Cox Green School Newsletter 16 to 20 November 2015 Follow us on Twitter for updates @CoxGreenSchool What’s On Page 2 Weekly Calendar Dates for your Diary Headteacher and Senior Leader Surgery Parent Notice Page 3 Parent Evening Dates Attendance Anti-Bullying Group Talk to the Right Person Letters to Look Out For Page 4 Our Shy Medal Winner Shines Brightly Cox Green Mobile Phone Policy Page 5 Music For Memory at Larchfield Page 6 CGS Students You Make Us Proud CGS Students Lend a Helping Hand Shakespeare for Schools Page 7 Pupil Premium Plus 100 Positive Points Page 8 Word of the Week Careers Drop In Sessions Fireworks Night Success Page 9 Extra Curricular Activities Page 10 Library News Page 11 Thank You Stubbings Nursery Page 12 Cox Green School Sixth Form Open Evening Anti-Bullying Week Monday 16 November to Friday 20 November Committed to Achievement 1 Weekly Calendar Monday 16 November to Friday 20 November Anti Bullying Week Tuesday 17 November 8.45am - 11.30am - Year 10/11 Catering Trip, East Berks College Wednesday 18 November Thursday 19 November Friday 20 November to Internet Safety Day You’re Hired! - Year 13 “You’re Hired” Interview Practice Morning 6.15pm - 11pm - Year 11 Theatre Trip—Lord of the Flies—Wycombe Swan 3.30pm - 5.30pm - Year 8 Netball vs Newlands @ CGS 3.30pm - 5.30pm - Year 9 Netball League @ Furze Platt 3.30pm - 5.30pm - Year 10 Netball vs Newlands @ CGS Radio Berkshire Interview 3.30pm - 6.30pm - Year 13 Oxbridge to Blue Coat School 6pm - 6.45pm - Year 13 Parent UCAS Finance Meeting - Sixth Form Study Room 7pm - Winter Charity Concert - Theatre 2pm - 3pm - Theresa May Visit - Capture Studio Dates for your Diary 2015 Autumn Term 2015 Term 2 Term 2 Wednesday 25 November Year 12 South Africa Lecture Thursday 26 November Sixth Form Open Evening Headteacher and Senior Leaders’ Surgery 8-9am and 3:30-4:30pm Friday 27 November Year 12 and 13—Studying TV Drama—British Film Institute, London Monday 30 November Year 12 Parents Evening 4:30pm—7pm Wednesday 2 December School Production Dress Rehearsal 1pm—3pm Thursday 3 December to Saturday 5 December School Production Evening Shows Thursday 10 December Year 10/11 Theatre Trip GCSE Drama—Woman in Black Friday 11 December Brass Ensemble Rheumatoid Arthritis Carol Concert—All Saints Church Monday 14 December Carol Concert—St Mary’s Church, White Waltham 7pm-9pm Tuesday 15 December Concert Band at Cox Green Luncheon Club Christmas Carols 13:55pm—15:30pm Year 9 Theatre Trip—The Firework Maker’s Daughter. 5pm—11pm Royal Opera House. Thursday 17 December Year 7 Theatre Trip— —2pm—6pm London. Friday 18 December Christmas Hat or Jumper Day Term 2 Ends Monday 21 December 15 Friday 1 January 16 Christmas Holiday Headteacher’s and Senior Leader’s Surgery On the 26th November 2015 at 8am – 9am and 3.30pm – 4.30pm the Headteacher and members of the senior team will be available. If you would like to make an individual appointment to see either the Head or a member of the senior team please contact the Headteacher’s PA by telephone or email. Notice to All Parents Please inform us of ANY changes to your child’s details so that we can keep our records up to date. Addresses, telephone numbers, emergency contacts, doctors etc. 2 Upcoming Parents Evenings for your Diary Year 12 Year 11 Year 9 Year 10 Monday 30 November 2015 Monday 18 January 2016 Monday 25 January 2016 Monday 8 February 2016 Attendance Overall Attendance: 96.56% Persistent Absenteeism: Best Forms’ Attendance: Sixth Form Attendance: 7S1 8A2 9S1 10S2 11B1 Year 12 Year 13 Please be reminded, any medical appointments must be backed up with one of the following: 6.92% 98.50% 97.20% 97.20% 98.37% 97.92% 98.07% 96.37% Mr Shand/Ms Desai Mr Winchcombe Mr Hamilton Ms Allen Mr Morris A written note from a parent. A phone call from a parent. Anti-Bullying Group On Wednesdays, at second break, Mr Hawxwell hosts a group to promote anti-bullying and to help spread a positive message WEDNESDAY 2nd BREAK Room 3—Photography and Media ANTI-BULLYING GROUP EVERY ONE WELCOME! Worried about something? What can you do? TALK TO THE RIGHT PERSON! Your SAFE Managers are : Year 7 Ms Keenan Year 8 Ms Shakeel Year 9 Ms Hawkins Year 10 Ms Marouf Year 11 Mrs Noyes They can be found in the SAFE Office in Lower School or you can talk to your tutor or another member of staff. You don’t have to deal with it alone! Letters to Look Out for… You may find the following hiding at the bottom of your son/daughter’s school bag: Year 10 and 11 Step Into Hospitality and Catering Tuesday 17th November—Selected Students Muddy Welly Run—Sunday 20 December—Selected Students Year 9 Theatre Trip—The Firework-Maker’s Daughter—Tuesday 15th December Homework Club Year 10 and 11 PSHE—Teenage Pregnancy Project—Tuesday 17th November Compulsory Phycology Revision Sessions—Selected Students 3 Our Shy Medal Winner Shines Brightly Katie Crowhurst (7A1) is a visually impaired swimmer. She competes Nationally as an S13 Para Swimmer. She is on British Swimming's England Talent programme and last year and this year she made the times for the next programme up— 'World Class Podium Potential' but you have to be 12 to be accepted onto this program. Last weekend Katie competed in the ASA South East Region Winter Championships and won 3 Medals. Silver in her 100m Backstroke, Silver in her 400m Freestyle and Bronze in her 100m Freestyle. The photo here shows her with her medals at that competition. Next week Katie is off to London to the OCS Young Sports Person of the Year Awards Ceremony. Katie has won the Young Sports Star Award for the South East and has been nominated to win the overall Young Sports Person of the Year Award. The Ceremony is being hosted by Gabby Logan and attended by many famous sports stars and personalities. In December Katie travels to Manchester to compete in the British Swimming Para National Championships where she hopes to make the times to compete next April in the Paralympic Trials in Glasgow. It’s a tough sport and although Katie is chasing the Tokyo Paralympic dream she may not ever make it but she will certainly have had some fantastic opportunities and experiences along the way. Well done Katie—you are an amazing young woman and we wish you all the best. We are so proud of you! We will all be watching out for you at the Young Sports Person of the Year Award and look forward to hearing about your future successes! Cox Green School Policy—Use of Mobile Phones in School They will not be used during the whole of the school day, which includes break and lunchtimes. Any phone must be kept in a pupil’s bag and not carried nor displayed on a pupil’s person. All phones must be switched off. The school will not accept any liability for misuse or loss of a mobile phone. Any transgression from this policy will result in the mobile phone being confiscated and retained until collected by the parent. If the mobile phone is not collected by a parent, it can be returned to the pupil after five school days. The same policy applies to other items such as I-Pods, MP3 Players and iPhone watches. Please note that the use of mobile devices is not permitted on the school site at ANY time including before and after school. 4 Music for Memory at Larchfield Care Home For the first time today, three ambassadors from Cox Green School travelled to play their music for the residents at Larchfield Care Home. Aidan Campbell (year 9, Bassoon), Hannah Croft (year 10, Keyboard) and Cameron Goff (year 10, Euphonium) played for the clients in their sitting rooms. The ‘Music for Memory’ project was led by Aidan Campbell when he applied for funding through Youth Voice Youth Choice. The successful bid was created to bring music to residents at the Larchfield Care Home and now Cox Green School music students will be playing selected pieces every month at the care home until July 2016. The musical trio were met by Matthew Chapman, Activity Coordinator at Larchfields, and he showed them a film clip about the positive effects that music has on people with Dementia. Matthew was interested in the resident’s reactions to the music. Aidan, Hannah and Cameron selected pieces they felt would appeal to their audience, such as ‘Who Will Buy?’ from ‘Oliver!’, ‘Somewhere Over The Rainbow’ and The Beatles. The reactions to the live music were summed up by a comment Matthew made. He said “one of the ladies never comes out of her room, yet within the final chords of Hannah’s first piece on the keyboard, she arrived with her carer to sit for the rest of the mini concert in the communal lounge.” “Music reaches individuals in a way like no other art form and can create memories that last a lifetime” said Matthew. “This is particularly true with dementia sufferers and music can be used as therapy to tap into these memories. So, we came up with an initiative that encourages young musicians to perform for residents and evoke memories as well as to promote their well being.” Hannah remarked about how much she enjoyed the reaction of the residents, and Aidan said he wanted to go back and play for them again. All of the musicians were vibrant and energised about their experiences, and it has started this project in a positive and enchanting way. “Today was fantastic.” said Matthew, “We would like to thank Cox Green School and their students for enriching our residents’ lives by performing for them monthly. We have individuals that do not usually socialise come along and enjoy the performances. When the musicians perform we see some subtle changes in our residents, from the tapping of a toe, to the clapping of hands and some even sing and dance along to the music. Your students were a credit to the school and their parents and should be proud of the way they conducted themselves within our home which can be a difficult setting.” “Our aim is to engage with the wider community and invite them into the home at every opportunity. This is the first of many future steps to bring positive learning about contributing to society. There were great reactions from residents and I believe that it will be the start of something amazing. We are looking forward to next month.” If anyone would like to volunteer at the home or any local groups would like to engage with the residents please contact Matt via Email: or Phone: 01628 639428. 5 Cox Green Students—You Make Us Proud! Good evening I just wanted to inform you of an encounter I had with two of your pupils this afternoon. I met my son from school and went to catch the 3.30ish bus from Wessex Way. I hopped on a very busy bus, with my two children, one in a pushchair. Two of your pupils were very kind in offering their seats to me after seeing me with the pushchair. What a credit to your school they are. Regards Mrs JB Cox Green Students lend a Helping Hand I write to express my gratitude for the actions of some of your students yesterday in Maidenhead Town Centre. An elderly lady had tripped and fallen on the pavement outside the fitness centre (near the Odeon) yesterday at about 4p.m. A pedestrian assisted her up and to a bench seat nearby. There were about three or four of your school's students who were present. One of them rang the ambulance, giving details about the event etc. They also promised to hang around until the ambulance arrived. I would like to express my gratitude for their actions. They are a credit to your school. At a time when youth portray a negative image of themselves by their actions, my faith in them is restored. Thank you. Mrs PK Shakespeare for Schools, another brilliant performance. Last night fourteen students from Cox Green School performed their abridged version of ‘Romeo and Juliet’ as part of the Shakespeare for Schools festival. After months of rehearsal, the cast performed with three other schools at Wycombe Town Hall. The set was minimal, only 14 wooden stools which were used as props and setting the scenes. All the cast wore black and white, and there was a souring contemporary feel with music enhancing the violence such as the lyrics of ‘I Am An Anarchist’. Ms Stead commented on the cast, “Tonight was their best performance, they have been such a good group to work with, they were brilliant.” Opportunities like this encourage an appreciation of literature whilst learning a variety of life skills such as communication, social awareness and commitment. 6 Pupil Premium Plus — Additional funding to schools to support your child’s education You may be aware that schools receive additional funding for children in receipt of Free School Meals which is called Pupil Premium Funding. The government announced that they are extending this funding to provide additional funding for schools to support the education of children who, under certain criteria, ceased to be in care within the UK. This Pupil Premium Plus funding could be as much as £1900 per year per child. Unfortunately, schools are not advised on whether or not a child has ever been in care and/or adopted. Therefore was your child ceased to be looked after: Through adoption or Through a Special Guardianship Order (SGO) or Through a Residence Order (RO) or Through a Child Arrangements Order (CAO) As this is a sensitive issue, this notification gives you the opportunity of making the decision of whether or not you wish to disclose this information to your child’s school. All information received will be treated in strictest confidence. If your child fits into any of the above categories and you are willing for this information to be included in a Department for Education (DfE) School Census return, please contact your child’s school giving the name and date of birth of the child concerned as soon as possible. You will then be contacted and asked to provide supporting evidence, i.e. the Adoption (Court) Order. For the school to claim the funding in the next financial year the information will need to be included in the School Census return that is sent to the DfE each JANUARY. Pupil Premium Plus funding is not ring-fenced. It is designed to provide specific educational support to raise attainment and address the wider needs of children in this vulnerable group. National statistics show that children in this category may face unique challenges and could struggle to keep up with their peers. It is vital that they are given the targeted support they need and the education they deserve to help them get on in life. There is no obligation for you to share this information with us, but in doing so your child may be given additional support with their education. If you are willing to share this information with us please email 100 Positive Points for Archie Farmer! Well Done to Archie Farmer in Year 8 to be the first student to receive 100 Positive Points. Here he is with Ms Swidenbank receiving a Leadership Team Reward for his achievement. Positive Points are given for good behaviour, good work and anything else that is deemed worthy of such a reward. These points are collected over the school year and postcards and phone calls home are sent when various markers have been reached. After every one hundred points received, the students get a prize from the Leadership Team. Well done Archie! Keep up the good work! 7 Want to earn some Positive Points? Rapacious /rəˈpeɪʃəs/ Adj. Inordinately greedy Synonyms: greedy, marauding, voracious Antonym: satisfied Even the all-you-can-eat buffet could not satisfy his rapacious appetite. 1. Use Rapacious in a sentence correctly. 2. Remind your teacher you used the Word of the Week. 3. Receive a stamp! You can also choose to use the Word of the Week outside of school – for example take a screenshot using the word correctly in a text message, Facebook message or a tweet! The screenshot must be emailed to . Drop in Sessions All Years in the Sixth Form Block Mondays at 2nd Break and Wednesday after school 3:15 to 4:15 Cox Green & Wessex Primary - Fireworks - Friday 6th November Another successful fireworks evening this year for Cox Green and Wessex Primary. Despite the drizzle many turned out to enjoy what was on offer. The mini fun fair was a success as always, plenty of light sabres being brandished, the refreshments ladies were run off their feet selling cakes and hot drinks and a great BBQ managed by Paul Shrimpton and team - thanks Paul. As always the Cox Green band with Simon Davie and Sue Beach in charge treated us to some fantastic tunes. As for the fireworks need I say more Solihull Fireworks again produced a fantastic display. Thanks also to Tomato Plant based in Iver for our portaloos. Of course we cannot run the event without our brilliant team of Cox Green and Wessex Primary parents and teachers - thanks to you all for your support - looking forward to next year already. As you know the PTA run these events to fundraise - each school has an equal share of the profits from this event and I am pleased to announce this year it will be approximately £1800 per school - a fantastic amount which will be put towards the many projects in the pipeline. One being another new mini bus, we are also continuing to support the anti-bullying campaign, training the young people on how to help those in need. Thank you again to all who supported this very successful and enjoyable event. 8 Day Extra Curricular Activities - Break Times Time (Activity name, room, teacher, year group) Monday Tuesday Circuit Training | All Years | Mr Morris 7.10-7.55am S.T.E.M Club for girls, Vex Robotics | T2 | Mr Hamilton | Yr 8, 9 & 10 10.50-11.15am Wednesday Fitness Club | All Years | Mr Slade 7.10-7.55am Thursday Multi Sports Club | Miss Glover S.T.E.M Leaders meeting | Science Dept | Ms Saxon 1.25-1.55pm 1.25-1.55pm Friday Fitness Club | All Years | Mr Slade 7.10-7.55am Table Tennis | Mr Slade 1.25-1.55pm Day Extra Curricular Clubs and Activities - After School Time (Activity name, room, teacher, year group) Monday Tuesday Fitness Club | All Years | Mr Kilminster 3.15-4pm Hockey Club | All Years | External Coach 3.15-4.30pm Dance | All Years | Chrissy Sanders Textiles Club | T4 | Miss Sood | Year 7,8 & 9 3.15-4.30pm 3.30-4.30pm R.M & Graphics | Mastering your coursework and the exam | T4 | Mr Hamilton| Year 10 & 11 3.15-4.15pm GCSE Geography clinic | R6 | Miss Allen, Miss Gray, Miss Hall and Mr Casserley | Year 10 & 11 Football | Mr Slade, Mr Kilkelly | Year 8 & 9 Girls Football | Miss Glover & External Coach | All Years 3.15-4.15pm Science revision | Science dept | Year 11 Fitness Club | All Years | Mr Ames 3.15-4pm Netball | Mrs Benger & Miss Glover | All Years 3.15-4.30pm Trampolining| All Years | Tony Hull 3.15-4.30pm Maths Catchup | Maths dept | All Years R.M & Graphics mastering your coursework and the exam | T4 | Mr Hamilton| Year 10 & 11 3.30-4.30pm 3.15-4.15pm Football | Mr Slade & Mr Allen | Year 7 & 10 Running Club | Mr Morris & Mrs McKay | All Years Badminton | Year 7 & 8 3.15-4.30pm 3.15-4.30pm 3.15-4.15pm Badminton | Year 9, 10 & 11 4.15-5.15pm Science S.T.E.M/Crest / S3 / All Years 3.30-4.30pm Maths Catchup | Maths dept | All Years 3.30-4.30pm Art/Photography clinic for GCSE and A level students | Ms James Art Club Gifted & Talented | A2 | Mrs Masih | Year 9 invite only Friday 3.15-4.30pm 3.30-4.30pm Maths Catchup | Maths dept | All Years Thursday 3.15-4.30pm 3.30-4.30pm Science S.T.E.M/Crest / S3 / All Years Wednesday 3.15-4.15pm P.E GCSE Revision | Mr Slade & Mr Kilkelly Catering | Fill the Knowledge Gaps | T6 | Mrs Crisford | Year 11 – By invitation 9 3.30-4.30pm 3.15-4.45pm 3.15-4.30pm 3.15-4.15pm Library News Welcome to Sunday Storytime on 15th November, for families Do you have young children, especially those under 5? Are you looking for something to do at the weekend? Then please join us every third Sunday of the month for our FREE Storytime with colouring and word puzzles afterwards! Our next event is on Sunday 15th November, from 11.30am to 12noon. Everyone welcome! Check out the display in the library to jog your memory! Nomination slips are available in the Library and with your English teachers, or you can nominate online at Closing date for nominations is Friday 20th November. Happy reading and remembering! ‘Games Day’ on Tuesdays Come along to the Library on Tuesday in Break 1 and Break 2, and play a selection of board and card games. Each week we will have a different selection out, so tell Welcome to Story-and-Rhymetime on Wednesday 18th us your favourites. Everyone welcome! November Do you have very young children at home? Then come Word Games Wednesdays and join us on alternate Wednesday mornings for Come along to the Library on Wednesday in Break 1 and stories, songs and rhymes, with colouring afterwards. Break 2, and enjoy the selection of word games, Our next event is on Wednesday 18th November from wordsearches and crosswords. There will be a different 10.30am to 11am. It is FREE and everyone welcome! selection each week, so come and try. Everyone welcome! On Sale in the Library! Sturdy Wallcharts on many subjects, £1.25 each or 5 for £5 Activity Pads, Colouring and Sticker Books for young children, £1.25 each or 5 for £5 English and Maths Workbooks for ages 3 to 11, £1.25 each or 5 for £5 Canvas Book Bags with long handles, £1.95 Sturdy Hessian Bags with strong handles £5 Library Service leather Bookmark, 50p Library Service ballpoint Pen, 75p Come and browse, or send some money with your children. Introducing a FREE website from home with your Library Card Safari Books Online provides on screen access to hundreds of IT, programming, computer and technology books. Search or browse books from cover-to-cover. All you need from home is the library website. Your library card barcode number is the Username and no PIN is needed. Or go to any library and search there for free: Reminder of the Library opening times in term time: Monday – 8.30am to 3.30pm Tuesday – 8.30am to 5pm Nominate your Favourite New Book of 2015 for an Wednesday – 8.30am to 7pm Award! Thursday – 8.30am to 5pm Are you aged 11 to 14? Friday – 8.30am to 5pm Have you read a great new book this year and want it to Saturday – 10am to 1.30pm win a prize? Sunday – 11am to 2pm Then nominate your favourite book (or books!) for the Berkshire Book Award 2016. You can nominate as many different books as you like. 10 A big thank you to Stubbings Nursery for their Christmas cheer as they have very kindly donated a Christmas tree to Cox Green School this year for the festive celebrations! We look forward to seeing it decorated in Reception. 11 12