Inter-Industry Network Structure, Information Transfers and the CrossPredictability of Earnings and Stock Returns * Daniel Aobdia Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management Judson Caskey University of Texas Austin, McCombs School of Business N. Bugra Ozel UCLA, Anderson School of Management October 2012 Inter-Industry Network Structure, Information Transfers and the CrossPredictability of Earnings and Stock Returns Abstract We examine the role of the inter-industry input-output network structure in the transfer of information among firms. We focus our attention on the role of industries that serve as ‘hubs,’ or central industries, in the flow of trade across industries. Consistent with a diversification effect, we find that firms in these central industries are more exposed to systemic risks compared to other firms. Additionally, earnings-response-coefficients of central firms are lower than those of other firms, consistent with investors placing less emphasis on the firm-specific information on account of the relative importance of macroeconomic risk to central firms. Comparing central industries to non-central industries, we also find that the stock returns and accounting performance of central industries better predict the performance of industries linked to them. This suggests that shocks to central industries propagate more strongly than shocks to other industries. Our results highlight the importance of inter-industry trade flows in information transfers. JEL classification: D57; G14; M41. Keywords: Information transfer; inter-industry networks; systemic risk; earnings; stock returns. 1 Introduction The accounting literature has long recognized the role of information transfers among firms in forming beliefs about earnings and returns. In one of the early studies in this area, Clinch and Sinclair (1987) document intra-industry information transfers. More recent studies document information transfers via customer/supplier links (e.g., Pandit et al. 2011) and informativeness of individual firms’ earnings guidance about market returns (e.g., Anilowski et al. 2007). We provide a specific explanation for why the strength of the information transfers varies among firms that have similar characteristics and similar positions in the value chain. In particular, we examine how the inter-industry network structure affects information transfers, and we show that the effect is economically important. Our analysis views industries through the lens of the network formed by their reliance on each other for inputs or as customers. We place particular attention on ‘central’ industries that form hubs in the network. We measure an industry’s centrality as the extent to which it has strong direct or indirect ties to a large fraction of the economy. In particular, we use an eigenvector measure of centrality that characterizes the network as a matrix, and captures both direct and indirect links between industries. The measure incorporates ‘ripple effects’ whereby an industry that serves few others may be central because those few that it serves have strong connections with the remaining industries. In other words, the measure captures not only direct customer and supplier relationships, but also higher-tier associations such as customers of customers and suppliers of suppliers. Our first set of findings provides evidence that firms in central industries (hereafter central firms) obtain some diversification by virtue of their exposure to wide swaths of the economy. We estimate the R2s from capital asset pricing model (CAPM) and Fama-French three- 1 factor model as a gauge of the extent to which systemic risk explains stock returns. We then regress these R2s on explanatory factors, including centrality of the industry the firm belongs to, firm size, analyst coverage, and trading volume. We find that central firms have higher R2s, consistent with a diversification effect. We also examine earnings-response-coefficients (ERCs) to assess whether investors learn less from earnings surprises of central firms. If central firms track the overall economy more closely, investors can place less reliance on their firm-specific earnings information. Consistent with this, we find that central firms have lower ERCs than non-central firms. Prior studies have shown that the stock price reaction to earnings announcements is greater for early announcing firms than for late announcing firms (Foster 1980, 1981). 1 We find that this effect is diminished for central firms. This is consistent with the central firms’ low ERC being due to preemption by macroeconomic news rather than by other firms’ earnings announcements. 2 Our second set of analyses examines how centrality impacts information transfers. For each industry, we examine the association between its monthly returns and the concurrent and one-month-ahead returns of the industries adjacent to it. We find that this association is greater for central industries. Similarly, we find that, compared to non-central firms, central firms’ seasonally differenced quarterly return-on-assets (ROA) have a stronger association with adjacent firms’ both concurrent and one-quarter-ahead ROA. In other words, shocks to central industries propagate more strongly than shocks to non-central industries. This is consistent with the central firms having some diversification that hedges their exposure to shocks to individual industries. 1 This is a different issue than the ‘good news early/bad news late’ phenomenon (e.g., Begley and Fischer 1998) that examines late announcements vis-à-vis when a firm typically announces. 2 An alternative explanation for this finding is that earnings surprises are more transitory for central firms than for non-central firms and therefore investors do not react to the surprises as strongly. We are in the process of testing this explanation. 2 Our study relates to the literature on the gradual diffusion of information across asset markets. Hong, Torous, and Valkanov (2007) show that stock returns of industries that associate with macroeconomic fundamentals can predict market returns. Along the same lines, Anilowski et al. (2007) and Bonsall et al. (2012) find that ‘bellwether’ firms’ earnings guidance predicts market-wide returns, where they identify bellwether firms based on size and past relation with market-wide returns, respectively. Our study adds to this literature by linking evidence of information transfers to a specific mechanism – inter-industry trade flows. Additionally, our study also complements prior work, such as Cohen and Frazzini (2008) and Pandit, Wasley, and Zach (2011), who study firm-specific customer and supplier relations to identify potential information transfers. Our study differs from these studies in two respects. First we examine the associations from a different dimension, namely from the industry perspective. For example if a firm has several customers, all of which are essentially from the same industry, the firm’s performance may not associate with each of these individual customers’ performance, whereas it will more strongly associate with the overall performance of its customers’ industry . Second, unlike firm-specific data, which require some degree of a concentrated activity with a given customer or supplier, the BEA input/output tables incorporate all trade-flows. For example, a company may buy from or sell to a dispersed set of firms, none of which individually warrant mention as a major customer or supplier at the firm level. Our results suggest that prior findings on the cross predictability of returns across economically linked firms (Cohen and Frazzini 2008; Menzly and Ozbas 2010 and Pandit et al. 2011) are likely stronger among non-central firms because these firms have a less diversified set of input/output connections. Our study is also related to the literature that examines the propagation of shocks throughout the economy. In a recent analytical study, Acemoglu et al. (2012) examine a multi- 3 sector setting to analyze conditions under which idiosyncratic shocks can lead to aggregate fluctuations. They show that shocks to sectors that trade with a disproportionately large number of other sectors can be amplified into macroeconomic fluctuations. 3 While we do not differentiate our analysis based on the origination point of the shocks, our finding that central industries have stronger associations with systemic fluctuations is consistent with this theory. The paper proceeds as follows. Section 2 discusses the concept of centrality as well as our empirical predictions. Section 3 describes our data. Section 4 provides evidence that systemic risk accounts for a relatively large portion of returns for firms in central industries. Section 5 shows that stock market and accounting based performances of central firms provide greater information transfer than those of non-central firms. Section 6 concludes. 2 Centrality and Empirical Predictions 2.1 The Setting In any economy, the structure of inter-industry interactions has an impact on the importance of an industry, and on the factors that affect that industry’s performance. Some industries, such as retail trade or plastic production, have strong customer/supplier interactions with several other industries and therefore are in more central positions. Others, such as tobacco products manufacturing in the U.S., are relatively isolated. To fix ideas, consider an economy with N industries where there is one central industry that makes equal sized trades with all other industries. For simplicity, assume that the other N-1 industries do not trade with each other, leading to the network structure shown in Figure 1. In this economy, as N increases, a diversification argument based on the law of large numbers 3 As Lucas (1977) and others argue, in highly disaggregated economies, idiosyncratic shocks will remain fairly confined. While Dupor (1999) and Horvath (1998, 2000) debate on whether sectoral shocks can transfer into aggregate fluctuations, Acemoglu et al. (2012) provide a more complete answer to this question by showing that sectoral shocks can lead to aggregate fluctuations only in the presence of asymmetries in the roles different sectors. Gabaix (2011) provide a similar model using firm-level shocks as a source of aggregate fluctuations. 4 implies that idiosyncratic shocks to non-central industries will have only a negligible impact on the performance of the central industry. On the other hand, an idiosyncratic shock to the central industry will propagate to all non-central industries and affect their performance (Acemoglu et al. 2012). Because of these forces, systemic factors play a relatively larger role in determining central industries’ performance, as compared to the individual performances of non-central industries. (Insert Figure 1 about here) In this setting, the performance of an industry will be informative about the concurrent and/or future performance of the industries it is tied to. The predictive ability will depend on the rate at which shocks transfer from one industry to another. If shocks transfer instantaneously, then a shock to one industry cannot predict future shocks to another industry – it only pertains to concurrent shocks. Even if shocks propagate with a delay, the relation between non-central industry performance and central industry performance diminishes as the number of industries grows. This ultimately results in a central industry’s performance predicting that of individual non-central industries, but not vice versa. The setting described above leads to the following two main testable predictions. First, compared to the performance of the non-central industries, the performance of the central industries associates more strongly with systemic fluctuations and risks. An extension of this prediction is that investors will have better anticipated the earnings of central industries. The reasoning follows an analogy to Ayers and Freeman (1997), who find evidence that investors better predict the industry component of earnings than the firm-specific component. Similarly, we expect that investors better predict the macroeconomic component of earnings than the industry- and firm-specific components. Second, current period shocks to the performance of a 5 central industry are more strongly associated with the concurrent and/or future performance of the industries it is linked to, than shocks to a non-central industry are associated with the industries it is linked to. 2.2 Measure of Centrality The economic story and predictions outlined in the previous section depend on the actual structure of the interactions in the economy. In this section we introduce our measure of centrality and take a closer look at the interactions in the U.S. economy. We measure centrality using the eigenvector centrality measure, which is formally defined by Bonacich (1972). 4 Eigenvector centrality weights an industry’s ties with other industries by the importance of the industries it is tied to. For example, industry i could be tied to industries x and y, both of which are not tied to any other industry, and industry j could be tied to q and z, both of which are tied to a few other industries. Ceteris paribus, industry j will have a higher eigenvector centrality than industry i because the industries it is tied to are more important in the network than those industry i is tied to. Formally, the eigenvector centrality for all nodes j ≠ i is calculated as follows: = ci ∑ 1 c λ= j∈M ( i ) j 1 λ ∑ j Aij c j , (1) where ci is the eigenvector centrality of industry i, M (i) is the set of all industries that are tied to i, λ is a constant and Aij is the weight of the edge between i and j. 5 The term eigenvector centrality arises because (1) can be written in matrix form as Ac = λ c , an eigenvalue equation. The constant λ is the largest eigenvalue of the matrix A, which the Perron–Frobenius theorem implies is the only one whose associated eigenvector c has all positive entries. In calculation of (1) we define edge weight Aij as strength of the link between industries i 4 Variants of this measure are used in recent studies for similar purposes (see Hochberg, Ljunqvist and Lu 2007; Ahern and Harford 2010; Acemoglu et al. 2012). 5 In the calculation of simple unweighted eigenvector centrality Aij is defined as an indicator variable that equals 1 if i is connected to j and zero otherwise. An industry is not treated as linked to itself (Aii = 0) when writing (1) in matrix form. 6 and j to take into account that certain links between industries are stronger than others. We calculate the strength of the link between any given industry pair i and j using the following undirected measure: A= ij sij s ji s ji 1 sij + + + 4 ∑ j sij ∑ i sij ∑ i s ji ∑ j s ji , (2) where sij equals to the sales (in dollars) of goods and services by industry i to industry j. The first (second) ratio measures the sales made by i to j as a percentage of i’s total sales (j’s total purchases), gauging whether j is an important customer to i (i is an important supplier to j). The second two ratios similarly measure whether i is an important customer to j, and j is an important supplier to i, respectively. A smaller Aij indicates a weaker link between industries i and j accordingly we refer the reciprocal 1 / Aij as the distance between the two industries. We construct the eigenvector centrality measure using detailed input-output tables published by the BEA every five years. Following Ahern and Harford (2010) and Anjos and Fracassi (2012), we use the 1997 “Use Table” for calculation of the centrality measure. We utilize 1997 data because 1997 is the approximate midpoint of our data period and according to Anjos and Fracassi (2012) the flows among industries remain highly persistent over years. We define industries using the 4-digit IO industry codes provided by the BEA. We exclude government, special industries, value added and final users (industry definitions that start with the letters S, V, or F). 6 Figure 2 plots the actual network structure by depicting the connections between 123 industries. While the network in Figure 2 is far more complex than that in Figure 1, we can conclude that the actual interactions in the U.S. economy resembles the 6 We do not include government/special industry/value added/final uses industries in the calculation of the strength measure because of the difficulties in the interpretation of certain associations. (e.g., negative sales values, changes in private inventories etc.) In the calculation of the strength measure, we include private consumption expenditures to calculate total sales numbers so that our measures gauge importance relative to overall sales, rather than strictly business-to-business sales. 7 economy depicted in Figure 1, as some industries clearly play a more central role than others (Acemoglu et al. 2012). In Table 1, we provide a list of the most central industries. (Insert Figure 2 and Table 1 about here) 3 Data and descriptive statistics 3.1 Data We obtain accounting data and stock returns data from COMPUSTAT quarterly file and CRSP daily and monthly files respectively. Analyst-related data come from I/B/E/S/. The specific data requirements differ for returns related tests and earnings related tests and accordingly for each analysis we start with the sample of firms from COMPUSTAT and impose additional restrictions depending on the specification. We require that the historical NAICS industry code be available in COMPUSTAT in order to merge our firm-related data with our centrality measures, available at the BEA 4- digit industry level. This restricts our sample period to the fiscal years after 1985, ending in 2011. We exclude regulated firms (NAICS 22) and financial institutions (NAICS 52) from the sample because their earnings and returns depend relatively more on the regulatory environment than for other firms in the economy. 3.2 Descriptive statistics Figure 3 plots the centrality measure by decreasing order. The figure exhibits the common phenomenon that a small number of nodes in the network, industries in our case, exhibit high connectivity (e.g., Newman 2010). As the figure demonstrates, while most industries exhibit some connections with the other industries, there are relatively few ‘hub’ industries. Four industries – wholesale trade, construction, management of companies, and real estate – exhibit the highest degree of centrality, followed by a number of other industries with 8 still relatively high eigenvector centrality. We confirm these observations in Table 2. The centrality measure quickly decreases from its maximum of 0.266 to 0.097 at the 75th percentile or a difference of 0.169. The distribution then levels out with 70% of the observations clustered between the 0.036 values and the 0.097 values, or a difference of 0.060. (Insert Figure 3 and Table 2 about here) There are three major discontinuities in the eigenvector centrality values not counting the two cliffs at the very beginning and very end of the distribution: the first is at 0.216, the second is at 0.125 and the third is at 0.111. The distribution of centrality values becomes visibly smooth beyond 0.111 (the dotted line in Figure 3), suggesting that industries below this level are relatively more comparable in terms of centrality. Accordingly, we choose to define central industries as those that have eigenvector centrality values greater than 0.111, which accounts for the top 17% of the industries. This cutoff is conservative enough to ensure that all central industries are indeed classified as central. Our results remain similar when we set the cutoff at 0.125 or when we use different cutoffs around the baseline level. 7 We do not consider 0.216 as a cutoff point because as Figure 2 shows there are several well-connected industries that play relatively important roles in the economy and 0.216 is an aggressive cutoff point that leads only four industries to be classified as central. 7 In particular, our analyses remain qualitatively similar when using a cutoff of 0.12, or 12% of the distribution of industries, and when using a cutoff of 0.10 or 21% of the industries. 9 4 Are central firms more exposed to systemic risk? 4.1 R-square regressions Research design As we explain in section 2.2, our first prediction is that central firms are more exposed to systemic risks than non-central firms. In order to determine whether this prediction holds, we estimate the ability of CAPM and Fama-French three-factor models to explain central firms’ returns. We expect that the R2s from these models will be higher for central firms than for noncentral firms. We estimate CAPM and Fama-French three-factor models with both daily and monthly returns data using non-overlapping five-year windows. 8 We restrict our sample to firms that are in both CRSP and COMPUSTAT. We require firms to have at least 800 days (60 months) of return data availability to be included in the daily (monthly) regressions. This helps us to limit the impact of stocks with limited return information during the estimation period. Upon estimating the CAPM and the three-factor models we test the association between the R2s from these models and our centrality measure using the following model: 9 Rsquarei ,t= α + β1Eigenvector Centralityi ,t +β 2 Analysts Dummyi ,t + β3 Average Proportion Traded i ,t +β 4 Logmktcapi ,t (3) We predict that the coefficient on Eigenvector Centrality, β1, should be positive if central firms are more exposed to systemic risks than non-central firms. Because the R2s in the regressions could also depend on the information environment and the liquidity of the stocks traded, we add three control variables (Piotroski and Roulstone 2004, Kelly 2005). 10 Analysts Dummy is equal 8 We use the following fiscal years as cutoffs for the estimation periods: 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010. Results are not dependent on inclusion or exclusion of the fiscal year 1985 (estimation period from 1981 to 1985) in the sample. 9 Our approach of using R2s as the dependent variable is parallel to that used in the study of stock return synchronicity (e.g., Morck et al. 2000 ; Piotroski and Roulstone 2004). 10 For example, the market price of a stock will remain the same if the stock is not traded during a given period, 10 to one if the stock is covered by the analysts at the end of the R2s estimation period, Average Proportion Traded is the average trading volume as a percentage of shares outstanding during the period, and Logmkval is the logarithm of the market capitalization of the stock at the end of the period, equal to shares outstanding times market price at the end of the period in COMPUSTAT. Based on Kelly (2005)’s findings that R2s from market models increase with information availability and liquidity, we expect all coefficients on control variables to be positive. Additional information on the computation of control variables is provided in Appendix A. Both the dependent variable and control variables are winsorized at the 1st and 99th percentile in order to reduce the impact of outliers in the specifications. Results We present our results from the estimation of (3) in Table 3. The first two columns present the results using daily returns data. The coefficient on the Eigenvector Centrality is positive in both CAPM and Fama-French specifications at the 1% level or better. The effect is also economically important. For example, an increase of the centrality measure from the 25th percentile to the 75th percentile, or 0.078, corresponds to a 0.90% increase in R2s in the CAPM specification using daily returns, compared to a sample average R2 of 9.63%. Consistent with Piotroski and Roulstone’s (2004) and Kelly (2005)’s findings our results indicate that firms covered by analysts, and firms with a higher market capitalization have higher R2s, indicating that larger firms are more exposed to systemic risks than other firms. Our analysis using monthly returns yields results that are similar to those using daily returns. For both CAPM and FamaFrench three factor models, we find that central firms have higher R2s. Overall these findings are consistent with our prediction that exposure to systemic risks increases with the centrality. (Insert Table 3 about here) which would result in a low R2. 11 4.2 Earnings Response Coefficients Research design In this section we examine whether investors react less to earnings announcements of central firms compared to non-central firms. Our prediction follows from our findings in the previous section that central firms are more exposed to systemic risks than non-central firms. Given this association, we expect that investors can better anticipate the earnings of central industries because investors have access to a wide variety of sources of macroeconomic news that they can impound into prices throughout the quarter. Consequently, we predict that the earnings response coefficients (ERCs) of central firms should be lower than ERCs of non-central firms. We conduct the following regression in order to investigate this hypothesis: CARit = α + β1 Surpriseit + β 2 Centrali + β3 Surpriseit × Centrali + β . X it + γ Surpriseit × X it (4) where CARit is the cumulative abnormal returns for firm i and quarter t, defined over a three-day window around the earnings announcement date reported by I/B/E/S/. We subtract the weighted market return to the company cumulative returns; Centrali is an indicator variable equal to one when the centrality measure is above the cutoff level of 0.111; Surpriseit is equal to the actual earnings per share less the most recent analysts’ consensus earnings forecast, both scaled by the stock price at the beginning of the firm’s fiscal quarter. We use the earnings per share and earnings forecast data from I/B/E/S/ and we require that there is a lag of at least 2 days between the most recent consensus forecast and the actual announcement date in order to avoid any information leakage concerns. Because we use analyst forecasts to calculate the surprise, our sample is restricted to firms that are covered by analysts. This tends to skew the sample towards larger companies. We also require that the company fiscal quarter ends either in March, June, September or December. This restriction is necessary because we also examine the impact of the 12 timing of announcement relative to peer firms. We also include a vector of control variables (Xit) that are identified as determinants of earnings response coefficients in prior research (see for example Francis and Ke, 2006, Lim and Tan, 2008 and Aboody, Aobdia and Hughes, 2012). Xit includes the following: Tobinq, the Tobin Q coefficient defined as the market value of assets (i.e., total liabilities plus market value of equity at the end of the fiscal quarter) divided by the book value of total assets; StdReturns, the 90 calendar day stock returns volatility ending three days prior to the earnings announcement date; Leverage, the firm book leverage (total debt over total debt plus book value of equity); Logmkval, the natural logarithm of the firm fiscal quarter end market value; Loss, an indicator variable equal to one when the actual I/B/E/S/ EPS is negative; Specialitems, an indicator variable equal to one when special items during the quarter are above 5% of the total assets value; Fourthquarter, an indicator variable equal to one when the fiscal quarter is the last one of the year. We winsorize all continuous variables at the 1st and 99th percentiles. All control variables are interacted with the surprise in order to control for their impact on the ERCs. Because this interaction could create some issues with interpretation of the results on the coefficient on the surprise when the mean of the variables is not equal to zero, we normalize the mean of all continuous explanatory control variables to zero in order to present meaningful estimates of β3, the coefficient of interest. We predict that the coefficient β3 will be negative if more information relevant to central firms is released outside earnings announcement date in comparison to noncentral firms. Results We present our results from the estimation of (4) in Table 4. Panel A presents several 13 descriptive statistics that compare central firms with non-central firms. Central firms are larger than non-central firms as evidenced by a larger logarithm of their market capitalization. They also have lower Tobinq, lower volatility, and higher leverage than non-central firms. 17.9% of central firm-quarters have losses, compared to 26.8% for non-central firms. The proportion of central firm-quarters that have large special items in their income statements as a percentage of assets is also significantly lower than the proportion of non-central firms. All these differences are significant at the 1% level or better when using a t-test of differences for the mean or a Wilcoxon Mann-Whitney test for the median. Overall, these results suggest that central firms are larger and more mature than non-central firms. This confirms the need to control for these differences in our specifications on the ERCs. 11 (Insert Table 4 about here) Column (1) of Table 4, Panel B presents our main results. As predicted, the interaction coefficient on Surprise × Central loads negatively, indicating that ceteris paribus the ERCs of central firms are lower than the ERCs of non-central firms. The results are significant at the 1% level. Given that the coefficient on the surprise is equal to 1.056, central firms have an ERC coefficient lower by 0.056, or approximately 5% lower than non-central firms. Column (2) presents similar specifications to Column (1) with standard errors clustered at the quarter level. Results on the interaction Surprise × Central remain unchanged. In Column (3), we include a Late Announcer indicator variable for when firms announce at the end of the announcement period. The variable takes the value one when firms announce after the median announcement date within the quarter. We interact this variable with the 11 In untabulated results, we confirm that these differences between central firms and non-central firms hold when incorporating the entire sample of firms from COMPUSTAT quarterly merged with CRSP, and not only the sample restricted to companies covered by analysts. 14 Surprise and with the Central dummy. The coefficient on Surprise × Central remains negative and significant, indicating that the ERCs of early announcing central firms are lower than those of non-central firms. We also find a negative coefficient on the interaction Surprise × Late Announcer, consistent with information relevant to late announcers being released by the early announcers. However, we find that the interaction Surprise × Late Announcer × Central is significantly positive, indicating that the reduction in ERC between early announcers and late announcers is not as acute for central firms as it is for non-central firms. This result is consistent with the reduction in ERCs for central firms being primarily due to pre-emption by the release of macro-economic news and not by company-specific news. The sum Surprise × Late Announcer + Surprise × Late Announcer × Central remains negative and significant at 5% using an F-test of differences, indicating that the ERC of central firms that are late announcers is still lower than the ERC of central firms that are early announcers. The economic magnitude of the impact of centrality is magnified for early announcers in comparison to Column (1) and (2). In particular, the reduction in ERC for central firms represents almost 12% of the ERC of early announcing firms. In Column (4), we confirm that the results in Column (3) continue to hold when we cluster the standard errors at the quarter level. The results, except those of the F-tests, remain unchanged. 5 Are central firms’ returns and ROA changes more informative than those of non-central firms? In this section, we test our second prediction that the central industries’ performance leads that of the non-central industries. In particular, we expect that the stock performance and the accounting performance of central firms are informative about those of non-central firms. 15 5.1 Returns Predictability Research design Our analysis of the predictability of returns is similar to that in Hong, Torous and Valkanov (2007). We test whether monthly return of an industry (hereafter source industry) has predictive power over the future returns of the industries that it is linked to (hereafter the linked industries) and whether the effects are enhanced when the source is a central industry. In particular, we regress the weighted average returns of the linked industries for the month n+1 on the returns of the source industry for month n. The linked industries are defined as the industries that are linked to the source industry either as a supplier or a customer or both. We conduct the following regression: Linked Abn Returnsi ,n +1 = α + β1Linked Abn Returnsi ,n + β 2Source Abn Returnsi ,n + β3Central + β 4 Central × Source Abn Returnsi ,n + γ X n (5) In this model, Linkedt Abn Returns is the weighted average monthly return of the abnormal returns for each linked industry. Abnormal returns for each industry are computed using the market value weighted raw returns of the firms comprising the industry, less the value weighted NYSE/NASDAQ/AMEX market return. We then weight the abnormal returns of each industry based on the strength of the link between the source industry and the linked industry, because we anticipate that the predictive power should increase with the strength of the links. Source Abn Returns is the market capitalization value weighted average monthly return of the source industry less the value weighted NYSE/NASDAQ/AMEX market return; Central is an indicator variable that equals one if the centrality of the industry is greater than 0.111 and zero otherwise. X is a vector of control variables defined as in Hong et al. (2007) and includes the following variables: Spread, the default spread (DSPR), defined as the difference between the Moody’s BAA-rated and AAA-rated bond yields; Inflation, the seasonally adjusted monthly inflation, 16 measured as the growth rate of the consumer price index (CPI); Dividend rate, the one year market dividend yield, computed as the total dividend from the CRSP market portfolio divided by the current market level. We predict a positive coefficient on the interaction term, Source Abn Returns × Central, if the source industry can predict the future returns of the linked industries better when the source is a central industry. We also predict the coefficient on Source Abn Returns be positive if source industries can explain the returns of linked industries. A positive coefficient would be consistent with the findings of Menzly and Ozbas (2010) who find that stocks of economically related supplier and customer firms predict each other’s returns. Results We present our results from the estimation of (5) in Table 5. We start our analysis by examining the concurrent associations. In particular, in Panel A we regress current returns of the linked industries on the concurrent returns of the source industry in Panel A. In Column (1), we regress current period linked industries abnormal returns on the control variables. We find that higher spreads between AAA and BAA bonds, higher inflation rates, lower standard deviation of market returns and lower dividend rates are positively associated with concurrent abnormal returns. In Column (2), we add the returns of the source industries and their interactions with the central dummy. We find that source returns are positively associated with linked returns. The association is enhanced when the source is a more central industry, evidenced by a positive coefficient on the interaction Source Abn Returns × Central. In particular, the coefficient in the regression goes from 0.098 for non-central sources to 0.213 for central sources, or a 117% increase. The R2s in the specification go from 0.03 in Column (1) to 0.13 in Column (2), indicating that the returns of the source and their interaction with the central dummy have strong 17 incremental explanatory power in the regression. Results are unchanged when clustering the standard errors at the year level in Column (3). Overall, these results are consistent with central source firms having a stronger association with linked firms than non-central source firms. (Insert Table 5 about here) The results of the specifications using one-month-ahead returns for the linked industries are presented in Panel B. Column (1) presents the results for baseline specifications with inclusion of the abnormal returns for the linked industries at month n. Consistent with the literature on momentum (see for example Moskowitz and Grinblatt, 1999), we find that the returns of the linked industries at month n are positively associated with the returns of the linked industries at month n+1. We introduce the returns of the source and their interactions with the central dummy in Column (2). We find a positive coefficient on the returns of the source, significant at the 1% level, indicating that industries predict the combined returns of their suppliers and customers. This result is consistent with Menzly and Ozbas (2010). The interaction Central × Source Abn Returns is positive and significant at the 5% level, indicating that central source firms’ returns have more predictive power compared to non-central source firms returns. The total coefficient on Source Abn Returns goes from 0.008 for non-central firms to 0.020 for central firms, a 120% difference comparable to the increase in coefficient for concurrent returns. Results in Column (2) are unchanged in Column (3) when standard errors are clustered at the year level. 5.2 Earnings Predictability Research design Our final analysis investigates whether current accounting performance of a source industry can explain the future accounting performance of the linked industries, and whether the 18 effects are enhanced when the source is a central industry. In particular, we regress the weighted seasonally differenced return on assets (i.e. current quarter return on assets minus four quarter lagged return on assets) of the linked industries for the next quarter on the seasonally differenced return on assets of the source industry for current quarter. We conduct the following regression: Linked ROA Changei ,n +1 = α + β1Source ROA Changei ,n + β 2Centrali + β3Source ROA Changei ,n × Centrali + β 4 Linked ROA Change n + β5 Linked ROA Change n −1 + β 6 Linked ROA Change n − 2 (6) + β 7 Linked ROA Change n −3 + β8 Linked ROA Change n− 4 In order to compute Linked ROA Change at quarter n we first compute the seasonally differenced return on assets (ROA) for each company in each industry. ROA is defined as earnings before extraordinary items and discontinued operations (ibq in COMPUSTAT) divided by the total assets at the end of the prior quarter. We then weight these ROA changes by the market capitalization at the beginning of the quarter of each firm within the industry in order to obtain industry averages of ROA changes. We then weight these ROA changes by the strength of the link between the source industry and the linked industries in order to compute a linked industries average ROA change, or Linked ROA Change. Similar to our analysis on returns, we anticipate that industries with stronger links predict each other’s accounting performance better than industries with weaker links and we consequently use the strength of the links between industries as the weight for our analyses. Similar to our definition of Linked ROA Change, we define Source ROA Change as the market capitalization weighted seasonally differenced ROA of the firms comprising the source industry. We predict that the coefficient on β1 is positive if source industries’ changes in ROA explain future changes in ROA for linked industries. We also predict that the coefficient on β3 is positive if the explanatory power is greater for central industries. We include lagged values of 19 Linked ROA Change in order to control for future predictability of within industry earnings changes, following Bernard and Thomas (1990)’s findings at the firm level. In particular, we predict that β4, β5 and β6 should be positive while β7 should be negative, due to positive autocorrelation of earnings for the prior 3 quarters and negative autocorrelation of earnings for the prior 4th quarter, as in Bernard and Thomas (1990). Similar to the analysis on ERCs, and for the purpose of consistency in our regressions, we restrict our sample to firms having fiscal quarters ending in March, June, September and December. Results We present our results from the estimation of (6) in Table 6. Similar to Table 5, the results in Panel A present specification using concurrent earnings change as the dependent variable. Column (1) presents specifications using the control variables only. Consistent with Bernard and Thomas (1990), we find that the first three lags of the Linked Change ROA variable are positively associated with the current value of this variable and two of the three associations are significant. Also consistent with Bernard and Thomas (1990) the coefficient on the fourth lag of Linked Change ROA is negative and significant. We add Source Change ROA in Column (2), as well as its interaction with the Central dummy variable. We find a significant positive association between Source and Linked concurrent year on year changes in ROA, evidenced by a positive coefficient on Source Change ROA. We also find that this positive association is significantly enhanced when the source industry is central. In particular, the coefficient nearly triples from 0.039 to 0.114. In Column (3) we add source fixed effects into the analysis and confirm our findings in Column (2). The coefficients of interest remain significantly positive and are practically unchanged compared to 20 the specifications in Column (2). (Insert Table 6 about here) In Panel B, we present the results of the tests where the dependent variable is one-quarter ahead value of the Linked Change ROA. Results in Column (1), including control variables only, are practically similar to those of Column (1) in Panel A. In Column (2), consistent with our predictions, we find that Source Change ROA at quarter n positively predict Linked Change ROA at quarter n+1, with a significant improvement of the predictive power when the source is a central industry, as evidenced by a positive coefficient on the interaction Source Change ROA × Central. The predictive coefficient increases from 0.017 to 0.056, comparable to the results in Panel A. Results in Column (2) remain similar when we add source fixed effects in the specifications. The coefficient on Source Change ROA at quarter n and its interaction with Central remain positive and significant at the 1% level and are practically unchanged. 6 Conclusion We investigate the role of inter-industry trade flows as a source of information transfers among firms. We hypothesize that an industry’s position in the inter-industry network is an important determinant of that industry’s exposure to systemic shocks and the extent to which idiosyncratic shocks to that industry affects the industries it is linked to. In particular, building on a diversification based argument and prior theoretical findings on the propagation of industry shocks, we predict and find that firms in central industries are more exposed to systemic risks compared to firms in non-central industries. Additionally, we find that the earnings response coefficients are lower for central firms, which is consistent with the investors’ ability to better anticipate the earnings of central industries based on macroeconomic information. We also document that shocks to a central industry’s performance, as measured by stock 21 returns and accounting earnings, propagate more strongly than shocks to a non-central industry’s performance. In particular, we find that a central industry’s performance is more strongly associated with the concurrent and future performance of the industries it is linked to, than the performance of a non-central industry is associated with the industries it is linked to. Our study adds to the literature on the gradual diffusion of information across asset markets by identifying a specific channel – intra-industry trade flows – through which information transfers occur. 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Variable Descriptions Variable Analysts dummy Average proportion traded CAR Central Dividend rate Eigenvector Centrality Fourthquarter Inflation Late Announcer Leverage Logmkval Loss Source Abn Returns Source ROA Change Specialitems Spread StdReturns Surprise Linked Abn Returns Linked ROA Change Tobinq Description An indicator variable that equals one if there is a quarterly consensus EPS forecast provided in I/B/E/S/ for the last quarter of the analysis period and zero otherwise. Average number of shares traded as a percentage of shares outstanding. The variable is calculated using daily (monthly) data from CRSP for daily (monthly) analysis. Cumulative returns for a given firm's stock for the three days around the earnings announcement date, less the value weighted NYSE/NASDAQ/AMEX market return. An indicator variable that equals one if the centrality of the industry is greater than 0.111 and zero otherwise. Total dividend from the CRSP market portfolio divided by the current market level. The value of eigenvector centrality. The calculation is described in detail in Section 2.2. The measure is computed based on the 1997 BEA "Use Tables". An indicator variable that equals one for the fourth fiscal quarter and zero otherwise. Monthly change in the seasonally adjusted consumer price index An indicator variable that equals one when the earnings announcement date occurs after the median earnings announcement date during the quarter Total debt (short term plus long term) divided by itself plus book value of equity Logarithm of the market capitalization of the company at the end of the period (shares outstanding x Price at the end of the fiscal quarter). An indicator variable that equals one if the actual EPS as reported in I/B/E/S/ is negative and zero otherwise. Market capitalization weighted average monthly returns of the firms in the source industry Market capitalization weighted average of the change in ROA between quarter n and quarter n-4 of firms in the industry. ROA is defined as earnings before extraordinary items and discontinued operations divided by assets at the beginning of the quarter. An indicator variable that equals one if the proportion of special items during the quarter exceeds 5% of the value of total assets. The difference between the yield of BAA rated and AAA rated bonds Standard deviation of stock returns estimated over a 90 days period ending three days prior to the earnings announcement date Actual EPS less the most recent analyst consensus forecast, deflated by the stock price at the beginning of the fiscal quarter. Actual and consensus are from I/B/E/S/. The consensus is measured at least two days prior to the earnings announcement date Weighted average of the monthly industry returns less the value weighted market return. The weights are the strength of the link between the source and the linked industries and the monthly industry returns are weighted using market capitalization at the beginning of the month Weighted average of the industry year on year changes in ROA. Weights used are the strength of the link between source and linked firms. Industry level changes in ROA are computed as the market capitalization weighted average of the firm level change in ROA between quarter n and quarter n-4 Book value of total liabilities plus market value of equity at the end of the fiscal quarter divided by the book value of total assets 25 Table 1: List of the most central industries Rank Name of the Industry 1 Wholesale Trade 2 Construction 3 Management of Companies/Enterprises 4 Real Estate 5 Retail Trade 6 Administrative and Support Svc. 7 Money Authorities/Credit Intermediation 8 Power Generation and Supply 9 Advertising and Related Svc. 10 Plastics/Rubber Products Mfg. 11 Motor Vehicle Body/Trailer/Parts Mfg. 12 Other Fabricated Metal Product Mfg. 13 Petroleum and Coal Products Mfg. 14 Food Mfg. 15 Oil and Gas Extraction 16 Employment Svc. 17 Semiconductor and Electronic Eq. Mfg. 18 Iron and Steel Mills 19 Management and Tech. Consulting Svc. 20 Architectural and Engineering Svc. 26 Table 2: Distribution of the centrality variable This table presents the distribution of the eigenvector centrality measure for the industries in the U.S. The measure is calculated using the detailed use tables of 1997 published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). Industries are defined using the BEA’s four-digit industry codes and the total number of industries is 123. Variable Eigenvector Centrality Minimum 5th Percentile 10th Percentile 25th Percentile 50th Percentile 75th Percentile 90th Percentile 95th Percentile Maximum 0.021 0.036 0.045 0.054 0.074 0.097 0.127 0.143 0.266 Mean StDev N 0.081 0.040 123 27 Table 3: Analysis of the R2s from CAPM and Fama-French three factor models This table presents the analysis of the association between centrality and exposure to systemic risk using an ordinary least squares model. The dependent variable is the R2 from CAPM or Fama French three factor models estimated using daily or monthly data. Estimations are conducted using five-year non-overlapping windows, ending in 1985, 1990, 1995, 2000, 2005 and 2010. The variable of interest is the centrality measure, Eigenvector Centrality. The definitions of the variables are available in Appendix A. Standard errors are clustered at the firm level. *, **, and *** denote significance at a two sided 10%, 5% and 1% level. Daily R-squares Monthly R-squares Dependent Variable: R-square Eigenvector Centrality CAPM 0.116 Fama French *** 9.643 Analysts Dummy 0.017 0.004 *** 28 0.027 *** Number Observations Clustering Adjusted R-square F-statistic (0.087) *** 0.004 *** 0.029 *** (0.082) 0.033 0.008 *** 0.021 *** 0.013 0.043 *** 0.010 *** 0.020 *** 0.085 4.964 28.630 20,571 20,571 17,375 17,375 Firm level Firm level Firm level Firm level 0.45 0.46 0.21 0.21 3,287.05 *** 1,036.15 *** *** 34.312 (41.775) *** *** 9.122 (47.466) 2,970.35 *** 15.815 37.768 *** 0.053 2.716 8.167 65.401 *** *** 13.137 26.362 64.605 Constant 0.025 0.073 Fama French 4.164 14.298 26.313 Logmkval *** 9.494 10.696 Average Proportion Traded 0.123 CAPM *** 990.29 *** *** Table 4: Earnings response coefficients Table 4 Panel A presents descriptive statistics for the sample of firms covered by analysts. There are 57,292 observations for central firms and 141,576 observations for non-central firms. Panel B presents the analysis of the association between earnings response coefficients and centrality. In Panel B, cumulative abnormal return for the three day announcement period [-1, 1] is regressed on the earnings surprise, an indicator variable for central firms and the interaction of the central dummy with the earnings surprise. Control variables and their interactions with the earnings surprise are also included in the model. For brevity the control variables and their interactions with the earnings surprise variable are not reported, but they are available from the authors upon request. The definitions of the variables are available in Appendix A. *, **, and *** denote significance at a two sided 10%, 5% and 1% level. Panel A: Descriptive Statistics Mean Variable Non Central CAR Surprise Tobinq StdReturns Leverage Logmkval Loss Specialitems Fourthquarter 0.0006 (0.0033) 2.3845 0.0348 0.2868 6.0015 0.2678 0.0350 0.2697 Median Central Test of equality Non Central Central 0.0002 0.0002 1.7029 0.0299 0.2245 5.8589 - 0.0006 0.0001 1.4305 0.0272 0.3221 6.0881 - 0.0015 (0.0036) 1.8489 0.0319 0.3403 6.1483 0.1786 0.0246 0.2675 Mean (2.29) 1.89 49.96 31.09 (33.62) (16.84) 42.27 11.99 1.00 Median ** * *** *** *** *** *** *** (1.73) 1.47 64.28 31.40 (48.79) (18.75) 42.09 11.98 1.00 * *** *** *** *** *** *** Panel B: Earnings Response Coefficients (ERCs) Dependent variable: CARs Surprise Central S urprise x Central (1) (2) 1.056 *** 52.029 (0.001) ** (2.044) (0.056) *** (3.553) (3) 1.056 *** 15.261 (0.001) (1.577) (0.056) *** (2.908) Late Announcer Late Announcer x Central S urprise x Late Announcer S urprise x Late Announcer x Central Constant Number Observations Clustering Adjusted R-square F-statistic 0.006 19.701 *** 0.006 6.677 198,868 None 0.03 337.53 *** *** 198,868 Quarter 0.03 61.98 *** 1.126 51.566 (0.403) (0.134) (5.084) (0.004) (7.422) (0.002) (1.677) (0.182) (10.072) 0.122 3.742 0.006 20.546 (4) *** *** *** * *** *** *** 198,868 None 0.03 282.09 *** F-test: S urprise x Late Announcer Dummy + S urprise x Late Announcer Dummy x Central Dummy = 0 F-test 4.52 p-value 0.03 29 1.126 15.654 (0.303) (0.134) (3.258) (0.004) (3.338) (0.002) (1.565) (0.182) (6.991) 0.122 2.280 0.006 6.741 *** *** *** *** ** *** 198,868 Quarter 0.03 56.62 *** 1.62 0.21 Table 5: Returns Predictability This table presents the analysis of the association between centrality and the predictability of stock returns at the industry level. The dependent variable is equal to the weighted average monthly returns of the linked industries of a given industry i (i.e., the source industry) less the market returns. To calculate the weighted average monthly returns of the linked industries we first calculate value weighted returns of all firms in each linked industry then weight these returns with the strength of the link of between the industry and the source industry. Panel A presents results for the concurrent association between the returns of the linked industries and the source and Panel B presents the results where the dependent variable is one month ahead return of the linked industries. The definitions of the variables are available in Appendix A. *, **, and *** denote significance at a two sided 10%, 5% and 1% level. Panel A: Concurrent returns Dependent Variable: Concurrent returns linked (1) (2) Returns source 0.098 53.547 1.318 0.115 19.975 0.009 23.878 0.088 2.387 (0.289) (11.709) (0.357) (23.171) (0.063) Central dummy Central x Returns Source Spread Inflation Stdev Dividend Rate Constant Number of observations Clustering Adjusted R-square F-statistic 0.011 27.786 0.084 2.139 (0.419) (16.090) (0.432) (26.604) 0.001 2.235 *** ** *** *** ** 36,334 None 0.03 238.93 *** (3) *** *** *** ** *** *** 36,334 None 0.13 776.47 *** F-test: Returns source + Central x Returns S ource = 0 F-statistic p-value 1,514.07 - 30 0.098 9.409 1.547 0.115 15.017 0.009 2.954 0.088 0.375 (0.289) (1.175) (0.357) (2.333) (0.006) *** *** *** ** 36,334 Year Level 0.13 93.11 *** 198.58 - Table 5: Returns Predictability (continued) Panel B: One month ahead returns Dependent Variable: Returns linked month n+1 Returns linked (1) 0.069 13.255 (2) *** 0.060 10.906 0.008 3.844 0.850 0.012 1.976 0.008 20.303 0.171 4.366 (0.124) (4.758) (0.357) (21.764) (0.001) (2.042) Returns source Central dummy Central x Returns Source Spread Inflation Stdev Dividend Rate Constant Number of observations Clustering Adjusted R-square F-statistic 0.008 20.489 0.169 4.337 (0.131) (5.035) (0.359) (21.916) (0.001) (1.795) *** *** *** *** * 36,334 None 0.03 198.53 *** (3) *** *** ** *** *** *** *** ** 36,334 None 0.03 127.32 *** F-test: Returns source + Central x Returns S ource = 0 F-statistic p-value 11.26 0.00 31 0.060 1.753 0.008 3.341 1.268 0.012 2.193 0.008 2.620 0.171 0.736 (0.124) (0.515) (0.357) (2.384) (0.001) (0.222) * *** ** ** ** 36,334 Year Level 0.03 6.28 *** 10.08 0.00 Table 6: Earnings predictability This table presents the analysis of the association between centrality and the predictability of accounting performance at the industry level. The dependent variable is equal to the weighted average seasonally differenced quarterly return on assets of the linked industries of a given industry i (i.e., the source industry) The seasonally differenced quarter ROA of the linked industries is computed as the weighted average of each industry’s average ROA change comprising the linked industries. The weights are based on the distance between the source and the linked industry. Each industry’s average ROA is computed as the market value weighted average of the ROA changes of the firms comprising the industry. Panel A presents results for the concurrent association between the ROA of the linked industries and the source and Panel B presents the results where the dependent variable is one quarter ahead ROA of the linked industries. The definitions of the variables are available in Appendix A. *, **, and *** denote significance at a two sided 10%, 5% and 1% level. Panel A: Concurrent ROAs Dependent variable: Linked Change ROA n (1) (2) 0.395 43.420 0.003 0.326 0.117 11.913 (0.227) (24.812) (0.001) (25.843) 0.039 11.944 (0.061) 0.075 7.380 0.375 41.376 (0.002) (0.183) 0.115 11.868 (0.221) (24.431) (0.001) (23.241) Source Change ROA Central Source Change ROA x Central Linked Change ROA n-1 Linked Change ROA n-2 Linked Change ROA n-3 Linked Change ROA n-4 Constant Number Observations Fixed Effects Adjusted R-square F-statistic 11,528 None 0.20 715.16 *** *** *** *** 11,528 None 0.22 458.10 *** F-test: S ource Change ROA + Central x S ource Change ROA = 0 F-statistic p-value 32 147.19 - (3) *** 0.039 11.954 *** *** 0.076 7.409 0.370 40.683 (0.005) (0.488) 0.112 11.536 (0.225) (24.807) (0.001) (25.405) *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 11,528 Source Fixed Effects 0.22 521.09 *** 147.22 - Table 6: Earnings predictability (continued) Panel B: One quarter ahead ROAs Dependent variable: Linked Change ROA n+1 (1) (2) 0.390 41.396 0.002 0.247 0.121 12.250 (0.234) (23.459) 0.015 1.571 (0.001) (23.337) 0.017 5.118 (0.406) 0.039 3.726 0.379 39.846 (0.002) (0.243) 0.119 12.044 (0.233) (23.468) 0.015 1.599 (0.001) (21.514) Source Change ROA Central Source Change ROA x Central Linked Change ROA n Linked Change ROA n-1 Linked Change ROA n-2 Linked Change ROA n-3 Linked Change ROA n-4 Constant Number Observations Fixed Effects Adjusted R-square F-statistic 11,528 None 0.19 546.57 *** *** *** *** 11,528 None 0.20 350.34 *** F-test: S ource Change ROA + Central x S ource Change ROA = 0 F-statistic p-value 33 31.32 - (3) *** 0.017 5.149 *** *** 0.040 3.759 0.373 39.016 (0.005) (0.477) 0.116 11.716 (0.235) (23.625) 0.010 1.009 (0.001) (23.692) *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** 11,528 Source Fixed Effects 0.19 389.54 *** 31.51 - Figure 1: An economy where one central industry trades with N-1 other industries N 1 2 N-1 3 4 N-2 34 Figure 2: Inter-industry network based on BEA input/output tables This figure plots the inter-industry network based on the U.S. input-output matrix of 1997 provided by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA).Each node corresponds to an industry (based on BEA’s 4-digit industry code) and each edge corresponds to a link between industries with strength (Aij) of 3% or more. See section 2.2 for the definition of strength of the link between two industries. 2212 3160 3150 1120 3253 3140 4840 1130 3130 1150 8120 813A 6240 5240 6230 7130 532A 6100 2110 4860 3221 3252 1110 6220 4930 1140 2213 3240 3251 3270 2123 2300 3210 3260 4810 4820 2122 48A0 4830 3324 3359 3121 3339 2121 332B 5230 52A0 5411 5412 5414 5133 4920 3110 3333 2130 3346 3230 3259 5419 5615 336A 5132 3322 3335 3321 5120 71A0 3222 331A 3364 3353 5141 3399 3341 3344 5415 3332 3315 5111 3336 3361 8111 3345 334A 35 3122 5142 811A 331B 5321 3254 5250 5500 5418 3334 4200 3331 336B 5416 4A00 561A 5613 7220 3351 3323 5330 5620 2211 5310 5324 6210 813B 5413 32553370 3256 3352 3391 5112 5131 Figure 3: Distribution of eigenvector centrality measure 0 .05 Eigenvector Centrality .1 .15 .2 .25 This figure plots the distribution of the eigenvector centrality measure. Eigenvector centrality (defined formally in section 2.2) of an industry is as function of that industry’s direct or indirect ties to the other industries in the economy as well as the strength of these ties. Larger values indicate more central industries. The dotted reference line in the figure corresponds to 0.111, the cutoff value we use to differentiate central industries from the non-central industries. 0 20 40 80 60 Centrality Rank 36 100 120