Essay #1: Rhetorical Analysis

De Hertogh
ENG 101
Essay #1: Rhetorical Analysis
For this essay, you will choose two different advertisements and rhetorically analyze them
using comparison and contrast. Throughout your essay, you will investigate not only what
these advertisements communicate, but more importantly, how they communicate with a
particular audience. Your overall goal is to use comparison/contrast to analyze how each
advertisement uses various rhetorical strategies to convince an audience to purchase a
product or adopt an idea. It is up to you to choose the two advertisements you would like to
analyze, but keep in mind the following:
 The ads must be related in some way
 Each ad must have a written and visual component
 The ads must be complex enough to support a detailed analysis
Throughout your essay you should consider the following:
 Rhetorical triangle
 Ethos, logos, and pathos
 Style, tone, language, audience, dialogue, punctuation, imagery, metaphors, word
choice, content, narrative structure, visual images, music, medium, etc.
 Claims made by the writers/ad
 Evidence presented to defend claims
 Ways in which the ads are similar, yet different
For your first draft, you should create an outline of your ideas using the models discussed in
class and the examples posted on the course website. You should also complete the compare
and contrast worksheet at the bottom of this handout. To receive draft credit, both the outline
and the worksheet must be submitted.
This draft should demonstrate that you’ve spent time thinking critically about your topic,
interrogating your texts, and organizing your ideas. As this is still a draft, I don't expect it to
be perfect, but it should:
Analyze various rhetorical forms
Actively employ comparison/contrast
Have an introduction that clearly shows the reader how you plan to rhetorically
analyze the texts and why
Include a generally well-focused thesis statement (Your thesis should outline how
rhetoric is used in these ads to convince an audience to purchase a product/service or
adopt an idea.)
Demonstrate an awareness of audience
Include a variety of quotes from the ads
Reflect critical thinking and analysis. In other words, don’t just describe the ads,
analyze them!
This draft should have most of the major components of your final essay in place. You’ll still
be tweaking paragraphs, reorganizing, and revising, but I should definitely see the final
product emerging. Your third draft should build upon your earlier drafts as well as:
Include a clear and meaningful thesis statement
Use strong topic sentences
Address the “so what?” question (What are you saying in your essay that is important?
Why is your analysis meaningful and what does it reveal about the ads?)
Use a variety of quotes
Use transitional phrases and sentences
Demonstrate a high level of rhetorical analysis
You final essay should be a polished, college-level essay that is “ready to go.” It should include
all of the aforementioned components as well as:
Demonstrate an advanced level of rhetorical analysis (plan to analyze at least six
different aspects of rhetoric)
Use a varied and sophisticated vocabulary
Be free of grammatical errors
Have properly introduced quotes
Be free of plot summary
Reflect an advanced level of critical thinking and analysis
Include a thoughtful and compelling conclusion
Include any other details or ideas we’ve discussed in class
As you revise your drafts and prior to submitting your final essay, you should carefully review
the essay rubric posted at the end of this handout.
Draft #1 = Email outline/worksheet as a single file
Draft #2 = Bring four hard copies to class and email
Draft #3 = Bring four hard copies to class and email
Final Essay = Submit with final portfolio
Failure to submit your drafts/essays using the correct format is the same thing as not
submitting your work at all. Late work is not accepted. Please refer to the Unit #1 Schedule
for due dates.
You’ll notice that I’ve not mentioned how long your essay should be. That’s because I want
your analysis to be idea-driven and not page-driven. As far as drafts go, if you don’t write
much, neither your peers nor I will have much to say to you: flimsy feedback = flimsy grade.
As you write, remember that while rough drafts are acceptable, “shitty” ones are not! Also be
aware that we will talk regularly in class about additional things you need to focus on in your
drafts. In other words, it would be unwise to substitute this handout for spending time in
Below are some common missteps students tend to make in essay writing as well as when
rhetorically analyzing texts. Please review your drafts and essays for these errors prior to
*Referring directly to rhetorical appeals (see example below)
Using lifeless words and phrases such as “very,” “extremely,” “Throughout this essay,”
“Throughout history,” etc.
Repeating words and ideas without purpose
Forgetting to actively use comparison/contrast as a means of analysis
Lack of in-depth analysis (no detail is too small!)
Overusing second person pronoun “you”
Failure to introduce quotes
Flattering writer and/or work (This is the most amazing ad I have ever seen., etc.)
Lack of textual examples to support claims
Inappropriate or missing in-text citations (if outside research is used)
Dud conclusions
*For instance, avoid writing “This advertiser uses pathos when she talks about how great this
new wart cream is.” Instead, rewrite your sentence to read “The advertiser effectively appeals
to her viewers’ emotions by gaining sympathy from those who suffer from this undesirable
Essay #1: Rhetorical Analysis Worksheet
Which two advertisements will you
compare and contrast? Why did you choose
these two ads? Do they meet the guidelines
posted in the essay handout?
Briefly summarize each of the ads. Imagine
you are describing them to a friend or
What are the similarities between the two
ads you’ve chosen? Think about content,
objects, people, subjects, concepts, etc. List as
many similarities as you can think of.
What are the differences between the two
ads? List as many differences as you can think
Are you going to focus on similarities,
differences, or both in your essay? Explain
your rationale.
What do you want your readers to learn and
understand about rhetoric and advertising
after reading your essay? What is the purpose
of your essay?
What 6 parallel points of comparison and/or
contrast will you address in your essay? For
example, if you were going to compare and
contrast two teachers, your parallel points
might be the teachers’ homework policies,
classroom conduct policies, demeanors, etc.
Write a tentative thesis statement. As you
draft your thesis, think about the essential
ideas and information you need to convey to
readers (i.e. your paper is a rhetorical analysis
of two ads as well as a comparison/contrast
essay.) Also consider the purpose of your
Essay #1: Rhetorical Analysis Essay Rubric
Introduction & Thesis Statement
Content & Analysis
Introduction is unified; thesis is clearly stated.
Thesis is not overly simplistic and prepares
readers for essay’s content and purpose.
Writer clearly analyzes a wide variety of
rhetorical appeals used by ads; content makes
bold statements, is detailed, and reveals
something about the ads beyond the obvious;
analysis gives readers new ways of thinking
about ads and rhetoric.
Evidence & Supporting Detail
Writer offers a range of examples from ads to
support analysis; specific features of ads are
analyzed in detail.
Essay is well-organized; topic sentences guide
readers through essay; each paragraph is unified.
Organizational structure reflects models
discussed in class.
Grammar & Readability
Effective standard English usage—few mechanical
errors. Sentence-variety and a nuanced
vocabulary are used. Writing style is engaging
and informative.
Overall Assessment
Essay is analytical and states ideas beyond the
obvious. Ads are thoroughly analyzed using
comparison and contrast. Essay is of a high
academic quality, well-written & credible. Essay
reflects all assignment guidelines and goals.