiro Otomo
Davis Park & Allison Yoh
Daniela Rechtszaid
Irene & Ed Rowe
Michiko Sakimoto
Colleen Seto-Gee &
Douglas Gee
Shelter Partnership
Ting Kerry Situ
Samantha Stone
Alan Tomiyama
Angie & James Trounson
Mieko Uchida
Toshiko & Richard Verdugo
Calvin Wang
Lisa Washizaki
Marsha & Gary Watanabe
Jennifer Winther
Linda Yokoyama
Steven Yee & Silvia
Every effort is made to include
gifts received in 2014, but if
a name has been inadvertently
omitted, please let us know at:
213-473-1608 or
positive change for peopl e and pl aces
Debra Nakatomi, President
Lloyd Kajikawa, Vice President
Kathy Masaoka, Vice President
David Mitani, Vice President
Edwin Takahashi, Treasurer
Linda Yamauchi, Secretary
Alan Nishio, Chair,
Board of Governors Dick Kaku
Trisha Murakawa
Jean Nishimoto
Akemi Arakaki
Dennis Arguelles
Chris Espinosa
Shashi Hanuman
Josh Ishimatsu
Dennis Kobata
Vivienne Lee
Jeri Okamoto Floyd
Miguel Nunez
George Tanaka
Dean Toji
Mark Usui
David Uyehara
Sandra Yamane
David Yoo
Sakaye Aratani
Eugene Eng
Jerry Fukui
Warren Furutani
Tomio Ito
Jon Kaji
Marcella Low
Antonio Manning
Nancy Matsui
Albert Muratsuchi
Andy Nakano
Gil Nishimura
Jan Perry
Stephen Suzuki
Chor Chai and Marie Tan
Janet Yamamoto
Friday, July 24, 2015
h th v e
Datee h
LTSC’s 9th Annual
Sake & Food Tasting Event
Japanese American Cultural & Community Center
Little Tokyo, Downtown Los Angeles
Sake generously provided by Mutual Trading Co., Inc.
2 0 14 A n n u a l R epo r t
231 E. 3rd St. Suite G106 * Los Angeles, CA 90013
Tel. 213-473-3030 * Fax 213-473-3031 * www.LTSC.org