SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration, Vol. 6, No. 5, pp. 322–330, September 2013 Passivity-Based Visual Feedback Pose Regulation Integrating a Target Motion Model in Three Dimensions Tatsuya IBUKI ∗ , Takeshi HATANAKA ∗ , and Masayuki FUJITA ∗ Abstract : This paper investigates passivity-based visual feedback pose regulation whose goal is to control a vision camera pose so that it reaches a desirable configuration relative to a moving target object. For this purpose, we present a novel visual feedback estimation/control structure including a vision-based observer called visual motion observer under the assumption that a pattern of the target motion is available for control. We first focus on the evolution of the orientation part and the resulting estimation/control error system is proved to be passive from the observer/control input to the estimation/control error output. Accordingly, we also prove that the control objective is achieved by just closing the loop based on passivity. Then, we prove convergence of the remaining position part of the error system. We moreover extend the present velocity input to force/torque input taking account of camera robot dynamics. Finally, the effectiveness of the present estimation/control structure is demonstrated through simulation. Key Words : vision-based motion estimation, pose regulation, rigid body motion, passivity. 1. Introduction Numerous research works have been devoted to integration of control theory and computer vision [1]–[7]. Early works are mainly motivated by robot control as in [8]. On the other hand, the motivating scenarios of the integration currently spread over the robotic systems into security and surveillance systems [9], medical imaging procedures [10] and even understanding biological perceptual processing [11]. In this paper, we study a vision-based estimation/control problem for a target object moving in three dimensions as in [12]–[14]. The goal of this paper is to regulate the camera pose (position and orientation) to the desired configuration relative to the target by using only visual measurements. To achieve this objective, one of our previous works [14] presents a visionbased 3D pose estimation mechanism, called visual motion observer, for a moving target based on passivity of rigid-body motion. The authors in [14] also propose pose control laws of the camera so that it tracks the target and analyzes the tracking performance in the framework of L2 -gain, where the target velocities are viewed as unknown external disturbances. On the other hand, the paper [15] presents a novel estimation mechanism integrating target object motion models in order to eliminate the estimation errors for the moving target. Here, the authors assume some target motion patterns, constant or periodic motion, and add an integral term to the observer input inspired by classical control theory to cancel tracking errors. These patterns are commonly used in visual servoing and visual tracking [1],[2],[16]–[18]. However, the paper [15] does not consider control of the camera pose at all. This paper tackles a vision-based 3D pose regulation problem investigated in [14] and incorporates the approach of [15] into the framework of [14]. Namely, we present a novel visual ∗ Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8550, Japan E-mail: (Received October 11, 2012) (Revised January 9, 2013) Fig. 1 Coordinate frames for visual feedback system. feedback estimation/control structure integrating the target object motion model. After introducing the observer, we formulate a total estimation/control error system. We first focus only on the orientation part of the error system. Then, we show that an appropriate line connection recovers passivity of the subsystem. We thus prove from the property that just closing the loop via a negative feedback regulates the orientation and angular velocity to desirable states. Then, we shift our focus to the remaining position part of the error system and prove that the position and linear velocity are also regulated to desirable states by the structure. We moreover extend the present velocity input to force/torque input taking account of camera robot dynamics. Finally, the effectiveness of the present estimation/control mechanism is demonstrated through simulation. 2. Problem Statement 2.1 Rigid Body Motion In this paper, we consider a visual feedback system illustrated in Fig. 1, where Σw , Σc and Σo represent the world frame, the camera frame and the object frame, respectively. We denote the pose of the origin of Σc relative to Σw by gwc = (pwc , eξ̂wc θwc ) ∈ SE(3). Here, ξwc ∈ R3 (ξwc = 1) and θwc ∈ R specify the direction and angle of rotation, respectively. For simplicity, we use ξθwc to denote ξwc θwc hereafter. The notation ’∧’ is the operator such that âb = a × b, a, b ∈ R3 for the vector crossproduct ×. The notation ’∨’ is the inverse operator to ’∧’. Similarly, we denote the pose of the origin of Σo relative to Σw by c 2012 SICE JCMSI 0005/13/0605–0322 323 SICE JCMSI, Vol. 6, No. 5, September 2013 Fig. 3 Block diagram of camera model with RRBM (RRBM is the acronym for relative rigid body motion). We assume that the feature points poi are known a priori. Then, the visual measurement vector f (gco ) depends only on the relative pose gco . Figure 3 depicts the block diagram of the relative rigid body motion with the camera model. Fig. 2 Simple vision camera model. 2.3 ξ̂θwo gwo = (pwo , e ) ∈ S E(3). We also denote the body velocity of the camera relative to b = [vTwc ωTwc ]T ∈ R6 , where vwc ∈ R3 and ωwc ∈ R3 Σw by Vwc respectively represent the linear and angular velocities of the origin of Σc relative to Σw [19]. Similarly, the body velocity of b the object relative to Σw is denoted by Vwo = [vTwo ωTwo ]T ∈ R6 . Throughout this paper, we use the following homogeneous representations of g and V b . ξ̂θ ω̂ v p e 4×4 b ∈ R , V̂ = ∈ R4×4 . g= 0 0 0 1 b b and Vwo are simply given by Then, the body velocities Vwc b −1 b −1 V̂wc = gwc ġwc and V̂wo = gwo ġwo , respectively. Additionally, the adjoint transformation [19] associated with g is denoted by ⎡ ξ̂θ ⎤ ⎢⎢e p̂eξ̂θ ⎥⎥⎥ ⎥⎦ ∈ R6×6 , Ad(g) := ⎢⎢⎣ 0 eξ̂θ −1 which satisfies V = Ad(g) V if V̂ = gV̂g . We finally define the pose of Σo relative to Σc as gco = b (pco , eξ̂θco ) := g−1 wc gwo ∈ S E(3) and the body velocity as V̂co = −1 b gco ġco . Then, the definition of V̂co yields relative rigid body motion [19]: ġco = b −V̂wc gco + b gco V̂wo . (1) 2.2 Visual Measurement In this subsection, we define the visual measurement of the vision camera which is available for estimation/control. Throughout this paper, we use the pinhole camera model1 with the perspective projection [19] (Fig. 2). Suppose that the target object has k (k ≥ 4) feature points whose positions relative to Σo are denoted by poi ∈ R3 , i ∈ {1, · · · , k}. Then, a coordinate transformation yields the positions of the feature points relative to Σc as pci = gco poi , where pci and poi should be respectively regarded as [pTci 1]T and [pToi 1]T . Let the k feature points of the object on the image plane coordinate f := [ f1T · · · fkT ]T ∈ R2k be the visual measurement of the vision camera. Then, it is well known [19] that each fi ∈ R2 is given by the perspective projection: λ xci , pci = [xci yci zci ]T , (2) fi = zci yci where λ > 0 is the focal length of the vision camera (Fig. 2). 1 Note that the subsequent discussions are applicable to panoramic camera models through the appropriate modifications as in [20]. Visual Pose Regulation In this subsection, we formulate the control objective of this paper. Before mentioning it, we suppose that the target object b body velocity Vwo is (approximately) given in the form of a finite Fourier series expansion: b (t) = c + Vwo n ai sin wi t + bi cos wi t, (3) i=1 where ai = [aTv,i aTω,i ]T ∈ R6 , bi = [bTv,i bTω,i ]T ∈ R6 , c = [cTv cTω ]T ∈ R6 and the frequencies wi > 0, i ∈ {1, · · · , n} are known a priori. Here, it should be noted that a constant velocity model is the special case of (3) (ai = bi = 0 ∀ i). Under the assumption of (3), the objective of this paper is b in order to achieve the to design the camera velocity input Vwc following pose regulation conditions. b b − Ad(gco ) Vwo ) = 0, lim (Vwc (4a) t→∞ T T ξ̂θ T 6 lim ER (g−1 d gco ) = 0, E R (g) := [p eR (e )] ∈ R , (4b) t→∞ based only on the visual measurement f (gco ). Here, eR (eξ̂θ ) := sk(eξ̂θ )∨ ∈ R3 , sk(eξ̂θ ) := 1 ξ̂θ (e − e−ξ̂θ ) ∈ R3×3 , 2 and gd = (pd , eξ̂θd ) ∈ S E(3) specifies a fixed desirable configuration of the camera relative to the object. Throughout this paper, the problem is called visual pose regulation. Let us now give some properties of (3) necessary for the subsequent discussions. We define zv,0 = cv , zv,i = av,i sin wi t + bv,i cos wi t ∈ R3 , zω,0 = cω , zω,i = aω,i sin wi t + bω,i cos wi t ∈ R3 , zv = [zTv,1 · · · zTv,n ]T , zTω = [zTω,1 · · · zTω,n ]T ∈ R3n , x = [xvT xωT ]T := [zTv,0 zTv żTv zTω,0 zTω żTω ]T ∈ R12n+6 . b Then, it is straightforward to see that the time evolution of Vwo is represented by the following linear time invariant system. Av 0 ∈ R(12n+6)×(12n+6) , (5a) ẋ = Ax, A := 0 Aω C 0 b ∈ R6×(12n+6) , = Cx, C := v (5b) Vwo 0 Cω ⎤ ⎡ 0 0 ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢0 ⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ 0 I3n ⎥⎥⎥⎥ , Av = Aω := ⎢⎢0 ⎦ ⎣ 2 2 0 −diag(w1 , · · · , wn ) ⊗ I3 0 Cv = Cω := 1Tn+1 ⊗ I3 0 , 1n = [1 · · · 1]T ∈ Rn . The following fact is also proved to be true in [15]. 324 SICE JCMSI, Vol. 6, No. 5, September 2013 f uc = −kc ν f = −kc ER (gce ), kc > 0 Fig. 4 Block diagram of full information feedback control. Fact 1 [15] Let Bω = CωT . Then, the linear system (Aω , Bω , Cω , 0) with state xω is passive with respect to the storage function S (xω ) := (1/2)xωT Pxω with 0 I3(n+1) ∈ R(6n+3)×(6n+3) . P := 0 diag(1/w21 , · · · , 1/w2n ) ⊗ I3 b Remark 1 A key example of (3) is a constant velocity: Vwo = c [1],[2],[16] or a typical rectangular wave. The model is in practice useful not only for really constant velocities since any signal can be approximated by a piecewise step function and it can be also approximated by finite Fourier series expansions. b is not really periodic, since Similarly, (3) is helpful even if Vwo b a future profile of Vwo over a finite interval can be approximated as (3). Namely, it is possible to regard the estimation process over the infinite time interval as repeats of the estimation over a finite time interval. A variety of real periodic motion is also approximately described in the form of (3). 3. Structure Design for Visual Pose Regulation 3.1 Full Information Feedback (6) as from (1). We now fix the form of the velocity input Vwc b Vwc = −uc + Ad(gcef ) Vwo , (7) where uc = [uTcp uTcR ]T ∈ R6 is the new input to be determined so as to drive gco to the desirable gd . Substituting (7) into (6) f b of (6), and thus we get V̂wo cancels the second term gce f f ġce = ûc gce . (8) f ) ∈ R6 be respectively the input and Let uc and ν f := ER (gce output vectors of the system (8), whose block diagram is illustrated in Fig. 4. Then, the following fact is proved to be true in [14]. Fact 2 [14] The system (8) is passive from uc to ν f with the f ) := (1/2)pce 2 + φ(eξ̂θce ) ≥ 0. storage function ψ(gce Here, φ(eξ̂θ ) ≥ 0 is defined as follows and has the following property [21]. φ(eξ̂θ ) := 1 1 I3 − eξ̂θ 2F = tr(I3 − eξ̂θ ), φ̇(eξ̂θ ) = eR (eξ̂θ )T ωb . 4 2 Fact 2 implies that closing the loop with assures the asymptotic stability of the equilibrium point ν f = 0. f We see from the definition of ν f that ν f = ER (gce ) = 0 means f (4b). Furthermore, in the case of ER (gce ) = 0, we obtain uc = 0 b and Vwc = Vwo from (7), which implies (4a). Namely, the pose regulation is achieved by (7) with (9). The resulting control b is given by input Vwc b b Vwc = kc Ad(gd ) ER (g−1 d gco ) + Ad(gco ) Vwo . (10) We now see that (10) consists of the state feedback term b . kc Ad(gd ) ν f and the disturbance feedforward term Ad(gco ) Vwo b However, the target object velocity Vwo is not available for control in practice and it is not straightforward to extract gco from the visual measurement f (gco ). Therefore, we will introduce a vision-based observer to estimate these variables only from f (gco ) in the next subsection. 3.2 Observer Design In this subsection, we introduce an estimation mechanism [15] of the relative pose gco and the target object body b velocity Vwo from the visual measurement f (gco ) in the case b that Vwo is given as (3). Similarly to [14], we first prepare a model of the 3D object motion (1) and (5) as b b ḡco − ḡco ûe + ḡco V̄ˆ wo , ḡ˙ co = −V̂wc T x̄˙ = A x̄ − Buv , B := C , (11b) b = C x̄, V̄wo (11c) (11a) ˆ In this subsection, we present a feedback control system to achieve pose regulation under the assumption that the relative b are available pose gco and the target object body velocity Vwo for control. f = (pce , eξ̂θce ) := g−1 We define the control error gce d gco ∈ b 6 S E(3) and Vwc := Ad(g−1 V ∈ R . Then, we obtain d ) wc f f f b V̂wo = −V̂wc gce + gce ġce (9) where ḡco = ( p̄co , eξ̄θ̄co ) ∈ S E(3), x̄ = [ x̄vT x̄ωT ]T ∈ R12n+6 and b b V̄wo = [v̄Two ω̄Two ]T ∈ R6 are the estimates of gco , x and Vwo , 6 6 respectively. The new input ue ∈ R and uv ∈ R should be designed so that these estimates asymptotically converge to their actual values. Note that the paper [14] builds a model only of b = 0 since [14] assumes no prior information on (1) with V̄wo the target object motion. We now define the estimation errors as follows. T T T gee = (pee , eξ̂θee ) := ḡ−1 co gco , xe = [xe,v xe,ω ] := x − x̄, b b Ve = [vTe ωTe ]T := Vwo − V̄wo . Then, we derive the following estimation error system b b ġee = ûe gee − V̄ˆ wo gee + gee V̂wo , (12a) ẋe = Axe + Buv , (12b) Ve = Cxe (12c) from (1), (5) and (11). The paper [14] also shows that, as long as k ≥ 4, the estimation error vector ER (gee ) is approximately reconstructed from fe := f − f¯ ∈ R2k as ER (gee ) = J † (ḡco ) fe , (13) where f¯ ∈ R2k is computed by (2) using ḡco instead of gco and J † (ḡco ) ∈ R6×2k is the pseudo-inverse of the image Jacobian [19]. We finally introduce the following input of the observer. uv = −kv ER (gee ), ˆ wo k I − ω̄ ue = −Ke ER (gee ), Ke := e 3 0 0 , ke I3 where kv , ke > 0. Then, we have the following fact. (14a) (14b) 325 SICE JCMSI, Vol. 6, No. 5, September 2013 Fig. 5 Block diagram of visual motion observer (ee := ER (gee )). Fig. 6 Block diagram of total error system (ec := ER (gce )). Fact 3 [15] Suppose that the target object body velocity is given in the form of (5). Then, all the state trajectories along with the estimation error system (12) with (14) satisfy limt→∞ [VeT eTe ]T = 0. Fact 3 means that the present estimation mechanism correctly b . estimates the relative pose gco and the object body velocity Vwo The total estimation mechanism is formulated as ⎧ ˙ b = C x̄, · · · (11b) x̄ = A x̄ − Buv , V̄wo ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ b b ⎪ ḡ˙ co = −V̂wc ⎨ ḡco + ḡco (V̄ˆ wo − ûe ) · · · (11a) , (15) ⎪ † ⎪ ⎪ (g ) = J (ḡ ) f · · · (13) E ⎪ R ee co e ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ u = −k E (g ), u = −K E (g ) · · · (14) v v R ee e e R ee which is called visual motion observer throughout this paper. The block diagram of the resulting estimation mechanism (15) together with the relative rigid body motion (1) and the velocity generator block (3) is depicted in Fig. 5. 3.3 Total Estimation/Control Error System In this subsection, we present a novel visual feedback structure to achieve visual pose regulation, based on the contents in Subsections 3.1 and 3.2. Similarly to Subsection 3.2, we build the 3D target object motion model (11), formulate the estimation error system (12) and close the loop with uv = −kv ER (gee ). (16) We next formulate the control error system. Basically, we try to imitate the structure of the full information feedback case in b nor gco is available Subsection 3.1. However, since neither Vwo b b for control, we replace Vwo and gco by their estimates V̄wo and b ḡco and fix the form of Vwc as b Vwc := Ad(g−1 V b , Vwc = −uc + Ad(gce ) V̄wo d ) wc (17) in imitation of (7). Here, gce := g−1 d ḡco ∈ S E(3) is the control error. The time evolution of the control error gce is then described by ġce = ûc gce − gce ûe (18) from (11a) and (17). From (5), (12), (16) and (18), the total estimation/control error system is formulated by ẋ = Ax, b Vwo = Cx, ẋe = Axe − kv BER (gee ), Ve = (19a) b Vwo ġce = ûc gce − gce ûe , b b ġee = ûe gee − V̄ˆ wo gee + gee V̂wo . − b V̄wo = Cxe , (19b) (19c) (19d) Notice now that the time evolution of the orientation part (xω , xe,ω , eξ̂θce , eξ̂θee ) is independent of that of the position part (xv , xe,v , pce , pee ) while the evolution of (xv , xe,v , pce , pee ) depends on that of (xω , xe,ω , eξ̂θce , eξ̂θee ). The block diagram of the total estimation/control error system (19) is depicted in Fig. 6. 4. Main Result In this section, we close the loops of uc = [uTcp uTcR ]T and ue = uTeR ]T and show that visual pose regulation is achieved. [uTep 4.1 Visual Feedback System: Orientation Part Extracting the orientation part from (19) yields ẋω = Aω xω , ωwo = Cω xω , (20a) ẋe,ω = Aω xe,ω − kv Bω eR (eξ̂θee ), ωe = Cω xe,ω , (20b) ėξ̂θce = ûcR eξ̂θce − eξ̂θce ûeR , ˆ wo )eξ̂θee + eξ̂θee ω̂wo . ėξ̂θee = (ûeR − ω̄ (20c) (20d) We define the controlled output of the system (20) as ⎡ ⎤ ⎢⎢⎢eR (eξ̂θce )⎥⎥⎥ I3 0 6 6×6 ⎢ ⎥ νR := N ⎣ ⎦ ∈ R , N := −I I ∈ R . eR (eξ̂θee ) 3 3 Then, the block diagram from [uTcR uTeR ]T to νR is illustrated in Fig. 7, and the following lemma holds true. Lemma 1 The total error system (20) is passive from [uTcR uTeR ]T to νR with the storage function UR := φ(eξ̂θce ) + T φ(eξ̂θee ) + (1/kv )S (xe,ω ) ≥ 0, where S (xe,ω ) = (1/2)xe,ω Pxe,ω . Proof. We first consider the velocity error system (20b). Note that Bω = CωT holds from (11b). Then, compared with (5a) and (5b), Fact 1 means that the velocity error system (20b) is passive from −kv eR (eξ̂θee ) to ωe . Namely, the time derivative of S (xe,ω ) along with (20b) satisfies Ṡ (xe,ω ) = −kv ωTe eR (eξ̂θee ). (21) Let us next consider the time derivative of φ(eξ̂θee ) along with the trajectories of (20d). Then, we obtain φ̇(eξ̂θee ) = eTR (eξ̂θee )(e−ξ̂θee ėξ̂θee )∨ = eTR (eξ̂θee ){e−ξ̂θee (ueR − ω̄wo ) + ωwo } = eTR (eξ̂θee )ueR + eTR (eξ̂θee )ωe , where we use the following property [21]. eξ̂θ ω̂e−ξ̂θ = (eξ̂θ ω)∧ , eξ̂θ eR (eξ̂θ ) = eR (eξ̂θ ). From (21) and (22), we get (22) 326 SICE JCMSI, Vol. 6, No. 5, September 2013 4.2 Visual Feedback System: Position Part In this subsection, we close the loop of (ucp , uep ) and show that visual pose regulation is achieved. The time evolution of (xv , xe,v , pce , pee ) in the total error system (19) with (25) is described by ẋv = Av xv , vwo = Cv xv , (27a) ẋe,v = Av xe,v − kv Bv pee , ve = Cv xe,v , (27b) ṗce = ucp − uep + δce , (27c) ṗee = uep + ve + p̂ee ω̄wo + δee , (27d) δce := kc p̂ce eR (eξ̂θce ) + (I3 − eξ̂θce )uep , (28) Fig. 7 Block diagram of total error system: Orientation part (ecR := eR (eξ̂θce ), eeR := eR (eξ̂θee )). 1 Ṡ (xe,ω ) + φ̇(eξ̂θee ) = eTR (eξ̂θee )ueR . kv where (23) ξ̂θce On the other hand, the time derivative of φ(e the trajectories of (20c) is given by ) along with Note that limt→∞ δce = 0 and limt→∞ δee = 0 hold for any bounded uep from Lemma 2. We next close the loop of (ucp , uep ) as ˆ wo ucp pce ω̄ −kc I3 = (30) ˆ wo ) pee . uep 0 (−ke I3 + ω̄ φ̇(eξ̂θce ) = eTR (eξ̂θce )(e−ξ̂θce ėξ̂θce )∨ = eTR (eξ̂θce )(e−ξ̂θce ucR − ueR ) = eTR (eξ̂θce )ucR − eTR (eξ̂θce )ueR . (24) Therefore, from (23) and (24), we obtain U̇R = eTR (eξ̂θce )ucR − (eTR (eξ̂θce ) − eTR (eξ̂θee ))ueR ⎤ T ⎡ T I3 0 ⎢⎢⎢eR (eξ̂θce )⎥⎥⎥ u u ⎢⎣ ⎥ = cR νR . = cR ueR −I3 I3 eR (eξ̂θee )⎦ ueR This completes the proof. From Lemma 1, we propose the following input. ⎤ ⎡ ucR −I3 0 ⎢⎢⎢eR (eξ̂θce )⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎥. = −kc νR = kc ueR I3 −I3 eR (eξ̂θee )⎦ Then, substituting (30) into (27) yields ṗce = −kc pce + ke pee + δce , ṗee = −ke pee + ve + δee . (25) Then, the following lemma holds true. Lemma 2 Suppose that the present input (25) is applied to the total error system (20). Then, all the trajectories of its state xR := (xω , xe,ω , eξ̂θce , eξ̂θee ) satisfy lim [ωTe eTR (eξ̂θce ) eTR (eξ̂θee )]T = 0. t→∞ δee := (eξ̂θee − I3 )vwo + ke p̂ee (eR (eξ̂θee ) − eR (eξ̂θce )). (29) (26) T Let us now define x p := [xe,v pTee pTce ]T ∈ R6n+9 . Then, we obtain ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ 0 ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ 0 ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ Av −kv Bv ⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ 0 ⎥⎥⎥⎥ ẋ p = Φx p + ⎢⎢δee ⎥⎥ , Φ := ⎢⎢Cv −ke I3 (31) ⎦ ⎣ ⎦ ⎣ 0 ke I3 δce −kc I3 and the following theorem holds true. Theorem 1 All the trajectories of the total error system (27) with (30) satisfy lim [vTe pTce pTee ]T = 0. t→∞ Proof. From Lemma 1, we immediately obtain U̇R = −kc νR ≤ 0. 2 Since the matrix N is nonsingular, U̇R = 0 holds if and only if eR (eξ̂θce ) = eR (eξ̂θee ) = 0. We next consider the set S := {xR | U̇R = 0} = {xR | eR (eξ̂θce ) = eR (eξ̂θee ) = 0}. In the set S, eξ̂θee = I3 , eR (eξ̂θee ) = 0 and hence ueR = 0 and ėξ̂θee = 0 hold. Then, substituting these equations into (20d) yields ˆ wo + ω̂wo = ωe . 0 = ėξ̂θee = −ω̄ In addition, since all elements of xω are bounded from the definition of xω , the system (20a)–(20d) with (25) has a compact positively invariant set. Namely, we see from LaSalle’s Invariance Principle [22] that all the state trajectories asymptotically converge to the set {xR | eR (eξ̂θce ) = eR (eξ̂θee ) = 0, ωe = 0}. The proof of Lemma 2 relies on the passivity in Lemma 1. It should be noted that the inner loops (16) and (17) closed before determining (ucR , ueR ) allow the system to be passive. Namely, the operations in (16) and (17) are regarded as a kind of passivation of the estimation/control error system. (32) Proof. Let us view the system (31) as a linear time invariant system ẋ p = Φx p with perturbations δce and δee . Remark that δce and δee are vanishing as time goes to infinity from their definitions and Lemma 2. It is thus immediately proved from stability theory of perturbed systems ([22], Lemma 9.6) that limt→∞ x p = 0 as long as the origin of the nominal system ẋ p = Φx p is exponentially stable, which is equivalent to stability of Φ from linearity of the system. From the structure of Φ, its stability is equal to stability of the matrix A −kv Bv . Γ := v Cv −ke I3 Let (y0 , · · · , y2n+1 ), yi ∈ R3 be an eigenvector of Γ corresponding to an eigenvalue σ. Then, from the definition of Γ, we get the following equations (σ + ke )y2n+1 = n yi , kv y2n+1 = −σy0 , (33) i=0 kv y2n+1 = yn+i − σyi , σyn+i = −w2i yi , i ∈ {1, · · · , n}. From (34), we have (34) 327 SICE JCMSI, Vol. 6, No. 5, September 2013 desired velocities. In this section, we extend the proposed velocity input to force/torque input taking account of the camera robot dynamics. 5.1 Dynamic Pose Estimation/Control Mechanism The dynamics (derived by Newton-Euler Equation in body coordinates [21]) of the rigid body equipped with a camera is represented by mI3 0 v̇wc mω̂wc vwc f 0 + = c . (38) τc 0 J ω̇wc 0 − (Jωwc )∧ ωwc Fig. 8 Present estimation/control structure. yi = − kv σ y2n+1 . σ2 + w2i (35) b b b + C(ωwc )Vwc = Fwc . M V̇wc Substituting the second equation of (33) and (35) into the first equation of (33) yields kv kv σ − . σ i=1 σ2 + w2i n σ + ke = − √ We now denote σ = σ1 + −1σ2 . Then, by comparing the coefficients of the real part, we have σ1 + ke = −kv σ1 σ̃i 1 + , σ21 + σ22 i=1 σ̄i n + + σ̄i = − + + σ̃i = n σ̃i 1 Since kv σ2 +σ 2 + i=1 σ̄i ≥ 0, we see that σ1 has to be negative. 1 2 This completes the proof. The combination of (26) and (32) is equivalent to (4a) and (4b). The control objective is thus proved to be achieved by the present visual feedback system. The block diagram of the total estimation/control structure is illustrated in Fig. 8. We finally give a remark on the present estimation/control b is given by structure. The velocity input Vwc ˆ wo pee ω̄ b −1 b (36) Vwc = kc Ad(gd ) ER (gd ḡco ) + Ad(ḡco ) V̄wo − Ad(gd ) 0 (σ21 σ22 w2i ), Here, m ∈ R and J ∈ R3×3 are the mass and inertia tensor of the camera robot, respectively. Also, fc ∈ R3 and τc ∈ R3 are the force and torque input. Let us now rewrite (38) as (σ21 σ22 w2i )2 4σ21 σ22 . from (17), (25) and (30). We see that the first and second terms of (36) have the same form as the full information feedback b (10). However, since the actual values of gco and Vwo are not available, we replace these variables by the estimates produced by the observer (11) with the input ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎢⎢−kv I6 0 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥ ER (gee ) ⎢⎢⎢⎢⎢ 0 ⎥⎥⎥⎥⎥ ⎢⎢⎢ uv ˆ p ⎥ (37) 0 0 ⎥⎥⎥ + ⎢ ω̄ = ⎢⎢⎢ ⎦ ER (gce ) ⎢⎢⎣ wo ee ⎥⎥⎦ ⎣−ke I6 ue 0 0 ke I3 using the technique in (13). This interconnection structure (Fig. 8) is based on [23] and not straightforward from [14],[15]. Namely, the present control mechanism has the same form as the structure of [23] except for the third term of (36) and the second term of (37). These terms are correction terms of the ∨ b b error between (g−1 ee ġee ) and Ve = Vwo − V̄wo and appear since we impose the assumption of (3) on the body velocity. 5. Passivity-based Dynamic Visual Feedback Pose Regulation So far, we tackle a visual feedback pose regulation problem under the assumption that the camera robot can directly input [ fcT τTc ]T (39) Here, = ∈ R and note that Ṁ − 2C = −2C is skew-symmetric. By using this property, we can easily see that b b to Vwc with respect to the the dynamics (39) is passive from Fwc b T b storage function Ud := (1/2)(Vwc ) MVwc ≥ 0. Based on [14], we propose the following force/torque input law. 0 b + ur , Fwc = M V̇d + C(ωwc )Vd + ξ̂θd e eR (eξ̂θce ) b Fwc 6 where Vd ∈ R6 is the desired body velocity of the camera and we set this velocity as (36) to achieve (4). The new input ur ∈ b to the desired R6 is to be determined in order to drive actual Vwc b Vd . Also, the third term of Fwc is derived from the passivity property of the total error system (discussed later). Then, by b − Vd ∈ R6 , introducing the velocity error r = [rTp rRT ]T := Vwc we get the following error dynamics. 0 = ur . (40) Mṙ + C(ωwc )r − ξ̂θd e eR (eξ̂θce ) We finally present the following simple feedback law based on the passivity of (39). ur = −kr r, where kr > 0 is a positive scalar gain. In summary, we propose the following visual feedback dynamic pose estimation/control mechanism. ⎧ 0 ⎪ ⎪ b ⎪ + ur = M V̇ + C(ω )V + F ⎪ d wc d wc ⎪ ⎪ eξ̂θd eR (eξ̂θce ) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ (force/torque input) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ b ⎪ u = −k (V − V ) (new force/torque ⎪ r r d wc ⎪ input) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ˆ wo pee ⎪ ω̄ ⎪ b ⎪ = k Ad E (g ) + Ad − Ad V̄ V ⎪ d c (gd ) R ce (ḡco ) wo (gd ) ⎪ ⎪ 0 ⎨ . (41) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ (desired velocity input) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ b ⎪ x̄˙ = A x̄ − Buv , V̄wo = C x̄ (target motion model) ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ u = −k E (g ) (velocity observer input) v v R ee ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ b ˆ b − û ) ⎪ ˙ ⎪ ḡ = − V̂ ḡ + ḡ ( V̄ (RRBM model) co co wo e ⎪ wc co ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ 0 ⎪ ⎪ ⎪ (pose observer input) ⎩ue = −Ke ER (gee ) + ke eR (gce ) Here, V̇d depends on ṗee and hence vbwo which is not available only from the visual measurements. In this paper, we avoid the problem numerically by just replacing ṗee by the difference approximation of pee following [14]. A future work of this paper 328 SICE JCMSI, Vol. 6, No. 5, September 2013 This completes the proof. It should be noted that ur , ucR in Vd and ueR in the present estimation/control mechanism (41) are just the simple negative feedbacks of the corresponding outputs. Also, the third term of b cancels the effect of rR in (43d). Fwc Then, similarly to Lemma 2 and Theorem 1, we immediately get the following theorem. Theorem 2 Suppose that the input (41) is applied to the total error system. Then, all the trajectories of the system satisfy Fig. 9 Dynamic estimation/control structure. is to work out this issue rigorously by assuming more information like optical flow [19]. Though we newly introduce the camera robot dynamics in this section, we aim at the same goal as (4) and we also assume that the target object body velocity is given by (3). The block diagram of the present dynamic estimation/control structure is depicted in Fig. 9. 5.2 Convergence Analysis b is replaced We first note that the present velocity input Vwc b b can be written by Vwc = by the desired input Vd in (41) and Vwc r + Vd . Here, we utilize the same form as (17) for Vd : b Vd , Vd = −uc + Ad(gce ) V̄wo . Vd := Ad(g−1 d ) ġce = + ûc gce − gce ûe . (42) Namely, ġce is influenced by r. On the other hand, ġee does b does not influence gee in our estimation not change since Vwc mechanism as in (12a). Then, the total error system of the error dynamics (40) and the orientation part of estimation/control error systems is written by 0 = ur , (43a) Mṙ + C(ωwc )r − ξ̂θd e eR (eξ̂θce ) ẋω = Aω xω , ωwo = Cω xω , (43b) ẋe,ω = Aω xe,ω + kv Bω eR (eξ̂θee ), ωe = Cω xe,ω , ξ̂θce ė ξ̂θee ė −ξ̂θd = −e ξ̄ˆθco ξ̂θce ξ̂θce r̂R e + ûcR e − e ˆ wo )eξ̂θee + eξ̂θee ω̂wo . = (ûeR − ω̄ ûeR , Proof. We first note that we can easily see, from Lemma 3 and the same analysis as in Lemma 2, that all the trajectories of the system (43) satisfy lim [rT ωTe eTR (eξ̂θce ) eTR (eξ̂θee )]T = 0. t→∞ (44) We next consider the position part of the total error system. Similarly to (27), the time evolution of (xv , xe,v , pce , pee ) of the remaining total error system is described by ẋv = Av xv , vwo = Cv xv , ẋe,v = Av xe,v − kv Bv pee , ve = Cv xe,v , ṗce = ucp − uep + δce , Then, the time evolution of the control error gce is described by −g−1 d r̂ ḡco lim [rT VeT ERT (gce ) ERT (gee )]T = 0. t→∞ (43c) (43d) (43e) Let the input and output of the system (43) be [uTr uTcR uTeR ]T and [rT νRT ]T , respectively. Then, the following lemma holds true. Lemma 3 The total error system (43) is passive from [uTr uTcR uTeR ]T to [rT νRT ]T with the storage function U := (1/2)rT Mr + φ(eξ̂θce ) + φ(eξ̂θee ) + (1/kv )S (xe,ω ) ≥ 0. Proof. Since C(ωwc ) is skew-symmetric, the time derivative of (1/2)rT Mr yields rT Mṙ = rT ur + rRT eξ̂θd eR (eξ̂θce ). On the other hand, we get the following relation from (43d). φ̇(eξ̂θce ) = −eTR (eξ̂θce )e−ξ̂θd rR + eTR (eξ̂θce )ucR − eTR (eξ̂θce )ueR . Moreover, the time derivatives of φ(eξ̂θee ) and (1/kv )S (xe,ω ) are the same as in Lemma 1. We thus get r . U̇ = [uTr uTcR uTeR ] νR ṗee = uep + ve + p̂ee ω̄wo + δee . Here, δee is the same as (29), but δce is given by δce := −e−ξ̂θd r p + e−ξ̂θd p̄ˆ co re + kc p̂ce eR (eξ̂θce ) + (I3 − eξ̂θce )uep from (42). Note that it differs from (28) only in the first two terms. However, we see from (44) that δce also satisfies limt→∞ δce = 0 for any bounded uep . We can thus apply the same convergence analysis as in Theorem 1 to the remaining part of the proof. Equation [VeT ERT (gce ) ERT (gee )]T = 0 means the achievement b b but Vd is equal to Ad(gco ) Vwo . Thereof (4b), and then not Vwc fore, the additional condition r = 0 guarantees the achievement of (4a). 6. Verification We finally demonstrate the present estimation/control structure through simulation. We first set the initial pose of the camera robot as pwc (0) = [0 0 0]T [m], ξθwc (0) = [0 0 0]T [rad], and suppose that the camera sees in the direction of the z-axis of its own frame Σc with the focal length λ = 0.005 [m]. We also assume that the target object is the cube 1m on a side, has eight feature points on its vertices and moves with b (t) = [cos t 0 0.5 0 0 0.3 sin(0.5t)]T [m/s, rad/s] from the Vwo initial state pwo (0) = [0 0 5]T [m] and ξθwo (0) = [0 0 1]T [rad]. Then, the objective here is to lead the camera robot pose to a desirable configuration gd = ([0 2 5]T , I3 ) with respect to the moving object. We finally set m = 1 [kg] and J = I3 [kg·m2 ] and run the present method (41) with kr = 10, kc = 10, kv = 5 and ke = 10. Figure 10 illustrates the trajectories of the camera and the target in Σw . Circles and squares describe the initial and the final positions, respectively. We see from this figure that the camera robot successfully track the target object moving along the complicated trajectory. 329 SICE JCMSI, Vol. 6, No. 5, September 2013 Fig. 10 Position in Σw . Fig. 11 Linear velocity of target object. Fig. 12 Angular velocity of target object. Fig. 14 Angular velocity in common frame Σc . Fig. 15 Relative position. Fig. 16 Relative orientation. mation/control mechanism achieves visual pose regulation (4a) and (4b). Although the gain setting in this verification is heuristic so far, higher estimation gains than control gains seem to be generally better. Obtaining the guideline to set up desirable gains is one of our future directions. 7. Conclusion Fig. 13 Linear velocity in common frame Σc . On the other hand, Figs. 11-16 show the time responses of variables. Figures 11 and 12 illustrate responses of variables associated with linear and angular velocities, where the solid curves show the actual target object velocities and dashed ones the estimated object velocities, respectively. We see from the b . figures that the velocity observer correctly estimates Vwo The camera body velocity and the object velocity transformed to the camera frame are depicted in Figs. 13 and 14. We see that (4a) is actually achieved by the present estimation/control mechanism. Finally, Figs. 15 and 16 show the time responses of the relative pose gco and its estimate ḡco . We also see from these figures that both of the actual and estimated relative poses asymptotically converge to the prescribed gd , which implies (4b). In summary, we conclude that the present esti- This paper has investigated passivity-based visual pose regulation whose objective is to lead a vision camera pose to a desirable configuration relative to a moving target object. For this purpose, we have presented a novel visual feedback estimation/control structure including a vision-based observer with a 3D target object motion model. Then, we have proved, based on passivity-based control theory and stability theory of perturbed systems, that the control objective is achieved by using the present estimation/control structure. We have moreover taken account of the camera robot dynamics and presented force/torque input to achieve the same goal. Finally, the effectiveness of the present estimation/control structure has been demonstrated through simulation. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank Mr. P. Wittmuess and Mr. Y. Namba for invaluable help. 330 SICE JCMSI, Vol. 6, No. 5, September 2013 References [1] F. Chaumette and S. Hutchinson: Visual servo control, Part I: Basic approaches, IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 82–90, 2006. [2] F. Chaumette and S. 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Takeshi HATANAKA (Member) He received his B.Eng. degree in informatics and mathematical science, M.Inf. and Ph.D. degrees in applied mathematics and physics all from Kyoto University, Japan in 2002, 2004 and 2007, respectively. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. His research interests include cooperative control, vision-based control/estimation, and energy management. Masayuki FUJITA (Member) He is a Professor with the Department of Mechanical and Control Engineering at Tokyo Institute of Technology. He is also a Program Officer for Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST) Core Research for Evolutional Science and Technology (CREST). He received the Dr. of Eng. degree in Electrical Engineering from Waseda University, Tokyo, in 1987. Prior to his appointment at Tokyo Institute of Technology, he held faculty appointments at Kanazawa University and Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology. His research interests include passivity-based control in robotics and applied robust control. He is currently the IEEE CSS Vice President Conference Activities. He was a member of CSS Board of Governors. He serves as the Head of SICE Technical Division on Control and served as the Chair of SICE Technical Committee on Control Theory and a Director of SICE. He served as the General Chair of the 2010 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control. He has served/been serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, the IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, Automatica, Asian Journal of Control, and an Editor for the SICE Journal of Control, Measurement, and System Integration. He is a recipient of the 2008 IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology Outstanding Paper Award. He also received the 2010 SICE Education Award and the Outstanding Paper Awards from the SICE.