Block: Name: Kprl Date: lntroduction Chemical Reactions/Eq uations Skeleton Equations and Sentence Descriptions of Chemical Reactions Part 1. Based on the descriptions given, write a word equation and a skeleton chemical equation for each of the following problems. Be sure to indicate states of matter when appropriate and use any specialized symbols fiom Table 1l.l from your textbook when necessary. *All acids are going to be aqueous* Use #1 as an example. 1. Aqueous ammonium chloride reacts with aqueous sodium hydroxide to form ammonia gas Q'JH3). liquid water. and aqueous sodium chloride. Equation: ammonium chloride * sodium hydroxide ) ammonia * water * sodium chloride Skeleton Equation: NHtC\aql * NaOHlaqy ) NH31gy * H2O1r; + NaCllaql Word 2. Aqueous sodium phosphate and liquid water are formed when aqueous sodium hydroxide reacts with phosphoric acid. srclel,,t: NaOHg, 3. When r ilr?o,abr1 S: CiO * C,(r> =} r tlzbt O tDrr> oxygen gas to form carbon dioxide gas. y{: car|ry,n + 5: Q,l " O?{t) \-) oxfJcn -} 5. Solid sodium I carbn ),o^ioG CO>q> reacts with liquid bromine to form solid sodium bromide. <oclturr. * Bror.ri rc -+ S; M", * pr,g1 ) S hr?0,1 7u., t OvyXcw -S+ carbn wu^ovifu 4. Solid carbon reacts with 6. When t heated, solid carbon reacts with oxygen gas to form carbon monoxide gas. y,/: Ca"[n W --+ drr*, &rr l/-l lJ<Br 7r1 heated, solid potassium chlorate yields solid potassium chloride and oxygen gas. , VcLOs 6 -4 KCI u) + 02fi) 7. Anhydrous (contains no water and is a solid) copper(Il) sulfate reacts with liquid water to yield solid copper(Il) sulfate pentahydrate (Cusoo. 5 H2o). \d . ji: Loyf-. i,t) s"l$,'l, n CuSl,qUl u lJnl." cb(f' tt) s. (fnJ. f,J,J\J*h\ty CuSI,a. IIJLD Block: Name: KeV Date: 8. When heated, solid calcium hydrogen carbonate yields solid calcium carbonate, carbon dioxide gas, and water vapor. , Llcir* \)*y^ ttvh^o[ ) gl elc;ut^ carhnal" * *rh, J,or,/4 + *1.. S, A0co)z{,J-> CtI)r61 n (b,6) + L1r0,; 9. Ethane gas, C2H6(g), W i reacts with oxygen gas to form carbon dioxide gas and water vapor. -+ acur$ ),cv;tle * '-*4u e{l"trk + dyl.^ Czilt tjl n S. (),0 -+ (Cr(,)) ,.- llrya.,1 10. Aqueous copper(Il) nitrate reacts with aqueous sodium iodide to form solid copper(I) iodide, aqueous iodine, and aqueous sodium nitrate. W; Cqpr, $: Part2. () NJralc gr[n$:)26..d t " SJ iu,q ;o[t)e-) uf fu(ti idirl' * i*iv,t- . *oli";-SrA -+ sTzpj) + N^NOq lr.hIl^1; off of the word equations given, write sentence descriptions and skeleton chemical equations for each of the following problems. Use #11 as an example. 11. Based ) potassium chlorate(s) potassium chloride(s) + oxygen gas(g) Description: Solid potassium chlorate decomposes into solid potassium chloride and diatomic oxygen gas. Skeleton Equation: KCIO31.; -+ KCI1.; 12. lead(IV) oxide(s) $: .D: 13. ?b0r1e1 5riJ -+ lead(Il) oxide(s) oxygen(g) -+ ?bAu) " O,rj) le*1(1v')rnio1, aluminum(s) + + A.o"o^fd r,.t lead(Il) nitrate(aq) -+ >"liJ luA (,t) oxiil. */ oxyyn aluminum nitrate(aq) + g: Atto + ?blr,n).r^r) -+ AlCnn)r @) ll,*;nu,-, nc}, 14. potassium(s) + water(l) -+ Dr + Oz(gl S.irl ras. lead(s) * Yb6) *,*ffiia0)rrlrJ, lpotassium hydroxide(aq) lr- cr-lueoui-rrv' Alu^,n,* "' n;l^ln il + hydrogen(g) t:i4 lo'*l S:' Kro o Hz,}ul e (.DNc^1 + ilze) ); "sJJ yolaviv'* ^ru1 *olrn rc,,r{ ,t" 0r^ 15. sodium sulfite(aq) + hydrochloric acid -+ <,utae5 hy)*y" 7"dr;,- l^/*x,d., o*J sodium chloride(aq) + water(l) * sulfur dioxide(s) S, fthr-s0r(d4).r HC(s^11 + AhC/1o; " ilOtq + S0z(;) D: &Lrxul zul,u* sullle n *{rn wiht, acic) J- Ar^ Npws ,hylychlor,c waler , c,.tJ s"l.,J s"l[f" ),;ov;/.t, ,)rr* |'nt ' cLLril-p, ' Name: (OU Block: Date: 16. Ammonium sulfate(aq) + potassium hydroxide(aq) S' * Vollotl -+ irv[r').5CIqCaq) K.So,{car) p: At"*,u tvvttuhiet+ grlfrJ. reor4s ' 17. an) , p'b(Mi', (oi>n LrSc"t> D" Aaueov> -+ anJ-c,grtt,,s D' &h,^ o<d, ad li$ruplrr", g,: €q* ammonia(g) + water(l) l-lzgt1 l. #r,* 61uuus potassium nitrate(aq) + lead(Il) sulfide(s) " ?bs n-, yaksiv,,, sulfifu -+ ar,ert y-eacl +, Sr* Upolorstu^ ^i0*Jt o*) calcium phosphate(s) * ?rQ1rS - t"p}r)rrr1 CnOn> Iron(s) + pentoxide(s) S. 19. r Nl{rrg t * 'uurtJ:cr, VN}sq, sr);l 1*S '^('!rffh/. f i, 18. Calcium oxide(s) + diphosphorus potassium sulfate(aq) *&L oayeo,s ,z,4qsr;u* hlav;/, polatl;siru sul&J. 614t+toitiq- 1{6, Lead(II) nitrate(aq) + potassiunY sulfide(aq) Sl + + silver acetate(aq) V^,lrr,rA y;dJ hlriut- ?W)"t, + iron(Il) acetate(aq) + silver(s) * ht"il{Sqaq) -) D'.$lrJ iron a*us ?r(c,ll4)La1\ ' . Al ott *l;t. AsU> *rL^t, yiell icar..(r() -ulh(1*r) o,o) ,olJ silvcu, 20. Potassium carbonate(aq) + barium chloride(aq) + potassium chloride(aq) + barium carbonate(s) 5: KzCbzc^q) + hClzFD r ECI&) + *.@,r> y: Nr,,u"i r,ol*ryr- *.br"q* ,*J qlutolrs b,ar;vu ,l,Lr;/, yvl"t alu<6o1 rl,,'iorr;u^ ilLrik i"d e'[d bn i,i- ;,8^"L. or,.) siluer 21. Magnesium nitrate(aq) + sulfuric acid -+ magnesium sulfate(aq) + nitric acid S: M3lnrq)r64 * Hrgq&?) + Mjgq(q) + Httbsc^t1 fiwtiuta nilrfi, ord sul$,ric o*l y.Uvrytv;iut , sulftfi "'J i",Jrlc *n)' 22. Aluninum chloride(aq) + sulfuric acid + aluminum sulfate(aq) + hydrogen chloride(g) S: AlCl>r"O + tl>S1qGi+ (lrbo,flrr*r.r HClrl Dt (rrcou: Dr h*?tt aluwi,t^ot- ,,llor;k arl sul{uric tllrv;il ord lvlJ alvuvs qluuinr^ t,/fi)e o,J ly)ry" "1s+ oxygen(g)-+ nitrogenmonoxide(g) + water(g) 23. Ammonia(g/ S' N)flrlrl + O-O) Di A^*^h f -) NOr3) * Hr,0u1 "rnJ, -tlL 6W,, ,L AieU ,i,f,ryn^ ***r,/, 5x ^; *o,lr. uTr,