Cover Story W hen BuySeasons Inc., an online Here are five other ways your returns specialty retailer of costumes, strategy can benefit your bottom line: accessories and seasonal party supplies, signed up for a UPS Returns® Improve customer service. It’s true; Flexible Access trial program, company a good returns program brings back leaders weren’t sure what to expect. more than packages. It also brings back Would customers notice and apprecicustomers. If your customers are happy ate the additional return access points – with their overall experience, including including their local post office? Would returns, they’ll be back. With three the ultra-convenience lead to an undesirdifferent returns options (see sidebar at able increase in returns? What they disright), UPS has a program that’s right for Terry Rowinski of BuySeasons says covered was that customers didn’t return your business. making returns products more often – a good thing – Returns are a critical part of PHH more convenient didn’t increase his and they had fewer questions, which Mortgage’s service strategy. The New return rate. saved customer service reps time. Jersey-based residential mortgage com“We’ve seen fewer [phone inquiries] pany provides a UPS return label and with our customers,” says Terry Rowinski, vice president envelope in every mortgage package, making it simple for of operations for BuySeasons ( clients to send back essential documents. 1 Returns redefined A strong strategy will keep your customers coming back and revenues rising. “They can track it themselves, which is kind of cool.” Your returns policy is one of the most visible elements of your company’s customer service record. In a 2008 Forrester Research study of online returns, 81 percent of customers agreed with this statement: “If an online retailer makes it easier for me to return a product, I am more likely to buy from that retailer.” While a crucial differentiator for retailers, returns can be a key to growing nearly any business in any industry, allowing you to save time and money and outshine your competition. 6 COMPASS S U M M E R 2 0 1 0 Photograph: James Schnepf; Illustration: C.J. Burton “Purchasing a home is one of the big decisions that someone makes in their lifetime, and we work hard to make it as smooth and as easy as possible,” says Ed Hickson, PHH’s director of distribution and fulfillment. “All they have to do is stick the label on the package we provide them and drop it in a UPS Drop Box, and it’s back to us.” 2 Maximize your inventory. An efficient returns process means faster turnaround, so your inventory spends less time in no-man’s land and more time working for you. And with UPS technology, packages are tracked every step of the way, so you’ll always know the location of your restockable products. eCardio, a leading provider of heart monitoring devices, was experiencing a 50 percent loss of inventory. “Patients would claim they returned the device, but we would never receive it,” says Heidi Tomberlin, operations manager for the Houston-based company. But with UPS Returns Flexible Access, eCardio is seeing a nearly 100 percent return rate, which means the company doesn’t have to replace expensive inventory, and the devices spend more time helping the company serve clients and patients. 3 Increase sales. More and more people are used to shopping online, but familiarity does not breed total trust. That’s why a good returns policy, including a prepaid return label, often results in higher sales. Confident customers are more likely to make that purchase, while not increasing your return rate. They simply like the extra security. 4 Streamline routing. Within large businesses, the person who sends out a package is rarely the same person who processes the return. Clients’ completed PHH Mortgage packages are returned directly to a vendor in Maryland, which converts the documents to electronic images for fast, secure access by PHH employees. “For somebody who is looking to increase timeliness with a customer transaction, and needs the flexibility to work in this global market, it gives you an excellent tool,” Hickson says of UPS Returns. 3 returns options from UPS UPS offers a robust portfolio of returns options, making returns easier for you and your customers and helping you turn returns into revenue. UPS Returns® Flexible Access is brand new. Using a unique return label, your customers can now drop off their return packages at thousands of UPS and U.S. Postal Service locations – including their personal mailboxes. Packages given to the USPS are then picked up by UPS drivers and put into the UPS delivery system. Both you and your customers can track the packages’ progress online. UPS Returns® allows you to process and track return shipments with ease, not just within the United States but in 98 countries and territories. You can print a UPS Returns label to include in your outbound package, send the return label separately, To learn more or request UPS mail or e-mail a about UPS Returns solutions, return label to your customer. You visit or also can provide your customers with the ability to initiate returns from your website, track their merchandise and receive a quick return of goods through UPS. UPS Returns® Plus provides you the most assurance. You can arrange for UPS to pick up a package being returned directly from your customer, with two choices: n 1 UPS Pickup Attempt: UPS will make one attempt to pick up your package. If the package cannot be collected, UPS will leave the return label at the pickup location. n 3 UPS Pickup Attempts: UPS will attempt to pick up your package for three consecutive business days. 5 Anticipate staffing needs. BuySeasons uses UPS’s tracking technology not only to keep an eye on its merchandise but also to plan its staffing needs. “Even with our low retail apparel return rates, when you ship out 40,000 to 50,000 packages a day, 6 percent coming back is still a lot,” Rowinski says. Employees carefully inspect all returned merchandise to determine what can go back on the shelves. UPS tracking technology enables supervisors to anticipate high returns traffic and adjust work schedules accordingly. Whatever your company’s returns needs, UPS has a returns strategy that’s right for you – and your customers. SUMMER 2010 COMPASS 7