FEEDINC RATE OF DAPHNIA MAGNA STRAUS IN DIFFERENT FOODS LABELED WITH RADIOACTIVE PHOSPIIORUSL J. W. McMahon” Dcpartmcnt of Zoology, University and F. Il. Ri&r of Toron to, ‘Toronto, Ontario The f&cling rntc of Unphnia mqp~ was studied by measuring the radioactivity of animals Ecd on pure cultures of Escherichia coli, Saccharomyces cwevuisicw, Chlorella vull?yrifornzis labclcd with radioactive phosphorus. Uclow a certain guris, and Tetruhymena concentration of each food, the feeding rate is proportional to conccntrntion of food. Above that concentration, feeding rate is indcpcndcnt of concentration. Starved animals, when placed in a nonlimiting conccntmtion of food, bchavc temporarily as if it wcrc limiting and for a few minutes filter at the maximum rate. Although the maximum volume of the various foods eaten in unit time is not the same, it is probably dctcrmincd more by digestibility than by size of the food cells. Filtering efficiency of Daphnia mcrglzn is indcpcnclcnt of the size of food cells bctwccn 0.9 pL3and 1.8 X 10’ #. Log-phc ChZorelZa vzrlgwis was not obscrvcd to inhibit feeding, but scncsccnt 41s GluScd Duphniu magnu to dccrcnsc the filtering rntc and its maximum feeding r&. ( 1963)) during studies of the behavior of Dqdanin magna in an observation chamber, The first purpose of this work was to found that the relation between feeding investigate the possibility that log-phase of both SacckaChlore,& vulgaris cells inhibit the feeding of rate and concentration romyczrs cerevisiae and ChZoreZZa vulgaris Daphnia magna. This inhibitory cffcct was was the same as that described by Rigler postulated by Ryther ( 1954) to explain two ( 19Glh). Since their cstimatcs of the volobservations. The first was that in concentrations of ChZoreZZuvulgaris above 2 x lo5 ume of food boluses swallowed wwc subcells/ml, the feeding rate of Duphnia magna jective, it scemcd desirable to make careful quantitative mcasurcmcnts of the feeding was not proportional to food concentration, rate of Daphrzia magna in both of thcsc although it continued to increase with insince the Fact that creasing concentration. The validity of this foods. Furthcrmorc, observation as evidence of inhibition was fcoding behavior in Sacchnromyces cere,visine and Chloretla vuZguris was dcmonqucstioncd by Rigler ( 19Glb), who showed stratcd to be the same could bc interprctcd that when D. magna is fed Saccharomyces cereuisine, the relationship between Eccd- equally well as showing either that Snccharomyces cerevisiae is toxic or that C1%Zoing rate and food concentration is that relka vulgaris is not, two additional foods which might bc expected bctwecn any biowere studied. One was a small bacterial logical process and a factor capable of limiting that process, Below a critical con- cell (Escherichin coli) and the other a much larger ciliated protozoan ( Tetrdzymenu centration, or, according to Fry’s ( 1947) pyriformis ) . terminology, below the ‘incipient limiting The second observation considcrcd by level,” the feeding rate is proportional to Ryther to be consistent with his hypothesis concentration; above this level, they are inwas that animals previously fed on bacteria dependent. Then McMahon and Riglcr and detritus consumed the same number of ChZoreZZa vuZgaris cells in 1 hr as starved 1 This work was supported by rcscnrch grants From the National Rcscarch Council of Can& animals, whereas those previously fed on C. ancl from the University of Toronto Advisory Comvulgaris consumed fcwcr. He reasoned mittcc on Scientific Rcscarch. It form&l part of that since a starved animal ate as much as n doctoral thesis prcscntcd by J. W. McMahon. an animal previously fed on bacteria and 2 Present address: Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, Chalk River, Ontario, Canada. detritus, the feeding rate is unaffected by 105 INTRODUCTTON 106 J. W. Mc,MAIION the amount of food in the animal’s gut. the reduced feeding by animals t)rcviously fed C. vulgaris was cvidencc that they had been poisoned during the prior feeding perio,d. However, McMahon and Rigler (1963) found evidence suggesting that feeding rate is affected by the amount of food in the animal’s gut, and they also were unable to demonstrate any cumulative inhibition of feeding even after 24 hr in C. vzrZ,~@s cultures. Although we have not fully resolved these diffcrcnccs, WC will present additional evidence that a starved animal consumes more food in 1 hr than a fed animal when both are in non1imiting concentrations of C. vulgnris. Finally, Ryther (1954) observed that Ikphnin magna ,did not survive on a diet of senescent Chlorella vulgaris and that fewer senescent cells than log-phase cells wcrc eaten. Since WC had been unable to obtain any unambiguous cvidencc that logphase C. vulgaris was toxic or inhibitory, it sccmcd desirable to reinvestigate his hypothesis that senescent cells were more toxic than log-phase cells. IIc~Mx, MATERIALS AND MIXTIIODS Daphnia magna were cultured by the method described by McMahon and Riglcr (1963), and mature females 2.8-3.3 mm long (0.22-0.34 mg dry wt) were used in all cxpcrimcnts. Axenic cultures of Sacchzromzjces cerevitiae were grown in acratcd dextrose medium (Riglcr 1961b). Chlorellu vulgaris, obtained from Dr. R. C. Starr, Indiana Univcrsity, was culturccl by the method of McMahon and Riglcr ( 1963). Escherichia COGwas maintained on Difco nutrient agar plates. Axenic cultures of E. COG were grown in Difco nutrient broth at 37C for 12-14 hr. Tetrahymew pyriformis strain T. C. 105, obtained from Dr. I. Tallan, Univcrsity of Toronto, were cultured at 20C for 48-60 hr in the following medium: 1 liter of deionized distilled water containing 10 g proteosc peptonc, 5 g @@one, 1 g sodium acetate, 1 g potassium dihydrogm phosphate, 0.005 g thiamine HCl, 0.1 g yeast extract, and 0.1 g liver extract. The AND P. II. RIGLER ~11 was adjusted to 7.2-7.4 with 1 n/r sodium hydroxide. When radioactive food was required, carrier-free Pn2 was added to the culture medium. Radioactive algal, yeast, or bacterial cells were centrifuged twice and rcsuspended in membrane-filtered, dechlorinatcd tap water before they were used in feeding experiments. Radioactive T. pyriformis to be used for feeding were transferrcd from the medium to filtered tap water by the clectromigration technique described by Van Wagtendonk, Simonsen, and Zill ( 1952), because the cultures often contained particulate matter that could not conveniently be separated from the protozoans by centrifugation or filtration. Concentrations of yeast and algae were then measured by counting 1,000 or more cells in a hemacytometcr. The concentration of bacteria was determined with a Pctroff-IIauscr bacterial counting chamber under a phase-contrast microscope. The concentration of Tetrahymena was detcrmined with a Model R Coulter particle counter cquippcd with a 200-p-aperture tube. Suspensions were then diluted with filtered tap water to the desired conccntrations. Samples were examined with a phasccontrast microscope and discarded if contaminants were present. Unless otherwise stated, animals were previously fed for 1 hr in nonradioactive food at the same concentrations as the radioactive food to which they were to be exposed. The experiment was begun when the animals were transferred by net to the radioactive food suspension. The volume of water per animal was adjusted so that feeding would reduce the concentration of the cells by less than 10%. Water tcmpcraturc was constant at 20 + 1C. Feeding cxpcriments wcrc limit& to a 20-min period to avoid loss of radioactive food from the animal’s gut through defecation. At the end of the feeding cxpcriment, the animals wcrc removed from the food suspension, rinsed for a few seconds in tap water, blotted gently on filter paper, and dried on FEEDING planchcts. Their sured as rcportcd RATE OP DAPZZNZA radioactivity was mcaby Riglcr ( 1961u). msuLTs foocls 1.0 2.0 3.0 $ 5.0 40 MILLIONS I 6.0 7.0 6.0 OF CELLS/ML I 9.0 I 10.0 0 0.5 0 /, 0.4 Chlorella I/ 0.3 i 0 I3 vulgoris . . Socchoromyces 0 OI ” 02 0.3 ” 05 04 MILLIONS cerevisiae 1.1 ” 06 07 0.6 OF CELLS/ML 09 ’ I .o 107 FOODS feeding TAULE 1. Maximum magna (2.8-3.3 mm) on foods organism To check the relationship between the feeding rate of Daphnia rnngna and the conccntration of food, feeding rates were measurcd in different concentrations of four foods. One hundre,d animals were used at each of seven concentrations of ChZoreZlrL wu&ris, 50 at each of five concentrations OPSacchuromyces cerevisiae, 20 at each of seven concentrations of Escherichia coli, .I DCPlWlEWT’ l?OOd FeetZing rate in different 3 IN of I)aphnia cclls/l1r) 5.6 0.005 34 34 0.50 0.027 0.017 0.001 66 0.25 0.016 x 10" 0.0028 0.051 0.9 Maximum fwding riltc (mil- sixes Volume of l-oocl ccrlsiunccl pci animal (rnm~/hr) Cdl v01u1nc (N’) Escherichia coli ChZoreZZu vu2 6 nris Log-phase Scncsccnt Scrccharomycas cerevisine Tetrahymenn j@formb 1.8 rale of tliffcrent lions of and 100 at each of six concentrations of Tetrahymena pyriformis. The feeding behavior of Daphnia magncl was essentially the same in each of the four foods ( Fig. 1). Above a certain concentration of food cells, feeding rate was no longer proportional to concentration but remained constant. The incipient limiting concentration decreased as the size of the food cells increased. With the largest ccl], Tetrahymenn pyriformis, it occurred at about lo3 cells/ml, whereas it was above lo6 cells/ml when Escherichia coli was the food. Consequently, the maximum volume of the various foods catcn was similar, although maximum rates cxprcsscd as cells hr-’ differed trcmcndously (Table 1). The maximum volume ingested was not indcpendent of the nature of the food, bccausc the volume of Tetrahymena pyriformis catcn was 10 times that of Escherichia co& although the volumes of Chtoretlu vulgwis and Saccharomyces cerevisiae catcn were similar and intermediate bctwccn the other foods. FeecZing rate of starvetl anal prefe(Z c~nimds “I THOUSANDS 0F cELts/ML 3 FlG. 1. Feeding rate of Daphnia magna on the food organisms Escherichia coli, Chlorella vulgaris, Snccharomyces cerevkiae, and Tetrahymenn pyriformis. Since the range of concentrations was so tliffcrcnt for Escherichia co2i and Tetruhymonn pyriformis, they wcrc plotted on separate graphs. To give an idea of the actual relationship, Sncchuromyces cerevisiae and Chlorella vulgaris were plotted to scale on Graph A. From direct observations of the feeding behavior of Daphnia magna, McMahon and Rigler ( 1963) concluded that a starved animal, when exposed to a nonlimiting concentration of food, feeds for a short time at an abnormally high rate. To test this conclusion, the, feeding rates of starved and fed D. magnu were measured as follows: One group of starved animals and one group of 108 0.6- J. W. McMAHON A ? f TIME-MINUTES FIG. 2. Cells consumed by starved and previously fed Daphnia magna in concentrations of 5 x 10’ and 5 x 10” cells per ml of log-phase Clzlorelk~ vulgaris. Each point represents the average of 100 animals. S'J / animals previously fed in 5 x lo4 cells/ml of Chlorella vulgaris were placed in a suspension of 5 x lo4 cells/ml of radioactive C. vulgaris. At intervals, subsamples of 20 animals were removed from the radioactive algal suspension and assayed for radioactivity. Two other groups, one starved and one fed in 5 x lo’) cells//ml, were placed in a suspension of 5 x 1V cells/ml of radioactive algae and sampled at intervals. The two concentrations of algae, 5 X 104 cells/ml and 5 x 10” cells/ml, were chosen because they were, respectively, well below and well above the incipient limiting concentration of food. This experiment was repeated and, although they are similar, the results of both ‘tests are presented (Fig. 2) because the slight difference between them is of interest. When Daphnia magna was exposed to a limiting concentration (5 X 10” cells/ml) of algae, there was no difference between the feeding rate of starved and fed animals (Fig. 2). When exposed to a nonlimiting concentration (5 x lo5 cells/ml), the starved animals initially ingested algae more rapidly than the fed animals. Comparison of the initial feeding rates of starved animals in a suspension of 5 x lo” cells/ml with the feeding rate in 5 x 104 cells/ml shows that the starved animals were feeding at the AND F. H. RIGLER maximum possible rate. They consumed 1.77 x 10” cells/hr, as compared with 1.71 x 10” cells/hr eaten by animals in the more dilute suspension (average of A and B, Fig. 2). Thus, a tenfold increase in food supply caused a tenfold increase in feeding rate, a result possible only if the starved animals in 5 X lo5 cells/ml temporarily abandoned all regulation of collecting and ingesting rates. The difference between the two experiments was that the fed animals given 5 x lo5 cells/ml fed more rapidly in experiment B than in experiment A (Fig. 2). The feeding rates calculated from the slopes of the uptake curves between 5 and 30 min were 0.31 x 10” cells/hr in A and 0.65 x 10” cells/hr in B. Since the filtering rates were the same in the two experimen&!the difer?%ce-Z&EitG that-the ?naZ~rnumft!%drate i’- ing rate can vary while the filtering below the incipient li-miting level remains __--__ -I \ \ cons&.nt. ,ZG average size of the Chlorella vulgaris cells used in the two experiments was not measured, so the difference may merely indicate that the algal cells used in experiment A were twice the size of those: in B. However, we have never detected a change of this magnitude in the average volume of our C. vulgaris. Possibly, therefore, the maximum volume eaten by Daphniu magna may be influenced by factors other than the nature of the food. LI The effect of senescent Chlorella on feeding behavior vulgaris Our previous experiments involved only C. vulgaris cells taken from cultures in the logarithmic growth phase. In these experiments, we were unable to demonstrate conclusively an inhibition of feeding by logphase C. vulgaris. Consequently, we questioned Ryther’s ( 1954) conclusion that the inhibitory action of senescent cells was greater than the inhibitory action of logphase cells. This conclusion was derived primarily from his observation that Daphnia magna invariably ingested fewer senescent than log-phase cells in 1 hr. Since most of his measurements of feeding in senescent cells appeared to have been done above the FEEDING RATE OF DAPZZNZA IN DIP~ERENT incipient limiting level (Fig. 3)) one might describe, his results by saying that the maximum feeding rate on senescent cells was lower than on log-phase cells. A variation in maximum feeding rate apparently dots take place in the absence of variation of cell size ( l?ig. 2), and, in this case, a rcduction of maximum feeding rata could bc attributed to a toxic effect of the food. lIowcvcr, the maximum feeding rate is nearly inversdy proportional to volume 0E food cells (Table l), and since Fogg ( 1953) reported that senescent ChZoreZZa cells arc larger than log-phase cells, the possibility that Ryther’s observation was the result of a size effect was investigated. Preliminary tests showed that thcrc was no difference between the size of logphase and senescent C. m&ark cells grown Both had an average in our laboratory. diamctcr of 4.1 p. However, Ryther’s algae could have bchavcd like Fogg’s rather than like ours, and the possibility still remained that his results were caused by a size differcnce. Thcreforc, using scncsccnt cells known to bc the same size as our log-phase cells, WC repeated Ryther’s mcasurcment of ‘,‘r----- CHLORELLA I 0.2 I 0.4 I 0.6 MILLIONS I 0.8 I 1.0 0.2 OF CHLORELLA 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 CELLS/ML FIG. 3. Left: Thcorctical values of the number of Chbdla dgaris cc& consumed by Daphnia magna &ring a 1-hr fccccling cxpcrimcnt calculated from results in Fig. 2. Right: Ryther’s cxwkncntal results ulottccl to the same scale. 109 l?OODS Fee&g rate of Daphnia magna in @ferent conccntrcltions of senescent Clllorclla TABLE 2. vulgaris Conccntrntion (millions of ccll,s /ml) \ 0.001 \ ‘~ 0.01 0.1 0.2 0.4 0.0 Cells consmxd per animal (thousnnds/hr) 0.8 5.4 27.0 20.0 32.0 30.0 the feeding rate in diffcrcnt concentrations of scncscent cells. Six groups of Dnphrkz mugnn were fed for 1 hr in senescent ChZOW&Z wzcZ@s and then transferred to a radioactive algal suspension of the same conccntration for 20 min. The feeding rate, calculated from the radioactivity of the Dnph.nia magna, is shown in Table 2. The sencsccnt Chlorella wuZ,garis had a pronounced effect both on the filtering rate below the incipient limiting concentration an d on the maximum feeding rate. The normal filtering rate in log-phase cells is from 2.7-3.4 ml/hr ( SEX Table 4)) but in scncsccnt cells it was only 0.7 ml/l-n. Even more pronounced was the effect on the maximum feeding rate, which was rcduccd to 3 X 10” cells/hr from a usual value of 30-60 x W cclls/hr. Direct observation of the behavior of animals exposed first to 5 x 10;’ cells/ml of log-phase C. wuZgaris and then to the same concentration of senescent cells showed the mechanism by which food intake is rcstrictcd and suggested the location of the inhibitory stimulus. In log-phase cells, the thoracic appendages beat 132 times per minute. This rate is to be cxpccted at this concentration and is the minimum rate observed in acceptable foods (McMahon and Rigler 1963). However, when the animal was cxposcd to senescent cells, the rate of m\ovcmcnt of the thoracic appendages dropped over a period of 15 min to 74 cycles/min. Thus, one mechanism restrict- ing food intake in senescent C. wulgaris is reduction of the rate of filtering water. TIE slow resnonse and the reduction of 1.10 J. W. McMAIION AND ‘rh131x 3. The feeding rate in log-phase Cldorclla vnlgxris of animal.3 previously feel in either senescent C. vulgaris or in log-phase C. vulgnris Cells Concentration (millions of cc~lls/ml) I’rcfcd consumccl (millions/hr) log-phnsc ChlOWZZ~ 0.05 0.3 0.s 0.21 0.54 0.48 per animal Prdccl scncac~n ChZomZZa t 0.13 0.22 0.21 pumping rate, a mechanism previously suggcstcd by McMahon and Riglcr (1963) to 1)~ under the control of sensory receptors in the gut, suggest that inhibition is not merely a taste phenomenon associated with stimulation of external chcmoreccptors but is caused by stimulation of internal reccptors or, perhaps, an adverse physiological cEfcct of the absorbed materials. Confirmation of the above conclusion came from an experiment in which one group of Daphnia magna were fed for 2 hr on senescent ChZoreZZa vuZgnris cells and another group was fed for the same time on log-phase algae. Both groups were then transferred to radioactive, log-phase C. vulgaris, and their feeding rates were measured during the first 20 min in this suspension. The experiment was repeated with three different concentrations of algal cells, two of which were nonlimiting. The rationale of this experiment was as follows: The animals fcoding in scncsccnt C. vuZgaris would eat at an abnormally low rate and when transferred to the suspcnsion of radioactive, log-phase cells would have less food in their gut than those which had fed on log-phase cells. If the inhibitory cffcct of senescent algae were mcdiatcd by cxtcrnal chemoreceptors only, these animals would bc expected to behave as partially starved animals for a short time after immersion in radioactive algae and thus would consume more cells in 20 min than those previously fed in log-phase cells. Convcrscly, if the scnesccnt algae acted intcrnally, they would remain in the gut and cxcrt their adverse cffcct for some time al&r the animals were transfcrrcd to the lognh:~so cells. IIcncc. animals 1XYXiously fed F. I-1. RIGLER senescent a.lgae would consume fewer cells than the control animals, The experiment (Table 3) showed that at each concentration, the animals previOUSTS fed senescent C. vulguris ate fewer Iogphase cells than tho controls, a result that is consistent with the postulated internal action of sencsccnt C. vzclgnris. DISCUSSION It is now clear that the relationship bctwecn the concentration of food and the feeding rate of Daphnia magna is similar for a variety of foods. In every case, a maximum feeding rate was attained, and a further increase of availability of food did not influence feeding rate. The same observation was made by Reeve ( 1963a), who measured the fce,ding rate of Artemia sulina on three spccics of food organisms. Thus, Ryther’s observation that the rate of increase of feeding rate decreases above a certain concentration of log-phase ClzZoreZZ~ vuZgaris can no longer be considcrcd to bc evidence that this food inhibits the feeding of Daphnia magna. However, two problems concerning the interpretation of Ryther’s results still exist. They concern, first, why the animals previously fed on ChZoreZZa ate fewer cells in 1 hr than starved animals or animals previously fed “bacteria and dctritus,” and, second, why the feeding rate of starved animals continued to incrcasc as the concentration of C. vuZgnris incrcascd. In an attempt to answer the first qucstion, McMahon and Riglcr ( 1963) and and Reeve ( 1963a) suggested that Ryther’s animals that were fed bacteria and detritus had actually previously been feeding at a very low rate and thus behaved as star& animals when given an excess of C. vulgaris. However, those that had been fed algae had full guts when transferrod to C. VUZg&s suspensions, and they thus limited their food intake during the cntirc cxpcrimental period, We have now measured the differcncc bctwcen feeding rate of starved and fed animals and have shown that starved animals, in a nonlimiting concentration of food, bchavc as if food wcrc limiting and, for some time, filter water at the FEEDINC, , RATE OF nAZ-‘ZINZA maximum rate ( Fig. 2). With this information, one can estimate the amount of food that a starved animal would eat during 1 hr in any concentration of food and make a direct comparison of the differcncc cxpetted between a starved and a fed animal caused by the rapid initial feeding of the starved animal and the difference observed by Ryther (1954). To calculate the amount of food eaten by a starved animal in 1 hr, we made the simplifying approximation that a starved animal feeds at the maximum rate until it has FiTliif its g u t and then immediately reduces its rate to that characteristic of a fed animal. That this is not correct is obvious from Fig. 2, but the error introduced by this approximation will tend to exaggerate the difference between starved and fed animals. To estimate the number of algal cells in a full gut, we assumed that the abrupt cessation of uptake of Pg2 by the starved animals in Fig. 2B indicates the beginning of defecation of radioactive cells and hence that a full gut contained approximately 0.55 x 10” cells. The fact that the fed animals feeding in 5 x 10” cells/ml in the same experiment consumed this number of cells in 48 min, a time: close to that given by Bourne ( 1959) and Rigler (196lb) as the minimum time for a food cell to pass through the gut, is consistent with this assumption. The food intake calculated from the results in Fig. 2A and B, arc shown in Fig, 3 beside Ryther’s results. Fig. 3 shows that a starved animal in a nonlimiting conccntration of food would be cxpectcd to eat considerably more cells in the first hour than a fed animal and that the difference bctwecn the two would increase as the conccntration of cells increases. However, in spite of the fact that the difference is exaggerated by the above approximation, it does not account for more than half of the difference obscrvcd by Ryther. Therefore, unless an altcrnativc explanation can be found to account for the residual differcncc, the hypothesis that log-phase Chlor& vulgaris can, at times, inhibit the feeding of l&r.phnicr. mngmz cannot hc rcjcctcd. IN DIPl?ElULN’~ FOODS 111 An ans,wer to the second question posed by Ryther’s results is also suggested by Fig. 3, which shows that in the range of conccntrations studied by Ryther (up to 0.6 X 10” cells/ml) the number of cells eaten by N stawed animal in its first hour of feeding, when plotted against the concentration of cells, does not conform to the relationship between the feeding rate of a fed animal and the concentration of cells. It differs in that the number of cells eaten continues to increase with concentration above the incipicnt limiting concentration. The only incontrovertible indicts of the desirability of a given species as food for D. mqruz are growth and survival of D. magna supplied with that food. However, a given food might bc undesirable lmx~~sc it a) inhibits feeding, b ) is toxic, c ) is indigestible, or d) is deficient in some esscntial nutrient. When D. magna are supplied with a pure culture of an organism, undcsirable for any one of these reasons, the rcsult will be the same, reduced growth or death. In nature, pure cultures are not available, and the effects of indigestibility or nutritional inadequacy of one spccics might be masked by the presence of other, desirable foods. Conversely, an inhibitory or toxic action of one species mig,ht affect the animal in such a way that ingestion of all species would be reduced. Therefore, it would be useful to have a simple way of determining whe.ther a given food is undcsirable because it is inhibitory or toxic or because it is indigestible or nutritionally incomplete. Inhibitory or toxic foods should dccrcnsc food intake, and thus they might bc dctectcd by their cffcct on tither filtering rate below the incipient limiting concentration or on the maximum food intake, providctl that there is a standard with which any individual food can be compared. Table 4 shows that it will probably bc possible to cstnblish the “normal” filtering rate of D. mugnu. In four foods, the filtering rate was approximately the same, although the smallcst (Esch&chia coli) was 2-3 p long, ant1 the largest ( Tetdzymena pyriformis) was 37-68 /.A. If, xs Table 4 suggests, filtering I12 TAnrAd 4. J. W. Filtering McMAHON AND J?. II. IUGLER rates of 2.8-3.3-mm Daphnia magna measured below the incipient concentrntion of CLwzridy of foods hetzwen 18 and 2OC Source of measllroment limiting Filtering r:i tck per aiiimnl (1111/h) rates arc indepcndcnt of food size, and if care is taken to provide less than the incipient limiting concentration of a food organism, a measurement of filtering rate in only one conccntra tion of foocl might be enough to sho,w whether or not tllat species wcrc toxic or inhibitory. Thus, scncscent CM+ dh ZX&ZT~S, which has been shown to bc inhibitory by a variety of experiments, is Ciltcrcd only one-quarter as rapidly as other foods. Although senescent C. v~@aris apparcntly ha,d an even greater cffcct on the maximum volume of food ingested (Tables 1 and 3)) this is at present a less rcliablc indication of inhibition or toxicity than the cffcct on filtering rate. There is cvidencc that feeding of some microcrustaceans is ultimately limited by the maximum volume of food the gut will pass (Ryther 1954, Reeve 1963a, and Table 1) , but several obscrvations aro inconsistent with this simple explanation. First, Daphnia magnu ingcs ted 10 times as much Tetrnhymena p’yriformis as Escherichiu coli, although both foods were acceptable as judged by the filtering rate of Daphnia magnn in limiting This tenfold difference concentrations. might be attributed to a difference in the digestibility of the two foods. Tetrahymena pyriformis is large and easily ruptured. If it is more digestible than Escherichia co& and, if the residue is compacted into a smaller volume than that of E. cc&, then J’ig. 1 3.4 Fig. 1 Fig. 2 Fig. 2 Ryther ( 1954) Table 3 Fig. 1 McMahon ( 1962 ), Table 1 McMahon (1962), Tnblc XIIIa McA&Aon (1962), Table XTIIb Riglcr ( 196117) Fig. 1 2.7 3.0 3.4 3.3 0.7 2.2 2.2 3.2 3.1 2.6 3.0 the gut might pass a larger volume of Tetrahymena pyrifwmis. IIowcver, Reeve’s ( 19G3b) observation that Artemia sdinn consumes a much larger volume of sand or sand mixed with algae than it does of a pure culture of algal cells is inconsistent with this hypothesis. Thus, the maximum volume ingested may be influenced by the digestibility and nutritional value of a food as well as by inhibitory or toxic properties. Until more is known about the factors limiting the maximum intake of various foods, the best and-most easily o,btainable Gidencc of inhibition _.-...-or-go-city is probably an abnorrrial$YJow filtering rate, mcasurcd either- as an ingestion rate or as the rate of movement of thoracic appendages in a limiting concentration of the food in question. REPERGNCE,S N. F. 1959. The dctcrminntion of carbon transfer from Chlorella udgaris Bcycrinck to Daphina magna Straus, using radionctivc carbon (04) as a tracer. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Toronto. Fwc;, G. E. 1953. Famous plants-Chlorella. New Biol., Penguin Books, Ltd., 15: 99-116. lby, F. E. J. 1947. Effects of the cnvironmcnt Publ. Ontario Fisheries on animal activity. Kcs. Lab., No. 68, Univ. Toronto Press, 62 p. 1962. The feeding behaviour MCMAIION, J. W. and feeding rate of Duphniu magna in difPh.D. Thesis, fercnt conccntrntions of foods. Univ. Toronto. 1963. Mechanisms -, AND F. H. RIGLER. regulating the feeding rate of Daphnia mngnn Can. J. Zool., 41: 321-332. S traus. hUl~NE, I~EEDING RATE OF DAPZZNZA REEVE, M. 1~. 1963a. The filter-feeding of Artenria. I. In pure cultures of plant cells. J. Exp. Biol., 90: 195-205. -. 1963b. The filter-feeding of Ademia. II. In suspensions of various part&s. J, Exp. Biol., 40: 207-214. RIGL~, F. I-1. 1961a. The uptake and r&ax of inorganic phosphorus by Daphnia magna Straus. Limnol. Oceanog., 6: 165-174. -. 196~lb. The rclntion bctwccn conccntrntion of food and feeding rate of Daphnia IN DII+TRl~N’I 113 FOODS magna &-ails. Can. J. Zool., 39: 857-868. 1954. Inhibitory effects of phytoplnnkton upon the feeding of Daphnia magna with rcfcrencc to growth, rcprodnction and survivt?l. Ecology, 35 : 522-533. JIy’mm, VAN J. II. WACTE:NUONK, W. J., D. I-1. SIMONSEN, AND I,. I’. ZILL. 1952. The USC of clcctromigration tcchniqucs in washing and concentrating cultnrcs of Pnromeccium awelicr. Physiol. Zool., 25: 312-317.