WORDS TO LEARN beard beautiful fat handsome of medium build / height plain plump slim straight (hair) thin ugly curly (hair) height overweight pretty strong wavy (hair) fair (hair) moustache pale (face) short tall weak 1) Name what you can see in the pictures. 1. _______________ 2. _______________ 3. _______________ 4. _______________ 5. _______________ 6. _______________ 7. _______________ 8. _______________ 2) Unjumble the following letters to have meaningful words. v y w a r e v i g e h i h t e g a l p i n t a b i u m a d o n h o t f u l e s h e w 1 3) Match the words with the definitions. fair handsome moustache overweight pale plain short straight strong thin wavy weak 1. having little flesh on the bones 2. physically attractive in a traditional, male way 3. having curves; not straight 4. too heavy and fat 5. not beautiful or attractive 6. small in height 7. hair which a man grows above his upper lip 8. not physically strong 9. pale yellow or gold 10. continuing in one direction without bending or curving 11. skin that is almost white or whiter than usual 12. having a lot of physical power so that you can lift heavy weights, do hard physical work, etc 4) Complete the sentences with the words listed and translate the sentences into your language. fair handsome moustache overweight pale plain short straight strong thin wavy weak 1. He's _______________ enough to lift a car! 2. He's the most _______________ man I've ever met. 3. Doesn’t your _______________ disturb you when you kiss someone? 4. Although Harry is fond of curly haired girls, his wife has _______________ hair. 5. I'm quite _______________ but my brother's very tall. 6. She is still _______________ after her illness. 7. She was only a few pounds _______________ but all children called her names. 8. You're looking _______________ - do you feel ill? 9. Sarah often goes to the hairdresser to have her straight hair made _______________. 10. She was a rather _______________ child but now she is beautiful. 11. My sister’s hair is dark and my brother has _______________ hair. 12. He eats like a horse and yet he's as _______________ as a rake. 5) Translate the following sentences from Hungarian into English. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. A barátom mindkét gyerekének világos színű, göndör haja van. Nem minden férfinak van szakálla vagy bajusza. Szerintem Pamela se nem kövér, se nem csúnya. Tim elég magas, de egy kosárlabdázónak kell ekkora magasság. Közepes testalkatú vagyok, azaz nem vagyok sem túlsúlyos, sem nagyon vékony. 2 6. Paul imádja a karcsú lányokat. 7. Egy duci lány is lehet csinos. 8. George nagyon alacsony, de a haja hosszú és egyenes. 9. Barbara olyan erős, hogy fel tudja emelni az apukáját. 10. Azért nem szeretem Charlie-t, mert ronda és gyenge. EXTENDED VOCABULARY Further words to learn attractive bald bushy eyebrows chubby face hairstyle lanky pigtail ponytail stocky tanned face bangs blonde crooked nose double chin mole / birthmark muscular round face skinny wart wrinkled build dyed hair old snub nose young bun freckled face oval face spotted face 3 KEY TO THE EXERCISES 1 ) 1. moustache 2. fat / overweight / plump 3. curly 4. tall 5. strong 6. beard 7. short 8. pretty / slim / thin 2 ) wavy overweight height plain beautiful handsome 5 ) 1. Both children of my friend has curly and fair hair. 2. Not all men have beard and moustache. 3. I think Pamela is neither fat nor plain. 4. Tim is quite tall but a basketball player needs such a height. 5. I am of medium build, that is, I am neither overweight nor very thin. 6. Paul loves slim girls. 7. A plump girl can be pretty as well. 8. George is very short but his hair is long and straight. 9. Barbara is so strong that she can lift her father. 10. I don’t like Charlie because he is ugly and weak. 3 ) 1. thin 2. handsome 3. wavy 4. overweight 5. plain 6. short 7. moustache 8. weak 9. fair 10. straight 11. pale 12. strong 4 ) 1. strong 2. handsome 3. moustache 4. straight 5. short 6. weak 7. overweight 8. pale 9. wavy 10. plain 11. fair 12. thin 4