Should parents be jailed when kids drink?

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JUNE 17, 2010, 6:20 PM
Should Parents Be Jailed When Kids Drink?
Dennis W. Ho for The New York Times
It’s graduation party season, which means social host laws that hold parents responsible
for teenage drinking are back in the news. Last week, two Harvard Medical School
professors were arrested because teenagers were found drinking at their daughter’s
graduation party, though they said they did not see the alcohol.
How effective are these laws, which can impose fines or jail time for parents? Some
parents believe it is better to have teenagers party at home so that adults can monitor the
event and take away the car keys than have kids drinking elsewhere unsupervised. Is this
a bad idea? Is there an alternative to social host laws?
William Damon, Center on Adolescence, Stanford University
Ruth C. Engs, professor, Indiana University
David Jernigan, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
Richard Bonnie, professor of law and medicine
Angela Dills, economist
David S. Anderson, professor, George Mason University
David J. Hanson, professor, State University of New York, Potsdam
Marsha Rosenbaum, Drug Policy Alliance
James F. Mosher, lawyer
Condoning Bad Behavior
William Damon is a professor of education and director of the Center on
Adolescence at Stanford University. His books include “The Moral Child,”
“The Youth Charter” and, most recently, “The Path to Purpose.”
Parents who sanction teenage drinking parties are making a huge mistake.
These parents are encouraging the very behavior they are attempting to
control. Even worse, they are communicating disrespect for legal authority to
young people who are just forming their attitudes about how to behave in
Laws on underage drinking in this country are
A parent’s first message must be 6/18/2010
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clear. A parent certainly has the right to disagree
that we are obliged to obey the
with these laws; and discussions about such
disagreements with children can foster critical
thinking and civic awareness. But the parent’s first message to a child must be
that we are obliged to obey our society’s laws even when we disagree with
At the same time, legal enforcement of social host laws should be used
sparingly as a last resort. It’s heavy-handed, intrusive, and risks undermining
relations between parents and children.
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Learn Safer Drinking Habits
Ruth C. Engs is professor emeritus at Indiana University. She has
researched university student drinking patterns for over 25 years in the
United States and on the international level. She is currently researching
health reformers of the Progressive Era.
“Social host” laws vary from state to state and on the whole they are largely
unenforceable. High school graduates drinking at graduation parties has been
a “rite of passage” among youth in the United States for decades. It is unlikely
this behavior will change as it is ingrained in our culture.
It is better to have young adults consume alcohol
The drinking age in the United
within the confines of a home where they can be States should be lowered to age
18 in controlled environments.
monitored and driven home by parents or
designated drivers, as opposed to having them go to unsupervised parties to
get drunk. In many cultures outside of the U.S. parents routinely serve their
children alcohol at home. Wine and beer are considered part of the diet.
In my opinion, the age of alcohol consumption in the United States should be
lowered to age 18 in controlled environments. These include restaurants,
anytime or anyplace with parents, or in pubs where alcohol is consumed on
the premise.
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The Myth of How Europeans Drink
David Jernigan is an associate professor in the Department of Health,
Behavior and Society and director of the Center on Alcohol Marketing and
Youth at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. He has
worked for the World Health Organization and the World Bank as an expert 6/18/2010
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adviser on alcohol policies.
According to the Surgeon General, there are 5,000 deaths per year in the U.S.
among young people under 21 as a result of alcohol use. No parent wants their
child to have an alcohol problem, be involved in an alcohol-related crash or
sexual assault, fall off a balcony during spring break, or suffer from alcohol
Yet parents are strikingly ignorant of what the
research literature suggests will be effective in
keeping our children out of trouble with alcohol.
Young people who start
drinking before age 15 are five
times more likely to develop
alcohol problems.
Many parents feel that young people will be safer
if we keep them at home and supervise their drinking, or teach them to drink
by having them drink with us. They shore up this conviction with a mental
image of drinking patterns in European countries, where they assume that
younger drinking ages and drinking with parents decreases youth drinking
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Don’t Depend on Laws Alone
Richard Bonnie is Harrison Foundation Professor of Law and Medicine
and Professor of Public Policy at the University of Virginia. He chaired a
study on underage drinking for the National Academy of Sciences,
“Reducing Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility.”
In 2003, the National Academy of Sciences issued a report, “Reducing
Underage Drinking: A Collective Responsibility,” concluding that an essential
component of a successful strategy is changing the attitudes and behaviors of
Adults often facilitate or enable underage
There is very little research on
drinking directly by supplying alcohol to young
the effectiveness of social host
people, by failing to take effective precautions to laws, and what evidence exists
is conflicting.
prevent it, by sending the message that alcohol
use is to be expected, and by not adequately monitoring and supervising their
children’s lives, generally.
The committee that wrote the report recommended an adult-oriented media
campaign to educate parents and others that the negative consequences of
underage drinking go beyond drunken driving, and that they have an
obligation to do something about it. Although some steps in the direction of 6/18/2010
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such a campaign have been taken over the past 5 years, it has not been
implemented on the necessary scale.
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Making Hosts Responsible
Angela Dills, a visiting lecturer at Wellesley College, will be an assistant
professor of economics at Providence College this fall.
Most minors obtain alcohol from adults of legal drinking age. Most underage
drinkers typically drink alcohol in their own or someone else’s home. Social
host liability laws for minors aim to stem this access to alcohol and its
accompanying drinking and driving.
These laws penalize adults facilitating underSocial host laws have
aged drinking if that drinking damages a third
substantially reduced drunkdriving fatality rates for minors.
party. Parents who throw parties for their
children, however, cite safety reasons as part of their motivation for hosting
parties, preferring their teens and their teens’ friends to drink in a supervised
and safe locale.
Both sides of the debate suggest that social host laws affect drunk-driving,
albeit in opposite directions. How effective are these laws?
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Saying ‘No’ Is Not Enough
David S. Anderson is professor of education and human development at
George Mason University.
Social host laws are needed to communicate clearly that underage drinking is
not acceptable. While a parent may have the intention of limiting a teenager’s
(and his or her friends’) exposure to drunk driving by hosting a party,
exposing teenagers to alcohol even in that setting can result in harm, like
alcohol poisoning, sexual abuse, violence, drunk driving and more).
Underage drinking, though decreasing in recent
To reduce teenage drinking,
years, is still extensive, as over 25 percent of high address their motivations.
school seniors nationwide report drinking 5 or
more drinks in a row at least once in the previous two weeks.
While social host laws and other regulations make a difference I believe we
also must have a comprehensive approach that emphasizes prevention,
personal responsibility, skill-building, and early intervention in addition to 6/18/2010
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laws and policies. We also need to find out why adolescents drink — and then
address the underlying reasons for their decisions about alcohol use or nonuse.
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Permit Drinking With Adults
David J. Hanson is a professor emeritus of sociology at the State
University of New York, Potsdam.
Parent can prohibit drinking in their home and unintentionally drive their
high schoolers to drink unsupervised in the woods, fields, older friends’
apartments, and who-knows-where-else. The results are sometimes driving
while intoxicated and tragic alcohol-related crashes.
Or parents can host gatherings in which they
Parents should be able to host
supervise and control the behaviors of the young parties with alcohol if other
parents give permission.
people who attend to protect their safety and
well-being. Some states already permit parents to serve alcoholic beverages to
their own offspring under their direct supervision. Every state should do this.
Federally-funded research has shown that drinking with parents can reduce
overall alcohol consumption and alcohol-related problems.
But no state permits a parent to serve alcohol to the minor of another, even
with the explicit permission of the parent or guardian. This prevents parents
from legally hosting gatherings at which underage attendees consume any
alcohol, even if they obtain permission to act in loco parentis.
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It’s Not the Drinking, It’s the Driving
Marsha Rosenbaum is a medical sociologist and the founder of the
Safety First project at the Drug Policy Alliance.
Recently, a couple (both on the faculty of Harvard Medical School) were
arrested under a “social host” law in New Hampshire because teenagers were
caught consuming alcohol at their daughter’s graduation party.
Such social host laws were created in a wellmeaning effort to prevent teenage drinking by
making parents vulnerable to prosecution. But
are they effective?
If they can’t drink at home,
they’ll drink on the street, in the
park, on the beach. And they’ll
get there by car.
Most would agree that teenagers would be better off if they abstained. But 6/18/2010
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annual surveys consistently show that nearly 80 percent of high school
students have consumed alcohol by the time they graduate.
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Shift Social Norms
James F. Mosher is a leading scholar in the field of alcohol policy and
the law. He has provided expert consultation to community groups, policy
makers, and law enforcement on social host laws.
Social host laws (sometimes referred to as house party laws) hold individuals
responsible for underage drinking on property they own, lease or control.
They recognize that the problems associated with underage drinking parties
(a high-risk setting for binge drinking, drunken driving, sexual assault, and
other forms of violence) are community problems that require a multifaceted
public health approach.
Research is absolutely clear on this point:
Homeowners should be
restricting the availability of alcohol to teens
expected to take steps to ensure
that out-of-control teenage
saves young lives. So does increasing alcohol
parties are not occurring on
taxes. Educational programs are important, but
their property.
on their own have little or no effect on teen
drinking, in part because of the massive advertising and marketing budget of
the alcohol industry undermining the pro-health educational messages.
Many parents and other adults don’t realize how easily teen parties can get
out of control. Even with the best intentions, adults who allow teens to party
on their property are not only setting a poor example but are also endangering
the safety of those attending as well as neighbors and others in the
They are also making it more difficult for other parents who want to protect
their children from the risks associated with binge drinking.
When properly crafted, social host laws are an appropriate and effective
strategy for reducing underage drinking and shifting social norms.
Many communities treat violations as a form of public nuisance, holding the
host responsible for costs associated with law enforcement and emergency
medical response. This approach is more readily enforceable than social host
laws that carry criminal penalities. 6/18/2010
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Public nuisance law requires property owners to take steps to maintain their
property so as not to endanger community health and safety. For example,
swimming pools must have fences and toxic substances must be removed.
Similarly, we should expect homeowners to take reasonable steps to insure
that out-of-control teen parties are not occurring on their property. For
example, if parents are going out of town, they should not leave teenagers in
charge during their absence.
This is an invitation for disaster, even with the most responsible teenager.
Social networking can easily result in 200 or more drunken, uninvited teens
on the property. Law enforcement officials in communities across the country
routinely report just these types of incidences. Parents should alert neighbors,
friends or law enforcement to monitor the property during their absence
and/or make other arrangements for the supervision of their teenagers. The
last thing parents should do is give into social pressures by letting their homes
become the site for underage drinking parties.
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