Millennial Handbook - The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation

The Millennial Handbook
A Snapshot Guide to Everything Gen Y
Table of Contents
Executive Summary/Overview………………………………………………………………5
Millennial Target
Who are they? (Birth Rates)……………………………………………………8
Why do they matter?...................................................................................8
The Next Baby Boomers?...........................................................................9
Millennial Values
10 Values That Color the Millennial Perspective…………………………...10
How Do Millennials See Themselves?......................................................12
Millennials & Education
Generational Trends……………………………………………………..……13
What Drives College Choice?...................................................................14
Election 2008 (Millennials & Politics)
Millennial voters……………………………………………………………..…15
The Appeal of Obama…………………….…………………………………..16
A Transformational Figure?......................................................................17
The Biggest Youth Campaign of 2008………………………………………18
Millennial Engagement………………………………………………………..20
Campaign News Sources……………………………………………………..21
Millennial Earnings/Income…………………………………………………...23
Millennial Spending……………………………………………………………24
Millennial Debt……………………………………………………………...….25
Millennial Marketing
Green Marketing……………………………………………………………….26
Media that Moves Millennials…………………………………………………27
Millennials and the iPhone: Where are the Advertisers?..........................28
Cause Marketing…………………………………………….………………...30
Multicultural Marketing…………………………………………………......…31
Millennial Research…………………………………………………………...32
Effective Millennial Promotions………………………………………………33
Millennial Brands: 10 Brands That Hit the Mark……………………………35
Trends & Lifestyle
Social Networks………………………………………………………………..41
Gender Differences……………………………………………………………42
Millennials & Technology
TV vs. YouTube: What Are They Watching?............................................46
Video Games…………………………………………………………………..47
Millennial Bloggers…………………………………………………………….49
NBC’s Heroes: The Ultimate Millennial Personas?...................................................50
Millennials and the Workplace
Striking a Balance……………………………………………………………..51
5 Things Millennials Wish They Could Tell Their Bosses………………....52
The Ideal Millennial Work Culture…………………………………………....54
Social Media: Not Just Facebook and MySpace…………………………………..…...55
Social Responsibility……………………………………………………………………..…57
Millennial Parents
Hopelessly Devoted to You………………………………………………..…58
Marketing to Millennials Through Their Parents…………………………...59
Five Millennial Myths……………………………………………..………………………….61
Shopping Habits
What are Millennials drinking?..................................................................62
Dorm Décor…………………………………………………………………….64
Selected Resources…………………………………………………………...65
Executive Summary
Many volumes have been written on the Millennial Generation and many volumes more
are certain to follow. The material contained herein is presented as a ‘snapshot’ guide to
this generation and has been compiled with an audience of marketers in mind. As such,
it is better treated as an introduction to this topic than a definitive or exhaustive guide.
For further reading, please consult the list of selected resources included in the
Millennial Generation: The Target
Millennials (sometimes called Gen Y) are the generation after Gen X, generally
born beginning 1978-1982 and graduating high school around 2000, hence the
name. They are the most diverse generation yet, with approximately 38% of 1824 year-olds being non-white.
Millennials are earning more than any generation before them, with an average
18-24 year-old head of household income of $29,000 reported in 2007, up from
just over $20,000 in 2003.
Likewise, they are spending more and are more heavily debt ridden than any
previous generation, with the average college grad emerging with approximately
$24,000 in educational and other loans. Consequently, many Millennials consider
themselves ‘poor’ despite being eager consumers of luxury goods – from
electronics to imported beers and wines.
There is also evidence that Millennials are contributing to growing population
trends themselves, with more babies born in 2007 than even the height of the
baby boom.
Key Behavior/Characteristics
Millennials are generally very self critical, rating their generation as ‘most greedy’
and ‘most self indulgent’. They most admire the Baby Boomer generation and
call Gen X ‘most productive’.
As a generation, they are less socially conservative than any previous generation
– even when the previous generations were their age.
Millennials are entering the workplace for the first time. Unlike prior generations,
they are much less likely to adhere to the notions of life as a ‘career path’ and
consequently place great emphasis on striking a comfortable balance between
their work and personal lives.
Millennials typically do not view themselves as a being part of a ‘generation’, but
nevertheless tend to share some common values as a group, including:
Timeliness, “Making a Difference”, Tolerance, Environmental Stewardship,
Authenticity, Family, Global Perspective, Technology, Personal Freedom, and
Millennials and Technology
As the first generation to grow up with the Internet, Millennials are more apt to
self identify as heavy technology users. Embracing technology in stride, the
Millennial existence revolves around a sort of 24-hour, 'on the go' mentality.
The most popular new technologies are those that allow Millennials to always
been connected, without anchoring them down, which explains why text (and
Facebook) messages have replaced email as the preferred methods of personal
communication for this generation.
Millennials tend to be as demanding of their technology as they are of
themselves, and for this reason, are more likely to wonder why they haven't
always had new technologies than marvel at the way things 'used to be'. Even
'luxury' electronics items like iPhones are seen a 'necessities' for many
Millennials, who can't imagine life before computers.
Marketing/Advertising Opportunities
Millennials are notorious for ignoring advertising. Studies suggest that traditional
media (magazines, television) remain effective channels for reaching this age
group, and should be included as a part of any diversified media strategy.
Perhaps due to their penchant for authenticity, Millennials favor advertising that is
straight and to the point; attempts at sugarcoating or otherwise misrepresenting
products or services are likely to raise an immediate red flag.
When done well, cause marketing’ (see Tom’s Shoes, Page 30) presents an
opportunity for building brand loyalty by combining two Millennial passions –
consumerism and ‘giving back’.
While Millennials are very much part of the growing trend towards ‘green’ living,
there is evidence to suggest that they are not as green in their purchase habits
as older consumers. This may be more about the higher cost of green products
than any underlying generational mindset.
The most effective Millennial promotions may be those that are inherently
useable, as exemplified by emerging companies like ‘Free Hands’, which
distributes free loose-leaf paper (with one sheet of advertising) on college
campuses throughout the country.
Millennial Target: Who Are They?
Millennials (sometimes called Gen Y) are the generation after Gen X, generally born
beginning 1978-1982 and graduating high school around 2000, hence the name. The
oldest are 30; the youngest are still in middle school.
Why do they matter?
The sheer size of the millennial cohort – some 70
million strong – and the fact that many of them are
now entering the workforce for the first time –
makes them a serious generational force to reckon
with. They will soon be the driving force behind life
as we know it – from the economy to marketing to
politics – so it’s worth knowing a little bit about
Millennials are sometimes
referred to as the ‘Echo Boom’
generation, since their parents
are primarily baby boomers.
Whatever you call this
generation, it’s clear that being a
Millennial is as much a mindset
as it is an age or a birth date.
The Next Baby Boomers?
Moreover, there is some evidence to suggest that, like their parents, Millennials
themselves are contributing to an upward population trend:
The average number of births per woman
reached the magical 2.1 population
replacement rate in 2006 for the first time
since 1971. The trend continued in 2007.
According to newly released U.S. Census
Bureau data, more babies were born in 2007
than even during the height of the baby
boom – 4.32 million babies in 2007, more
than the 4.30 million babies born in 1957.
There are indications that it is the younger women driving the trend. The percent
of births to women 15-29 has remained steady at 62% from 2001-2005, and
there is no reason to believe that proportion has changed in favor of older
According to a Dec 2007 CDC report, the birth rate for the youngest teens (aged
10-14) declined, and the birth rate for older teens aged 18-19 (73 per 1000) is
more than three times higher than the rate for teens aged 15-17 (22 per 1,000).
The biggest jump was among unmarried women aged 25-29, among whom there
was a 10 percent increase between 2005 and 2006.
The current baby-mania may have its roots in Millennial
attitudes. Many no longer feel constrained by a timetable that
calls for establishing a career, then a family. Millennials believe
they can do what they want, and if a baby is what they want
right now, why not go for it?
Millennial Values
So what defines this Millennial ‘mindset’ anyway? While there is no definitive answer to
this question, here are ten generational values that color the millennial perspective:
Ten Values that Color the Millennial Perspective
1. Timeliness: Millennials have a unique sense of
timelessness. Whether a hot new electronic
gadget or a response to an email, they want
it now, and 'forever' has little meaning.
2. Making a difference: From volunteering in
soup kitchens to joining the Peace Corps,
Millennials have an unprecedented desire to
‘give back’ to their communities in ways
large and small.
3. Tolerance: As the most ethnically diverse
generation of adults yet, Millennials have an
engrained sense that a diverse range of
ethnicities, religions, cultures and lifestyles
should not only be tolerated, but in fact
4. Environmental stewardship: It’s no
surprise that Millennials are a driving force
behind the recent movement to live more
environmentally friendly and sustainable lives.
“The concept of forever is lostliterally. Timelessnessgone.
Moments that will last a lifetimeMIA. We are in the Age of The
Here and Now. The Age of
Moment to Moment. The Age of
ADD. ....Nothing creates fleeting
experiences like our current
culture of technology. Why buy
a car when you can lease it?
Why sign a cell phone contract
when you can pay as you
go?…We live in a time in which
lifetime warranties are
Marketing (May 26, 2008) by
Naomi Wohl
5. Authenticity: With important implications for marketers and advertisers,
Millennials crave plain and honest truths. From job performance reviews to
television commercials, they want a message that is genuine, truthful, and
straightforward, and are likely to reject anything that appears sugarcoated or
otherwise less than forthcoming.
6. Family: Part of what makes Millennials unique is their parents’ intense
involvement in their lives – not only during their childhood, but also well into their
post-College years. Consequently, as a group, Millennials are more likely to
respect and value parental opinions well after they have physically ‘left the nest’.
7. Global perspective: Thomas Friedman’s ‘The World is Flat’
may have been an eye opener to older generations, but
Millennials have embraced this global perspective – along with
the technology that makes it possible – from an early age.
8. Technology: As the first generation of adults who grew up with
the Internet, Millennials embrace technology as a fundamental
part of their existence. Technological advances are taken in
stride, and with the introduction of each new device or gadget, Millennials are
more likely to wonder why we haven’t always had this capability than marvel at
how different it is than the way ‘things used to be.’
9. Personal freedom: Millennials have all but rejected the notion that life is a ‘track’
to followed from milestone to milestone. The ‘career’ is no longer the context for
important life decisions, and many respondents hold ‘making a difference’ with as
high a regard as ‘personal success’, and are willing to take any path available to
strike this balance.
10. Team work: Millennials are used to working
together and generally adhere to the belief that
‘together, we can accomplish more’. The
exception is when individual team members
violate basic Millennial values (ex: tolerance,
authenticity, timeliness). This explains why when
given a choice, Millennials much prefer to work
with other Millennials.
How do Millennials See Themselves?
A recent poll by Harris Interactive provides insights on what Gen Y thinks of itself and
other generations. The results show:
Gen Y may the most self-critical: they tend to rate themselves lowest on the
positive attributes (most admired, most generous) and highest on the negative
attributes (most greedy, most self-indulgent).
While they admire their parents and grandparents most overall, they reserve their
highest ratings for Gen X who they see as the 'most productive', 'most socially
conscious', 'most innovative' and having the 'most positive effect overall on
This insight is consistent with qualitative research findings: while Millennials
respect Boomers, they prefer to work for Gen X, who they perceive as having
more to offer them in the way of learning.
Look to see this change as they mature. Some of the low marks
may simply be due t higher respect for their elders, rather than low
opinions of themselves.
Millennials and Education: Generational Trends
Not surprisingly, more 18-24 year-olds than ever are enrolled in college. A joint study by
Mintel and the National Center for Education Statistics released in 2007 revealed:
In 2004, nearly 65% of 18-19 year-olds reported being enrolled in school, up from
just 52% of the same age group in 1985.
A similar trend of growth is seen among 20-21 year-old and 22-24 year-olds.
The bottom line? Millennials are the most highly educated generation
of adults the world has yet seen. As they enter the workplace, they
are likely to bring with them broader ‘global’ perspectives and higher
expectations of themselves and their coworkers.
What Drives College Choice?
Born into a generation that considers going to college a must, how do college-bound
Millennials select the schools that are best for them? Although decision drivers can vary
widely from individual to individual, a few basic ground rules are clear:
1. Location matters! A quick look at how
many students remain close to home
suggests that location is key. With the
exceptions of Alaska and many New
England states, most 2007 graduates
stayed within their home state. In
Michigan, Indiana, and Kentucky, less
than 15% of 2007 graduates attended
school out of state.
2. Academic reputation is universally
important, but with so many excellent
schools to choose from, the difficulty of comparing schools, and the 'undecided
major' status of most incoming freshmen, this finding must be taken with a large
grain of salt.
3. Seemingly random elements such as the tour guide's attitude, the weather the
day of a campus visit or a call from a faculty member can make a surprising
difference in a prospectʼs willingness to seriously consider an institution as the
ʻright placeʼ for them.
4. Parents are particularly influential. While most Millennials feel college choice
is ultimately in their hands, many respond to this lack of overt parental pressure
by valuing parental input even more – frequently relying on their advice on
matters ranging from choice of major to choice of meal plan.
5. Third party endorsements are key. Students are likely to dismiss the
avalanche of school-generated propaganda in favor of peer information. At the
same time, Facebook has made it easy to find 'friends' at other schools, so you
no longer have to wait until Christmas break to hear how they are doing. Sites
such as Rate My Professor and make it easy to get the
"real" scoop on what other students think of their school, good and bad.
Millennials and Politics: Election 2008
According to a 2007 Pew Study, each generation
tends to be less socially conservative than the
generation before it. Generation Y is not only less
socially conservative than older cohorts, they are less
socially conservative than those cohorts were at a
similar age!
• Social conservatism is measured by
agreement with 6 statements. Gen Y on
average agrees with only 2.5 of the
statements, while twenty years ago, Boomers
agreed with more than 3 (see chart).
• However, the biggest gap, now and then, is
between Boomers and the Pre-Boomer
generation, not between Boomers and Gen Y.
The conclusion? Gen Y liberalism is actually
both generational and age related.
Are Millennials Less Cynical?
According to a 2007 Pew Research report, Millennials
are markedly less cynical than older generations -- at
least as far as putting faith in government and
business institutions.
A full 82% of 18-29 year olds agree with the
statement, "the strength of this country is mostly
based on the success of American business".
Agreement with this statement among
Millennials actually increased 5 percentage
points over the past four years. In contrast,
agreement among other age groups is much
lower and has decreased.
The gap is even more pronounced when it
comes to perception of government. Just 42%
of people under 30 agree with the statement, "When something is run by the
government, it is usually inefficient and wasteful", compared to 62% overall (see
The Appeal of Obama
According to a recent article in AdAge by Peter Field, the Barack
Obama campaign knows what it's doing when it comes to Millennial
marketing. The appeal of the Obama ‘brand’ gets down to a
fundamental point:
Obama represents a mass brand and millennials are
comfortable with mass brands.
Carol Phillips, Professor of Marketing at the University of Notre Dame, shares her own
experience with Millennials and mass brands: “At the beginning of each term, I ask
students to name some of their favorite brands. Out of a typical class of 40, 39 will name
a mass brand like Apple, Nike, Budweiser, Gatorade, Starbucks, or Jamba Juice.
Outlaw Consulting published a list of the top 15 brands among their panel of Gen Y
trendsetters. The favorite 15 included Apple, Jet Blue, Whole Foods, H&M, Levi's,
Volkswagen, Vitamin Water, Ben & Jerry's, In N Out Burger, Trader Joe's, Target,
Adidas, Converse and American Apparel and Red Stripe.”
A contrary view is offered by Rob Walker, author of Buying In, in his 'murketing' blog
post, "Gen Y and Mass Brands: Made for Each Other?" What makes this worth reading
is the response it evoked from Millennials themselves, who reject the idea that their
generation likes mass brands. Here's a sample:
“As a Millennial myself, big brands don’t do it for me. We’re a generation that needs
constant stimulation, which can be seen in the diverse trends and niches today…Big
brands have a big image, and they usually keep that image constant. So we get bored. I
know I do.”
Millennials may be sincere in her belief that they are bored and suspicious of mass
brands, but their actions may indicate otherwise.
Phillips continues: “There is something endearing about someone rejecting brands who
is toting an iPhone, wearing a Notre Dame hat, wearing Adidas shoes, and sipping a
Starbucks latte. Millennials may relate to brands differently – they may not think of these
brands as 'their brands' or make lifelong attachments. But it would be misguided to say
they are not influenced by mass brand techniques, like the 'smoothness' and 360
consistency exhibited by Obama.”
A Transformational Figure?
Obama's Gen Y appeal has accelerated public awareness that Millennials are not just
younger versions of their Boomer parents and Gen X siblings, but the result of a
massive generational shift. Obama was named "Marketer of the Year" by Ad Age today
largely because of his savvy use of his knowledge of Millennials.
"There's no doubt that we represent the kind of change Senator Clinton
can't deliver on. And part of it's generational,"
Barack Obama on Fox News November 2007
"I think we need a transformational figure. I think we need a president who
is a generational change and that's why I'm supporting Barack Obama,
not out of any lack of respect or admiration for Senator John McCain."
Colin Powell on Meet the Press Sunday, October 2008
“Millennial Makeover” authors Winograd and Hais suggest that Millennials are not
politically motivated this year because of the appearance of Obama. They would have
been involved regardless. But Obama's marketing has been pitched perfectly to this
group in everything from message to medium, and that is not an accident. Team Obama
did careful research, created focused brand messages and showed clear strategic
understanding that Millennials matter.
Here is what Winograd and Hais had to say on their blog Oct 8:
“...the political attitudes and identifications of Millennials were clearly evident long before
the Obama candidacy gained widespread visibility. A Pew Research Center survey
conducted in March 2007 indicated that Millennials identified as Democrats over
Republicans by nearly a 2:1 ratio (52% vs. 30%).
And, a study conducted at about the same time by the Millennial Strategy Program of
communication research and consultation firm Frank N. Magid Associates showed that
Millennials were the first generation since at least the GI Generation to contain a greater
number of self-perceived liberals than conservatives.
All of this at least raises the possibility that the high level of Millennial political
involvement is significantly based on the Democratic and liberal affinities of the
generation and would be strong even without Obama's strong candidacy....Millennials
are intent on working together to create a better America than the one Boomers have
left them as an inheritance.
Their confidence, political activism, and unity will begin to initiate that change on
Election Day this year thanks to a record turnout of young voters. The 1.7 million vote
plurality given to John Kerry by young voters in 2004 will grow to between 8 and 10
million for Barack Obama when this involved and unified generation goes to the polls on
November 4.”
The Biggest Youth Marketing Campaign of 2008
The undecided bloc has shrunk from 14% to 7% and the polls are showing Obama
ahead by a furlong as the race rounds the final bend. Both sides know that the biggest
risk to Obama's election is youth voter complacency. We are about to see the biggest
youth marketing campaign of the year: Get Out the Vote.
Many of these efforts rely on celebrity influence:
Comedienne Sarah Silverman is asking young voters
to visit or call their relatives in an imaginative effort
called The Great Schlep. Her video calls for young
people to visit their relatives in Florida and convince
them to vote for Obama. If you can't visit, call (miniSchlep). The Great Schelp was featured on Sunday
Morning with Charles Osgood and on Facebook.
Hip hop artists, The Beastie Boys, are staging a
series of get out the vote concerts featuring Sheryl Crow, Norah Jones, Ben Harper and
Crosby & Nash. The concerts will be held in three swing states: WI, MN and VA. T.I.,
Ludacris and Ne-Yo will tour the country to educate potential young voters for two
special episodes of 106 and Park that are scheduled to air in October.
A MySpace- and HeadCount-sponsored contest among colleges to see which can sign
up the most voters. Death Cab will perform on the winning campus. Will all this effort
make a difference? We won't know until election day. What is apparent is that getting
out the vote could make the difference in who wins.
Gallup figures released today (10.19.08) look at the race according to two scenarios:
In the traditional approach, voters' intention to participate in the current election
as well as their voting history in previous presidential elections is considered.
This method shows Obama leading McCain by just three points, 49% to 46%.
The second approach considers only voters' self-professed likelihood to vote in
2008, and does not factor in whether they voted in past elections. This approach
assumes new registrants and infrequent voters will turn out on Election Day to a
greater extent than has been the case historically. Using this approach, Obama
leads by seven points, 51% to 44%, twice the margin as the first scenario. No
wonder Obama is concerned about complacency, despite his clear lead in the
Millennial Engagement: Are They Listening?
There's universal agreement that the youth vote is
critical to the outcome of the 2008 election, but how
engaged are Millennials? Engagement is a tricky thing
to measure, but just released data (9.23.08) from Pew
Research sheds some light:
First, the table shows a strong trend among 1824 year olds for going 'newsless'; 34% say they
watch no news on a daily basis, up from 25% in
1998. (Presumably news on the Comedy
Channel doesn't count as 'news')
While over 9 out of 10 18-29 year olds say they
intend to vote, only 7 out of 10 say they
'definitely plan to vote' and less than two thirds
say they voted in their precinct last time they
had a chance, and only 4 out of 10 say they
'always' vote. These figures are even lower for
'cell phone only' respondents.
Given these figures, it's clear why the candidates are
focusing on social media to engage young voters.
Obama is doing far better than McCain, but the gap is
closing. According to Hitwise, Obama gets about 56%
of the total candidate web site traffic. As of Sept. 9:
Obama boasted 510,799 MySpace friends,
compared with McCain's 87,652 friends, a more
than 5-to-1 lead in number of friends, but down
from a 7-to-1 advantage in August according to
Live Research.
Obama also has a sizeable leads on Facebook with 1,726,453 supporters to
McCain's 309,591.
Obama's Web site has twice as many videos posted to his official YouTube
channel and far more YouTube channel subscribers, by an 11-to-1 margin.
Campaign News Sources
What about the Millennials who are engaged? What media do Millennials rely on for
election news?
Among the 88% of Millennials who are actively seeking or at least paying attention to
the 2008 election, there is as much reliance on old-fashioned TV news as on flashy
Internet web sites.
According to a May 2008 study by Crawford, Johnson, Northcott, a respected audience
research firm, “Even with all of the media options available to Americans, television still
rules – at least as a source for presidential election information.” CJN's research shows
National, Local and Cable TV News are the three most relied upon media sources for
election news across every age group - including 18-29 year olds.
What about Internet Media? The results might surprise you:
Across all four age groups, news organization web sites are the most heavily
relied upon.
Those under 45 are more likely to rely on ISP news pages than those 45 and
There is no age difference in likelihood of relying on candidate email, political
web sites and local TV web sites.
The largest age differences are in reliance on YouTube and social networking
sites, which skew strongly young, but have fairly low penetration even among 1829 year olds (less than 1 in 5).
Finances: Millennial Earnings/Income
According to the Bureau
of Labor Statistics,
87.3% of 18-24 year old
males had wages and
salary in 2005.
In 2006, households
headed by persons 1824 had earnings before
taxes of nearly $29,057,
up from just $20,120 in
2003 and up 7.5% 20052006 alone. For
comparison, U.S.
income grew just 1.1%
in the same period.
What makes these figures even more astonishing is that 18-24 year olds by and
large do not have families to support.
43% of 18-24 year olds are college students (National Center for Education
Less than 10% of 18-24 year old males are married. 50% of 18-24 year men
live with their parents, 33% of women live with the parents.
If you think starting salaries are down, you'd be wrong. According to Businessweek
(5.19.08), the expected starting salaries of new MBA's exceeds $85K, up steadily
every year but one since 2002. Starting salaries offered to undergrad business
administration majors increased 7.5% 2006 to 2007.
Finances: Millennial Spending
So why do most 18-24 year olds consider themselves poor now and their prospects
even poorer? Perhaps they have a different concept of what constitutes a ʻnecessityʼ
and what constitutes a ʻluxuryʼ.
The data bears this out:
According to the BLS, 18-24
year olds spend a
disproportionate amount of
money on virtually every
category of spending other than
food and housing.
Within these categories, they
have luxury tastes. For
example, Millennials are almost
twice as likely as older
consumers to purchase
imported beers and almost
three times as likely to pick up
a craft beer.
Marketers are on to this insight,
even if the Millennials themselves are not. 18-24 year olds represent a vast
market for 'luxury' goods –they just don't call them luxuries.
“I am losing patience with the pronouncements that this is the first
generation that expects to be downwardly mobile. The reality is that 1824 year olds are among the wealthiest people in America. Just don't tell
them that, they won't believe it. My college students consider
themselves 'poor', yet nearly all sport iPods with thousands of songs,
the latest laptops, expensive footwear, cell phones with $100+ plans.”
Carol Phillips, Marketing Professor, University of Notre Dame
Millennial Debt
Truthout, in a blog post titled “Millennials: Debt
Becomes You”, informs us college students are more
heavily in debt than ever:
The Federal Reserve says graduates now
shoulder three times more debt than a decade
ago, after adjusting for inflation.
Undergraduates now average almost $20,000 in
debt, with a quarter taking on more than
$25,000, according to Robert Shireman, director
of the Project on Student Debt, a Berkeley-based think tank.
The issue goes well beyond educational debt, however. College students
graduate with $4,000 of credit card debt, on average, according to the U.S. PIRG
Education Fund.
Websites like “” have made a mission of explaining the
pitfalls of credit card debt and the marketing techniques used by credit card companies
to lure new customers.
These organizations go further by sending out peer marketing teams to get
students to sign petitions about marketing practices on campuses.
The teams will look and act like a regular credit card company, working for a
fictional company called "Feesa" (tagline: "Free stuff now. Huge debt later") and
handing out lollipops saying, "Don't be a sucker."
Volunteers fanned out across 34 universities last October, distributing information
and collecting petition signatures to persuade colleges to establish specific
"principles" regarding credit card marketing on campus. The principles include
prohibiting the use of gifts in marketing on campus and blocking the sale of
student lists.
Millennial Marketing: Green Marketing
Generalizations about generations are generally unwise,
however, there is some evidence that Millennials may not
be as green as we thought:
According to Mintel (July 2008) women aged 35+
"are generally more green than their younger
brethren, suggesting that values change with age,
marriage, and children."
• Interest in recycling and buying recycled products
increases with age, income and education. Mintel speculates that price sensitivity
may overcome green impulses among younger age groups
More clues as to Millennials' attitudes toward buying green come from a new report from
Outlaw Consulting. Outlaw surveyed 100 of its most forward trendsetter panelists living
in New York, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Miami, asking them for a list of their
favorite "green brands" - that is, companies they like and see as making efforts to help
the environment. They also asked them what these companies were doing to be green,
and why it resonates.
The brands they listed tended to be green category leaders (Toyota), minimalist
in design (Method, Apple), or contributing to the conversation (Honest Tea).
Trendsetters are the first to admit not all of their purchases are green.
Sometimes they insist on hunting down the greenest product on the shelf, and
sometimes they don't even think about it.
So when does "green" become an issue?
Anything they personally ingest - i.e. what they eat, drink, and breathe - gets
foremost priority on the green issue. Green products in these categories allow
consumers to feel they are doing a favor to the environment and their own
More external consumer categories, such as technology and clothing, are much
lower on their green priority list. However, this is also because unlike food and
home care, these categories present them with little choice.
Millennial Marketing: Media that Move Millennials
Millennials are famous for ignoring advertising, so it is no small matter to find data on
what moves them to action. BIGresearch (July 2008) data show 18-24 year olds selfreport that:
Magazines and TV are effective in getting them to initiate an online search (see
chart). 60% say this is true of magazines.
55% say TV can stimulate them to search online, the highest figures for any
medium including online.
All of this data suggests it would be unwise to overlook traditional media when
attempting to reach Millennials and drive them to act.
it should also be noted that the same pattern holds for most other age cohorts. The
biggest takeaway is the old notion that it's all about the mix -- put your GRP's in multiple
media baskets.
Bottom line? Diversification works!
Millennials and the iPhone: Where are the
The impact of the iPhone on the way Millennials communicate with each other and with
commercial media is hard to overstate. Yet advertisers appear to be slow to catch on.
Here is some data for perspective:
1. iPhone users represent just 1% of the world's 2.7
Billion mobile devices, but iPhone users
completely eclipse those using any other mobile
device in their data use – 95% of those who own
an iPhone regularly surf the Internet, and 65% of
those browsing on mobile devices are using
2. Google sees 50 times the number of searches
from iPhones than from any other mobile device!
3. iPhone owners are young. According to a March
2008 Rubicon study, half are under 30 and 15%
are students.
4. iPhones account for up to 75 percent of the video impressions in recent
advertising campaigns.
5. According to Simmons New Media Study, many consumers say they are ready
for mobile advertising. Over a third of consumers who are online for at least one
hour a week rate themselves as being interested in receiving ads via their
mobile, provided there is a tangible incentive.
With such a young, video-enabled, advertising-tolerant target, one would think
advertisers would be clamoring to develop campaigns just for Millennials and their
iPhones, if not for the entire mobile market. This is in fact the opinion of Eric Schmidt,
Google's CEO. He believes the iPhone will be responsible for exponential growth in the
mobile advertising market.
"The iPhone was the first mobile device with a good Web browser, and
more such devices will follow. Advertising will then become very personal. In
a few years, mobile advertising will generate more revenue than advertising
on the normal Web."
Eric Schmidt, Google CEO
Yet from the cases available, it doesn't appear that more than a handful of advertisers –
Zagat and the Weather Channel come to mind – share Schmidt's enthusiasm. Why
aren't advertisers viewing the web-enabled mobile phone as a separate category of
advertising, along with the PC, Radio and TV? Only time will tell whether the trend
Millennial Marketing: Cause Marketing
One of the most cherished Millennial values is 'making a
difference'. This makes cause marketing a natural choice
for many Millennial marketers.
Tom's Shoes has leveraged both cause marketing and
community-building so naturally, it looks effortless. Tom's
promises to donate a pair of shoes to a child in need
somewhere in the world for every pair of shoes it sell.
Talk about effortless; it's consumerism as altruism. Hey we all need shoes, right? The
shoes are well made and there are endless variations on the basic design. The Toms
website invites you to 'get involved' by joining a 'shoe drop' or simply joining the mailing
list. In between these two options is a smart take on community-building / viral
marketing / customization (yes, all three in one) called 'Style Your Sole'.
Style Your a great time for you and your friends to get together,
express yourself through your own designs and support a good cause.
Whether it is the theme of your party or a community building activity, you
and your friends are putting shoes on children’s feet somewhere around the
world. Wear your originally designed TOMS and tell the story!
Multicultural Marketing
Is 'Multicultural Youth Marketing' a redundancy?
38% of 18-24 year olds are non-white
This generation is famous for its tolerance -- Pew Research reports 94% of the
post 1977 born Gen Y approve of interracial dating compared to 84% of
Just 17% of 18-29 year olds said that race was important to their vote in the
primary compared to 22% of 30-44 year olds. 57% voted for Obama vs 48% for
all age groups. (Pew Research Center, Young Voters in the 2008 Primaries).
Given this kind of evidence, there may be a case that youth marketing and multicultural
marketing are one in the same. Gen Y not only desires diversity, they expect it. Recent
focus groups we conducted on women and fashion found the appeal of celebrities like
Tyra Banks easily cross ethnic boundaries, while Jennifer Anniston is 'every girl' for
No college can afford to not have its multicultural images on display. Perhaps we are
stating the obvious, but if so, why are we still talking about 'multicultural marketing'?
Perhaps we should just say 'culture aware marketing'?
Millennial Research
Segmentation has its limits as a marketing tool. As
marketers we are trained to look to focus on the differences,
but unless the differences are meaningful, overreliance on
segmentation can lead to a lot of wasted effort.
This insight may be especially true of Millennial marketing.
As a generation, Millennals cherish their individuality,
but are secure enough in who they are that they have
no problem identifying strongly with a larger group,
ethic or brand, especially if that group, ethic or brand
shares their values; they like being part of something
bigger than themselves.
Millennials share a set of common values that has enabled a few brands to
deeply connect with a broad range of young consumers: Google, Apple, Heroes,
and Teach for America come immediately to mind.
These connections are based more on similarities among Millennials than
differences. Those similarities can be traced to common upbringing that stressed
team work, embracing of diversity (which is quite different from tolerance),
respect for institutions, and the importance of 'making a difference' (i.e., or as
Google famously said, 'do no evil'). Millennials also share a faith in technology as
tool for connection and productivity.
Perhaps most significantly, this generation shares a deep belief in its own capacity for
bringing about positive change. This belief is what underlies their strong will to be
'heard'. With Obama perhaps now less than a month from what is looking like a
Millennial-inspired victory, we may be hearing more from and about Millennial universals
in the near future.
Millennial Marketing: Effective Promotions
Taco Bell announced earlier this year it is
extending its "Feed the Beat" Indie Rock Band
promotion for its late night "Fourth Meal" for a
third year. Carol Phillips, President of
BrandAmplitude and Professor of Marketing at
the University of Notre Dame, argues that this
promotion hits multiple Millennial sweet spots
all at once:
1. Simple and Undemanding. The rules are
simple: register for $500 worth of late night
coupons and a chance to a chance to be
promoted by a record producer next spring, no strings whatsoever.
2. Immediate gratification. Winners will be announced in October.
3. Social. Bands have fans. Fans like to eat, too. Winners will be selected via online
vote, which will encourage the bands to activate their networks.
4. Indie Rock Bands. Music is a top passion for Millennials, as blogger Charlie Moran
points out in an Ad Age article.
5. Late Night. Millennials live 24/7 lives; A "Fourth Meal" makes sense to them.
Taco Bell's marketing investment in this promotion is modest: 100 bands X $500 in late
night coupons ($50K), URL for registration and voting, placement on sauce packets,
PR. The return is potentially great, if only in registered band member names and
voters! The PR potential is big and very well targeted. It all seems to point to a
potentially huge ROI, as well as some terrific potential for brand-differentiation.
Free Hand: A New Take on Usability
A new firm, Free Hand, has cleverly answered the question of how to reach Millennials
with messages they will want to read or listen to: with media that is inherently useable!
Free Hand distributes note paper on college campuses, 4 sheets plus an ad. It's literally
a 'hand out', something free that is useful. As one student in the testimonial video
explains, "It's free paper so you can't really say no to it".
This is an idea on a par in cleverness with the refrigerator magnet, and well suited to the
Millennial market. Who wouldn't use free paper on the way to class, even if only to
doodle? The idea of branding useful items is stock in trade for promotions, but the
clever twist here is that the ad itself is useful, and inexpensive enough to be practical.
Now, let' just hope the paper is recycled!
Millennial Brands: 10 Brands That Hit the Mark
Ask a Millennial ‘what campaigns or brands have captured your attention lately?’ and
the answer is likely to be, “Ah, can you repeat the question?” or “I don’t really watch
So what brands penetrate? There are some obvious winners: Obama, Apple, Scion,
Converse, The Colbert Report, Facebook. But what other brands hit the mark? Here’s a
list of less well-documented Millennial brands and why they appeal.
Herbal Essences: P&G has done a great job of
updating Herbal Essences, an aging mass-market
brand, to appeal to Gen Y women. Everything from the
language on the package (‘totally twisted’, ‘drama
clean’), to the package to the colors and web site says
this is not your mom’s shampoo.
The voice is young without being juvenile, fun while still
providing useful information. Benefits include 'polishing
your look' and 'luscious hair'. Promotional tie-ins work
nicely – pedicures and manicures. Videos provide
specific direction on how to achieve that 'casual sexy,
just out of bed look'. Nothing Boomer or tweeny-bopper about that!
ZipCar: ZipCar is a concept, "Wheels When You Want
Them", that appeals to Millennial desires — on the go,
always connected but not 'attached', and of course, 'green'.
Within a matter of 15 minutes, members can locate and
reserve anything from a MiniCooper to a minivan, all for
$10/hr or less, gas and insurance included. A Zipcar offers
the full functionality of a car without the strings of ownership
or the hassle and cost of renting.
Beyond functionality, Zipcars are cool. Mazdas, Subarus,
Honda hybrids, even Scion all integrate technology in the
kind of seamless way Millennials have come to love in
companies like Apple. While Zipcar has yet to be profitable,
this most likely has more to do with the high cost of opening new markets, than lack of
PINK: Victoria's Secret's PINK brand is hot. With sales
approaching $1 Billion, it is growing faster than VS overall
according to Ad Age (7/7/08). The PINK Facebook Group is
one of the largest with 509,478 fans.
Recently, PINK started directly targeting the collegiate
crowd directly with a comprehensive approach that is only
vaguely related to clothes and more understated than sexy.
No digital marketing stone was left unturned, with apps for
Facebook, style guides, videos of favorite bands, logowear
from 33 universities, video personality profiles, parties called PINKAPALOOZA, text
messaging, free customizable goodies for your MySpace page or computer, insider
blogs, a magalog, cause marketing, a $5 planner promotional offer -- even horoscopes.
Nothing was left out, and the overall sense is that there's lots more to come. Overall, the
site feels more like a social network than a commercial site, and that apparently is the
intent and its appeal.
Target: Target does a great job of staying in the zone of what
Millennials value – affordable, stylish and socially correct. The
advertising is as stylish as the merchandise.
A recent spot, ‘Brave New Dorm’, featured original music by
Andrea Ravel and people who look like they’d be fun to shop
with. The great deals appeal to the ‘price conscious’ side of
Millennials, who think of themselves as poor.
Target demonstrates social responsibility by donating millions of
dollars each year to local schools and sponsoring cases and
internships at universities.
Demographic profiles of Target shoppers show they skew younger and higher income.
BIGresearch (8.19.08) reports Target and Macy's shoppers favor Obama, while Walmart and Kohl's shoppers skew toward McCain, a finding totally consistent with the
demographic profile. This profile should serve Target well as Millennials graduate, start
families, and furnish homes. Our bet is that they will keep Millennials' enthusiasm well
beyond their 20's. Target is Pepsi to Wal-Mart's Coke – The Choice of a New
Jamba Juice: Smoothies may be the quintessential Millennial
category – and Jamba Juice may be the quintessential
Millennial brand. Forty percent of all 18-24 year olds, had a
smoothie made fresh for them in the past month (Mintel, March
2008). That figure is more than 2X total adults (18%), and rivals
past month penetration of Starbucks (44%, Mintel, April 2008).
How did Jamba Juice become an iconic youth brand?
Authenticity: JJ is uncompromising in its use of fresh fruit and quality
ingredients, despite cost and competitive pressures
Effective use of PR: Until recently, Jamba Juice had never made a TV
commercial. Instead, it relies on great placement on shows like Dave
Innovative menu items: The addition of breakfast items gives customers
another reason to visit.
Consistently fun personality: Whether you encounter JJ on the web, on
YouTube, or in the store, the attitude is fun and a little quirky.
Simplicity: Jamba Juice isn't trying to be all things to all people. Research
on top brands among trendsetting youth by Outlaw Consulting emphasizes
simplicity of design and execution as a trademark of an iconic trendsetter
[adult swim]: When I think of
Millennial media, I think of MySpace,
Facebook,, MTV, and
VH1. Yet MRI (Fall 2007) shows
[adult swim] has penetration among
18-24 year olds equal to that of
Facebook (21%).
[adult swim] appears on the Cartoon Network between 11 PM and 6 AM 7 nights a
week. Its web site,, carries a variety of original programming, syndicated
shows, Japanese anime, games and social media opportunities. Promotions for Adult
Swim are targeted towards the college age and 20something/30something group, which
appears to constitute the majority of their viewers. With its tremendous aggregation of
Millennial attention, [adult swim] may have the best chance of making the idea of one
channel, three screens a reality for Millennials. After all, Facebook and Youtube don’t
have a TV channel.
Grape Nuts: Yes, Grape Nuts. Talk about an unlikely
product for a Millennial target! Yet the advertising and web
site are a direct hit for the give-it-to-me-straight-but-don'tbore-me Gen Y market. The new outdoor campaign, cup
holders and web site feature headlines that challenge
common euphemisms and end with the line, "It is what it is"
— implying simple, basic, straightforward, not covered in a
layer of sugar.
The web site,, is fresh and mesmerizingly funny. We watch the
narrator struggle to figure out why this site is ‘necessary’, ultimately give up make the
best of it. Here is a persona to rival Mac Guy, every dude doing the best he can in a
ridiculous situation. “If you’ve got the time, I know I do… I don’t know how to get out of
here! So stick around and maybe we’ll learn something.” Both the message and
delivery, Grape Nuts is “not trying to become anything it isn’t” This approach is smart
and fits both the brand and Millennial values perfectly. It’s advertising for the advertising
averse, of any age.
NASA: Kudos to NASA for figuring out the
obvious when it comes to getting Millennials to
engage with their brand: Let them tell you how!
NASA asked four of its Millennial employees to
create a PowerPoint slide show profiling their
generation and explaining what NASA needed to
do to make NASA relevant. The result, available
at, Entitled "Gen Y Perspectives",
is full of insightful recommendations for connecting
with their generation in the voice of the Millennials
A sample: “Gen Y is defined as "mobile, interdependent, quickly bored, instant
information, instant gratification, likes mentors, global, empowered, wired, multi-tasking,
impatient if delayed, expecting NOW, (not 5 minutes from now), but highly adaptable…
and willing to sacrifice economic rewards for worklife balance". Among their
recommendations was to help Millennials ‘see the point, understand the facts, and
facilitate a discussion with Gen Y that allows them to participate in the mission’. NASA
management must have listened, you can now follow NASA on Twitter.
Fat Bastard: Millennials, with their above average
earnings and sophisticated tastes, are an untapped
market for 'luxury' goods – you just can't call them
luxuries. French Millennials are forgoing wine; U.S.
Millennials are embracing it in large numbers.
According to Nielsen, beer drinking among 21-30
year olds dropped 12 percentage points in the last
10 years, twice as much as those over 30. (Beer
still accounts for 83% of Gen Y alcoholic beverage
purchases, so don’t expect Beer Pong to lose
popularity anytime soon.) Why are Millennials
embracing wine?
Well, it’s not because its hip or cool – wine is considered too elite to be cool. The
answer is that Millennials have sophisticated tastes, a function of early exposure to the
finer things in life by their boomer parents. (Most Millennials who like wine say they
were introduced to it by their parents). This is a huge opportunity for winemakers, and
Fat Bastard is among the first to jump on it. Their irreverent site does its best to take out
the mystery and put in the fun: “Are you Livin’ Large?”
Red Bull: While there are many contenders, Red Bull
may be the ultimate Millennial brand. As Millennials
became increasingly sleep deprived, energy drinks
Energy drinks are a Millennial-driven phenomenon, and
with a 42% share, Red Bull is the driver. 61% of 18-24
year old energy drink users drink Red Bull, outpacing
Monster Energy by a factor of 2:1.
Since its beginnings, Red Bull has shown that it 'gets'
Millennials and especially their desire for a dialog with
the brands they consume. This blurring of the social with
channels of brand marketing is what NYT columnist,
Rob Walker, dubbed 'murketing' in his great book,
"Buying In: The Secret Dialog between What We Buy and Who We Are".
He maintains that modern branding involves complicity between consumer and
consumed, an embracing of commerical culture, not commercials. Red Bull was among
the first to recognize and leverage "murketing", with its extreme sports competitions in
extreme locations. Red Bull is also a great example of why Millennial-targeted brands
should forgo making claims in favor of building affinity. Who knows or cares what
guanine is, anyway?
Trends and Lifestyle: Social Networks
Carol Phillips, President of BrandAmplitude, LLC, recently ran a campaign on Facebook
to recruit Millennials into some focus groups. The
'headline' seemed sure to capture attention: Earn $50 in
75 minutes. Thanks to the pay-per-click ad model the ad
received lots of exposure - 932,917 impressions to be
exact. But the clicks didn't happen; just 160 responded
for an appallingly low .02% click through rate.
Too bad Millennials don't need market research because it would have been a very
cheap branding campaign. Phillipsʼs 17-year-old Facebook-addicted daughter
explained: "Mom, no one clicks on Facebook ads". In short, students do not think
Facebook was invented for any other purpose that to facilitate their social lives.
According to new articles by Adweek and Fortune, this experience is not unique.
An article in Adweek, "Social Ad Lessons", points out that eMarketer lowered its
forecast for social-media ad spending by 12 percent due to "tempered
enthusiasm for meshing ads with social environments".
MySpace will miss its $1 billion U.S. sales goal by 11 percent and Facebook will
take in 13 percent less than the $305 million forecast.
The code on leveraging social media as a medium is not broken, but some are getting
closer to the key by thinking of social media as a new form of product placement.
Adweek describes successful efforts this way:
“...Slide and RockYou are developing a new-era form of product placement
that brings brands directly into the application experience, rather than relegate
them to a banner on the periphery. One of Slide's most popular Facebook
applications is SuperPoke, which lets users to give each other virtual nudges.
Slide has begun working in branded SuperPokes, like spraying a spritz of
perfume for Estee Lauder and rolling a set of dice as part of a Vegas-themed
Palm campaign. Coke brand VitaminWater ran a SuperPoke campaign in April
that resulted in 9.7 million virtual versions of the brand being sent out.”
AdWeek, May 19, 2008
Millennial Gender Differences
Millennials, of course, are not all alike, and one of the main
differences is sex. This isn't as blindingly obvious as you
might think. Lifestyle and purchase behavior differences
between Millennial men and Millennial women are so great,
it almost makes sense to think of them as two different
cohort groups.
Of course, there are many ways that they are the same, but
vive la difference when it comes to marketing. On the
whole, Millennial men appear to be more like their teen
counterparts, while Millennial women are more like, well,
young adults. According to Mintel's 2008 report on 18-24
year males, here are a few of the gaps:
18-24 year old men are more likely than women to...
Live with a parent: M: 50% W: 33%
Watch more than 11 hours of TV per week: M: 48% W: 32%
Be saving money to buy a car: M: 36% W:
Be saving money to buy a video game
console: M: 22% W: 8%
Visit online chat rooms weekly: M: 42% W:
Read weblogs or watch podcasts weekly: M:
32% W: 15%
Watch online video: M: 77% W: 59%
Agree I don't need a stereo if I have a
computer: M: 36% W: 25%
Agree I don't need a DVR because I have a
computer: M: 28% W: 10%
Watch TV broadcasts on a computer: M: 37%
W: 20%
Record TV broadcastson a computer: M: 30%
W: 13%
Have a $100+ monthly cell phone bill: 35% W:
18-24 year old women are more likely than men to...
Think it's cool if a company uses a social network
profile to promote its products: M: 64% W: 72%
Own a laptop: M: 48% W: 59%
Own a car stereo: M: 49% W: 64%
Purchased clothing online: M: 32% W: 48%
Live with a wife/husband: M: 4% W: 23%
In college: M: 33% W: 36%
Gender differences often yield productive marketing
insights. For example, several years ago BrandAmplitude
explored purchases of flat screen televisions among young
Surprisingly, young women thought of a flat screen
purchase as a piece of art, something that would make a
statement about them in their living room. Young men were
focused on the viewing experience, especially the sound and theatre-like picture.
Barbara Bylenga is President Outlaw Consulting, a
highly successful San Francisco-based company
specializing in spotting trends. They talk to
trendsetters and predict which trends will go
Outlaw has been telling companies like Nike, Levi's
and Diageo for years what the coolest of the cool
kids want. In a recent exclusive interview for the
Global Business Network(GBN), she affirmed that
cool Millennials are indeed different from cool kids
of the past. Here are a few highlights:
GBN: The bulk of your trendsetters are in their teens and 20's. We hear a lot about the
Millennial Generation and how they are different. Is it hype or real?
BYLENGA: Millennials, or Gen Ys, are definitely different. They seem to feel more
empowered – and more entitled – than any generation before them. They have an
innate team orientation that makes them excellent collaborators. And the ideas about
issues like marriage and career are radically different. Their "American dream" isn't
about the picket fence; it's a flexible freelance career and a life defined by passion.
There's no doubt in my mind that they are poised to change society. And they're the
biggest American generation ever – even bigger than their parents, the Baby Boomers.
In just a couple years, they'll be one-third of the U.S. population.
GBN: What are Gen Ys like as consumers?
BYLENGA: Gen Ys see themselves as change-makers. But they're also busy trying to
have a middle-class life, so their protests take different form than youth protests of the
past. They see corporation's as having lots of power but little heart, and they try to
create change by using their dollars. The "aha" for corporations is to recognize that
values and authenticity are important to this generation – and that directly affects how
they spend. American Apparel, for example, has been totally embraced by youth
because of its labor practices. Shopping there make them feel like they're spending
money in the right place. Companies that really "walk their talk" about core values will
be endeared. If you want to be relevant to Gen Ys, you need to understand their
mindset. Understand what they're doing – and why.
GBN: What's the hot new thing among Gen Y trendsetters? I assume they all have
BYLENGA: Well, iPhones are still very popular, but they're not as cool as the MacBook
Pro, which is the most powerful status symbol among our trendsetters right now. Some
of them are living in squalor on 24th and Mission, eating Ramen noodles and shopping
at the Goodwill – but they paid two grand for their MacBook Pro.
An iPhone is nice for keeping in touch, but let's face it, it's yuppie accessory. Toms
Shoes are also big right now. Every time we do a focus group wtih trendsetters, at least
one of them shows up wearing a new pair of Toms. They're simply designed and very
comfortable, and for every pair you purchase Toms donates one pair to a child in need
in Argentina or South Africa. "one for one," they say on the box. It's a simple mission
and the shoes are hip.
YouTube vs. TV: What are Millennials Watching?
According to Alloy Media, 24% of teens are on
the Internet 15 or more hours a week, and the
average time spent is 11.5 hours. They also
watch a lot less TV than the rest of us.
According to MRI's Mediamark Reporter, the top
TV Quintile of 18-24 year olds are indexes just
66 vs. Total Adults.
So what, in fact, are they watching, online and
on TV?
MRI Medimark Reporter (Fall 2007)
shows MySpace and MTV are the most highly penetrated channels with over
40% of 18-24 year olds watching (see table), with VH1 and YouTube are right
With 21% penetration and an index of 368, the penetration of [Adult Swim]
penetration rivals that of Facebook.
For those of you over 30 who may not be familiar with [Adult Swim], it's what runs
between 11PM and 6PM Eastern, 7 nights a week, on the Cartoon Network, the HBO of
animation. While it began as a spinoff, today it is a channel in its own right. carries a variety of streamed video, games and social media
David Carson reports in Ad Age that online video has a bigger audience than cable TV.
Sites like,, and are making the idea of one
channel, three screens seem more like a reality all the time. Reaching Millennials may
be a matter of allowing them to direct the content they want to the screen – TV,
computer or mobile phone – they want.
Video Games
44% of 12-17 year old males say playing video games is one of the 'favorite activities'
(Mintel, 3.07, see chart). That makes games big business; the Sims alone has sold 100
million copies, worth about $4 Billion (Fast Company, 9.08).
The upcoming release of Spore is a media event that rivals the biggest blockbuster
movies. From a marketing perspective, it is important to note that up until now, gaming
has been largely a male phenomenon, most likely due to the high levels of violence in
many games. This is a problem Spore's marketers hope to change.
Spore is reportedly more about creating and building than destroying. (Right now, young
women are much more likely to blog, while both sexes are equally likely to be spending
time social networking.) This makes gaming an especially targeted medium for
marketers trying to reach young men. Little wonder product placement in video games
is hot and getting hotter.
eBay: Reaching Out to Millennials?
Many brands have incorporated
social responsibility into their
marketing, and this approach is
known to influence at least a portion
of Millennials. In most cases (Tom's
Shoes being an exception),
customers are required to DO
something – like recycle their old
sweats -- to contribute.
With what RetailHitsandMisses blogger, Judy Hopelain, calls 'Millennial perfect pitch',
eBay recently announced the launch of a new shopping site,, that
makes doing good as painless as shopping online.
With the tagline, "Where Your Shopping Shapes the World", this new site makes it easy
to support whatever cause you like! Want to buy products that are made of eco-friendly
materials, support local community services, preserve native plans and native traditions,
adhere to fair trade practices, conserve energy and do not harm animals in production?
You can find them here. Want to join a community that shares your passion for a
cause? eBay uses its formidable community building skills to make it easy to do just
that. There's even a Facebook link and easy way to tell others about WorldofGood.
While WorldofGood will appeal to more than just Millennials, it indeed seems custom
made for a generation that has money to spend and seeks to make a difference.
Already this site has attracted hundreds of bloggers. We predict that word of mouth will
move this site to the forefront of Gen Y's consciousness very quickly.
Millennial Bloggers: AdAge Unveils ‘GenNext’
Ad Age recently launched a new blogging feature called "GenNext". As the name
suggests, this new blog is all about Millennials, featuring entries like this from recent
Notre Dame MBA grad Sarah Ewing, who offers advice for employers seeking top
Millennial talent. The entry serves as a friendly reminder that Millennials are
simultaneously entering both the blogosphere and the workplace!
“Top talent seeks a long-term relationship and will partner with
companies whose manners reflect a soulmate, like online retailer In my interview experience with them, the only prices
discussed were potential media buys. Our date included an allexpenses paid trip to Vegas, a trip to the "Soul Doctor" (Zappos'
personal onsite psychologist and career therapist) and a Polaroid
for my personal scrapbook.
In the end, I didn't get the job because they were looking for someone with more
experience, but had things worked out, I could easily see myself growing old(er) with
them (as can other swooning potential employees).
To attract top talent, I recommend these behaviors:
1. Don't make me go Dutch. Please pay for interview travel. It indicates financial
stability and employee value.
2. Don't speed date. This is a courtship. Get to know me beyond a rote
3. Break up via phone, not silence. Quickly tell me that we are through rather than
dragging it out in ambiguity.
4. Value me for me. As an MBA, I know what I'm worth. Although advertising
agencies are notorious for paying under industry average, please do not
immediately lowball my desired salary. Treat me like a potential partner.
“Remember: Any company can find employees. But a charming company who
uses these manners will almost always get the most striking partners in the
employment pool—and keep them, too. Which do you want to be?”
NBC’s ‘Heroes’: The Ultimate Millennial Personas?
NBC's smash hit, Heroes, seems to fully capture the essence of the Millennial lifestyle –
which blogger Carol Phillips describes as the 'wait til you see the real me' fantasy. Here
is how the Heroes wiki site describes two of the show's key characters:
Claire Bennet is a high school student formerly of Odessa, TX
where she used to be a cheerleader. She lives with her adoptive
family in Costa Verde, CA. Claire discovers she has the ability to
heal seemingly any wound, nearly instantaneously.
Peter Petrelli worked as a common hospice nurse while living in
New York City. Peter appeared to his family as a witless dreamer,
who believed he had a greater place in life than just saving one life at
a time. He discovered he was an evolved human who had the ability
to absorb and use the powers of other evolved humans. Peter has
since decided to use his abilities to save the world.
The show is wildly popular among Millennials, and given Millennials'
passion for making a difference in the world, it's easy to see why the
show is so appealing. Marketers would do well to tap into this
fantasy, with products that help Millennials be more the person they know they were
meant to be, and make a greater impact for good.
NBC is leveraging this insight well, with a create-your-own-hero contest and animated
online series. Superpowers for ordinary mortals of course is not a new theme, but what
makes Potter and Heroes different from, say Superman, is the unique generational
angle. It's not just about having unique talents, it's about being YOUNG and having
unique talents. That is what makes these characters remarkable in their worlds and
appealing in the world of Millennials.
Millennials in the Workplace: Striking a Balance
One of the more notable differences between Millennials and
other generations are their equivocal feelings about work.
While they (and their parents) are anxious to get a good job
and begin establishing their adult lives as functioning
members of the modern economy, they are also vaguely
uneasy about the place of work in their lives. They expect
they will need to make serious compromises to land and
keep a job.
BrandAmplitude identified some of these anxieties in focus
groups last spring among young professionals at major
Nearly everyone we talked with was concerned with two issues: 'work-life balance' and
'making a difference'. These two concerns were sometimes related, particularly if their
job was not seen as offering much opportunity to 'give back'.
No doubt the recent financial shocks are causing Millennials to give even greater
thought – and worry – to what the work world will mean for their lives. Shrinking job
markets make for fewer chances to ask for concessions on vacation time, education
perks, and other incentives dear to the hearts of Millennials.
In the research, Millennials consistently shared a desire to tell their bosses, "This job is
not my life" or "“This job is not my life!” Or as another put it, “My job isn’t life or death –
I’m not saving lives, I work in marketing – sometimes people forget that.”
“I'm not exactly sure how this insight to the psyche of Millennials relates to
marketing, but I think it's important; they are unsure whether to be
motivated by the same incentives as the rest of us – or at least up until this
latest economic crisis.”
Carol Phillips, BrandAmplitude President
5 Things Millennials Wish They Could Tell Their
Last spring, Brand Amplitude conducted focus groups
among professionally employed Millennials around the
country. They were asked, “If you could tell your boss
one thing, what would it be?”
Here's what they said:
1. Teach me!”
“I feel like boomers donʼt teach as much as they
could… Millennials want to learn.”
While they do believe they are more
knowledgeable in certain areas – such as technology – they realize that they
have a lot to learn from older generations. As one Millennial, put it: “Go ahead
and tell stories, share your wisdom, or teach them something you wish you would
have known when you were their age.”
2. “Mentor Me!”
“The whole concept of ʻreportingʼ to people is very parentsʼ generation… [we] are
more team focused.”
Relationships and corporate cultures are especially important to Millennials. They
want to feel cared for as individuals – not just employees. In short, they want
mentors, coaches and teammates – not just bosses. Participants expressed
more loyalty to the people they work with than to their company. As one brand
manager put it, “I feel connected to the people I work with, not necessarily the
company.” Another said, “People make everything worth doing.”
3. “Trust me!”
“I would tell my boss that they need to place more responsibility in the hands of
younger employees.”
Millennials want to feel empowered to make a difference in the business. They
yearn for autonomy and the authority to have a real impact. Millennials feel
especially discouraged when they are micromanaged. A managerʼs goal should
be to find that magical middle ground – the perfect balance between giving
employees generous feedback while simultaneously giving them the freedom to
make decisions and solve problems on their own.
4. “Reward me!”
“Iʼm as loyal to them as they are to me.”
Itʼs important to clearly communicate performance expectations and how
performance will be rewarded. Itʼs also key to be true to your word! The fastest
way to lose a Millennialʼs loyalty is to renege on a promise. It seems to be
especially important to Millennials to know the right incentives are in place.
Millennials welcome open conversation about compensation and incentive
programs. Some want a raise, but others prefer a results-based bonus structure,
more vacation time or public recognition.
5. “Donʼt Take Me For Granted!
“My company doesnʼt realize that their most qualified people can and will leave
for a better work environment.”
A common perception about Millennials is that they arenʼt very loyal. Yet when
we probed about workplace loyalty, we heard many say they would like to be
loyal, but only to companies that ʻearnʼ their loyalty. Millennials feel their parentsʼ
generation was loyal to a fault. Millennials believe they have more options, so
they insist they will only stick with a company that earns their devotion.
The Ideal Millennial Work Culture
One word sums it up: the key to attracting top Millennial workers to
your company is a 'chill' culture.
In BrandAmplitude’s recent online focus groups with Millennials,
the conversation centered on their lives at work, their frustrations
and what makes them happy.
It will not come as a surprise that what matters most to Millennials
is their work team. However, a great team is not enough. Nearly as
important as the team to their satisfaction was the culture.
Here's a sample of how the happy ones talk about their jobs:
“I love the culture at XXX, which has become very chill and
youthful. Plus, people are quite laid back and not overly
competitive. ...For example, we have Nintendo Wii in the office and have
tournaments among the business unit.”
- Brand Manager, Major CPG firm
“I've been at my new job for three days now. Up until this point, I've bounced
from job to job a lot. Well, it's brand new... but so far I really like the people, the
energy and the culture.” - Account Exec, major ad agency
“I'm still new; however, like I said, I like the people I work with (my co-workers,
manager, sales team) and therefore am motivated to do my best.” - Manager,
Major Commercial Realty Firm
Social Media: Not Just Facebook and Myspace
While many believe it is values that define
Millennials, Millennials themselves believe it is their
use of the Internet, nothing defines Millennials on
the Internet more than their use of social media.
In March 08, McCann released Wave 3 of its Social
Media Tracking Report based on a survey of
17,000 Internet users in 29 countries. Here are a
few findings worth noting:
1. Social media is much broader than social networking. McCann defines social
media as “Online applications, platforms and media which aim to facilitate
interaction, collaboration and the sharing of content”. That includes blogs, photo
and video sharing, podcasts, microblogs (Twitter), widgets, chat rooms and
message boards, and more.
2. Social media's reach is surprisingly high. 83% of active Internet users watch
videos, 73% read blogs. 39% have started their own blog. In fact, McCann
believes blogging rivals traditional media with a 70% weekly reach. 33% have a
favorite blog they read regularly. "As a collective, the blogosphere rivals any
mass media in terms of reach, time spent and wider cultural, social and political
3. Social Networks have evolved into platforms to organize users’ internet
experience. 74% use them to message friends. Social networks are becoming a
'one stop shop' for all Internet needs: messaging friends, posting photos and
videos, and unique applications. Consequently, they are becoming one of the
most powerful ways to disseminate information.
The blurring of media and creators is nearly complete, as the popularity of Engadget
with trendsetting Millennials makes clear. The 'citizen' journalist has become a reality
and bloggers are becoming mainstream personalities.
Need evidence? The NYT and Entertainment Weekly had this to say about
“Pink is the new Blog: Must Star Hazer — Why This: Trent Vanegas may
run the uproarious gossip roundup from his home outside Detroit, but he
doesn’t need proximity to make riotous observations about celebs —
often typed directly onto scary paparazzi photos.” — Entertainment
Weekly “Anyone looking for a case study in the convergence of
homespun blog culture and market-driven mainstream media need look
no further than and its creator, Trent Vanegas …
It’s Not Just a Blog, It’s a Brand”.
The New York Times
Finally, we have prospect of 'Facebook: The Movie'. The New York Times reports that
West Wing creator, Aaron Sorkin, and Columbia Pictures producer Scott Rudin, are
collaborating on a film about the creation of Facebook. They have set up a place on
Facebook to participate.
Talk about media coming full circle!
Social Responsibility: Millennials as ‘Doers’
One of the most defining values of the civic-minded Millennials is their desire to do good
and 'make a difference' in the world. The 2006 Cone Millennial Cause Study showed
that "61% of Millennials, (defined as those born between 1979 – 2001), feel personally
responsible for making a difference in the world."
These “Doers” volunteer at least once a week and represent
nearly 20% of Millennials surveyed. Survey findings indicate
that volunteerism unleashes a more engaged citizen,
consumer and employee.
The estimated 15.6 million Millennial “Doers” in this
country are a company’s most loyal brand
ambassadors. To support the causes they care
about, “Doers” will reward a company that meets
their standards. At the same time, they are not
afraid to refuse to work for an employer that lacks a sincere commitment to
social issues.
42% who volunteer weekly describe their “ideal” work environment as a place
that will help them make the world a better place, outranking all other factors,
including high salary (41%) and flexible hours (37%).
The study points out that 87% of those who volunteer bought a product that
supported a cause in the past year compared to just 48% of non-volunteers.
“College students demonstrate strong commitment towards the brands they feel
are contributing positively to world issues and the environment, and students'
preference for brands they perceive to be socially responsible is on the rise. 41%
of respondents prefer socially responsible brands, compared to the 37% reporting
last year and a 24% increase since '06 figures....In current collegiate environment it
is very cool to be ‘good'. Brands who enable college students to reflect their own
social responsibility... have an advantage"
6th Alloy Media + Marketing Survey of College Students
Millennial Parents: Hopelessly Devoted to You
Carol Phillips, blogger, college professor, and mother of two
Millennials, shares her recent experience sending her daughter off
to college:
“After three days spent observing and interacting with 500
Millennials and their parents at George Washington University's
"freshman orientation", I now have a better understanding of the
parenting relationship that resulted in such a self-confident,
community-oriented, civic-minded cohort. The fact that there even
is such a thing as 'parent orientation' speaks volumes about
Millennial parenting.
In the Millennial era, orientation is a 3-day affair with separate events for and parents
and students. There were theatrically produced skits on the perils of college life (X-rated
for students, PG for parents), speeches from the deans, tours, small group sessions
and more. I admire the marketing insight behind the event: Reassure parents and their
kids they great choice and address any lingering buyers' remorse.
I also admire the 'target insight': 'Helicopter' parents have a hard time letting go. The skit
that evoked the most laughter among parents depicted a mom who arrived on day one
with her son's teddy bear, a super sharpie to mark his underwear and an extra phone so
she could leave messages on his phone – to the mortification of her son and the
amusement of his new roommates.
As the head of student services informed us, "it's one thing to call a professor, it's
another to call a boss, so you may as well start letting go now". (More laughter) How
this situation came about is easy to comprehend. Boomer and Gen X parents ran a
parenting gauntlet, what David Brooks refers to as the 'Achievatron', to get their kids
into a top tier school. They certainly can't be expected to stop now just as their kid
encounters his/her biggest life challenge to date.
Millennials enjoy closer, more friendly relationships with their parents than previous
Many parents continue to support their Millennial kids well beyond the point when kids
used to be expected to be self-sustaining. The traditional hallmarks of adulthood,
marriage, children, home buying, are all being delayed.
What this new extended 'pre-adulthood' means for marketers is anyone's guess. At
minimum it means extended spending power for Millennials as they continue to draw
upon parental subsidies and housing. It also means Millennials have more opportunity
to influence parental choices, particularly in the areas they know best, such as
technology and entertainment. As one parent put it, "when it comes to college these
days, it takes a family."
Marketing to Millennials Through Their Parents
Every marketer knows parents' purchase decisions in
everything from breakfast cereal to cell phones are often
strongly influenced by their children. Wise marketers have
leveraged this by marketing directly to their kids, even though
they are not the ultimate decision-makers.
With close relationships between hovering parents and young
adults increasingly the norm, the opposite strategy may start
to make sense: influence young adults' decisions through
their parents.
Colleges have long known the importance of parents to the
application and decision process. Now HR managers are also
directly addressing parental concerns after noticing parents
were helping their adult children negotiate pay and benefits,
angle for promotions and evaluate job offers.
According to BNet, Office Depot is planning to include a reassuring message to parents
on its web site; Merrill started sponsoring a Parents’ Day in 2006. The company flies
parents and caretakers of diversity students to Manhattan, teaches them about the
business, provides a tour of the Big Apple, and emphasizes company support and
benefits, such as free meals and transportation for employees working overtime. The
program has been so successful they are considering expanding it. Last year only one
student whose parents attended the event didn’t accept the firm’s subsequent job offer.
Millennials are just beginning to make their first significant adult purchases –
automobiles and appliances, student loans, health and life insurance, a home, financial
investments, and automobiles. As they make these decisions for the first time, they will
turn to their parents for advice.
Smart marketers will anticipate the influence parents are likely to have in these
decisions. After all, 50% of 18-24 year old men and 33% of women still live at home,
and many continue to receive financial support from their parents. Increasingly,
consumer decisions may look more like corporate 'buying center' decisions, with
multiple influencers and lack of clarity around who is the true decision-maker.
Five Millennial Myths
According to StudentPoll data, an ongoing study of incoming
freshmen, CB maintains Millennials are not that different from
other generations in their goals, aspirations, values and college
choice criteria. Here’s what they found:
1. Millennial Myth: Student interest in "making a
contribution to society" is on the rise while interest in
"having lots of money" is declining. StudentPOLL's Freshman Survey data
conclusively show that interest in "being financially well off" remains high and at
levels comparable to previous generations.
2. Millennial Myth: Students are more intellectually oriented and less career
focused than previous generations. Again, StudentPOLL's findings and
CIRP's data demonstrate that students are very much career focused, but
equally interested in the academic aspects of college.
3. Millennial Myth: Millennials associate themselves with the name "Millennial
Generation." Despite the public and media hype about the "Millennial
Generation," only 6 percent of students associated their generation with the
name "Millennials." In fact, 43 percent reported that they didn't know or that none
of the six generational names tested was the name used to describe their own
generation, and as many identified themselves as Generation X or Y.
4. Millennial Fact: Raising a family tops the list of life objectives that are
"essential" or "very important" to Millennials—even more so than their
parents' generation. In 2007, 77 percent of the 272,000 students surveyed
indicated that "raising a family" was an "essential" or "very important" life
objective to them. In 1977, only 59 percent of students gave the same level of
importance to raising a family, although this figure has remained relatively
constant since the early 1990s.
5. Millennial Fact: College Bound Seniors welcome parental involvement in
college planning. Ninety-five percent of students indicated that their parents
were either "very involved" or "involved" in their college plans but, contrary to
anecdotal suggestions, the students reported very little unwanted, intrusive
behavior on the part of their parents. In fact, nearly 30 percent of students want
more, not less, parental involvement.
Millennial Shopping Habits: What are Millennials
Nielsen is reporting U.S. Millennials are forgoing beer in favor of wine. Shocking but
true, beer drinking among 21-30 year olds dropped 12
percentage points in the last 10 years.
For comparison, over thirty's beer consumption dropped just
6 percentage points. According to Nielsen, most of the 'slack'
is being picked up by, you guessed it, wine! (Before we get
too carried away with this insight, Nielsen also points out that
beer still accounts for 83% of Gen Y alcoholic beverage
Research by Gallup and another study by the industry group,
Wine Market Council, confirm the trend. The Boston Globe
speculates that "Millennials have the potential to become the
next generation to embrace wine in numbers not seen since
the baby boomers."
What does this trend tell us about the tastes of U.S. Millennials? A lot, according to
qualitative research by Liz Thach, Sonoma State University.
First the research revealed that only 18% of Millennial wine drinkers see wine
as "hip or cool". Most in fact think it is too 'elite' to be hip or cool and wish that
marketers would portray wine drinking as more 'fun'.
Instead, the Millennials who drink wine regularly drink it because they like the
taste and think it goes well with food. Furthermore, (big hint here), half said
that they were introduced to wine through a family member. This suggests
Millennials tastes are influenced by their Boomer parents.
''This is where I see a trend happening in this country, which also happened in
Australia several years ago – what they call the cafe society. We are starting to
be more interested in the good things in life: good wine, good food, friends,
taking time out to relax and enjoy things.
This is actually one of the values we identified of this generation...The generation
who grew up with free-range chickens, organic vegetables, and working moms
who stopped for take-out on the way home were exposed to all kinds of food
from an early age.
Add to that the array of imported foods and beverages available to them – this
demographic moves from Swiss chocolates to Hershey's bars with ease – and
you have one possible explanation as to why the diversity of flavors in wine are
appealing to this group.
The Boston Globe
This insight confirms that Millennials, with their above average earnings and
sophisticated tastes, are an untapped market for what many consider 'luxury' goods.
You just can't call them luxuries.
Dorm Décor – A Millennial Development?
For middle-aged boomers, there are few categories that have been left untouched as a
consumer. Yet many parents of a college bound freshman, find themselves in the
middle of a marketing bulls eye that is entirely new to them: dorm décor.
According to the 8th annual College Explorer
study from Alloy Media, the students reporting
to campus in droves this week are the largest
class in history, with 13.6 million college
students (ages 18-30).
They are also among the best equipped, with
spending expected to reach a record $237
billion, up 20% since LAST YEAR! With that
much money on the table, no wonder it feels
like a feeding frenzy for marketers.
The photo above is from Better Homes & Gardens, which offers designer Q&A on dorm
decor. Here's a sample:
Simple tricks like "removable wallpaper" can easily add a splash of color to
whole dorm room or on even just one wall.
Also, using tension rods or simple hooks to suspend drape panels on the
walls can add some visual interest to a boring room. Draped panels even
allow students to divide a shared space to give each roommate more privacy.
At a more practical level, several retail web sites (, Bed Bath & Beyond) offer
special college microsites that make it easy to find bedding for those extra-long dorm
beds and will even ship directly to the dorm to arrive at just the right time. These sites
do more than offer stuff, they also offer checklists and advice on how to achieve the
'suite life' in a dorm. incorporates its advice into a Facebook group and allows
members to comment.
Appendix – Selected Resources
For further reading on Millennials, check out this list of books, articles, presentations
and blogs used in assembling this handbook:
Millennials Rising, William Strauss and Neil Howe, New York: Random House, 2000.
Millennial Makeover, Morley Winograd and Michael Hais, Rutgers, NJ: Rutgers
University Press, 2008.
“Millennials like Traditional, Not Just New, Media”, July 30, 2007: television/millennials-like-traditional-not-just-newmedia-1117/
“Millennials in the Workplace: R U Ready?”
Published: March 26, 2008 in Knowledge @ W.P. Carey
“Teen Content Creators”, by Amanda Lenhart, Mary Madden, Alexandra Rankin Macgill,
and Aaron Smith, Pew Internet & American Life Project, December 19, 2007
“Politics and the "DotNet" Generation, They May Be More Involved Than You Think –
and in Ways that Could Change America's Politics” by Scott Keeter, May 30, 2006:
“Life Online: Teens and Technology and the World to Come “, Lee Rainey, Pew
Research, Speech to Annual Conference of Public Library Association Boston, March
26, 2006:
“Trends in Political Values and Core Attitudes”, Pew Center for People and the Press,
March 22, 2007:
“Young Voters in the 2008 Primaries”, by Scott Keeter, Director of Survey Research,
Pew Research Center and an analyst for NBC News, February 11, 2008
“The Millennials 1984-1993” Brainiac/Joshua Glenn, Boston Globe, April 16, 2008
“A New Generation of Wine Enthusiasts: Twenty-Somethings are Drinking it In”, Boston
Globe, November 30, 2005
“Mobile Search Set for Growth Spurt”, Ad Age, October 14, 2008:
“Military of Millennials” by Art Fritzson, Lloyd W. Howell Jr., and Dov S. Zakheim
Strategy+Business, March 10, 2008:
“Millennial Marketing” by Carol Phillips:
“GenNext” by AdAge:
“Retail Hits and Misses” by Judy Hopelain:
“Higher Education Landscape”, College Board, 2007
“A Brave New Media World”, Brad Berens, Prepared for Prof. Jim Loper's class at the
USC Annenberg School, & presented October 30, 2007
“Gen Y Perspective”, NASA,
Reports and Whitepapers:
“Attitudes of Women 18-34” Mintel, July 2008
“Attitudes and Behavior of Males 18-34”, Mintel, March 2007
“Spending Power of Young Adults”, Mintel, November 2006
“Smoothies – US” Mintel, March 2008
“Social Media Tracker, Wave III”, Universal McCann, August, 21, 20008
“Men 18-24”, Mintel, August 2008
“The Apple iPhone: Successes and Challenges for the Mobile Industry”, Rubicon, March
31, 2008: