Lipids.1 Practice Problems on Lipids 1. Which one of the following compounds has the structural pattern of the naturally occurring fats or oils? a) COO CHO COO O CH2 O C O b) CH2 O C O CH2O O CH O C O CH2 O C c) COOH COOH COOH O d) CH2O CH O CH2 O O O C CH2 O e) CH O CH2 O 2. Which of the following compounds is least likely to be a natural fatty acid? O a) OH O b) OH O c) OH O d) OH O OH e) Lipids.2 3. Which of the following compounds is most likely to be a solid? O A C O O C O O C O O B C O O C O O C O O C C O O C O O C O O C O O D C O O C O O C O O E C O O C O Lipids.3 4. Which of the following fatty acids is least likely to be found in a natural fat or oil? O A C OH O C B OH O C C OH O C D OH O E 5. C OH Which of the following is most likely a natural fatty acid? A COOH B COOH C COOH D E HOOC COOH COOH Lipids.4 6. Which of the following mechanistic steps are not part of the mechanism for the Claisen condensation of methyl acetate (CH3COOCH3 in CH3ONa/methanol)? O O I C CH2 CH2 OCH 3 C OCH 3 + CH3 OH H OCH 3 II CH3 C OCH 3 CH2 C O O O O CH3 OCH 3 C CH2 C OCH 3 + CH3 O O O III CH3 C CH2 CH3 OCH 3 C O C CH2 C OCH 3 + CH3 O OCH 3 O IV CH3 C O O O OCH 3 CH2 C OCH 3 CH3 C CH2 OCH 3 C O A) II B) III and IV C) II and III D) I and IV E) I and II OCH 3 Lipids.5 7. Which one of the following is the normal product of the reaction sequence catalyzed by the fatty acid synthetase complex? O a) S ACP O b) S ACP O c) S ACP O d) S ACP e) O O O O O O O O S ACP 8. Which one of the following compounds would not be an intermediate in the biochemical synthesis of the compound below? O C A B O O O O C C C C O O C C OH SACP SACP OH O C C SACP O C D E O O O C C SACP SACP Lipids.6 9. Which one of the following is least likely to be involved in the biosynthesis of palmitic acid? OH O O O O SFAS SACP A O SACP B C O O O SACP SACP D 10. E Which one of the following processes is most likely to be involved in the mechanism of fatty acid synthase? In all cases "HA" or "B" are part of an enzyme active site, and "R" is the rest of NADPH A A H A H3C CH CH C H O O OH SACP H B H3C C C C SACP H C H CONH2 R R A D H3C H N OH CH C H CH N R E SACP H CONH2 H O O H CONH2 C C SACP B N O C H B H H3C OH O H3C C H CH2 A C SACP Lipids.7 11. Which one of the A – E correctly shows the mechanism of a Michael Addition? O A) HO H Nu C B) H CH2OH O O C) D) N N Nu O E) H OH 12. When NADPH acts as a reducing agent, which H is transferred to the compound being reduced? (Circle correct H) H H H O C NH2 H OH HO P O CH2 N O H H H H OH O H OH NH2 N N HO P O CH2 O H O H H H OH OH N N Lipids.8 13. In fatty-acid biosynthesis, acetyl CoA is converted into malonyl CoA. Why is malonyl CoA synthesized? A) To incorporate another carbon from CO2 into the growing chain B) To provide a catalytic group able to act as a base C) To make the Claisen step favour product formation D) To make malonyl CoA more soluble in water E) To make malonyl CoA bind more strongly to fatty acid synthetase 14. To convert acetyl-CoA into CH3-(CH2)14-CO-S-R, how many equivalents of NADPH must the cell use per equivalent of product formed? (Work out answer) 15. In nature, biotin is used as a: A) Reducing agent B) Dehydrating agent C) Carbonyl transfer agent D) Oxidizing agent E) Hydrating agent Lipids.9 16. Palmitic acid with the carbon atoms numbered is shown below. Which C-C bond is formed by the Claisen condensation between butyryl thiolester (a 4 carbon electrophile) and malonyl-ACP? 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 O OH A) C14 – C15 B) C8 – C9 C) C10 – C11 D) C12 – C13 E) C4 – C5 17. Butanoic acid is biosynthesized by a route identical to the fatty acid biosynthetic pathway. If, during the biosynthesis of butanoic acid, all of the starting material (acetyl CoA) is isotope labelled at the methyl carbon atom as indicated by the asterisk, which atom(s) will be labelled in the product? Assume that the only organic carbon source is acetyl CoA. O O H3C* SCoA H3C I II III IV A) I and III only B) I and II only C) II and IV only D) II and III only E) I only OH Lipids.10 18. Which one of the following compounds will most likely form micelles in water? OH OH A HO HO HO O O O OH HO HO B COO Na C D E SO3Na 19. SO3Na Which one of the following would not act as a soap or detergent? A N(CH3)3 Cl B OSO3 Na C OH D O E COO O Na O O O OH Lipids.11 20. Early settlers in Canada prepared soap by boiling animal fat with wood ashes, a source of NaOH and KOH. This technique can be seen at the Lower Fort Garry National Historic Site in Manitoba. Which one of the following statements about this soap-making process is NOT correct? A) This process is called saponification B) After the hydrolysis the soap is precipitated by NaCl C) Soap made this way give precipitates with hard water D) Soaps made this way contain phosphates that bind metal ions E) Soaps made this way are readily biodegradable 21. How many of the following are soluble in water? CH3(CH2)22CO2H CH3(CH2)16CO2K [CH3(CH2)4CH=CH(CH2)7CO2]2Ca H2C OCO(CH2)14CH3 [CH3(CH2)12CH2SO3]2Mg HC OCO(CH2)14CH3 H2C OCO(CH2)14CH3 22. Which one of the following is not an effective cleaning agent? O 2+ A O B SO3 2 Mg 2+ 2 O O C D K O O Na SO3 Na E Ca Lipids.12 23. Which one of the following detergents would not be a good laundry product when used with hard water? A OSO3 Na B SO3 Na CO 2 C Na D SO3 Na E 24. OSO 3 Na O Which one of the following is not likely to be a useful part of a detergent formulation? a) O O O d) b) O P O O Si COO O COO e) COO CH2 COO N H2C NH CH NH NH2 NH CH NH H2N NH2 CH2 OOC NH2 H2N H2N CH2 CH2 N CH2CH2 N CH2 CH2 COO c) O O Si Si OH O HO O P P O O O O COO HO H2N NH2 Lipids.13 25. During the synthesis of an alkylbenzenesulfonate detergent, the following transformation below is made. Which of 1-5 are involved in the correct mechanism? H + 1 H H 2 H H H 3 H H H H 4 + H H 5 H A) Only 2 and 3 B) Only 1 and 4 C) Only 2, 3, and 5 D) Only 1, 4, and 5 E) All of the steps are involved H + H Lipids.14 26. Which chemical step is least likely to occur? H SO3H SO3H A) SO3H H SO3H B) NO2 NO2 H SO3H SO3H C) OCH3 OCH3 SO3H H SO3H D) H H SO3H H SO3H E) NH NH O O Lipids.15 27. The following polymer can be synthesized by the acid-catalyzed polymerization of which building block? * 28. * A) B) D) E) C) Which one of the following is not biodegradable? A SO3 Na B SO3 Na N(CH3)3 Cl C D E HO O O OH COO Na CH2OH OH Lipids.16 29. Which one of the following statements best describes why phospholipids form bilayers whereas the metal salts of fatty acids form micelles in aqueous solution A) The aggregates formed in aqueous solution reflect a balance between maximizing the electrostatic attraction of the head groups and minimizing the contact of the lipophilic tail groups B) The repulsion between water and the tail groups of the metal salts of fatty acids is minimized in a micellular structure C) The aggregates formed in aqueous solution reflect a balance between maximizing hydrogen bonding between the head groups and maximizing the contact between the lipophilic tail groups. D) The aggregates formed in aqueous solution reflect a balance between minimizing the electrostatic replusion of the head groups and maximizing the contact of the lipophilic tail groups E) The electrostatic repulsion between the ionic head groups of metal salts of fatty acids is maximized in a micellular structure 30. PGF (shown below) is an extremely important prostaglandin that stimulates the contraction of smooth muscles. Which of the oxygen atoms in PGF from the cyclooxygenase-catalyzed reaction using oxygen molecules from the air? a HO e O d HO b A) a and b only B) a, b, and c only C) e and d only D) a and c only E) all except for e OH c OH Lipids.17 31. Which one of the following statements about prostaglandins is incorrect? A) Accolate and Singular interfere with the action of prostaglandins. B) Vioxx, Celebrex, and Bextra all inhibit the oxidation of arachidonic acid. C) Many prostaglandins are inflammatory agents. D) The enzymatic oxidation of arachidonic acid forms a 5-membered ring. E) Prostaglandins are synthesized primarily in the prostate gland. 32. Which one of the lipids would not be found as part of a biological membrane? O C O A C O O CH2 CH2 O P O CH2 C NH3 O C O NH CH2 O P O CH2 CH2 N(CH3)3 OH C O C NH OH CH2 O Cl O HO O OH CH2OH O D E COO O OH B H O CH C O C O O NH O CH2 O P O CH2 CH2 N(CH3)3 O Cl Lipids.18 33. Which one of the following will form a bilayer by itself? O O A O B O C O O C O O C CH3 O O O O O P N(CH3)3 O O O C C O O C O O D C O O O O P O N(CH3)3 E OH 34. Which one of the following statements is not correct? A) The first step of prostaglandin synthesis from arachidonic acid involves the formation of a cyclopentane ring by the enzyme cyclooxygenase. B) Phospholipid bilayers are leaky and compounds can easily pass unassisted through the bilayer. C) In electrophilic aromatic substitution, electron-donating substituents on the aromatic ring are ortho/para directors. D) Phosphate compounds can be added to detergents to increase their performance in hard water. E) Micelles have a hydrophobic interior. Lipids.19 35. Which one of the following is not a terpene? B A C O E D OH 36. Which one of the following is not a terpene? b) COOH a) COOH OH c) O O O e) d) O O Lipids.20 37. Which one of the following is not a terpene? B A C O OH E D O O 38. The enzyme catalyzed reaction between dimethylallyl pyrophosphate and isopentenyl pyrophosphate to give geranyl pyrophosphate is shown below. Which of the following arrows indicate where there is a significant build up of positive charge during the reaction? V 3 3 OP2O6 OP2O6 OP2 O6 IV III I II dimethylallyl pyrophosphate A) At carbons I, III, and V B) At carbons I, II, and V C) At carbons II and IV D) At carbons I, II, and V E) At carbons III and IV isopentenyl pyrophosphate geranyl pyrophosphate 3 Lipids.21 39. Which compound is a terpene, based on obeying the isoprene rules? O O O OH A) B) OH bulnesol isohumulone - bitter tasting and found in beer OH C) D) O iso-germacrene D OH HO (CH2)4CH3 tetrahydrocannabinol found in plants O O E) humulone - from hops and found in beer Lipids.22 40. Terpenes are biosynthesized from dimethylallyl pyrophosphate and isopentenyl pyrophosphate. Describe, in words, and by writing a mechanism, how these two molecules are linked together to form geranyl pyrophosphate. OPP Dimethylallyl pyrophosphate 41. Geranyl pyrophosphate OPP Isopentenyl pyrophosphate Which one of the following carbon-carbon linkages was most likely to have been formed by a reductive dimerization reaction? A B C D O E 42. The reaction step shown occurs during the biosynthesis of terpenes and steroids. Which one of statements A – E is correct? H3C OH H3C OH Enzyme COSR COSR H2O COOH COSR A) The two thioester groups in the starting material differ in chemical reactivity. B) Production of a single enantiomer from an achiral starting material requires a chiral catalyst. C) The product retains a plane of symmetry. D) This reaction requires NADPH. E) The carbonyl carbon of the remaining thiolester will subsequently be reduced and removed. Lipids.23 43. Which one of the following molecules is involved in terpene biosynthesis? OPO2OPO3 A OPO2OPO3 B OPO2OPO3 C OPO2OPO3 D E OPO2OPO3 44. Calculate the number of moles of ATP needed to synthesize one mole of dimethylallyl pyrophosphate from three moles of acetyl CoA. Lipids.24 45. The tail of chlorophyll is comprised of a terpene alcohol, phytol. Phytol can be biosynthesized exclusively from acetyl CoA tagged with carbon-13 isotope as the carboxyl carbon atom and carbon-14 isotope as the methyl carbon atom, as shown on the right. O C H3C 13 14 SCoA Which one of A – E shows phytol with the correct placement of atoms? 13 A. OH 14 14 B. 14 14 13 OH 14 14 14 13 C. 14 13 14 14 13 14 13 13 14 13 13 14 14 13 14 14 13 14 14 13 14 13 13 OH 13 13 13 13 14 OH 14 14 14 13 13 13 13 13 13 14 14 13 13 13 14 14 14 13 E. 13 13 14 D. 14 13 13 46. 14 14 13 14 14 13 OH The red colour of tomatoes is attributed to the antioxidant lycopene, the consumption of which has been suggested to reduce the risk of certain cancers. How many head-to-tail linkages of the isoprene building block are present in lycopene, a C40 tetraterpene? A) 5 B) 3 C) 4 D) 7 E) 6 Lipids.25 47. During the synthesis of mevalonic acid, the reaction below takes place. Which one of statements A – E is not correct? O CH3 C CH2 C SR + CH3 O OH O O CH3 C C SR CH2 C SR O CH2 C SR A) This aldol reaction is the result of a nucleophilic attack by the enolate of the acetylthiolester on a -ketothiolester. B) The enolate of the acetylthiolester attacks the keto carbonyl rather than the thiolester carbonyl because the thiolester carbonyl is less electrophilic. C) This enzyme-catalyzed reaction results in the formation of only one enantiomer. D) It is not necessary to generate the enolate of the acetylthiolester by a decarboxylation since the thermodynamics of the aldol reaction are favourable. E) The -ketothiolester (the starting material) was formed in a modified Claisen condensation between an acetyl thiolester and a malonyl thiolester. 48. Which one of the following is not a steroid? OH O HO2C HO b a OH O HO c d e all are steroids Lipids.26 49. Which one of the following represents the folding of squalene oxide that is used for the enzyme-catalyzed cyclization to lanosterol? A C O O O D O E 50. B O Cholesterol is biosynthesized from the triterpene squalene, which has a single tail-to-tail (T-T) connection. Which bond in cholesterol corresponds to that T-T bond originally present in squalene? D B E A C HO 51. Which one of the following compounds is least likely to be involved in the biosynthesis of cholesterol? A OP2O6H2- C O P2O6H2- E B O P2O6H2- D O P2O6H2- O P2O6H2- Lipids.27 52. Squalene epoxide is converted to lanosterol by two major processes. The first process is the carbon-carbon bond-forming reactions which form the characteristic steroid ring structure. The second process involves group and atom migrations and the elimination of a proton ultimately giving lanosterol. With respect to the first process only (the cyclization reactions), which atoms would bear some positive charge (even temporarily)? 7 8 10 9 4 H O 2 1 A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 B) 1, 9, 3, 4, 6 C) 1, 2, 3, 7 D) 10, 9, 2, 3, 8, 4 E) 10, 2, 8, 7 3 5 6 Lipids.28 53. During the biosynthesis of cholesterol, squalene oxide is converted to lanosterol as shown below. Notice that one of the methyl groups in squalene oxide has been labeled with a star. Which one of the following methyl groups in lanosterol originated as the labeled methyl group in squalene oxide? HO O squalene oxide lanosterol E D B C HO A 54. Which one of the following statements about vitamin E is not correct? HO O A) Vitamin E can form a resonance stabilized radical. B) Vitamin E can form a hindered radical. C) Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. D) Molecules with similar structural features as vitamin E are used as antioxidants (preservatives) in foodstuffs. E) Vitamin E is a triterpene. Lipids.29 55. Which one of the following statements is NOT correct? A) Vitamin C is a fat-soluble vitamin. B) Vitamin K is required for the coagulation of blood. C) Polar bears store large amounts of Vitamin A in their liver. D) Vitamin D is a cholesterol derivative. E) The biosynthesis of vitamin D requires light. 56. Which one of the following compounds would not be classified as a lipid? OH HO COOH HO OH O B A HO HO (CH3)3NCH2CH2OPO3 C H3C O2C CH3 CH3 O2C CH3 O2C D CH3 CH2OH E Lipids.30 57. Which one of the following steps is consistent with a nucleophilic acyl substitution mechanism? O O NH NH A) O S O O O H H O O S OH O O O SCoA O B) SCoA SCoA O SCoA O O C) SCoA SCoA O SCoA SCoA Cl D) Cl N N N O N Cl N N NH2-R H2N-R Cl Cl O O N C CH CH E) Cl C H OH H OH N H OH H OH H OH H OH CH2OH CH2OH Lipids.31 58. The sequence of events listed below corresponds to which reaction mechanism? 1. Protonation of sp2 oxygen 2. Nucleophilic attack and formation of tetrahedral intermediate 3. Proton transfer 4. Collapse of tetrahedral intermediate, regeneration of sp2 oxygen, and loss of leaving group 5. Deprotonation A) Electrophilic aromatic substitution B) Acid-catalyzed nucleophilic addition C) Saponification D) SN1 substitution E) Acid-catalyzed nucleophilic acyl substitution 59. When detergents are dissolved in water, the pH of the resulting solution is close to neutral, while soap solutions are alkaline. Which statement best explains this phenomenon? A) Detergents contain less unsaturation than soaps. B) Detergents are typically salts of strong acids. C) Soaps precipitate in the presence of Ca2+. D) Soaps are carboxylic acids, which are soluble in bases. E) Detergents are made from natural oils and fats, which are not basic. 60. A dichloromethane solution containing 5% bromine by volume can be prepared by combining which one of the following? A) 95 mL of dichloromethane and 5 mL of bromine B) 95 g of water and 5 g of bromine that is dissolved in dichloromethane C) 95 mL of water and 5 mL of bromine dissolved in dichloromethane D) 95 g of dichloromethane and 5 g of bromine E) 95 mL of bromine and 5 mL of dichloromethane Lipids.32 61. Which one of the following shows the product(s) of the reaction of the glyceride (shown at right) with excess bromine? (No stereochemistry is implied by the structures) O CH2 O C O (CH 2) 7CH CH(CH 2)8CH 3 CHO (CH 2) 7CH CH(CH 2)8CH 3 C O CH2 O C A O CH2O Br C O CHO (CH2)7CH CH(CH2)8CH3 Br H (CH2)7CH C CH2O (CH2)7CH C Br O O C Br C CHO (CH2)7CH C CH2O (CH2)7CH C H (CH2)7CH Br O Br Br C (CH2)7CH HO D C HO CH2OH CH(CH2)8CH3 CHOH HO (CH2)7CH C O O E C HO Br Br (CH2)7CH CHBr + O Br C (CH2)7CH HO CH(CH2)8CH3 Br Br CH(CH2)8CH3 Br CH(CH2)8CH3 + CH2Br HO C O (CH2)7CH Br Br (CH2)7CH CH(CH2)8CH3 + + C HO (CH2)7CH CH(CH2)8CH3 + + CH2Br CH(CH2)8CH3 O + CH2OH CH(CH2)8CH3 O CH(CH2)8CH3 Br Br (CH2)7CH CH(CH2)8CH3 Br Br O CH(CH2)8CH3 + + CH2O CH(CH2)8CH3 Br HO CH2OH O O C CHOH B H (CH 2) 7CH CH(CH 2)8CH 3 CH(CH2)8CH3 Br CH2OH HO C O (CH2)7CH CH(CH2)8CH3